What to read for self-development for a man: real bestsellers. What to read to men and women for self-development

Books for self-development are in great demand among modern readers. Every self-respecting person strives to enrich his knowledge, learn a new business, reach unconquered heights. This is impossible without reading the special literature.

Self-development: the view of psychologists

What is self-development? Why is it so important to people? The answers to these questions lie in the person himself. There comes a moment in everyone's life when life seems to stop, and it seems that there is simply nowhere to go. However, it is not. To find your way, you need to pay attention to yourself. Everyday chores exhaust people very much, make them powerless and dependent on everything that surrounds them. To escape from this meaningless tornado, you need to be able to control yourself, switch from secondary to more important. Sometimes this is not easy to achieve. Self-development makes it possible to work on oneself, control the mind and feelings in all endeavors.

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Any knowledge begins with a book for self-development. She is needed not at all to brag about new literature to her acquaintances. Every book you read should change internal installations a person in the right direction, the one that he himself chooses. Psychologists rightly say that a person's personality is made up of his library. But in order to replenish your shelves with truly useful literature, you need to be able to choose the right books.

How to choose the right books for self-development

Seeing a large number of popular science literature, the reader is simply lost. How to choose books for self-development so that they really help in life? Psychologists warn that not all books are equally useful. For example, those publications that promote only belief in positive emotions morally cripple people who sooner or later will have to turn to a psychologist. A person with a load of problems always wants to quickly find a way out of a difficult situation, but in order to really effectively cope with psychological disorders, it takes time and a lot of work on oneself. People experience not only joy, but also sadness and frustration. Therefore, you should not hope for a good mood and a smile. Eternal happiness does not exist, but put on a mask Have a good mood very dangerous: you can sink to a real depression.

Another variety of "bad books for self-development" teaches people to manipulate their relatives, colleagues, and even strangers. A person who has learned to demand everything he wants from others begins to revel in the euphoria of everyday victory, loses himself in an avalanche of insincerity. Unfortunately this new life does not bring any creative effect, but only exacerbates the existing state of affairs. Therefore, one should not rejoice at the existence of such simple solutions problems. Unfortunately, they don't exist.

Experts in the field of coach psychology give people some tips to help them choose the right literature from the variety of colorful books:

  1. You need to read about what really excites a person in this moment. If he needs to develop memory, then there is no need to read about the influence of television on the subconscious of people. You need to be able to distribute your forces in order to really draw a large amount of useful information.
  2. The book must be interesting. The reader should be willing to write down any quotes or advice from what they have read.
  3. Be sure to complete the tasks at the end of the book or chapter. So it will be better to remember the most important and put it into practice. Therefore, if there are questions and tests in the manual, it will be a huge plus for a book.
  4. The content of the manuals should leave the choice to the reader. Let the wisest thoughts be stored in them, but a person must decide for himself which advice suits him and which does not. After all, there is no universal benefit for all occasions.

It turns out that choosing a book for self-development is not an easy task. But useful knowledge will never lie on the surface. Only a select few get to the bottom of their desires.

8 best books for developing your abilities

Self-development books are very important for inquisitive minds. Specialists in the field human relations compiled a list of books especially needed for self-realization.

  1. Robert Greene "48 Laws of Power" The author of the book is sure that every person can attract love and respect. But in order to achieve unlimited trust from others, you need to master several tricks. For example, you need to learn how to hide your plans from colleagues, but at the same time not create isolation between yourself and society. This is a rather difficult task, because with all that, a self-confident person must radiate kindness, simplicity and an unlimited desire to help others.

  2. B. Tracy. "Eat the frog. Or 21 ways to learn how to be on time. This manual tells about those people who always do not have time to go anywhere.
    To correct this situation, it is necessary to find out why this is happening. It is possible that large quantity planned cases is of secondary importance. So, you need to learn how to distribute your plans according to their importance, and not vice versa. Here are some tips from Tracey B.: 1. Do what you have a talent for. 2. Do not take on an unbearable number of duties and tasks. 3. In order to do everything, you need to motivate yourself to carry out the planned tasks. 4. Difficult tasks are best done first. Readers in this book will find an excellent illustration of some life situations, a good syllable of the author and helpful tips helping to coordinate their affairs in such a way as to keep up with everything.
  3. Daniel Kahneman. "Think slow, decide fast." Psychologists distinguish two types of thinking in humans. The first type works very quickly, the person does not even notice much control over the situation. The second type allocates attention resources for various mental operations. During wakefulness, both of these systems work harmoniously, but the first type of thinking can fail, especially if a person has a hard time with logic. These phenomena are discussed in Daniel Kahneman's book. Using the example of psychological experiments, he shows important patterns in the functioning of the human brain and tells how to eliminate failures in thinking systems.

  4. John Maxwell. How to turn failures into steps to success. The author of the book devoted his whole life psychological help people who have lost confidence in their abilities. He believes that for real success in all areas of life, a person needs to be able to do only four things: lead in a team, create an environment around him, maintain a positive attitude and build relationships with people correctly. If a person does not have these skills, it does not matter. Everything can be learned by rebuilding yourself correctly. Readers will definitely like John Maxwell's advice, and perhaps in a few days after reading, the reader will begin to experience changes in his life.
  5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen R. Covey. This book- one of the best among the literature covering the problems of personal growth. With it, you can get lessons in planning your goal and achieving it. Stephen Covey's advice can be used by anyone who wants to grow morally and gain status among colleagues.

  6. Joshua Becker. "Minimalism". This book reveals the essence of the new trend of modernity - minimalism. Many are familiar with such a concept as "irrational use of available resources." This book is about exactly that. Society lives for more consumption, and this is wrong. Joshua Becker outlined his vision on this problem, many readers after reading the book could no longer live in the old way. And this means that everyone who is trying to change their lives just needs to learn more about minimalism.
  7. "Man in search of meaning" V. Frankl. Viktor Frankl with young years was fond of psychoanalysis, his hobby led to the creation of his own theory, according to which not psychological tricks and technology, but a philosophy that reveals the meaning of the life of an individual. This book will not lead the reader to general scheme searching for a life purpose, but it can show how other people are looking for their meaning, and where they find it.

  8. Chris Hadfield. "The Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth". American cosmonaut Chris Hadfield in his book talks about his flights, about preparing for them and about the difficulties of communicating with natives various peoples. Of course, space flight is a responsible business that requires great human resources both physiological and psychological. Therefore, in this book you can find a lot of examples of self-improvement. It will be useful to every reader.

These books for self-development provide basic knowledge and ideas about our life, help to navigate in different situations and motivate for the first personal exploits.

Books on self-development should be read according to the universal plan. It is needed in order to most effectively acquire knowledge, consolidate it and subsequently use it correctly. Psychologists recommend the following reading system to their patients:

  1. The content of the book is better absorbed if active reading is used. You just need to highlight the basic information from what you read, write it down, make notes, etc. This method assumes that the entire book will be read and desired material memorized.
  2. In order to visually reproduce information, it is necessary to connect mind maps to reading, which display the whole essence of the desired process or its structure. Thanks to these cards, the basic foundations of knowledge will not fly out of your head.
  3. After reading the book, it will be useful to form your own vision of it; you can even write a review in your life diary so as not to forget what impression it left.
  4. Moderation is important in reading. If there is no reading comprehension while studying the next book, it is worth stopping the classes. The head should always be clear, extra loads on the brain will only confuse the already assimilated thoughts and will not give room for new information.

These basic tips will help people who have just embarked on the difficult path of self-knowledge to overcome a lot of difficulties in mastering this literature. But there are a few more rules that cannot be neglected.

New books often include a lot of hard-to-find terms. To find out their meaning, you need to have a dictionary that displays the meaning of each new word. There is nothing shameful in the fact that there is a need for hard study. This is not a school, but something more that gives a person the motivation to live.

After mastering new knowledge, you need to apply them somewhere in your life. After all, they must bear fruit, the first results. Therefore, you should not read more and more new books in one gulp. You need to pause and leave room for practice.

Also, before reading, you can study its content, read the introduction and form a small opinion in your head about what you saw. This so-called draft reading is necessary for a deeper understanding of the essence of the book, and all that is required of the reader is to familiarize himself with the cover, several chapters and the prologue.

Perhaps someone has their own effective sequence of studying books. And this is good, because the main thing that every reader should achieve is to transform himself, that is, to read, analyze, remember and use what he has received in life.

Books for self-development will be of interest only to those who really want to change their attitude to life and generally improve its quality. This literature can rightfully be considered elite, because the difficulties that stand in the way of a better life scare almost everyone. Even those who have begun their transformation may not reach the end, realizing that the upcoming work on themselves can take away the last strength that needs to be thrown into more important things. This approach to reading books should not be. This literature is a faithful assistant for the implementation of many plans, and for your dream you need to fight, learn, act and never retreat.

Personal growth helps to change life circumstances, get rid of stereotypical thinking, start living meaningfully, awaken creativity in oneself. All this should contribute to prosperity and success. Books about how to properly engage in self-development.

Why is it useful to engage in self-development? Because, according to psychologists, personal growth helps us change, which means changing life circumstances, getting rid of stereotypes of thinking, starting to live meaningfully, awakening creativity in ourselves and increasing physical and spiritual energy, which will ultimately lead to prosperity and success. . Self-development involves three processes: physical activity, healthy nutrition and mental self-regulation. We read about how to do this correctly in the best books on a given topic.

1. Brian Tracy Get out of your comfort zone. 21 Methods for Improving Personal Efficiency"

According to many psychologists, this is book number 1 on self-development (see ""). Written by a famous specialist in the field of achievement psychology, published in a total circulation of more than 1.2 million copies, translated into 40 languages, it helps to find the answer to the question of what to do in order to achieve a high position and even happiness. Although there are actually several answers, here are some of them: keep learning; value time, and therefore make lists of daily tasks; fully focus on solving the task and bring it to the end; learn to clearly state your goals on paper.

2. Vadim Zeland "Reality Transurfing"

Transurfing is an esoteric teaching on how to control reality. According to the author of the book, the world is multivariate, and a person who has realized his desires and controls his attitude to the world is able to independently choose the scenario that is desirable for himself. But for this and positive thinking. Here are a few rules, following which you can learn to control reality: live as your own soul tells you, listen to your heart, not succumb to other people's influence and not accept the imposed goals of others, not fight with anyone and anything, including oneself, but to take what life offers, not to be afraid, but to act, and calmly and persistently move towards it. How to apply all this in practice, the author shows in detail with examples.

3. Andre Kukla “Mental traps. Stupid things that reasonable people do to ruin their lives"

A well-known Canadian psychologist and philosopher, professor explains why it is impossible to violate the biblical commandment: there is a time for everything. Because in this case we fall into the so-called mental traps. Their danger is that they prevent us from living a calm, joyful and productive life, because they force us to behave inefficiently and illogically. And the author counted eleven such peculiar obstacles on our way. Here is one of them: - when we continue to do something that has lost all meaning (living in marriage, maintaining an unnecessary relationship, doing an unloved job, watching a boring movie or finishing a stupid book), because once we were taught that any business is necessary bring to a conclusion. And the list of mental traps includes amplification, fixation, reversion, lead, delay and other interesting concepts that you want to understand in order to better understand yourself.

4. Vladimir Levy "The Cure for Laziness"

The book of the famous psychotherapist and psychologist captures from the first lines. Written with humor, imbued with energy, it really helps to heal yourself and help your loved ones in overcoming this monster. The author fascinatingly talks about all types of laziness inherent in adults and children, gives clear medical and psychological recommendations, including for cases when the child does not obey, does not want to learn. It is worth reading this book to learn how to get rid of boredom and depressive moods, learn to enjoy every day you live and ... stop being a workaholic.

5. Valery Sinelnikov "Love your disease"

Psychologist and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov has long been known as the author of original psychological techniques, thanks to which many people were able to get rid of illnesses, achieve well-being and simply learn to enjoy life. The very title of the book suggests that the proposed approach to healing is not trivial. The author shows what negative emotions lead to, teaches how to interact with your subconscious in order to find good health, peace of mind and the joy of existence. Here are some unique exercises.

6. Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

The best-selling book tells amazing story successful lawyer Julian Mantle, who managed to overcome a spiritual crisis with the help of Tibetan culture. Immersed in a world that was not familiar to him, he learned simple and wise rules and learned to live in accordance with them: think positively, follow his calling, believe in the power of his mind, value time - our greatest wealth, cherish relationships with loved ones, but The most important thing is to live here and now.

Robin Sharma, like the hero of his book, also started his professional career as a lawyer, but soon realized that his calling was not in this, but in creating his own concept of self-improvement, helping us become better, more successful and happier.

7. Tal Ben-Shahar "The Perfectionist Paradox"

An American psychologist who has been studying the subject of happiness for many years has come to the conclusion that happy people hinders the tendency to perfectionism. Of course, the desire to do everything perfectly in itself cannot but arouse respect, but the main thing is not to go to extremes. Because then the problems begin. A perfectionist, with all his striving for perfection, is distinguished by conservative and inflexible thinking, he is afraid to make a mistake and become the object of criticism. Happiness, in his opinion, is a pure, unclouded stream positive emotions, which is fundamentally wrong. Allow yourself to admit failure and accept negative emotions because it is a part of our life. Become an optimalist, that is, a positive perfectionist who enjoys not the result, but the very process of achieving it, does not look for flaws, but focuses on the merits, is not afraid of mistakes and listens to criticism, knows that without trials, happiness cannot be felt and realized .

8. Sharon Melnick "Resilience"

In our time, the importance of this book can hardly be overestimated. Most of us experience continuous mental and emotional pressure. Meanwhile, a Harvard resilience expert offers 100 techniques to help you achieve calmness and equanimity. With their help, you can not only maintain self-control and a sober mind in difficult situations, acquiring psychological stability, but also learn to see in stressful situations Not only negative sides but also new opportunities. According to the author, there are only three ways to get out of stress: you need to change your attitude to the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem.

9. Daniel J. Amen "Brain Fitness, or How to Get Smarter"

To feel good and look great, we run in the morning, walk a lot or work out in gym. To enjoy our reflection in the mirror, we make masks, peeling and meticulously choose creams. But does not the brain require the same constant and diligent care? More as required! Meanwhile, we often seem to deliberately do everything in order to cause him irreparable harm. We don’t get enough sleep, we overstrain at work, we live in a state of stress, we don’t eat right, we consume liters of mentally stimulating drinks. As a result, we predictably get depletion nervous system and depression, career and personal failures.

Fortunately, you can still get out of this "bottom" with the help of a unique brain healing system developed by Dr. Aymen. It includes a responsible attitude to one's own nutrition, and the intake of vitamins, and physical activity, and gymnastics for the mind. This book can change your life for the better.

10. Harry Lorraine “Supermemory. The development of phenomenal memory "

The book includes two psychological bestsellers by Harry Loraine, the famed brain researcher. Designed by him unique system development of mental abilities allows you to use not 10 percent of the brain's resources, as is usually the case, but all 90! Having mastered this system, you will notice not only increased observation, sharpened attention, increased ability to concentrate, but also a phenomenal improvement in memory, imagination, and creativity. Moreover, the proposed method is relatively simple and accessible, not without reason that the author called it "a method for the lazy."

The first part of the book is devoted to the basic techniques and methods of memorizing large amounts of information. The second is the application of the acquired skills in everyday life.

The period of a person's education is not limited to the years spent school desk. To achieve success at work, in personal life and in communicating with other people, it is worth it. The book has always been considered the best teacher. What to read for self-development? Here is a selection of 40 fiction and popular science works worthy of becoming a reference book for a modern person.

Classics: 9 fiction books for all time

  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "The little Prince". A fairy tale written by a French pilot for children should be read, first of all, by adults. The work teaches to truly love and make friends, and also makes you look at the world of adults through the eyes of a child.
  2. Bulgakov Mikhail. "The Master and Margarita". A mystical novel that is difficult to perceive, in which two storylines- events taking place in Moscow in the 30s of the last century, and last days life of Jesus Christ.
  3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" The work-parable of the Spanish author, leading to the idea of ​​how important it is to appreciate and protect family bonds in a world of people doomed to loneliness.
  4. Green Alexander. "Scarlet Sails". A romantic story about a naive girl, Assol, waiting for a prince on a white ship with scarlet sails. People do not understand it and shun it, but one day they will see - dreams come true, if you really believe.
  5. Dostoevsky Fedor. "Crime and Punishment". A socio-psychological novel that conveys the feelings of a student who killed an old woman for profit. Fear and remorse force him to admit his guilt, demanding just retribution.
  6. Orwell George. "1984". The most famous dystopia in 20th century literature, describing a world dominated by totalitarian regime. The story in the novel is fictional, but the author managed to analyze it so deeply and describe it in detail that it seems realistic.
  7. Leo Tolstoy. "War and Peace". The era of romanticism in Russian Empire- a period of tender feelings and passionate confessions, balls and duels, and also a war going on with Napoleonic France. One of the best works Russian literature captivates not only with the intricacies of the plot and vivid description battle scenes, but above all - the philosophical reflections of the author.
  8. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three Comrades". The novel takes place in Germany in the 1920s. But the hardships of the post-war period are just a background in the work, on which an inspiring story of love and friendship unfolds.
  9. Hemingway Ernest. "A Farewell to Arms!". Best Book about the First World War, which makes one realize the value of human life, as well as love, which seems like a mirage at the moments when death is near.

In the world of psychology: 10 books that change people

  1. Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich". The bestseller, first published in America back in 1937, has been reprinted 42 times and is still among the top sellers. For those who want to become successful and rich, the author of the articles advises to take 13 specific steps and get what you want.
  2. Allen Carr. "An easy way to quit smoking." A legendary book in which the author described the technique that he himself developed and quit smoking with its help. The method has changed all the usual ideas people who smoke that only the strong-willed can say goodbye to cigarettes forever. It is based on unobtrusive psychotherapy, which the reader does not even notice.
  3. Brian Tracy. "Get out of your comfort zone." This is practical guide from a well-known business coach. From the book you can learn about 21 methods of increasing. The implementation of the rules proposed by the author in life will make it better for yourself.
  4. Miller Sharon. "Stress tolerance". The reason for many failures in the business and personal sphere is the inability to adequately respond to crisis situations. The book will teach not only to calmly worry stressful conditions but also make them useful.
  5. Ekman Paul. "Psychology of lies, lie to me if you can." How not to become a victim psychological manipulation? What words and gestures betray a lie? The answers to these questions will be of interest to everyone - from a housewife to a politician.
  6. Keith Ferrazzi. "Never eat alone." A collection of articles on networking - an effective communicative technique that allows you to quickly establish friendships and through them solve life's problems.
  7. Robert Sutton. "Don't work with the f***." Loafers, egoists, manipulators, hooligans - there are many people who interfere with productive work. But the main thing is that you have to coexist with them. How to deal with destructive team members? Which of them can be changed, and which one is better to part with?
  8. Covey Stephen. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In his book, the successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker introduces readers to the intricacies of self-improvement. The author teaches how to set goals correctly, lists the skills inherent in a leader.
  9. Chaldini Robert. "The Psychology of Influence". The popular science work that glorified the American scientist opens the door to the complex world of interpersonal relationships. The book is worth reading for those who want to better understand others and their motives, learn how to influence people.
  10. Frankl Victor. "Say yes to life" The book-revelation, written for those who have lost their life orientation, lost faith in their abilities. The work is based on the personal observations and experiences of Viktor, a psychotherapist who went through the Nazi death camps.

Ten books for self-development of men and women

Most men would like to see themselves as successful, determined and attractive. What topics are of interest to the representatives of the stronger sex? Memoirs and biographies are not only entertaining, but also educational. famous people. Useful information for yourself, you can learn from manuals on imageology, psychology of personal and.

  • Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets About Women Every Man Should Know"
  • Waldschmidt Dan. "Be best version myself!"
  • Gray John. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".
  • Larsen Eric. "On the limit".
  • Machiavelli Niccolo. "Sovereign".
  • Rand Ayn. "Atlas Shrugged".
  • Seelig Tina. "Make yourself".
  • Flusser Alan. "Real man."
  • Humes James. "Secrets of Great Orators".

Women are concerned about what clothes to wear to look stylish and attractive. In addition to fashion, they are interested in the basics healthy eating and cooking, parenting, and relationships with men. Modern ladies are not alien to the problems of professional growth.

  • Blumenthal Brett. "A Year Well Lived"
  • Brodsky Danielle. Diary of a Business Woman.
  • Grace Natalia. “Work, money and love. Guide to self-realization.
  • Goodman Amy. “We put it on, we throw it away.”
  • Lowndes Leil. "How to make anyone fall in love with you."
  • Tim Gunn. Fashion bible.
  • Fat Natalya. "Duel with treason".
  • Harvey Steve. "You don't know anything about men."

There are many interesting books. All of them, both artistic and scientific, develop the intellect, aesthetic taste and spiritual qualities of a person. That's why it's important to keep reading and keep a close eye on what's new.

Teenagers are often not confident in their abilities, they cannot understand what they like. Many of them get lost among more successful peers and doubt their abilities.

To help your child survive such a difficult period, give him a book by Thomas Armstrong, a teacher with 40 years of experience. It will be the first manual on self-development and will help to understand that each of us is smart in our own way. And also the book will teach you to accept yourself as you are, better understand others and explain why IQ tests and fives at school are not always an indicator of a brilliant mind.

Be the best version of yourself

This book will teach a teenager about the true ingredients of success and help them understand that it's not about diligence at all, but about who you are.

Under the cover - stories real people who survived serious illnesses, won the Olympics, who managed to open their own business from scratch. All these are stories about overcoming oneself, courage and determination.

Traps of thinking

This book is simply indispensable for both adults and teens. She teaches to accept right decisions and avoid the traps that lie in wait for us at every turn.

The book not only teaches right choice but also promotes determination and self-confidence.

Transitional age

The best book on how to understand teenagers. The world's leading expert on adolescence Lawrence Steinberg uses the latest data and Scientific research about the teenage brain - including his own - to show in his book how resilience, self-control, and other good habits can be nurtured in a child. His discoveries about how to educate, teach and treat teenagers will be useful to both teachers and parents.

Why me?

A kind and practical guide to dealing with bullying, written for children by a child who coped with it.

Thousands of children and teenagers suffer silently because they are being bullied by their classmates. Often even parents and school psychologists cannot help. But this book was not written by an expert, it was written by a simple girl who went through school bullying and managed, against all odds, to make a good career and succeed in doing what she loves.

Flexible mind

This book is for parents who want to raise successful and happy children. It is based on a revolutionary concept, discovered by the famous psychologist Carol Dweck as a result of 20 years of her own research. From it you will learn:

  • why intelligence and talent do not yet guarantee success,
  • how, on the contrary, they can stand in his way,
  • why rewarding intelligence and talent often jeopardizes achievement,
  • and how to improve a child's academic performance.

I refuse to choose

It is often difficult for a teenager to understand what he wants from life and what he wants to do. It's even harder to figure out who he really is. In this amazing book, Barbara Sher shows you how to adapt your wonderfully multifaceted mind to a world that has never fully understood who you really are.

1 page per day

This creative notebook will help spark creativity in a teenager. It contains interesting ideas to help you create all year round. Each new page is a chance to create something new.

Fill out a notebook every day, page by page, draw, sketch, write, take notes, create and complete lists, set goals, reflect, share ideas with friends.

"Write here, write now" is a creative notebook for kids aged 8-12. It helps teenagers to better understand themselves, think about important things in a playful way and write down interesting thoughts on paper. The book inspires young writers, artists, collectors, inventors and explorers to discover and develop their talents.


Each blot is an inspiration. Every line is free. Give this book to a child. Open his imagination.

"Hirameki" in Japanese means "peculiar style", "special imprint", "a place where doodle and imagination meet". Simply put, it's the art of turning a random blob into something amazing with just a few dots and lines.

This is not only a fun activity that will completely captivate the child, but also very useful for developing creativity, for relaxation after a hard day.

Habit change

We all often operate on autopilot and do not want to change our habits. This also applies to teenagers, who, like adults, can make the same mistakes every day.

Read this book with your child and you will teach him from his youth to work on himself and improve his life every day.

Simple Questions

How do bees find honey? Why is sleep needed? And money? How does an airplane fly? BUT balloon? How were the Egyptian pyramids built? Why is the world colorful? Is the sky blue? Why do we have five fingers? What is a blood group?

Most simple and naive questions do not have simple answers. Moreover, humanity did not know the answer to many of them for a very long time, and only painstaking work scientists allowed them to find.

Vladimir Antonets, Professor and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, in his book answers dozens of questions in an accessible and popular way. simple questions with no easy answers.

An excellent informative book for a teenager, fascinating and not at all like an encyclopedia.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

A book that will help you and your child build relationships in any area of ​​life. It is about an important component of life - emotional intelligence.

In fact emotional intelligence is the helmsman who controls our decisions, actions and deeds and helps to better use our mental potential. It affects the formation of personality, the development of empathy, the ability to communicate, create strong marital relationships and raise children properly.

Geniuses and outsiders

Book for parents. It will help you understand what success depends on and how to help your child achieve it. Why do some people get everything and others nothing? Is it right to reduce the reasons for success only to personal qualities bestowed by nature?

The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers. "Geniuses and Outsiders" is not a "how to become successful" manual. This is an exciting journey into the world of the laws of life, which you can use to your advantage.

Where is Warhol

The book, which unusual shape introduce the child to art.

If Andy Warhol were to travel back in time, where would they go? "Where's Warhol?" provides him with his own time machine, and what do we see ... The book depicts interesting events in the life of Andy and himself, and the reader needs to find him in the crowd. Each turn is incredibly interesting to consider. So many details that correspond to some event, era and setting. And if you don’t understand something, there is a description of each spread at the end of the book.

Andy has marked 12 significant moments in art history and invites readers to find him in each of them. From Michelangelo working on the Sistine Chapel to Jean-Michel Basquiat painting the streets of New York. Each scene is meticulously recreated by art historian Katherine Ingram and illustrated by Andrew Ray.

From here to there

Under the cover of this book are 48 labyrinthine worlds that you can walk around.

Bright, detailed labyrinths reflect the beauty of nature, works of art and architecture. They give space to the imagination and let the mind fly freely while you take a leisurely walk through the village streets and park alleys, through the castle grounds, picturesque towns and even through futuristic landscapes. Let your thoughts wander, and let your hand follow the turns of the path.

Great book for kids and adults who love mazes and puzzles.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties?Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter is a gift.

Now I also want to present a list of a hundred books on self-development that are worth reading. You don't have to read all the books, you can choose the ones you like best.

Many books say the same thing, it's just different words. Also used are the most various methods and self-development techniques, but the ideas and principles are very similar.

One thing helps someone, another another.

I have read about 70 out of 100 self-development books. The list of books is random, there is no order or rating, what I remember is what I wrote down.

100 self-development books worth reading:

  1. Rich dad, poor dad. Robert Kiyosaki
  2. If you want to be rich, don't go to school. Robert Kiyosaki
  3. Brain games. Michael Mikalko
  4. Focus on the main things. Stephen Covey
  5. Seven Habits of Successful People. Stephen Covey
  6. Business and Life 1-3. A. Parabellum
  7. Sales and Life. A. Parabellum
  8. How people think. James Allen
  9. Think and get rich. Napoleon Hill
  10. How to stop worrying and start living. Dale Carnegie.
  11. How to win friends and influence. Dale Carnegie.
  12. Money or the ABC of money. Bodo Schaefer.
  13. Breakthrough to financial success. Bodo Schaefer.
  14. Money is good for women. Bodo Schaefer.
  15. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Robin Sharma.
  16. 200 life lessons. Robin Sharma
  17. Who will cry when you die. Robin Sharma
  18. Path to greatness. Robin Sharma
  19. Saint, surfer and director. Robin Sharma.
  20. Heal yourself. Louise Hay.
  21. The strength is within us. Louise Hay.
  22. Heal your life. Louise Hay.
  23. Life Strategy Creative Personality. Altshuller G.S., Vertkin I.M. (I did not really like the book, but many people praise it)
  24. Introduction to TRIZ. G. S. Altshuller. (many people recommended this book, but I didn't really like it).
  25. Reality Transurfing. The space of options. V. Zeeland.
  26. Reality Transurfing. The whisper of the morning stars. V. Zeeland
  27. Reality Transurfing. Forward to the past. V. Zeeland
  28. Reality Transurfing. Reality management.
  29. Reality Transurfing. Apples fall into the sky. V. Zeeland
  30. Simoron. Fireworks of magic. Gurangov and Dolokhov.
  31. The richest man in Babylon. Clason George.
  32. Business guide for geniuses. Yuri Moroz.
  33. Millionaire in a minute. Allen Robert.
  34. What's stopping you from becoming rich? A. Sviyash.
  35. What to do when things don't go the way you want. A. Sviyash.
  36. A reasonable world or how to live without unnecessary worries. A. Sviyash.
  37. Life according to the 80/20 principle. Richard Koch.
  38. Leave the squeamishness, eat the frog. Brian Tracy.
  39. Million dollar habits. Brian Tracy
  40. 4 hours work week. Timothy Ferris.
  41. Secret (Secret). Wallace Wattles
  42. The science of being rich and great. Wallace Wattles.
  43. Peaceful warrior. Dan Millton.
  44. Do what you were born to do. Paul Tiger. I love this book.
  45. An easy way to quit smoking. Allen Carr. (a book for those who want to quit)
  46. Vocation. Ken Robinson.
  47. The greatest secret of how to make money. Joe Vitale. (book about charity)
  48. Success without office slavery. Ernie Zelinski. —
  49. The path of the artist. Julia Cameron. - my favorite book
  50. See you at the top. Zig Ziglar.
  51. Awaken the giant in you. Anthony Robins.
  52. Unlimited power. Anthony Robins.
  53. Your neighbor is a millionaire. Thomas Stanley.
  54. 7 spiritual laws of success. Deepak Chopra.
  55. The path of the wizard. Deepak Chopra.
  56. Am I a genius? Wengar Win.
  57. Geniuses and outsiders. Gladwell Malcolm.
  58. The art of thinking big. David Schwartz.
  59. The art of getting what you need. David Schwartz.
  60. The subconscious can do everything. John Kehoe
  61. How Successful People Think. John Maxwell.
  62. How to turn failures into steps to success. John Maxwell.
  63. Fuck it, get on with it. Richard Branson.
  64. War Craft. Sun Tzu (I haven't read this book myself)
  65. A seagull named Jonathan Livingston. Richard Bach. (didn't read)
  66. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. John Grey.
  67. Way to Wealth. V. Sinelnikov is one of my favorite books
  68. Stress vaccine. V. Sinelnikov.
  69. Love your sickness. V. Sinelnikov - (I have already re-read this book several times)
  70. Chicken broth for the soul. Jack Canfield (favorite book, crying over some stories)
  71. Medicine for the soul 2. Jack Canfield
  72. Seven spiritual laws of your prosperity. Randy Gage
  73. Why are you stupid and sick. Randy Gage.
  74. Conversations with God. Neil Donald Walsh
  75. Yesterday a loser is today a successful businessman. Frank Bettger (sales book)
  76. Pit. How to learn to get out and become a winner. Seth Godin. (I often refer to this book, there are holes everywhere 🙂)
  77. Purple cow. Seth Godin.
  78. The Zen Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Robert Pirsig
  79. How to talk to anyone and about anything. Larry King
  80. Don Juan's teachings. Carlos Castaneda. - didn't read
  81. Time drive. G. Arkhangelsky
  82. Alchemist. Paolo Coelho (fiction book)
  83. Fool experience. M. Norbekov
  84. Ten secrets of success and peace of mind. Wayne Dyer
  85. Be in balance. 9 principles for creating positive habits. Wayne Dyer
  86. How to learn optimism. Martin Seligman.
  87. Language of the body. Allan Pease and Brabara Pease
  88. Target. Goldratt Elyahu. - didn't read
  89. How to succeed in business by breaking all the rules. Dan Kennedy - I recommend to everyone
  90. The attraction of wealth without nonsense. Dan Kennedy
  91. Kamasutra for the speaker. V. Gandapas.
  92. Guerrilla Marketing. Levinson
  93. Mentalist. Desk book development of superpowers of consciousness. George Kreskin. - didn't read
  94. In search of golden ideas. I. Osipenko.
  95. 33 ways to self-motivate. I. Osipenko.
  96. Destiny to be a woman. O. Valyaeva. — (The book is very useful for ladies, I advise you to visit the site as well)
  97. How to become an adventurer. Thoughts of a millionaire. G. Balashov.
  98. The power of the present moment. Ekhar Tolle.
  99. Dreaming is not bad. (Wishing) Barbara Sher.
  100. Radical forgiveness. Colin Tipping
  101. Dan Waldschmidt "Be the best version of yourself"
  102. Brian Tracy "Maximizing"
  103. Gary Chapman The Five Love Languages.
  104. From good to great. Jean Collins.
  105. The Habits of the Rich. Thomas Cordy.
  106. How to control the subconscious. K. Sheremetiev
  107. The right to write. Julia Cameron.
  108. The state of the stream. Csikszentmihalyi Mihalyi.

Well, tell me what books I forgot to add to the list of useful books for self-development ???