Which plastic profile to choose. Which profile for plastic windows is better? What is a window profile and what is its role in the window

IVAPER GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of PVC profiles in Russia. The main activity is the production and supply of IVAPER window and door plastic profiles. Production process takes place under the constant supervision of German technical specialists. Brand quality, reliability, stylish design - distinctive features profiles from IVAPER.

LG Chem, Ltd., South Korea - is a division of the international corporation LG, which has long been well established in Russia. Today LG Chem is the largest manufacturer of PVC profiles. How PVC manufacturer profile, the company has a long history, the first batch of profile came off the line in 1976. For 30 years now, we have been improving our systems, focusing on internal needs and the characteristics of product markets. The LG profile is successfully sold in the USA, Japan, China, India, Turkey, and other countries.

The Provedal profile system has been successfully used for more than 15 years. The developer of such profiles is the Spanish company Provedal Systemas. In Russia, due to their high thermal conductivity coefficient, they have found their main application for glazing loggias and balconies. Made of metal and glass, they provide excellent protection against strong wind, noise, dust and precipitation.

In 2003, a joint Russian-South Korean enterprise was opened to produce slidors profiles, specially adapted for use in Russian climatic conditions. SLIDORS (Sliders) is a sliding profile PVC system for glazing balconies and loggias, developed by the South Korean company HANWHA.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Plastic windows are confidently displacing wooden structures from the domestic market. And although in Europe the number of connoisseurs natural material is gradually growing, in Russia this fashion trend is not yet visible in sales volumes. Only rich people can afford window systems with traditional carved platband. The popularity of PVC products is explained by durability, availability, good warmth- and soundproofing properties. In addition, plastic does not require special care. Today on Russian market abundance of PVC window systems. But if previously these were mainly products of foreign brands, today the share of domestic manufacturers has increased significantly. At the same time, the choice of windows for consumers has also become difficult. IN this issue You can’t do without expert advice.

How to choose plastic windows

  1. One of key points when selecting plastic windows is profile type. There are blind systems, swivel structures and tilt-and-turn options. Windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism look more advantageous, but they are more expensive. Consumers often order combined window units, where one sash opens and the second has a blind structure. This is explained by a reasonable desire to save money. In addition, fixed doors have better heat and sound insulation qualities.
  2. The heat and sound insulation properties of PVC windows depend on number of cameras. The more of them are built into the profile, the better the insulating qualities. But the price is also getting higher. For middle zone 2-3 chamber structures are enough. On an unheated loggia, you can limit yourself to one camera. But the residents northern regions you have to order window units with 4-6 cameras.
  3. Glass has also undergone serious modernization. Gaining popularity low emission products, which are saturated with silver atoms. They are characterized by high light transmittance and excellent thermal insulation properties. The flame of a match in such glass has a violet tint.
  4. You should not save on such an element of a plastic window as accessories. She is, in essence, consumables. This primarily concerns tilt-and-turn structures. High-quality handles, curtains and locks will last more than 10 years.
  5. Today, white window blocks no longer attract glamorous society. Some manufacturers, meeting them halfway, produce painted profiles. You can even find wood-look models in a wide range of colors. In this sense, the buyer will have to independently select a window for the external or interior design Houses.
  6. At the same time as choosing window units for your apartment or house, you should also take care of their installation. Manufacturers often provide a warranty on their windows only if installation is carried out by official representatives. It is also important to read the terms of the warranty, where pitfalls may be hidden. At the same time, it’s worth asking about finishing the slopes; perhaps the company will give you a nice discount when purchasing and installing several windows.

Our review includes the best manufacturers of plastic windows. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

  1. product innovation;
  2. technical parameters;
  3. pricing policy;
  4. development of the trading network;
  5. expert opinion;
  6. consumer reviews.

Table of advantages and disadvantages of plastic and wooden windows

Window type




Excellent noise and heat insulation

Attractive appearance

Easy to maintain and use

No application required protective coatings



High dependence on installation quality

The difficulty of repairing defects with your own hands

Unique fittings are used

In cold weather it is required additional insulation


Environmental friendliness

High decorative properties

Possibility of self-repair

Any fittings can be used

Good heat and sound insulation

The need to apply and update impregnations and varnishes to protect against atmospheric influences

Requires periodic maintenance

Rating of the best manufacturers of plastic windows

Nomination place product name price
The best manufacturers of plastic windows in terms of price-quality ratio 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
The best manufacturers of plastic windows in the premium segment 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.6
7 4.5
8 4.5
9 4.4

The best manufacturers of plastic windows in terms of price-quality ratio

The average domestic consumer selects plastic windows in the budget or mid-price range for their home. It is worth noting that thanks to the creation of joint production facilities in Russia, windows from leading foreign brands have become available. Experts highly rated the products of the following manufacturers.


The leadership in our rating was provided to the German company VEKA by several advantages over its competitors. First of all, it is worth noting the dynamic increase in volumes on the Russian market. The company came to our country in 1999, but in such a short time it managed to bypass experienced manufacturers. It was possible to win back part of the domestic market through the use of high-tech equipment, strict control at all stages of production and cooperation with Russian partners.

The logical result was the receipt of the European RAL certificate, which confirms the high quality of the products. Now the company has focused on producing "A" class window systems. All model range Reliably protected from all weather conditions and suitable for any climate.


    dynamic promotion;

    high-tech production;

    quality products;

    reasonable price.


  • not found.


One of the most uncompromising competitors for the winner of the rating is the well-known company from Germany Rehau. A large manufacturer has its own laboratories in which new models are developed every day. But only a small part of the samples will be subsequently approved and put into mass production. Therefore the search ideal designs window systems continues without stopping.

The Rehau company is famous for its well-established production cycle, where each stage is under the supervision of experienced controllers. The dictatorship of technology has made it possible to reduce the defect rate to a minimum. And this led to reduced costs for dismantling, warranty repairs and re-installation. However, maintaining high product quality without reducing prices is not enough to increase sales.


    development and testing of new models;

    strict production discipline;

    low defect rate.


  • high price.


Another German manufacturer KBE boasts the most affordable prices. The company focuses on the wallet of the average Russian buyer, maintaining good quality profiles. The range of window systems is also very diverse. The company offers windows both for buyers in the southern regions and for residents of the Far North. To reduce the final price by window profile KBE organized a full production cycle in Russia. Therefore, the low price applies not only to the profile, but also to the fittings.

Experts gave the manufacturer only third place in the rating for flaws in Russian-assembled windows. First of all, this concerns the quality of the plastic, which turns yellow over time.


    thoughtful pricing policy;

    wide range of windows;

    standard quality of products from Germany.


Affordable prices and full adaptation to Russian climatic conditions are offered to the buyer by the Austrian manufacturer Proplex. Experts highly appreciate the quality of plastic, which is durable and reliable. Over time, the PVC profile does not turn yellow, its technical parameters also remain unchanged. Therefore, the manufacturer has many clients who install windows in apartments and private houses.

The company’s outdated appearance of window profiles did not allow it to reach the top three in the company’s rating. On the one hand, this allows you to keep low price. But many potential buyers, having evaluated the design of the windows, prefer other manufacturers. In addition, Proplex does not have an international quality certificate, which prevents the promotion of products outside of Russia.



    plastic strength;

    PVC does not turn yellow over time.


    outdated design;

    There is no international quality certificate.

The oldest European manufacturer of plastic windows is the German company Trocal. The first PVC profiles were produced back in 1954. Since then, production facilities have been updated and improved more than once. Experts consider the advantages of windows from this company to be unique strength, rigidity and resistance to deformation. The design of the window units does not cause any complaints from users. The entire model range is distinguished by a certain sophistication, which is rare among budget systems. Overall, the company deservedly makes it into our rating.

In reviews, consumers point out a number of minor shortcomings. It was they who did not allow the manufacturer to rise higher. Ice formation is observed at -17°C, and hooks for mosquito nets are not reliable.


    deep historical roots;

    strength and reliability;

    exquisite design.


The best manufacturers of plastic windows in the premium segment

Premium plastic windows demonstrate the best indicators of reliability, durability, heat and sound insulation. Their purchase is justified not only for the construction and renovation of offices or administrative buildings, but also for the construction of private houses. The best manufacturers The following companies are in this segment today.

The Russian company MONTBLANC is a relatively young player in the domestic market. But over ten years of activity, the manufacturer managed to create 2 large modern enterprises and its own scientific base. Thanks to modern technology and the high quality of raw materials results in products whose durability reaches 60 years. MONTBLANC windows are also distinguished by their elegant appearance; the profile and glazing beads have rounded corners. The Russian brand boasts a developed dealer network, which allows it to expand its customer base.

The consumer is offered 7 different profiles, each of them is designed for specific climatic conditions. Despite the lack of a quality certificate international standard ISO, the company deservedly becomes the winner of the rating.


    modern production;

    own scientific base;

    recognizable appearance;

    affordable price.


  • no ISO quality certificate.

The Belgian concern Deceuninck is considered one of the largest manufacturers of plastic windows in the world. It was founded in 1937 and in terms of popularity, the European manufacturer compares favorably with Russian brands. Today the company is one of the TOP 3 in the global PVC window market. A joint production was created in Russia, which managed to receive a prestigious award for the development of a new double-glazed window "Favorite Space". One of the main advantages of Deceuninck window systems is the availability of quality certificates of international standards. But the other side of the coin was the high level of product prices, which significantly limits its use in Russia.

Experts gave the Belgian-Russian manufacturer second place for introducing a budget line of windows into its product range. But so far they are inferior to competitors, both in design and quality.


    high quality Belgian windows;

    development of new profiles;

    availability of an international certificate.


  • high price.

The Austrian company Plafen is also among the top three manufacturers of premium-level plastic windows. The quality of double-glazed windows from this company suits the most picky buyers. There are 5 categories in the catalog, which have a letter designation. But the main feature of the manufacturer was the decoration of profiles for various types of wood. This move made it possible to give the windows a more expensive look, and it became easier to choose the right color for the interior. The durability of Plafen products is at least 60 years; with high-quality installation, consumers do not report freezing or drafts.

Many buyers are put off by the high cost of window systems, so the Austrian manufacturer focuses on selling windows to Russian businesses.


    wide range of models;

    exclusive design;

    durability over 60 years.


    has to be adjusted periodically;

    high price.

Close to the top three in the ranking is the famous German brand Salamander. Window units from this manufacturer are among the best in the world. Neither experts nor consumers have any complaints about the quality of the products. The profile has a 5-year guarantee, and the durability of the windows is more than 40 years. The entire line has a snow-white glossy surface. It was the PVC recipe that became the calling card of the manufacturer. Over time, the plastic does not fade or turn yellow. Since there are no micropores on the surface, the windows are not afraid of either dust or smoke.

The only drawback that did not allow the company to rise higher in the ranking was large number clones Counterfeit products are made in a homemade way, which is why the buyer has a high probability of installing a fake in his home.


    environmentally friendly materials;

    perfect whiteness and gloss;

    ease of care.


  • a large number of clone companies.

The emergence of the Samara company Window Constructions"contributed to the German concern Profine. Joint production has been organized in Russia since 1999. SOK uses all the developments of the famous European concern, which has own production under the KBE brand. Samara windows have a good level of reliability; they can last a long time if installed correctly. Experts consider the company promising in terms of development, as the range of profiles and customer base is constantly growing. The company actively cooperates with other manufacturers of window systems.


    European profile developments;

    reliability and durability;

    reasonable price.


  • plastic turns yellow after several years of use.

WDS (Window Door Systems)

Not long ago, plastic windows under the WDS (Window Door Systems) brand appeared on the Russian market. A young Ukrainian company organized the production of PVC profiles in 2006, and now is persistently promoting its products in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Union. The company deliberately set out to develop the markets of its neighbors, knowing well the climate and financial capabilities of the people. The quality of the windows was highly appreciated by experts and consumers, calling them the most durable.

WDS offers a good range, which is represented on the domestic market in 6 series. Each of them unique design, while they are easy to install and operate. The low position in the ranking is due to limited trading network. So far, the coverage area does not extend beyond the Moscow region and its adjacent regions.


    strength and reliability;

    thoughtful pricing policy;

    wide model range.


    underdeveloped dealer network;

    the valves need to be adjusted.

Enough long experience Panorama company has production and sales on the Russian market. The manufacturer from St. Petersburg has been offering consumers high-quality PVC profiles for 16 years. Experts note optimal combination rigidity, appearance, noise and heat insulation. 5- and 6-chamber windows provide special comfort in a house or apartment. At the same time, the manufacturer manages to offer customers reasonable prices. It should also be noted that the company works in accordance with the requirements of the concept of “Environmental friendliness and safety”.

So far, sales volume is limited by a passive marketing policy. The company's servicemen are not known for their efficiency, but to find out about technical specifications windows, consumers have to independently extract information from consultants.


    high quality profile;

    good noise and heat insulation;

    environmentally friendly materials.


    poor product promotion;

    lack of information about technical parameters.

The Russian company Kaleva stands out from its competitors with its full production cycle. Prompt production of windows allows us to reduce the time the client waits for his order. In addition, the manufacturer independently develops new designs for PVC windows. The number of representative offices of the company has exceeded 80, including the capital and regional centers. Experts note the employees’ focus on comfortable customer service.

Despite the fact that the quality of plastic windows Russian company Krauss is at a fairly high level, the brand closes our rating. Experts note the manufacturer’s bias towards the southern regions of the country. Perhaps the specialization of PVC windows for warm climates is explained by the location of the production site (Krasnodar). Narrow specialization does not allow the company to demonstrate a variety of profiles. It is worth noting the use of environmentally friendly materials in production, so the products meet the requirements of international safety standards.

Somewhat spoils general impression from window systems thin seal. Users note that over time, dust accumulates and drafts form. The problem can be solved by replacing the sealing elements.


    high-quality manufacturing;

    high environmental friendliness;

    modern appearance.


    windows are only suitable for warm climates;

    short-lived seal.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

PVC window profile German quality BauLine is distinguished by high functionality and unique aesthetic properties. Thanks to the use of innovative polymer compositions And steel reinforcement such windows will successfully serve for at least 30-40 years, even in the most difficult climatic and operating conditions. We offer you to buy profiles for PVC windows with delivery in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation.


PVC profile trademark BauLine is used to create modern windows with excellent energy-saving, noise and heat insulation characteristics. Our products are in demand when arranging residential multi-storey buildings, including new buildings and old houses, dachas, cottages, bathhouses, hotels, offices, municipal facilities, shopping and entertainment venues etc. The system can be used for the production of standard and French windows, balcony windows and doors, office partitions, stained glass.

  • Resistance to deformation due to steel reinforcement with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm;
  • The use of wear-resistant fittings and hermetic EPDM or TPE seals ensures ease of use throughout the service life of the polyvinyl chloride profile;
  • Security due to the high level of burglary resistance of the system;
  • Availability of certificates fire safety and a hygienic conclusion, which confirms the quality of the products produced;
  • Ecologic recipe based on natural heat stabilizers;
  • Silky-glossy texture and snow-white color thanks to the use of HochGlanz and Extraweiss technologies;
  • Service life - from 60 years. Moreover, the guarantee for the profile is 2-5 years, depending on the technical parameters.

When determining the price of a PVC window profile, the size and shape of the structure, complexity and urgency of the work are taken into account.

BauLine profile types

Our range includes the following popular PVC profile options for windows:

  • BauLine 60. The profile is equipped with 3 chambers and has an optimal level of noise and heat insulation; The BauLine 60 delivery program includes a system with a 13 mm fitting groove and pre-strung gray seals.
  • BauLine 70. The classic system of 70 installation depth has 5 thermal insulation chambers and is suitable for installing 32/40 double-glazed windows.
  • BauLine 70 4x4. This 4-chamber system with the ability to install the maximum 44-mm double-glazed window in its class is the most suitable solution for the Russian climate, and comes with pre-stretched gray seals.
  • BauLine 80. The PVC profile for windows consists of 6 chambers, used for installing double-glazed windows 46-50. Recommended for use in innovative construction projects - for furnishing houses with minimal energy consumption.

Plastic windows firmly occupy the leading position. They differ the highest level heat and sound insulation, in addition, they give the possibility of choosing fittings, the method of opening the window and the color of the profile. It is also possible to choose a double-glazed window with the required number of cameras. However, not many people think that a specific window profile guarantees the strength and durability of the entire system. In this article we will compare profiles of plastic windows that differ in features and manufacturers.

General information about the profile of plastic windows

On average, the profile thickness of plastic windows varies from 58 mm to 86 mm, but some companies create a product with a width of 127 mm.

Its internal shot is hollow, but is separated by bridges, creating a number of light chambers. A special industrial calculation describes their dimensions and placement. The more spacious the profile, the more it contains the number of chambers that increase heat-saving characteristics. 1 more trait profile system- width of filling, which describes what type of double-glazed windows is allowed to be defined in the profile. They come in one- or two-chamber types, the width of the glass in a regular double-glazed window is 4 mm (grade M1).

Any cavity has a similar purpose:

  • for draining water;
  • fastening accessories;
  • gives an answer for strength, etc.

Profile paint can be varied; colors are applied using several methods:

  • co-extrusion method - multilayer films create a certain barrier that allows the product to endure dynamic overloads without defects;

  • lamination - imitating the structure, for example, marble or wood;
  • monochromatic coloring.

Properties of PVC profiles for plastic windows


  • This piece is made from a variation of plastic - snow-white polyvinyl chloride.
  • The material used is distinguished by its highest resistance to chemical action by alkalis, solvents, acids and mineral oils.
  • It is harmless to humans and the surrounding environment.

  • Due to its characteristic properties, polyvinyl chloride makes it possible to produce frames for double-glazed windows not only in rectangular or square shapes, but also in the form of arches, triangles, circles, and so on. Thus, giving any elementary or complex configuration to the window, allowing even the most extraordinary ideas of artists and architects to be translated into reality.


The internal grain of the plastic profile body is divided by longitudinal fences; in their own order, they form cavities (weightless chambers). The smallest number of chambers in the profile is 3, the largest is 8. The number of chambers describes the level of thermal insulation and sound absorption of the window; the lighter the cavities, the greater these characteristics. It should be immediately noted that 3- and 5-chamber profiles are used for their reputation.


To provide rigidity, the profile is specially reinforced. The iron base guarantees the required strength of the system and the inviolability of the window during operation. To reinforce the profile, zinc-coated steel is used, so it does not deform in any way due to temperature changes or other actions of the surrounding environment.

  • L-shaped reinforcement category - an iron insert is installed along two walls;
  • U-shaped reinforcement discharge, where the alloy increases 3 walls;
  • Hidden reinforcement discharge - an iron insert is placed along 4 walls.

For window systems that have double-glazed windows with a volume of 1900 mm in height, a U-shaped reinforced profile is suitable. But, for plastic windows of huge dimensions, for example, for a terrace or balcony, you need a profile with closed reinforcement.

Profile class

The thickness of the profile walls describes its accessory to a specific class:

  • Class A - the thickness of the profile walls must be at least 3 mm;
  • Class B - profile in which the wall thickness is from 2.5 mm;
  • Class C - non-standardized wall thickness.

As a result, the width of the profile of plastic windows directly depends on its class. The larger it is, the correspondingly more spacious the profile.

Comparison of manufacturers of plastic window profiles

On the Russian market, almost all both Russian and foreign manufacturers offer their own products. The leading positions in the ranking of profiles for plastic windows are occupied by the following companies:

  • Slovakia - INTERNOVA;
  • Korea - LG CHEM;
  • Belgium - DECEUNINCK;
  • Russian Federation - MONTBLANC and PROPLEX.


  • The profile is made in accordance with German technology in Russia, they are always suitable for class A, suitable for all areas, with any climate.

  • Profile systems from BEKA are presented in 8 forms, the mounting range of which ranges from 58 to 90 mm, and the number of chambers varies from 3 to 6. As a result of all modernizations, this profile is correct, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.


  • A globally recognizable profile from a German company.
  • It gives this product from economy to top class, taking into account all atmospheric criteria.
  • Mounting width is from 60 to 86 mm, the number of cameras is from 3 to 6.

  • Windows with REHAU profile They differ in the highest level of noise insulation (class 5), good thermal insulation, and, if desired, have every chance to exist with grayish seals.
  • Good match between prices and properties.


This company is equipped the latest equipment, uses high-quality materials and is staffed by qualified personnel. Thanks to this, it produces the entire line of profiles, fittings and seals.

  • Window profile systems are available in widths from 60 to 82 mm, the number of chambers is from 3 to 8.
  • SCHUKO windows are easy to use and have good anti-burglary properties.


There are 4 manufacturing plants for the production of profiles located in the Russian Federation.

  • The Russian-Austrian company is armed with a production base, where research is carried out and new technologies are introduced.

  • The Mont Blanc line covers 6 types of profiles, in which the installation width ranges from 58 mm to 120 mm, chambers - from 3 to 6.
  • The durability of the profile system (60 years) is achieved with the support of deliberately created operational features for severe climates.


  • The plant located in Podolsk produces the profile on German equipment in accordance with Austrian technologies.
  • This product is manufactured in widths that range from 58 mm to 127 mm, chambers from 3 to 6.
  • The unique recipe allows us to produce high-quality profiles characterized by impact strength and special whiteness.

You can also compare the properties of plastic window profiles using the tables presented below.

Profiles of the German company KBE

They say that German profiles of plastic windows are superior to the products of other manufacturers in terms of quality, whiteness of color, and technical features. They don't lose at all own characteristics including over a long service life, they can withstand virtually all kinds of dynamic overloads and significant temperature changes (from -50°C to +50°C).

The KBE company manufactures and supplies 2 types of more required profiles: KBE Ideal and KBE Specialist.

KBE Ideal - three-chamber profile

  • Mounting width is 58 mm;
  • width of external walls - 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the glass unit can be 34 mm;
  • 3 chambers in the rim, sashes, impost (horizontal and vertical window bars);
  • can be used in severe conditions (-60°C);
  • service life - 40 years;
  • The production uses environmentally friendly materials and does not contain lead.


  • with a profile width of 58 mm, it has 3 weightless chambers, their size and excellent condition guarantee resistance to heat transfer. These windows have the highest level of density, which exceeds the existing GOST requirements by 5 (!) times, as if guaranteeing a complete absence of dust and drafts in the room;
  • 2 airtight sealing gaskets guarantee good sound insulation(46 dB each). The profile is especially equipped with horizontal jumpers, thereby increasing the strength of the lock when closing the window;
  • The KBE profile is equipped with stiffening ribs, which guarantee additional strength of the window system. The hardness can also be increased by special stops, with the support of which a clear placement of the reinforcing iron insert is achieved.

KVE Specialist - five-chamber profile

  • The installation width is the same 70 mm;
  • width of external walls - 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the glass unit is 42 mm;
  • 5 chambers in the rim and sashes, 3 or 4 in the impost (horizontal and vertical window bars);
  • Benign for use in severe conditions (-60°C);
  • seal silhouettes are suitable for class A;
  • service life - 40 years;
  • During production, environmentally friendly materials are used and do not contain lead in any way.
  • A five-chamber building allows for the best possible thermal insulation; this profile can retain heat 20% more than conventional three-chamber systems. It is possible to achieve excellent sound insulation by installing large double-glazed windows in a 70 mm profile;
  • The 13 mm groove of the profile allows you to install anti-burglary fittings, thereby ensuring the safety of the building;
  • KBE profile The specialist has additional horizontal jumpers, thanks to which the handles and hinges will become firmly fixed;
  • with the device, the prefabricated seam is approximately 20% more spacious, allowing for additional insulation in its own right.

Approximate price of windows from KBE profile

An important reason when choosing this or another double-glazed window is its cost. It is often considered decisive, but German window profiles of the highest quality There's no way they can be inexpensive. Below is the approximate market price in Russia.

  • On average, a single-chamber double-hung window with a volume of 140x130 cm, in which 1 sash has a dull appearance and the other is tilt-and-turn, will deserve:
  1. from a 58 mm profile from RUB 7,500,
  2. from 70 mm - from 10,000 rub.

  • The cost of a two-chamber three-leaf window with a volume of 140x203 cm, in which the 1st sash is rotary, the central one has a dull appearance, the 3rd one is tilt-and-turn, will be from:
  1. from 58 mm profile 13,000 rubles;
  2. from 70 mm 14500 rub. and more.

  • When purchasing a balcony block with a drop-down door with a volume of 210x67 cm and a blind window - 140x136 cm, you need to pay no less than:
  1. from profile 58 mm 10500 rub.
  2. from 70 mm from 12,000 rub.

What to focus your interest on when choosing a plastic profile with double-glazed windows

To find the required profile thickness, you must have basic knowledge about double-glazed windows, since up to 70% of heat losses occur specifically through it.

This colorless substance consists of 2 or more glasses, which are hermetically combined with the frame. Between them a room appears (a light strip), filled with rarefied air or an inert gas, such as argon or krypton. This type of filling is used in the production of energy-saving double-glazed windows.

A single-chamber double-glazed window is a system of 2 glasses of 4 mm each and a weightless layer of 16 mm; in its incomplete form it is classified - 4-16-4. Thus, its installation width is the same 24 mm. The system, the same 36 mm, comes out of a two-chamber double-glazed window, which consists of 3 glasses of 4 mm each and 2 layers of 10 mm each - 4-10-4-10-4.

Consequently, an appropriate profile is selected for the required double-glazed window. For example, the optimal solution for ordinary apartment or at home, a 5-chamber profile with a 70 mm installation width and a 30 mm double-glazed unit will serve, where a heat-reflecting coating should be applied to one glass.

If the windows face the north side and there is a busy road nearby, then in this case The following option is suitable: a 5-chamber profile with a depth of 86 mm, supplemented with a 32 mm double-glazed window with a protective noise-insulating film.

When a balcony (gallery) is connected to an adjacent space or it is planned to make a small office (rest room) out of it, then the profile must be 5-chamber with an installation depth of 86 mm, and the double-glazed window must be energy-saving, two-chamber with a width not less than 40 mm.

For conventional insulation of a balcony, a 60 mm 3-chamber profile and a 30 mm single-chamber double-glazed window are suitable.

However, it’s not enough to simply choose the best PVC profile and double-glazed window. It is no less important to entrust the installation of finished windows to experts. Otherwise, no matter how precious the system may be, a bad installation will nullify all its highest properties.

Currently, the market for windows made on a PVC basis offers a wide range of different products. In order to attract buyers, companies are developing new types of double-glazed windows, and also use various types of profiles from which plastic windows are made.

In this regard, the consumer has reasonable questions: which window profile to choose and what will serve as the criteria for its selection?

When choosing a profile used in the manufacture of plastic windows, you must be guided by the following criteria that determine the purpose of the window and its operating conditions:

  1. The ability to provide the required level of heat and sound insulation of the room where it is planned to install a window of this design.
  2. The quality of the material used.
  3. Profile class.
  4. Possibility of installing double-glazed windows of various designs.
  5. Geometric dimensions of the profile (width and height).
  6. Availability of reinforcement.
  7. Possibility of installing additional elements.
  8. Conditions of use and maintenance.
  9. Manufacturer's brand and its reliability.
  10. Price.

In practice, a PVC profile is used, which has a different number of chambers in its design, which ensure the ability of this structural element to retain heat indoors and maintain required level soundproofing.

Structurally, this is expressed in the division internal space into several air chambers by installing partitions. There can be from three to eight such chambers (air cavities), of which the most popular among household consumers are three and five chambers.

By class, PVC profiles are classified as:

  • Class “A” – wall thickness from 3.0 mm.
  • Class “B” – wall thickness from 2.5 to 3.0 mm.
  • Class “C” - wall thickness is not standardized.

Window profile materials

In the manufacture of windows, various types of profiles can be used, both in terms of its design and the material from which it is made.

It could be:

  • Tree.

This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that has always been widely used in the manufacture of windows.

Currently, due to the advent of new technologies and the high cost of natural raw materials, it is used less widely.

Wood species such as teak, larch, oak, Canadian Hemlock and teak wood are used for the manufacture of windows according to individual orders and in the construction of premium housing.

Coniferous trees are used in the manufacture of cheaper structures, but, nevertheless, they are still more expensive than products made from various types plastics and some types of composites.

  • Aluminum.

Pure aluminum is not very good material, in terms of its use for the manufacture of window blocks. The reason for this is its high thermal conductivity and low elasticity.

In this regard, aluminum faucets are rarely used in their pure form for these structural elements, but in combination with polyvinyl chloride materials they are an excellent component of such products.

  • Fiber composites.

Fiber composites are fiberglass made from a reinforced profile and a fiberglass composite.

This material has good heat-insulating properties and strength indicators that exceed those of wood and metal, respectively.

The disadvantage that determines its rather narrow distribution is that under the influence external environment(precipitation, sunlight, etc.), this material delaminates.

When using a carbon fiber composite, this disadvantage missing, but in this case the product is very expensive.

  • Metal-plastic.

The use of aluminum, which serves as a frame in the manufacture of window profiles and plastic, made it possible to create a wonderful tandem of materials, which made it possible to combine their advantages and create a durable product with good thermal insulation properties.

Exactly metal-plastic profiles, are currently widely used in the manufacture of window blocks of various designs.

Selection of accessories

The choice of fittings is an important point when manufacturing and equipping a window, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance. In order to do right choice, necessary:

  • Familiarize yourself with the types and purposes of fittings.
  • Choose the most reliable manufacturer producing quality products(based on user reviews).
  • Determine the needs of various types of fittings and their technical characteristics.
  • Determine the relationship between price and service life of the products.

The configuration and type of fittings for each specific window is individual, which is determined by its design and the method of opening the sashes (right or left, sliding or hinged type, blind or tilt-and-turn design, etc.).

IN standard equipment windows made from PVC profiles include the following elements, such as:

  • Window hinges (bottom and top).
  • Compensator.
  • Protective mechanism (fuse) against slamming.
  • Devices for lifting window sash.
  • Retainers.
  • Brackets.
  • Tilt-and-turn mechanism.

In addition to the products listed above, the kit may include turn limiters window sash, slot ventilators, mosquito nets and locks that ensure the window is closed from the inside.

In the manufacture of fittings, various metals and their alloys are used, which characterizes their strength and reliability. WITH outside The fittings are coated with anti-corrosion paints and varnishes.

The criteria for choosing accessories are:

  • Wear resistance.
  • Resistance to external influences.
  • Availability of warranty period and certificate of conformity.
  • Appearance (aesthetics) and ease of use.

Choosing a plastic window manufacturer

When the user is faced with a question related to the choice of plastic windows, in addition to the technical components that determine the characteristics of the window (the type of profile and the material from which it is made, the type of double-glazed window, the availability and quality of seals and fittings), an organizational component also appears - which manufacturer’s windows to choose.

A large number of large and small companies operate in the domestic market for such products. various shapes property. However, the main manufacturers of metal-plastic profiles are only a few companies, whose products have their own inherent advantages and disadvantages; below are the most popular of them.

KBE (Kunststoffproduktion für Bau und Elektrotechnik), Germany

The KBE company operates in different countries and on different continents. In Russia, this company has representative offices in many regions; the production of metal-plastic profiles is located in the Moscow region. The representative of the company in Russia is ZAO Profine RUS (Moscow).

The advantages of KVE products are:

  • High rates of heat and sound insulation.
  • Wide operating temperature range.
  • The presence of a ventilation system that ensures that glass units do not fog up.

The disadvantages include:

  • High cost.
  • Plastic exposed to sunlight white may turn yellow.

Rehau, Germany

The Rehau company operates in various industries and in different countries around the world. One of the areas of activity is the production of translucent structures, including metal-plastic profiles.

The company's central office for Eastern Europe located in Moscow, and representative offices in the following cities: St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and Simferopol.

The advantages of Rehau products are:

  • Strength.
  • Large range of different profile types.
  • Good performance in terms of heat and sound insulation.
  • Frost resistance of products.
  • High cost.
  • Limited height of sashes on manufactured products.

"PROPLEX", Russia

"PROPLEX" is one of the first domestic enterprises that began working in the market of metal-plastic windows through the full cycle of their production.

The advantages of products manufactured at this enterprise are:

  • Relatively low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • They are adapted to operating conditions in Russia.

The disadvantages are:

  • There is no international quality certificate.

VEKA AG, Germany

In Russia, the German company is represented by its branch, the subsidiary VEKA Rus, whose head office and production are located in Moscow. In addition, the company has representative offices in a number of regions of our country.

The advantages of VEKA products are:

  • Wide selection of models.
  • High technical performance (heat and sound insulation).
  • Durability.
  • The use of special rubber-based seals that are not afraid of low temperatures ambient air.

The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Montblanc, Russia

The Mont Blanc company has been successfully operating in the PVC products market since 2000. The head office is located in Moscow, and factories are in Elektrostal, Moscow Region, and Krasnoyarsk.

The advantages of the products manufactured by this company are:

  • Low cost.
  • Adaptation of products to operating conditions in our country.
  • Well executed design.
  • Large selection of models.
  • Strength and durability of products.

The disadvantages are:

  • Lack of international quality certificate.
  • Low quality of fittings used.
  • Possibility of odor from the type of sealant used.

Which profiles are most often chosen?

The type of profile chosen depends on the purpose of the window and its operating conditions. Besides this is not enough important factor factors influencing the choice are the service life and cost of the product.

When choosing, there are always personal preferences for a particular brand, as well as the presence of representative offices of the manufacturer in the region of residence of the potential buyer. In the regions of our country, the products of various companies are popular, which is characterized by the presence similar type production and competition between producers.

For installation in residential buildings, the greatest demand is for 3- and 5-chamber metal-plastic profiles with a width of 58.0 and 70.0 mm, respectively. For northern regions, 6 and 8 chamber profiles with a width of 90.0 mm are recommended.

It is not recommended to install plastic windows made from profiles intended for industrial buildings and objects, about which there must be appropriate markings on its surface (OBJECT, object, engine, Tender, etc.).

In addition to the fact that when choosing a window you need to be careful and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the type and design of the profile, glass unit and fittings, you also need to take care of the high-quality installation of the purchased product. Incorrect installation can negate all the advantages of a window made from a metal-plastic profile.