Rules for calculating pension supplements for long service. What are the grounds for early appointment of a pension Work experience 38 years

According to the innovations that have come into effect since this year, the calculation of pensions is now carried out according to new formulas. According to the law, citizens whose work experience is 35 years are entitled to receive an additional payment to their pension. And for those who have worked (officially) for more than forty years (40 years for women and 45 years for men), the state will pay an even larger bonus. Since this year, the pension has split into two components:

  • insurance (calculated by multiplying the cost of one point by the total amount of all available points);
  • funded (monthly payments in PF).
  • So, the size of the pension depends not only on how many years the citizen has been working, but also on the average salary that the employee received every month. In April, during a round table, the government decided to increase the allowance for women. The work experience of the latter has at least 30 years, as well as for men, whose experience was 35 years. What amount will now be paid to this category of pensioners can be calculated based on the new calculation rules.

  • Men and women whose work experience is equal to or exceeds 35 years and 30 years, respectively, receive an additional 1 coefficient to the pension.
  • Surcharge for men and women whose length of service equals or exceeds 45 and 40 years, respectively, receive a surcharge in the amount of 5 coefficients.
  • For 35 years of work experience, the pension will increase by 1,100 rubles

    Speaking with a report in the State Duma, Dmitry Medvedev promised that the Russian government would not increase the retirement age of Russians, but it would stimulate citizens financially so that they would work as long as possible.

    On April 29, the State Duma hosted a round table on pension reform issues. Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security Andrey Pudov announced the government's plans to change the procedure for the formation of pensions depending on the length of service.

    If in Soviet times the mandatory length of service for receiving a pension was in most cases 25 years, then recently this period has been reduced to 5. Now it will be increased again to 15 years, while it will be possible to get the right to a pension if during these 15 years you pay contributions, the amount of which will be two minimum wages. An option is envisaged under which payments will be made for 30 years, but with one minimum wage.

    Those citizens of Russia who have worked out 35 years of service will receive an increase in their pension of 1,100 rubles. It is planned to introduce an additional coefficient at 35 years of service, which will increase annually and provide an additional increase to the pension. Thus, for each year of service over 35 years, the Ministry of Labor plans to increase the pension by 500 rubles.

    The pension will consist of three parts: fixed payment, insurance and funded pensions. The insurance pension will be calculated not in absolute figures, but in special pension coefficients, which should depend on the level of salary, length of service and retirement age.

    For those who for some reason could not get the right to the basic part of the pension, they will receive the minimum social pension: women upon reaching 60 years of age, and men from 65 years of age.

    Citizens born in 1967 and younger, registered in the compulsory pension insurance system, in 2013 were given the opportunity to choose the insurance premium rate for the funded part of the labor pension: either leave 6%, as it is today, or reduce it to 2%, thereby increasing the rate for the formation the insurance part of the pension from 10% to 14%.

    Are there pension supplements for 35 years of service for women and men? All about surcharges, for those who have worked for a long time!

    In accordance with the latest innovations, which have already taken effect this year, the amount of the pension is calculated using new formulas.

    Now, having a seniority of 35 years, a pensioner is entitled to apply for a supplement to the basic allowance. It is worth noting that the longer the length of service, the more tangible the additional payment to the pension.

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    Influence of the number of years worked by citizens on the increase in pension funds

    The new program for calculating pensions is directed by the state to ensure that the population is interested in increasing the length of service. This is expressed in the form of bonuses for work of 35 years or more. Additional pension points are accrued according to a certain scheme:

  • Women and men who have worked for 30 and 35 years receive 1 bonus point for each year in excess of the indicator.
  • Activity for 35 and 40 years entitles you to an additional 5 points.
  • So, for example, if one pensioner worked for 43 years, and the level of white wages did not exceed the minimum indicator, the pension can be significantly lower than that of a pensioner who worked 10 years less, but at the same time, officially received a salary above the average. The amount and procedure for calculating additional payments is specified in the Federal Law No. 400 of 2013.

    How long do you have to work to get the minimum wage?

    In Soviet times, to qualify for a pension, a person had to work for at least 25 years. Later, the government of the Russian Federation established that the minimum length of service is 5 years. With the latest reforms, the government decided that Russian citizens need to work for at least 15 years to qualify for a pension.

    The rules for calculating seniority have also changed. Now, studies at a higher educational institution will not be taken into account, but a decree and military service will also be considered in seniority.

    Increments for labor activity carried out over this period

    If you have a length of service of 30/35 years (for women and men, respectively), the state is expected to accrue bonuses in the form of additional points, which are taken into account when calculating pension payments. As mentioned above, when a person has worked for more than 35 years, 1 point is awarded each subsequent year. If a citizen has worked for 35/40 years, then the bonus is 5 points.

    Will everyone have them and from when?

    Employment for 35 years or more does not guarantee decent retirement benefits. This is directly related to the deductions made by employers.

    If there were no such deductions (i.e., the work was informal) or they were insignificant (the “white” salary was less than actually due to the employer’s evasion from paying the full amount of taxes), there is no need to count on additional payments. Only those persons who worked officially and did not hide their real income from the state will be able to see a significant difference.

    Does it apply to those who already receive pension payments?

    Women and men who have worked for more than 35 years and are already receiving a pension are eligible to apply for additional accruals. So for labor activity they will receive an additional 5 additional points. When calculating, it is worth remembering that the time spent on parental leave is taken into account in full if the total number does not exceed 4.5 years.

    Order of appointment and registration

    To receive a pension supplement, you need to visit the Pension Fund with documents:

    • passport;
    • personal account insurance number (SNILS);
    • pensioner's ID;
    • work book;
    • other documents confirming employment.
    • The PF employee accepts a package of documents from the applicant and, within the specified time, checks them for the possibility of accruing additional payments to the pension.

      Reasons for refusal to receive additional payment may be:

    1. provision of false or incomplete data;
    2. clarification of the fact that during the period of employment no contributions were made to pension and other funds by the employer for employees;
    3. not developing experience;
    4. performance of work or other activities during which the recipient is subject to mandatory pension insurance - Federal Law No. 167 of 12/15/2001.
    5. To prevent such incidents from happening, it is important to correctly calculate the length of service and provide only reliable and complete information to the PF. If the refusal is received for unknown reasons, it is recommended to apply for benefits to a higher authority.

      Upon receipt of an unreasoned refusal, it is recommended to immediately file a lawsuit with the provision of all documents and a written refusal from the Pension Fund.


      Today, few pensioners finish their careers with a pension. Most people of retirement age continue to officially work in enterprises and deduct taxes from their salaries. This is due to the fact that in some cases the allowance barely reaches (or does not reach at all) the subsistence minimum per citizen.

      Supplement to pension for more than 35 or 40 years of service

      The calculation of pension payments according to the new rules undoubtedly stimulates the desire of citizens to work longer in order to receive a decent payment. At the same time, there are also minimum requirements for the length of service necessary to determine the right to an insurance pension.

      The payment calculated at the time of appointment is further increased due to annual indexations established by the government for each calendar year. However, this is not the only possible option for increasing the pension, because many continue to work, becoming pensioners, and, therefore, contributions are received to their personal account according to the number of the insurance certificate. Of these amounts, an unclaimed recalculation of insurance premiums is carried out annually.

      The longest work experience deserves special attention - over 35 or 40 years old. Now there is a lot of information in various Internet sources about the increase in the pension provision of citizens for long work experience, but it is only partially true.

      It is for long service that they can pay extra to pensioners only if they have the title of “Veteran of Labour”, however, it is awarded in accordance with the legislation of the regions in the social security authorities. In addition to additional monthly payments, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy certain benefits.

      How much work experience do you need to qualify for a pension?

      Currently, the determination of the right to a pension, its appointment and payment are carried out in accordance with the norms of Law No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" operating since the beginning of 2015.

      According to the new rules, one of the conditions for assigning an old-age insurance payment is the presence of a certain amount of work experience, namely 15 years.

      However, this condition will be fulfilled gradually. The transition period is envisaged for several years until 2025. Accordingly, in order to retire in 2018, it will take 9 years of work, in the next - 10, etc.

      In addition, each working year of a citizen is evaluated in the form of points calculated on the basis of paid insurance premiums. They also need to dial a certain number, namely 30 by 2025 to determine the right to a pension.

      As for other types of pension, this requirement regarding the length of service will be supplemented. For example, for early retirement benefits, it will also depend on the nature of the work performed and the position held.

      It is also worth noting that in the absence of insurance experience, a social pension from the state is assigned.

      Will there be a pension supplement for more than 35 (40) years of service?

      Contrary to the recent belief that for experience of 40 years or more, 5 additional coefficients are required, it’s worth saying right away that the increase in pension is for the continuation of labor activity after leaving for a well-deserved rest by the current legislation not provided.

      To understand why this is so, consider briefly mechanism for assigning a pension. It involves several stages, taking into account the experience for a certain period of time:

    6. until 2002, taking into account the salary coefficient for a five-year period of work and valorization calculated for the length of service worked until 1991;
    7. from 2002 to 2014 in the form of insurance premiums affecting the amount of pension capital;
    8. after 2015 based on the individual pension coefficient for each year worked.
    9. Moreover, at the first two stages, the amount in rubles is first determined, and then, according to the new calculation formula, it is converted into points.

      As can be seen, only contributions transferred by the insured for his employee to the FIU are currently taken into account. Thus, the annual recalculation for hours worked is carried out based on the amount of money received by the FIU on the personal account of the insured person. Hence the difference in the increase for two pensioners can be several tens and even hundreds of rubles, depending on the salary and contributions paid from it for each.

      It is important that the period of work during the year itself does not play a role, as it was previously under the norms of Law No. 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation".

      When can an additional payment for seniority be assigned to women and men?

      The amount of work experience of women and men can affect their ability to receive additional pension payments in the following cases:

    10. if earlier this experience was not taken into account when assigning a payment (for example, due to the lack of supporting documents);
    11. if a citizen continues to work as a pensioner;
    12. if the number of years worked is sufficient to award the title of "veteran of labor".
    13. In the first two cases, the increase in pension provision is established after the recalculation has been made, and in the second case it is made on an unannounced basis annually from August 1 on insurance premiums transferred by the insured.

      In the case of the submission of new documents affecting the amount of the pension, the citizen will need to write an application for recalculation by contacting the territorial department of the PFR at the location of his payment file.

      A work record of 35 years for women and 40 years for men also increases the amount of the payment by establishing allowances as a labor veteran. Such an additional payment, as well as the very assignment of this title, appointed by the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the citizen.

      It is worth noting that a cash increase for this category of citizens is only due if the applicant has already been assigned an old-age pension. In addition to the additional payment for a long service over 35 or 40 years, various benefits are provided, some of which can also be converted into monetary terms. As for the legal regulation of these issues, it is administered by regional authorities.

      The amount of the supplement to the pension

      Depending on the nature of the proposed additional payment in connection with the cases discussed above, its amount will be different if additional certificates are provided that are not taken into account when assigning a payment, as well as when recalculating insurance premiums.

      The amount of additional payment to pensions for the title of "Veteran of Labour" with an experience of more than 35 or 40 years is set opposite in fixed value. However, this value will depend on where you live pensioner, as funding is provided from local budgets.

      For example, a labor veteran in St. Petersburg in 2017, a monthly cash payment of 828 rubles is due, as well as a number of benefits:

    14. on payment of housing in the amount of 50%;
    15. reduction of utility bills by 50%;
    16. purchase of a single discount ticket for travel in the metro, trolleybus, tram, bus;
    17. 10% reduction in ticket prices for suburban trains and buses from April 27 to October 31.
    18. For labor veterans of Moscow travel to suburban areas by rail will be completely free. In addition, they are also provided with monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services, free production of dentures, and provision with free vouchers to sanatoriums if there are medical indications. At the same time, the monthly city payment for such Muscovites will be 495 rubles.

      How to apply for a pensioner's allowance?

      In order for a pensioner to be able to issue an allowance for a long work experience of more than 35 or 40 years, necessary for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" to women and men, respectively, he needs apply to the social security authorities at the place of residence. The Pension Fund does not establish such allowances.

      Required to apply the following documents:

    19. statement;
    20. a document proving the identity of the applied citizen;
    21. PFR certificate confirming the appointment of an old-age insurance pension;
    22. veteran's certificate.
    23. You can come with the documents in person to the reception or apply through a legal representative who has been issued a notarized power of attorney. There are also several ways to apply:

    24. in writing when submitting an application to the social security authorities;
    25. or electronically through the government services website.
    26. Comments (89)

      Good afternoon! A few years ago, I was granted an early pension due to hard working conditions under Schedule 2. Currently, I continue to work. Will my pension be recalculated for a long period of preferential work?

      Surely you have already noticed that every year from August your pension increases. This happens in an unclaimed manner, based on the number of insurance premiums transferred by the employer. Given the preferential nature of the work, for sure, your remuneration is higher than for other employees, and, accordingly, the number of contributions received on an individual account is greater. In addition, the special nature of work also implies various benefits in the form of various salary supplements, early retirement, and the creation of special conditions at the workplace. If we talk in general about the length of service earned, without allocating a period in special working conditions, then you also have the right to receive the title of “veteran of labor” if you have 40 years of general labor activity. This will give you the opportunity to receive an additional monthly cash payment, and the list of benefits provided will expand significantly.

      I have a medal "Veteran of Labour", experience of 35.5 years.

      My pension is 13300 rubles.

      Yes, they will, but only the insurance part of the pension and only while you work - from August 1 of each year.

      I am a labor veteran with over 40 years of experience. I receive a disability allowance. Am I entitled to a long service allowance?

      If you have the title of "Veteran of Labour", then for additional benefits due to you, you should contact the Social Security office at your place of residence. What region do you live in?

      I, a working pensioner, have a continuous work experience of 51 years, I am a "Veteran of Labor".

      Q: Am I eligible for any seniority bonus? If yes, where should I go? Sincerely, A.P.

      I am a labor veteran of the Samara region, 42 years of experience, still working. Am I entitled to a pension increase?

      I have more than 40 years of work experience, a veteran of federal labor. I receive benefits for utilities, veterans 658 rubles. photographed by Merkushkin. Do I have the right to recalculate a pension for long service, and why am I not paid money for a labor veteran? I live in the Samara region, Mirny.

      My work experience is from 09.1965 to 03.2009. I use benefits as a “Veteran of Labour”. Am I still entitled to a long service allowance?

      Register a veteran of labor, and there will be an allowance.

      I have 51 years of work experience, I myself am from Kabardino-Balkaria, I did not receive a veteran, because. in the 90s there were not yet 25 years of labor. seniority. How to get a veteran of labor and will I receive an additional payment for seniority?

      Work experience more than 45 years. In 2000 she moved to live in Smolensk from Lithuania. I don’t have a “veteran of labor”, because missing 6 months. up to 15 years of experience in the Smolensk region. Now I don't work. Am I entitled to an additional payment for seniority and can I get a labor veteran with such experience?

      If you have 15 years of experience, you will definitely not be paid anything extra and you will not receive a title. Read the relevant law.

      I have a total work experience of about 39 years, I took out a pension in 2011, quit in 2016, I do not have a “Veteran of Labour” certificate. Am I entitled to benefits and additional payments for extended work experience (over 35 years)? Can I get a Veteran's Certificate? SPb.

      For work experience, "Veteran of Labor" is not given, you need to have either government, or ministerial, or departmental awards.

      I am a working pensioner, labor veteran. The work experience is 48 years. I live in the Saratov region.

      I would like to know if I am entitled to a monthly cash payment - as a veteran there with a long work experience (except for 50% for housing and communal services, telephone travel on public transport, etc.). If so, where to apply and what documents do I need to provide?

      The answers to the questions asked are stupid and not correct, this characterizes the level of professionalism of the "specialists" of the site.

      Tatyana, you yourself can write a response to any comment on the site. Why do you think that all the "stupid answers" here are written by the site's specialists?

      Experience 43 years, is there an additional payment?

      There is a lot of information on the Internet about allowances for extended work experience, but there is nothing about this on the PFR website, I believe that there will be no allowances.

      A neighbor grandmother asked to find out if she had any additional payment, because she is a personal communications pensioner, and she receives 12 thousand rubles. Total experience 42 years.

      I am 66 years old and I work as a welder at Oil Service Holding. If I quit, will the pension be indexed for all years of indexation cancellation, or only for the current year?

      All missed indexings will be restored to you.

      Will be indexed for all the years you worked. I already know how much I will receive, and you can find out by going to the PFR personal account, unless of course you are registered there.

      Oleg, I am registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but I do not see indexation in my account.

      I started my career in 1978. I still work, I do not have a Veteran of Labor. I have only the title of Labor Veteran from my native enterprise. Am I entitled to a pension supplement? My pension is 12182 rubles. I live in the city of Stupino near Moscow.

      Can I apply for a pension increase from 2018 for the length of service? I have been working since August 20, 1968 to the present day. Veteran of Labor since October 9, 2000 on the basis of the Award by the Ministry of Education with the award "Honorary Worker of Education" (Excellence in Education).

      Can I apply for a pension increase in 2018 for seniority? Worked since 1977, labor veteran, quit in 2015.

      How much chatter about adding unfortunate kopecks to poor pensioners, and there is little concrete. It's a shame for such additives in such a rich country! And this is still ringing on every page ...

      Hello, I would like to know about the additional payment to the pension for the work experience of 39 years. I am a labor veteran of the Komi Republic, in May 2017 I moved to the Moscow region. Am I entitled to a supplement at a new place of residence?

      I live in the Komi Republic. Retired since 2000 due to years of service. She continued to work until August 2013, the total work experience as a teacher in a kindergarten is 43 years. I have the title of "Veteran of Labour", "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation". Can I count on a pension supplement for work experience?

      My wife has been a privileged pensioner since 2002. When registering the general experience, they brazenly threw out 2 years of study at the evening department of the medical school, although she worked at that time as a nurse. In the labor there is a record that she entered the medical school. Will these 2 years affect the amount of pension received? Thanks in advance.

      I agree with you, the principle of today's life: who does not work, he eats. I have 53 years of continuous work experience, with the exception of university studies. And the pension is the same as that of a friend with 8 classes and less than 5 years of experience.

      Irina Vladimirovna, good afternoon! Are working pensioners entitled to an addition in August of only 3 coefficients? I retired in June, I work, I already have a coefficient of 4. And where does the rest of what I earn go to?

      Those who have little work experience, let the pension be less. I worked until the age of 61 (having already been retired for 11 years) and will I receive the same pension as the parasites? Did you work for 5 years before retirement and retire? It's insulting to us! We cannot be compared.

      Good afternoon! Could you answer my question? I am a pensioner, but in 2016 I was an individual entrepreneur, I transferred contributions as an individual entrepreneur to the FIU. In August 2017, there should be a surcharge, but so far there is none. I contacted the FIU, but to no avail. Wait. But things are still there. Could you answer why not and where to turn?

      It is only necessary to contact the FIU on this issue. You ask what to expect, because 4 months have almost passed, and the allowance should have been already in August. Ask them to explain the situation and explain to you on what basis the recalculation has not yet been carried out.

      It is better to make an official written request (with notification) to the district FIU.

      The general experience for men, and study and the army will be included in 40 years of experience?

      Are the years of study at the university and service in the army included in the total length of service?

      Study is not included, service is included.

      What happens that I, because of some 500-600 rubles of payment for 40 years, have to work for the state and even pay taxes, won’t it be fat?

      For the experience of 40 years, Oleg wants to receive 500-600 rubles, this is hoo. In our rich Bashkortostan, my husband worked for 42 years and for the “Veteran” an additional payment of 145 rubles. 93 kopecks, that's a surcharge! There is enough for almost three loaves of bread, but you say some 500-600 rubles.

      Will there be an addition to the pension for service over 40-45 years in 2018. Is there such a decree and, preferably, a number where to apply?

      Will there be an increase in points for service over 45 years or not? In a pension fund, it is useless to ask about anything - a “black hole”.

      Retired since 2005 due to seniority. She continued to work until July 2017, the total work experience as a teacher is 37.5 years, a veteran of federal labor. 4 years of study at the institute. Can I count on a pension supplement for work experience?

      Do not believe the pension, they are fooling us - they do not pay extra, and decent money!

      I am a disabled person of the 1st group, I have been struggling with the Pension for a year so that they pay the correct insurance pension. For three years, can you imagine how much I was not paid extra? More than 500 thousand rubles.

      They mixed both basic and insurance together, and they say - that's all right. But even all together the sums do not converge. So take a pen, write and count - and you will be surprised how our dear, corrupt Pension was deceiving you.

      My dear fellow citizens! Of course, it's a shame that no one needs us pensioners. The people of Russia are impoverished every day, and the "servants of the people" are already stealing tons.

      Take care of your health if you still have it. If someone has no conscience, then it will not be. It's a shame that everyone knows everything and does nothing!

      My year of birth is February 1931. I started working from February 1948 and without interruption until July 2012, including 3.5 years in the army. I have over 65 years of continuous work experience. In February of this year, I will be 87 years old. I have certificates of a person rehabilitated for political reasons and a labor veteran. Taking into account all the laws of the Russian Federation on pensioners and veterans, what is my IPC now - an individual pension coefficient?

      Is it possible to apply for an allowance for 42 years of service if there is a disability of group 3?

      Still, I didn’t see the answer anywhere to the question, is there an addition to the pension for 40 years of service or more, if I am a “Veteran of Labour”, except for veteran bonuses?

      Most likely, veterans' surcharges are the premium for seniority.)

      Similar question. On Russian radio (three days ago) they talked about 50 years of experience - what benefits are provided in 2018? I am a labor veteran.

      Exactly the same question. I have more than 50 years of retirement experience, I am still working. Veteran of labour. Neither the social security agency nor the pension fund heard anything about any benefits.

      All official information is on the FIU website, but there is nothing like that. Do not trust all the information on the Internet, look at the websites of official bodies and publications.

      Is it possible to receive an additional payment of five additional coefficients for more than 40 years of service after taking a well-deserved rest on February 28, 2018, if I am already a labor veteran? Thank you.

      My work experience is 46 years, I am a labor veteran of the Tver region. At the moment I live in the Leningrad region and work as a teacher. Upon arrival here, she lost the guaranteed payment of compensation for utilities and additional payments for veteranship. Am I eligible for the 2018 Seniority Supplement?

      Valentina, unfortunately, all measures of social support for the “Veterans of Labor” of the Tver Region apply only to residents this region. If you change your place of residence, you will not be subject to the relevant law (you can read more here).

      A woman lives with us: she is a walker, she has never worked anywhere, and after all, when she reaches retirement age, she will receive a pension. Is it right? And why does the PF not encourage pensioners who have worked in one place for 40-50 years? We don't have many of those in our country. These people gave everything for the sake of their favorite profession.

      Hello! I am an unemployed pensioner from St. Petersburg and a Labor Veteran. Experience 43.5 years. I receive a pension and two amounts of additional payments: 1163 rubles. and 874 p. (these two amounts vary slightly). Please explain what these surcharges are? These must be discounts on housing and utility bills, but the figures do not really match with utility bills. And the main question - should non-working pensioners - Labor Veterans apply for an additional payment for seniority? Thank you.

      Is there an addition to the pension for 40 or more years of service if I do not have the title of "Veteran of Labor"?

      Is there a pension supplement for more than 35 years of service if I do not have the title of "Veteran of Labor"?

      What is the pension supplement for over 40 years of service?

      Alla, I have 56 years of continuous experience from 1961 to July 2017. Moreover, - "veteran" of the Krasnodar Territory. I want to have a “Veteran of All-Russian Importance” + additional payment for long service. Hope to achieve...

      Hello! Explain, please, I am entitled to a pension supplement for 44 years of service? On pension since May 29, 2008, the pension was assigned 3929.50. After calculating the pension, she worked for 9 years, calculated on 03/31/2017.

      Hello! She retired in 2017 and was very shocked when she found out that certificates are no longer issued to pensioners, but they issue an A-4 size certificate and present it wherever you want. I worked for more than 35 years and paid taxes all this time, but for some reason I did not save up for a certificate. Where do our taxes go?

      I live in the Volgograd region, I retired in December 2016 (at the age of 59), the experience was 42 years 4 months, I have a certificate (certificate) of the regional "Veteran of Labor". In social security, they said that the EDV is not allowed because. I am a municipal employee (a pension of 1000 rubles has been assigned), the provision of other benefits (free travel, 50% for utilities) is also denied. Is this body's action legal? Can I count on the recalculation of the pension for the length of service (at the date of 55 years, the experience was already more than 38 years)?

      I live in an area equivalent to the regions of the Far North, I have been receiving a pension since July 2010. She did not stop working from the date of the appointment of the old-age pension. I am a labor veteran of the Russian Federation (because I am an honorary donor of Russia). In November 2018, there will be 40 years of seniority. If I continue working by this time, am I entitled to an addition to my pension (what document regulates it)? Thank you.

      I have 47 years of experience, a labor veteran since 1989. I am not opposed to our state supporting citizens of retirement age who have never worked anywhere for various reasons. But why do they not appreciate us, who abandoned our children for the sake of production, spent our strength, nerves and our health to accomplish labor feats and paid taxes to the state? Why were we equated with idlers who did not want to work, as they said - on the "uncle", and now they do not hesitate to receive a pension from this "uncle", tearing it away from those who have worked conscientiously all their lives?

      I totally agree with you Elena!

      Hello! Please tell me: my mother is a retired medical doctor, has the military rank of sergeant, but not a soldier. Is she entitled to an allowance as a pensioner with a military rank?

      How is the fact of having a disability 2 tbsp taken into account? from childhood when determining the old-age labor pension?

      I have been living in the Saratov region for 33 years, the total experience is 44 years, in terms of harmfulness 36 years. Raised 4 children. Why am I not eligible to assign me a labor veteran?

      So I read all this ... and so I want to swear! Having an experience of 40 years, having 2 jobs (did not flutter like a dragonfly). She herself sent people to retire, so she could calculate her own, taking into account the length of service, and was almost calm about retirement. She did not receive a labor veteran, because 2 places of work, the years did not coincide a little ... And when they calculated my pension, I almost fell off my chair ... 5900 rubles! I had to switch to social (the one for parasites, 6800 rubles).

      I worked most of the work in Moscow, but I live in the state of MOSCOW REGION! This is true? The rent is 11 thousand. They don’t want to hire us for sufficient work - the old ones ... And if I get a job somewhere, then only for 10 thousand. They will return my "labor" to me, and only enough for a communal apartment. For this we have been working for 40 years? Even if there are children, they have their own life, to raise themselves and children ... Thanks to our state for our happy old age, low bow!

      Hello! I have 44 years of work experience. She left her job in December 2017. I am not a labor veteran. Can I hope to recalculate the pension. If yes, what is needed for this?

      I live in the Sverdlovsk region, work experience 38 years, pension 8900. I continue to work. Am I entitled to an allowance for seniority in the Soviet years?

      My husband has more than 43 years of experience, he is not a labor veteran (now everything has been removed, veteranship is given only to those who have a medal). He retired in 2015, the northern pension is 15,037.32 kopecks. Still working. Isn't he entitled to a monthly seniority bonus? And when will the pension be recalculated? I have 35 years of experience, I retired in 2010, the northern pension is 10,470.0 rubles - but will I be recalculated for the experience?

      The husband retired, he was assigned the maximum. He continues to work. What is the point of refusing a pension if it won’t be higher anyway? What kind of deception? Mislead people!

      Hello. My work experience is almost 48 years, I continue to work. Am I entitled to a pension supplement for work experience? Do I need to apply to the FIU, or will it be calculated automatically? Thank you.

      Why is it easier in our country to work for more than 40 years and be a labor veteran than to receive the benefits that are due to you by law? Or even learn about it!

      Here I mean the benefit to a labor veteran for 41 years of calendar work. Why, if it is set, do you need to find out about it, collect a pile of documents that are already in the pension fund, and go to draw up?

      Is there a pension supplement for more than 38 years of service if I do not have the title of "Veteran of Labor"?

      I am an old-age pensioner since 2008, experience 38 years + 5 years after retirement age. Volgograd, I have a Labor Veteran certificate.

      I was deprived of remuneration for seniority in the amount of 558 rubles: my pension is 18,000 rubles, I am not entitled to any benefits. This is the kind of discrimination we have in Volgograd.

    Explanation of the new pension form Pension points 2018 How many points do you need to retire in 2018? This question worries citizens who will have to retire in a few years. In 2015, the retirement age for women was set at 55 and for men at 60. Retirement points are calculated on the basis of an amount consisting of insurance premiums accrued and paid by the employer for his employee. The higher the salary, the more points. At minimum wage, less than one point is acquired during the year. This means that earning 30 points will not take 15, but 30 years. As of 2018, a score of 13.8 is required to retire. Next year, this figure will grow by another 2.4 points and amount to 16.2 points. The main problems with the lack of accrual of pension points are related to informal employment.

    For the year you will receive 240 thousand rubles, which means that payments to the PFR will amount to 38.4 thousand rubles (16%). For 2016, the maximum taxable amount is 796 thousand rubles, therefore, the size of the maximum amount of deductions will be 127.36 thousand rubles.

    Now you can easily calculate the accumulated points using the formula: 38.4 / 127.36 * 10 = 3 You can accumulate 3 points per year if your monthly earnings are 20 thousand rubles and you allocate all deductions to the formation of an insurance pension. If you divided the deductions, and only 10% of your salary goes to the insurance part, then in order to accumulate the same 3 points you need to earn completely different amounts.
    Let's calculate by the reverse method how much you need to earn per month in order to accumulate the same 3 points, but with smaller deductions.

    How to calculate points pension? pension points

    Today, it is very difficult for employees ending their careers to understand the procedure for calculating future pensions. Now, in addition to seniority and age, it is necessary to accumulate pension points (individual pension coefficients), which are responsible for the formation of pension payments to citizens.

    The composition of pension payments in 2016 The pension payment to residents of the Russian Federation who have reached retirement age consists of:

    • fixed payment
    • funded pension
    • insurance pension

    A fixed salary is the same for all citizens, regardless of their length of service and the amount of earnings. For 2016, the value of the fixed fee was approved - 4558.93 rubles.
    The amount of the insurance part of the pension is determined by the calculation method, for which the sum of all pension points is multiplied by the cost equivalent of one point.

    Retirement Calculator

    Under the new system, the amount of this payment depends on three different factors:

    • the presence of official employment and white wages;
    • work experience of a citizen;
    • the age at which a person retires.

    The insurance payment is calculated not in any absolute terms, but in special points. Before the payment is made, the pension points are calculated, after which they are multiplied by the established value, which is annually approved by the Government.

    It is subject to regular indexation, as it depends on inflation. How much is a pension point worth? For 2018, this figure is 81.49 rubles.


    But in order to receive an insurance pension, each person must earn the optimal number of points. For people who achieve a pension return in 2018, this number is equal to 13.8 points as a minimum.

    How many points do you need for retirement

    What length of service and pension points are needed for a pension and what will happen without them What are pension points Employment in accordance with Russian legislation, like the salary level, guarantees a greater number of points. As part of the pension legislation, the minimum number of pension points is gradually increased to 30, and the minimum insurance period to 15 years.

    This type of experience will grow until 2025 inclusive. The appointment of insurance pensions directly affects the entitlement to an insurance pension.


    The pension right in case of earnings until 2015 will be assigned to a citizen of the Russian Federation. There is an automatic conversion into points and their accounting when assigning social benefits, provided that a citizen reaches retirement age.

    Calculation of the old age pension

    The only negative is that it is accrued 5 years later than the labor pension. For women, such social payment is assigned at the age of 60, and for men at the age of 65.

    Please note that the social payment will be much less than the insurance one. The minimum amount is a little more than 5000 r. An elderly citizen has the right to increase the pension if it is below the subsistence level.
    Government agencies are required to make the Federal Pension Supplement. An insurance pension provides more benefits than a social pension. Before applying for a social pension, you need to assess your capabilities. In some cases, before reaching retirement age for a short period of time, it is possible to get a job in order to earn a retirement pension.

    Retirement points and seniority: calculate if you will not be left without a pension

    PF. Each person can independently increase their pension by adding points, for which it is necessary to choose a highly paid job, and it is also recommended to retire as late as possible. Calculating a pension using points is considered a simple and quick process, easily performed independently or using special calculators on the official website.

    • 09.01.2018

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    Savings in three pension points - how many rubles?

    They invest money in various profitable projects, which makes it possible to significantly increase deposits. Statistics show that more than 20% of Russians are not in the pension insurance system, so they do not receive an official salary.

    In the future, they will be able to rely solely on a small social benefit. How is the pension calculated? Many people think about how to calculate a pension by points.

    To do this, there is a special online calculator on the official website of the Pension Fund, which is actually easy to use. It is represented by a standard questionnaire, in which you need to enter only the necessary information, after which the calculation will be made automatically.

    Numerous data are entered into the form for the calculation. These include work experience, the number of years that a citizen was on maternity leave or served in the army, the average salary for a year of work.

    About pension

    How many points do you need for retirement? To receive this payment in 2018, you need at least 13.8 points, but this number increases every year. It is assumed that by 2025 a person will be able to count on receiving this payment if he has officially worked for at least 15 years, and also scored more than 30 points.

    Having figured out how many points are needed for a pension, each person will strive to achieve this result. Not enough points for retirement? What to do in this case? In such a situation, the pensioner will be able to rely only on social benefits, which have a small amount.

    You can improve the situation by continuing to work, so you should not immediately request a pension upon reaching the pension return.

    The formation of the funded part of the pension occurs solely at the request of the workers themselves. From this we can conclude that the total amount of the future pension depends on the accumulated points.

    The cost for one point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles. The role of individual pension coefficients in the formation of pension payments If everything is more or less clear with the fixed and funded part of the pension, then the calculation of the insurance part raises many questions and requires more detailed study. In order to retire in 2016, you need to score at least 6.6 points.

    The minimum number of IPCs will change annually with a fixed step of 2.4 points. This means that in 2017 it will be 9 points, and by 2025 you will need to have 15 years of work experience and 30 points behind you to retire.
    Therefore, additional points are awarded in the periods:

    • conscription service, with 1.8 points awarded each year;
    • caring for the first baby in the family or for a disabled person of the first group - 1.8 points per year;
    • caring for a second child until they reach 1.5 years old - 3.6 points for one year;
    • caring for subsequent children - 5.4.

    They are counted only in a situation where, before taking a vacation, a person was officially employed. They are not charged for those periods when people study in different educational institutions. Citizens who retire not upon reaching the appropriate age, but later, can also count on additional points. In this case, the pension is recalculated for points, so pensioners receive a higher pension.

    In accordance with the latest innovations, pensions are calculated using new formulas. The legislation established an additional payment to citizens who have worked for 35 years or more.

    modern pension consists of 2 parts:

    • insurance (cost 1 is multiplied by the total number of points earned);
    • cumulative (monthly fixed payment).

    The pension is affected not only by the duration of work, but also by the monthly income level. Increasing payments from the state are due to women who have worked for more than 30 years and men whose work experience has exceeded 35 years (new calculation rules should be used to determine the exact amount).

    Legislative aspect of the issue of accrual and payment of allowances

    The procedure for assigning supplements to pensions is regulated. The federal law, adopted in 2001, refers to social allowances and state increases.

    Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish a fixed material payment or discount in relation to. The most famous regional payment is, which began to operate from the end of 2007.

    The size

    The new calculation system provides for higher benefits for women with 30 years of service and 35 years for men.

    Each additional year worked leads to an increase in bonus pension points in accordance with following scheme:

    • a man who has worked for 35 years and a woman who has devoted 30 years to work are entitled to the accrual of incentive points for each year;
    • 40 and 35 years of experience, respectively, entitles you to an additional 5 points.

    Long-term work allowance

    Many citizens are concerned about the question of whether the pension provision will change if the duration of employment is 40, 45, 50 or more years? Yes, but we must not forget that service in the army and being in the army (maximum duration 4.5 years) are counted in the length of service, but you will have to forget about the period of higher education.

    By the way, if the labor activity lasted over 40 years, then no additional privileges are due.

    The sad thing is that having a long record of service cannot guarantee a large pension, because. amount of state support directly depends on the official "white" salary.

    Particular attention should be paid to the constant desire of the authorities to change the rules of the game.

    The payment of the accrued allowance begins to be made from the month following the one in which the application was submitted. If a pensioner has long had a reason to receive a pension benefit, but he did not apply for it, then you can only count on those payments that are due for 6 months preceding the moment the necessary papers are submitted.

    Currently, the legislation does not provide for any benefits for citizens who have worked for 50 years or more, if not available.

    Registration procedure

    Registration of allowances for long service involves the collection and submission of relevant papers to the Pension Fund branch in accordance with the place of official registration.

    Each subject has the right to regulate the amount of the benefit individually, taking into account the current and.

    To receive a monthly allowance for long-term employment, you must visit the territorial office of the Pension Fund with package of documents the following composition:

    If a person requires that funds be transferred to a bank, then he must provide an additional certificate of personal account.

    The employee of the Pension Fund, who accepted the documents, carefully checks everything within the time period established by law and calculates the new pension provision. If a citizen does not meet the requirements prescribed by law, then a written and meaningful response is drawn up.

    Military pensions

    A military pensioner has the right to receive state benefits related to seniority or disability, as well as partly a pension caused by reaching the age limit.

    Appointed subject to the following conditions:

    • the employer has paid insurance premiums for at least 5 years;
    • the citizen has reached the generally established mark of retirement age.

    The insurance part is due to those pensioners who receive military support and continue to work in a civilian institution.

    The registration procedure involves sending to the branch of the Pension Fund the relevant statement and following documents:

    Work in the Far North

    Paragraphs 4-6 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" provides for the right of persons who have worked for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North and at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North to increase the fixed payment to the corresponding insurance pension (as of March 2018 - 4,982 ruble 90 kopecks per month). In both cases, men require at least 25 years of insurance experience, and women at least 20 years.

    Subject to the specified requirements of the law, work in the regions of the Far North gives the right to increase the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension in an amount equal to 50% of the amount of the established fixed payment. Work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North - to increase the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension in an amount equal to 30% of the amount of the established fixed payment.

    Persons who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equivalent to them, when determining the number of calendar years of work in the regions of the Far North in order to establish an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension each calendar year of work in localities , equated to the regions of the Far North, is considered for 9 months of work in the regions of the Far North.

    Harmful working conditions

    The pension associated with is calculated in the same way as a regular pension. The employer is obliged to make insurance transfers, the amount of which depends on which category of danger the work belongs to. Harmfulness is determined by the certification commission.

    If, as a result of the audit, the profession is recognized as dangerous, the employer is obliged to transfer additional funds for insurance. The amount of such a contribution usually ranges from 20 to 30% of the employee's monthly official income.

    Agricultural workers

    According to paragraph 14 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" to persons who have worked for at least 30 calendar years in agriculture, not performing work and (or) other activities, during which they are subject to mandatory pension insurance in accordance with the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167- The Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” establishes an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and to the disability insurance pension in the amount of 25% of the amount of the established fixed payment to the corresponding insurance pension, (as of March 2018 - 4982 rubles 90 kopecks per month) for the entire period of their residence in rural areas.

    However, the effect of this provision of the law was suspended until January 01, 2020 by Federal Law No. 428-FZ of December 19, 2016.

    Municipal figures

    The local government has the right to establish an additional cash payment to the pension, depending on the length of service.

    Pension provision may change, if:

    • the amount of material allowance of a civil servant has increased;
    • years of service has exceeded the prescribed period.

    Excessive and continuous experience

    An additional payment of 1% for each year of excess service of more than 20 years for women and 25 for men is made when calculating the service coefficient for the total work experience worked out before January 1, 2002.

    Any allowance for continuous work within the same institution has long been abolished.

    For the rules for calculating the length of service, see the following video:

    Many citizens in Russia are interested in the minimum length of service for a pension. It's not enough to reach retirement age. To receive normal payments for the status of a pensioner, you need to work for a certain time in your life. In the Russian Federation, the pension system is constantly changing. Therefore, I want to know exactly how much you need to work out so as not to be left without a pension in old age. What do the rules established in Russia say about this?

    Retirement age

    The thing is that the most important thing for is to reach retirement age. That is, every citizen in a given period of time will have the right to receive payments for his status.

    The minimum length of service for a pension varies from year to year. In Russia, they plan to increase it until 2025. But the retirement age is a more stable component. At the moment, citizens of the Russian Federation can count on pension payments from the age of 55 or from 60 for women and men, respectively. In the near future, it is planned to raise the retirement age to 63 and 65 years.

    Social pension

    Much depends on what kind of pension payment we are talking about. There is It is paid to all citizens who have achieved But not what was given earlier. 55 and 60 years old are the age limits for those who rely on insurance payments. Or for labor.

    What should be the minimum length of service for a social type pension? It may not exist at all. This payment is due only to those who have not reached the established minimum by the specified age. A social type pension is assigned to men at the age of 65, to women - at 60.


    And now it is worth knowing about the length of service. Any activity is taken into account. For example, entrepreneurship. important for retirement. In Russia, there are special periods of work that are not considered work, but are counted when calculating pensions. About them - a little later. First you need to find out how much a citizen must work to receive non-social pension payments.

    The minimum seniority for a pension used to be 5 years. That is how much each citizen had to work in order to receive pension payments for old age or for work. But a lot has changed in the pension system since 2015. And now in the Russian Federation there are other rules for calculating. The so-called points system has appeared. Not only the years worked are taken into account, but also the points awarded for a particular period of work. So how much now do citizens have to work to receive state assistance for the status of a pensioner?


    The question is very difficult. After all, as already mentioned, in Russia the pension system is now undergoing major changes. So, you have to prepare for the fact that it will constantly change. You can find out only information that is relevant for a particular year.

    The minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2016 is 7 years. And at the same time, a citizen must have at least 33. They are important when calculating the amount of pension payments. Each year of work is a certain number of points. You can find out about them in the FIU.

    It is important to keep in mind that only official employment is taken into account. Therefore, it is not taken into account in seniority. Only entrepreneurial activity, as well as periods of official employment that were entered in the work book.

    Future plans

    What is planned next? It has already been said that the system of pension payments is constantly changing in Russia. It is planned to seriously change the minimum length of service required to receive an insurance or labor pension. Until what age?

    The population of Russia should prepare for the fact that 15 years of official work will gradually be required for this purpose. As noted, previously the length of service should have been at least 5 years.

    Accordingly, you will have to think about retirement in advance. And many will only be able to receive a social pension at a certain age. This must be taken into account. The bill has already been passed and entered into force. From now on, the minimum length of service for a pension will be increased annually to the indicated values.

    Non-working periods

    Work is not only official employment. The thing is that citizens have the opportunity to set off non-working periods in their seniority. That is, moments when a person did not work, but performed other functions. But what exactly?

    The minimum length of service for calculating a pension in 2016 is 7 years, in 2015 it was 6. Not only the periods entered in the work book or which are considered business activities will be taken into account, but also:

    • parental leave (1.5 years for 1 child);
    • Military service;
    • public service;
    • caring for the disabled or the elderly;
    • periods of receipt of temporary disability benefits.

    It is not so easy to independently calculate how much the pension will be in this or that case. But the length of service is not difficult to determine. It is enough to collect all the certificates that indicate the previously listed periods. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that entrepreneurial activity is also work. The period of stay as an individual entrepreneur will also be taken into account when calculating pensions. It is recommended to use a special calculator for calculating seniority, as well as pension points to bring ideas to life.

    About the calculator

    What is good about such a service? The thing is that it is very problematic to calculate the length of service, as well as to understand how much you can receive in the form of pension payments. In particular, due to the fact that with the introduction of the points system of pension payments, one has to find out how much 12 months of work "cost" in a given year. To facilitate the implementation of the idea, a calculator for calculating the length of service and future pension was created. You can find it, for example, on the official website of the FIU.

    According to the input data, the period of work of a citizen will be calculated, as well as the amount that a person in retirement will receive monthly. Usually you need to enter:

    • periods of work;
    • vacation;
    • data on non-working periods included in the length of service;
    • time of doing business;
    • wages in certain periods.

    A former teacher, and now a businessman, Marina Solotova is outraged that her 38-year experience in education, and later in a highly paid job in the media and press service, was assessed “at a minimum”, accruing a pension of only 9 thousand rubles.

    I am 55. That is, I will go down in history as the person who was the last in the country to start receiving a pension at the age of 55, - writes Solotova.

    I went to work in 1980. I can't count the number of children who know me by name, but there are definitely more than 10,000 of them. Know as a counselor, methodologist, teacher, school director.

    In February 2000, I left the radio school. The date is important, remember it. Everyone remembers the early 2000s? Everyone remembers how they paid salaries in private companies then? I was 37 years old, it seemed that I would not live to see my retirement and did not think about my salary.

    After that I worked a lot more. On television in Tyumen and Moscow, editor-in-chief of the Dozhd magazine, head of the press service of a large coal holding and director of the media center. All this was already in the second half of the 2000s, and the salary was very rather big and absolutely white.

    In 2011, I registered an LLC, where I work as a director to this day. With all the consequences. In September, my work experience will be 38 years.

    Recently I was told that I would receive the minimum pension. MINIMUM, that is, about 9 thousand rubles. Because when calculating it from wages for people of my year of birth, THE SAME 2000-2001 years are taken into account. The rest was forgiven. At all. Once again, I will receive as much as people who do not work officially at all receive.

    No, I didn't expect to be able to live on my pension. No, I didn't expect it to be tall. But I did not expect such humiliation, shame and trampling of my 38 years. Honestly.

    And now I will allow myself what I have never allowed. (censored)… I hate this government. Starting with the One Who Does Nothing.