Creating mini-gardens with your own hands in pots is a hobby for apartment owners. Garden in a cup What can serve as decoration

Miniature objects have their own charm. They are so tiny, touching, fragile, decorative... Mini-gardens can be an excellent interior decoration, and they are very easy to make. The RMNT website will show and tell you how you can plant plants in wine corks, shells and coffee cups.

Let's start with traffic jams. This is an excellent material for all kinds of crafts, which can become a mini pot for a plant. You will need: wine corks themselves, a screwdriver, a small sharp knife, soil, plants, magnets and hot glue gun..

We make a small hole in the cork with a screwdriver, and then widen it with a knife - approximately to the middle of the cork. We try not to damage our future flower pot, because the cork can crumble. Glue a magnet to the side, approximately in the middle. Now add soil and plant the plant. Cacti and succulents are ideal. That's it. You can attach such an original mini-garden to the refrigerator to surprise your guests. You will have to water the succulents using a pipette, very carefully.

It's even easier to plant succulents in shells. If they are large enough, then you can place two or three plants at once, creating beautiful composition. Experts advise using for such mini-gardens various types pachyphytum, gasteria, stone roses, sedum, sprouts money trees, tree aeonium, other low-growing succulents with small leaves.

Important! You need to be prepared for the fact that the plants in the mini-garden will still grow, despite the small amount of soil. You will have to replant and select new shoots for a miniature composition.

Don't forget to drill a hole in the shell for drainage so that the water does not stagnate. In addition, experts advise placing sphagnum moss soaked in moisture at the bottom, under the soil. Or a piece of an important rag, a coffee filter. Such a mini-garden should be placed in sunny place, flat shells are placed on a pallet, and curved ones can be hung, creating an unusual composition.

A cup and saucer is a finished flower pot. Moreover, it is roomy enough for several plants and decor from small pebbles, twigs, beads, and other miniature objects. We remind you again that you will have to drill a hole in the bottom of the cup for drainage, preferably more than one. And put fine moss on the bottom

Beautiful gardens revive emotions, create a suitable atmosphere and bring serenity and peace to our lives. Thus, why not transfer this state of mind simply to home! Dream garden or impressive garden composition It is possible to simply carry it out in a very small area, for example, in a cup!

Mini-gardens form a real picture on the windowsill; they can also be used to decorate formal tables. Small gardens are perfect as a gift - in exchange for a bouquet of flowers - perfectly complementing the gift of money. The formation of such a kindergarten is a real art that every aspiring person can master.

Materials and aids

To create a mini-kindergarten you will need:

  • succulents, which include cacti and young (Sempervivum), mini roses, miniature palms, star moss (any ground cover plants);
  • tree bark, pebbles, branches and thin twigs, moss;
  • a small bottle with an aerosol spray to moisten the soil;
  • garden scissors and pruning shears, knife;
  • cups of various shapes;
  • soil mixture for succulents and flowering plants, sand or gravel sand;
  • granulate and gravel;
  • garden geotextiles for drainage;
  • rubber gloves;
  • newspaper to cover the work area;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon for pouring soil;
  • brush, tweezers and cotton swabs for cleaning soil from plants and the edges of cups.

Tips for arranging and decorating a mini-kindergarten

You can purchase special cups from florists that have drainage holes. As pots for flowers and cacti, you can use beautiful porcelain cups from old sets that you have not used for a long time. Mugs and muesli bowls are also suitable for arranging a mini-garden. To obtain harmonious proportions when decorating a garden in a circle with a diameter of, for example, 12 cm, you should imagine the volumetric size in the form of a cube of 12x12 cm. A container of smaller dimensions will have a correspondingly smaller capacity. Please take this into account when purchasing an accessory.

Mini accessories

There is no mini-garden without miniatures; they are its heart. A beautiful bowl in which a small plant is planted remains just a beautiful bowl with a plant until you use decorative elements: a bench or a toy watering can. Then the composition takes on a completely different meaning, new dimensions.

To create the perfect illusion, mini accessories should look as realistic as possible. Arches, tables and chairs made of varnished wire create a fabulous atmosphere and look romantic. The rustic atmosphere is highlighted by miniatures made of wood. This is a matter of taste and preference. And the cup landscapes are completed by such small decorative elements as garden tool, birdhouse, book, sun hat or garden inhabitants - squirrels, hedgehogs. But be careful, less is often more, and all elements used must be at the same scale!

Miniature figures and other decorative items can be found in specialized craft and hobby stores, florists, as well as in departments that sell collectible toy railroad and construction models and their accessories.

Accessories made from natural materials

Parks, forests and meadows give us many interesting stories and endless motifs unusual decor, which you can use when decorating a miniature garden. After all best items nature itself gave us decor: branches, elegant inflorescences, berries, openwork leaves, pebbles, moss - this is only a small part of the natural decor that is always at hand.

The bark of trees such as oak, beech, birch, larch or pine is often used by florists to decorative design miniature compositions, for example, as a fence or frame for a flower bed, as well as for creating toy furniture. To prevent the bark from breaking, it should be soaked in water for a couple of hours. After this, it can be easily cut with pruning shears or even ordinary scissors.

Small stones of various shapes also play the role of decorative elements when decorating a garden in a cup.


Many garden centers and supermarkets offer miniature plants in small pots with a diameter of 5 cm. All of them can be used to create a garden in a cup, but remember that this is only a temporary place for the flower. As soon as the plant grows, it will need to be transplanted into a pot. larger size. Pay attention to slow growing plants. Cacti and small succulents naturally grow very slowly and therefore can decorate miniature gardens for many years, but they prefer poor watering, so they do not combine well with other types of plants.

Here are the Top 10 plants that are the right size to grow in cups:
1. Muehlenbeckia complexa

This delicate climbing plant is great for entwining toy arbors, arches and archways. The thinnest shoots can be directed in any direction and shortened if necessary. Over time, Mühlenbeckia in a miniature garden only becomes more beautiful.

2. Helxine soleirolii

With its tiny leaves and short stature, soleirolia seems to be made for miniature gardens. There are types of soleirolia on sale with various shades greens that go well together. The plant is easy to trim and looks impressive when hanging over the edges of the container.

3. Pilea depressa/glaucophylla

This creeper outwardly it is similar to soleirolia, but it has larger fleshy leaves and longer shoots. The plant is completely undemanding in care and lends itself well to any haircut. The leaves of Pilea adpressata have a rich green color, and Pilea sisolis has a beautiful bluish-green hue.

4. Fittonia

Low-growing deciduous fittonias of various colors, being an excellent alternative flowering plants, add color to the potted mini-garden. They are a little demanding when it comes to care. Fittonias love plenty of watering and high humidity air, but do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

5. Selaginella apoda

Selaginella leaves spread along the ground, forming a mossy carpet. Therefore, this plant must be present in the mini-garden. Like Fittonia, selaginella loves high humidity and therefore needs daily spraying.

6. Spathiphyllum wallisii

Miniature spathiphyllum Walis, only 20–25 cm high, with elegant, white flowers, is ideal as an accent in the design of a mini-garden. The plant is easy to care for, tolerates shade well and blooms for a long time.

7. Asparagus (Asparagus "Nanus")

The smallest variety of asparagus with openwork fronds has long been valued in floriculture. The plant feels best in a bright room, but not in direct sunlight.

8. Mini-Phalaenopsis

Miniature forms of phalaenopsis can be used to decorate a mini-garden. However, it should be remembered that it cannot be planted in ordinary land, where its roots will rot very quickly. Orchids need special orchid soil, which can be replaced with pine bark.

9. Chamaedorea elegans

Young specimens of Hamedorea graceata are perfect for simulating a tropical landscape. They grow slowly but require regular watering. Therefore, they should not be combined with succulents.

10. Indoor bonsai

Miniature bonsais fit fantastically into miniature potted gardens.


You can also grow dwarf roses in cups. Unfortunately, at home they do not bloom for long. Of course, initially they produce an amazing effect, but you should expect that after two weeks you will have to replace this plant with another.

For a potted mini-garden miniature cyclamen fits better, however, he does not tolerate it well high temperature air that dominates our homes. Not a problem if the cyclamen in the cup is in a cool room. Otherwise, cyclamens can be replaced with miniature violets.

Gardening in a cup

Without watering, even Crassulas die. The frequency of watering depends on the room temperature, humidity level, and the time of year. Excess and stagnation of moisture leads to rotting of succulents. Therefore, if there are no drainage holes in the container, they must be made. Then fill the container with fine gravel.

This drainage layer should occupy one third or one quarter of the pot, depending on the height of the pot. To prevent mixing of the drainage and soil layers, geotextiles are laid over the drainage layer, the ends of which are wrapped so that they are 1-2 cm below the top edge of the container. Then the substrate is poured and the plants are planted.

Garden decoration

Designing a miniature garden is a creative process that requires attention to details such as structure, scale, color and shape. As well as a full-fledged garden, which contains elements completely different sizes, tall trees and shrubs, a house, low ridges and hedge, a miniature garden in a cup should also consist of tall and low plants and various decorative elements. Yes, more tall plant, imitating a tree, or a gazebo entwined with plants can serve as an accent that harmonizes with other plants and decorative elements various sizes. This gives the garden some intrigue.

Something is wrong... Our eyes are not so easily deceived. Often, a mini-garden does not “work” because furniture and decor items of various sizes were used to decorate it. To avoid misunderstandings, elements used in the garden must be made to the same scale. This doesn't just apply to plants.

50 shades of green... Green rich in a wide variety of shades: bright green, gray-green, camouflage green, asparagus green, emerald green, swamp green, olive, moss green, yellow-green, green tea, forest green, lime color, marble color and so on. When choosing plants, you should pay attention to their harmonious combination so as not to mix too many shades in one composition. This applies, in particular, to flowering and decorative foliage plants.

Examples of garden design in a cup
Children's paradise

First, fill the bowl volume by one third with drainage, cover it with geotextiles, then add substrate for succulents and plant succulent plants. Decorate the borders of the garden with decorative stones, and draw paths with sand. Finally, place a small bicycle on the path and vegetation zone decorate with a butterfly.

It's finally the weekend!

Using glue, attach the floral sponge holder to the bottom of the bowl. Cut a piece of sponge of such a size that at least one third of the total space remains for the flower bed (in the foreground). Then attach the knot to the floral sponge so that it protrudes about 18 cm beyond the bowl. Fill the free space with substrate. Decorate the sponge with moss. Design a flower garden using your favorite plants. Decorate the edges of the bowl with decorative gravel, hang a straw hat on a knot and lean a rake against it.

Florarium: 15 ideas for a mini-garden

Unfortunately, not many people have their own country houses where you can fully enjoy the beauty and aroma garden plants. And here the florarium comes to your aid. In we talked about how this miracle technology is implemented and what is required for this. Today you will learn about 15 great ideas for a miniature garden that will green home interior no worse than plants in a suburban area. So let's get started.

1. A glass with fragrant flowers

Any glass goblets are suitable as a vessel. You can create several of these eco-drinks and put them on a chest of drawers, a windowsill or a shelf in open closet. Don't rush to throw away cracked glasses. Breathe into them new life with this landscaping. Believe me, it will look very beautiful and original.

Do you have any old bottles left? alcoholic drink or delicious syrup? Don't throw them away, they may come in handy, for example, now. A mini-garden in such a vessel is a great idea that requires care and accuracy. If you decide to refresh the bottle with juicy greens, then be patient, because this is a very delicate job.

Of course, placing a chest of drawers with plants in the house will not be easy. However, if you choose small closet and decorate it with an amazing garden - it will turn out original and unusual.

4. Instead of a sugar bowl - a wonderful garden

Refresh your kitchen interior with a wonderful sugar bowl in addition to an amazing garden, or place a florarium in any other room - it will look simply amazing.

An unusual way to decorate the walls of your home with mini gardens in cork. A very simple idea to implement! All you need is wine corks and necessary plants. It will take a minimum of time, and the result will be amazing.

It’s also a fairly simple way to green your home. small gardens. Here you can create a whole composition from the most different plants and additional decorative elements.

Use burnt out light bulbs to create a florarium, and feel how they emit not only light and warmth, but also the pleasant aroma of succulent plants. However, in order to create such a composition, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Try, and you will succeed.

8. Tiny garden in a cup

Is the cup cracked? Don't rush to throw it away! Take this opportunity and create an amazing garden.

With the help of several of these medallions you can decorate the wall above your desktop. Or place it inside the pendant favorite plant and go on a long journey. So you can enjoy beautiful flower and don’t forget about the walls of your home.

Hang the florarium from the ceiling and you will see how your home interior will be transformed. You can create it yourself fairy garden or purchase one already prepared in the store. Either way, you will realize that it was worth it.

Do you have old books lying around and don’t know where to put them? Take advantage of this idea and enjoy the beauty. Life and knowledge are a huge power that you can create on your own. It doesn't take much effort!

Perhaps the most common way to green not only the home interior, but also summer cottage plot. Did you break the pot? Don’t be sad, it is still capable of playing a worthy role in interior landscaping. Imagine, experiment and the result will please you.

Fresh plants and flowers always make a home look beautiful and cozy, and a garden will make it even better. But what if you don't have space for a garden or don't have enough time to take care of it? Don't worry because you can always have a smaller version,

Mini garden can be very cute and look great. And to convince you of this, check out some mini garden ideas that you will definitely enjoy.

For example, you can make a mini-garden in a snail shell. For this you will need small succulents with roots, and large, clean snail houses, and soil.
Place some soil in the sink and add your plants. It's very easy and the mini garden looks great. Try to place this garden near a window, maybe in the kitchen, where they will always be in sight, and water it every week.

Another fun mini garden idea is to use corks. But here you will first have to attach a small magnet to each plug. This way, you can put a mini-garden on the refrigerator, or rather to the refrigerator. But you need to make sure that your garden will have enough natural light and water every week. If the plant becomes sad, you can simply replace it, or exchange the soil for fresh one.

You can use small cups to create a mini garden. You can even use old cups that you would hate to throw away because they are still so charming. Place the soil in a cup and add the plants you have chosen. It's easy and fun, and such a mini-garden will add a fresh, spring mood to your home.

For those who want something more special or unique, a mini garden will great idea. This mini garden is inside a light bulb and the idea is to remove all the extra stuff inside the light bulb and add some soil and small plants.

Mini garden in a pot – original decoration and an exciting hobby for those who need relaxation. Try starting with the simplest composition to see for yourself.

If you like to arrange a summer house, but purchasing suburban area is not yet possible, add miniature gardening to your list of hobbies. Creating a beautiful mini-garden with your own hands in a pot or other suitable container is much easier than setting up a real garden plot, but the pleasure of working on a smaller copy is no less. Caring for miniature flower beds and beds will not require much time and effort, but they will always be waiting for you in a city apartment.

What you need to learn a new hobby

To create your first mini-garden on a windowsill, you need desire, a love of plants and a little imagination. This hobby is suitable for those who like.

This type of breeding potted plants allows you to get the maximum decorative effect with minimal space involved. If you do everything correctly and take into account the characteristics of each specimen, then the maintenance of the composition will be reduced to a minimum.

Suitable for mini gardens various plants, but it is best to choose slow-growing species with small leaves. The ideal succulents are: stone rose, sedum, and diamondback.

Fittonia, sedum and peperomonia look good in potted gardens. Great fit dwarf trees, for example, ficus or myrtle. When planning to install a pot in the bedroom, use only flowers for this room.

To decorate a mini-garden, various items may be required, but the list of required materials can include:

  • container for growing (pot, bowl, bowl, basin, container, box);
  • universal primer;
  • drainage;
  • sand;
  • pebbles or decorative stones(pebbles for aquariums are suitable);
  • wood chips for mulching;
  • plants;
  • toy furniture, houses, mills, natural decor and other decorations.

If the pot does not look very attractive, it outside It is recommended to decorate with mosaics, pieces of glass, small shells or pebbles. Read more about decorating pots.

Basics of indoor farming

First of all, you need to understand that a mini-garden in a pot will require, although simple, regular care. You need to choose plants based on your capabilities and the time you are going to devote to home plantings.

To keep maintenance to a minimum, choose succulents or stone gardens, but if you want to not only admire the result, but also take care of your green friend as often as possible, give preference to plants that require regular watering, weeding, and spraying.

Second important aspect– choosing the style of the future composition. Don't rush to grab ideas from different sources- decide on, for example, it could be country, Provence, Japanese or Chinese garden. Think about the idea - what do you want to see - a miniature of the whole garden or its separate element, For example, alpine slide or a flowerbed.

Mini-gardens that replicate the landscape look most impressive both in real life and in photos. personal plot. In this case, they recreate a country estate with a house, garden, pond, flower beds, small architectural forms, garden paths, animal figures. This is a real mini-world in which you can completely disappear and forget about your problems.

Before you make a mini-garden, think about where it will be located and whether all its sides will be equally visible. If the composition will be visible only from one side, then it is better to think over a small slide; for all-round viewing and viewing from above, it will be suitable flat surface. The choice of container shape also depends on the available space - a comprehensive view allows you to use almost any dish, and for a garden on a windowsill, rectangular and square pots are more suitable.

From words to the garden of your dreams - how to create a garden in a pot

Having decided on the installation location, the shape of the pot, the style of composition and plants, proceed to creating a mini-garden with your own hands.

  1. Place a layer of drainage made of crushed stone, expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the selected container.
  2. Fill the container with soil mixed with sand.
  3. Think about the design. If the landscape includes a house, then start with it - it will be easier to play with the “estate” according to all the rules.
  4. Plant plants according to plan and based on photos of mini-gardens created by other “gardeners”.
  5. From above, decorate the areas with paths, “lawns”, complement the design with small architectural forms, fences, toys made from children’s chocolate eggs.

Try to make as many elements as possible with your own hands. It’s easy to make cute wells from toothpicks, benches from kebab sticks, and a fence from twigs.

To simplify plant care and prevent root entanglement and rotting, we recommend planting elements in separate pots. This rule is ideal for succulents and other specimens that prefer tight spaces. In this case, bury the pots in the ground so that they are not visible.

Miniature is suitable for decoration doll furniture which can be painted. It is not difficult to make a house and various parts from polymer clay or. Suitable for night lighting LED garlands, soft light is easy to achieve using luminous paint. To liven up your house, place an LED candle in it.

Miniature ponds can be filled with real water, but it is important to remember that it quickly deteriorates. To avoid this, use distilled water or make an imitation using a mirror, shiny stones, beads, or foil. Can also be done without water.

Creation of mini-gardens – exciting activity, attracting men and women of all ages. In a miniature landscape, you can repeat a project you saw somewhere or create your own design.

Features of caring for a garden composition

A mini-garden in a pot needs to be watered periodically, pinching the plants and loosening the soil, for which it is recommended to buy a set of small tools. It is possible that some plants will have to be removed if they do not take root and replaced with others. Water in reservoirs must be changed regularly. Otherwise, you should be guided by the requirements of the plants used in the composition. If taken as a basis different cultures, it is important not to harm neighboring specimens during heavy watering and spraying.

Creating mini-gardens on a windowsill is somewhat similar, but they don’t use glass molds, and open containers. Using the same principle, you can create a mini-vegetable garden on a fan using herbs and dwarf vegetables.

We hope that you will enjoy this hobby, but you will not stop at just hiring, because on our website you will find descriptions of dozens more women's hobbies for the soul and good mood.