Ads on demand Ateliers (2). Opening a fabric and accessories franchise store, and how profitable it is for sewing craftsmen

In Soviet times, ateliers were incredibly popular: fashionistas sought out experienced seamstresses, shared patterns and bought fabric, so that they could then sew a beautiful suit or a new summer dress. Now there are a lot of stores for different tastes and wallets, as well as showrooms, online stores and other retailers that seem to be able to completely displace individual tailoring clothes.

However, those who say that no one needs the services of an atelier are often prevaricating - almost every person periodically turns to professionals even with minor difficulties - for example, he runs into an express atelier to replace a zipper or shorten the length of trousers.

And even despite the fact that it really seems that “everything is there” in clothing stores, the buyers themselves often complain that the products are sewn according to foreign patterns, and therefore the model “does not fit” on their forms. On the other hand, there are always many people who want to look special and have exclusive clothes.

What is a sewing studio today? This is a small workshop that provides repair and tailoring services to order. The list of services, as well as the types of clothes that seamstresses undertake in a particular atelier, can be very extensive.

So, for example, not all ateliers can accept outerwear, especially fur coats, for repairs because of the subtleties in working with the material. There is even a separate profession of a furrier, who specializes in the repair of fur products.

Nowadays, it is most common to find the following types sewing studios:

  1. Express studio

Typically, they are located in underground passages, shopping malls or near clothing stores. It specializes exclusively in the repair of clothes, as well as services for the "adjustment" of the product to the figure (shortening, sewing, etc.), attracting customers with a high speed of service.

  1. Clothing repair shop

Very often, these ateliers do not differ at all from express companies - mainly because the speed of providing small repair services for experienced seamstresses is almost the same. Nevertheless, we note that these ateliers specialize in services such as replacing linings, zippers and other types of repair of the finished product, but they no longer rely on the speed of order fulfillment.

  1. Atelier for individual tailoring

These ateliers focus specifically on tailoring clothes to the client’s order “from and to” - from taking measurements up to the control product according to the figure. Then orders from these studios are not so high in comparison with repair shops, but the average check, of course, is many times higher.

  1. Atelier for repair and tailoring

In fact, the categorization of this kind is somewhat arbitrary, because many ateliers, which the workload allows, with the appropriate sewing equipment and craftsmen, try to accept orders of different types.

Please note that in many respects the range of your services will be limited by these two factors. For this reason, sometimes there are specialized ateliers, for example, sewing workshops, in which they take to order tailoring only outerwear or wedding dresses, or a fur studio where a furrier lives and there is a strong enough technique for working with fur.

Where to look for clients for a sewing studio?

As with any other business, start planning your tailor shop by looking at the competition in your area. With sewing workshops, it can become a little more challenging task, because these enterprises, especially those that provide only repair services, are very small and often do not carry out large-scale advertising. But, perhaps, such an analysis of the local market will be a hint regarding the specialization of your company.

So who are your direct customers? Repair services are used by a wide audience of people from 18 to 60 years old, and, moreover, regardless of the season. But ordering tailoring - not all. Often, seamstresses are turned to make clothes for a significant occasion - weddings, graduations at schools and universities, festivals and holidays, because it is then that people want to look especially unique.

Most existing market participants offer the usual services that can be found in any other atelier or even from private craftsmen at home, but few think about another way to earn money - tailoring stage costumes, for example, for figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics or even for cosplayers. These are people, mostly young, who sew costumes of characters from films, books, anime and animated series. These clothes often differ from the standard, but cosplayers are willing to pay for high-quality tailoring and, most importantly, there are more and more cities in Russia where these thematic events are gaining popularity and are held more than once a year - which means that a cosplayer can become your regular client .

In addition, such orders are quite difficult to fulfill, and therefore their cost will be higher than sewing a simple dress.

Atelier Niche Benefits

A private atelier is often opened by seamstresses who worked with orders at home, but decided to expand their business, hire assistants and rent a room. However, you can not be a tailor yourself, and still build successful business- although we note that it is still necessary to study the intricacies of the case.

  • demanded service
  • easy to set up business
  • small investment
  • small state
  • wide audience
  • low current expenses
  • lack of seasonality
  • does not require special documents

Compared to businesses such as a dental office or a car repair shop, the cost of opening a tailor shop seems quite insignificant. However, it is worth mentioning right away: the profit from repair and tailoring, obviously, will also be low. If you expect that the sewing business will bring you more than 100,000 rubles, then you need to look for corporate clients and exclusive orders.

Also a significant "plus" is that under the studio fit small room 20 sq.m., which means that the company's current expenses will be low. Renting an area, for example, in a residential area in the region or even in the city center will cost about 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

With a successful location, promoting services such as clothing repair will not be difficult, and if your seamstresses provide really high-quality services, then subsequently customers will come back to you.

Therefore, outdoor advertising is often enough for an atelier, but take care of the service and interaction with customers: keep track of customers, make SMS mailings, think over promotions. In a world of fast and active life and technology, even for atelier services, such a system of work becomes a necessity.

Atelier Niche Disadvantages

  • relatively small income

Separately, it must be said about the staff of the studio. There are a lot of seamstresses, including those with education, but finding a good and experienced one is often problematic. It is desirable to evaluate the experience of a candidate for a person who understands the business, especially when it comes to tailoring, because sometimes the outward appearance of the product may look good, but you can “figure out” an inexperienced seamstress by the folds in the seams or the inside of the clothes.

It is not necessary to hire a professional generalist who can sew incredibly complex patterns if you do not plan to focus on repair services, but recruit people with a margin of knowledge so that you do not have to refuse lucrative orders because your atelier has this are not able to do.

How to open your own studio: investment calculation

  • Room rental for 2-3 people (about 20 sq.m.) - 20,000-30,000 rubles per month
  • Purchase of equipment (2-3 sewing machines, overlock, cutting chair, steam iron, mannequin, hanger, fitting room) - 100,000 rubles
  • Consumables (accessories, zippers, threads, etc.) - 45,000 rubles
  • Wage employees - 40,000-60,000 rubles per month
  • Outdoor advertising (signboard, plate) - 20,000 rubles
  • Advertising, payroll, taxes, business registration

In total, you will need up to 300,000 rubles of initial investment.

To minimize the risks for initial stage The best way to save money is to buy used equipment and get by with a small sign or pillar. But the premises must be chosen the best, otherwise it will turn out that "the miser pays twice." The promotion of the studio depends on what services you will provide. Outdoor advertising, marketing campaigns and leaflets are sufficient for clothing repair; for individual tailoring, a presence on the Internet is required.

As we said above, the average check will depend on what services the atelier offers. Tailoring can cost from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles, clothing repair - 250-1000 rubles. The cutter and seamstresses receive from 25 to 40% of the order.

Additionally, you can maintain a price list for such services as the urgency of the order, the complexity of the work, assistance in selecting fabric, custom order sewing a swimsuit, for example).

On average, an atelier engaged in both clothing repair and tailoring can earn up to 225,000 rubles a month, with expenses deducted, you can count on profits of up to 100,000 rubles.

Business ideas for creative, versed in fashion trends entrepreneurs go beyond fashion blogs, runway commenting and testing fashion novelties. For those who want to open a serious business that will allow them to develop and realize their own creative potential, interesting business the idea would be to open a tailoring atelier. Considering that this is a small, but production, the possibilities of the entrepreneur are quite wide.

How to choose a profitable offer

First you need to analyze own desires and opportunities. Having at least an elementary education - sewing, a cutter or a special one - a designer, a fashion designer and a lot of ideas, good taste, you can eventually turn your own business from a small atelier into a fashion house. But even those who are poorly versed in the world of fashion, but wish to work hard, will be able to find a job to their liking by opening a tailoring studio that will repair and mend clothes.

Franchise or independent business from scratch?

To cut down on the hassle organizational stage, some entrepreneurs decide to buy a ready-made franchise business or simply organize their own business from scratch for sale. Finding such offers is easy.
The cons of a franchise in this case are not only a regular fee (royalty), but also a limitation of creativity, because network studios, as a rule, are engaged in strictly a certain kind activities, providing a limited range of services.
Sale ready business outside of franchising, it opens up boundless expanses of entrepreneurial imagination: some open tailoring studios wedding dresses, clothing for Muslims, children's fashion salon and much more.

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Costs for opening and promoting a business

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Total costs - less than 200 thousand rubles. The price of one check will range from 300-400 rubles for repairs, up to 1500-3000 rubles for tailoring the finished product. With an average number of visitors - 10 people per day and a six-day working week monthly revenue will be: 1500 (averaged) * 10 * 25 = 375 thousand rubles. From here, net profit will amount to 175 thousand rubles a month, which is not bad at all for a small company.

Tailoring services are becoming increasingly popular today, so the atelier franchise is profitable solution to start your business. Many people prefer to wear unique items that are made to order. Most people have at least one such piece of clothing. In addition, beauty standards are changing today, and there are more “oversized” people, but there are still not many stores that can offer them beautiful clothes. These are just your potential customers. When we open an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes or a shoe shop, we try to choose the most appropriate place to create the maximum flow of customers. Of course, the clothing repair studio franchise is relevant mainly for large cities, where the standard of living and solvency are relatively high. The easiest way to open a tailoring studio is to buy a franchise. In this case, the franchisee should only take measurements, and the franchisor will carry out the tailoring. Therefore, a tailoring studio franchise does not require hiring a large number of craftsmen. The studio store franchise is also beneficial because the equipment is provided by the franchisor. Along with tailoring, it is also beneficial to choose a shoe repair franchise. Of course, the shoe repair and key making franchise is more profitable option than starting such a business from scratch. The key making franchise will become profitable business and in not big city.

The times are not yet forgotten when in every house one could find more than one piece of beautiful fabric, and every fashionista sought to find an experienced seamstress in order to sew an unusually beautiful outfit for herself according to a pattern from Burda. People, at every opportunity, bought beautiful fabrics in textile stores for future suits and dresses. And in the tailoring studio itself there was always a sufficient supply of all kinds of threads and fabrics. And it has never been without customers. And the reason for this was a rather boring and monotonous assortment women's clothing- a product of clothing production - in Soviet stores.

But everything is changing. And modern cities are literally filled with shops for a variety of tastes and wallets, there are plenty of them on the Internet. Their abundance may create the impression that individual tailoring has been completely supplanted.

That's just to say so - it means to prevaricate. Today, it is often necessary to resort to the services of, for example, an express atelier to shorten trousers or replace a zipper.

But what about those on whom things from the store, sewn according to standard patterns, “do not sit”? Or those who, in their desire to look especially, dream of an exclusive model, a special design of clothes?

What is a modern sewing studio?

Usually this is a workshop. small sizes, offering customers services for the repair and tailoring of clothes to order, and the list of their services can be very extensive.

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And by type they can be divided into:

  • express ateliers, whose specialization is exclusively in the repair and “fitting” of clothes according to the figure;
  • clothes repair studios, mainly providing services for replacing linings, zippers, etc., and they differ from the previous ones only in that they do not rely on the urgency of order fulfillment;
  • atelier for tailoring clothes from the customer's fabric (all services - from taking measurements to creating a finished product);
  • atelier for repair and tailoring.

Often in shops famous brands there is also an atelier where any client can fit a newly purchased item according to the figure. Sometimes the owners tend to open a fabric store at the atelier or, for example, a yarn store.

How in demand are ateliers?

Interesting! The statistics show that people of a fairly wide age category - 18-60 years old - apply to the studio for repairs. As for tailoring, the occasion becomes a special occasion: a wedding, graduation, anniversary, that is, an event where people strive to look unique.

Unusual-looking services are also offered today - tailoring of stage costumes. They are in demand in figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics. Cosplayers order costumes of characters from favorite cartoons, fairy tales, books or anime. The clothes, frankly, are non-standard, but these services are well paid. These young people can become regular customers for such masters.

Franchising atelier

In any case, the sewing business, like needlework, remains a profitable direction. entrepreneurial activity. There are plenty of competitors in this business, so investments will be required, and time, and patience.

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Someone will prefer to open their own business by buying a franchise of a fabric and accessories store or cutting and sewing goods, someone will attract a franchise needlework, and for many, a franchise atelier may be the best option.

What will be required of you? Review the franchise catalog and all requirements regarding premises and interiors, personnel, customer service standards, experience in this field, and the benefits of different offers.

Important! Franchising is also the use of a well-known name, which imposes certain obligations.

It is very important that the state has not just a seamstress with education, but at the same time quite experienced and with a stock of knowledge, so that it does not happen to refuse a profitable order just because your atelier does not perform such work. Then clients will come back again and again and recommend your studio to their friends and acquaintances.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and many regions of Russia there are enterprises engaged in tailoring and repairing clothes that have grown to create their own branches and a large number points in the city. It is these networks that offer to open a franchise studio, or even a franchise of a needlework store.

And you will not only work if the atelier franchise is within your power and affordability, but also receive guaranteed assistance and support from your franchisor. This includes training employees, improving their skills, making advertisements, even finding customers by connecting to a call center, from where you will receive orders.

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Before you open your atelier, and even more so if you plan to turn it into a design studio, first evaluate the population in your city and the scale of small business, or rather, the competitive environment.

Typically, a franchise pays off in a year. But if the acquisition is especially successful, then three or four months will be enough for the investment to return and you begin to make a profit.

Franchise offers

  • "Impero".

Atelier-shop for men. It will require investments of more than 700 thousand rubles, 25 sq. meters room, 300 thousand lump sum. Pays for itself in 9 months.

  • Markins.

The network of ateliers, quite successful, offers franchises in several formats:

  1. "Start" - micro-studio, no more than 25 sq. meters, specialization - small and major renovation and tailoring. The first installment is 200 thousand, up to 110 thousand is an investment for opening, the turnover is up to 200 thousand rubles per month, it will pay off in 2-4 months.
  2. "Standard" is a full-fledged atelier with a full cycle, specializing in simple and complex tailoring, repair, work not only with fabric, but also with fur, leather, complex cut. The first installment is 500 thousand, up to a million rubles for opening, a turnover of 0.5-1 million, payback up to six months.
  3. "Profi" is a master franchisee with his own sewing workshop, with the possibility of opening small ateliers in unlimited quantities. The lump-sum contribution is 1.5 million rubles, investments for opening are up to 3 million, the monthly turnover is up to 6 million, it will pay off in 7-9 months.

Italian network of shops for tailoring business suits to order, men's and women's. The first installment is 350,000 rubles. Investments in business - up to 725 thousand. Investments pay off in 3-8 months.

During a crisis, each person behaves completely differently: someone gives up and complains about life, while someone finds new potential in himself and strives to improve the quality of life. If you belong to the second category, then this article is for you.

There is currently a large number of business ideas that can be implemented almost from scratch or with minimal start-up costs. One of them is the opening of an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes. The advantage of such a business is the ability to open it at home and minimum investment. The idea is relevant for mothers on maternity leave, women who love needlework. Consider how to open a tailoring and repair shop, how much money it will take, and how to quickly implement the idea.

Atelier is a chance to earn good money for needlewomen

Room selection

The first step in organizing any business is choosing a location for its location. In this case, there are several options for finding premises for the atelier:

  1. Business at home. If a living space allows you to create at home. Convenient, no need to go anywhere, sit yourself and work. If own territory is in force small size not suitable, you can rent an apartment for a workshop. Still, renting residential real estate will cost less than other options, and very soon the initial costs can pay off.
  2. Commercial property rental is another option, especially if you want to build a large clothing brand and intend to grow on a large scale. But in this case, put up with higher prices. Even basement in major city, in a passing place will cost a lot. average cost premises for a workshop in a relatively large city (with an area of ​​​​100 sq. M.) Will be about 150,000 rubles. You can also rent a smaller room (50 square meters) for 80,000 rubles. It all depends on the scale of your activity.
  3. Purchase of premises- an option for people with experience and investment. The advantage is that you save yourself from having to pay monthly rent. The disadvantage is a large amount of start-up capital.

As you can see, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose - you have to decide on your own, in any case, the main thing is to aim the activity at making a profit.

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Equipment and materials

For a successful start of activities, you will have to purchase some items of equipment, as well as materials. For example, you will need to buy sewing machines and related items for operation, and you will also have to purchase fabrics, threads, needles. The cost of equipment also varies, depending on the novelty.

You can buy used items or opt for new ones. However, everyone decides for himself what to prefer. Mostly people with an average income level turn to the atelier, who want to stand out from the crowd and make clothes to order. In addition, people with a non-standard figure, full and obese, or vice versa, thin people come to use such services. Therefore, it is important to choose the style of the institution that you open, and then decide the rest of the aspects.

You can purchase both new and used equipment

In general, the purchase of slightly used equipment and new quality materials from abroad will cost 200,000 rubles. If you are planning to open a large studio, then get ready for high costs, which can reach up to 500,000 rubles.

Note: if you don't have own experience running a business, it is not worth the risk and invest too much money at the initial stage. It's better to get an order and then buy the material.

Atelier service

If you want to not just sew on your own, but open a whole company, then you will need to hire the following employees:

  1. Manager. He will be engaged in taking orders and advising real and potential clients. One employee for a small establishment will be enough. You can entrust him with the maintenance of cash register equipment and the conduct of cash register operations. On average, the salary of a manager in a big city starts from 30,000 rubles per month.
  2. Seamstresses. Suppose you are going to open a studio for 3 sewing machines. Therefore, for shift work, they will need 6 seamstresses (schedule - 2/2). The salary of one seamstress is 20-30 thousand rubles. The cost of professional services is estimated at a large value.
  3. Cleaning woman. You can clean the premises yourself, or you can use the services of cleaning "on the side". It all depends on the scope of the activity and your personal wishes.

Atelier's clients are middle-income people who want to look fashionable and original.