Start in science

Pretty exact science. Each digit in it is given a special, individual meaning. Now we will analyze the number 9 in numerology. The value of this figure cannot be considered personally. First you need to calculate the date of birth in order to determine how many nines, how they are located. And only after that you can talk about the characteristics of the number.

The algorithm is as follows (at each stage, write down the resulting figure):

  1. First you need to write the date of birth in the format 16101991
  2. Then add in turn all the numbers from the line: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28 .
  3. We got two-digit number, and we need more unambiguous. Therefore, we continue to add: 2+8=10, 1+0= 1
  4. Then, from the initial amount of 28, you need to subtract 2 for those who were born before 2000: 28-2 = 26 . Those born after 2000 do not subtract 2, but add 19.
  5. Then we add two numbers and get the final number: 2 + 6 \u003d 8 (if the number turned out to be two-digit, leave it)
  6. Then, from all the numbers and figures recorded during the calculation, we make a table. The numbers must be entered in it in a certain order:

The calculation is over! In our example, we got two nines (99). You may not have nines at all, or there will be a different number of numbers. We will talk about the meaning of the number 9 depending on these factors below.

The meaning of nine in numerology

Nine is the last digit in the calculation. She completes number series. Similarly, in the characterization of a person's personality, it seems to put an end to it, sums it up and is the final touch.

Each figure in classical numerology is a characteristic of certain personal qualities. The larger the number, the brighter these qualities are manifested. As for the number 9, in numerology it means and is responsible for such features as:

  • flexibility in relation to other people, behavioral resourcefulness;
  • the pliability necessary for the realization of one's own goals;
  • cunning, the ability to find an approach and please a profitable and useful person.

In a word, nine is the ability to behave correctly in specific situation when the result depends on your actions, and it should be beneficial to you. Man with a large number nines - one who clearly sets and understands his goals, behaves correctly, due to which he always finds himself in an advantageous position.

Detailed values

We have already said that the personality characteristic according to the number "9" will depend on the number of nines in your calculation. Normal is 2 nines in the table (as in the example). Other values ​​are deviations from the norm, but they can show what features of your personality need to be adjusted.

One nine

People with one nine lack cunning, flexibility, and pliability. The character of such people is dominated by stubbornness, perseverance (do not confuse with perseverance). Also, they often do not achieve their goals, stop just a few steps away. Slowly react to external changes.

Subject to the influence of others. If someone looks unkindly or speaks unkindly about the planned business, the person may well abandon his plans and take up something else. Therefore, often, even after doing a great job, they abandon their plans, switching to other ideas.

Due to stubbornness, problems in relationships with others are possible. A person with one nine usually has many complaints about friends and loved ones, but rarely expresses dissatisfaction out loud. Therefore, the "guilty" often do not know about their sins. “One-Nine” is the same unbearable person who is able to be offended by who knows what and go sulking for weeks.

Often occur problem situations at work because of the inability to complete the task. Because of this, bonuses and other cash bonuses often go to colleagues and competitors who have tried harder.

Usually lives with emotions, relationships, they are extremely important. More important than material things, career, home improvement.

Three nines or more

The number of nines exceeding the norm is from three or more. This is the opposite extreme. In a person with three to six nines, the typical "nine" qualities are not just developed, but hypertrophied. These people are dodgy, cunning, it is about them that they say "this slippery type." Professional gamblers, actors, adventurers, swindlers, manipulators are in this category.

When communicating with a multi-nine person, it is often difficult to understand when he is serious and when he is joking. When he tells the truth and when he lies. They are talented, able to play any image when it is required for the sake of their interests.

Very fussy, live in a constant hurry. Focused on the result, they dream of getting the maximum result with a minimum of effort. And they get what they want. But often, in pursuit of the fulfillment of large desires, they forget about small ones.

They have been lying since childhood, but parents attribute this to a wild imagination and developed imaginative thinking. They strive to achieve what they want at any cost. True manipulators, they see people through and know how to control them. Observant, resourceful. But in society, they are usually invisible, they do not like to stand out. Rather, they are watching everyone on the sly. They say about such people that they are “on their own mind”.

For another opinion on the meaning of nine in numerology, see the video:

Two nines

This is the ideal and the norm. People with two nines are quite cunning, flexible and compliant. Therefore, they usually have excellent relationships with others. Doesn't occur global problems in relationships. They set goals and achieve them, but do not go over their heads.

Each person has his own path in life, and the number 9 is just a symbol of this path. At the same time, the number is strong enough, and the properties inherent in other numbers are combined in the nine. The number is unique: if you multiply 9 by another prime number, you still get nine.


It is said that in ancient times, a Chinese commander defended the fortress, and his opponents wanted to capture it. Then the general called the astrologer and ordered him to calculate the date for the assault on the fortress. But when the astrologer found out the date of birth of that commander and calculated his number, he advised to retreat, because the number was nine. And this means that such people are very strong, stubborn and will never give up. This is how briefly you can describe the people of this figure.

If we apply the number to astrology, then nine is the symbol of Mars. Thus, a person born under the number 9 is a real fighter, therefore, from his youth, he still begins to experience different problems. These people have their own ideas, and they rush to their defense.

However, purposefulness is also not to be occupied with, they are strong-willed and decisive, the character is very strong, therefore, having set any goal for themselves, they will definitely achieve it.

They want to be the masters of their lives, individualists to the core, and they are also quick-tempered and terribly independent. If there are a lot of numbers 9 in any significant events, then, most likely, a person will acquire a bunch of enemies for himself or will constantly get into conflicts. And all because of the influence of the red planet. Therefore, from 9 -k, the best fighters for independence are obtained, they are very brave and fearless, they can lead the people, they will fight the best in a war.

Pros of number 9

  • Charming;
  • Can charm almost anyone;
  • Besides, they know what empathy is;
  • They know how to understand people, so they are provided with sympathy;
  • Nines can be insanely generous;
  • They are tolerant to the point of impossibility;
  • Show nobility and generosity;
  • romance;
  • merry fellows and optimists;
  • Never let anyone get bored;
  • If you give the Nine a few tasks, then she will cope with them quite well;
  • Sometimes they are workaholics to achieve their goal;
  • They love to work very much, their colleagues respect them;
  • Not only listen to the interlocutor, but also know how to hear;
  • Their intuition is very strong, sometimes the Nine can be taken for a psychic, since intuition never fails.

Nines are born leaders, and if the commander dropped out for some reason (he was wounded in battle, was captured, fell ill, went on a business trip), then Nine is quite capable of picking up a battle banner (or briefcase) and leading all the other comrades.

If some kind of catastrophe arises, and people huddle together, confused, do not know what to do, then most likely it is the Nine who will take the lead, begin to give out instructions to everyone, be able to calm everyone down and engage in some useful business.

If you find yourself on a desert island, but there will be a Nine in your group, then there is nothing to worry about, since the Nine will organize everyone very quickly, and also think over a rescue plan.

Cons of number 9

  • The first drawback of the number 9 is a short temper. For any reason, a person can boil like a kettle and begin to rush with reproaches;
  • Sometimes the actions of people born under the number 9 can be thoughtless, sometimes generally reckless;
  • They are very prone to impulse - at first the Nine will do something, and then she begins to think about whether she is doing the right thing. Hence various unpleasant situations;
  • In addition, Nines are sometimes cruel, selfish and cold;
  • It can be very wasteful or insanely generous, so the Nine is easy to deceive. You should think carefully before giving something to someone;
  • Sometimes the Nine can fly somewhere far away in the clouds and not immediately descend into real world that infuriates the people around;
  • There are too cocky and unbearably rude;

The Nine doesn't have much good principle, which bears the name: "How it came, thus it went." That is, money came, then they left, Nine will not worry much about this.

The magic of the number 9

As you know, in magic important place given to numbers. For example, 3 is a complete triangle, a sacred number for many directions.

Nine is an odd number, symbolizing the triple Triad, it is a purely masculine active number.

Judaism says that angels have 9 titles, and psalms can be performed 9 different ways. In Christianity, Jesus spoke about the nine beatitudes. You can find many conspiracies that mention, for example, 9 trees or water taken from 9 sources.

The Egyptians considered the cat a divine animal, and it was also assumed that she had nine lives. These lives were given to the cat by God Ra in gratitude for the protection. If 3 is multiplied by 3, 9 is manifested, that is, in fact, the multiplication of the sacred number. And if we talk about black magic, then everyone will surely immediately remember Dante Alighieri and the 9 circles of hell.

If in the east the number 7 is considered sacred, then nine is sacred to the Celts. For example, in Ireland there can still be only 9 districts, and in Scotland to light the sacred fire on summer holidays only 9 men were elected.

The talents of a person with the number 9

Nines are endowed with a rich imagination, so they can become excellent artists. In addition, they have the eloquence and talent of the artist. Nine can often be found on the stage or in the movies. If a person arranges public speaking, you can be sure that this is most likely the Nine. Any activity related to art will suit the 9s, they will be successful there.

Great bosses come out of the Nines, who will firmly lead their team. If the nine chooses the career of a preacher, then most likely in this matter she will achieve greater success not only thanks to her oratory, but also due to genuine love and understanding, and will quickly charm all the parishioners.

The best professions for the Nine:

  • Composer;
  • sound engineer;
  • Speaker;
  • Revolutionary;
  • Supervisor;
  • Actor;
  • Preacher;
  • Musician.

What attracts people with the number 9

  • Merciful;
  • Compassion for their neighbor;
  • They attract not only luck, but also money;
  • If a person was unfairly offended, then the Nine will be the first to lend a helping hand;
  • The sensitivity of the 9s is at a level that is very noticeable, in response, those around them give their gratitude to the Nines;
  • Active business Nines can become successful people;
  • As a leader, the 9 is very self-confident and gives this confidence not only to close people, but also to subordinates, thanks to which the enterprise can start working much more efficiently;
  • 9 can also become a magnet for the rest;
  • These people are very grateful, if they are trusted or helped, they will never forget this, they will be honest and devoted to the last;
  • Smart and talented Nines attract a lot of people;

What repels people with the number 9

Nine can be careless with money, and she may not be very indulgent good habits his friends. If the Nine is not approved, then for her it becomes almost the end of the world. Depression in this case will literally crawl out of the Nine in all directions and take on a catastrophic character. If the Nine is scolded very much, then she will never show her talents.

Sometimes, at the most crucial moment, the Nine can spit on everything and somewhere in their dreams build some castles in the air, forgetting about those around them. 9s can be insanely pedantic. Criticism is not accepted, they begin to resent.

It has already been said that the 9-ka attracts a lot of money, but if she has nowhere to put them, then problems can arise. She starts to spend money drastically left and right, eventually starts drinking heavily or gets into some kind of accident. That is, there are many opportunities, but the personality simply did not have enough energy. However, if the Nine still copes with negative influence Mars, then he will become very strong or some famous person.

There is no doubt that numbers play a huge role in the life of any person. AT recent times in our country, the passion for numerology has reached unprecedented heights. Now many young people choose the date of their wedding with interest and knowledge. They meticulously study the name of the unborn child for compliance with certain digital codes. In this article we will talk about the mysterious number "9". No one will argue that this number is all around us, it seems to haunt and does not let us relax. That is why many people are interested in the number "9". Closely studying this question, an unexpected conclusion arises that this symbol can have the most direct impact on the life and fate of a person, and besides, very strange phenomena are associated with it.

Number 9- this is a symbol of the spiritual maturity of a person, the number of the significance of the spirit over matter. This figure is the strongest and most powerful of the 3 components of spiritual numbers in numerology.

There are numbers that personify spirituality - these are nine, eight and seven

Since the number nine is the oldest in the series of spiritual numbers, it contains the best of the number 8 and the number 7. It is clear that by the word "best" we mean the spiritual maturity of a person. From the seven, the number nine borrows the participation of divine conduct in the fate of the individual, and from the eight, the nine gets the voluntary acceptance of the Will of God and complete humility.

In the language of numbers, the number 9 means spiritual wisdom. Although there’s actually nothing to say here, because no " material wisdom"essentially does not exist, therefore any wisdom is in fact spiritual. It is strange, but in our time everything has turned upside down and the bearers of spiritual wisdom turned out to be individuals who are quite far from the universally recognized ideals of purity and holiness.

Furthermore, the number 9 can be translated from numerological language as spiritual intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Now in life you almost never meet nine people, but if you suddenly find one, hold on to him with both hands, because he is a real sage. It is worth emphasizing here that this person will not be a guru, nor a psychic, nor a seer, nor a magician, but a real sage!

Numerology of number 9

Bearing in mind the number 9, it should be understood that in our sublunar world, wisdom is often confused with the occult sciences, clairvoyance or simple sorcery. So how to find such an enlightened person with the help of numbers? This is beyond the power of anyone, in this case, numerology will be powerless.

Nine lives in its own unknown common man laws. This figure is directly related to the spiritual state of a person. It's all difficult to put into words... Well, imagine that for the spiritual world this state is the same as movement, time and volume for the material world.

The spiritual world is hidden deep within spiritual states, just as we live our lives day by day within time and space. In the language of numbers, the entire common component of spiritual states can be denoted by the number 999.

The meaning of the number "9"

To decipher number 9, you should know a few simple concepts. Their main meaning can be expressed in a few sentences. Each person simultaneously lives his life in the spiritual and material world, although he does not notice this parallel. For people with a "black" soul, life in the spiritual world is very difficult, and people who are bright and pure stay in this hypostasis easily and freely.

Of course, this is only a superficial view of things, in fact, everything is much more complicated than " poorly" or " Good". However, we will not go into details, because this topic is not for one article. You just need to understand that for the spiritual world the stage " goodness"is the stage of accepting the wisdom and love that comes from divine beings.

In general, there are no people who are only good or only evil, it’s just that for some, the stage of accepting love and kindness is stronger, while for others it is weak

During the application of the number 9 in life numerology, date numerology etc. do not forget that every causal relationship that happens to a person is rooted in the spiritual world, and the consequences in the material world.

If we translate it from the language of numbers, then it sounds something like this - all the consequences are in the number 6, and all the causes are in the number 9, because the six governs the material world, and the nine governs the spiritual world

What is the relationship between the number 6 and the number 9?

In order to comprehend the meaning of the number nine, it is easier to compare it with the number six. For example, if the six dresses the human soul in everything false, deceptive and unnecessary, then the nine, on the contrary, removes everything insincere and sham, tears off masks and covers.
However, the relationship between the number 9 and the number 6 is very interesting to study in this interesting number 69, or vice versa - in the number 96. The number 96 differs from the number 69 in that in the second number (69) the study of the universe begins, as it were, "from below", that is, from consciousness and the material layers of being. And in the first number (96), the study of the processes of the universe begins by people strictly "from top to bottom" - from the spiritual hypostasis to the physical.

In fact, there are no good or bad numbers.. In no case should you include your subjective understanding of evil and good in spiritual numerology. Be that as it may, such "understanding" is not worth cultivating.

In most ancient cultures (Taoist, Buddhist, Aztec, Moaist, etc.), the number "9" was associated with ideas of divinity.
For example, in Ancient Greece there were nine muses: Polyhymnia (hymns), Urania (astronomy), Terpsichore (dance), Calliope (epic poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Thalia (comedy), Erato (love poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry), Clio (history ).

Even among the people there is a belief that cats have nine lives. perhaps this is why these pets are associated with mystical powers and magic much more often than other animals.

At sea, the worst thing that can happen to a ship is to fall under the ninth wave.

Among composers, there is a sign that after they create the ninth symphony, they may die unexpectedly. This superstition has its own name - "The Curse of the Ninth Symphony". Even in such a well-known work of Dante as "The Divine Comedy" there are exactly 9 circles of hell.

You will be very surprised, but among the ancient Slavs, the week consisted of nine days, and not, as it is now, of seven. They only have 9 months in a year.

The number "9" in terms of mathematics

If we consider the nine from a mathematical point of view, we can understand that this figure is very amazing. For example, if any other number is added to nine, then as a result we will see the number that was added.

9+8=17 (7+1), i.e. 7+1=8

9+2=11 (1+1), i.e. 1+1=2

And if nine is multiplied by another number, then the result will be nine.

9x5=45, i.e. 4+5=9

9x3=27 (2+7), i.e. 2+7=9

There is still a lot left unsaid about this mysterious number, but we will complete this publication. main feature number "9", which is the love of the best and the pursuit of excellence.

Significantly affects the fate of a person. Correctly taking it into account when creating plans for life will help the basic meaning of the number 9 in numerology, knowledge of positive and negative aspects this distinguished mark. 9 is an introverted number, the main power of which is aimed at self-knowledge and the search for truth. This is a sign of inner wisdom, self-improvement and creativity. At the same time, it can be a bright harbinger of success, so a person whose life is closely connected with the 9th is always predisposed to excellence in all its areas.

In a metaphysical sense, 9 is a symbol of the beginning and end life cycle, the close connection of the material and spiritual world. It can simultaneously denote a change not only in the life cycle, but also in the whole era. Its unique magic promises universal forgiveness and at the same time a heightened sense of compassion for others. It is 9 months that pregnancy lasts, as a result of which a new person appears.

It is not for nothing that the colors of the symbol 9 are brown, blue, orange, gray, olive, pale yellow, purple and red.

Number 9 Meaning: Strengths and Weaknesses

9 means unity with the whole world and at the same time inner harmony with oneself. Such a person is artistic, has a high intellectual potential and heightened intuition. He can even be endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, since his number symbolizes the simultaneous presence at the junction of the spiritual and material worlds.

It is this symbol that is responsible for the development of the mind and memory of a person, his intellectual potential. As with any other digital symbol, there are 2 opposite meanings of the magic number 9 in numerology: strong and weak. For harmonious development, it is necessary to take into account both options, organically balancing each other.

So, strengths character 9:

  • generosity;
  • energy;
  • persistence;
  • perfectionism;
  • creativity;
  • natural charm;
  • enthusiasm;
  • love;
  • emotionality;
  • feeling of comfort;
  • a tendency to empathize;
  • luck in business;
  • determination;
  • persistence;
  • discipline;
  • impulsiveness;

People closely associated with this symbol should attach Special attention not only to the strong, but also to the weak value of the number 9 in the numerology of a person's fate. This will allow you to take into account emerging risks in time, and live in harmony not only with your own inner world but also with the people around. Interfering character traits in this case may be:

  • envy;
  • greed;
  • eccentricity;
  • excessive selfishness;
  • jealousy;
  • personal bias;
  • irascibility;
  • excessive ambition;
  • tolerance for bad habits;
  • inconstancy;
  • excessive impulsivity;
  • selfishness and selfishness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • irascibility;
  • reckless courage;
  • touchiness;
  • vindictiveness.

To channel energy such a person in a positive direction, it must be directed to creation. He can achieve great results in such areas as art, education, law, medicine. Such people make great athletes, artists, teachers, managers.

Numerology of the mysterious nine

This is the largest and most perfect of the elementary numbers, which led to its special place of the symbol 9. Multiplied by any other of the series prime numbers, can reproduce itself in the final sum. Numerology nines implies an eternal search for the unknown and the discovery of new horizons. It symbolizes fertility, success in all endeavors, the ability to foresee different variants development of the situation and choose the right path.

The numerology of the mysterious "nine" reflects such qualities as:

  • irresistible craving for the ideal;
  • striving for incorruptibility;
  • creative approach to any work;
  • propensity to self-sacrifice;
  • Thirst for knowledge;
  • philosophical approach to life;
  • compassion for others;
  • excellent imagination;

The idea of ​​a person about truth and knowledge is inextricably linked with the numerology of the nine. true essence of things. Its presence in the fate of a person means practically endless possibilities but it is important to use them correctly. In many respects, it depends on the parents of the child, since it is their efforts that help to form the future personality. People whose birth number has become 9 are really special, because they have great creative potential and the makings of a leader, besides fighters by nature.

Unable to realize their ambitions, such children in many cases quickly withdraw into themselves, become aggressive, envious and intolerant of other people. These character traits can be especially acute in adolescence. Parents of a child should help little man develop such useful qualities in life as:

  • tolerance;
  • tolerance for the shortcomings of other people;
  • spiritual sensitivity;
  • the ability to empathize;
  • emotional restraint;
  • willpower, balance;
  • responsibility for one's actions;
  • the ability to find a compromise;
  • self-critical attitude.

This will help the little "nine" to quickly find friends, and the innate inclinations of a leader will help him become a real "soul of the company." In adulthood, this will help to become the head of a large and friendly family. This will allow them to achieve complete harmony in their personal lives and earn the long-awaited respect of the people around them.

Take the test

You are on the bus. The driver brakes sharply, you fall and find yourself in the arms of unknown guy. How will you do it?

What is the meaning of the number 9 in the fate of a person, what is the magic of this difficult number? Numerology with the help of numbers can reveal all the traits of a person's character, find out his inclinations, predict his future. The number 9 in numerology combines the characteristics of the previous numbers.

Number and character

In magic, religion, astrology, history, you can often find this figure mentioned. Thus, ancient Egyptian manuscripts report that the first Egyptian land 9 people stepped up. Jews believe that there are 9 angels. Christians are aware of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, of which there were also nine.

To perform many rites and rituals, stones, candles, and various objects in the amount of nine are used. Cats received their 9 lives thanks to the sun god Ra.

The fate of a person born on the ninth day is full of changes and difficulties:

  • These people are born under the auspices of Mars, and the fiery planet endows them with activity, strong energy. "Nines" are always full of determination.
  • Their deeds and deeds will be appreciated and will benefit only if they are not committed for the sake of self-interest. The need to do good must arise in the soul of a person, this is what the number 9 in the date of birth means.
  • Actions committed for their own benefit can harm the "nine".
  • Such people rarely experience financial difficulties, as they skillfully manage their finances.

  • Excessive kindness and generosity of the "nines" can make them victims of deception and blackmail.
  • The "Nines" are used to keeping their word and will not break it under any condition.
  • They are reckless, executive, sensibly assess the current situation.
  • They keep their lives under control, are responsible for their actions, when making important decisions rely more on feelings.
  • If by adding the numbers of your date of birth you get 9, this means that you have strong-willed character you're hard to break.
  • The interests of the owner of such a code of fate are often associated with creativity. Many of them become directors, actors, composers.
  • The difficulties encountered by the "nines" on the path of life give them additional strength, they are not able to break these people.
  • The number 9 in numerology means that a person loves long journeys, he is attracted to unknown places. He is able to embark even on a round-the-world trip to feel like a pioneer.
  • 9 in numerology for a person means that the ability to foresee the future is hidden in him. He feels the mood, the state of his interlocutor well.

"Nine" has both positive and negative features.

  • These are benevolent individuals, at the right time they are able to show a sense of compassion, turn their shoulder.
  • "Nines" are distinguished by efficiency and endurance, which helps them achieve recognition, success with superiors and colleagues.
  • They have a sense of tact, they know how to listen to the interlocutor.
  • In the life of a person with the number 9, there are often people who need care and attention. "Nine" does not leave anyone in trouble, does not refuse help.
  • A person with such a code of fate easily joins any company, as he is charming, knows how to make a positive impression.
  • These people are romantics, sometimes even more than necessary. Not every partner will be able to accept this. But if the "nine" is lucky to meet a person on the same "wave", their relationship long years will be bright, full of novelty and desire to surprise each other.
  • The negative quality of the owner of the number 9 is conservatism, which irritates many around.
  • From childhood, parents of "nine" children must set them up to choose the right life path. If there are no correct guidelines, growing up, such people can become victims of addictions.
  • They often go to extremes, they like to play "for the public", this quality is not the best for their career.

In numerology, a person with the number 9 is considered the owner of a happy fate.. He is given a chance to become a creator own life He, and only he, can change her for the better. There are people who are always short of everything, they constantly complain about fate and everyone is waiting for some fabulous gift from her. "Nine" is not one of them. They are accustomed to achieving life's blessings only by their own efforts. And their attitude to life is rewarded with a decent standard of living and the respect of others.

Impact on life

1. In numerology, the value of the number 9 does not give clear indications of the choice of profession. A person who is under the auspices of the nine is better off doing his own thing. It may well grow out of a favorite hobby: baking cakes to order, sewing Stuffed Toys, write poetry, grow flowers, repair cars - it all depends on your imagination and existing skills.

2. In love, such people are lucky, the opposite sex is attracted to the "nines". Representatives of this number do not like loneliness. It is important for such a person to find a partner with whom he will share his affection, care, attention.

3. In numerology, the value of the number 9 indicates that a person will make a reliable family man: faithful, loving, attentive. * "Nines" are able to find real family happiness. Just try not to put impossible demands on your loved one, and then everything will be fine with you.

4. The number 9 on the car number will bring good luck to motorists, with it your path will be easy and safe. A car with such a number in the room rarely breaks down, faithfully serves its owner.

5. A wedding scheduled for the ninth will bring joy and happiness to young people if the marriage is equal. If one of the spouses has already successfully taken place in a career, and the other is just starting a professional path, it is better to choose another day for the wedding. Family life, started on the 9th, will not bring such a couple harmony in relationships and mutual understanding.