Cypress pea filifera aurea nana. Pea-bearing cypress. What is cypress pea

If you dream of decorating your garden or house not only beautiful, but also useful plant, plant pea cypress. You can easily transfer such a tree from the garden to the house, which, you see, is very unusual for outdoor plant. Such resistance to changing the place of cultivation is more characteristic of herbaceous perennials, and if trees, then definitely not ours.

No less exclusive specimen is the pea-bearing cypress. He loves abundant watering, bright sun and does not tolerate dust pollution. Consider this plant in more detail and get acquainted with its whims.

What is pea cypress?

Cypress pea grows in countries where there is a lot of moisture and sun. Namely, in countries such as Japan, China, North America. Cypress is an ornamental, coniferous, evergreen plant. It is usually used in landscape design, for decorating gardens, front gardens, flower beds and so on.

In total, there are 7 species of this plant, and two of them have taken root in our country. It is worth noting that each of the species differs in color, which varies from blue to yellow-green, in the shape of the crown, and also in height.

General characteristics

The crown of a tree is a narrow cone on which are flat branches lying in horizontal plane. This plant propagates with the help of seeds (in natural conditions), cuttings and grafting (in artificial environment). AT vivo it reaches up to 30-70 meters in height, however, in Russia, cypress often freezes, so we can meet it in the form of undersized trees.

In addition to the fact that the pea cypress is afraid of frost, it is impatient for:

Due to the variety of varieties that have high frost resistance, we are able to plant these trees in our flower beds. In Japan, cypress is considered one of the most revered plants. Its small seedlings are placed near temples, dwellings and monasteries. The plant belongs to the genus Cypress. The height of this tree depends on the species and climatic conditions in which it grows.

How to grow pea cypress?

Cypress is a plant that is widely used in landscape design in our country. If you decide to plant it in your suburban area, you must remember that this tree requires special care.

Pea-bearing cypress. Landing and care

Due to the fact that this plant does not like too much light and frost, it is recommended to plant it in places where there is shade on hot days and there are no northern winds in winter. This applies to almost all types of cypress. Exceptions are varieties that have a yellow-green color of the branches. They need to be planted in elevated areas where there is a lot of sun. If you plant a cypress tree with yellow-green branches in the shade, it will simply turn green.

Landing steps:

  • In advance, you need to prepare the soil for laying it in a hole. The ground must contain many useful substances, be easy. The best option will become humus or ready mix, which is designed specifically for coniferous plants.
  • You should dig a small hole. Its depth is determined by the length of the root and the amount of soil prepared in advance.
  • Next, place the seedling in the hole and cover the root with soil so that the root collar is not buried.
  • From above, it is recommended to cover the soil with bark or cod.


Watering cypress should be moderate, as the soil dries out. Water for irrigation should be soft and not very cold (about room temperature).

Advice! You can make water soft by boiling or settling, so it is recommended to prepare it for irrigation in advance.

It is worth noting that in the spring it is necessary to water the pea-bearing cypress more abundantly so that it wakes up after a long winter.


It is recommended to feed the cypress in the autumn, when the tree is preparing for sleep, and in the spring - before awakening. As a fertilizer, you can use humus or any other mixture for coniferous plants. It is worth noting that you only need to feed the tree following the instructions indicated on the package of the drug, since a large number of fertilizer can adversely affect the plant. At best, the branches and root will get burned, at worst, the cypress tree will die.

How and with what it is necessary to cover the pea-bearing cypress?

Some non-hardy plant varieties require careful maintenance. For example, for the winter they need to be additionally insulated so that they simply do not freeze out or “burn out”. There are several ways to cover a plant for the winter:

For insulation, it is recommended to first make a frame for the future cover. As a basis, any branches or sticks are suitable. After the frame is made, you can start covering it with any of the above materials. Monitor the state of such a representative of the flora as pea cypress. Plant care is recommended to be carried out constantly.

Advice! Oilcloth or other PVC-based materials should not be used as insulation, as in spring they will only contribute to the burnout of the plant. Spring rays will fall on the oilcloth, creating a greenhouse effect inside the cover. The moisture from the cypress branches will evaporate while the root will be in the frozen ground. In this way, top part the tree will burn, and the lower (root) will freeze.

Pea-bearing cypress. Diseases

Most often, cypress is sick due to insects. In order to know how to treat the disease, you need to find out who provoked it.

Insects that harm cypress:

  • shield (small droplets orange color on the back side of the leaves);
  • spider mites (small insects orange red, which weave a cobweb on branches and leaves, after which they lay larvae);
  • hermes (when these pests appear on the branches of coniferous plants, white dots appear that somewhat resemble cones).

Advice! For the prevention of shrubs from Hermes, it is recommended to treat the plant 2 times in summer (late June and early August) with Aktara or any other similar remedy.

Disease control

Pea cypress is rarely sick, but if any disease begins to affect a tree, the risk of its death will increase. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to spray the branches and root of the cypress. by special means which can be purchased at hardware stores. One of these drugs is the insecticide "Aktara", which perfectly fights insects, and also protects the plant from diseases. In addition, you can buy this substance even on the market.

If you want to decorate your suburban area or flower bed, plant a pea-bearing cypress. Growing and caring for this plant will delight every gardener.

Pea-bearing cypress. Varieties

There are several varieties of this plant. Below will be presented frost-resistant species, which take root perfectly in Russia.

  • Cypress pea Filifera Aurea is one of the most frost-resistant. Its homeland is North America. There, this variety of cypress grows up to 8-10 meters, while in our country its dimensions do not exceed 3-5 meters. Although yellow cypress resistant to drought, it is recommended to monitor the soil moisture, as the tree grows very slowly.
  • The pea cypress Filifera Nana prefers warm summers and mild winter. For planting this variety suitable place on a site where in the summer there will be enough chill and sun. This plant is native to Japan. The height of the cypress barely reaches 40 cm.
  • Representatives of the Filifera Aurea Nana variety are very warm and moisture-loving, therefore they often die in our latitudes after a long and cold winter. Despite this, gardeners find many ways to grow cypress. For example, insulation is used or a plant is planted horizontally, after which, as it grows, the branches are tilted to the ground.
  • Pea cypress Plumosa Aurea is excellent for cultivation in Russia. It is not very picky and quite resistant to frost. In order to grow a pea-bearing cypress in your area, it is enough to water it and pick it up best option accommodation. The maximum tree height is 10 meters.

How to choose a cypress tree?

If you want to choose a tree that would be perfect for your site, then get a pea-bearing cypress. You can always find a description of this or that type in specialized printed publications. It is recommended to choose a variety of this plant based on its characteristics and the area where you are going to plant it.

So, for almost the entire territory of Russia, the pea-bearing cypress must correspond to the following qualities:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to insect damage.

What is useful cypress?

It is worth noting that a cypress tree on your site will not only decorate the landscape, but also be beneficial. In some countries, the resin and needles of the plant are used as a medicine, a diuretic, and also in the manufacture of aromatic oils. Cypress wood is used as a material for building boats. Don't know what a pea-bearing cypress looks like? The photos of the plant presented in our article fully show its beauty and nobility.

Pea-bearing cypress is a tree that will become not only an ornament suburban area or flower beds, but also a useful medicine. Decorate your yard with this green miracle to the envy of all the neighbors!

Landing: All plants purchased in the Proxima nursery are provided with modern prolonged (long-lasting) fertilizers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing throughout the year. Cypress sapling Filifer Aurea Nana is better to buy in plastic container- so the plant is not subjected to digging with inevitable damage to the root system and after planting it is guaranteed to take root.

Like all conifers, Filifera Aurea Nana cypress prefers acidic soil. Ukrainian gardeners traditionally use garden sulfur, citric acid, phosphoric acid, battery fluid (electrolyte) to acidify the soil. In the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, our clients use diluted liquid from miners' tagankas.

On the poor sandy soils of Polissya, including the Kyiv region, we recommend using rotted settled organic humus obtained from manure or compost. Organics changes the structure of "light" soils and "starts" the natural perpetual motion machine of soil bacteria. Worms themselves migrate from neighbors to you and start a chain reaction. If you learn how to maintain it, you will forget about expensive mineral fertilizers forever.

Care: Needs weed removal, mulching, sanitary pruning.

Top dressing: Near trunk circles we sprinkle 3g per 1kg of an imaginary lump with balanced NPK + Me (with trace elements) in spring - nitrogen, in summer - phosphorus, August - September - potassium. We recommend regular foliar treatments with mineral and organic fertilizers with acidified water adhesive, such as Valagro, Plantafol, Megafol, etc.

Diseases and pests: In hot dry weather coniferous plants may be attacked spider mite, as a result of which the needles begin to turn yellow. The main thing is to determine the pest (diagnose) in order to choose the right plant protection product. Untreated plants may be affected by anthracnose (leaf spot), powdery mildew and aphids. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying with insecticides is carried out (Aktara, Angio, Actellik, Match).

A modern gardener using the Internet can independently identify the enemy and pick up drugs that will help protect the plant. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats up” the plant. An example is the war of Ukrainian gardeners with Colorado beetles, which, like their human "cotton" namesakes - the Kremlin occupiers of the "Colorado", are gluttonous and climb into other people's gardens. The first and second should be destroyed before spreading over large areas.

Ground pests: An untreated plant can damage cutworms. Compared to the voracious larva of the May beetle, other pests on a well-groomed plant are rare. In the last 10 years, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, chamois has become the most dangerous pest garden plants Ukraine. One beetle larva can gnaw in 1 day root system young 10-30 cm seedling, completely destroying it. From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example, Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must fall on the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root neck and not spill to the side . Similar treatments are repeated every 40-50 days of the growing season. We spill it into the soil according to the instructions, Aktara is also effective. Processing along the crown and gravy along the root neck into the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days.


Slow-growing shrub, grows up to 10 years, reaches 0.5 m in height and 0.8 m in width. The crown is flat-spherical.

Shoots hanging, filiform (rather rope-like), long. The needles are scaly, pressed, yellow-golden.

Cypress pea "Filifera Aurea Nana" soil is not picky, although it prefers fertile, moist soils. It grows worse on calcareous and dry soils. Photophilous. Winter-hardy. Do not cut, dry and damaged shoots are removed in the spring.

Cypress pea "Filifera Aurea Nana" used for planting in rock gardens, for complex color compositions. Like all filamentous forms, it looks spectacular against the background of stones and brickwork.

Life Form: Coniferous tree or shrub

Crown: Globular or cushion-shaped, dense.

Growth rate: Slow. The annual growth is 5 cm high and 10 cm wide.

Height 1.5 m, crown diameter 3 m.

Durability: 300 years

Fruits: Cones, round, brown, 0.6 to 1 cm.

Needles: Scaly, golden yellow.


Decorative: Cypress pea "Filifera Aurea Nana" needles look very nice.

Usage: Single plantings, decorative groups.

Growing conditions

to the light: light-loving

to moisture: moisture-loving

to the soil: fertile

to temperature: frost-resistant

Homeland: Germany Landing and care

Landing Features: It is better to plant in partial shade, and forms with yellow needles - only in the sun. Do not plant in lowlands where cold air lingers.

Soil mix: Humus, sod land, peat, sand - 3:2:1:2. mineral fertilizer(5-6 kg of peat compost), mixing it with the ground. Optimal acidity - pH 4.5 - 5.5

Top dressing: In the spring, Kemira (100-150 g) is scattered near the trunk circles, embedded in the soil, watered. In April-May, nitroammophoska (30-40 g) is applied.

Watering: Plants are sensitive to lack of moisture in soil and air. Regular spraying is recommended: once a week. Watering - 1 bucket of water per plant, water twice as often in dry weather. High summer temperatures adversely affect young plants, they are shaded and additionally sprayed and watered more often.

Loosening: After abundant watering, shallow (15-20 cm), combined with weeding.

Mulching: Peat or wood chips with a layer of 5-7 cm. Pruning: In the spring, removal of dry branches is mandatory. It is possible to form a crown. Forming is easy.



Preparing for winter: If there is not enough snow in winter, cover at the roots with dry leaves or peat with a layer of 10 cm.

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