Stress: types and functions. Phonetics: stress. types of accents. the role of stress in the phonetic design of speech

The selection of a group of words, a single word or a syllable in a word is called.

In Russian, the stressed element is pronounced with greater force, more distinctly and with greater duration. Depending on which element is highlighted, a distinction is made between logical and verbal stress.

logical stress word stress
(or just accent)
this is the selection of a word or group of words that are important in terms of meaning in a given phrase.

For example, in A. Akhmatova's poem "Courage" (1942), the lines

We know what's on the scales now
And what is happening now...

Pronounced with logical stress on allied words - pronouns what, which must necessarily be highlighted by the power of the voice, since it is they who determine the content of this entire phrase.

is the emphasis of a syllable in a word.

If the word consists of two or more syllables, then one of them is pronounced with greater force, with greater duration and more distinctly.

The syllable that is pronounced with greater force and duration is called stressed syllable. The vowel of a stressed syllable is called stressed vowel. The remaining syllables (and vowels) in the word - unstressed.

The stress mark "́" is placed above the vowel of the stressed syllable: wall, field.

Russian word stress (compared to other languages) has a number of features.

1. In many languages, the stress is fixed, constant, that is, the stress is assigned to a certain syllable in a word.

    In French the stress always falls on the last syllable, in Polish - on the penultimate syllable, in Czech - on the first syllable.

    In Russian, the stress is free, that is, it can fall on any syllable.

    Wed: kitchen, prettier, pamper.

2. Russian stress is mobile: in related words and when changing the same word, the stress can move to another syllable.

Wed: conspiracy - contract, start - started, orphan - orphans.

3. It is the accent that can:

    to distinguish one word from another;

    Wed: atlas - atlas.

    be an indicator of the grammatical form of the word.

    Wed: hands - hands.

4. Many compound words, in addition to the main stress, can also have a secondary stress.

Highly gifted, evergreen.

5. During historical development the place of stress in a word can change.

For example, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" we read: The music is tired of thundering; and now we say - music.

6. All words of the language, if pronounced separately, have an accent. But in the speech stream, some words, adjoining the previous or subsequent ones in pronunciation, become unstressed.

For example, in the phrase Walk with me on the water pretext co with pronoun me, as well as the suggestion on with a noun water pronounced with one accent. However, in the first case ( with me) the preposition becomes unstressed; in the second case ( by water) the noun becomes unstressed.

7. A large group of words in Russian has several accentological variants. Only some of these options in the literary language are equivalent.

Cottage cheese and cottage cheese, barge and barge, camphor and camphor, combiner and combine harvester, pinch and pinch.

Typically, the options differ in scope.

    So, one of the options in the literary language can be the main one (cf.: unrestrained, girlish, busy), the other is optional, acceptable, but less desirable. (cf.: unrestrained, girlish, busy).

    Other options may be non-literary (colloquial, dialectal).

    For example, in a literary language it is unacceptable (!) to pronounce: busy, document, shop, kilometer, quarter, alcohol, youth. These are colloquial accentological variants. Literary pronunciations: busy, document, shop, kilometer, quarter, alcohol, youth.

    If it is difficult, the stress in words and word forms can be checked using explanatory, spelling and special, orthoepic dictionaries.

Feature and meaning

A huge and special role in Russian phraseology is played by stresses, which indicate not only the changing intonation in what was said, emphasizing the main and secondary, but also completely change the meaning of what was said, as well as written down or printed subsequently - both in a single word and in the whole sentence. .

Basic problems of stress

Types of stress

How stress appears in a speech stream depends to a large extent on the language. In some languages, stressed syllables have a higher or lower tone than unstressed ones - this is the so-called tone, or musical stress. In other languages, they may be pronounced higher or lower than the surrounding syllables (tone deviation), depending on the type of sentence. There is also dynamic (noisy, forceful) stress, qualitative (qualitative) stress (lack of vowel reduction) and quantitative stress (quantitative - increase in sound length, known in musical theory as agogics). An accent can have several of these characteristics at the same time. In addition, stress can be realized in varying degrees on the different words in one sentence; in some cases, the difference between the acoustic signals of stressed and unstressed syllables may be minimal.

Unicode accent mark

Unicode encoding allows you to represent the accent mark in Russian. The accent mark "́" is encoded as U+0301 (code 769 in decimal). It should be taken directly after stressed letter, as a result of which it should be visually depicted above this letter. Unfortunately, in some programs and with some fonts, the correct placement of stress can lead to an erroneous visual shift of the accent to the next letter to the right.

see also



  • Rosenthal D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P.§ 240. Russian verbal stress // Handbook of spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. - M .: CheRo, 1999.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Accent" is in other dictionaries:

    STRESS, stress, cf. 1. Highlighting (a syllable in a word, a word in a sentence) with the power of the voice or an increase in tone. The stress falls on something (such and such a sound, syllable, etc.). Syllable, sound under stress, without stress. expiratory stress. Musical … Dictionary Ushakov

    - (accent), 1) highlighting a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means. Implemented different ways: exhalation force (power, or expiratory, stress in Russian, English, French and other languages); ... ... Modern Encyclopedia


Stress is the selection of one of the syllables of a word that has the greatest power. Literary speech implies compliance with certain rules, including the placement of stress. However, there are no clear instructions in this regard. The stress in it, unlike many other languages, is free or floating. Unlike French, where, according to the rules, it always falls on the last syllable, in can fall on any of them.

To determine which syllable should be stressed, place the back of your hand under and say right word. On which syllable your chin touches your palm, that syllable will be stressed.

However, in Russian there are special words, the correct placement of stress in which always raises questions. There are only 20 such words and they are called exceptions.

Most often, the stress is placed on the word “ringing”. You need to remember that the stress in words with this is always placed on the letter "and". Another tricky word in the Russian language is "contract". This is always put on the last "o". The word "beautiful" can also cause confusion. Here the emphasis will fall on the letter "and". Remembering such words is quite simple: write them out and read aloud as often as possible.

Difficulties in setting stress are also caused by foreign words. In order to place accents in them correctly, you just need to remember that the stress is most often stored on the syllable that was stressed on it. mother tongue.

Refer to the spelling and orthoepic dictionaries more often to clarify the word, the stress in which causes you difficulty.


Beautiful literate speech significantly affects the image of a person. In your native language, you simply have to speak correctly, as mistakes in pronunciation of words significantly reduce the culture of communication.

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stress in Russian it is not fixed, that is, it does not always fall on a particular syllable, as, for example, in Hungarian or Finnish. There are also no specific rules on how to put, so questions of Russian pronunciation often concern not only foreigners, but also native speakers themselves.

Often, people who have heard Russian since childhood believe that they have no problems with the placement of stresses. But is it? Check if you pronounce the words that belong to the category of the most “problematic”: alphabet, pamper, rattling, faith, soothsaying, dispensary, rust, call, Iconography, catalog, kilometer, quarter, compass, misanthropy, nabelo, hugged, percent , centimeter, lighten, dowry, beets, convene, inquire, focus, seal, force. In the words "", "ports", "bows", "boards", as well as in their forms, is always placed on the first syllable. But the words "" can be the way you are used to: it allows a double arrangement of stress. That, where stress may also depend on the context: for example, in "atlas" it falls on the first syllable, if we are talking about a meeting geographical maps, and on the second, if we mean the fabric. Another example: characteristic person and characteristic dance. In some cases, Russian stress obeys certain patterns. For example, the stress is placed on the first syllable, but in the form of units. numbers female usually falls on the ending: oars - oars - oars; stupid - stupid - stupid; started - started. This also applies to past tense verbs of the feminine sg. numbers: took - took, lived - lived, lilo - lila. But there are exceptions: klala, krala, etc. Sometimes (for, under, on, on, from, without) they take the stress on themselves, leaving the following unstressed after them. Examples: on the water, on the arm, on the hundred, under the feet, by the sea, from the nose, until night, hour from hour, etc. But there are few such rules. In most cases, the stress has to be memorized, and if in doubt, it is best to check yourself in dictionaries. Among them there are those who are completely devoted to pronunciation - orthoepic. But if one was not at hand, the stress in words can be checked using any other dictionary, for example, spelling or explanatory. You can also use resources.

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  • Rosenthal D. E. Basic rules of Russian pronunciation
  • stress on the word cheerful

Tip 3: How to properly emphasize the word "wholesale"

The word "wholesale" is one of the so-called "mistakeable" words: its spelling usually does not cause problems, but its pronunciation often includes errors in stress.

"Wholesale" - the right emphasis

AT modern dictionaries of the Russian language, only one variant of the accent in “wholesale” is recognized as normative - on the second syllable. Moreover, this rule is valid for all case forms of this adjective, for all genders and numbers. For example, “engage in bulk purchases”, “difficulties WHOLESALE TRADE", "Wholesale prices".

There are no exceptions, so the first syllable in any case can be considered a spelling mistake. Some dictionaries even specifically emphasize the inadmissibility of such pronunciation.

Why is the stress in the word "wholesale" on the second syllable

The adjective "wholesale" is derived from the noun "wholesale". And for this noun in all forms, the stress falls on the first syllable (for example, "Wholesale"). It is not surprising that in other words with the same root, one would like to put the emphasis on its “usual” place.

However, in Russian, formed from monosyllabic nouns, the stress most often falls on the suffix or ending, and not on the word stem. For example, "choir" - "choir", "fluff" - "Down", "tiger" - "tiger", "bone" - "bone" and so on. And the word "opt" was no exception - in the formation of the adjective "wholesale" the stress also shifted from stem to suffix.

By the way, in old dictionaries you can find a variant of pronouncing the word "wholesale" with an accent on the last syllable, but with a slightly modified ending - "wholesale". For example, this form can be seen in Vasmer's etymological dictionary, published in the middle of the 20th century. Now this form is already outdated and the stress on the ending is not normative. However, it is interesting that the option that can often be heard in speech - "Wholesale" (emphasis on the first syllable) _ was not considered correct at that time either.

Tip 4: How to properly stress the word "expert"

In the word "expert", the stress can cause difficulty: this word belongs to the number of "mistakeable", and it is quite common to hear pronunciation with an accent on both the first and second syllables. How is it right?

What is the stress in the word "expert" and cognate words

All dictionaries of the Russian language are unanimous - in "" it should be placed on the second syllable, on the vowel E - "expert". This is indicated by such popular publications as the Ozhegov or Dahl dictionary, spelling and orthoepic dictionaries.

At the same time, the emphasis on the first syllable is considered a rather gross orthoepic error, and some reference publications (for example, Russian Word Stress) even emphasize the inadmissibility of such pronunciation.

The stress on the second syllable is also preserved in all case forms of this word: expert, expert, expert, and so on.

In the adjective "", as in the word "expert", the stress will fall on the second syllable: "expert commission", "expert opinions" and so on. The emphasis on "e" will also be preserved in complex abbreviated words (for example, "forensic expert"). And in the word "expertise" the emphasis shifts to the third syllable. The main thing to remember is that the vowel "e" in the first syllable in such words will always be unstressed.

How to remember the correct stress "expert"

In order to remember the correct pronunciation of the word "expert", you can use proven mnemonic techniques. So, stresses are well remembered with the help of short couplets - then the rhythm of the verse itself "pushes" to setting the correct stress.

In the word "expert" you can remember the stress with the help of the following couplet:

Sealed by our expert

Conclusion in an envelope.

The artist is waiting at the easel

Expert opinions.

For memorization correct pronunciation You can recall the meaning of the word "expert". It comes from the Latin expertus (experienced), and by definition an expert is always an expert in some field. If - "special". Therefore, you can remember that “expert is special”, which means that it is the second syllable that is the main one here, therefore, in the word “expert”, the emphasis should fall on E.

Advice 5: How to correctly stress the word "Ukrainian"

Many believe that in the word "Ukrainian" the emphasis can be placed on both "A" and "I" - both options are correct. However, this is not the case, according to modern rules of the Russian language, only one option is normative.

"Ukrainian" - the correct emphasis on "I"

In some publications (for example, Zarva's Russian Verbal) it is even specifically noted that the accent variant "Ukrainian" is incorrect. Pronunciation of this with the stress on the second syllable is considered an orthoepic error.

The emphasis on “I” is preserved during declension and change by gender or number: “ Ukrainian borscht”, “Ukrainian territories”, “Ukrainian literature”, “Ukrainian costume”.

"Ukrainian" and "Ukraine" - stress on the third syllable

In the name of the country - Ukraine, as well as in such words as "Ukrainian" or "Ukrainian" stress in accordance with the norms of Russian literary language also put on "I", on the third syllable. This is also the only normative option that is recorded by both orthographic and orthoepic dictionaries.

Emphasis "Ukrainian" - an outdated norm

The opinion that in the adjective “Ukrainian” the stress can (or even should) fall on “A”, although it is erroneous, is still easily explained. The fact is that the rules for pronunciation of words change over time, and in the past in the Russian language the stress in the word "Ukrainian" was placed precisely on the second syllable. And it was logical - after all, the outdated name of Ukraine sounded like "Ukraine", with an accent on "A" in the second syllable.

Then the rules changed. And until the middle of the 20th century, many dictionaries of the Russian language recorded a double norm of stress in the word "Ukrainian" - both on the second and on the third syllable.

And the “Ukrainian” variant with an emphasis on “A” (as well as the pronunciation of “Ukraine”) can be found in Russian poetry - for example, in Osip Mandelstam ( "... the train call, / yes, the Ukrainian language / of their stretched beeps"). And almost everyone is familiar with the first line of Pushkin's famous poem "Poltava": Quiet Ukrainian night» . It is she who is often cited as an argument by people who consider this emphasis to be correct. The classic couldn't be wrong!

Indeed, the classic was not mistaken, and this pronunciation is not poetic liberty and fully complies with the rules of the Russian language of that time. But since then, the Russian language has changed significantly, and in the 21st century, the adjective "Ukrainian" should be stressed on the third syllable.

Tip 6: How to properly stress the word "alphabet"

With the study of the alphabet, acquaintance with reading and writing begins - but, despite this, when pronouncing the word "alphabet" itself, many make mistakes in placing stress. What syllable should it be placed on?

"Alphabet" - emphasis on modern standards

It is no secret that the word "alphabet" is formed from the names of the first two letters - "az" and "beeches" (as "A" and "B" used to be called). The word "alphabet" is formed in exactly the same way, but only the letters of the Greek alphabet were used as components. The first is alpha, the second is beta. In late Greek, the name "beta" began to be pronounced as "vita" - and the "alphabet" (ἀλφάβητοσ) turned out.

In Greek, the stress was the second syllable, the second "A". At one time, the pronunciation was preserved in Russian. However, language norms tend to change, now it is considered unacceptable to pronounce "alphabet" with an accent on the second syllable.

All dictionaries of the Russian language indicate that in the word "alphabet" it is necessary to put on the last syllable - this is the only pronunciation option that corresponds to the norms of Russian literary speech and is correct.

Some reference publications even pay special attention to the fact that the “alphabet” with the accent on the second syllable is a mistake. Such prohibitive notes warning against spelling errors in this word can be seen, for example, in the dictionary "Russian literary pronunciation and stress" or in the "Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian".

When declining the word "alphabet", the stress will remain unchanged - it will always fall on the basis of the word, on the vowel "I".

The obsolete stress "alphabet" can sometimes be found in poetic speech or heard from the stage. In such cases, as a rule, the use of an outdated norm is a stylization - or a way to emphasize the low cultural level of the hero who makes gross spelling mistakes.

Correct stress in the word "alphabet"

In the adjective "alphabetic" the stress falls on the same syllable as in the noun from which it is derived, on the vowel "and": "in alphabetical order», « alphabetical lists”, “alphabetical catalog».

Tip 7: How to properly stress the word "Wednesdays"

The word "environment" is ambiguous. And which syllable should be stressed - “on Wednesdays” or “on Wednesdays” (namely, the dative plural causes the most questions) depends on what was meant: the day of the week, or the environment.

How to emphasize "Wednesday" when it comes to the day of the week

A few decades ago, the only right option, indicated by dictionaries as a literary norm, was unusual for many “on Wednesdays”. However, the rules of the Russian language tend to change over time, and now “on Wednesdays” with an emphasis on “E” is no longer considered a mistake or an option valid only in colloquial speech. Many authoritative reference books published in the last decade indicate both of these options as equal. An example is Lopatin's spelling dictionary, published under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences or Reznichenko, which is included in the official reference publications recommended when using Russian as the state language.

So officially and the emphasis "on Wednesdays" and "on Wednesdays" is considered correct. However, the accent not "E" is not yet "recognized" by all reference publications without exception, and many people, out of habit, consider it a mistake.

Therefore, if you want to literary speech sounded flawless, of the two equal pronunciations so far it is advised to use the old, indisputable academic norm of stress "on Wednesdays". It is this pronunciation (which seems unusual to many and “cutting the ear”) that is recommended to be used by the radio and television announcer:

  • on Wednesdays dance evenings are held for tango lovers,

  • "Violets on Wednesdays"- one of the most famous story of Andre Maurois,

  • I prefer to make trips to the supermarket on Wednesdays, in the middle of the working week.

When declining the word "Wednesday" meaning "day of the week" in creativity and prepositional plural "academic" stress should also fall on the second syllable, on the vowel "A".

What syllable is stressed "on Wednesdays" when it comes to the environment

The word "environment" can mean:

  • the substance that fills the space (aquatic environment, nutrient medium),

  • complex natural conditions ( , natural environment, Environment),

  • social and living conditions of human life (bohemian environment, student environment).

In the third meaning, the word "environment" is used only in singular. And in the first two cases in the case form "on Wednesdays" stress can only fall on "E" in the first syllable - on "environments". It is this option that is the only correct one and is fixed as a norm by all reference publications without exception.

When declining in all forms of the singular, the ending will be stressed, and in the plural - the stem:

  • provided with nutrients environments for the duration of the experiment,

  • environment the habitats of these animals differ significantly,

  • human emotions are largely determined by urban environment,

  • over the petty-bourgeois environment ironized by many Russian writers.

Thus, when placing the emphasis on "on Wednesdays", the emphasis on "E" will not be erroneous in any of the meanings. However, if the day of the week was meant, it is preferable to use the "older" accentological norm with emphasis on the second syllable - "on Wednesdays."

There is a group of words in the Russian language, the placement of stress in which in the singular does not cause any difficulties, but when declining or changing in numbers, a question arises. Among them is the word "faucet". How to correctly emphasize in the plural form - “cranes” or “cranes”?

"Cranes" - which syllable is stressed

When forming the plural of the word "faucet" the stress will fall on the first syllable - "faucets". It is this pronunciation that is given in all dictionaries of the Russian language. And only it is correct, corresponding to the norms of the Russian literary language. The emphasis "faucets" is considered a mistake, and quite rough.

The word "faucet" belongs to the group of nouns of the 2nd declension of the masculine gender with a fixed accent on the stem. This means that when such nouns are declined, regardless of the number and case form, the stress will always remain on the same syllable. For example:

  • construction sites were visible on the horizon taps,

  • from loosely closed cranes dripping water,

  • on the use of firefighters cranes,

  • buy for repair taps, pipes and mixers.

How to remember the correct stress "faucets"

The group of nouns with fixed stress also includes a number of words, the pronunciation of which in plural sometimes causes errors. For example:

  • bow - bows - bows - bows,

  • age - ages - ages - ages,

  • warehouse - warehouses - warehouses - warehouses,

  • cake - cakes - cakes - cakes,

  • loaf - loaves - loaves - loaves.

For the words of this group, you just need to try to remember that the stress in all forms in them will be the same as in nominative case singular.

In order to facilitate the process of remembering the correct form of pronunciation, you can come up with short prompt poems by rhyming "difficult" words with those in which the stresses are not in doubt.

For example, in order to remember the correct stress “cranes”, you can use catamarans, screens, restaurants, membranes, as well as rams, tyrants, monitor lizards, etc. as a rhyme.

For example:

Domestic tyrants do not close the taps.

There are no cranes on the screens of restaurants.

Does the stress in the word "faucet" depend on the meaning

The word "crane" in Russian has several meanings. It could be:

  • shut-off device for liquids or gases,

  • a mechanism for lifting or moving heavy objects,

  • brake control device.

Sometimes you can find statements that, if we are talking about plumbing equipment, then it is correct to pronounce "cranes", and in all other cases - "cranes". This is not so: in accordance with the rules of the Russian language regardless of the meaning of this word, the stress in it should fall on "A".

The stress “tap”, quite common in professional speech, for example, plumbers, goes beyond the literary norm of the language. Some dictionaries record this pronunciation as professional jargon. At the same time, for example, the spelling dictionary of I. Reznichenko contains a special note, equipped with exclamation point about the inappropriateness of the stress options "cranes" and "cranes" in strict literary speech.


Stress or accent (lat.) -- highlighting individual elements in the flow of speech sounds, carried out either by increasing muscle tension and the pressure of the exhaled air stream (expiratory stress, also called power, tonic or dynamic), or by changing the pitch of the voice tone (musical stress, also called melodic stress or tone). In both cases, it is necessary to consider separately the phenomena of stress in a syllable, a word, and a whole sentence. [Internet source, 7]

The languages ​​of the world differ both in the rhythmic schemes allowed in the word, and in the functions performed in them by stress. An example of a language with an exceptional variety of accent (i.e., provided by stress) possibilities is Russian. Since the stress can fall in it on any syllable of the word, it is able to perform a semantic function, opposing pairs of the type: pli - drank, zbmok - zamuk, etc. Russian stress is not only heterogeneous, but also mobile: it can shift when the grammatical form of the word changes (vodb - voodoo, styny ​​-). English has more limited accent possibilities. As in Russian, the stress in it is different, from which follows the possibility of opposing pairs of the type: ўsubject "subject" - subўject "to subdue", ўdesert "desert" - deўsert "to desert"; English stress can also change with suffix word formation: ўsensitive - sensiўtivity. However, inflectional possibilities in English are small, and there is no change in stress during inflection. [Internet source, 7]

The purpose of this work is to study the distribution different types accents among the languages ​​of the world. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to perform a number of tasks:

To study the main types of stresses and their functions, to define a phonetic word.

To study the phenomenon of stress in Russian.

To study the distribution of dynamic, quantitative and tone types of stress.

Consider the distribution of free and connected types of stress in the languages ​​of the world.

The object of study is the emphasis on different languages.

The subject of the study is the types of stress in different languages ​​of the world.


Stress: types and functions

accent word speech accent

Stress or accent (lat.) - the selection of individual elements in the stream of speech sounds, carried out either by increasing muscle tension and the pressure of the exhaled air stream (expiratory stress, also called power, tonic or dynamic), or by changing the pitch of the voice tone (musical, also called melodic or tone). In both cases, it is necessary to consider separately the phenomena of stress in a syllable, a word, and a whole sentence. [Internet source, 6]

I. Stress in a syllable. As shown by observations of the development of languages ​​attested in the monuments ancient writing, in many cases the expiratory stress system replaces more early system musical. For example, in ancient Greek and ancient Indian languages, the stress was melodic, while in modern Greek and modern Indian languages ​​it is expiratory. Hence the assertion repeatedly expressed by a number of scientists about the more archaic nature of musical stress. However, the question of the relationship between musical and expiratory types needs additional research. [Internet source, 6]

II. Word stress. In monosyllabic languages, such as Chinese, syllabic stress naturally coincides with verbal stress; the situation is different in polysyllabic languages. Here it becomes one of the signs of a separate word, either by pointing its very place at the end of the word, or by arranging in a certain sequence (according to tone or strength) all the syllables of the word in relation to the stressed syllable. In the first case, it is customary to talk about languages ​​with permanent place stress, in the second - about languages ​​​​with free or mobile stress. However, the term "free" or "mobile" stress here means only that in these languages ​​it can fall on any syllable of the word; the very place of stress is always obligatory and cannot be changed; moreover, stress often differentiates consonant grammatical forms and pairs of words, cf. “rukim” (R. unit) - “rumki” (I. pl.), “bemga” (R. unit) - “running” (I. pl.). [Internet source, 6]

One consequence of the weakening of unstressed syllables in heavily expiratory stressed languages ​​is a change in the quality and quantity of their vowels—the so-called vowel reduction. It can be observed, for example, in Russian. Here, the vowels of the syllable preceding the pre-stressed syllable and the syllable following the stressed are especially strongly reduced; weaker - vowels more distant from the stressed syllables, and even weaker - vowels of the pre-stressed syllable - cf. e.g. “frying pans”, “turned over”. Vowel reduction is optional, however, in languages ​​with expiratory stress; in many languages ​​it is absent, as in French and Georgian, where the reduction of unstressed syllables is completely unacceptable. [Internet source, 6]

III. Emphasis in a sentence. The distribution of musical and power stresses in the speech as a whole does not depend on the nature of the stresses in the syllable and word; on the contrary, it is precisely the languages ​​with the expiratory type of stress that make the most extensive use of the change in voice tone to convey the semantic shades of an utterance - for the so-called intonation. On the other hand, an increase in stress on one of the words of a sentence (the so-called logical or phrasal stress) often determines the meaning of the entire message; so in the sentence “father gave him a book”, logical stress, falling on each word, gives approximately the following shades to the statement - “father (not a stranger) gave him a book”, “father gave (did not give) him a book”, “father gave him (not to another) a book”, “his father gave him a book (not a toy)”, etc. Sometimes even shifts are possible word stress, related to the semantics of the message; such, for example, are the shifts of stress caused by emphasis, the desire to emphasize the opposition present in the utterance, the newly introduced concept, etc.; cf. for example, stress shifts in such statements as: “fifteen, not sixteen”, “subjective, not objective”, etc. [Internet source, 6]

STRESS, stress, cf. 1. Highlighting (a syllable in a word, a word in a sentence) with the power of the voice or an increase in tone. The stress falls on something (such and such a sound, syllable, etc.). Syllable, sound under stress, without stress. expiratory stress. Musical … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Modern Encyclopedia

- (accent) ..1) highlighting a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means. It is carried out in various ways: by the force of exhalation (power, or expiratory, stress in Russian, English, French, Polish, Hungarian, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

stress- (accent), 1) highlighting a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means. It is carried out in various ways: by the force of exhalation (power, or expiratory, stress in Russian, English, French and other languages); ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Accent, emphasis; baldness, collision, salting, hooting, ikt, pounding, tonema, poking, hooting, poking, poking, spanking, highlighting, grunting, grunting, grunting, badge, kicking, flapping, dumbfounding Dictionary of Russian synonyms. accent... ... Synonym dictionary

stress- Emphasis, emphasis (Accent, Emphasis) A superscript sign indicating the features of the pronunciation of the word, in particular the stressed syllable. In Russian, an acute accent is used as a stress sign [one of the upper accents - “acute” stress] ... Font terminology

- (lat. Ictus = blow, U.). This grammatical term means different shades strength and musical pitch observed in the speech. Depending on whether we consider these shades within a single syllable, or within a whole word, or, finally, ... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

See the language of VV Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

stress- ACCENT. An increase in voice or tone on one syllable compared to other syllables of the same word or a whole phrase. See expiratory at ... Dictionary of literary terms

ACCENT- ACCENT. 1. Isolation of a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means: in Russian, English, French, Polish and a number of other languages ​​- by the force of exhalation; in Lithuanian, Chinese, Japanese and other languages ​​- by changing the height ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)


  • Stress in borrowed words in modern Russian, Superanskaya A.V. This book contains a study on stress in borrowed words, which make up a significant proportion of modern Russian vocabulary. Showing the changes that have taken place since…