Summary of the lesson "writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians." Summary of the lesson on the history of the ancient world "writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians"

Section: Ancient Orient

Chapter 4

Paragraph 12. Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians


    Mysterious letters.

    Egyptian papyri.

    The school trained scribes and priests.

1. Mysterious letters. In ancient Egypt, writing arose earlier than in the rest of the world, more than 5,000 years ago. What do you think, what is it connected with? ( exemplary answers of children: - a lot of knowledge has accumulated, they had to be passed on from generation to generation; to transfer information)

During excavations, archaeologists discovered that the walls of Egyptian temples, tombs and sarcophagi were covered with mysterious signs. Here you can see a cobra snake, an ibis bird, and a pyramid. Such icons of the Egyptians in ancient times were called hieroglyphs- "sacred writings". For a long time, the question of what constitutes an ancient Egyptian letter remained open, and only in early XIX centuries, after much research, the secret of Egyptian writing was revealed by the French scientist Champollion.

In 1799, French soldiers under the command of Napoleon landed in Egypt and near the city of Rosetta found a huge black stone slab with an inscription in 2 languages: Greek and Egyptian. By order of Napoleon, this plate was brought to France, and many tried to unravel these inscriptions, but Champollion managed to do this 23 years after it was found.The French scholar Champollion, who knew Greek, noticed that some hieroglyphs were surrounded by an oval frame. Moreover, as many times as the name of Pharaoh Ptolemy appeared in the Greek inscription. The scientist suggested that this is how the Egyptians singled out royal names. On another stone, also containing the same text in two languages, he found the name of Queen Cleopatra in an oval frame. In the words "Ptolemy" and "Cleopatra" there are common sounds p, t, l - and the hieroglyphs in each frame coincided. So Champollion proved that hieroglyphs are signs of writing that can convey the sounds of speech.In 1828, he led an archaeological expedition to Egypt, where a huge number of texts, images, and monuments were collected. Champollion was recognized as the greatest learned Egyptologist.

Text to the archivist for the message

Champollion Jean-Francois lived in a formidable time filled with formidable events: the Great French revolution, execution of the king, intrigues, conspiracies, executions.
When other children from his street played war and revolution, he sat over books. From morning to night he hung around in his father's bookshop and taught himself to read at the age of 5. At the age of 11, he already knew Greek and Latin. He was interested ancient history. The Bible was the most reliable book on the subject, and he began to study Hebrew in order to read it in the original.
Joseph Fourier - the famous French mathematician met Francois and showed him Egyptian papyri that no one could read. Nearly 2,000 years have passed since we lived last people who spoke ancient Egyptian and owned this script.
- I'll read it! Francois said. And he gave it his whole life and, in the end, kept his promise.
But before undertaking this, he graduated from the Lyceum in Grenoble, then entered the School of Oriental Languages ​​in Paris, attended lectures at the University, and worked with the books of the National Library.
He learned Arabic, Persian, Chaldean, and several other ancient languages. He overcame Chinese writing ... Compiled a dictionary and grammar of the half-forgotten Coptic language, which was spoken by the first Egyptian Christians. In this language, as it turned out, the roots of ancient Egyptian words were preserved ... The accumulated knowledge helped him understand that: in various cases, they could denote both the whole word and its part - a syllable, and even only one sound - a letter ... royal names, as a sign of special respect, were surrounded by an oval frame (shows picture and explains):
In the first frame, the name of the king is “PTOLOMEY”, in the second frame, the name of the queen is “CLEOPATRA” (as Champollion did in comparison with the Greek text).

main reason, why it took so long to decipher it - the lack of vowels in the Egyptian letter. Ancient Egyptian writing was very complex. There were about 750 hieroglyphs.

Hieroglyphs are the ancient symbols of Egyptian writing. The complexity of the ancient Egyptian writing was that some signs meant a single word, others - one or a combination of several consonants.

At first, the ancient Egyptians used simple form pictorial or, as it is called, pictographic writing, similar to those used by all the primitive peoples of the world. The hieroglyphs were simply drawings, each of which was a real physical object. The sun was depicted as a disk, the moon as a crescent, water as a wavy line, a person as a figurine, and so on. (See the drawing of the hieroglyph in the textbook) . Hieroglyphic writing improved. Signs could designate words and even phenomena and concepts, later - sounds.

The Egyptians came up with the following. In the Egyptian language, the word "mouth" sounded like "er", and they became a hieroglyph to denote not only the word "mouth", but also the consonant sound "r". In the same way, the hieroglyph "bread" meant not only the word "bread", but was also used to convey the sound "t", because in Egyptian "bread" is "te", and so on. One icon could also denote several sounds: the hieroglyph "hoe", in Egyptian "mer", could record a combination of two consonants "m" and "r" in a word. Vowel sounds were not transmitted by hieroglyphs. If you and I wrote like this - without vowels, then the icon "house" could mean both the word "house" and any other word where there are only two consonants: "d" and "m". This means that this icon could be understood and read in different ways: “lady”, “let's go”, “eat” or as the name of the boy Dima. How to determine what is meant? The Egyptians came up with a trick. They put a defining icon next to the word, which is not readable, but only tells what it is about. In this way, we would write the word “let's go” using the hieroglyphs “house” and “go”, and Dima would write it differently: with the hieroglyphs “house” and “person”.

At that distant time, it was very difficult to learn such a letter. A literate person who can read and write seemed to the ancient Egyptians a real sage.

2. Egyptian papyri. The material used by the Egyptians for writing is called papyrus. It was made in the following way.

The Egyptians chose reed plants with a long stem, removing the hard shell, and cut the loose core into long strips up to 8 cm wide. The strips were placed on a table moistened with water. In this case, one strip adjoined the other. A second layer of the same stripes was applied on top, but already across the first layer. The masonry was made up of two layers. It was placed under a weight (stone): an adhesive liquid stood out from the plant, firmly fastening all the strips together. The surface of the sheet was covered with a thin layer of flour glue so that the ink would not spread on it. Then the sheet was dried in the sun, smoothed with ivory tools, beaten with a hammer, eliminating all irregularities. The result was a yellowish writing material, similar to paper - it was also called papyrus. Papyrus - brittle material, it cannot be folded, as sheets of paper are folded into modern book. Therefore, sheets of papyrus were glued into long strips, which were folded into tubes - scrolls.

When a leaf of papyrus was written to the end, another one was glued to it. The book got longer and longer. Nowadays, a papyrus scroll more than forty meters long is kept in one museum.

in many In all languages, the words for paper sound similar. For example, in German paper is "papier" (papier), in English - "peype" (paper), in French - "papier" (papier), in Spanish - "papel" (papel). Apparently, this similarity is not accidental: all these words have the same root and come from the same ancient word. What is this word? Papyrus is a material used by the Egyptians for writing.

3. The school prepared scribes and priests. In ancient Egypt, there were schools for the education of boys. With the advent of scientific knowledge and writing, the state needed literate people. Therefore, the pharaohs gave orders to establish more and more schools. The main purpose of the training was: to prepare officials who knew writing and mathematical calculations. Education was paid, and only wealthy Egyptians could afford the education of their children. The term of study was long (from 5 to 17 years). In schools, they mainly taught writing and counting. Due to the high cost of papyrus, only older students wrote on it, the younger ones used clay shards for writing.

Indeed, the children of not all Egyptians went to school. The children of ordinary farmers and artisans rarely became educated people. They learned from their fathers to sow grain, herd cattle, weave or work with stone. The school trained scribes and priests. The parents of the students were usually wealthy and literate.
Schools in ancient Egypt were located at temples, and the priests-servants of the gods were teachers there.
On the tables, at which the students were sitting, there were figurines of the sun god RA. Before starting the training sessions, they expressed their respect to him, because all the Egyptians worshiped the god RA, whether they were children or adults, simple farmers or nobles, the pharaoh or his servants.

In high school, students were entrusted with papyrus. They wrote on it with a sharp reed, dipping it in black paint. Nearby in the pencil case was red paint, which marked the beginning of a new thought. Hence the expression - "red line"

Which way of writing numbers is more convenient: ancient Egyptian or the one that we use? Why is this method more convenient?

Writing big numbers occupied a lot of space in Egypt, there was even number one million , denoted figurine of a man raising his hands in surprise ; the counting system was complex, it was especially difficult to multiply and divide. Despite this, the Egyptians knew all four arithmetic operations, managed to decide challenging tasks. The original units of length are very characteristic of the forms of Egyptian mathematics. These units were: finger, palm, foot and elbow, between which the Egyptian mathematician established certain relationships.

The rules in Egyptian schools were very strict. Students were flogged for laziness and disobedience.

After the students mastered reading and writing and counting, they began to study history, geography, mathematics, astronomy, construction and medicine. After graduation, they took exams. Only those who endured them could continue their education further. But now the pupil could choose, at will, one or two of his favorite subjects, which he would like to make his own. future profession. Most of the young men at the end of school became scribes. It was one of the most respected and well-paid professions in ancient Egypt.

The Egyptians were engaged and astronomy, determining the movement of heavenly bodies.

Watching the sky Egyptian priests they made an accurate calendar and predicted on what day the Nile flood would begin - after all, this was very important. Astronomical knowledge gave the Egyptians the opportunity to establish a special calendar. The Egyptian calendar year was divided into 12 months containing 30 days each, with 5 added by the end of the year. public holidays, which gave a total of 365 days a year. Thus, the Egyptian calendar year lagged behind the tropical year by a quarter of a day. This error for 1460 years became equal to 365 days, that is, one year.

They used water clocks to measure time. In a water clock, water drips from a vessel with a small hole at the bottom: how much water has poured out, so much “time has flown by”.

It was not just the priests who watched the stars - they, as it were, penetrated the secret of the movement themselves heavenly gods. In Egypt, the science of studying the Earth was born - geography . But the information of the ancient Egyptians about the Earth was still very inaccurate. They, for example, imagined it as a rectangle with raised edges - mountains, which was surrounded by an endless ocean.

The ancient Egyptians had great knowledge of medicine. They were able to determine the disease by the pulse and many other signs. To treat diseases, doctors made complex medicines made up of herbs and medicinal substances. In Egypt, they even knew how to perform surgical operations using painkillers.

However, so that ordinary people would not learn the secrets, much knowledge in ancient Egypt was passed down from generation to generation only in a narrow circle of priests.

Questions and answers:

one). The very word "hieroglyph" means - "sacred letter". Why do you think? ( since sacred temples and tombs were painted with them, it means that they were performed by priests).

2). What is the peculiarity of Egyptian writing. Why did a man who could read in Egypt seem like a real sage? (vowels were not indicated when writing, there were signs - determinants; it was difficult to learn such a letter)

3). There were many schools in Egypt. "A boy's ear is on his back, and he listens better when he is beaten," teachers used to say.

Question: Consider why no one said, "The girl's ear is on her back?" (the school of scribes prepared the officials of the pharaoh, so girls were not taught at school, only not many Egyptians were literate).

4). Think about why with the development of the economy in Egypt, there was a need for scientific knowledge? What do you think, what sciences should have been developed in Egypt? (I had to count a lot - collecting taxes, building pyramids and temples, in craft - mathematics)

5). - Whom did the school prepare? (Scribes and priests)
-Where were the schools and who were the teachers in them? (At temples, priests)
-What was taught in schools? (Read and count)
- Where were mathematical knowledge needed? (At construction work, collecting taxes, in the craft)

6) . What types of watches do you know?(Sand, water, solar, mechanical, electronic).

7). In ancient Egypt, nobles who held a high position in the court of the pharaoh often demanded that artists and sculptors depict them with writing instruments. They ordered statues for their tombs depicting them in the pose of a scribe. Why do you think they did it? (Noble nobles and even the sons of the pharaoh were proud of their education . They wanted everyone to know they could write.)

8). Remember what population groups were in ancient Egypt(Pharaoh, nobles, warriors, farmers, artisans, slaves).

    Imagine what's coming pyramid building. What calculations were needed during its construction?(Number of stone slabs, number of slaves, number of years during which the pyramid will be built). Who did these calculations?(The nobles who supervised the work).

    What calculations did the Egyptian commanders make when the army advanced? (Number of warriors, weapons, number of days for military campaigns, supply of food, water)

    What calculations did farmers have to make? (How much grain should be taxed, how much should be left for seeds, for food, for bulls).

Summarize: everyone had to count . What science arose from this knowledge?(Arithmetic is one of the branches of mathematics. All received calculations had to be written down, writing developed.

§ 1 Ancient hieroglyphs

A major contribution of the ancient Egyptians to world culture was the creation of a unique writing system - hieroglyphs. The invention of writing contributed to the most accurate accumulation and transmission of information from one person to another. The creation of writing determined the emergence and development of the sciences.

In the 19th century, when the study began ancient egypt, researchers began to come across mysterious signs, decorating the walls of tombs, temples and sarcophagi. These pictures were a simplified representation of a living being or object. For a long time it was not possible to decipher these symbols, to give them any description.

In 1799, at the height of Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, near the city of Rosetta, an officer French army a stone slab with three mysterious writings was found. Two inscriptions were made in ancient Egyptian, and the third in ancient Greek, well known at that time. This stone, called Rosetta, proved to be an important find for Egyptologists, as it contained the key to understanding hieroglyphic writing. In 1822, the French historian and linguist Jean-Francois Champollion, by comparing the Greek and hieroglyphic texts, managed to unravel the mystery of the hieroglyphs. From that moment began an active study of the history and culture of ancient Egypt.

In total, there were about 6,000 characters in Egyptian writing, of which 700 characters were the most commonly used. Hieroglyphs originated from the pictorial writing of primitive peoples. Gradually, the drawings were simplified and eventually turned into signs. There were no vowel sounds in hieroglyphic writing. In addition, the same symbol could designate several objects, depending on its position in the text.

§ 2 The appearance of papyrus

The Egyptians used to write special material- papyrus. It was made from reeds that grew along the banks of the Nile. The stem was cut into long and narrow strips, which were laid out on flat surface, one next to the other, then another layer of papyrus stems was laid out in the transverse direction. Such a two-layer masonry was pressed from above with a stone and left to dry. The result was a material that could be written on.

For the convenience of storing and transferring papyrus with records, it was rolled up into a tube - a scroll.

It was very difficult to learn the ancient Egyptian script, so literate people were treated with special respect.

§ 3 Education at school

Created to teach writing special schools. These schools were attended only by children of noble parents. Literacy was not available to the children of ordinary farmers and pastoralists; their main task was to learn from their parents to sow grain and raise livestock.

Schools, as a rule, were opened at temples. Priests were teachers in such schools. Graduates became scribes, officials and priests.

Students were taught to count, they solved problems in arithmetic and geometry. Many symbols and signs invented in ancient Egypt are still used in mathematics. Among the sciences taught in Egyptian schools was astronomy, thanks to which the priests compiled accurate calendars and predicted the days of the beginning and end of the Nile floods. The Egyptians used sun and water clocks to accurately measure time. It was from Egypt that the expression “how much water has flowed under the bridge” came to us.

Another science that developed in Egypt was medicine. Ancient doctors knew how to treat both bodies and souls. They believed that diseases were instilled into a person by evil spirits and various decoctions, as well as magic spells sought to expel them from the body of the patient. It should be noted that many treatments are still recognized as effective.

List of used literature:

  1. Mircea Eliade. History of faith and religious ideas. Volume I: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries, Translation by N.N. Kulakova, V.R. Rokityansky and Yu.N. Stefanov, M .: Criterion, 2002
  2. Ancient world history. The Ancient East. Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, Western Asia. - Mn.: Harvest, M.: AST, 2000. - 832 p.
  3. Keram K. "Gods, Tombs and Scholars". Roman archeology

Used images:

A modern lesson is a lesson when students should be able to acquire and assimilate new knowledge, perceive and explore new facts, information and draw appropriate conclusions. In other words, the high efficiency of the training session is achieved when the mental activity and creative activity of the student and teacher merge together.
Effective learning is not just memorization, but active intellectual activity of the student. Modeling a lesson using new information in a new learning situation causes a certain interest among students in the lesson. This helps to activate both the intellectual and creative activity of the student.
Grade 5 students are children who have not yet departed from the game forms of conducting a lesson and are not yet ready for new forms of learning that are used by middle-level teachers. They are still at a transitional stage of learning, therefore, along with the previous forms of work, it is necessary to introduce and use new ones, increasing their intellectual potential. And although conducting such a lesson is associated with immersion in a historical situation, it is still a game form in which children actively participate and that's all.

Subject. Writing and scientific knowledge in ancient Egypt.


  • To acquaint students with writing and scientific knowledge in ancient Egypt, how to obtain them and pass them on to the next generations.
  • To continue the formation of students' skills in selecting the necessary educational material to acquire knowledge on the topic.
  • To instill in students respect for people who have contributed to the civilized development of mankind.

Lesson equipment. Handouts in envelopes, new words, props (figurines of the sun god RA, conditional headwear for Egyptian teachers), map "Ancient East", assessment sheet for group work.

Conduct form. Lesson-situation: "One day at the school of Ancient Egypt." In the class, choose 3 "teachers-priests" and one archivist who prepares the message for conducting conditional classes. Divide the class into 3 groups, which will represent the Egyptian students, appoint group organizers from among the well-performing students. (it is desirable to distribute the material for the "teachers-priests" and the archivist in advance so that there are no unforeseen hitches during the lesson, which can take time)

Conditions for the lesson: during the break, with the help of class attendants, create the necessary environment - arrange tables for the work of groups, place figurines of the god RA on them, lay out the evaluation sheets of the following sample:

determine the place where the "ancient teachers" in conditional Arabic costumes will be located.


Introductory speech of the teacher: to work in the lesson, you need to keep brief notes in notebooks of new information, words, concepts necessary to complete assignments.

Interview of a teacher with students on the topic "Ancient Egypt"

1. Tell the children what do we know about the history of Ancient Egypt?

Suggested answer:

1. Its location.
2. The population and its occupations.
3. Management in the state.
4. Military campaigns.
5. Pyramids and other structures.

2. Tell the children, how did you manage to find out about this, because all these events took place a very long time ago?

What was the source of our knowledge about the life of the ancient Egyptians?
Suggested answer: 1. From written sources. 2. From items found during excavations.
Let's look at the drawings from the nobleman's palace, which are accompanied by inscriptions. Can you read them to learn something about life in Ancient Egypt. (Shows a drawing on the board and similar children examine in the field, handed out to them in an envelope).

Yes, it is impossible to read it, because we do not know what these inscriptions mean.
Therefore, I offer you a message about a person who managed to read Egyptian writing, who gave the world the opportunity to reveal the history of Ancient Egypt - this is a French scientist Jean Francois Champollion. (The student, acting as an archivist, makes a message, placing on the board both the portrait of the scientist and the Egyptian hieroglyphs that he unraveled).

Text to the archivist for the message

Champollion Jean-Francois lived in a formidable time filled with formidable events: the Great French Revolution, the execution of the king, intrigues, conspiracies, executions.
When other children from his street played war and revolution, he sat over books. From morning to night he hung around in his father's bookshop and taught himself to read at the age of 5. At the age of 11, he already knew Greek and Latin. He was interested in ancient history. The Bible was the most reliable book on the subject, and he began to study Hebrew in order to read it in the original.
Joseph Fourier - the famous French mathematician met Francois and showed him Egyptian papyri that no one could read. Almost 2,000 years have passed since the last people who spoke Ancient Egyptian and owned this script died out.
- I'll read it! Francois said. And he gave it his whole life and, in the end, kept his promise.
But before undertaking this, he graduated from the Lyceum in Grenoble, then entered the School of Oriental Languages ​​in Paris, attended lectures at the University, and worked with the books of the National Library.
He learned Arabic, Persian, Chaldean, and several other ancient languages... Overcame Chinese writing... Compiled a dictionary and grammar of the half-forgotten Coptic language spoken by the first Egyptian Christians. In this language, as it turned out, the roots of ancient Egyptian words were preserved ... The accumulated knowledge helped him understand that: in various cases, they could denote both the whole word and its part - a syllable, and even only one sound - a letter ... royal names, as a sign of special respect, were surrounded by an oval frame (shows picture and explains):
In the first frame, the name of the king is “PTOLOMEY”, in the second, the name of the queen is “CLEOPATRA” (as Champollion did in comparison with the Greek text)

After the message, the teacher introduces students to a historical situation: "One day in an ancient Egyptian school."

The students are divided into 3 groups representing Egyptian students. They have figurines imitating the god RA on their tables.

Question 1. Do you think the children of all Egyptians could learn? Why?

The teacher, after listening to the answers of the students, explains: Indeed, the children of not all Egyptians went to school. The children of ordinary farmers and artisans rarely became educated people. They learned from their fathers to sow grain, herd cattle, weave or work with stone. The school trained scribes and priests. Often the schools themselves were located at temples, and priests were teachers in them. The parents of the students were usually wealthy and literate.
Imagine that you are in an ancient Egyptian school. In the distance sit the priests-teachers who will teach you lessons. Why priests? You may be surprised. Yes, because the schools in ancient Egypt were at the temples, and the teachers there were the priests-servants of the gods.
On the tables you are sitting at, there are figurines of the sun god RA. Before we begin our training sessions, let's pay our respects to him, because all the Egyptians worshiped him, whether they were children or adults, simple farmers or nobles, the pharaoh or his servants. (at the direction of the teacher, the students perform a conditional ritual, after which they proceed to the lesson in the ancient Egyptian school).

Lesson 1 - the writing lesson is conducted by a pre-assigned student

Materials for the teacher of writing.

Already in 4-3 millennia BC. we Egyptians had more knowledge than we could keep in memory and orally transmit it to others. Therefore, there was a need for writing. At first we just drew what we wanted to say (the teacher shows and explains the signs attached to the board).

Then signs began to designate not only whole words, but also one or more consonants. Vowel sounds were missed when writing. Signs-drawings called hieroglyphs "HIEROGLYPHS"). (Students write down a new word with its explanation in a notebook.) There are about 750 hieroglyphs in our writing. They were carved, as a rule, on stone and wood, but the main material for writing is papyrus. But first, in order to learn how to write, you will write on shards of broken dishes. Therefore, bring shards with you. You probably have them at home. And ask your parents not to throw them away.
When you have mastered writing well, you will write on papyrus with a sharp reed, dipping it in black paint. But you also need to have red paint, which you will use to start a new paragraph or display the name of the pharaoh. And now I ask you to complete task number 1, in which you show your knowledge of what you learned from me. Run time 3 minutes, then hand over to me for verification.

(Students in groups perform task number 1)

Task number 1

1. When did the Egyptians need writing?______________________________
2. How did the Egyptians call the signs-drawings? ______________________________________________
3. How many were there? ___________________________
4. What was the name of the main writing material? ___________________________________________
5. What did the disciples originally write on? ______________________________________________
6. Why did you need red paint when writing? _______________________________________
7. Write in hieroglyphs "the warrior wept at the well."

To complete the task, a table with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs is used, which each group should have.

After completion, the “Writing Teacher” collects the work and checks it according to the model prepared by the teacher.

Lesson 2, mathematics is conducted by a pre-assigned student

Material for the teacher of mathematics

Students remember that in order to know how much grain is harvested, how you, your family and your livestock will be provided for, how much grain is needed for sowing, you need to be able to count and calculate. Remember, these signs will help you in your calculations. (Attach a table with signs on the board, show the signs on the table and explain them).

Do you know how to represent a million? You need to draw a person who raised his hands up in surprise in front of such a large number.
You should also know that when building dams, when the Nile floods, when building pyramids for our pharaoh and buildings for the state, it will be necessary to calculate the number of workers in order to complete the construction on time, and the amount of materials needed for construction.
All calculations that you will perform are called ARITHMETIC (attaches the ARITHMETIC tablet). (Students write in a notebook a new word with its explanation).
You, future scribes and priests, should know that for digging channels, dividing a field into sections, building buildings, you need to measure lines, areas and volumes. To do this, you must know GEOMETRY (attaches the GEOMETRY sign). (Students write in a notebook new
word with explanation).

The writing teacher reports the results of the completed task in groups.

Mathematic teacher:"Ah, now everyone must complete task number 2. Time to complete 3 minutes."

Task number 2

(decision to carry out in Egyptian signs)

Slaves and peasants collected 400 sacks of barley from the fields belonging to the temple. 20 bags should be left for food for the priests, 80 bags for feed for the bulls, 40 bags for soup for the slaves, 20 bags for seeds for sowing. Will the harvested grain be enough to live on? Will the temple be able to generate income?

After completion, the “Mathematics Teacher” collects the work and checks it according to the model prepared by the teacher.

Lesson 3, astronomy. Conducted by a designated student

Material for the teacher of astronomy

Students, remember, the science that I will tell you about is called astronomy. (attaches a sign to the board) ASTRONOMY). (Students write this word in a notebook) It originated from observations of the behavior of the Nile and the position of the stars in the sky. Why should we constantly watch the sky? (addresses the students, if they cannot answer, he answers himself). We must know that before the flood of our feeder, the Nile, the stars occupy a certain position, and that by this time the farmers can prepare channels and dams. And knowing the position of the stars in the sky at night, you can navigate the terrain when you go with a trade caravan or, as a military leader, lead your army on an aggressive campaign to replenish the wealth of our clear-divine pharaoh. For this you can use the map starry sky compiled by our astrologer priests.
Now let's take a look at the calendar. Remember: A year is the time from the flood of the Nile to its next flood and it is 365 days and is divided into 12 months, each month has 30 days, and at the end of each year 5 additional days are added, which are celebrated as the birthdays of our main gods. Remember, the day is divided into 12 hours, the night too. And so that you cannot make a mistake in time, there is a sun and water clock.

The math teacher reports the results of the checked work.

Astronomy teacher: “All students begin to complete task 3. Runtime 3 min.

Task number 3.

1. How many days are there in a year? ___________________________
2. How many months in a year? _____________________________
3. How many days are there in a month? __________________________
4. What devices were invented to measure time? ______________________________________
5. What was taken to measure time in Ancient Egypt? ___________________________________
6. What is this knowledge for? ___________________________________________________________
7. What science gave all this knowledge? _________________________________________________

After completion, the “Astronomy Teacher” collects the work and checks it according to the model prepared by the teacher.

Lesson 4

Acquaintance with the rules in the ancient Egyptian school is carried out by the history teacher himself.

The astronomy teacher reports the results of the assignment.

Task number 4

1. Do you agree with the rules for students in the schools of Ancient Egypt and why?_______________


2. Name the most important sciences taught to future priests and scribes._____________________

The task is checked by the history teacher himself. Summarizes the activities of students in the lesson, looks through the evaluation sheets that the group organizer filled out. Announces grades.

Homework: Review the study material on Ancient Egypt. Chapter 4

1. Checking knowledge on the topics covered:

A) warm-up "I know that in ancient Egypt..."(students take turns pronouncing one sentence at a time, finishing the indicated phrase, it is impossible to repeat. Teacher pushes a bookmark and begins: "I know that Ancient Egypt is located along the banks of the Nile."

B) work with the map - on the interactive whiteboard map "Ancient Egypt"and the students take turns going to the board and opening the assignment on the board (click on the yellow boxes) and perform tasks with a map:

Where is the country of Egypt located?

What is "delta"?

Why are the lands along the Nile colored on the map? in green? What is shown on the map yellow?

Show me the two capitals of Egypt?

In what direction were the military campaigns of the pharaohs made?

In case it is necessary to enlarge the map when answering, students use the “Magic Pen” property (control panel).

2. Organizing time:

The teacher tells the topic of the lesson and asks them to formulate tasks for the lesson. The topic of the lesson is written in a notebook.

3. Learning new material:

1. Schools in Ancient Egypt

Teacher opens the curtain on the blackboard and begins the story: For the fifth year you have been going to school. Now the school is a separate, independent building. And in ancient Egypt, schools were opened at temples - think about who acted as teachers?(The teachers in the schools were priests).

What do you think, who was prepared in Egyptian schools? They trained clerks there (the curtain opens and the image of the scribe is shown). Knowledge of literacy opened up access to public service and a prosperous life.

Today, all children study at school without exception. How many years is the training going on now? In ancient Egypt, the period of study was very long and sometimes reached 15 years. Guess if all children could study in an ancient Egyptian school.(Only children of wealthy parents could study there).

2. Writing

Remember: when you came to school, what, what actions, were you taught in the first place?(Read, write and count). Let's take a closer look at ancient Egyptian writing.

Drawings were the first signs for writing. Do you know what the Egyptian letters were called?

(Hieroglyphs, which means “sacred letter” in translation).

Teacher pushes a bookmark (!) and the students write down the new term "HIEROGLYPHS" in their notebooks.

The teacher continues the story: It was very difficult to learn the characters for several reasons.

    Remember how many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33). There were hieroglyphs more - 750 .

    Many of the words were depicted by drawings.

Teacher click on the rectangle and invites the students to complete the task: guess how the Egyptians could designate following words: “sun”, “go”, “cry” (students on a marker board draw possible hieroglyphs to denote these words and demonstrate to the teacher). Think about whether this way of depicting has always been convenient?

    In Egyptian writing there were no vowels. Let's think about how it was inconvenient. For example, we have the hieroglyph “SL” - what words can it stand for? (Village, fat, strength, donkey, if, sat down, solo).

The student goes to the blackboard and chooses vowels to form words. (multiple cloning method).

So why was it so difficult to study in an Egyptian school? (A lot of hieroglyphs, they are difficult to learn). Where can you find inscriptions made in hieroglyphs? (On the walls of the pyramids, on obelisks, in temples).

For a long time no one could solve the mystery of hieroglyphs and read the Egyptian texts. Why was it so difficult to decipher the Egyptian script? (The same hieroglyph could mean both a sound and a whole word, and be a hint determinant).

And how was the secret of Egyptian hieroglyphs revealed?

At the blackboard, a student's message about Francois Champollion : Only at the beginning of the 19th century this secret was revealed by a French scientist. Francois Champollion. In 1799, French soldiers under the command of Napoleon landed in Egypt and near the city of Rosetta found a huge stone slab with an inscription in two languages: Greek and Egyptian. By order of Napoleon, this plate was transported to France. Many scholars have tried to decipher these inscriptions, but to no avail. Francois Champollion managed to do this only 23 years after this plate was found.

The student clicks on the plate and the inscription under it, everything disappears.

How did François Champollion read the Egyptian inscriptions? Let's follow the same path that the great scientist walked. He suggested that the hieroglyphs, enclosed in a frame (the so-called cartouche), mean the name of some pharaoh.

On the slide, the picture of hieroglyphs is enlarged, the student signs the letters with markers with a marker.

A connoisseur of many ancient languages, Champollion established that the last two signs mean the sound “s”. He also knew the previous hieroglyph - it was the sound "m". It remained to solve the very first icon. What does it mean? (The sun). Remember how the ancient Egyptians called the sun god (Ra). What happens? Which pharaoh's name reminds you of this word? (Ramses)

Let's try to guess each other's inscription .

Enlarges another picture.

The first sign depicted an Ibis bird, and the other two were already familiar to him (“m” and “s”). Remember which of the Egyptian gods was depicted as an ibis (God Thoth). Which pharaoh's name does the resulting word remind you of? (Thutmose).

The teacher continues: What do you need to have in order to write something down? (Need writing material and writing utensils).

In many languages, the words for paper sound similar. For example, in German paper is "papier" (papier), in English - "peype" (paper), in French - "papier" (papier), in Spanish - "papel" (papel). Apparently, this similarity is not accidental: all these words have the same root and come from the same ancient word. What is this word? (Papyrus) - Students are shown papyri.

Papyrus is a brittle material and cannot be folded the way the sheets are folded in a modern book. Imagine how ancient papyri could be stored. How would you do it, being in the place of the ancient Egyptians? Papyrus sheets were glued into long strips, which were then rolled into tubes to form scrolls.

3. Knowledge of the Egyptians:

What else do you think was taught in the Egyptian school besides writing? (Account). What subject are you currently studying to count? (on mathematics). Remember what population groups were in ancient Egypt (pharaoh, nobles, warriors, farmers, artisans, slaves).

At the blackboard, the student performs the task of arranging the inhabitants: pharaoh, warriors, artisans, farmers, nobles according to their position in society). The name of the inhabitants are moved.

When we count, what question are we answering? (How many?) Let's think about which of them had to answer this question.

To summarize: everyone had to count. What science arose from this knowledge? ( Arithmetic is one of the branches of mathematics. All calculations obtained had to be recorded. The Egyptians used special signs for this.

Let's determine together with you what number is written here. The teacher opens the curtain and shows the hieroglyphs. Students guess and write the number on the whiteboard.

Tasks for practicing writing numbers using Egyptian numerals:

Why is this recording system complicated and inconvenient? (She's too bulky).

Another science, which also originated in ancient Egypt - geometry. This word is of Greek origin, it consists of two words: "geo" - earth and "metros" - to measure. How do we translate the word "geometry" into Russian?(Earth measurement)

Let's think about who in ancient Egypt often had to measure the earth ( After the flood of the Nile, the Egyptians needed to restore the boundaries between the plots of land that the water had washed away, to clean the dams and canals. Restoring these boundaries peasants land was measured every year. They did the same officialsbut for what?- to determine the amount of tax from each plot).

Where else were measurements and calculations needed? People of what profession could not do without knowledge of geometry? Remember the buildings of the Egyptians. (During the construction of the pyramid, it was necessary to know its height, the length of the base, and be able to build right angles).

How did the Egyptians measure? The Egyptian system of measurements was based on the proportions of the human body. The main unit of measurement was elbow- value, equal to the distance from elbow to fingertips. Let's find this value in our hands. The next unit of measure is palm, it consisted from 4 fingers.

tasks: - measure the length and width of your desk (in elbows and palms); your textbook (in the palms); pen (in fingers).

4. The result of the lesson:

the tasks of the lesson are discussed.

The children are invited in turn to speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning phrases from the reflective screen On the desk:



Lesson objectives.

to realize the value and significance of getting an education on the example of Ancient Egypt;
learn to understand that getting an education is a lot of work;
to help students realize the need to study various school subjects;
develop respect for other cultures.

to form the logical and historical thinking of students;
to form the ability to compare different phenomena;
teach to transfer existing experience (knowledge from other subject areas) in new situations; show the ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve practical problems.

understand the meaning of the concepts: "hieroglyphs", "papyrus",
on the example of knowledge that was given at school, talk about the development of science;
reveal the features and complexity of Egyptian writing, the history of its decipherment;
introduce the features of the Egyptian account and system of measures.

Lesson stages

Teacher actions

I. Creation problem situation. Formulation of the problem.

Over the course of several lessons, we have studied historical events and phenomena of ancient Egypt. And we did not think about where the information about them came from. Meanwhile, for a long time nothing was known about Ancient Egypt in the world. After all, this civilization perished on the eve of the new era.

A little more than 200 years ago, the then little-known French General Napoleon, at the head of an army, set off to conquer Egypt. His military campaign was defeated, but had positive results another property, namely, acquaintance with the ancient Egyptian culture. The expedition included not only warriors, but also scientists, artists, architects, who carefully examined the finds, sketched and wrote down everything they found. As a result, the study of the lost ancient Egyptian civilization was initiated. French researchers were especially struck by the abundance of mysterious drawings on the walls of the pyramids, stone steles, and temple walls. (Demonstration of a slide depicting monuments of ancient Egyptian culture).

But here's the dilemma:
On the one hand, we have an abundance of material sources in the form of pyramids, temples, steles, sculptures, drawings and inscriptions on the walls of these structures, papyrus manuscripts, which could be used to restore the history of Ancient Egypt. (We fix the 1st fact:an abundance of material and written sources on the history of Ancient Egypt ).

But, at the same time, these sources were silent. By themselves, they did not report either the names of the pharaohs, or information about specific wars, campaigns, events. The actual history of Ancient Egypt remained unknown. Usually such information is provided by written sources. But in this case, they gave nothing, because they could not be read.

. (We fix the 2nd fact:history dr. Egypt remained unknown).

What contradiction is revealed when comparing the two sides of the situation?

What is the question?

^ Summarizing the answers of the students, we fix the educational problem on the board:Why was such a complex writing system created in ancient Egypt? How was it solved and deciphered? What scientific data has become available to mankind?

II. Knowledge update.

Write down the topic of the lesson"Writing and Knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians"

What do we already know about this issue? ( Records key words on the board.)

III. Activity planning.

What do we need to know to solve the problem? Write the plan of action on the board with key words.

Need to find out:
1. What was the writing in D.E.?
2. How was it solved and deciphered?
3. Who and how could study the writing of D.E.?
4. What scientific data has become available to mankind?
there may be other questions

IV. Search for a solution to the problem (discovery of new knowledge).

Why Champollion unraveled the mystery of Egyptian writing. What amazed you about this person?

Jean-Francois Champollion acquired his talent early. At the age of five, he had already learned to write and read. At the age of 9 he mastered Greek and Latin. At the age of 11, he was already reading the Bible in Hebrew. At the same age, he wrote the book "The History of Famous Dogs". At the age of 13, he began to study Arabic and Coptic. At the age of 15, he began to study the ancient Indian language - Sanskrit. At the same age, he was engaged in the compilation of chronological tables "From Adam to Champollion the Younger." And for fun, I also learned Chinese.

At the age of 11, he first saw hieroglyphs, though adults told him that no one could read them. To which Champollion replied: “I will read it. I will definitely read it when I grow up.”

Group work (see attachment)

- In many languages, the words for paper sound similar. For example, in German paper is “papier” (papier), in English - “paper” (paper), in French - “papier” (papier), in Spanish - “papel” (papel). Apparently, this similarity is not accidental: all these words have the same root and come from the same ancient word.

Tasks for group No. 1.

Paragraph 12, paragraph 1

Task for group No. 2

Task group number 3

Task for group No. 4

V. Expression of the solution of the problem.

What answer to the main question of the lesson can we give?

VII. Application of new knowledge.

Defense - band performance

VIII. Homework.

§ 12, Come up with and write in a notebook a few sentences in hieroglyphs

Appendix 1

Tasks for group No. 1.

Paragraph 12, paragraph 1

    Find out how Jean Francois Champollion managed to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs.

    What were the hieroglyphs, and why are they so difficult to decipher?

For many years no one could read hieroglyphic writing. Many wanted to unravel the mystery of Egyptian writing. The French scientist Jean-Francois Champollion managed to do this. He examined the famous Rosetta Stone - a plate with a thank-you inscription of the priests to Ptolemy V Epiphanes, dated 196 BC. e. One part of the inscriptions on the plate was made in hieroglyphs, the other contained the same text in ancient Greek. Both in the Greek and in the hieroglyphic text, the names of the rulers were circled in oval frames, and this became the key to the puzzle. Champollion managed to read the hieroglyphs encircled by a cartouche, denoting the names "Ptolemy" and "Cleopatra".

WhysameWas it that difficult to decipher the Egyptian script?(The same hieroglyph could designate both a sound and a whole word, and be a clue determinant). Initially, hieroglyphs were similar to drawings and denoted whole concepts. Such writing did not convey the sounds of speech, and many words, such as names, simply could not be depicted. In order to solve this problem, the ancient Egyptian scribes invented a syllabic script, in which separate signs denoted syllables and letters. As a result, Jean-Francois Champollion proved that the Egyptian letter consists of three types of signs: signs that define concepts - pictographic writing; signs that represent consonant sounds, and identifying icons that helped to read words that had the same consonants, for example, “house” and “Dima”. September 14, 1822 Champallon made a presentation on his scientific discovery, this date was the official start of the development of science Egyptology.

Task for group No. 2

    Find out how numbers and numbers were designated in Egyptian writing.

    Try to perform calculations and draw a conclusion about the convenience or inconvenience of these symbols

    Compare with modern counting system

Using the table of numbers, write down the year of your birth

Decipher which example is presented here and translate into modern system signs

Task group number 3

Sources of information: paragraph 12, paragraph 2. Video clip on a laptop

    What materials were used for writing in ancient Egypt?

    Tell and show how papyrus is made (make an algorithm for creating papyrus)

    Try to write on other materials

The Egyptians did not know paper. They wrote on papyrus, which was made from the stems of marsh reeds. Papyrus has been in use as a writing material in Egypt since the beginning of the third millennium BC.

There was a special technique for making papyrus. Papyrus stems were peeled and cut lengthwise. Then these cuts of papyrus stems were laid out on a wetted table, they had to be tightly adjacent to each other, then a second layer of cuts was applied in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the cuts of the first layer (crosswise). The masonry was made of two layers. It was placed under the press, and then dried in the sun. At the final stage of papyrus production, the sheets were smoothed with ivory tools and shells and beaten with a hammer. Then the finished sheets of papyrus were glued together, creating long scrolls. The length of the scrolls reached several meters. The sheets were glued together in such a way that the edge of one sheet covered the edge of the next one (the place of gluing was 1–2 cm).

Task for group No. 4

Sources of information: textbook paragraph 12, page 64

    Assess the scientific contribution of the Egyptians in the development of geography, mathematics and astronomy

    Describe the discoveries of the Egyptians

    Tasks: measure the length and width of your desk (in elbows and palms); your textbook (in the palms).

    Compare Egyptian and modern calendar

Originated in ancient Egypt geography- the science of studying the Earth (although the knowledge of the Egyptians was inaccurate: they represented the Earth as a rectangle surrounded by an ocean).

The Egyptians achieved the greatest success in mathematics, astronomy and medicine.

Astronomy: thanks to the observations of the stars, the Egyptian priests were able to determine the length of the year. They noticed that the star Sirius rises once every 365 days. The Egyptians were also able to predict solar and lunar eclipses, fairly accurate catalogs of stars, maps of the starry sky were compiled.

A scientific and technical achievement was the invention of water and sundial.

Mathematics: mathematics appeared and developed in connection with the practical needs of the Egyptians in calculations (measurement of land plots after the Nile floods, accounting and distribution harvested crop, complex calculations in the construction of temples, tombs and palaces). The ancient Egyptians knew how to perform addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, had an idea about fractions.

How did the Egyptians measure?? The Egyptian system of measurements was based on the proportions of the human body. The main unit of measurement was the cubit - a value equal to the distance from the elbow to the fingertips. Let's find this value in our hands. The next unit of measurement is the palm, it consisted of 4 fingers.

(How many palms are in one cubit? How many fingers are in the palm? How many fingers are in the elbow? Etc.)

Task: compare the ancient Egyptian calendar with the modern one


Features of difference

Egyptian calendar

Our calendar

    12 months a year

  1. Our calendar also has months of 30 days

1 week = 10 days

1 season (season) = 4 months

3 seasons (seasons)

1 week = 7 days

1 season (season) = 3 months

4 seasons

There are months with 28 and 31 days

Task for group No. 5 Source of information - documents presented below and a video clip

    Assess the contribution of the Egyptians to the development of medicine

    Tell and show how the mummies were made (show how the bandage was applied)

Medicine: The high level of medicine for that time is associated with the custom of mummification of corpses, during which doctors could study the anatomy of the human body.

One of the highest achievements of Egyptian medicine was the doctrine of blood circulation and the importance of the heart in these processes.

Physicians in ancient Egypt had a specialization. Someone treated the stomach, someone treated the eyes, someone treated the teeth, etc. In ancient Egypt, it was noted quite high level surgery (this is evidenced by the tombs found during excavations surgical instruments).

From a prescription for a skull fracture without damage to the soft tissues of the head

(from the Smith Papyrus)

If you are examining a person with a skull fracture under the skin of his head and there is nothing on it, then you feel his wound. You will find a protruding tumor on outside a break in his head, and his eye is slanted because of this on the side that is under the injury, and What goes (he) and drags the sole. You must define it as an injury from outside, with the head of the joint of his shoulder not separated, and with it the nails of his fingers twisted into the middle of the hand, he bleeds from his nostrils and suffers from inflexibility of the neck. We'll cure the disease.

Krushkol Yu.S. Reader on the history of the ancient world. - M., 1987.- S. 52.

Document question:

What conclusions can be drawn from this document?

“... Medicine and veterinary science have received significant development in Egypt. In a number of texts from the Middle Kingdom, a list of recipes for the treatment of various diseases is given. Using a wealth of empirical observations, however, the Egyptian physicians could not yet completely renounce ancient magic. So, for example, one sorcerer's collection of conspiracies, compiled specifically for the "treatment" of sick children, was intended for children's doctors, mothers and nurses. In this collection, along with many purely magical texts, only occasionally are there unique outlandish recipes, in particular, means for preserving and increasing the amount of mother's milk. Thus, drug treatment was usually combined with magic spells and rituals. But the study of the human body, facilitated by the opening of corpses during mummification, made it possible for doctors to more or less correctly approach the questions of the structure and functioning of the human body. So, the first knowledge in the field of anatomy (human structure) gradually appears. There was apparently some medical ethics that required the doctor to openly tell the patient about the possibility of his recovery, using one of three possible formulas: “1) This is a disease that I can cure. 2) This is a disease that I may be able to cure. 3) This is a disease that I cannot cure.” Physicians specialize in certain types diseases. In one tomb of the Old Kingdom, images of various operations (arms, legs, knees) have been preserved.

How did the ancient Egyptians carry out mummification?

Mummy of Ancient Egypt

Like most services in Ancient Egypt, the quality of mummification directly depended on the financial solvency of the deceased. From the bodies of members of the pharaoh family and the highest dignitaries, the internal organs were removed through small incisions. The holes were filled with an oil mixture. After a few days, the oil drained from the body.

For officials lower level in ancient Egypt, such a procedure for mummification was not available.

After removing the internal organs from the body, they were placed in vessels filled with special balms, where they were kept in the same tomb next to mummified. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death the spirit returned to the body of the deceased. And for the subsequent life in another world, he needed all the organs of vital activity. In order to prevent rapid tissue decay and complete mummification, the body was subjected to a drying process. It remained untouched for 40 days. After the removal of all organs, with the exception of the heart, a mixture of sodium compounds was poured into the body to maintain its shape. Its composition was mined on the banks of the Nile. The entire body of the pharaoh, priest or mummified animal was also covered with sodium. Then hairdressers and cosmetologists worked on the body. The embalmers then applied a layer of moisture-resistant resin made from natural substances, such as oils, to the body. beeswax, pine resin. Then the mummy was wrapped in bandages. as the final stage, a mask was applied to the mummy and placed in a sarcophagus.

The entire process of mummification in ancient Egypt took 70 days.

Mummification in Ancient Egypt only priests who possessed certain knowledge and had the appropriate rank were engaged. Its implementation required skills in this art form.

The ancient Egyptians hid their method of carrying out mummification, and no record of this has been found in a reliable source. However, scientists figured out what the technology they used looked like. They noted that the sand dries the body and does not allow the tissues to decompose and thus contributes to natural mummification in the arid climate of Egypt. In the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, you can see many simple holes in sand and rocks. They were found mummies of citizens who could afford such a luxury as their own tomb in times ancient egypt.

Annex 2

Group work self-assessment sheet ______________________________________________


    I was active in the group

    I immediately understood how to complete the task

    I offered several options for doing the job

    I was not distracted from the main work

    I really wanted to complete the task successfully

    I listened carefully to what ideas the members of the group had to offer.

    I really wanted our group to do the job correctly, in an original way.

I can rate myself

Rate the performances of other groups:


Your mark for the work of the group

your comment