Pipe capacity: simple about the complex. Pipeline capacity Calculation of water volume by cross section and pressure

In some cases, one has to face the need to calculate the flow of water through a pipe. This indicator indicates how much water the pipe can pass, measured in m³ / s.

  • For organizations that have not put the meter on the water, the charge is based on the patency of the pipe. It is important to know how accurately these data are calculated, for what and at what rate you have to pay. This does not apply to individuals, for them, in the absence of a meter, the number of registered people is multiplied by the water consumption of 1 person according to sanitary standards. This is a fairly large volume, and with modern tariffs it is much more profitable to install a meter. In the same way, in our time it is often more profitable to heat the water yourself with a column than to pay utilities for their hot water.
  • Calculation of pipe permeability plays a huge role when designing a house, when bringing communications to the house .

It is important to make sure that each branch of the water supply can receive its share from the main pipe, even during peak water consumption hours. Plumbing was created for comfort, convenience, and ease of work for a person.

If every evening water will practically not reach the inhabitants of the upper floors, what kind of comfort can we talk about? How can you drink tea, wash dishes, swim? And everyone drinks tea and bathes, so the volume of water that the pipe could provide was distributed over the lower floors. This problem can play a very bad role in fire fighting. If firefighters connect to the central pipe, and there is no pressure in it.

Sometimes calculating the flow of water through a pipe can come in handy if, after repairing the water supply by unfortunate masters, replacing part of the pipes, the pressure has dropped significantly.

Hydrodynamic calculations are not an easy task, usually carried out by qualified specialists. But, let's say you are engaged in private construction, designing your cozy spacious house.

How to calculate the flow of water through the pipe yourself?

It would seem that it is enough to know the diameter of the pipe hole in order to get, maybe, rounded, but generally fair figures. Alas, this is very little. Other factors can change the result of calculations at times. What affects the maximum flow of water through the pipe?

  1. Pipe section. obvious factor. Starting point of hydrodynamic calculations.
  2. Pipe pressure. As the pressure increases, more water passes through a pipe with the same cross section.
  3. Bends, turns, change in diameter, branching block the flow of water through the pipe. Various options to varying degrees.
  4. Pipe length. Longer pipes will carry less water per unit of time than shorter ones. The whole secret is in the force of friction. Just as it delays the movement of objects familiar to us (cars, bicycles, sleds, etc.), the force of friction impedes the flow of water.
  5. A pipe with a smaller diameter has more area of ​​water contact with the pipe surface in relation to the volume of water flow. And from each point of contact there is a force of friction. Just like in longer pipes, in narrower pipes the speed of water movement becomes less.
  6. Pipe material. Obviously, the degree of roughness of the material affects the magnitude of the friction force. Modern plastic materials (polypropylene, PVC, metal-plastic, etc.) are very slippery compared to traditional steel and allow water to move faster.
  7. Duration of pipe operation. Lime deposits, rust greatly impair the throughput of the water supply. This is the most tricky factor, because the degree of clogging of the pipe, its new internal relief and friction coefficient are very difficult to calculate with mathematical accuracy. Fortunately, water flow calculations are most often required for new construction and fresh, unused materials. And on the other hand, this system will be connected to already existing, existing communications for many years. And how will she behave herself in 10, 20, 50 years? The latest technology has greatly improved this situation. Plastic pipes do not rust, their surface practically does not deteriorate over time.

Calculation of water flow through a tap

The volume of fluid flowing out is found by multiplying the cross section of the pipe opening S by the outflow velocity V. The cross section is the area of ​​a certain part of the volumetric figure, in this case, the area of ​​a circle. It is found according to the formula S = πR2. R will be the radius of the pipe opening, not to be confused with the radius of the pipe. π is a constant value, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately 3.14.

The flow rate is found by the Torricelli formula: . Where g is the free fall acceleration, on the planet Earth equal to approximately 9.8 m/s. h is the height of the water column above the hole.


Let us calculate the water flow through a tap with a hole with a diameter of 0.01 m and a column height of 10 m.

Hole cross section \u003d πR2 \u003d 3.14 x 0.012 \u003d 3.14 x 0.0001 \u003d 0.000314 m².

Outflow velocity = √2gh = √2 x 9.8 x 10 = √196 = 14 m/s.

Water consumption \u003d SV \u003d 0.000314 x 14 \u003d 0.004396 m³ / s.

In terms of liters, it turns out that 4.396 liters per second can flow out of a given pipe.

The calculation of water consumption is made before the construction of pipelines and is an integral part of hydrodynamic calculations. During the construction of main and industrial pipelines, these calculations are made using special programs. When building a domestic pipeline with your own hands, you can carry out the calculation yourself, but it should be borne in mind that the result obtained will not be as accurate as possible. How to calculate the water consumption parameter, read on.

Factors Affecting Throughput

The main factor by which the pipeline system is calculated is the throughput. This indicator is influenced by many different parameters, the most significant of which are:

  1. pressure in the existing pipeline (in the main network, if the pipeline under construction will be connected to an external source). The calculation method taking into account pressure is more complex, but also more accurate, since it is pressure that determines such an indicator as throughput, that is, the ability to pass a certain amount of water in a certain unit of time;
  2. the total length of the pipeline. The larger this parameter, the greater the number of losses manifested during its use and, accordingly, to eliminate the pressure drop, it is required to use pipes of a larger diameter. Therefore, this factor is also taken into account by specialists;
  3. the material from which the pipes are made. If metal pipes are used for a structure or other line, then an uneven inner surface and the possibility of gradual clogging with deposits contained in the water will lead to a decrease in throughput and, accordingly, a slight increase in diameter. When using plastic pipes (PVC), polypropylene pipes, and so, the possibility of clogging with deposits is practically excluded. What's more, the inner surface of plastic pipes is smoother;

  1. section of pipes. According to the internal section of the pipe, you can independently make a preliminary calculation.

There are other factors that experts take into account. But for this article they are not essential.

Method for calculating the diameter depending on the cross section of pipes

If, when calculating the pipeline, it is necessary to take into account all of these factors, it is recommended to make calculations using special programs. If preliminary calculations are sufficient for the construction of the system, then they are carried out in the following sequence:

  • preliminary determination of the amount of water consumption by all family members;
  • calculation of the optimal size of the diameter.

How to calculate the water consumption in the house

You can determine the amount of cold or hot water consumed in the house by several methods:

  • according to the meter reading. If meters are installed when entering the pipeline into the house, then determining the water consumption per day per person is not a problem. Moreover, when observing for several days, you can get fairly accurate parameters;

  • according to the established norms, determined by experts. The standard for water consumption per person is set for certain types of premises with the presence / absence of certain conditions;

  • according to the formula.

To determine the total amount of water consumed in the room, it is necessary to make a calculation for each plumbing unit (bath, shower, faucet, and so on) separately. Calculation formula:

Qs \u003d 5 x q0 x P, where

Qs is an indicator that determines the amount of flow;

q0 is the established norm;

P is a coefficient that takes into account the possibility of using several types of plumbing fixtures at the same time.

The q0 indicator is determined depending on the type of plumbing equipment according to the following table:

The probability P is determined by the following formula:

P = L x N1 / q0 x 3600 x N2, where

L - peak water consumption for 1 hour;

N1 - the number of people using plumbing fixtures;

q0 - established standards for a separate plumbing unit;

N2 - the number of installed plumbing fixtures.

It is unacceptable to determine the water flow without taking into account the probability, since the simultaneous use of plumbing fixtures leads to an increase in the flow power.

Let's calculate water using a specific example. It is necessary to determine the water flow according to the following parameters:

  • 5 people live in the house;
  • 6 units of sanitary equipment are installed: a bathtub, a toilet bowl, a sink in the kitchen, a washing machine and a dishwasher installed in the kitchen, a shower cabin;
  • peak water consumption for 1 hour in accordance with SNiP is set equal to 5.6 l / s.

Determine the size of the probability:

P \u003d 5.6 x 4 / 0.25 x 3600 x 6 \u003d 0.00415

We determine the consumption of oxen for the bath, kitchen and toilet room:

Qs (baths) = 4 x 0.25 x 0.00518 = 0.00415 (l/s)

Qs (kitchens) \u003d 4 x 0.12 x 0.00518 \u003d 0.002 (l / s)

Qs (toilet) \u003d 4 x 0.4 x 0.00518 \u003d 0.00664 (l / s)

Calculation of the optimal section

The following formula is used to determine the cross section:

Q \u003d (πd² / 4) xW, where

Q is the amount of water consumed calculated by calculation;

d is the desired diameter;

W is the speed of water movement in the system.

By simple mathematical operations, it can be deduced that

d = √(4Q/πW)

W can be obtained from the table:

The indicators presented in the table are used for approximate calculations. To obtain more accurate parameters, a complex mathematical formula is used.

Let's determine the diameter of the pipes for the bath, kitchen and toilet according to the parameters presented in this example:

d (for the bathroom) \u003d √ (4 x 0.00415 / (3.14 x 3)) \u003d 0.042 (m)

d (for the kitchen) \u003d √ (4 x 0.002 / (3.14 x 3)) \u003d 0.03 (m)

d (toilet) = √(4 x 0.00664 / (3.14 x 3)) = 0.053 (m)

To determine the cross section of pipes, the highest design indicator is taken. Given the small margin in this example, it is possible to conduct water supply with pipes with a cross section of 55 mm.

How to calculate using a special semi-professional program, see the video.

Laying a pipeline is not very difficult, but rather troublesome. One of the most difficult problems in this case is the calculation of the throughput of the pipe, which directly affects the efficiency and performance of the structure. In this article, we will talk about how the throughput of a pipe is calculated.

Throughput is one of the most important indicators of any pipe. Despite this, this indicator is rarely indicated in the marking of the pipe, and there is little sense in this, because the throughput depends not only on the dimensions of the product, but also on the design of the pipeline. That is why this indicator has to be calculated independently.

Methods for calculating the throughput of the pipeline

  1. External diameter. This indicator is expressed in the distance from one side of the outer wall to the other side. In calculations, this parameter has the designation Day. The outside diameter of the pipes is always shown on the label.
  2. Nominal diameter. This value is defined as the diameter of the internal section, which is rounded to whole numbers. When calculating, the value of the conditional passage is displayed as Du.

Calculation of pipe patency can be carried out according to one of the methods, which must be chosen depending on the specific conditions for laying the pipeline:

  1. Physical calculations. In this case, the pipe capacity formula is used, which allows taking into account each design indicator. The choice of formula is influenced by the type and purpose of the pipeline - for example, sewer systems have their own set of formulas, as well as for other types of structures.
  2. Tabular Calculations. You can choose the optimal cross-country ability using a table with approximate values, which is most often used for arranging wiring in an apartment. The values ​​indicated in the table are rather blurry, but this does not prevent them from being used in calculations. The only drawback of the tabular method is that it calculates the capacity of the pipe depending on the diameter, but does not take into account changes in the latter due to deposits, so for lines prone to build-up, this calculation will not be the best choice. To get accurate results, you can use the Shevelev table, which takes into account almost all factors affecting pipes. Such a table is great for the installation of highways on separate land plots.
  3. Calculation using programs. Many companies specializing in laying pipelines use computer programs in their activities that allow them to accurately calculate not only the throughput of pipes, but also a lot of other indicators. For independent calculations, you can use online calculators, which, although they have a slightly larger error, are available for free. A good option for a large shareware program is TAScope, and in the domestic space the most popular is Hydrosystem, which also takes into account the nuances of installing pipelines depending on the region.

Calculation of the throughput capacity of gas pipelines

The design of a gas pipeline requires sufficiently high accuracy - the gas has a very high compression ratio, due to which leaks are possible even through microcracks, not to mention serious breaks. That is why the correct calculation of the throughput of the pipe through which the gas will be transported is very important.

If we are talking about gas transportation, then the throughput of pipelines, depending on the diameter, will be calculated according to the following formula:

  • Qmax = 0.67 DN2 * p,

Where p is the value of the working pressure in the pipeline, to which 0.10 MPa is added;

Du - the value of the conditional passage of the pipe.

The above formula for calculating the throughput of a pipe by diameter allows you to create a system that will work in a domestic environment.

In industrial construction and when performing professional calculations, a different type of formula is used:

  • Qmax \u003d 196.386 Du2 * p / z * T,

Where z is the compression ratio of the transported medium;

T is the temperature of the transported gas (K).

To avoid problems, when calculating the pipeline, professionals also have to take into account the climatic conditions in the region where it will pass. If the outer diameter of the pipe is less than the pressure of the gas in the system, then the pipeline is very likely to be damaged during operation, resulting in the loss of the transported substance and an increased risk of explosion in the weakened pipe section.

If necessary, it is possible to determine the permeability of a gas pipe using a table that describes the relationship between the most common pipe diameters and the working pressure level in them. By and large, the tables have the same drawback that the throughput of the pipeline calculated by the diameter has, namely, the inability to take into account the impact of external factors.

Calculation of the capacity of sewer pipes

When designing a sewer system, it is imperative to calculate the throughput of the pipeline, which directly depends on its type (sewer systems are pressure and non-pressure). Hydraulic laws are used to carry out calculations. The calculations themselves can be carried out both using formulas and using the corresponding tables.

For the hydraulic calculation of the sewer system, the following indicators are required:

  • Pipe diameter - Du;
  • The average speed of movement of substances - v;
  • The value of the hydraulic slope - I;
  • Degree of filling – h/DN.

As a rule, only the last two parameters are calculated during calculations - the rest after that can be determined without any problems. The amount of hydraulic slope is usually equal to the slope of the ground, which will allow the flow of water to move at a speed necessary for the system to self-clean.

The speed and maximum level of filling domestic sewage are determined by the table, which can be written as follows:

  1. 150-250 mm - h / DN is 0.6, and the speed is 0.7 m / s.
  2. Diameter 300-400 mm - h / DN is 0.7, speed - 0.8 m / s.
  3. Diameter 450-500 mm - h / DN is 0.75, speed - 0.9 m / s.
  4. Diameter 600-800 mm - h / DN is 0.75, speed - 1 m / s.
  5. Diameter 900+ mm - h / DN is 0.8, speed - 1.15 m / s.

For a product with a small cross section, there are normative indicators for the minimum slope of the pipeline:

  • With a diameter of 150 mm, the slope should not be less than 0.008 mm;
  • With a diameter of 200 mm, the slope should not be less than 0.007 mm.

The following formula is used to calculate the volume of wastewater:

  • q = a*v,

Where a is the free area of ​​the flow;

v is the speed of effluent transportation.

The rate of transport of a substance can be determined using the following formula:

  • v=C√R*i,

where R is the value of the hydraulic radius,

C is the wetting coefficient;

i - the degree of slope of the structure.

From the previous formula, you can derive the following, which will determine the value of the hydraulic slope:

  • i=v2/C2*R.

To calculate the wetting coefficient, a formula of the following form is used:

  • С=(1/n)*R1/6,

Where n is a coefficient that takes into account the degree of roughness, which varies from 0.012 to 0.015 (depending on the pipe material).

The R value is usually equated to the usual radius, but this is only relevant if the pipe is completely filled.

For other situations, a simple formula is used:

  • R=A/P

Where A is the cross-sectional area of ​​the water flow,

P is the length of the inner part of the pipe that is in direct contact with the liquid.

Tabular calculation of sewer pipes

It is also possible to determine the patency of the pipes of the sewer system using tables, and the calculations will directly depend on the type of system:

  1. Non-pressure sewerage. To calculate non-pressure sewer systems, tables are used that contain all the necessary indicators. Knowing the diameter of the pipes to be installed, you can select all other parameters depending on it and substitute them into the formula (read also: ""). In addition, the table indicates the volume of liquid passing through the pipe, which always coincides with the pipeline's permeability. If necessary, you can use the Lukin tables, which indicate the throughput of all pipes with a diameter in the range from 50 to 2000 mm.
  2. Pressure sewer. It is somewhat easier to determine the throughput in this type of system using tables - it is enough to know the maximum degree of filling of the pipeline and the average speed of liquid transportation. See also: "".

The throughput table of polypropylene pipes allows you to find out all the parameters necessary for arranging the system.

Calculation of the capacity of the water supply

Water pipes in private construction are used most often. In any case, the water supply system has a serious load, so the calculation of the throughput of the pipeline is mandatory, because it allows you to create the most comfortable operating conditions for the future structure.

To determine the patency of water pipes, you can use their diameter (read also: ""). Of course, this indicator is not the basis for calculating the patency, but its influence cannot be ruled out. The increase in the inner diameter of the pipe is directly proportional to its permeability - that is, a thick pipe almost does not impede the movement of water and is less susceptible to the accumulation of various deposits.

However, there are other indicators that also need to be taken into account. For example, a very important factor is the coefficient of friction of the liquid on the inside of the pipe (different materials have their own values). It is also worth considering the length of the entire pipeline and the pressure difference at the beginning of the system and at the outlet. An important parameter is the number of different adapters present in the design of the water supply system.

The throughput of polypropylene water pipes can be calculated depending on several parameters using the tabular method. One of them is a calculation in which the main indicator is the temperature of the water. As the temperature rises, the liquid expands in the system, so friction increases. To determine the patency of the pipeline, you need to use the appropriate table. There is also a table that allows you to determine the patency in the pipes depending on the water pressure.

The most accurate calculation of water according to the throughput of the pipe is made possible by the Shevelev tables. In addition to accuracy and a large number of standard values, these tables contain formulas that allow you to calculate any system. This material fully describes all situations related to hydraulic calculations, therefore, most professionals in this field most often use the Shevelev tables.

The main parameters taken into account in these tables are:

  • External and internal diameters;
  • Pipeline wall thickness;
  • The period of operation of the system;
  • The total length of the highway;
  • Functional purpose of the system.


Pipe capacity calculation can be done in different ways. The choice of the optimal calculation method depends on a large number of factors - from the size of the pipes to the purpose and type of system. In each case, there are more and less accurate calculation options, so both a professional specializing in laying pipelines and an owner who decides to independently lay a highway at home will be able to find the right one.

Working with the calculator is simple - enter data and get the result. But sometimes this is not enough - an accurate calculation of the pipe diameter is possible only with manual calculation using formulas and correctly selected coefficients. How to calculate the diameter of the pipe according to the water flow? How to determine the size of the gas line?

When calculating the required pipe diameter, professional engineers most often use special programs that can calculate and give an accurate result using known parameters. It is much more difficult for an amateur builder to perform the calculation on his own to organize water supply, heating, gasification systems. Therefore, most often, when building or reconstructing a private house, the recommended pipe sizes are used. But not always standard advice can take into account all the nuances of individual construction, so you need to manually perform a hydraulic calculation in order to choose the right pipe diameter for heating and water supply.

Calculation of pipe diameter for water supply and heating

The main criterion for selecting a heating pipe is its diameter. From this indicator depends on how effective the heating of the house will be, the life of the system as a whole. With a small diameter in the lines, increased pressure can occur, which will cause leaks, increased stress on pipes and metal, which will lead to problems and endless repairs. With a large diameter, the heat transfer of the heating system will tend to zero, and cold water will simply ooze from the tap.

pipe capacity

The diameter of the pipe directly affects the throughput of the system, that is, in this case, the amount of water or coolant passing through the section per unit time matters. The more cycles (movements) in the system for a certain period of time, the more efficient the heating. For water supply pipes, the diameter affects the initial water pressure - a suitable size will only maintain pressure, and an enlarged one will reduce it.

According to the diameter, a water supply and heating scheme is selected, the number of radiators and their sectionalization, and the optimal length of the mains is determined.

Since the throughput of the pipe is a fundamental factor when choosing, you should decide what, in turn, affects the permeability of water in the line.

Table 1. Pipe capacity depending on water flow and diameter
Consumption Bandwidth
DN pipe 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm 50 mm 65 mm 80 mm 100 mm
Pa/m - mbar/m less than 0.15 m/s 0.15 m/s 0.3 m/s
90,0 - 0,900 173 403 745 1627 2488 4716 9612 14940 30240
92,5 - 0,925 176 407 756 1652 2524 4788 9756 15156 30672
95,0 - 0,950 176 414 767 1678 2560 4860 9900 15372 31104
97,5 - 0,975 180 421 778 1699 2596 4932 10044 15552 31500
100,0 - 1,000 184 425 788 1724 2632 5004 10152 15768 31932
120,0 - 1,200 202 472 871 1897 2898 5508 11196 17352 35100
140,0 - 1,400 220 511 943 2059 3143 5976 12132 18792 38160
160,0 - 1,600 234 547 1015 2210 3373 6408 12996 20160 40680
180,0 - 1,800 252 583 1080 2354 3589 6804 13824 21420 43200
200,0 - 2,000 266 619 1151 2486 3780 7200 14580 22644 45720
220,0 - 2,200 281 652 1202 2617 3996 7560 15336 23760 47880
240,0 - 2,400 288 680 1256 2740 4176 7920 16056 24876 50400
260,0 - 2,600 306 713 1310 2855 4356 8244 16740 25920 52200
280,0 - 2,800 317 742 1364 2970 4356 8566 17338 26928 54360
300,0 - 3,000 331 767 1415 3076 4680 8892 18000 27900 56160

Factors influencing the patency of the highway:

  1. The pressure of water or coolant.
  2. The inner diameter (section) of the pipe.
  3. The total length of the system.
  4. pipeline material.
  5. Pipe wall thickness.

On the old system, the patency of the pipe is aggravated by lime, silt deposits, the effects of corrosion (on metal products). All this together reduces the amount of water passing through the section over time, that is, used lines work worse than new ones.

It is noteworthy that this indicator does not change for polymer pipes - plastic is much less than metal, allowing slag to accumulate on the walls. Therefore, the throughput of PVC pipes remains the same as on the day they were installed.

Calculation of pipe diameter by water flow

Determining the right amount of water

To determine the diameter of the pipe by the flow rate of the passing liquid, you will need the values ​​​​of the true water consumption, taking into account all plumbing fixtures: a bathtub, a kitchen faucet, a washing machine, a toilet bowl. Each individual section of the water supply system is calculated according to the formula:

qc = 5× q0 × α, l/s

where qc is the value of water consumed by each device;

q0 is a normalized value, which is determined by SNiP. We accept for the bath - 0.25, for the kitchen faucet 0.12, for the toilet bowl -0.1;

a is a coefficient that takes into account the possibility of simultaneous operation of plumbing fixtures in the room. Depends on the probability value and the number of consumers.

In sections of the highway where the water flows for the kitchen and the bath, for the toilet and the bath, etc., are combined, the probability value is added to the formula. That is, the possibility of simultaneous operation of a kitchen faucet, bathroom faucet, toilet bowl and other appliances.

The probability is determined by the formula:

Р = qhr µ × u/q0 × 3600 × N,

where N is the number of water consumers (devices);

qhr µ is the maximum hourly water consumption that can be taken according to SNiP. We choose for cold water qhr µ = 5.6 l / s, the total flow is 15.6 l / s;

u is the number of people using plumbing.

Example of water consumption calculation:

The two-storey house has 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen with installed washing machine and dishwasher, shower, 1 toilet. A family of 5 lives in the house. Calculation algorithm:

  1. We calculate the probability P = 5.6 × 5 / 0.25 × 3600 × 6 = 0.00518.
  2. Then the water flow for the bathroom will be qc = 5 × 0.25 × 0.00518=0.006475 l/s.
  3. For the kitchen qc \u003d 5 × 0.12 × 0.00518 \u003d 0.0031 l / s.
  4. For a toilet, qc = 5× 0.1 × 0.00518=0.00259 l/s.

We calculate the diameter of the pipe

There is a direct dependence of the diameter on the volume of the flowing liquid, which is expressed by the formula:

where Q is water consumption, m3/s;

d – pipeline diameter, m;

w is the flow velocity, m/s.

By transforming the formula, we can select the value of the diameter of the pipeline, which will correspond to the volume of water consumed:

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

d = √(4Q/πw), m

The flow rate of water can be taken from Table 2. There is a more complex method for calculating the flow rate - taking into account losses and the coefficient of hydraulic friction. This is a rather voluminous calculation, but in the end it allows you to get the exact value, unlike the tabular method.

Table 2. Fluid flow rate in the pipeline depending on its characteristics
Pumped medium Optimum speed in the pipeline, m/s
LIQUIDS Gravity movement:
Viscous liquids 0,1-0,5
Low viscosity liquids 0,5-1
Suction pipeline 0,8-2
Discharge pipeline 1,5-3
GASES Natural traction 2-4
Low pressure (fans) 4-15
High pressure (compressor) 15-25
COUPLES Overheated 30-50
Saturated vapors at pressure
More than 105 Pa 15-25
(1-0.5)*105 Pa 20-40
(0.5-0.2)*105 Pa 40-60
(0.2-0.05)*105 Pa 60-75

Example: Calculate the diameter of the pipe for the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, based on the obtained water flow rates. We select from table 2 the value of the water flow rate in the pressure water supply - 3 m / s.

Water consumption in a watercourse is the volume of liquid passing through a cross section. Consumable unit - m3/s.

The calculation of the consumed water should be carried out at the planning stage of the water pipeline, since the main parameters of the water pipelines depend on this.

Water consumption in the pipeline: factors

In order to independently perform the calculation of the water flow in the pipeline, it is necessary to know the factors that ensure the permeability of water in the pipeline.

The main ones are the degree of pressure in the conduit and the diameter of the pipe section. But, knowing only these values, it will not be possible to accurately calculate the water consumption, since it also depends on such indicators as:

  1. Pipe length. Everything is clear with this: the longer its length, the higher the degree of friction of water against its walls, so the fluid flow slows down.
  2. The material of the pipe walls is also an important factor on which the flow rate depends. So, the smooth walls of a pipe made of polypropylene give the least resistance than steel.
  3. The diameter of the pipeline - the smaller it is, the higher the resistance of the walls to the movement of fluid. The narrower the diameter, the more unfavorable is the correspondence of the outer surface area to the inner volume.
  4. Service life of the pipeline. We know that over the years they are exposed to corrosion, and lime deposits form on cast iron. The friction force against the walls of such a pipe will be significantly higher. For example, the surface resistance of a rusty pipe is 200 times higher than a new one made of steel. /li>
  5. Changing the diameter in different sections of the conduit, turns, shut-off fittings or fittings significantly reduce the speed of the water flow.

What quantities are used to calculate the flow of water?

The following quantities are used in the formulas:

  • Q is the total (annual) water consumption per person.
  • N - the number of residents of the house.
  • Q is the daily flow rate.
  • K - coefficient of uneven consumption, equal to 1.1-1.3 (SNiP 2.04.02-84).
  • D is the pipe diameter.
  • V is the speed of the water flow.

Formula for calculating water consumption

So, knowing the values, we get the following formula for water consumption:

  1. For daily calculation - Q=Q×N/100
  2. For hourly calculation - q=Q×K/24.
  3. Diameter calculation - q= ×d2/4 ×V.

Example of calculating water consumption for a residential consumer

The house has a toilet, washbasin, bathtub, kitchen sink.

  1. According to Appendix A, we accept the flow rate per second:
    • Toilet - 0.1 l / sec.
    • Washbasin with faucet - 0.12 l/sec.
    • Bath - 0.25 l / sec.
    • Kitchen sink - 0.12 l/sec.
  2. The sum of water consumed from all points of water supply will be:
    • 0.1+0.12+0.25+0.12 = 0.59 l/s
  3. According to the total flow rate (Appendix B) 0.59 l / s corresponds to the estimated flow rate of 0.4 l / s.

It can be converted to m3/hour by multiplying it by 3.6. Thus it turns out: 0.4 x 3.6 \u003d 1.44 cubic meters / hour

The procedure for calculating water consumption

The entire calculation procedure is specified in the set of rules 30. 13330. 2012 SNiP 2.04.01-85 * "Internal water supply and sewerage" updated version.

If you are planning to start building a house, redeveloping an apartment or installing plumbing structures, then information on how to calculate the water consumption will be most welcome. Calculating the water consumption will not only help determine the required volume of water for a particular room, but will also allow you to timely identify pressure drops in the pipeline. In addition, thanks to simple formulas, all this can be done independently, without resorting to the help of specialists.