How to open business payment terminals. What you need to do to open a business "payment terminals"? How much money do you need to start a business

Payment terminal is a hardware and software complex offline self-service providing payment acceptance from individuals in favor of any organizations, for example, replenishment of the balance of a mobile operator, payment for housing and communal services, payment of traffic police fines, transferring money to electronic wallets, etc. Business on payment terminals is characterized by minimal participation of the owner and the ability to manage the terminal via the Internet.

According to the code book, such a business is included in the column “Other activities using computer science and information technologies”, it can be organized by one person or a commercial organization.

The general sequence of actions when opening a business with payment terminals (payment terminal) is:

  • purchase of one or more devices (or their rental);
  • installation of terminals in a good place;
  • their maintenance and profit.
Choosing and buying a payment terminal

The choice of a company that sells payment terminals plays a significant role, since each of them may have its own conditions under the contract, more or less beneficial to the installer of the device. It is worth reading several offers in advance in order to choose the best one.

When choosing a payment terminal, it is worth planning in advance its installation location: will it be outdoors or indoors. Devices installed outdoors must be more resistant to temperature extremes and looters, therefore, as a rule, they are much more expensive.

After purchasing a payment device, it is important to insure it, business at terminals without insurance is at risk, since mechanical breakdowns and malfunctions are not uncommon, robberies also occur. Studying the insurance programs of various companies to choose the best one is also an important point of this business, it can affect the amount of the final profit.

Choosing a place to install a payment terminal

Choosing the location of the machine provides 90% success. You need to be prepared that installing a device without paying rent is already quite rare and is usually possible only in places where there is a small flow of people. This means that the payback of its lease or purchase will be minimal. It is better to find a place with high traffic, although you will have to pay some money for this, perhaps a lot.

It is worth considering the fact that in many crowded places there are already competitors' machines, which means that when installing another one, the total profit of such a place will be distributed among all market participants at this point.

Sometimes it seems that the abundance of competitors does not allow business promotion, but now new ones are being actively built and populated. residential buildings and entire neighborhoods, shops and shopping centers are constantly opening. Therefore, with sufficient perseverance, you can find many points with high attendance and not yet equipped with payment terminals.

What makes up profit

The owner of the payment terminal receives from 1.5 to 7% (in individual cases to 10%) from each operation carried out on it. The final profit is the sum of this amount minus rent, the cost of the collection service, extracting and delivering cash, and the cost of consumable operations (replacement check tape, repair). As a rule, the withdrawal of funds by collectors is carried out every two to four days, depending on the speed of filling the bill acceptor. Of course, you can save on this service and extract funds yourself, but this approach is associated with a certain risk.

Experienced entrepreneurs and experts in the field of terminals recommend purchasing not one, but several machines at once for business development, in which case the profit will come much earlier. And if one of the terminals was not installed very well, the profit of the others will cover its losses. When there are several payment devices, then business on the terminals can be conducted remotely through automatic system: to study the patency of installation sites, the amount of income, the frequency of breakdowns, etc. The study of statistics allows you to determine how successfully the installation site was chosen. Payment terminals may well be a great start for business development.

Business on payment terminals - profitable option passive income. Successful business management is possible without large investments and time costs. It is enough to purchase a terminal, install it and take care of maintenance. Competition in the field is high, but the prospects are no less attractive. Payment devices are popular with people and bring good profit to the owner.

The business of payment terminals is no longer new. Machines accept money without human intervention. The income of an entrepreneur is a commission from the amount deposited in the terminal plus bonuses from companies to whose account the payment was made. The recipient returns 1-3% of the amount received on the account. At least 98% of payments are accounted for by mobile operators. The second place in popularity is occupied by the payment of fines and utility bills.

The advantages of commerce using equipment are as follows:

  • requires a reasonable initial investment;
  • mobility;
  • ease of maintenance of devices;
  • no need to search for personnel, payment terminals can be serviced by the owner;
  • stable income regardless of the time of year.

Types of equipment, cost

Payment terminals in a different way - payment kiosks have simplified the life of a person in the field of commodity-money relations. Thanks to them, services are paid quickly and easily.

The equipment market is saturated with varieties of terminals. Suggest street options and for rooms. By design, they distinguish:

  • Touch screen: equipped with a 17-inch monitor with payment prompts and step-by-step instructions.
  • With a push-button keyboard, kiosks look like ATMs and are installed in places where bank payments are accepted.

Payment terminals differ even in the installation method:

  • Mounted do not take up much space. Attached to the wall.
  • Floor. Are mounted in shopping centers, communication salons.
  • Embedded. Placed in a special niche.

Kiosks are gaining popularity with additional features. Some have a second screen to continuously broadcast ads, for which the owner receives additional income. Meet with a built-in copier and photo printing. All devices are resistant to vandalism, able to withstand temperature drops from -40 to +40 degrees.

When making a choice, preference should be given to devices that are characterized by:

  • availability of all components;
  • the presence of anti-vandal coating on the sensor and housing;
  • having an easy-to-understand user software;
  • long warranty period.

Where to install?

Every day in large retail outlets, in small stores, we come across payment terminals. When organizing a business, it is necessary to consider the installation location of the device.

Taken into account:

  1. The number of people passing through the terminal per unit of time.
  2. Their interest in paying for services through the terminal.
  3. Client's solvency.

A good income is brought by vending machines installed in shops, universities, and railway stations. Profitable devices installed on the streets, in places where people move to work, study, school, kindergartens, in underground passages.

Maintenance of payment terminals

High-quality work of the equipment guarantees a continuous flow of customers. During operation, the equipment requires preventive maintenance or troubleshooting. Only professionals should be entrusted with this work.

The terminal owner will have to face situations that can be corrected by calling a specialist:

  • troubleshooting;
  • repair and maintenance;
  • condition monitoring;
  • elimination of software failure, reinstallation;
  • assessment of damage in case of an insured event;
  • cleaning belts, replacing rollers and elements;
  • fixing bugs, installing software updates;
  • block change (printer, card reader, monitor);
  • removing paper, jammed banknotes, plastic cards;
  • malware detection;

The cost of maintenance depends on the complex of work performed (300 - 5000 rubles).

Where to start: action plan, cost calculation

Installation of payment terminals at the beginning of activity may be limited to 1-5 devices. Using used devices will cost 2 times cheaper. In case of shortage of funds, you can get out of the situation by purchasing equipment on lease for 1-2 years. Banks provide this loan product on the terms of a down payment of at least 30%.

The minimum amount on a deposit account for the smooth operation of one kiosk varies from 40 to 150 thousand rubles. If the amount is exhausted, the client will not make a payment until the owner of the terminal replenishes the deposit.

The cost of the lease agreement depends on the location of the terminal. AT big cities rent of one crowded place is at least 8,000 rubles. However, it is possible to find an area with high attendance and a rental fee of no more than 2,000 rubles.

When choosing a payment system for servicing the terminal, you should choose one of the following: E-PORT, DELTA, OSMP and CYBERPLAT.

Payback Calculation - Payment Terminal Business Plan

The income of an entrepreneur depends on the location of the payment kiosk and can be 1000 - 4000 rubles per day. It includes two items:

  • Interest on client payment, which is set at the discretion of the terminal owner. As a rule, the rate is 7-10%.
  • The percentage provided by the payment system. The bonus does not exceed 1-2% of the amount of payments.

Let's say that the size of the average daily revenue is 4000 rubles per day. Based on this amount, we will draw up a business plan for a payment terminal.

One-time costs:

  • Purchase of the device - 60,000 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar - 20,000 rubles.
  • IP registration - 4000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 2000 rubles.

And that: 96,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • Renting the area for the terminal - 1500 rubles.
  • Communication costs - 150 rubles.
  • Purchase of a check tape - 100 rubles.

And that: 1750 rubles

Profit dirty:

4000 (average daily revenue) * 30 (number of calendar days) * 10% (owner's percentage) = 12,000

Profit net:

12 000 - 1750 = 10250 rubles per month.

Payback period:

86000 / 10250 = 8 months 2 weeks.

Thus, the payback of the device will last 8 months.

Which taxation system to choose?

The right choice of taxation system is the key to a profitable business. It is possible to make the right decision by calculating the options and then analyzing the results. If the tax regime does not suit you, you can change it at the beginning of the next tax period. Step by step selection algorithm:

  1. A system is installed that is suitable specifically for business at payment terminals: OSNO, USN, UTII or PSN. Companies producing any products cannot work on PSN (patent system) or UTII ( single tax on imputed income). BASIC ( general system) is suitable for all entrepreneurs. USN (simplified system) includes the widest list of activities.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the limitations for organizational and legal norms. patent system provided for IP only. Its use in an LLC does not allow the tax code.
  3. Learn the allowable number of employees. The patent system allows you to employ no more than 15 people. USN and UTII provide for a team of up to 100 employees.
  4. Compare income limits. The simplified tax system can be applied in companies whose annual income does not exceed 150 million rubles.
  5. Analyze the possibility of confirming expenses. This is necessary for the simplified tax system (income minus expenses).

Small IPs tend to choose a simplified system. It has two types: payment of 6% of revenue or 15% "income - expenses".

How do you pay for cellular communication? Yes, with his help. The payment terminal has become so firmly established in our lives that it is simply impossible to imagine life without it. To be honest, do you still remember how you can put money on your phone, if not through this vending machine? Let's see how much you can earn on payment terminals by opening your business.


The payment terminal can be placed almost anywhere where there is a stable flow of people. They can be found in large mall and educational institution, and in almost any store, and even on the street. Street machines stand out somewhat from conventional payment terminals, as they are more at risk of damage and looting. Outdoor terminals can be both quite profitable and really idle in vain. The location factor is even more important here. And most importantly, a person is not always ready to pull out a wallet on the street and get money. Thus, street terminals still require a surveillance camera or some kind of around-the-clock facility nearby, whether it be an institution or a store.

Economy and service

The payment terminal earns on commissions when making payments. In addition to the commission charged from the client, you can count on remuneration from the recipients of the payment. Companies return a small percentage, usually no more than 1%. At the same time, the value internal commission varies depending on the total amount spent. Those. large clients receive higher rewards not only due to larger volumes, but also due to higher interest rates. This trend has led to the consolidation of players. Small companies began to unite in groups in order to receive maximum remuneration rates and build up their structures. You should know that 98% of transactions with payment terminals account for replenishment of accounts mobile phones. With such an abundance of possible payment purposes collected in payment systems, only fines, rent and the Internet are popular. The most profitable at the same time remains the names of work with cellular companies. When a client replenishes his account and puts his banknote into the machine, your money comes to his phone from your bank account. It is important to understand that the cycle of movement of the money supply can be broken, namely, in order to make payments, you must already have money in your account for this. Once the account dries up, customers will keep putting money in and waiting replenishment of the balance. And there will be no money for them. The continuity of the cycle is very important, you need to constantly monitor the balance of funds, collect the payment terminal and take the money to the bank. Otherwise, the trust in your device will fall, and no one will use it. The payback of a payment terminal largely depends on its location. If we count payback as a ratio of start-up costs to income, we need to understand exactly what we consider start-up costs. A payment terminal can be purchased for 50 - 100 thousand rubles. But to this amount it is also necessary to add the funds that will need to be deposited into the account in order to provide work. At the same time, the more patency, topics more funds will need to be permanently frozen to ensure operation. Collection usually takes place 1-2 times a week. The more opportunities for collection you have, the less money you can have in circulation. Rent for a payment terminal is always different depending on the location, but in most cases it is 2-3 thousand rubles for small outlets, small shopping centers and shops. Large shopping centers piglets for a place from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The payment terminal is unpretentious, for work it only needs the availability of funds on the SIM card to access the Internet, funds in the account and a cash register. Expenses on the smooth operation insignificant and amount to about five hundred rubles a month. You also need to expect that for collection you need to lay one thousand rubles a month for one device. You can earn on the payment terminal an average of 5 - 7 thousand rubles a month. If you install the machine in a good passable place, you can count on an indicator of 10 - 15 thousand rubles. But as practice shows, a large mass of automata is placed everywhere, dispersing flows potential clients, and bringing their owners a small income. In this way, payback payment terminal can be from six months to a year.

Work policy

The presence of payment terminals in both large and small points is due to a number of factors. One of them is competition. The more traffic, the more income. But along with that, you get higher rents, higher risks, that new players will constantly apply for your place. Some of your tenants may have good friends or relatives who want to take your place. Yes, and just random people who want to can constantly raise the price tag. As a result, you may be offered more high prices to save space. Second important factor- wear. If you are located in a large shopping center, you certainly have good volumes. But let's think about what you get in addition. Namely, more high load. The machine will be used much more often, it will break down more often and fail much faster. You can earn twice as much if you place it in passable place, but at the same time it is possible to reduce its service life by four times. And here it is no longer so clear whether you win or lose by making such a choice. The third factor is the average check. You can guess with the place and have very good volumes. For example, if a very significant part is secured by payments for an apartment. But, at the same time, one must understand that the interest on the rent is so small that the feeling that someone has swindled all your money without letting you earn money will be more significant than the profit itself. On the other hand, you can have low volumes, for example, at a university, having a huge number of minimum payments, the income for which reaches 30% - 40%. Such a terminal can bring the owner much more money with minimal use. working capital and service. This issue should be taken very seriously. It is knowledge that makes business at payment terminals more successful. Information about where the device will be in demand is expensive. Sometimes the cost may be the business itself. And here is the most best advice, start working and planning before the machine is installed. Need to collect information. Understand who will use your services. It is necessary to collect information in advance about how many potential customers you will have, and what volumes to expect. I remember a case when a machine was installed in a large shopping center, bringing 75 thousand rubles a month. And this can be considered a success if you do not know that his rent cost exactly the same. So already at the stage of negotiations, you need to understand that the cost of rent is decisive role in success your business.

Fiscal registrars for terminals

In addition, the issue of fiscal registrars for terminals and federal law FZ 103 dated June 03, 2009, effective from April 1, 2010. Commenting on FZ 103 itself, we can say that in this moment any activity of the payment terminal should be carried out only if there is an established fiscal registrar. Clause 12 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 103-FZ: “the paying agent, when accepting payments, is obliged to use cash register equipment with fiscal memory and control tape" The only exceptions are banks that retain the right to conduct such activities without additional investments. All the rest, namely small entrepreneurs, only rejoiced new opportunity make good money, at the moment you have to buy every year ECLZ block storage for tax office in encrypted form of information about ongoing operations. At the same time, the cost of the ECLZ block is 7 - 8 thousand rubles. In addition, the business was obliged to maintain its fiscal registrars in the centers Maintenance CTO and related costs. Penalties were also set for continuing to operate without fiscal registrars in the amount of 3 - 4 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs and 30 - 40 thousand rubles for LLC. Well, the most “pleasant” innovation was the mandatory placement on the check of information about your actual address (if you are an individual entrepreneur) or your office (if you are an LLC). Those. you should kindly offer information on where you can be robbed to any intruder. This innovation was presented as an opportunity to halt the growth of the rapidly growing number of transactions for the cashing of gray cash flows. In fact, a rapidly growing line of business has simply become more expensive and inconvenient to maintain. By strangling the business of payment terminals, banks received a significant piece of this delicious pie. It is difficult to find other comments on the law FZ 103.


We examined the features of the work of one of the brightest types of vending business. Having figured out how much payment terminals earn and how they do it, we can say with confidence that the terminal business is stable, reliable and unpretentious. It is the autonomy of these devices that makes it especially attractive, allowing you to freely combine this activity with another. The history of the development of this market in our country has experienced a period of rapid growth, suppression and stabilization. At the moment, the situation on the market is in some tranquility. The rules of the game have been formulated, the market will no longer grow as much as it used to. Market saturation noted this year cell phones, and hence the total volume of payments to replenish the balance stabilizes. Although structural changes are also quite possible, related to the redistribution of payments, and the appointment of using a telephone bill to pay for all kinds of services. This can become a positive trend and significantly increase the amount of funds deposited in the accounts. Business on payment terminals will be an attractive and stable source of income for a long time to come. The trends in the development of society have already determined the gradual decrease paper money supply and replacing it with . But also long years payment terminals will be an integral part of our daily lives.

At the beginning of their advent, payment terminals looked like a gold mine. They bred and filled the free niches. The times of easy profits are over, but the business has remained and is developing. Those who are not lazy and ready to spend money at the start to launch 3-4 terminals can count on a refund within six months. Terminal owners face intense competition. It is necessary to monitor service market trends and respond to customer requests. Online payment and internet banking technologies are constantly evolving. New models of equipment and technologies are emerging. The ability to keep up with progress is the key to a profitable business.

Is it possible to make money on payment terminals: how profitable is the business?

Payment terminals have become commonplace. You can see them everywhere, they are everywhere. Even in sparsely populated corners, in a rural store or at a half-station where passengers are waiting for an electric train, you meet indispensable assistants remote payment. Looking at them, you understand, since they are worth it, then there is a benefit. There is an illusion of easy money. I bought a terminal, signed an agreement, connected to the system, started providing services and calculating commissions.

Payment terminals can be found at every step

The scheme is correct, but there are nuances and pitfalls. A lot of frustrated entrepreneurs wander from forum to forum and talk about failure, loss and lament the complexity of the case. Meanwhile, their lucky colleagues keep quiet and buy new equipment to develop a range of services. The example of the latter is inspiring, but when taking the first step, you should assess the risks and decide for yourself how profitable this undertaking is.

Possible risks

There are many risks, as in any business project:

  1. Terminals are complex electronic device, in which mechanical components and computer stuffing with software are concentrated. The failure of one element leads to the failure of the entire system.
  2. The operation of the terminal depends on uninterrupted power supply, reliability of the mobile operator and Internet provider.
  3. Terminals are objects of attacks by vandals, scammers and hackers. Some try to make payments without payment, others open bill acceptors, others, out of hooligan motives, break equipment, beat screens, put rubbish and foreign objects into the slots for receiving money and bank cards.
  4. The terminals require maintenance: cash collection, refilling the cash register, sanitary cleaning, scheduled and technological checks of the operation of mechanical components and software reliability.
  5. A bustling place where the terminal regularly generated income may eventually turn out to be sparsely populated.
  6. The owner of the premises with whom the site lease agreement has been concluded may not renew the agreement or set additional requirements.
  7. Terminals become morally obsolete before they run out of resources. Every year there are new models with better performance.
  8. Unfair competition from entrepreneurs with administrative resources.


There is no business without risk. You need to be ready for this. Hundreds of terminal owners cope with the difficulties and difficulties that come their way. When you know what risks are waiting, they can be foreseen, they can be managed. The benefits of business on payment terminals far outweigh the risks, because:

  • Modern terminals are reliable. The main costs go to the purchase and installation, after which the terminal brings a stable income at minimal cost.
  • The terminal can be rented or purchased under leasing.
  • The population is accustomed to using terminals, prefers to go to them, and not to the bank's cash desk.
  • If necessary, the terminal can be moved to another convenient location or sold. There is a steady demand for used terminals.
  • Managing a network of 4-5 terminals is not difficult for an inexperienced entrepreneur taking the first steps in business.

Having returned the initial investment, which will happen in about six months, the entrepreneur will gain invaluable experience and will be able to determine to what extent he can expand his business or decide to diversify. For example, it will begin to explore related service markets in vending machines, coffee machines etc.

Getting Started: Required Documents

legal entity or individual entrepreneur taking the first step is easy. Installation of terminals does not require licensing. An individual will have to spend part of his time on registering an enterprise. If it is planned to install no more than 5 terminals, then the IP is quite suitable for this purpose, especially since such enterprises have various forms taxation: 6% on imputed income (“imputation”), 15% on profit (“simplified”), purchase of a patent for a year.

Any of three options allows you to optimize taxes to a level below 13%, which is charged on the income of individuals. So the next steps are:

  1. Registration of an individual entrepreneur (apply with a passport and an application to the tax service and pay 800 rubles of state duty).
  2. Place rental.
  3. Purchase and adjustment of equipment.
  4. Conclusion of agreements with payment systems, mobile operator and Internet provider.
  5. Registration of partnership agreements with organizations in whose favor payments will be accepted.
  6. Conclusion of an agreement on collection.
  7. Organization of maintenance of terminals.
  8. Organization of customer feedback to resolve disputes.

The last two points are very important. There are many payment terminals, the reputation in the service market is the key to stable work. Customers will not return to the terminal where the payment failed. Or they will pass by at all if the terminal looks untidy on the outside.

Equipment selection

The demand for terminals stimulated manufacturers. Eyes run up from the proposals. Common sense dictates the choice the latest equipment. But it will cost more, besides, it is difficult to find reviews on it, because it has been recently exploited. There are no ideal models, just as there are no absolutely bad ones among those that have been serving their intended purpose for many years. Minimum set components in the payment terminal are as follows:

  • bill acceptor;
  • screen with touch control and anti-vandal coating;
  • a cash register printer with the function of a fiscal registrar that prints and issues payment receipts;
  • modems providing cellular communication and Internet connection;
  • alarm and emergency signaling;
  • slot with a bank card reader;
  • Barcode Scanner.

More advanced terminals provide for the display of an advertising or television image, information and legal assistance in the form of text and voice guidance, communication with the operator and other useful customer service functions. But what harder device the more demanding it is to care and maintenance.

Before buying, be sure to check the terminal

There are many offers to buy used equipment on thematic forums and classifieds sites. Practically new terminals that have served for several months are sold several times cheaper compared to prices in catalogs from manufacturers and distributors. There is no single rule for this. The purchase may turn out to be successful or, conversely, wasted money. A beginner should be careful not to spend money without consulting with experts.

How to choose a location for the terminal

The terminal is designed to serve customers, its profitability depends on how many times and for what amount payments are made. The more often it is used, the more money it will bring to the owner. In Moscow, one terminal has an average of 1,000 people, the figures vary in the regions. There is slyness and deceit in the average figures, but you can focus on them. If, for example, at the place of residence of an entrepreneur, 1 terminal turns out to be 4,000 residents, this is a clear sign that the payment services market has not been mastered and there are free niches.

Even if it seems like everything convenient places occupied by other entrepreneurs, you can always find an unoccupied site. You should go around and look at the flows of people in crowded places:

  • shopping and business centers;
  • railway stations, airports, bus and railway stations;
  • educational institutions, objects of leisure of the population;
  • medical institutions;
  • underground passages and public transport stops;
  • places of traditional public events.

Why are terminals good? With its mobility. They can be transported and installed at another point, if necessary. Being flexible, the entrepreneur can move the terminals to where an increase in the number of potential customers is expected.

Cooperation with the payment system

Choosing a payment system is akin to choosing a business partner. So that a beginner does not feel insecure, as if at a crossroads, he should study the payment systems market at the stage of buying a terminal. There are several dozen of them, they actively compete with each other, each is good in its own way and not without flaws. The terminal owner can:

  • conclude a direct contract with one or more payment systems;
  • connect to payment systems through the head agent;
  • make payments through aggregator companies working with several payment systems;
  • use Internet banking services.

Direct payments are the most profitable, the terminal will receive the maximum reward from them, but the entrepreneur's opportunities for such operations are limited. The more terminals it has and the wider the coverage of organizations in whose favor payments are accepted, the more intermediaries will appear. You need to prepare for this inevitability in advance by studying offers on the payment systems market. Experts advise paying attention to the following criteria:

  • reputation, fame and reliability;
  • stability of the payment processing server;
  • software quality, its compatibility with the payment terminal;
  • the amount of remuneration from the payment system to the agent;
  • compatibility with the interface of local service providers;
  • the ability to display advertising on payment terminals;
  • the ability of the terminal itself to flexibly configure the interface for the requests of the payment system;
  • interest of the system in new agents, benefits and promotions.

Among the payment systems that have been operating on the market for more than one year and have won the trust of customers, the following can be distinguished: CyberPlat, QIWI Wallet (Qiwi Wallet), JV Quickpay, DeltaPay, Comepay, SkySend. The list is far from complete, there are many more. Each system has its own corporate website, where you can get acquainted with the features of work, get the necessary information, technical support and conclude an agency agreement.

Terminal maintenance

Terminals should not be left unattended, even in the most crowded places. Once a day, you should check its condition and performance. The place where the terminal is installed should attract customers. So this area must be clean. It is necessary to install bins with garbage bags, which are changed regularly. The touch screen is free from dirt and grease marks. There is sanitary norms and elementary disgust of clients. Very often, payment terminals stand in groups of several pieces and belong to different owners. Don't miss out on customers just because the adjacent terminal looks clean and tidy.

Each terminal is supplied with documentation, which must contain an instruction manual. Maintenance should not be left to chance, breakage or failure - this is not only a waste of time, lost profits and additional expenses on call service workers, but also a drop in reputation. You also need to understand the psychology of people who use terminals. They develop something similar to a conditioned reflex. Accustomed to making payments at one terminal, these people automatically return to it. Such customers should not be lost due to the fact that the terms and procedures for maintenance were not observed.

Internal organization terminals

The service is inferior to specialists, but the current care is within the power of the owner himself or the person who was appointed. The list of responsibilities should include:

  • daily inspection and check, cleaning of pollution, cleaning of the area immediately adjacent to the terminal;
  • tape check cash register, replacement if necessary;
  • removal of debris and foreign objects from the bill acceptor and from the bank card slot;
  • report to the owner on the inspection and identified deficiencies.

Communication and Internet connection problems are solved through technical support operator and provider. Cash collection of small amounts is easy to carry out on your own if security issues are resolved. But, as a rule, collection is carried out by specialized companies with which a contract is concluded.

If during the inspection an attempt of unauthorized opening of the terminal, vandal damage, malfunctions are detected, the terminal should be turned off and a warning sign should be put up for customers. Then report to the police and insurance company about the incident and then act according to their instructions.

Video: how the terminal works and what to do in case of a breakdown

Cost calculation

The initial investment depends on many factors, but the market has settled, which makes it easier to calculate the investment. The biggest expense is the purchase of the terminal. Leaving aside the used ones, we take into account only new models. In manufacturers' catalogs, prices range from 125,000 to 305,000 rubles. for calculation, we will take 215,000 rubles. 1 sq.m. is rented for one terminal. area. For the remaining positions, we take the average values.

Table: initial investment

In total, installing a network of 4 terminals will require 900,000 rubles. Why exactly 4? Because, according to the opinions of entrepreneurs who have been in this business for a long time, the installation of 1-3 terminals does not give a profit sufficient to maintain and develop the business.

900 000 rubles the amount is not small, but comparable to what banks give for consumer loans. In this case, the loan is not consumer, but for a business that is considered profitable by default. In an interested bank, you can get a loan at a favorable, preferential interest, and replenish the monthly expenses table with loan payments. By the way, payments can be made through your terminal.

Scale running costs small, only a few positions, mostly repeating the original ones.

Table: monthly expenses

Total 33 000 rubles. when hiring an employee who will control the operation of the terminals. Without it, 23,000 rubles, if the owner can handle it himself. Will the income cover the initial investment and current expenses? Answer: yes! The main components of the revenue side (averaged monthly figures for 1 terminal) are presented in the table below.

Table: profit forecast

In a month, an entrepreneur can count on (107,000 - 33,000) \u003d 74,000 rubles. This means that in about 9–10 months it will fully compensate for the initial investment. During this time, 190,000 current expenses will run up, which will be covered in 3-4 months and the business will reach a monthly net income. It is not recommended to spend all profits on personal needs and consumption. Part of it must certainly go to expanding and developing the business.

Approximate return on business ideal conditions- 3–4 months.

Possible difficulties and solutions

An entrepreneur who conducts business legally with open reporting, who complies with the laws, is under the protection of the state. Therefore, all contracts are writing, fasten with signatures and strictly comply. This practice allows you to defend your interests in court if partners or control bodies have caused damage to the enterprise by illegal actions.

In the relationship between the terminal owner and clients, the most problematic situation is when the terminal accepted money, but the payment was made for a smaller amount or did not go through at all. For successful business sometimes it is necessary to give in and interpret all doubts in favor of the client, satisfy his requirements and conduct an internal investigation. In the event of a failure due to the fault of the equipment manufacturer, network provider or payment system, deal with them, up to hearings in arbitration or in civil court. If it turns out that there are signs of fraud in the client's actions, transfer the materials to law enforcement agencies. The statute of limitations for such cases is 3 years.

Recently, people are increasingly paying for services using payment terminals. This includes payment for communal, Internet, mobile, cable TV services. Installing your own terminal can be quite profitable investment. The cost of starting a business does not exceed 1,000,000 rubles, and the relatively small cost of the machine will pay off within the first few months.

What is the business?

The business of installing payment terminals is far from new. Its essence boils down to the installation of special terminals that accept various kinds of payments without human intervention. At the same time, the owner's income consists of a commission for accepting payments and bonuses from companies that accept them.

Today, entering a business requires considerable effort, since in all major cities the niche has been occupied for a long time. Even if you install your machine, the competition will be too high to make really big money. The most successful business in small towns, district centers.

Where to begin?

It is necessary to start organizing a business by registering as. To do this, just contact the INFS branch with a package of papers and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

The peculiarity of the business is that you do not need to obtain any permits or licenses to install the terminal.

Purchase of equipment

After registration legal entity you can start buying equipment. The device itself consists of several parts:

When choosing a device, please Special attention for the following details:

  1. The size of the bill acceptor. Ideally, it should be designed for 1,500 - 2,000 bills. This will allow less frequent collection of the device.
  2. The thermal printer must be from well-known manufacturer and is designed for a large roll of paper.
  3. The housing and display must be shock resistant.
  4. The watchdog timer must be OK.
  5. The software is stable and intuitive.
  6. Equipment warranty.
  7. Good timer.