What to do to dream of a beloved man. Conspiracies for love longing are the most effective. Conspiracy for a toy

Every night we are able to see a dream, and maybe even more than one. Dreams are able to reflect what we have lived, there is a visualization of what we see, and its processing in our thoughts. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed the significance of dreams and paid attention even to the smallest details. It was believed that if you see a person at night, he thinks about you, so many tried to use magic and read a conspiracy to dream about a loved one, sometimes it’s enough just to imagine a person all day long, and read a prayer to God before sleep.

vision in hand

So what, in fact, our euthanasia represent? Falling asleep is a state of rest, which should be at regular intervals. Few individuals can boast of the ability to control the plot of a dream, to see conscious plots. Ask a question of interest, receive the same answer as during wakefulness. For centuries, it has been customary that Morpheus carry certain messages to their chosen ones. As a rule, such energy messages are usually associated with the future. In ancient times, it was believed that morpheuses come to a person at the command of a higher power, they can warn about something, most importantly, correctly interpret what was dreamed of. For this, huge volumes of books-interpretations were compiled.

The girls used the effect of conscious vision in their conspiracies in order to dream of their beloved and through their half-sleep they penetrated into the consciousness of their beloved. Having dreamed of each other, the lovers, being at a distance, could see each other and convey their messages. There is a ritual that will allow lovers to talk, it must be activated at midnight:

  • we put a mirror in front of us, light candles, one candle should be shorter than the other;
  • we put a photo of our chosen one behind the mirror;
  • you need to concentrate and see the image of a man in the looking glass: “Look at me, honey, I'm here, I'm yours. I want to invite you to speak. Come to me in a dream, and I will come to your mercy in a dream”;
  • after extinguishing the candles, go to bed.

It is believed that a husband and wife, who are constantly together, during separation are able to see the same vision in a dream, for this you need to look in the mirror and say:

“Husband (wife), my reflection, we will make everything in half with him, and we will be here.”

All for two

To dream of a guy, for a conspiracy, you will need to believe in what is happening, as in any spell, and this is not so difficult when it comes to love. Such spells may be needed for various reasons:

Whatever the reason, the result is important - penetration into someone else's subconscious and managing it. By the way, such practices were used in Ancient Egypt, as evidenced by historical records on parchment. In a dream, we can do whatever we want: soar in the clouds, run, ride hot-air balloon, travel across countries - so why not use these properties with those you like? Since time immemorial, women have used the sleep spell for two to dream about a man.

  1. Firstly, it is necessary to think over the day what the sleeping will be about. Use the help in compiling signs - take a dream book.
  2. Second, plan your dream scenes in such a way that you can remember even the smallest details.
  3. Stay within until ten in the evening, then it will be easier to fall asleep: “Going to bed, I think about you, love! Come to our dream, I'm waiting."
  4. Falling asleep, we begin to mentally watch a film of our own fantasy, which in a moment will be dreaming of your loved one.

One of the ways a guy dreams is a ritual with a bouquet of flowers. Flowers should be wild, preferably hand-picked with rhizomes. We cut the roots, put the flowers in a vase with some water. My roots, dry. Put a bouquet of field plants under the pillow before going to bed. We put the roots in any vessel, set fire to it and say:

“I’ll fly away with smoke, into the sky. As the smoke is light, so I am light, I will come to your slumber, wait for me!

Scatter the remains of the ashes to the wind. Now let's go to sleep.

Lunar spells

The rites were all and always, but the lunar rites are more suitable for those beauties who want to dream of using a conspiracy to make a person fall in love with themselves. On a full moon, you should look out the window, at the moonlight and whisper:

“I’ll dream at your mercy, here it is - me. Know me, I am your love. God's servant (name), love me!

Repeat seven times and go to bed.

Take a piece of paper, any format, preferably dark in color, write a message on it:

“Mother moon, you came to me again. I've been waiting for you, I've prepared a request. I beg you, come to your beloved, look out the window. Make him remember me, let him get bored, but in the morning he will come to me.

We burn the conspiracy, and flutter the ashes in the wind.

A strong conspiracy is made on the rising moon. Before the ritual, it is necessary to dissolve the braids, go outside, bow to the young month:

“The month is young, beautiful, like my betrothed. The night is dark, so show me the way to a sweet home, bring me to it. Light the way."

Also on the full moon, a ceremony could be performed to remind:

“I remind you of myself, don’t forget me, don’t change your beloved for distant seas. I will send news for you about my native land.

On a waning moonlit night, in order to appear to the guy in a dream, a candle was lit on the window:

“The moon is waning, the candle is fading, as soon as the wax melts, my appearance will appear to you.”

Collect spruce needles, imperceptibly put one in the guy's pocket, put the rest under the pillow at home:

“As these needles grew on one branch, so we will walk in pairs. I will dream about you, fate will bring you to me.

In general, the desire to dream of your soulmate or the one whom the heart has chosen does not want to be called magic. Simply, we people all have a gift - our energy makes thoughts material, if you think about a guy all day, then even without spells he will feel your belonging to him. But still, if you want to be one hundred percent sure of yourself, it is better to read a simple conspiracy using white magic.

To appear at night to your sweetheart, collect dried flowers or a bunch of straw. We put one branch under the pillow, burn the rest, collect the ashes in a bag. In the morning, after sleep, blow the contents of the bag into the wind:

"I will come to you every night until you look at me in reality."

You can make a man fall in love with you different ways including magical ones. There is a conspiracy to dream of a beloved man. As a result of this conspiracy, he will think about you all the next day. His soul will be full of feelings about you and in the end he will just come to the girl right on the threshold.

The effectiveness of conspiracy through sleep

The ancient magicians believed that conspiracies through dreams are one of the most effective conspiracies. This is very simply explained. As the famous Freud said: "Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." So, magicians believe that inducing love through sleep is an even more productive event than the usual one. love spell. After all, what constitutes a love spell is a ritual through which thoughts about you are imposed on a person of interest to you.

When a conspiracy goes through a dream, the attitudes towards falling in love are absorbed by a person much more successfully and act much more strongly. As you know, our subconscious desires are sometimes much stronger than conscious ones, and so here the attitudes towards love are recorded in the subconscious.

When to conspire to sleep?

You can dream of a man using magic for this in the following life situations:

  • You can dream of a guy with whom the girl quarreled and now does not know how to make peace. Perhaps there is not enough willpower to come up first and start a conversation, or maybe the guy is very proud and rejects all her attempts to make peace.
  • A conspiracy to dream of a loved one can be used if a girl is unrequitedly in love with a guy. This option is especially relevant when a girl tried to attract the attention of a guy using the usual methods, but nothing happened. Then, having dreamed about him, his beloved will definitely pay attention to her, see in her an interesting young lady.
  • You can also dream of a guy if this is your ex-young man. For example, you just broke up, but almost immediately realized that you made a mistake and want to make peace. When a loved one sees you in a dream, the best memories of you will pop up in his mind and he will want to return to the good old days.
  • If a woman wants to beat a married man with a dream plot, then this is also possible. But in this case, there may be unpleasant consequences for the customer herself.
  • Dreaming of a loved one is very good if you are at a distance from him. When lovers are at a distance, it is not so easy to maintain a high degree of love in a relationship. As a result, the interest of your young man may be turned towards other girls. A plot to appear to him in a dream will keep his interest in you.
  • If you notice that your beloved man has begun to be interested in other girls, or you frankly know that he has a mistress, then also appear to him in a dream. Then, on a subconscious level, he will turn to you again, and the other woman will simply cease to interest him.

These are exemplary situations in which you can safely cast a conspiracy to appear to a man in a dream. These conspiracies can be used in other cases.

Sleep conspiracy

This plot for a love dream will not require any special rituals. The only thing is that it should be carried out during the growing moon. Then nature itself will help to ensure that the desired and deep sleep dreamed of your loved one.

How additional measure, for the atmosphere, you can read this plot among the candles. Light them, sit down among the candles and read the following text:

“As the Servant of God (name of the man) goes to bed today, he will see the Servant of God (his name) first and last in a dream today. I will come to you in a dream, I will draw you into self-love, I will sneak into your heart. I ask the higher powers to remind him of me. To see me and fall in love with him. Yes, let him wake up with that love for me. Wake up, understand that he loves and come to me. I send myself to my dear one in a dream, I give myself to my dear one in a dream, if I can’t wake up.

After that, the candles must be extinguished and immediately go to bed. It is advisable to read such a conspiracy to sleep when you already really want to sleep, and you feel that you are about to fall asleep.

Most likely, the very next day you will receive news from your loved one. He will remember you. Gradually, he will develop a feeling of love for you, this is how the conspiracy to sleep works.

Conspiracy for a toy

A conspiracy to dream about your boyfriend can be cast on a toy. But for this you need to buy a new toy. First think about your beloved man. Think about which animal or character it reminds you of. And starting from these thoughts, you can choose a toy. That is, the toy should be associated with your loved one. Choose it with your soul, then the ceremony will be especially successful. Before you go to bed, hug the toy and read the following magical text on it:

“I dream of you this night, short and deep. You see me, feel the brightest feelings for me, my betrothed, hear me. As your clear eyes close from daytime fatigue, you will see my image of the Servant of God (name of the man), see you in my dream, be able to love and accept you completely. Ask yourself the question, how are you without me? Everyone will receive his own in a dream, the night keeps our love under its cover. And as soon as you get up early in the morning, you will go to the servant of God for the love that the night promised us. I hug you, always with you.

After that, hug the toy tightly and fall asleep. The one to whom you uttered the text will definitely see you that night. Some spend this slander on a photo of a loved one.

This conspiracy to cross sleep. This means that the girl will also dream of her beloved young man.

By the way, such a ritual has a special power. But it does not always work out 100%, because people should be at least a little attuned to each other. But, if so, then the slander has a very high result.

waning moon conspiracy

There is love plots which are best done on a waning moon. This one is one of them. It is done in descending order, because you get rid of all the bad things that you had with this person, thereby making room for a happy future.

The girl who does this ritual needs to go out into the open light of the waning moon and turn three times counterclockwise and say this magic word:

“I turn back time, remove all the bad. Let today the servant of God (the name of the man) dream of all the good things, all the best that was with me the servant of God (his name) is connected, see me, feel happy at the same time. Understand that you can't do without me. The future image of our happiness come to him. The strength of our love will overcome him, and he will come to my doorstep tomorrow.”

It is good to carry out such a ritual if your loved one is now at a distance from you. Perhaps you quarreled, and now in the minds of both it is more negative than positive. This also happens in a married couple, then the husband will be returned to the couple with the help of such a dream. So, such slander allows you to shift the focus of attention to the good in a couple.

To dream of a beloved conspiracy

Love is an interesting thing. Can we know for sure at the age of 16, for example, that we are in love? We liked the person whose image coincided with our internal image of the ideal. We don’t even know what he is, but for some reason we immediately decide that we are in love. And it begins ... “Does he think about me?”, “What is he doing now?”, “What if he went for a walk without me?”, “Why didn’t he call me?”

I want to dream of my beloved

Our inner selfishness deprives the other half of any freedom at all, even movement. So is it love? True love, on the contrary, gives freedom. You are only happy when your loved one is happy. That's true love.

Is not it so? Love is not torment and anxiety, but, on the contrary, peace and joy.

Particularly selfish natures strive even in a dream to appear to their beloved by force.

And, of course, there is demand, and there is supply. In such a case, there are many conspiracies.

There is a custom that conspiracies for women are read on women's days. It's Friday, Saturday, Wednesday. And men's conspiracies - respectively, for men's days. It is forbidden to engage in divination on Sunday, since this day is intended for prayer. On big holidays, you can’t do something like that either.

Conspiracies are usually pronounced three times in a row, unless something else is indicated in the explanations to the conspiracy. You need to fake your work every month. If this particular conspiracy does not work for you, then look for another one. Maybe this one just isn't right for you.

How to dream about the one you love

To come to a loved one in a dream, it is not necessary to read conspiracies. You just need to constantly think about him before going to bed, dream, imagine in detail what you want the betrothed to see about you.

And then, mentally calling on the beloved by name, say that you will come to him soon. If you constantly practice this procedure, your loved one will not spend a single night without you.

Magic so that a loved one sees me in a dream

You can use the advice of white magic to dream about your lover. On the right day, go to bed before midnight, put out the light. At night, read the prayers "Our Father" and Nikolai Ugodnik, and then ask the Miracle Worker to remind your loved one about you. Do it sincerely and with faith. If this man is your destiny Higher power they will respond and help you. If not, then it's not worth trying. There is a man walking around somewhere meant just for you, so there is no point in engaging in violence.

You need to deal not with men, but with your personality, develop and grow spiritually, learn how to communicate correctly, like people, then there will be no end to fans. Everyone will consider it happiness to dream about you. The girl is not a hunter. On the contrary, it should evoke a hunting instinct in a man.

Where in nature have you seen a mouse chasing a cat? Do not rush things, let the man conquer you.

If you appear to a guy every night in dreams, it’s not a fact that he will love you more. There is a big risk, on the contrary, he will get bored.

Conspiracy on the mirror

For this conspiracy, you need to prepare a small brand new mirror and before going to bed, bringing it close to your lips, whisper, observing all the rules for reading conspiracies given above:

Then slip the mirror under your pillow with the reflective side up. Early in the morning, the mirror should be placed under running water, washed thoroughly, wrapped in a clean cloth and hidden in the closet under the linen so that no one will find it. You can use it a few more times later.

A conspiracy to sleep to dream of a loved one

Here is another very strong conspiracy to dream of a lover. Buy two red wax candles. Sit near a mirror on a full moon at midnight. Candles should be reflected in the mirror. Looking inside the mirror gallery, say following words: “I will go along the mirror path straight into the dream of my beloved. Amen". So, you can run to your beloved every night, and if you still learn how to induce lucid dreams, then conspiracies will not be needed.

Exist special exercises that train a person's awareness in a dream. Those. you remember that you dreamed of your lover, all your actions, as if in reality. It turns out a dream within a dream. And you see it. And he dreams about you. And in the morning you remember what you did in a joint dream, what you talked about, and so on. This is very interesting, because you can choose topics for conversations completely arbitrarily, as in real life, agree on something, act exactly the same as in real life.

At the same time, you may even lose the correct perception of what is happening, about a dream you will think that this is life, and about life, that this is a dream. In order not to get confused, it is recommended, for example, to read the inscriptions around. If the inscription changes after the first reading, then you are definitely in a dream.

Another way: look at your hands for a long time, if they change their outlines and contours, then you are sleeping. There are many more such signs, so you should be very careful.

Do not get carried away, because in a dream people mostly hide from problems. Better solve them in reality, and with love too.

A conspiracy to the moon to dream of a loved one

This plot must be written down on a clean beautiful paper by the light of two red wax candles. Then near the window read right amount once, burn it, and let the ashes go to the wind.

Even if you love very much, it is best to give the person free will. There is no need to appear to him in dreams by force. Take care of the health of the people you love. Better educate yourself. Study the psychology of relationships.

Learn to communicate correctly in order to please all people without exception. This can be learned by stepping out of your comfort zone and exercising more often by meeting strangers. With practice comes self-confidence. After all, only girls suffering from an inferiority complex try to impose themselves on men, the more they push them away from themselves.

What kind of conspiracy is needed to dream of a loved one

What does your dream mean?

Many will agree that dreams reflect our subconscious and otherworldly life, because our reality is so often reflected in dreams, or vice versa, we see completely opposite actions and events in our dreams. Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have tried to decipher dreams, certain dreamed objects, events or actions.

In the world there is a huge number of the most diverse dream books compiled different people and in different times, but which interpret the same dreams in almost the same way. Dreams in relationships have always been equated with the mysterious interaction of two souls. This is probably why a conspiracy to dream of a loved one is often used by girls and young women so that their loved ones do not forget about them.

The power of sleep and thoughts about a person

The power of the conspiracy is in your faith

Dreams for lovers have always had importance. In the old days, loving young people did not have such freedom in relationships as they do today, so most often they could see each other furtively for a short time or just in dreams. There is an opinion that if you think about a person for a long time, then you will definitely dream about him the next night, and if you dream of a certain person, then he was thinking about you. Of course, most often our thoughts are simply visualized in dreams and we dream of the one we are thinking about, but in order to surely dream of a loved one and make him act, you can resort to conspiracies to make him dream. A girl seen in a dream means a lot to a young man, and most often such dreams force them to take certain actions in relation to her.

Psychologists say that our dreams represent a person's hidden desires. Therefore, having seen a girl in a dream, a young man involuntarily begins to think about her, remember what happened in a dream, how she was presented, he wants to see her in reality. This is exactly how interest is awakened from the opposite sex, and frequent thoughts and a desire to reveal a secret give rise to certain feelings, which in the future can develop into something more than just an exciting dream.

In addition, many young people want to translate into reality everything that happened in a dream, so a girl's dream for a guy can be the beginning of their wonderful relationship. And dreams are endowed with a special positive energy, so if such energy is reflected in relationships and in real world, then we can safely say that a conspiracy to dream of a person worked.

Conspiracies and rituals for a dream to a loved one

Dream of a loved one

In the old days, our grandmothers ordered dreams for their loved ones by looking at the moon. Try the following conspiracy. To dream of a loved one, the ritual must be performed on the full moon, and the days of equinoxes and solstices are also considered good enough for making dreams.

When a girl looks at the moon, she should cross her mouth and say the words:

“A dream about me, a dream with you, for the Servant of God (such and such). May it be so!"

The conspiracy is sentenced 9 times. It is important that the ritual is allowed to be carried out no more than 3 times a month, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved.

How to order and send a dream to a loved one

Sending a dream to a loved one

To dream of a guy or loved one, you can send your dream to him. For this ritual, it is necessary to be sure for sure that the person is sleeping at this time. How to check this depends on your relationship, but in any case, there is always a way to find out about it. The ritual of sending sleep is performed at night in total darkness.

The dream is compiled by the girl herself on a positive topic. You can use the dream book so that later the guy can explain what he dreamed about and how certain objects or events are connected with the dreaming girl. Get ready for bed, turn off the lights and go to bed. Begin to fall asleep slowly, before saying the words:

“I compose your dream, send it to you, dream to you, in a dream I turn to you, so that in life you turn to me. Amen!"

Now you need to compose your dream, which mentally needs to be forwarded to him. It is enough just to concentrate and imagine the dream that you would like your young man to see.

Composing such a dream, the girl herself falls asleep. With strong faith and the energy of desire and love, two people can even see the same dream, and in some cases the dreams are so clear that the young person begins to believe in their realism. It is best to guess and send your dreams to a young man on the night of Thursday to Friday.

A conspiracy to dream of a loved one on the moon

Using the power of the moon

This conspiracy is carried out on the day of the full moon. The plot is written out on a piece of dark paper, since modern multi-colored pastes or gels allow you to write on dark paper.

The plot is read before going to bed three times on a full moon with open window and at the same time it is necessary to stand facing the moon and look at it. What you need to write on paper:

“Virgo Moon, tell my beloved (name) hello from me. Let him see me in a dream, remember me and miss me. As soon as he gets bored, he will give me the news. Virgo Moon, give your sweetheart a happy and bright dream about me, and I will thank you, I will say thank you very much.

After reading the plot, crush the sheet and throw it out through the window. Go to bed.

Straw conspiracy to dream of a loved one

A bunch of hay for a conspiracy

For this plot you will need a bunch of fresh straw. The plot is carried out at night before going to bed at an open window. One straw from the bundle is placed under the pillow, and the bundle is burned with the window open, the ashes are thrown out the window.

At the same time, the words are sentenced:

“Go, smoke, go, ashes, to the slave (name), as the haze swirled strongly in the wind, so I dreamed in a dream, my dear, let the ashes swirl in the wind, and my dear, in a dream, strain on me. Amen".

Repeat the plot three times and then go to bed

The energy of conspiracies to dream of a person

The energy of the conspiracy is subject to you

Conspiracies to dream of a loved one cannot be attributed to some kind of strong magic or magical rites. Our thoughts about a person are able to transfer very strong energy to his subconscious and relationships with him in parallel world dreams and dreams. Very often, before going to bed, we think, while we can stand at the window, look at the moon and just talk at night with our desired object.

At such moments, information relating to a certain person is recorded in the laws of the Universe, and this information will certainly be conveyed to its addressee. Many conspiracies to dream of a person were drawn up in this way. Their effectiveness has been confirmed for centuries, so now they are boldly used purposefully. At the same time, conspiracies for the appearance of a person in a dream are absolutely harmless and in no way force him to certain actions, but only guide him. And what choice to make depends only on each of us.

Conspiracies if you need to dream of a loved one

You can fall in love with a man in a variety of ways, including magical ones. There is a conspiracy to dream of a beloved man. As a result of this conspiracy, he will think about you all the next day. His soul will be full of feelings about you and in the end he will just come to the girl right on the threshold.

A conspiracy to dream of a beloved man

The effectiveness of conspiracy through sleep

The ancient magicians believed that conspiracies through dreams are one of the most effective conspiracies. This is very simply explained. As the famous Freud said: "Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." So, magicians believe that inducing love through a dream is an even more productive event than an ordinary love spell. After all, what constitutes a love spell is a ritual through which thoughts about you are imposed on a person of interest to you.

When a conspiracy goes through a dream, the attitudes towards falling in love are absorbed by a person much more successfully and act much more strongly. As you know, our subconscious desires are sometimes much stronger than conscious ones, and so here the attitudes towards love are recorded in the subconscious.

When to conspire to sleep?

You can dream of a man using magic for this in the following life situations:

  • You can dream of a guy with whom the girl quarreled and now does not know how to make peace. Perhaps there is not enough willpower to come up first and start a conversation, or maybe the guy is very proud and rejects all her attempts to make peace.
  • A conspiracy to dream of a loved one can be used if a girl is unrequitedly in love with a guy. This option is especially relevant when a girl tried to attract the attention of a guy using the usual methods, but nothing happened. Then, having dreamed about him, his beloved will definitely pay attention to her, see in her an interesting young lady.
  • You can also dream of a guy if this is your ex-young man. For example, you just broke up, but almost immediately realized that you made a mistake and want to make peace. When a loved one sees you in a dream, the best memories of you will pop up in his mind and he will want to return to the good old days.
  • If a woman wants to beat a married man with a dream plot, then this is also possible. But in this case, there may be unpleasant consequences for the customer herself.
  • Dreaming of a loved one is very good if you are at a distance from him. When lovers are at a distance, it is not so easy to maintain a high degree of love in a relationship. As a result, the interest of your young man may be turned towards other girls. A plot to appear to him in a dream will keep his interest in you.
  • If you notice that your beloved man has begun to be interested in other girls, or you frankly know that he has a mistress, then also appear to him in a dream. Then, on a subconscious level, he will turn to you again, and the other woman will simply cease to interest him.

These are exemplary situations in which you can safely cast a conspiracy to appear to a man in a dream. These conspiracies can be used in other cases.

Sleep conspiracy

This plot for a love dream will not require any special rituals. The only thing is that it should be carried out during the growing moon. Then nature itself will help your loved one to have the necessary and strong dream.

As an additional measure, for the atmosphere, you can read this plot among the candles. Light them, sit down among the candles and read the following text:

“As the Servant of God (name of the man) goes to bed today, he will see the Servant of God (his name) first and last in a dream today. I will come to you in a dream, I will draw you into self-love, I will sneak into your heart. I ask the higher powers to remind him of me. To see me and fall in love with him. Yes, let him wake up with that love for me. Wake up, understand that he loves and come to me. I send myself to my dear one in a dream, I give myself to my dear one in a dream, if I can’t wake up.

After that, the candles must be extinguished and immediately go to bed. It is advisable to read such a conspiracy to sleep when you already really want to sleep, and you feel that you are about to fall asleep.

Most likely, the very next day you will receive news from your loved one. He will remember you. Gradually, he will develop a feeling of love for you, this is how the conspiracy to sleep works.

Conspiracy for a toy

A conspiracy to dream about your boyfriend can be cast on a toy. But for this you need to buy a new toy. First think about your beloved man. Think about which animal or character it reminds you of. And starting from these thoughts, you can choose a toy. That is, the toy should be associated with your loved one. Choose it with your soul, then the ceremony will be especially successful. Before you go to bed, hug the toy and read the following magical text on it:

“I dream of you this night, short and deep. You see me, feel the brightest feelings for me, my betrothed, hear me. As your clear eyes close from daytime fatigue, you will see my image of the Servant of God (name of the man), see you in my dream, be able to love and accept you completely. Ask yourself the question, how are you without me? Everyone will receive his own in a dream, the night keeps our love under its cover. And as soon as you get up early in the morning, you will go to the servant of God for the love that the night promised us. I hug you, always with you.

After that, hug the toy tightly and fall asleep. The one to whom you uttered the text will definitely see you that night. Some spend this slander on a photo of a loved one.

This conspiracy to cross sleep. This means that the girl will also dream of her beloved young man.

By the way, such a ritual has a special power. But it does not always work out 100%, because people should be at least a little attuned to each other. But, if so, then the slander has a very high result.

That is why it is good to carry out such a ritual in the event that you quarreled with your beloved man or if, thus, you want to return your ex boyfriend. Because with this person you are definitely still attuned to each other. Some magicians believe that it is possible to ask a loved one a question in a dream, the answer to which you still cannot get in real life. But this is for those who like to communicate in their sleep.

A conspiracy to make a loved one miss you.

For a guy to call, for a guy to call, a conspiracy

waning moon conspiracy

There are love plots that are best done on a waning moon. This one is one of them. It is done in descending order, because you get rid of all the bad things that you had with this person, thereby making room for a happy future.

The girl who does this ritual needs to go out into the open light of the waning moon and turn three times counterclockwise and say this magic word:

“I turn back time, remove all the bad. Let today the servant of God (the name of the man) dream of all the good things, all the best that was with me the servant of God (his name) is connected, see me, feel happy at the same time. Understand that you can't do without me. The future image of our happiness come to him. The strength of our love will overcome him, and he will come to my doorstep tomorrow.”

It is good to carry out such a ritual if your loved one is now at a distance from you. Perhaps you quarreled, and now in the minds of both it is more negative than positive. This also happens in a married couple, then the husband will be returned to the couple with the help of such a dream. So, such slander allows you to shift the focus of attention to the good in a couple.

Colorful and realistic dreams are imprinted in memory for a long time, especially if they were with the participation of a loved one or sympathetic person. Sometimes such dreams even push for certain actions. It is for this reason that sleep can be a wonderful magical remedy.

Even in the old days, girls used various conspiracies, with the help of which they managed to inspire a pretty and sweet-hearted guy with dreams about himself. And such conspiracies turned out to be very effective, because dreams are tightly connected with the subconscious. And, as you know, it greatly affects a person’s actions in real life, because psychologists have also proven that dreams express our hidden desires.

Thus, using a conspiracy to dream of a guy, any girl will be able to influence the young man she is interested in through his subconscious, and thereby draw his attention to himself, make him think about himself and push him to start new or strengthen existing relationships .

It is possible to pronounce special magic words in order to dream of a lover on any day, unless this is specifically stipulated in the ritual. Conspiracies that are read in the phase have special power. full moon. It is best to do the ritual just before going to bed. For the plot to work successfully, you need to pronounce it only in good physical shape. The performer should not be at this time in bad mood, be sick or tired. Also, you can not perform a ritual with negative thoughts about a young man. And of course, the desired result will be only if you do not doubt the power of magic, in your own strength, and believe in a conspiracy.

Dream conspiracies do not belong to the category of strong magical influences. Their goal is not to suppress the will and subconscious of a person, not to force him, but to direct him. Conspiracies to dream of a guy are a technique of white magic, so their use does not do any harm at all. But this does not mean that you can use them countless times - abuse can lead to the opposite effect, and you will completely stop appearing in the dreams of your loved one.

Conspiracy on a round mirror

This conspiracy is read on a small round mirror, on the surface of which the name of the beloved is written with a marker or cosmetic pencil. Words must be pronounced so that the warm vapors of your breath touch the mirror. The text is read 3 times:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (Guy's name) rest and sleep, and see me in a dream. Amen!"

The charmed mirror should be placed under your pillow so that the reflection is directed upwards. At night, your loved one must definitely see a dream with your participation. Waking up in the morning, the mirror should be washed under running water.

You can use this plot several times, but keep the mirror wrapped in a clean cloth so as not to lose the information imprinted on it.

Conspiracy to the moon

Look at the moon, cross your mouth with the banner of the cross and say:

“A dream is about me, only for you, God's servant (boyfriend's name) . Amen".

This conspiracy can be used no more than 3 times in one month.

A conspiracy to dream about a guy, smoke

With the help of smoke, it is easy to inspire your beloved guy with a dream about yourself, as the information will be delivered by the wind. For this plot, you will need a bunch of dried grass. It is advisable to cook it yourself. To do this, pick a bunch of green grass with your own hands in the summer and dry it.

Take a bunch and take out the longest blade of grass from it, put it under your pillow. Burn the rest in a refractory dish at an open window or window, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Smoke-smoke, go to God's servant (boyfriend's name) . So that the haze spun and swirled in the wind, so that I dreamed of my beloved at night. Amen".

Say the plot all the time while the smoke is coming. Let the ashes left from the straw into the wind.

Another conspiracy to smoke

Tear out 3 twigs from an old broom and set them on fire at night (you can on a balcony or street). Blow the smoke in the direction where your loved one lives, and say in a whisper:

“I inflate the smoke - I evoke passion. I send ashes to help me - in the footsteps of the one whose tracks were covered up. I wish the servant of God (name of the guy) to dream. Let him not know peace, in his dreams he only looks at me. Let it burn with the fire of love for me, a red girl (own name) ”.

Conspiracy in the photo

Take fresh single photos of yourself and your loved one. Put them together with their right sides, wrap them in a flap of white fabric made from natural fibers (cotton, linen), there should be no seams on the flap. Place the photographs under your pillow and say:

“I conjure you with the power of love, servant of God (boyfriend's name) : see me in your dream. Please recognize me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me!”

You can keep these photos under your pillow for as long as you like, but the plot needs to be updated every evening (read again).

A conspiracy to rain to dream of a guy

The peculiarity of this conspiracy is that it is read in rainy weather, preferably in heavy thunderstorm with a downpour. Place your palms under the raindrops and say the words:

“Drip, drip, rain, sweet lull. Let him dream, let us see each other. Let him look at me, not look enough. Let him love me, do not fall in love. As you, rain, are mighty and strong, so is my word strong. Amen!"

Simple words before falling asleep

At night, already in bed, imagine your loved one, his features, dream that you are near, together. As you do so, say:

"I will always dream of you."

Then sleep peacefully.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Many researchers have worked and are still working on unraveling the phenomenon of dreams, but a single theory of why we have dreams and what the images we see actually mean has not been found. But many of you will agree: if someone from our acquaintances comes to us in a dream, we perceive this as a sign that we need to talk, see each other, find out how this person is doing, if something bad happened to him. A conspiracy to dream about a loved one is old, but very effective method remind the object of your sympathy of its existence. Let's talk about it in more detail.

How does the conspiracy to come in a dream work?

In fact, such a technique is not, as many might think. Appearing to a person in a dream, we do not interfere in his fate. We just gently and unobtrusively remind ourselves in this way of ourselves, and how exactly the one to whom we had a dream will interpret this dream is another question.

Imagine a situation where lovers quarreled. The girl really wants to make peace with the guy, or at least just talk, but he doesn’t want to meet halfway: he doesn’t pick up the phone, doesn’t answer messages in in social networks. Then she decides to perform a ritual to appear to him in a dream. The guy wakes up in the morning, remembers that he saw this girl in a dream, memories roll over him, as a result, he perceives the dream as a sign that it is still worth answering her, talking, and maybe even reconciling.

Let's consider another situation. The girl works with a guy she likes very much, in the same organization, they often see each other, but the young man still does not make any attempts to get to know each other better. And so the girl reads a plot to dream of her beloved - in the end, the guy wonders why he had this dream, remembers how interesting and beautiful she was in his dream, and decides to get to know this colleague better. We can say that such a ritual is a kind of impetus, which in most cases stimulates people to communicate in reality.

Of course, not all men treat their dreams with such close attention, so it’s not a fact that the conspiracy will certainly force the object of sympathy to get to know you, call, meet, or start an affair. But, as practice shows, this ritual still works more often than vice versa. After all, you have nothing to lose if you try it.

Rules for reading conspiracies for sleep

  • The phase of the moon can be anything, but many people prefer to perform the ceremony on the full moon, since during this period people are easier to suggest.
  • Reading a plot to dream about a loved one is best just before bedtime. If you perform a ritual and immediately get distracted by other things, the right moment may be missed. Remember: in order for a person to see you in a dream, both you and he must sleep at this time.
  • Be sure to support your actions with mental visualization. The more clearly you imagine the dream that your loved one is destined to see, the more likely it is that it will turn out exactly as you intended.
  • Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time. Not all of us have strong abilities - some require preliminary training. If it didn’t work out, just repeat the ritual the next night, and so on until you get the result.

Now let's move on to the most interesting part of our article - the practical one.

A simple lunar ritual

To conduct this ceremony, you need to choose a moonlit night. You will need a piece of paper dark color(blue, dark green, purple). On paper, you need to write magic words, read them out loud three times, looking at the moon, and then crumple and throw this sheet out the window, after which you immediately go to bed. The words are written as follows

“Virgo Moon, tell my beloved (name of the man) hello from me. Let him see me in a dream, remember me and miss me. As soon as he gets bored, he will give me the news. Virgo Moon, give your sweetheart a happy and bright dream about me, and I will thank you, I will say thank you very much "

Ritual with a mirror

A conspiracy with a mirror to dream of a loved one at a distance is also not difficult to read. For this you need a mirror. small size, on which you need to write the name of your beloved guy - you can do this with a felt-tip pen, eyeliner or lipstick. On a moonlit night, you need to take a mirror in your hands, look at your reflection, then bring the mirror directly to your lips and say the magic words:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface. I am in my beloved's dream. (Name of the man) sleep and rest, and see me in a dream. Amen"

After reading the plot, go to bed with a mirror under your pillow. You can repeat the ritual several nights in a row.

Ritual with photography

This is a more complex ceremony, for which you will have to prepare in advance. Firstly, you need to get a picture of the object of sympathy, and secondly, visit the church and buy thirteen thin candles there. On the chosen night, put a photo card in front of you, put candles nearby and light them. Looking at the photo, mentally imagine the dream that your loved one should see in full detail, and then read the plot:

“I will dream of you at the behest of the night, as soon as you close your tired eyes. I will be desired, I will be loved, having appeared in a dream to you the most beautiful. You will not be able to wake up, drive away the obsession, I will dream every night in confusion. You will get used to dreams, and succumb to the spell, and surrender to me at the behest of your heart. May it be so! Amen"

Extinguish the candle after reading. The ritual must be carried out thirteen nights in a row - by this time all the candles must burn out to the end. Yes, you will spend quite a lot of time fulfilling your desire, but on the other hand, you will appear in a dream to your beloved not just once, but will dream constantly.

Dream for two

Many girls wonder if there is a conspiracy to dream about a loved one and control sleep. Yes, there really is such a ritual, but its effectiveness depends directly on two factors: your ability to visualize and the level of suggestibility of a man. If you are able to very clearly imagine invented visions in front of you as if they exist in reality, and if your chosen one is easily suggestible, everything will definitely work out.

The most important thing you need to do is to completely come up with a five to ten minute sleep “script”. To begin with, you can write it down on paper, re-read it several times so that you can repeat what will happen in the dream without prompting. Try to interest your loved one with the plot of the dream - so that he will definitely remember this dream.

So, when you are completely sure that you remember all the details, begin to mentally visualize this scenario - close your eyes and imagine as if everything invented is happening in reality. Think over the behavior (your own and the men), your dialogues, the scenery that will serve as a background - everything, everything, all the smallest details. Scroll through this mental visualization several times to reinforce it.

Before you fall asleep, lie down on the bed, close your eyes and say aloud the conspiracy:

“I open the gates of the kingdom of sleep, I send an invitation to my beloved! While I’m creating a dream, I’m waiting at the gates of my beloved!

Now, without opening your eyes, begin to visualize the invented plot. Try to make the visualization really incline you to sleep. If you managed to fall asleep while “playing” an invented dream in front of your eyes, you can fall into this “scenario” in a dream, and your loved one will see everything that you imagined in a dream.

Create an erotic dream

If you want to interest the object of sympathy in reality, use a plot to dream of your beloved man at a distance of erotic dream. As a rule, it is dreams of sexual content that men remember more vividly. For the ceremony, it is better to choose the night of the full moon. Exactly at midnight, pick up a picture of your beloved man (you can just open the photo on your smartphone), light a candle (preferably red), strip naked and let your hair down. Take a piece of paper and write the following text on it:

“I will lie down, the servant of God (your name), having prayed, crossing myself on all sides. I won’t sleep until dawn, I won’t close my eyes until morning. I will yearn, grieve for my dear, servant of God (man's name). You, my longing, go to your betrothed, whisper words of love so that you rave about me both in a dream and in the clear sun. Give him one desire: how to caress me as a servant of God (your name), how to love and dove every day, every night, every minute!

Now you need to read the written plot aloud three times, looking at the picture of the object of sympathy, and then set fire to the paper from the candle, fumigating the photo with smoke. Ashes left after burning, spread in the wind through a window or window. Put a photo or a smartphone with a picture under the pillow, go to bed without getting dressed, and leave the candle burning on the table.

If you have tried any conspiracy to dream about your loved one, leave comments, share your experience!