Profitability of sushi. Organizational and legal issues for opening a fish restaurant. How much is it

Institutions Catering, selling dishes of Japanese cuisine, appeared on the Russian market about 15 years ago. Until now, their popularity is not lost, but only growing. Rolls, sushi, complex hot dishes are in great demand among various categories of the population. These are young people, and middle-aged people, and students, and people with a good income. Despite the fact that in this area there is a place to be very high level competition, you can occupy your niche. The main thing is to organize a quality service with good product and acceptable rates. And with a competent approach, as well as drawing up a good business plan for a sushi bar with calculations, the establishment will quickly become profitable and promising.

The main goal of the project according to the current business plan is to open a sushi bar to provide the population with a list of catering services. Despite the fact that there are a large number of Japanese "premium" restaurants, in most cases, such a market positions itself as fast food, which is based on Japanese cuisine. The optimal solution will open in the format of an island-type pavilion. Such an establishment can offer its customers takeaway food, delivery of orders, service inside the establishment.

What are the main advantages of a sushi bar:

  • high level of demand;
  • low cost of production of rolls and sushi;
  • a moderate amount of initial investment in the business;
  • the possibility of scaling the business: opening new branches, changing the format of the catering establishment;
  • specific products that are popular among the population.

As mentioned above, the entrepreneur may prefer different formats catering points. It can be a restaurant or cafe, a sushi market, a delivery service. The best solution would be to focus on a catering point that can combine all of the above functions. This will allow you to cover several areas of work at once and increase profits.

Today, one can observe an active orientation of the catering market to the fast food segment. What is the reason for the popularity of fast food, given the fact that there is a promotion of a healthy lifestyle and quality of food? Even during difficult economic times, this segment demonstrates good dynamics. This is primarily due to the low prices for the proposed product. When preparing a sushi bar project, it is recommended to consider the main market trends in order to improve business prospects. You do not need significant investments, and with a competent management approach, you can quickly achieve a high level of income solely due to the number of customers and the margin on the finished product.

Your target audience will be very broad, as mentioned above. The main segment of the target audience is young people from 16 to 35 years old, of different sex and income level.

Market and competitor analysis

Today, we can safely say that the culture of catering in the Russian Federation is developing very actively. This conclusion can be drawn on the basis of a serious increase in the number of catering establishments. Even in times of economic crisis, citizens do not refuse to visit restaurants, cafes, canteens and bistros. According to experts, the domestic catering market is not yet completely filled, it has growth prospects, since it acts as a very capacious segment. Unlike the catering market in other countries, the Russian market has room to grow both in terms of consumer demand and in terms of quantity.

On the modern market public catering, you can find a fairly large selection of concepts of national cuisines. Japanese cuisine is in the top 5 cuisines, which is popular in Russia along with Russian, Caucasian, Italian.

Among the main trends that a person who wants to start a food service business needs to know are the following:

  • there is a high demand for fast food;
  • The demand for home delivery of food is growing every year;
  • the number of premium restaurants is decreasing, the number of establishments designed for the average budget is growing;
  • to attract customers, catering establishments are guided by a policy of price reduction;
  • an increase in the popularity of new formats of establishments, in particular catering outlets in shopping centers.

From all of the above, we can conclude that one of the most successful and promising areas will be fast food. To date, this is the only segment that shows a positive trend in the Russian catering market. Every year you can see an increase of up to 10%.

The concept of opening a point of sale of Japanese food, taking into account the main market trends, looks like a rather favorable investment project. First of all, Asian cuisine is very popular among consumers. Secondly, the format of the sushi bar makes it possible to state that the project belongs to the fast food segment. Thirdly, additional attractive sides are expected for customers as a delivery service and the ability to choose takeaway food. Fourth, the catering point can be opened in mall, which will become a factor for additional customer acquisition.

However, it is important to understand that you may run into problems. The advantages of a sushi bar have already been listed, here are its disadvantages:

  • the possibility of facing expensive rent;
  • high level of competition;
  • complexity in organizational issues of opening a catering point;
  • a small number of qualified staff specializing in Japanese cuisine.

However, with the right approach, all these problems can be solved. The main attractive factors of a Japanese restaurant are the high profitability of the business, which reaches up to 60%, which means a very fast return on the initial investment. At proper organization management, as well as taking into account all the key trends in the direction, you can not only occupy a free niche, but also get a large customer base and fast, high income.

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Segment features: offer and services

A few years ago, you could order sushi only in a respectable restaurant, today it is a fairly common food that can be found at the fast food level. The reason lies in the serious spread of this type of business. The high level of competition does not scare entrepreneurs. Selling Asian food is a very profitable business. It is quite simple to achieve success in this direction, the main thing is to decide on the concept of a catering point, as well as correctly draw up a business plan for opening a sushi bar with calculations.

The first thing to decide is the format of the institution. Above, we have already listed the most common formats: premium restaurant, sushi bar, delivery, market in the format of a shopping island. The latter format has a lot of advantages. First of all, there is a high concentration of potential customers in shopping centers. It can be both visitors to the shopping center and its employees. Opening a point in such a passable place will significantly save on marketing. In addition, there is no need to form a large staff. You can refuse waiters, hostesses, as well as other positions that are required by a standard cafe.

The range of sushi bar should be varied. It should include not only rolls and sushi, but also:

  • soups;
  • food in boxes - noodles or rice;
  • hot and baked rolls;
  • sandwich rolls, which will act as an alternative to conventional sandwiches, sandwiches and burgers;
  • the drinks;
  • desserts.

The average check per person will be from 250 to 500 rubles. A good solution would be to diversify the menu with a business lunch offer. By giving your customers a discount of 10 to 25%, you will cover the possible costs with the number of orders.

Over time, you will be able to correctly form an assortment based on the preferences of the audience. It is better to remove items from the menu that are not popular and focus on those options that are relevant among customers. In addition to directly selling rolls and sushi, you can add a delivery service to improve your market position, attract customers and increase income. finished products.

Marketing plan

As already stated, your main advantage is the breadth of the audience of regular consumers:

  • active young people who order takeaway food;
  • employees of nearby organizations that order food for delivery. It can be either a business lunch or a standard sushi bar offer;
  • shopping center employees who will come for lunch;
  • visitors to the shopping center who want to eat on the spot;
  • various types customers who prefer sushi delivery.

The best solution would be to open a sushi bar or a point selling rolls and sushi in a large city with a population of more than a million people. In small towns, it is recommended to open such a business only if there is a low level of competition.

With all of the above in mind, you need to prepare a quality marketing strategy in advance. It will include the following steps:

  • branding of a public catering point, that is, the development of a corporate identity and a logo for an organization, naming an institution;
  • positioning the company in the market, that is, directly organizing an advertising campaign that will allow you to make yourself known in the city.

The name of the institution must be bright and memorable. This will help make your business stand out from other offerings on the market. Create an attention-grabbing sign that will engage consumers. It is better to use bright colors for it, as well as a Japanese theme.

  • commercials in the media;
  • promotion on the Internet using your own website and page in social networks;
  • outdoor advertising using signs, billboards, banners;
  • distribution of printed materials;
  • participation in various fairs, food exhibitions;
  • development of loyalty programs, promotions, discount systems.

The most effective in the case of opening a sushi bar will be advertising on the Internet. In addition to promoting sites, you can use various promotions. On social networks, sushi bars often hold "happy repost" or "review contest" promotions - the winners receive a free set of rolls from your company. All these tools help to attract an additional audience. A good solution would be the "happy hours" promotion - during this time you can order sushi at a discount.

Do not forget that the best marketing tool at all times has been and remains a quality service and product. If the consumer likes the cooked rolls, as well as the service of the staff, he will return to your establishment again and again, and also recommend it to his friends.

Sushi bar manufacturing business plan

Opening your own Japanese restaurant requires a lot of effort. In particular, the following steps will be required:

The choice of location, as well as the concept of the interior

Any food service outlet will be popular or unpopular depending on the location. To open a sushi bar in right place focus on two factors. First, it must be a place with high human traffic. Secondly, it is not recommended to give preference to locations where there will be competitors nearby. The ideal option will be located in a large supermarket or shopping center. Here there is a very high passability of clients, in addition, it is possible to cover a wide variety of human categories.

Luckily, you don't need to big square. It will be enough from 10 to 15 square meters, on which an island equipped with the necessary equipment will be placed. Decorate this island in a shopping center in a bright color scheme, and be sure to make sure that a seating area with tables and chairs is placed near it.

Remember that it is not enough to choose the right location for a sushi bar. The retail space will need to be prepared for effective work. Due to limited space, an efficient arrangement of retail and production equipment. In addition, the premises must be brought into line with the standards set by the SES and the fire inspectorate.

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Recruitment of employees for a catering point

Attention: each employee must have a sanitary book, the marks in which must be affixed regularly. Before the employee starts work, you must instruct on safety precautions, as well as the features of the operation of the devices.

  • Initially, you will need to hire two salespeople who will work in shifts. The main task of the seller is to accept the order, transfer it to the chef, accept payment, and assemble the order for further delivery. In the future, if you notice that the popularity of your establishment has increased, and one person cannot cope with the entire volume of work, you can hire another seller to change.
  • The main employee in your establishment is the sushi chef. He will be cooking. It is recommended to immediately hire four employees who will also work in shifts. There will be two chefs per shift. It is recommended to distribute their responsibilities. While one sushi chef will prepare current orders, the second one will take care of delivery orders.

Despite the fact that the bulk of the dishes are created after the order is placed, there are ready-made dishes that will be displayed in a cold display case. These should be the most popular items on your menu and sell out quickly. Remember that most customers love freshly prepared food. However, there are some people who are simply not ready to wait.

  • For food delivery, also take care of the logistics. To do this, hire two couriers who will work in shifts. The main requirement is the presence of a personal car and a good knowledge of the city.

It is worth considering whether you need to hire an accountant for the establishment. Everything will depend on the scale of your activity. At the initial stage, you can get by with the services audit companies who can remotely manage the accounting of the enterprise.

Selection of suppliers

This is one of the most important steps you need to take care of. In order to supply the required volume of ingredients, it is planned to work with third party company. Immediately conclude an exclusive agreement with the supplier company, which will allow you to protect yourself from a sudden price increase or deterioration in the terms of cooperation.

The main requirement that should be presented to suppliers is the timely delivery of fresh, high-quality products. All ingredients must meet GOST standards. You will need to select companies that will supply:

  • seafood and fish;
  • rice, as well as special ingredients for making sushi - seaweed, ginger, soy sauce, wasabi sauce;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • drinks and snacks.

There are companies that can fully provide a catering point with all the necessary products. These companies supply sushi sets as well as related products. Unfortunately, such wholesale companies operate only in large cities. If you are in a small regional town, it is better to look for suppliers for each product category separately. So you can be sure of their freshness and quality.

At the initial stage, even before drawing up and signing a partnership agreement, it is recommended to order wholesale supply several companies at once. So you can evaluate the quality of service and products, and choose the one with which cooperation will be optimal. When negotiating cooperation with a wholesale company, be sure to read all the requirements and conditions that are specified in the contract. For example, some companies include logistics costs in their price list to save on transportation costs. Give preference to those companies that are close to your establishment. Or you can entrust the delivery of products to your couriers.

Purchase of equipment

The necessary units for making sushi are purchased based on the assortment of outlets. On average, for the purchase of equipment you will need from 200 to 350 thousand rubles. A good solution would be to turn to companies that install turnkey equipment networks. You may need to purchase the following devices:

  • equipment for cooking rice;
  • fryer;
  • refrigeration equipment - refrigerated table, cabinet, refrigerated display cases, refrigerator;
  • plates and microwaves;
  • electronic balance;
  • kitchen utensils, sinks, extractor hood;
  • cash register.

Many, in the desire to reduce the investment burden at the start, purchase used equipment. In this type of business, this is not quite the right decision, given that intensive use of devices is planned.

Menu development

An approximate assortment of the menu has already been named above. At the initial stage, use popular dishes that will definitely sell. Remember that for each roll a technological map must be drawn up, it indicates the consumption of products per serving, as well as the volume of this serving.

Organizational and legal issues for opening a fish restaurant

In order to get started, you will need to register an outlet in government bodies and obtain all permits. For reference commercial activities in the field of public catering, registration of the form of ownership of an LLC with a simplified taxation system “income minus expenses 15%” will be required.

According to the OKVED classifier, you will need to choose:

56.10.1 Activities of restaurants and cafes.

You should immediately be prepared for the fact that the process of obtaining all the necessary documentation can take you a lot of time and money. The catering industry is characterized by a high level of bureaucracy. This requires obtaining a sufficient number of permits. Here is an approximate list of documents:

  • certificate from the tax office that cash registers registered;
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision;
  • the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • approval of the list of the sold assortment in the SES. Keep in mind that the list will need to be approved after each assortment change.

After you have received all the permits from various government agencies, you will also need to obtain permission to open a catering point from the local city authorities.

Despite the fact that in big cities - Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg - the first Japanese restaurants appeared back in the 2000s, the gastronomic fashion for sushi and rolls in 2017 not only did not go away, but seemed to have just begun to gain momentum. Therefore, if you dream of a profitable business project, a sushi bar is the most suitable option.

A sushi bar, like any other establishment, starts with the kitchen. And the work of the kitchen is impossible to imagine without professional equipment.

Equipment for a sushi bar is specialized equipment and inventory, the quality of which is subject to special requirements.

The KLEN company, known to restaurateurs and hoteliers since 1993, offers to buy sushi bar equipment from leading Russian, European and Asian manufacturers: Polus, Atesy, Ergo, Robot Coupe, Gastrorag and others.

What equipment is needed for a sushi bar?

For the gastronomic ideas of the chef in a sushi bar, you will need to buy:

  • Thermal equipment. Essential for baked rolls, soups and hot appetizers. A Japanese restaurant with 30-50 seats uses an electric or gas stove(Lotus, Abat), wok stove (Convito, Techno-TT), rice cooker (Ergo), deep fryer (Gastrorag, Amitek), heat table (Hicold).
  • Refrigeration equipment- the most important piece of sushi bar equipment. Special attention is paid to the issue of fish freshness. To store blanks and products in the kitchens of sushi bars, refrigerators and freezers and chests with a deaf or transparent door (Cryspi, Polair, Italfrost). Sushi cases from Atesy are refrigeration equipment designed for installation in trading floor and demonstration of the assortment of the institution.
  • Technological equipment for preparation of sauces, crushing of vegetables, fruit, meat and fish. These are homogenizer mixers, blenders, cutters, meat grinders, tenderizers.
  • Neutral Equipment for a sushi bar - production and cutting cabinets, exhaust hoods, shelves, racks, etc. Experts from the KlenMarket.RU online store recommend purchasing a two- or three-section washing bath so that, according to sanitary standards, separate work areas for cleaning and thawing fish, washing dishes, etc.

KLEN: low prices for sushi bar equipment

With KlenMarket.RU, opening your own restaurant of Japanese cuisine will be profitable not only due to the low cost of dishes, but also due to the low price of professional equipment. Customers who make a purchase on the company's website can count on an additional 5% discount.

  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose
  • What documents are needed to open a sushi bar
  • Which taxation system to choose for registering a sushi bar
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention typical business plan(feasibility study) of opening a sushi bar. This project can serve as an example when obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment in your business. On the example of the Ulyanovsk region.

An example of a business plan for opening a sushi bar in a city with a population of 700 thousand people. It can serve as an example when obtaining a loan from a bank, state support or attracting funds from a private investor.

Step by step plan to open a sushi bar

General information:

  • City population: 700 thousand people;
  • Location of the object: 4th floor of a large shopping center on the food court site;
  • Area: kitchen - 40m2, hall for visitors - 55m2;
  • Capacity: 40 seats;
  • Working hours: 10:00 - 20:00;
  • Number of jobs: 8 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 500 thousand rubles, borrowed funds (bank loan) - 696 thousand rubles;
  • The total cost of the project: 1.19 million rubles.

Indicators of economic efficiency of the project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year = 1,459,647 rubles;
  • Bar profitability = 28.4%;
  • Payback of the project = 10 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new organization;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Assistance in the development of the public catering infrastructure of the city;
  4. Receipt of additional tax payments to the city budget.

What taxation system to choose for a sushi bar

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be individual entrepreneurship (IP). Trade in strong alcohol is not provided, so it is not necessary to register a legal entity. The system of taxation will be applied single tax on imputed income. The area of ​​the visitor service hall allows the use of this special. mode. The tax amount will be calculated according to the formula: 15% * (1000 (basic yield) * sq.m.)*k1*k2. The k2 coefficient for public catering facilities with a visitor service hall in the Ulyanovsk region is 0.55; k1 - the deflator coefficient in 2013 is 1.569. The planned area of ​​the visitor service hall is 55m2. As a result of the calculations made, the amount of tax will be 7119 rubles per month.

The premises for the sushi bar are planned to be rented in a large shopping center on a special food court site. The planned opening hours of the bar are from 10:00 to 20:00.

What documents are needed to open a sushi bar

At the moment, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. imprisoned preliminary agreement lease of premises with an area of ​​95m2. The amount of the rent is 76,000 rubles per month;
  2. Entrepreneurial activity was registered with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, registration date - May 15, 2013;
  3. The design of the bar is almost ready, the search for potential suppliers of equipment has been carried out, there is an agreement with an experienced chef.

Description of products and services

The general concept of the institution will be as close as possible to Japanese cuisine.

The rolls will be made using special Japanese rice and vinegar, mirin, seaweed, sake, etc.

The main menu will include:

  • sushi;
  • rolls;
  • hot second courses;
  • soups;
  • business lunches;
  • desserts;
  • salads;
  • children's menu;
  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

As the main ingredients for the preparation of sushi and rolls will be used:

  • fish fillet;
  • shrimps;
  • Red caviar;
  • smoked chicken fillet;
  • mussels;
  • shiitake mushrooms;
  • crab sticks;
  • fresh cucumber and other vegetables;
  • soft cheese.

The supply of the main ingredients for making sushi and rolls will be carried out from wholesale suppliers of fish and seafood that have conclusions about the quality of the products.

The establishment will operate on the principle of self-service, without the involvement of waiters. Part of the duties of looking after visitors (cleaning tables) will be carried out by kitchen workers.

Download sushi bar business plan

marketing plan

The format of the food court for the organization of the institution was not chosen by chance.

The popularity of food courts among consumers has only increased in recent years. The main advantages of this format for owners restaurant business:

  1. High traffic of the shopping center, and, accordingly, high incomes;
  2. The mall employs several hundred people who are also customers of catering outlets;
  3. Lack of space to create a separate restaurant-type establishment;
  4. Shopping centers very often carry out various marketing activities to attract visitors, which saves the restaurant owner's budget;
  5. The food court is interesting option network development, advertising and promotion of the company's brand.

The sushi bar will be located on the food court site, where, in addition to our bar, there are 5 more catering outlets. None of these points sells sushi and rolls. The average check of competitors is 300-400 rubles. The main competitive advantages of our organization:

  1. Unique Japanese cuisine and unique menu;
  2. The average check is no more than 300 rubles, which is slightly lower than the price level of the main competitors;
  3. Attractive bar design, polite and sociable staff.

How much can you earn selling sushi bar products

It is assumed that more than 60% of the bar's revenue will come from the sale of sushi and rolls, 10% from the sale of drinks and 30% from the rest of the dishes.

The average check of our institution will be equal to 300 rubles, so the services of the organization will be available to many visitors with an average and below average income.

The traffic of the shopping center averages 7,500 people a day. Of these, about 10% or 750 people visit the food court site and order lunch. In total, there are 6 catering outlets on the food court site, including a sushi bar. Assume that only 10% (minimum) of total number visitors, and this is 75 people, will make an order in our bar. With an average check of 300 rubles / person. The daily revenue of the sushi bar will be 22,500 rubles, per month - 675,000 rubles.

As you can see from the schedule, the main season of work is autumn-winter, a decline in sales is observed in the spring-summer period, when monthly revenue falls by an average of 30% in spring and 40% in summer. Thus, the revenue for the calendar year of work will be 6,682,500 rubles.

*The cost of a roll is about 5 rubles, and the selling price is 20 rubles per piece. The margin is about 400%. The margin on drinks and other products for resale will not exceed 100%.

What equipment to choose for a sushi bar

To the list necessary equipment for the operation of the institution includes:

  • Professional rice cooker;
  • Sushi-case - a showcase for storing sushi and rolls from winding;
  • Microwave oven, electric stove, fryer,
  • Thermos for storing cooked rice;
  • Crockery and small utensils;
  • Production table;
  • Electronic scales with a permissible weight of 3 to 5 kg;
  • Rack for storage of dry products and sauces, bedside table for storage of utensils;
  • Deep sink made of stainless steel and a separate sink for the hands of cooks (at the request of the SES);
  • Refrigeration equipment for the storage of seafood;
  • Trade show-window, furniture for the hall of visitors.


In total, the wage fund will amount to 133 thousand rubles per month. The key figure of the institution will be an experienced chef, on whom the attractiveness of the menu and the quality of the prepared dishes depend. Chefs (sushi chefs) will be required to take master classes on the peculiarities of Japanese cuisine. Part production process will be outsourced:

  • Room cleaning;
  • Delivery of products;
  • Accounting.

Monthly expenses under outsourcing agreements will amount to 20,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Fixed expenses of the organization will amount to 288.9 thousand rubles per month and 3,466 thousand rubles per year.

The main fixed costs will be the cost of paying wages to employees - 46% of general expenses. Further, a significant cost item is rent - 26% and insurance contributions for employees to extra-budgetary funds - 14% of total expenses.

Net profit based on the results of the annual operation of the sushi bar will be 1,459,647 rubles. The return on sales is 21.8%, and the profitability of the sushi bar as a whole is 28.4%. With such indicators of the business plan, the project will pay off in 10 months.

Recommended download sushi bar business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to start a sushi bar business

The sushi bar business begins with the registration of a new business entity. Then you will need to purchase or build, rent space and create new jobs.

How much can you earn

The net profit from opening a sushi bar is one and a half million rubles. The payback period for the business is ten months.

How much money do you need to start a business

In the case when the premises are rented, the cost of the sushi bar business will cost 1,200,000 rubles. If an institution is being built or acquired, the costs will be higher. This should also include the design of a sushi bar and an advertising company, the purchase of the necessary equipment and the creation of a design, the cost of products and rent, additional costs (for example, staff salaries).

Probably each of you at least once in your life was in a sushi bar. Various miso soups, rolls, rice and fish dishes - all this has already become so familiar to our people. Sushi bars reached their peak of popularity in the mid-2000s. It would seem that then they grew like mushrooms after the rain. Every week there were new restaurants of Japanese cuisine, "Japanese" cafes, all kinds of establishments that offered, in addition to traditional dishes, also exquisite Japanese culinary solutions.

But no matter how many sushi bars have appeared over the past ten years, the relevance of this type of business does not decrease. Market development dictates demand, and it is not just there, but is rapidly increasing. Of course, the client is no longer as “hungry” as ten years ago, and prefers to choose high-quality establishments that are distinguished not only by good cuisine, but also by excellent service.

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Of course, time dictates its own rules, and many single sushi bars were replaced by chain corporations, which began to grow rapidly in big cities and metropolitan areas. Now in the leading cities of our country, you can count more than a hundred different sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, the vast majority of which are large chain companies that have been operating in this market for several years. The question arises, how to open your own sushi bar and not get lost in the shadow of more eminent and large competitors? Believe me, not all the cream is collected by chains, and there are examples of single sushi bars that not only survived, but also compete well with eminent opponents. It's all about the quality of services, marketing moves, the good location of the institution, and several other factors that allow you to attract customers no less successfully.

The popularity of Japanese cuisine is so great that many restaurateurs specifically introduce a page with sushi, miso soups, and other Japanese dishes into their traditional menus. This once again confirms the fact that the idea of ​​opening a sushi bar is still relevant in our time, and if you correctly approach this issue, you can organize a fairly profitable and promising business.

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In this article, we will talk about how to open a sushi bar in our time. What you should pay attention to first of all, what steps to take, where to start, so as not to make mistakes and not lose the race to more eminent and well-known competitors. We will also try to draw up an understandable and clear business plan for a sushi bar that will help you decide on the initial investment and the prospects for this type of business.

Why is it so profitable to open a sushi bar?

We have already said above that sushi bars open with enviable regularity. Japanese cuisine is in demand among many people, but this is not the main factor that should push you to open your own sushi bar. It would seem that the market is already saturated with all kinds of offers, and the struggle for a client is becoming more and more difficult. So why is it profitable to open a sushi bar? What are the advantages of this type of institution?
Business profitability is the main feature that makes opening a sushi bar quite attractive. Firstly, most Japanese dishes are quite simple, and there are no culinary excesses in their preparation. If you look at it, then these are cold appetizers, which sometimes include quite exotic and still unusual products for our person. It is this exoticism of products, and the necessary specific skills in preparing the same sushi, that make Japanese dishes unsuitable for home cooking. It is easier for a person to come to a sushi bar, order the rolls they like, and after 10-15 minutes enjoy delicious sushi. And so I would have to do everything at home, and it’s not a fact that something would work out the first time.

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So it turns out that sushi bars offer ready-made meals at a fairly low price. Due to the "penny" cost, you can make good money. Look, a restaurant spends from 6 to 10 rubles to make a standard roll, and sells it from 30 or more. Wrap at least three times.

The main costs of opening a sushi bar

If you are going to draw up a business plan for a sushi bar, then you need to clearly understand how much you will have to invest in opening this type of business. The demand for Japanese cuisine is commensurate, perhaps, with the demand for Italian, especially pizza. Only investments in opening a sushi bar will be several times less than the costs of opening and promoting your own pizzeria. As we said earlier, Japanese cuisine is mostly cold appetizers that do not require special equipment. Therefore, you can significantly save by discarding the cost of purchasing equipment for preparing hot dishes. Of course, in the process of developing your sushi bar, you can expand your menu by adding various hot dishes to it, but at the initial stage, you can limit yourself to a standard set of Japanese cuisine.

Based on the calculation that your sushi bar will receive 20-30 guests at a time, then it will require the following accessories:

A rice cooker is an indispensable element of any Japanese institution. Rice is the foundation of everything. 95% of all dishes contain rice, and without a good rice cooker, it is not even worth starting a business. If you are counting on the fact that you will cook rice in pots, as our mothers and grandmothers did, then we can say right away - close this article and look for another business for yourself. A modern sushi bar is, first of all, product quality and excellent service. And this can only be achieved with the help of professional equipment and experienced workers.

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A sushi case should also be available. This is a special showcase where ready-made dishes will be presented. It has a peculiar structure, which allows cooked dishes to keep their freshness longer, not to weather, and not to lose a presentable appearance. Of course, you can do without this element of your sushi bar, but if funds allow, then buy a sushi case.

Sushi making machine. You can also roll sushi by hand, which is more authentic and correct, but the machine will greatly simplify and speed up the work.

Thermoses for storing rice. As you understand, rice is the main ingredient in many Japanese dishes, and it is prepared in advance. But boiled rice has one unpleasant feature - it quickly weathers, loses its appearance and taste. Therefore, you need to store rice in special thermoses.

Refrigeration equipment. Fish, seafood, various algae and blanks - everything is stored in refrigerators. Not a single food establishment, including a sushi bar, can do without refrigeration equipment.

Cooking utensils and serving utensils.

Special inventory

According to our calculations, based on average prices at the time of this writing, everything will cost you about $6,000.

By the way, you can significantly save on refrigeration equipment if you sign an agreement with a major supplier of frozen foods. As a rule, if you agree to privileged use of the goods only trademark, then they can supply their refrigerators and provide the necessary equipment.

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Also, the costs should include the monthly rent of the premises, if you do not have your own, and the costs of repairs, interior arrangement of the institution. Everything here is purely individual, and depends on your preferences in design, and the cost of consumable building materials.

Additional aspects of opening a sushi bar

Sushi bars are also attractive because they do not require large areas. If you rent a room, then each square meter is extra costs. Therefore, you have to somehow save, optimize space, try to harmonize all free corners. Sushi bars differ from ordinary cafes and restaurants in that they do not require much space. To open good place for 50 people, you need a room of no more than 150 square meters. But if you wish, you can fit in a smaller quadrature. An institution for 30 people will be optimal (on average, this is 60 visitors per day), for which a room of no more than 100 square meters is suitable. Do not forget that your sushi bar should be located in places of high concentration of people - shopping and business centers, on busy streets and squares. It makes no sense to open an institution where no one will see and find it. Everything can play in your favor: the proximity of the transport interchange, the number of enterprises and offices nearby, the lack of competitors.

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As we said earlier, a sushi bar should not be limited to a standard set of Japanese dishes. First of all, it is a unique flavor, an indescribable spirit, the highest service and quality of service. Here everything should be based on your vision of the business and the fantasy of its development. You can take traditional Japanese sushi bars as a basis, creating an appropriate interior and customer service rules, or you can rely on more modern trends, borrowing some chips and fundamentals from foreign companies specializing in sushi bars and Japanese cuisine.

When opening a sushi bar, you need to decide on employees

The number of employees in your sushi bar depends on several factors. First, you need to analyze the number of potential customers in order to understand how many employees you will need in order to serve them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Secondly, decide on the menu and other services that you are going to provide. So that you don’t think of yourself there, but one thing you need to know for sure: the minimum number of sushi bar employees is 5 people. It's simple: one cook, 2-3 waiters, and a kitchen worker who will do all the unskilled work (cleaning, washing dishes, etc.) Of course, you also need a cashier and an accountant, but at the initial stages you can take on this function. Further, in the process of developing your business, you will also have a purchasing manager, a personnel officer, a marketer, and a number of other employees. But this is all in the future, and you will have to start small.

If you want to diversify your menu, which will potentially increase the number of visitors, then you need to hire several chefs already. One will work with cold dishes, the other with hot ones. If you immediately want to rent a room of 150 square meters, counting on 50-60 visitors at the same time, then you need to provide the necessary number of waiters. As a rule, one waiter serves up to 5 tables without any problems, and this is about 10-15 people.

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If your business also includes food delivery, then immediately think about couriers and an order manager. Only at first glance, sushi delivery is simple and needs an addition to the main business. But this species activities will draw certain costs, among which are the salaries of individual employees.
If the budget is limited, but you still plan to open a sushi bar, then you will have to take on some of the responsibilities, or distribute them among existing employees. Just make sure that additional duties do not affect the quality of services provided in your sushi bar. If the combination will lead to the fact that both jobs will not be done well enough, it is better not to chase the savings and invite an incoming specialist.

Qualification of sushi bar workers

At a time when the territory former USSR the first sushi bars began to appear, the issue of qualified personnel was especially acute. If there were no problems with the waiters, and they could be found in a matter of days, then the search for a good and experienced chef becomes a whole epic. Many wanted to invite a real master from Japan who knows how to cook sushi according to original recipes. Over time, foreign specialists began to be successfully replaced by domestic craftsmen. On the this moment find a good sushi man big city will not be difficult, which cannot be said about a professional hot kitchen worker.

If we talk about the salary of a sushi chef, then it varies depending on the skill level of the employee, and the region. On average, wages start at $650. Of course, professional chefs with a name earn ten times more, but they also work not in ordinary sushi bars, but in elite and presentable establishments.

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Profit and payback of a sushi bar

As we have said, this business is quite profitable. Even a small establishment can make a pretty good profit. The initial investment for opening a small sushi bar can range from $5,000 to $15,000. Of course, everything is very individual, and depends on your region, real estate prices, the level of salaries of qualified workers. If we take into account the fact that you can save on interior design, on equipment for a hot kitchen, on refrigerators, then you can open a sushi bar with minimal costs.
Payback also depends on many factors: the location of the sushi bar, prices, marketing moves and policies to attract new visitors. As a rule, a well-built business will pay off in less than two years, or even faster. There is real cases when investments in the amount of 50,000 dollars paid off in a matter of months, and after six months the institution worked in a good plus. June 7, 2014 4:08 am

* Calculations use average data for Russia

A sushi market that sells takeaway sushi can generate a net profit of more than 350 thousand rubles. per month. In this business plan, we will look at how to open an island-style sushi bar in a mall.

1. Summary of the project "sushi bar"

The goal of the project is to open a sushi market for the implementation of a range of catering services in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The sushi market positions itself as a fast food based on Japanese cuisine and opens in the format of an island-type pavilion. The restaurant offers takeaway and delivery orders.

Today, there is a reorientation of the catering market to the fast food segment. Even during the crisis, this direction shows a positive trend. The sushi bar project takes into account the main market trends and is considered as a promising type of business. Opening a sushi bar does not require large investments, and with the right approach, you can achieve high profits due to constant demand and high margins on products.

Thus, the main advantages of the restaurant business include: a high level of profitability and demand for catering services; relatively low level of initial investments; small retail space; simple technology production; year-round demand for products; high profitability.

The target audience of sushi bars is quite wide. The main category of consumers is young people aged 18-30, regardless of their income level. The price segment is below average.

For the implementation of the project, a retail space of 10 sq.m is leased on the territory of the shopping center. The volume of initial investments is 775,000 rubles. The costs are directed to the purchase of equipment, advertising, the purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 63%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of project operation. In the future, expansion of production is planned. In accordance with the calculations, the initial investment will pay off after seven months of work. Net profit upon reaching the planned sales volume will be 366,000 rubles / month. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation of the sushi bar. Return on sales in the first year of operation will be 29%.

2. Description of the industry and company

The modern culture of catering in Russia is actively developing: there is a rapid growth in the number of establishments and the variety of offers that form the special interest of Russians in eating out. Even during the economic crisis, the population does not refuse to visit catering establishments, although they try to save on this type of expenditure. According to the results of 2015, the average cost per capita for eating out in Russia amounted to 741 rubles. per month, and their share in the total structure of monthly costs is only 3.6% on average in the country.

According to experts, the domestic catering market has growth prospects, since it is quite capacious. Compared to the markets of developed countries, the domestic market looks free - it has room to grow: both in terms of quantitative filling and in terms of consumer demand.

Figure 1. Size of the catering market in different countries, 2015

According to statistics, the average per capita cost of eating out in Russia is only 741 rubles. per month, which is 15 times less than in the United States. In other words, an American with an average income level spends 15 times more on food in public institutions than the average Russian. In the cost structure of the population of Russia, the cost of eating out is only 3.6% on average in the country, for Moscow this figure is four times higher.

Figure 2. Per capita spending on eating out, by country, 2015

Ready-made ideas for your business

The main problem of the public catering market in Russia is its high dependence on the state of the economy, as the level of income of the population adjusts the demand for the services of public catering establishments. It is believed that under favorable market conditions, about 25% of catering establishments are at risk. In a crisis situation, more than 50% fall into the risk zone.

Over the past few years, 2015 has been the least successful period for this business: a 5.5% drop in turnover, a reduction in the number of players in the market - about 30% of restaurateurs left the market in large cities, the curtailment of chains, a rapid increase in the costs of establishments. Against this background, the market decline by 3.7% in 2016 looks like an improvement in the situation.

At the end of 2016, the volume of the catering market exceeded 1,200 billion rubles. The market was supported by the active development of fast food, which has become the most profitable sector of the market. This fact is due to the fact that consumers seek to save money, not wanting to give up visiting catering establishments. This trend in consumer behavior has led to an increase in the popularity of delivery services. Statistics show that over the past three years in Russia, interest in home delivery of food has increased by 2-3%. It should be noted that at the moment the food delivery service is provided by approximately 47% of the chains. Therefore, the availability of food delivery services is a significant competitive advantage. Practice shows that the service of delivery and ordering food via the Internet allows you to increase sales by 10-15%. This niche remains underdeveloped and therefore even more promising.

Figure 3. Dynamics of the public catering market turnover in 2006 – 2016, billion rubles, %*

*data from Alfa-Bank and RBC

Today the catering market offers wide selection national cuisines and concepts. The most popular segment is European cuisine - 64.1%, the top five also includes Russian, Italian, Japanese and Caucasian cuisines.

Figure 4. Russian public catering market by segments

The state of the public catering market is characterized by the following trends:

    the highest demand and growth rates are in the fast food segment;

    demand for home delivery of restaurant food;

    reduction in the number of restaurateurs in the market;

    active price dumping by restaurateurs in an attempt to attract consumers;

    growing popularity of new formats of establishments: street food, gastrobars, restaurants of national cuisines, in particular - pan-azit;

    increase in the share of public catering in shopping centers up to 10-15%.

Thus, today the most successful segment is fast food - the only segment that demonstrates positive dynamics in the domestic catering market. Annual growth of fast food is 5-8%. In 2016, the volume of the Russian fast food market amounted to 212 billion rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Taking into account the main trends in the catering market, the concept of a sushi bar looks like a promising direction for the restaurant business. First, Asian cuisine continues to retain the consumer. Secondly, the format of the sushi bar makes it possible to attribute the project to the fast food segment. Thirdly, the project involves the availability of takeaway and delivery services. Fourth, a sushi bar can be installed in a mall.

Table 1 reflects key benefits and disadvantages of a sushi bar to consider when planning a business.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of opening a sushi bar



  • high business profitability (up to 60%);
  • fast return on investment;

    no need for a large staff;

    narrowly focused, specific niche;

    high demand for Japanese cuisine;

    a relatively small amount of investment for the industry;

    promising fast food format;

    business scalability

  • high level of competition in the market;
  • expensive rent of retail space;

    the difficulty of finding qualified personnel in Japanese cuisine;

    complexity in organizing a business

The given data allow us to draw a conclusion about the investment attractiveness of the restaurant business. The implementation of the sushi bar project will allow taking into account the key trends in the industry and occupying a free niche. Opening a sushi bar does not require large investments, and with the right approach, you can achieve high profits due to constant demand.

3. Description of goods and services of the sushi bar

Over the past few years, there has been an increased demand for Asian cuisine in Russia. And if earlier sushi and rolls could only be found in restaurants, today it has become a familiar meal at the fast food level - rolls are ordered even at work as a business lunch.

The business of preparing and selling sushi and rolls is quite common. However, the high competition in the industry is offset by the fact that the sale of sushi and rolls is a highly profitable business. To succeed in this area, you need to decide on the concept of the institution and correctly draw up a business plan.

This business project involves the opening of a sushi bar (sushi market), which provides public catering services and takes into account the main trends of gastronomic fashion. A sushi bar in the format of a shopping island will be located on the territory of the food court in the shopping and entertainment center. What are the benefits of a shopping island? Firstly, high traffic and concentration of the target audience. Secondly, the shopping center employs several hundred people who are also potential customers. Thirdly, shopping centers themselves often hold events to attract an audience, which will allow the owner of a sushi bar to save on advertising. Fourthly, this format does not require a large staff - 3-4 people will be enough.

The range of the sushi bar includes a wide selection of sushi and rolls, several soup and noodle options, as well as drinks. Sushi sandwiches will be the hallmark of the restaurant. The dish is a large roll for a full snack. This creates an alternative to burgers, ordinary sandwiches and fits organically into the concept of fast food. The inclusion of soups in the assortment is explained by the fact that to attract visitors to business lunches. Table 2 shows a sample sushi bar menu.

Table 2. Sushi bar menu example

Based on this, the average bill of a sushi bar is 300-400 rubles. You can also add a special business lunch offer to the menu. For example, the combo "sandwich roll + soup" worth 220 rubles. (20% discount). The offer will be valid from 12:00 to 16:00.

The assortment of the institution should be updated over time in accordance with the taste preferences of consumers. Orders will be constantly monitored to exclude unclaimed positions. When compiling the menu of a sushi bar, it is important to follow the principle of full and variable use of products in order to minimize the risk of food spoilage if a particular dish is unpopular.

The sushi bar will provide the following services:

    sale of sushi, rolls, business lunches;

    takeaway food;

    delivery of finished products.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This list of services is designed to cover the maximum audience and satisfy the demand of different categories of consumers. Production is carried out on their own using only natural quality ingredients.

Thus, the main advantages of a sushi bar are:

1) unique Japanese cuisine in a convenient format;

2) availability of delivery and takeaway services;

3) prices are lower than in a restaurant;

4) a unique offer: sushi sandwiches that replace a full portion.

4. Sushi bar sales and marketing

The target audience of sushi bars is quite wide. The main category of consumers is young people aged 18-30, regardless of their income level. Sushi bar works for a wide range of consumers. The target audience are the following categories:

    mall workers coming for lunch;

    active young people who prefer takeaway food;

    employees of various organizations who order a business lunch with delivery;

    shopping center visitors who prefer to eat on the spot;

The main market for a sushi bar is big cities, since residents of small settlements may not show interest in this direction.

One of important points when opening a sushi bar, it is the preparation and implementation of an effective marketing strategy, which includes: developing the name of the institution, its logo and corporate identity; organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will allow you to distinguish the institution from the many offers on the catering market. Services for the development of the corporate identity of the institution will cost an average of 10,000 rubles. A catchy, eye-catching sign, including its installation, will cost about 20,000 rubles.

To promote a sushi bar, you can use various marketing tools: promotional videos in the cinema; promotion in the network; sponsorship participation in mass cultural projects; installation of billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with menus; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on.

In this case, advertising on social networks targeted at young people will be effective. Within the framework of social networks, you can hold a “happy repost” campaign, a “competition contest”, etc. This tool is aimed at attracting an additional audience. You can also provide for a "happy hour" promotion - the time during which the institution offers discounts, a special menu, etc. The use of this promotional tool should be subject to the following recommendations:

    planning an action for weekdays;

    increasing the price of the most popular menu items to cover the difference in costs;

    a short and understandable slogan for the action;

    one group of drinks or food participating in the promotion;

    tracking stock performance.

The use of one or another tool depends on the target audience of the institution and the budget of the project. This project involves the use the following tools promotions:

    Creation of a unique style, name, branding - 12,000 rubles;

    Creation and active promotion of a profile in social networks VKontakte and Instagram. 10,000 rubles should be allocated to promote the profile in social networks;

    A repost contest designed to spread advertising information among potential consumers. The winner is given a free set of rolls or a sandwich roll;

    Carrying out the action in the first 2 months of work - free delivery with a delivery amount of 500 rubles.

    Print ads - handing out flyers with a 25% discount coupon. The costs will amount to 15,000 rubles, including the creation of an advertising flyer layout, printing of advertising material and the promoter's salary. It is also planned to distribute booklets with menus.

However, the best advertisement for a catering establishment is quality product and service. If the consumer appreciates the food and service, he will want to return to this establishment again and recommend it to his friends. You can see new business ideas and marketing moves for sushi bars.

Table 3. Sushi bar advertising budget



Costs, rub.

Styling, branding, logo development

To become recognizable in the market, you must have a corporate identity. Costs include naming, logo development, design concept, branded packaging development

Repost contest

The winner is chosen randomly and receives a prize equivalent to 250 rubles. Expenses include the cost of the prize and payment for promoting the contest on social media.

Free shipping

In the first 2 months of work, the promotion "free delivery for orders over 500 rubles."

Flyers with a 25% discount coupon. The costs include the cost of advertising material and salaries to promoters.


An active marketing strategy allows you to accelerate the process of recoupment of funds invested in opening a sushi bar and ensures required level sales.

The traffic of the shopping center averages 7,500 people a day. Of these, about 10% or 750 people visit the food court site and order lunch. In total, there are 6 catering outlets on the food court site, including a sushi bar. Suppose that only 10% (minimum) of the total number of visitors, and this is 75 people, will order in our bar. With an average check of 300 rubles / person. The daily revenue of the sushi bar will be 22,500 rubles, per month - 675,000 rubles.

The shopping center receives about 6 million visitors a year - all of them potential clients sushi bar. The traffic of the shopping center averages 15,000 people a day. Of these, approximately 12% visit the food court - this is 1800 people. The revenue calculation is based on pessimistic forecasts: suppose that 5% of the number of food court visitors decide to order at a sushi bar. Those. the daily influx of visitors will be about 85 people. With an average check of 400 rubles, the monthly revenue of a sushi bar will be: 400*85*30= 1,020,000 (roubles).

5. Sushi bar production plan

The opening of a Chinese restaurant involves the following activities:

1) Choice of location and interior concept. For any catering establishment, the right location plays an important role. For a sushi bar, the choice of location is based on two criteria: first, it must be a place with high pedestrian traffic; secondly, the presence of competitors nearby should be taken into account - since the sushi bar is a specific format, it is not allowed to be adjacent to analogues. The ideal option is the location in a shopping and entertainment center - this will cover various categories of the target audience and increase sales due to the high traffic of visitors to the center.

Opening a sushi bar does not require a large area - 8-12 square meters will be enough. m, which will house the "island", equipped with all necessary equipment and an area with several bar stools for visitors.

To implement the sushi bar project, it is planned to rent retail space on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center. The sales area is 10 sq. m., rental price - 15,000 rubles / month. The outlet is an island-style RMU kiosk. This format allows you to large quantity visitors. The kiosk is decorated in bright colors and has a seating area with bar stools where visitors can sit down.

There are turnkey sushi bar offers on the market, the cost of which varies between 300-500 thousand rubles, depending on various parameters. The package includes an island market, equipment, logo design, etc.

Consider how much it costs to open a sushi market from scratch.

The island pavilion for a sushi bar can be presented in various modifications. The standard format of a shopping island with an area of ​​2.3 * 1.7 m will cost about 100 thousand rubles. Taking into account the delivery and installation of equipment, the cost will be 115 thousand rubles. For this project, it is planned to purchase an island pavilion with an area of ​​at least 8 sq.m. The approximate cost of such an island will be about 200 thousand rubles. In order to save money, you can consider purchasing a used pavilion. In this case, it will cost, on average, 130 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to spend money on its design and furniture content. - 40 thousand rubles. Thus, the cost of equipping the retail space will amount to 170-240 thousand rubles. This project involves the purchase of new equipment, so the budget includes the amount of 240 thousand rubles.

In addition to the trading island, it is necessary to pay attention to the very organization of work on it. The trading area in this case is limited, so it is required to use it effectively. Figure 5 shows an approximate layout of an island for a sushi bar.

Figure 5. An example of the layout of an island-type sushi bar (Source:

It is also necessary to bring the retail space in line with the standards set by the SES: individual sinks for dishes and hands, the presence of an extract, fire department etc. Additional expenses this can amount to about 8 thousand rubles.

2) Format of service and recruitment. At the initial stage, 2 sellers will be required, who will work in shifts. In the future, the possibility of expanding staff to serve visitors is being considered. The seller accepts the order, transfers it to the chef, accepts payment, forms an order for delivery.

The main staff are sushi chefs who are directly involved in the preparation of dishes. It is planned to hire 4 employees who will work in shifts - 2 sushi attendants per shift. It is assumed that one sushi chef will prepare local orders, and the second - orders for delivery. Order preparation time should be no more than 15 minutes.

Orders are prepared on the spot, but there are also ready meals that are on display at refrigerated showcase. Those who do not want to wait for the order to be prepared can purchase ready-made sushi and rolls. However, practice shows that buyers prefer freshly prepared rolls.

To fulfill delivery orders, it is planned to hire two drivers working in shifts and having a personal car.

For delivery necessary ingredients cooperation with a third party is envisaged. Meals are served in disposable dishes with a company logo.

Requirements for the staff of a public institution:

    all employees must have sanitary books with appropriate marks;

    All employees must be instructed before being admitted to the workplace, to study the safety instructions for operating the equipment.

3) Equipment. Equipment for a sushi bar is selected based on its range. The entire list of necessary equipment is presented in Table 4. In accordance with it, the cost of equipment will be about 250,000 rubles.

Table 4. List of equipment for a sushi bar


price, rub.

rice cooker



Tabletop induction cooker

Sushi cases (refrigerating showcase)

Refrigerated table


Thermos for infusing rice and sushi


Electronic balance

Washers for hands and dishes

Kitchen utensils and more

Cash register

4) Drawing up a menu. The planned assortment is given in paragraph 3 of the business plan. Periodically, it is recommended to add new dishes to the menu or make special offers - this will allow you to keep the accumulated customer base. It is important to provide that for each dish a technological map is drawn up indicating the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving. This information is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for raw materials.

5) Organization of supply. Before opening a sushi bar, it is necessary to decide on suppliers and establish channels for supplying raw materials. The main requirement for suppliers is the delivery of high-quality and fresh products on time according to the agreed schedule. It is important that all ingredients used meet the requirements of GOSTs.

    supplier of fish and seafood;

    supplier of rice and other specific ingredients for rolls (nori, wasabi, soy sauce, ginger);

    supplier of fresh vegetables;

    tea/coffee/beverage vendors.

For certain categories of supplies that provide the main menu, it is recommended to conclude exclusive agreements with one proven and reliable supplier. But many wholesalers have ready-made supply sets in stock and are able to fully supply your point of sale with the necessary products.

Before you decide on suppliers, conduct a thorough analysis of the proposals. When purchasing a batch of products for the first time, break the order into smaller batches to order several of each type of product from different suppliers. This will allow you to compare the quality and choose the most economically and qualitatively acceptable option.

It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded utensils and inventory.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, the transport costs for the supply of ingredients are borne by your production. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, the technological map of the preparation of products and the expected sales volume. It is important that the recipes of the dishes comply with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.

6. Organizational plan of the sushi bar

The initial stage of opening a sushi bar is registering a business with government agencies and obtaining permits for a catering establishment.

To conduct commercial activities, an LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%).

Type of activity according to OKVED-2:

56.10.1 - Operation of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food restaurants and self-service restaurants.

When opening a catering establishment, it may be difficult to obtain permits. To open a sushi bar, you will need to collect the following list of documents:

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

    assortment list approved in SEN;

    permission of the state fire supervision;

    the conclusion of the tax inspectorate on the registration of cash registers;

    permission from the ATC for the safety of material assets.

After receiving all permits, you must obtain permission to open a catering establishment from the city authorities.

The schedule of the sushi bar coincides with the opening hours of the shopping center - from 10:00 to 22:00. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. Since the institution is open 7 days a week, it is necessary to organize a shift work schedule for all staff of the institution.

Sellers-cashiers interact with buyers, form received orders and accept payments. Sushi specialists are responsible for preparing meals, cleanliness in the kitchen, storing food, controlling food costs, and preparing food. The coordinator processes orders for delivery, is responsible for the supply of raw materials, and works with suppliers. The administrator organizes the workflow, hires and manages personnel, is responsible for marketing policy, monitors the ratio of profit and loss, and controls the work of personnel. All administrative functions are assigned to the entrepreneur. He will also do accounting. Drivers-couriers carry out timely delivery of orders to the address.

Basic requirements for staff: availability of a medical book, diligence, experience as a sushi chef (for sushi chefs), responsibility, courtesy, communication skills.

All employees receive a fixed salary. The total wage fund is 288,600 rubles. It is also planned to reward employees upon reaching the planned sales volume.

Table 5 staffing and payroll


Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.




Sushi driver (shift schedule)

Coordinator (remote work)


Sales clerk (shift schedule)


Delivery driver (shift schedule)

Social Security contributions:

Total with deductions:

7. Sushi bar financial plan

The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the sushi bar, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this time it will be necessary to expand the business, open new outlets.

To start the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investments. To do this, you need to determine the costs for the purchase of equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods.

The initial investment for opening a sushi market is 775,000 rubles. The main part of the required investment is for the purchase of equipment - 63%, initial stocks and working capital - 25%, advertising - 6%, and the rest - 6%. The project is financed by equity. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Investment costs

Variable costs consist of the costs of the ingredients used in the preparation of dishes, as well as the payment for the capacities consumed in the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). The cost of 1 roll averages 10 rubles, and its selling price is 30-40 rubles. To simplify financial settlements magnitude variable costs is calculated based on the sum of the average check and a fixed trade margin of 350%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utilities, payroll, advertising expenses, taxes and depreciation. The amount of depreciation deductions is determined by the straight-line method, based on the term beneficial use fixed assets in 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed, but depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 7. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 334,000 rubles.

8. Performance evaluation

The investment attractiveness of this project can be judged on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. The change in the value of money over time is accounted for using the discounted cash flow method.

The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 775,000 rubles is 7 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 366,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation of the sushi bar.

Annual volume net profit for the first year of work will be more than 2.5 million rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation will be 29%. The return on investment is 39.9%, and the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 21.3%. The net present value is positive and amounts to 1,531,129 rubles, and the yield index is greater than 1, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

9. Possible risks

To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of the management of the organization.

The specifics of the institution determines the following external risks:

    poor choice of location for a sushi bar. Even the location of the point in the shopping center does not exclude location errors. Visit traffic may be overestimated or the competitive environment underestimated. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze outlet and take into account various factors;

    increase in prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. In the first case, there is a risk of increasing costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with a competent choice of suppliers and the inclusion in the contract of all necessary conditions, which provide for the liability of the supplier in case of their violation;

    competitor reaction. Since the catering market is quite saturated and the competition is high, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, have a customer loyalty program, create competitive advantages and unique offers;

    Refusal to provide rental premises or increase the cost of rent. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to conclude a long-term lease and carefully choose the landlord.

    falling effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective loyalty programs that include discounts, happy hours, etc.;

Internal risks include:

    problems with personnel, which means low qualification, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. This may lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the institution. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the stage of recruitment, hiring employees who meet all the requirements. It is also necessary to provide for a system of bonuses for personnel;

    equipment failure and production downtime. To mitigate the risk will allow regular maintenance of equipment in order to maintain its performance;

    food spoilage due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Food surpluses can arise for two reasons: firstly, due to the low level of sales and the unpopularity of certain dishes; and secondly, due to errors in sales forecasting. It is possible to reduce this risk through competent planning and forecasting, reviewing the assortment, and excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Food storage errors, breakdown of refrigeration equipment can lead to food spoilage. It is possible to avoid this threat by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular maintenance equipment;