How to open a bee apiary

The initial investment is 518,000 rubles. According to the beekeeping (apiary) business plan presented here, net profit within 58.6 percent per annum.

Honey is a product that has long been considered the most useful and in demand among the population of our country, but the Russian market only satisfies this need by half, the other half is foreign supplies from Chinese manufacturer. Therefore, organizing a private business in beekeeping will be a promising solution. We propose to analyze the business plan of the apiary land, understand the costs, risks, expected profits and sales of products.

Description and goals of the project

Honey is a product that is known to mankind as a healthy delicacy that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, containing a lot minerals and enzymes. It restores strength and tones the body.

The goal of the project is to open a private apiary.

Description of the sales market

The Russian market represents about 300,000 tons of honey per year, however Russian production allows you to get only 150,000 tons. This is due to the lack of qualified personnel, since not a single university in our country trains beekeepers. Chinese honey has always been questioned due to the widespread use of genetically modified crops. Low quality foreign (Chinese) honey led to restrictions on supplies to the United States (the main buyer).

Honey is used not only for home consumption. A large amount of it is used in food production, confectionery, as a sugar substitute. Therefore, products containing honey are considered to be of higher quality and healthier for the consumer.

Today, private apiaries have become the main suppliers of the product on the Russian market.

Organizational stage

The first step is purchasing ready-made hives. Average cost one will cost about 3,000 rubles. In addition, you will need to purchase a full-fledged bee colony, the cost of which will be 2,000 rubles. In addition to honey, bees are capable of producing mead, pollen, and propolis. During the season (May-August), up to 7 tons of honey are collected from the apiary.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Many entrepreneurs living in villages are looking for a type of business that can be implemented at their place of residence, without resorting to financial costs. Beekeeping is one such business.

It can be started with small financial investments Moreover, the products of such a business have always been in demand, which is an additional plus.

In addition, the product of beekeeping is not only honey. Propolis, wax, poison, pollen and many other useful products are very popular.

Before you start creating such a business, you need to fully study it, prepare it and draw up a beekeeping business plan.

But for a novice businessman it will be very difficult to prepare it on your own, so on this page you can download a standard, approximate beekeeping business plan.

This business plan provides for the opening of an apiary, the procurement of bee waste products, the collection and preparation of honey and its subsequent sale.

The organizational and legal form for beekeeping will significantly reduce taxes, simplify accounting and mutual settlements with customers. The success of a beekeeping project should be high, because the demand for products of a decent level is quite high and there is little competition in this area of ​​the market.

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to determine the area for which the hives are to be installed. The next step will be a description of the services. That is, your apiary is breeding bees, they, in turn, will collect honey.

Other products produced by bees must also be distributed for sale. It is also necessary to conduct a market analysis. In this section you need to characterize the market for all apiaries in your region. IN mandatory indicate wholesale buyers and their purchase volumes.

When creating a beekeeping business, you first need to decide on the location of the apiary. According to the recommendations of experts, it is better to set up an apiary close to flower fields, where bees can collect honey, or closer to fruit and berry gardens, it is also possible to collect the necessary product from them.

It would be nice if these two options were combined. When all issues with the site have been resolved, you need to draw up documents for its use. Plots can be rented or purchased as property.

Documentation is drawn up at the municipality, if the land is located within the city, or at the rural administration - the land is located outside the city. After all the documentation issues have been resolved, you can begin to set up the apiary.

First you need to purchase and then install hives. Today there are not many companies that produce hives. It is better to turn to rural craftsmen. For the business to generate income, you will need to purchase at least 100 hives. Next came the turn to purchase honey bees. You can buy them at the apiary. About 50 bee colonies will be needed. They will multiply in the first season and then take over all the hives.

Following a beekeeping business plan, you also need to purchase equipment for breeding and caring for bees and a special work suit. When choosing a worker, you first need to pay attention to whether he understands beekeeping.

The main thing is that he is a person who has experience in such work and is responsible. The apiary is completely ready for work, now you can start searching potential buyers products. It is better to negotiate with the wholesale buyer and discuss with him all the conditions for the supply of honey.

When considering the sections of the beekeeping development business plan, you need to pay attention to the financial component of this project.

Good to know!

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Why starting a business with a franchise is easier and more convenient can be found out from a selection of articles published in the section:

Feb 11th, 2011

Many novice beekeepers are tormented by questions: How much will the future apiary cost? How much does it cost to keep bees? Is it expensive to keep bees? So I decided to calculate this amount, to make some kind of apiary business plan for 10 bee families. Don’t take it to heart, leave criticism and questions in the comments.

All prices for bees, hives and equipment indicated in the article were current for 2010. I don't think there will be much difference in 2011. The initial data will be the presence of a plot of 10 acres (plus or minus) next to the forest, where there are willows, bird cherry, and rowan. And the main bribe will come from small-leaved linden, raspberries, weedy forbs (burdock, and others). We also take into account the presence of buildings: small cozy house, adapted for pumping out honey and a shed adapted for wintering bees. Let’s leave the question open: what to choose?

Hives for bees

We got hives from our grandfather: some are factory ones (large production) , some are homemade (my grandfather made the hives with his own hands). At one time we purchased new hives from a local manufacturer. Last time we bought used wooden double-hull hives for 1200 rubles: the first body for 12 frames 435x300 mm, the second body for 12 frames 435x230 mm. For apiary business plan Let's count with reserve: ten used hives - 15,000 rubles. We cut canvas from an old sheet, buy insulating pillows for 100 rubles at a beekeeping store, or sew it ourselves from old cotton mattresses. We will not count the costs of entrance barriers, handles for carrying the hive, and paint for painting - let it all be on “used” hives.

Bees for Beginners

A “young” beekeeper has two options for purchasing bees: free - catching stray ones and paid - buy bees or bee packages (article on topic -). We don’t have time to catch swarms - we want an apiary now, so we’ll take the purchase of bees into account. Last year average price for a bee package was 3,000 rubles, plus or minus 500 rubles. Let's do the math for a business plan ten bee packages of three thousand rubles each - 30,000 rubles.

Equipment for beekeeper

We’ll ask our neighbor beekeepers for a swarm, or we’ll use a homemade one from scrap materials, buy it next season, or make one. In a beekeeping store we will buy a new bee smoker for 250 rubles, a chisel for 100 rubles, two face meshes for 150 rubles each, a beekeeping suit - 650 rubles, a simple two-frame honey extractor for 6-8 thousand rubles (like “Thumbelina”). Total apiary business plan provides budget for beekeeping equipment 10,000 rubles. We do not exclude the possibility that the beekeeping tool will be received along with the bees in addition.

Frames and foundation

For ten Dadan 12s you need 240 frames measuring 435x300 mm. We minus from this amount the forty frames that are in bee packages, and we get 200 frames - that’s how many you need to purchase. For the price of one set of hive frames (four blanks: two side strips, top and bottom) 15 rubles require 3,000 rubles. A pack costs 2,000 rubles (five kilograms in a pack). Let's take three packs, a total of 6,000 rubles. to provide the apiary with wax. Plus nails for making frames, wire for strengthening the foundation, and a spur roller for waxing. Total budget for frames and foundation - 10,000 rubles.

What else is needed for the apiary?

You can collect rotten wood for the smoker from the nearest old willow tree or in the floodplain of the nearest river. To make feeders, partitions, and flight boards, we use available materials: planks and fiberboard from old furniture.

In total it turns out that the cost of an apiary with 10 bee colonies is approximately 65-70 thousand rubles. “Investment in beekeeping” may decrease if hives and beekeeping equipment are inherited or more low prices, or for nothing. 🙂 Or maybe along with the hives there will be frames and a honey extractor in addition...

Wintering of bees

Very important point— decide where the bees will spend the winter. Our Business plan for an apiary for 10 families already provides a room for wintering bees (see source data above) so there are no costs for building a winter shelter. An alternative is to leave the bees to spend the winter in the wild, that is, under the snow. There is a way to winter in the wild - the so-called “greenhouse”: it doesn’t cost much (the material is the same - improvised), has its advantages, but I will write about this in another article, as well as about the payback and annual costs of an apiary for 10 families...

Since Soviet times, beekeeping has been considered a very profitable activity. This trend has continued to this day. Apiary business is very popular in Russia and is included in the list of the most common types of home business.

This is due to the constant demand and usefulness of the final product and the relatively small costs of money and time to maintain the farm.

It will be quite difficult for a novice businessman to start his own business without special knowledge and an action plan. You won't be able to find training courses on beekeeping. However, if you have sufficient capital to start and an irresistible desire to act, then you can hire experienced beekeeper.

This article attempts to simplify the process of drawing up a business plan for a beekeeping farm as much as possible. However, ultimately, only your perseverance, ingenuity and serious attitude towards business can lead you to the desired success.

The attractiveness of a business idea to create a beekeeping farm

The initial stage of drawing up a business plan is the process analysis and determination of prospects future business. It is at this stage that a novice businessman must firmly decide for himself whether it is worth implementing the idea or not.

To help you make such a difficult decision, here are some benefits of beekeeping. The most noticeable of them are:

  • Investments in business are relatively small.
    To organize a beekeeping farm you will need to buy hives, necessary tools and bee families. With proper business management, investments can easily pay off within the first year of operation.
  • Bees are independent insects.
    Their natural lifestyle requires minimal human attention. So, unlike other types of farming, bees do not need to be fed, treated or disposed of.
  • There are no monopolists in this industry in the market.
    This is due to the fact that breeding technology is not subject to unification, and low start-up capital allows any small entrepreneur to occupy his niche in the market.
  • You can open an apiary outside the city, on your own garden plot or dacha.
  • Statistical studies among consumers of beekeeping products have shown that they prefer to purchase honey in markets and apiaries.
    Thanks to this, we can conclude that the beekeeper is not threatened by competition and monopolistic pressure from distribution networks.
  • There are no land taxes and no associated utility costs.

In general, this type of business is notable for the fact that it virtually no running costs.

  • When placing hives in rural areas, rent Often they will not demand from you.
    Bees pollinate various cultures, so any farming will be interested in placing bee colonies on its territory.
  • Forestry enterprises also willingly cooperate with beekeepers.
    Having received the appropriate permits, you can place your hives in the forest.

It is worth keeping in mind that when good quality, beekeeping products will always find their way to the heart of the consumer.

Honey and products accompanying its production are very widely used in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Along with its exquisite taste, honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Organizational aspects when starting beekeeping

On average, up to 300 thousand tons of honey are consumed in Russia in one year.

Per share domestic producers only have to 50% of consumed mass.

This is due to low qualifications of personnel and the fact that novice businessmen cannot cope with the implementation of the idea of ​​beekeeping.

Therefore, it is imperative, even at the planning stage, before starting to create a business, that you should resolve all organizational issues.


An important factor is the selection and equipment of a room for bees, the size of which is selected based on the number of bee colonies.

The premises are needed, first of all, for storing hives in winter period . In summer there are no problems with placing bees.

When preparing the site, it is necessary to provide utility rooms for storing production products.

When placing an apiary, the following points should be taken into account:

  • The ideal place for breeding bees is the countryside, inter-farm associations, and collective farms.
  • The working space around the apiaries must be fenced. The distance from the hives to the fence should be at least 2 meters.
  • Bees must be located at a certain height from the ground.
  • The area where the apiary will be established must be surrounded by sufficient areas with honey plants.
  • Bee breeding is possible only in dry places. You need to make sure that there are no swamps or wet lands nearby - their presence will lead to the bees getting sick.
  • The apiary should consist of 2 parts. The scope of the first part will include strengthening and expanding the bee population. The second part will be responsible for honey extraction.


The quality of the equipment used in production and its correct operation also influence the success of the enterprise. The quality of the final product directly depends on these factors.

To organize a business, you need to be equipped with the following equipment:

  • Board - pattern;
  • Reel holder;
  • Nomadic booth;
  • Drinkers for bees;
  • Thermometer;
  • Tanks and other storage equipment.

Compilation procedure. Which sections are taken into account first?

In this article we will look at the stages of preparing a pond for breeding crayfish at home.

We will tell you what equipment should be purchased in the business plan of an ostrich farm at . How many birds should I buy for a quick start?

Purchasing hives

On average, the cost of one hive will be 3,000 rubles.

A full-fledged bee colony for one hive will cost 2000 rubles.

Size investment for 1 hive with a bee family and necessary equipment is estimated at around 12,000 rubles.

Based on this indicator, you can easily calculate the costs for the number of hives you are going to start with.

In addition to this, it is advisable purchase of a 3-uterine honey extractor, which will cost 30,000 rubles.

The cost of special clothing will be 6,000 rubles.


The key pillar on which any business rests is its staff. To organize your own beekeeping farm It is necessary to hire experienced beekeepers.

Pay attention follows two points:

  • Finding such specialists on the street is almost impossible.
    To hire a beekeeper, you will need to contact the beekeeping society.
  • An experienced professional will only be attracted by a high salary.
    But there is a more attractive form of hiring - business cooperation. If you take a specialist on board, he will not only perform his direct duties, but will also become a person directly interested in business development.

The newly-minted partner will help not only in making a profit, but also in expansion of bee colonies and their selection.

On initial stage For business development, it is enough to hire a staff of 1 accountant and 1 beekeeper. For planning primary costs The wage fund will be determined as follows:

  • Accountant – 6,000 rub.
  • Beekeeper (beekeeper) – up to 30,000 rub.

In winter it is necessary reduce salary costs.

It is better to reduce the wage fund to the level of 15,000 rubles by agreeing with the beekeeper to reduce working hours.

Watch the video about successful beekeeping methods and the main mistakes of novice beekeepers:

Sales of honey and related products

Initially, honey can be sold through a network of acquaintances who will consume your product and recommend it to their circle of trust. Another very popular way to market honey is to sell it on the highway.

Large volumes Products can be sold at markets, honey fairs and exhibitions. Practice shows that the peak of sales is reached in mid-autumn, when consumers begin to actively stock up for the winter.

The table below shows all beekeeping products with average prices.

Product Price (r.) Per (unit)
Honey 450 1 kg.
Wax 490 100 g.
Propolis 480 100 g.
Zabrus 600 100 g.
Bee bread in granules 2100 100 g.
Canvases 500 100 g.
Bee packages 600 100 g.
Flower pollen 812 100 g.
Venom (bee) 650 100 g.
Queen bees 700 100 g.
Dead bees 600 100 g.
Royal jelly 900 100 g.

If you want to expand your consumer network as much as possible, then in this case you will have to resort to advertising in the media, organizing direct marketing and holding promotions.

Financial calculations for a business plan

Beekeeping, like most agricultural businesses, depends on a season that lasts for 6 months.

Due to this income received from the sale of products during this period is worth spread over the whole year.

To effectively manage your business during non-seasonal periods, it is worth minimizing costs. After all, a situation is possible that inept financial management will lead to the fact that you will not have any free economic resources to continue the business, despite the considerable profit received from the farm during the reporting period.

To prevent this from happening, it is worth having a constant cash reserve.

Below is financial plan opening a bee farm with 20 hives.

for 1 year) – 718 000 rub.:
  • Preparing the premises for winter - 70,000 rubles.
  • Bees and basic equipment – ​​240,000 rub.
  • Additional equipment – ​​36,000 rub.
  • Salary to employees - 306,000 rubles. (6 months for 36,000 rubles, 6 months for 21,000 rubles).
  • Other expenses + taxation – 30,000 rub.

Income from a beekeeping farm is an average of 500,000 rubles:

  • At proper organization business and proper care, 1 beehive can produce up to 40 kg of honey per production season.
  • The cost of 1 kg of honey on the market is 450 rubles.
    Based on these data, 1 beehive will bring 18,000 rubles per year.
    The profitability of an apiary of 20 hives will be 360,000 rubles. per year, taking into account only funds received from the sale of honey.
  • By selling related production products you can earn an additional 50% in relation to the main sales.

Return on Investment will happen within 1–2 years.

By the second year, it will be possible to increase the number of hives to 30, by the third to 60 units. Likewise, by gradually increasing the number of families, you can achieve a stable financial condition received from bee farming and you will achieve a net profit with minimal current costs.

Initial investment: RUB 3,820,000.

Monthly profit in the first year of operation of the apiary: 4525 rubles.

Monthly profit from the second year of operation of the apiary: 97,800 rubles.

Payback period: 48 months

Business plan for organizing the production of bee products on a land plot leased from the state in the amount of 100 bee families.

Planned costs for organizing an apiary:

Name Qty units Price per unit, rub. Price for one bee colony, rub. Per 100 bee colonies, rub.


total 7959,5 795950
Dadan hive 12 frames with two bodies, roof, bottom 1 pcs. 3500 3500 350000
Additional store for the hive 1 pcs. 500 500 50000
Feeder for the hive 13 liters 1 pcs. 1000 1000 100000
Handles for hives 2 pcs. 35 70 7000
Hive frames 48 pcs. 19 912 91200
Wire (250 g per 1 family) 1 cat. 80 80 8000
Nails 0,5 kg. 35 17,5 1750
Dye 0,5 kg. 500 250 25000
Diaphragms 2 pcs. 70 140 14000
Canvases 2 pcs. 40 80 8000
Upper insulating pillows 2 pcs. 180 360 36000
Insulating side cushions 2 pcs. 95 190 19000
Hive stands 1 pcs. 500 500 50000
wax 0,8 kg. 450 360 36000
Name Qty units Price per unit, rub. Price for apiary, rub.


total 485000
Bee packages 100 pcs. 4000 400000
Delivery of bee packages 1 once. 50000
Queen bees (purebred) 5 pcs. 7000 35000


total 7470
Beekeeper costume 2 pcs. 2500 5000
Gloves 2 couples 700 1400
Additional mesh 2 pcs. 360 720
Shoes (res. boots) 1 couples 350 350

Inventory, equipment

total 431070
Carrying box 2 pcs. 1600 3200
Sushi storage boxes (8 frames) 30 pcs. 300 9000
Beekeeper's chisel 2 pcs. 300 600
Smoker 2 pcs. 2000 4000
Brush 2 pcs. 150 300
Uterine cap 10 pcs. 100 1000
Insulator 30 pcs. 500 15000
Uterine cells 50 pcs. 60 3000
Nicot system or equivalent 1 pcs. 4500 4500
Queen hatching frames 4 pcs. 100 400
Magnifier 1 pcs. 1300 1300
Spatula 1 pcs. 400 400
Marker for marking queens 1 pcs. 120 120
Tag device 1 pcs. 70 70
Knife 2 pcs. 150 300
Spatula 1 pcs. 120 120
Frame grip 1 pcs. 200 200
Tent for working in the apiary 1 pcs. 5000 5000
Machine for stretching wire in frames 1 pcs. 1500 1500
Thermometer 2 pcs. 800 1600
Apiary trolley 1 pcs. 8000 8000
Electrical booster 1 pcs. 5000 5000
Frame printing machine 1 pcs. 70000 70000
Electric honey extractor 1 pcs. 45000 45000
Table for printing frames 1 pcs. 12000 12000
Container for honey, cube container 23 l 50 pcs. 220 11000
Pollen collectors 100 pcs. 160 16000
Pollen dryer 1 pcs. 47000 47000
Honey filters 2 pcs. 800 1600
Honey shovel 1 pcs. 150 150
Trading containers for honey 1000 pcs. 30 30000
Warromor 1 pcs. 6000 6000
Vet preparation for distillation 3 pcs. 200 600
Vet drug for nosematosis 10 ml. 16 160
Vet passport of the apiary 1 pcs. 900 900
Solar wax refiner 1 pcs. 4000 4000
Wax melter 1 pcs. 12000 12000
Voskopress 1 pcs. 24000 24000
Stretcher for carrying hives 1 pcs. 3000 3000
Roevnya 2 pcs. 1300 2600
Nucleuses 50 pcs. 650 32500
Grid for collecting propolis 100 pcs. 450 45000
Stainless steel bucket 5 pcs. 500 2500
Drinking bowls 3 pcs. 150 450

Other inventory

total 14160
Shovel 1 pcs. 200 200
Axe 1 pcs. 500 500
Saw 1 pcs. 1500 1500
Electric spray gun 1 pcs. 5000 5000
Blowtorch 1 pcs. 1200 1200
Gas burner 1 pcs. 4000 4000
Petrol 20 l. 38 760
Gas cylinder 1 pcs. 1000 1000

The premises, their equipment, the fence

total 1310000
Frame storage room for equipment 1 150000 150000
Beekeeper's house (trailer) 1 160000 160000
Furniture, kitchen, bathroom, toilet 1 60000 100000
Zimovnik 1 250000 250000
Equipment for winter shelter 1 50000 50000
Electrification of premises 1 100000 100000
Alarm system, video surveillance 1 50000 50000
Wax production room 1 50000 50000
Fence 400 m 1000 400000

Salary of a beekeeper, assistant and other specialists

12 months 60000 720000

Other expenses, transport, trade permit, veterinarian. certificates

1 55000 55000
Total RUB 3,820,000. *

* the calculation depends on the prices of materials, equipment and tools, is for reference only and can be clarified only with a detailed calculation. This amount can change either up or down due to smart purchasing and exchange rate fluctuations. The list is not 100% complete.

To open the apiary, the following sequential steps must be completed:

  1. Find an investor according to the cost table;
  2. Find an experienced beekeeper to work in the apiary and a seasonal assistant;
  3. Select and rent a plot of land for personal farming;
  4. Construct the necessary premises;
  5. Purchase bees, hives and necessary equipment;
  6. Carry out veterinary control of the apiary, register necessary documents to permit trade in beekeeping products;
  7. Fulfill necessary work during the season in the apiary;
  8. Organize sales and advertising of products.

Market prospect:

According to statistical data, in Russia honey and beekeeping products are produced 5-6 times less than possible demand. There is also a promising direction, such as the supply of bee products abroad, due to competitive Russian prices.

Work plan:

Rent of land.

The choice of site for an apiary will depend on the availability of wild honey plants and promising areas for possible cultivation of land for planting honey plants in the future. A place protected from the prevailing winds, not far from settlement, for the possibility of electrification of premises. Required condition site selection - environmental cleanliness, absence of major highways and enterprises. This will be the focus in advertising and product promotion in the future. A plot of 0.5 hectares will be sufficient for organizing such an apiary and further future development. Purpose land plot– “maintenance of personal subsidiary farming”, rental of such land plots currently by administrations rural settlements welcome. The lease agreement will be concluded for 49 years, and rental costs will be about 500 rubles. per year


The choice of technology depends on the experience of the working beekeeper, but will be based on multi-frame content, a standardized Dadan frame 435x300 mm and store-bought half-frames measuring 145x300 mm. Also, in the second year of maintaining the apiary, a queen breeding site will be organized and a nucleus park will be organized, in order to be able to receive additional profit from the sale of bee packages and queen bees. Such a plot will provide the apiary with stable, high-quality and breeding material.


The choice of bee breed is Karnika. Thanks to the work of the Karnika Breeding Institute, a breed of bees has been developed that is peace-loving, honey-producing, disease-resistant, and winter-hardy. There is constant selection of this breed, and the lines are being improved. One of the necessary annual expenses is the purchase of purebred material, which will ensure stable operation of the apiary.


All necessary equipment for working with bees and obtaining beekeeping products will be purchased: honey, beebread, pollen, wax, propolis. And also everything necessary materials for own breeding of queens and production of layerings.


According to the investment table, it is planned to build all necessary premises, for comfortable work of the beekeeper, as well as the safety of bees and work with beekeeping products. Investment in these premises is necessary and will be justified in the future. For safety, preservation of apiary values, as well as better development of families (protection from winds, better microclimate) and compliance with the requirements of current legislation, it is necessary to build a continuous fence 2 m high. The total investment will be 1 million 310 thousand rubles.

Beekeeper and salary

To work in an apiary, you need to hire an experienced beekeeper, which will pose a certain difficulty. But the level wages at 30,000 rubles. per month, in rural areas, these are significant cash. However, to help the beekeeper during the active season, he will need an assistant whose salary will be 10,000 rubles. per month, this can be a member of the beekeeper’s family (if available). In winter, the beekeeper can act as a distributor of bee products from the apiary, and the assistant can act as a guard.


Suitable for the second year of apiary operation. As organizational form you must choose individual entrepreneurship and pay a single agricultural tax in the amount of 6% of profit. It is also necessary to register the apiary with the relevant veterinary service and hand over necessary tests, in this case, permitting documents for trade will be obtained.


The planned output of products in the first year of operation of the apiary is as follows:

Product type Planned output for 1 family, kg. For an apiary of 100 families, kg. Price per kg, rub. Total, rub.
1 Honey 15 1500 300 450000
2 Propolis 0,05 5 6000 30000
3 Pollen 1 100 2400 240000
4 Perga 1 100 2500 250000
5 Wax 0,2 20 400 8000

Total 978,000 rub.

The planned production output in the second year of operation of the apiary is as follows:

Product type Planned output for 1 family, kg. For an apiary of 100 families Price per kg, rub. Total, rub.
1 Honey 30 3000 300 900000
2 Propolis 0,1 10 6000 60000
3 Pollen 2 200 2400 480000
4 Perga 2 200 2500 500000
5 Wax 0,8 80 400 32000
6 Packages 0,3 30 2500 75000
7 Uterus 1 100 500 50000

Total 2097000 rub.

Sales of products are planned in plastic container, at the prices indicated in the table, at your own point of sale.

Starting from the second year, additional sales are planned from the sale of bee packages and queen bees, which will provide additional income in the amount of 125,000 rubles. and will eliminate the need for the annual purchase of queen bees.

In addition to the tables:

Planned sales and advertising outlets:

  1. Fairs of agricultural products;
  2. Own point of sale;
  3. Advertising and sales via the Internet, with the possibility of creating your own Internet platform.
  4. Promotion of eco-products to restaurants.
  5. Wholesale sales.
  6. Access to supply channels abroad.

Business risks

  1. While running this type of business there are possible risks:
  2. Decrease in wholesale prices due to high yields in regions and high competition;
  3. Decrease in the amount of collected beekeeping products due to bad weather conditions;
  4. Increase in prices for purchasing materials, equipment, breeding material;
  5. The emergence of infectious diseases and pests of bees, which will reduce product yield and may lead to a ban on product sales.

Planned expenses

  1. The salary of the beekeeper and assistant is 480,000 rubles. per year
  2. Salary of a promotion and sales manager is 240,000 rubles. per year
  3. Breeding material - 35,000 rubles. per year
  4. Veterinary drugs and permits RUB 8,000. per year.
  5. Costs for equipment (paint, wire, nails, canvas, etc.) – 45,000 rubles. per year
  6. Container, packaging, rental of premises for trade, taxation - 55,000 rubles. per year
  7. Other expenses (transport, advertising) - 55,000 rubles. per year
  8. Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.

Total: 923,000 rub.

Thus, the net profit for the second year of operation will be 1,173,000 rubles, although this amount does not take into account the depreciation of buildings, hives, equipment and will be less; honey prices can fluctuate both up and down. And the recoupment of the initial costs will occur no earlier than in 48 months. When calculating prices for received products and inventory, they were taken as of 10/01/2016.

Beekeeping is a profitable business!