Marketing plan examples ready. Marketing Plan: Development Instructions and Detailed Example

A company's marketing plan is a blueprint that outlines its overall marketing strategy for the coming year. It must indicate who you are positioning your products for, how you will sell it to the target category of buyers, what techniques you will use to attract new customers and increase sales. Purpose of compilation marketing plan is to outline in detail how to market your products and services to your target market.


Part 1

Conducting a situational analysis

    Consider the goals of your company. The purpose of a situational analysis is to understand the current marketing situation your company is in. Based on this understanding, you can think through and implement the necessary changes in the business. Start by addressing the company's mission and goals (if your company doesn't already have these, they need to be defined first) and see if your current marketing plan is helping you achieve those goals.

    • For example, your company performs snow removal and other related winter views works. You have set yourself the goal of increasing revenue by 10% through the conclusion of new contracts. Do you have a marketing plan that describes how you can attract additional contracts? If a plan exists, is it effective?
  1. Examine your current marketing strengths and weaknesses. How is your company currently attractive to customers? What makes competing companies attractive to customers? It is very likely that your strengths attract customers to you. Knowing your strengths gives you an important marketing advantage.

    Gather information about external opportunities and threats to your company. They will be external characteristics companies that depend on competition, fluctuations in market factors, as well as on customers and buyers. The goal is to identify various factors that can impact the business. This will then allow you to adjust your marketing plan accordingly.

    Designate responsible persons. When preparing your marketing plan, you will need to assign individuals responsible for specific aspects of your company's market promotion. Think about which employees will be best able to perform specific functions of the marketing policy, and determine their responsibilities. You will also need to consider a system for assessing the success of these official duties.

    Announce your marketing goals. What do you want to achieve with your marketing plan? Do you see the end goal as expanding your customer base, informing existing customers about new services and quality improvements, expanding into other regions or demographics, or something entirely different? It is your goals that will form the basis for preparing the plan.

    Develop marketing strategies to achieve your goals. Once you have clearly defined your marketing goals and perspectives, you will need to consider specific actions upon their achievement. There are many various types marketing strategies, but the most common ones are listed below.

    Approve the budget. You may have great ideas for business promotion and expansion client base, but with a limited budget, you may need to partially revise your strategy. The budget should be realistic and reflect both the current state of the business and its potential growth in the future.

Part 4

Marketing plan preparation

    Start with an explanatory note. This section of the marketing plan should include basic information about your products or services, as well as a summary of the overall content of the entire document in one or two paragraphs of text. The priority preparation of an explanatory note will allow you to subsequently expand and describe in more detail certain points in the main text of the document.

    • Know that the prepared marketing plan is extremely useful to give for familiarization both to the direct employees of your company and its consultants.
  1. Describe the target market. The second section of the marketing plan will address the results of your research and describe the company's target market. Text must not be written difficult language, indicating simple key points will suffice. You can start by describing the demographics of your market (including the age, gender, location, and industry of your customers, if applicable), and then move on to identifying your customers' top preferences for your products or services.

  2. List your goals. This section should not exceed one page of text. It must indicate the marketing goals of the company for the coming year. Remember that the goals you set must satisfy five qualities: be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.

      • When reviewing your marketing plan annually, be objective. If something is not working or someone in charge is not acting in the best interests of the company, you can openly discuss with the staff the existing problems and non-performance of duties. If things are going really badly, you may need to prepare a completely different marketing plan. It is in this situation that it is useful to hire an outside consultant to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the old marketing plan and restructure it in the right direction.
  • Be sure to include in your marketing plan the needs and ideas for each department in your company (and even an employee, if appropriate). It is also very important that the marketing plan is linked and well integrated with the business plan and mission of the company, its public image and core values.
  • Include in your marketing plan any tables, graphs, etc. that you need to create in the process of collecting important information. In addition, it will be useful to include tables explaining its key provisions in the plan.


  • Revise the marketing plan at least once a year to check the success of the strategies used and to redo those parts of the plan that were unsuccessful.
  • Many of the critical factors in a marketing plan are dynamic. If they change over time, the marketing plan needs to be revised.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


The formation of a stable array of buyers, finding their niche in the market, suppressing competitors, building a plausible reputation - this is not a complete list of issues that entrepreneurs have to solve. Without a clear marketing plan to achieve stable demand for products, brand awareness, a large number loyal customers is almost impossible. How to properly compose this important document for any business?

Marketing plan of the company - what is it?

Under the company's marketing plan should be understood the details of all its actions that are focused on achieving its optimal position in the market. It does not affect production and technological aspects functioning of the company and affects only the sale of products and profit.

Benefits of developing a marketing plan for a company:

  • Firstly , determines which part of its funds will have to be spent on marketing activities.
  • Secondly , to form a policy of promotion on the market of specific types of goods and services.
  • Thirdly , draw up a strategy and tactics for working with the target market, including the procedure for setting prices.
  • Fourth , certain goods, sales proceeds and profits.

Important point: Since the marketing plan draws in detail all marketing activities and expected results, it is possible to trace the effectiveness of certain approaches in the company's activities in the market.

Types of the company's marketing plan and the purpose of their preparation

There are many criteria for classifying marketing plans, including:

  1. Duration of validity - strategic (more than 3 years), tactical (up to 3 years), operational (up to 1 month).
  2. Coverage - a plan for turnover, sales, promotional activities, market research or integrated (comprehensive plan).
  3. Depth of study - detailed or general.
  4. Field of activity - a plan of goals, pricing policy, product policy, marketing communications, control and revision, finance, warehousing, ordering, supply (logistics), etc.

A marketing plan is a very serious internal document, which is focused on achieving certain goals:

  • Maintaining the company's position in the market.
  • Development and implementation of a new product.
  • Coverage of new niches and segments (diversification), etc.

Important point: In connection with such a wide range of areas for using marketing plans, it seems necessary to draw up a separate document for each goal, since the methods and tools for each of the goals are different.

It should be remembered that a marketing plan is not an analogue of a business plan. It covers only the activities of the company in the market.

Structure and content of the company's marketing plan

The marketing plan is an internal document that is used to make decisions by the company's management. However, it has a fairly clear structure.

It can take several months to complete, as it requires:

  1. Collecting information about buyers.
  2. Studying supply and demand in the market.
  3. Definitions of competitive advantages.
  4. Competitive ratings, etc.

Important point: The marketing plan should not be just a "collection of facts", but a document containing analysis, recommendations, alternatives. further work companies on the market.

All 3-4 months during which the marketing plan will be formed will be spent as follows: 50% of the time will be spent on collecting all the necessary information, 40% on analysis and evaluation, and only 10% on creating the document itself.

In order not to be mistaken in the formation of a marketing plan, it is advisable to focus on the following structure:

1. Resume . This section includes a description of the main points outlined in the marketing plan. Here the goal is necessarily prescribed and the ways to achieve it are listed. The expected results of the implementation of the plan are also prescribed.

Important point: Paradoxically, the first section of a marketing plan is always the last section because it is summary the entire marketing plan.

2. Market overview and forecast . This section describes the market (size, growth opportunities, trends, features) and shows the specific behavior of consumers and competing firms in it. Here it is important to indicate how many competitors are in the selected segment, what share they cover, and also what are the opportunities for market growth.

3. SWOT analysis and competitive advantages . This part analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the threats and opportunities for its functioning.

Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, the marketer should determine:

  • The main competitive advantage of the company.
  • Positioning of the product in relation to consumers (preferably with a forecast for 3-5 years ahead).
  • Tactical measures to seize opportunities and reduce the impact of threats.
  • A strategy to fight competitors and increase customer loyalty.

4. Purpose and objectives of the marketing plan . The marketing plan should contribute to the development of the business, which is why it contains business goals within the chosen planning horizon (month, year, three years) and marketing goals for the same period of time. Only after that, the tasks of marketing activities are drawn up.

5. Marketing mix (marketing mix). The core of any marketing plan is the so-called marketing mix, which is based on the 5P model for goods and the 7P model for services.

Model 5R. Any marketing event is built on the basis of five components:

  • Product (Product) or product policy – ​​logo and corporate identity, appearance and physical properties product range, product quality.
  • Price (Price) or pricing policy - wholesale and retail price, the procedure for determining the cost of goods, discounts and promotions, price discrimination.
  • Place of sale (Place) or marketing policy - the sale of goods in the markets, in stores, the basics of distribution, the display of goods, inventory management and logistics.
  • Promotion (Promotional) or promotion policy - promotion strategy, promotional activities, PR activities, event marketing, communication channels, media strategy.
  • People (People) – motivation and stimulation of staff, corporate culture, work with loyal customers and VIP clients, feedback.

Model 7P is supplemented by two more "P", namely:

  • Process (Process) - the conditions of interaction with the client, the order of service, the creation of a favorable atmosphere, the speed of the service, etc.
  • Physical environment (physical evidence) - furnishings, interior, background music, image, etc.

Thus, when developing a marketing plan, each of the above positions is worked out in detail, which makes it possible to form a comprehensive idea of ​​the company's functioning in the market.

6. Choice of company behavior in the market . This part of the marketing plan describes the specific actions of the company in the market to achieve the goal and solve the identified problems.

7. Activity budget . Includes a detailed list of costs for marketing activities, which can be presented in the form of a table.

8. Risk assessment . This part describes the risks that a company may face in the course of implementing a marketing plan.

The main stages of developing a marketing plan: an example of drafting

Obviously, a marketing plan is a complex and complex document, which is not easy to form. However, even a specialist with basic knowledge in the field of marketing can do it. Where should you start?

First of all, you should collect information about the market, the selected segment, competitors, consumers, and then implement the following sequence of actions:

  • Stage 1 . Analysis of market trends. Identification of customer requirements for quality, price of goods, packaging design, communication channels.
  • Stage 2 . Product analysis. Evaluation of quality, price, packaging design, communication channels for an existing product.
  • Stage 3 . Target market selection. Determination of the category of consumers who are more suitable for the proposed product.
  • Stage 4 . Positioning and competitive advantages. Establishing the position of the company's product in relation to competitors (average in quality, lower in price, etc.) and its beneficial aspects.
  • Stage 5 . Creating a strategy. Formation of promotions and special offers for the target audience, the procedure for promoting the brand to the market, etc.
  • Stage 6 . Tactical action plan. Actions to achieve the ideal position of the product in the market.

It is advisable to give a simplified example of creating a marketing plan for a company selling fresh juices through five specialized outlets located in different parts cities.

Stage 1. Analysis of market trends

  1. Customers want to buy juices that are squeezed out of fruits and vegetables in their presence, sold in containers that are convenient for drinking (paper cups and plastic bottles).
  2. Sale is carried out in places of rest and near large offices.
  3. The price may be higher than the cost of draft carbonated drinks and coffee, but cheaper than fresh juices offered by cafes and restaurants in the city.

Stage 2. Product analysis

  1. The company produces fruit juices in plastic bottles and on spill.
  2. All five points of sale are located in crowded places, including near recreational areas.
  3. The price of juices is similar to the cost of fresh juices in cafes and restaurants of the city.

Stage 3. Selecting a target market

  1. Taking into account the properties of the product and its price, the main target audience will be working representatives of the middle class who monitor their health.

Stage 4. Positioning and competitive advantages

  1. The company will offer customers a product of excellent quality and high cost.
  2. Natural ingredients, ease of drinking, proximity to the consumer are the main competitive advantages of the company.

Stage 5. Creating a strategy

  1. Targeting an array of regular customers.
  2. Retention of the audience in the cold season.

Stage 6. Tactical action plan

  1. Formation funded system points for customers and a system of seasonal discounts.
  2. Juice delivery offer plastic container in the city.
  3. Expansion of the assortment by selling diet cookies and bars.

The above blank should be considered as a kind of basis for drawing up a marketing plan. In fact, having such information in hand, the marketer can only distribute it into the appropriate sections.

Problems of effective application of the marketing plan of the organization

Many marketers ask a completely natural question: why do marketing plans drawn up according to all the rules do not work and do not bring the desired effect?

The fact is that often quite accurate and meaningful documents include such shortcomings as:

  • Use of information from one source . When leaving a marketing plan, you should use information from industry surveys, expert opinions, statistical bulletins, customer surveys, competitor reports, etc.
  • Overgeneralization . The document should operate with data, and not endlessly “pour water” and write speculative, unsupported assumptions.
  • Lack of flexibility . Despite its detail, the marketing plan must be flexible so that any of its parameters can be adjusted when the market situation changes.
  • Lack of connection with the company's strategy . If the overall strategy of the company defines the sale of goods to middle-aged people, and marketing activities are focused on teenagers and young people, the marketing plan will not bring the expected effect.
  • Inconsistency . If the marketing plan first considers the means of advertising and only then analyzes the product and customers, then the goals will not be achieved.

Important point: The finished marketing plan should be re-examined for the above problems.

A well-designed marketing plan is half the company's success in the market. With its help, you can create a clear, structured, consistent picture of the company's position in the industry and in a separate segment. It allows you to create a list of effective tactical marketing activities that will help achieve the company's goals.

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SOSTAC is a widely used marketing and business planning tool. It is among the most popular marketing models that have stood the test of time.

In this article, you will learn how to develop a marketing plan to promote a company using the SOSTAC model.

Created back in the 1990s by writer and speaker PR Smith, the SOSTAC® structure has earned a good reputation among authorities. It is taken as a basis by representatives of businesses of various sizes, including start-up entrepreneurs or international organizations around the world.

The SOSTAC marketing plan covers six key areas, namely:

Stage 1. Analysis of the current situation

First step marketing planning is an analysis of the current situation. This is an overview of your project - who you are, what you do and how your online sales work. External and internal factors affecting your business are also considered.

In this section, you will paint a big picture of your project. To do this, ask the following questions:

  • Who are your customers today (make a portrait of your target audience and their profiles).
  • : what are the strengths and weak sides, opportunities or threats for the entire organization?
  • Conduct competitor analysis. Who are your competitors? How do they create competition (eg price, product, customer service, reputation)? What are your key differences?
  • Make a list of all customer acquisition channels you use and the success of each for your organization. What works well and what doesn't?

Below we will take a closer look at an example of target audience analysis.

The target audience

This section should analyze who makes up your target audience. This is important in order to clearly represent existing customers and understand who you are actually targeting. If you work in a competitive environment, consider what your special offer() if you have it?

Customer personalization helps you see your existing customers and understand their buying motives. Creation will also help you overcome barriers to new clients. To create a series of avatars, match and analyze existing data from your CRM system and order history, and then build a profile picture of your existing customers based on this.

For online trading information that you may consider based on your CRM data may include:

  • Male/female - what is the percentage?
  • Age profile - what is the average age and is there room for development of age group categories?
  • Location/Address Data - Percentage of customers living in and outside of your area.
  • Purchase history. Gain a clearer picture of purchase history, average order, brand preference trends, and products ordered by size, for example.
  • Method of payment for the purchase (for example, credit or debit card, upon receipt).
  • The route traveled for the purchase. Were there purchases through a search engine, email newsletter, affiliate site, contextual advertising?
  • Frequency. How often are purchases made?

Based on these data, we proceed to the second stage. We need to turn this data into more personal information that may be relevant to your organization.

Creating Customer Avatars

For example, we collected data on the target audience and now consider two avatars for a fictitious online t-shirt store:

Avatar A - Sergey:

Sergey is a professional, he is 28 years old, he rents an apartment in Moscow, a bachelor with high level income. He is very passionate about football. He likes to show his support for the football club by buying a new fan jersey from the online store every year.

It is more convenient for Sergey to place orders online and communicate using social networks, in which he follows the latest news in the world of football and football product launches. As the World Cup provides an opportunity to present a collection of international fan shirts, it allows company X to get in touch with Sergei and offer him an international fan shirt in addition to his favorite club jersey.

The scenario of interaction between avatar A and the online store:

Sergei read last news about the World Cup on your favorite football blog. He noticed that the blog offers an exclusive promotion - you can order any World Cup t-shirt from company X and save 10% by clicking on the link to Sergey follows the link and gets to the site of company X, which provides him with a selection of T-shirts available for order with an exclusive 10% discount. He chooses a t-shirt in his size and completes the purchase using his credit card.

Avatar B - Katya:

Katya is a professional, she is 33 years old, she is in a relationship. Katya loves to keep up with the latest trends fashion, and it is convenient for her to place orders in her favorite online store. Her boyfriend is a big football fan, he loves to keep up with football fashion and buy new fan shirts with the image of his favorite team. Katya may face the hype around the World Cup. This will encourage her to shop at Company X for her boyfriend. She will purchase merchandise with pictures of the team they will support during the tournament.

The scenario of interaction between avatar B and the online store:

Katya received an email from one of her preferred online stores. This email includes Company X's marketing promotion, an advertisement offering to order a World Cup T-shirt with a promo code. She decides that this will be a great gift for her boyfriend and goes to She's not sure which team jersey to get, so she calls customer service. She explains her situation to a sales consultant and places her order for a fan jersey over the phone.

In this way, you represent your customers in detail and can prepare appropriate advertising campaigns. For starters, you can create 2-3 customer avatars for each group of similar products.

Stage 2. Goal setting

The second phase of your marketing plan system should be focused on your goal. Once you have defined your goal, it is important to make it as precise and unambiguous as possible. To do this, the goal must meet the following points:

  • Concreteness. What indicator do you plan to work on within the framework of a given goal?
  • Measurability. How do you plan to measure performance? Will it be controlled through quantitative or qualitative analysis, for example?
  • Reachability. Can you, in principle, achieve such a goal in the foreseeable future?
  • Relevant and realistic. In this case, when developing a marketing plan, we mean the possibility of achieving this goal with marketing tools, and not development, for example.
  • Time limit. Have you set a specific period of time when the task should be completed?

For example, if we go back to our fictional online t-shirt store, we can create the following targets:

  • Goal 1. Engagement: Increase the number of existing customers served through the online store by 50% by July 2017.
  • Goal 2. Engagement: increase brand awareness between April 2017 and July 2017, measured by Google analytics.
  • Goal 3: Engagement: Increase email frequency from one email per quarter to one email per week from May 2017 to July 2017.

Stage 3. Strategies for achieving goals

The strategy tells how you are going to achieve your goals. it general idea about achieving goals.

Using the example of an online t-shirt store, we will determine what questions need to be answered in the strategy block of your marketing plan.

Goal 1 is to increase brand awareness between April 2017 and July 2017, measured through Google Analytics.

It is necessary to increase the brand presence in certain online channels that are aimed at the audience of football fans.

  • What is the most cost-effective way to market?
  • Are our key customers in these channels?
  • Where can we get more customer attention?

Study your competitors, understand what online marketing tools they are using and what they are not using, and take advantage of the first movers.

Goal 2 is to increase the number of existing customers served with an online account by 50% by July 2017.

Analyze your existing customer base and how they interact with your online store.

Goal 3 is to increase email frequency from one email per quarter to one email per week from May 2017 to July 2017.

  • How does the company currently interact with subscribers?
  • Who are your competitors and how do they send mailings?

The answers to these questions will help you determine a strategy to achieve your goals.

Stage 4. Tactics for achieving goals

Tactics contain those specific tools that you plan to use to achieve the goals of your marketing plan. As you draw up your strategy, you will describe each of the tactics in more detail, as well as specify specific KPIs for each tactic.

In the example of a t-shirt store, let's assume that we have chosen three tactics for implementing these strategies: SEO, PPC, and Email Marketing.

Tactic 1 - SEO

When analyzing competitors, it was revealed that one of the key disadvantages of company X is a small marketing budget. However, search engine optimization of the site does provide the company with a field for competition.

To understand what positive influence SEO can assist in the matter of increasing brand awareness among the target market, it is necessary to conduct a keyword analysis.

Tactic 2 - Pay per click - contextual advertising

As with SEO, keyword research will give you an idea of ​​how much budget you need for contextual advertising. Most of the competing companies do not use a lot of queries in advertising, so here you can benefit. It also helps increase brand awareness.

Tactic 3 - Email Marketing

Develop a distribution strategy for email so that the database of existing customers receives regular messages. The tactics that will be used will include options for what should be included in the content of the emails so that you get enough clicks to the site and conversions to purchases.
This tactic will be to use the existing customer base and encourage them to refer friends, colleagues to join the weekly newsletters.

Stage 5: Actions

The fifth stage of your marketing planning system focuses on how to bring your plans to life. The action section covers what needs to be done in each of the tactics listed in the previous section of the SOSTAC plan in order to realize its goals.

To achieve the goals above, we have identified three tactics. Now we list examples of actions required to implement each tactic.

This is not an exhaustive list, it only contains examples and short description what should be taken into account:

Tactic 1: SEO

  • Keyword analysis. What keywords are we targeting?
  • Page optimization. We must optimize the site pages for key queries in order to provide better rankings in Yandex and Google.
  • Content - regular blog posts on the topic of the site.
  • Building a link mass. Make a target group of sites where you could post information about your project with a link to it.

Actions for tactics 2: Contextual advertising

  • Keyword analysis. What queries can drive profitable traffic?
  • Budget.
  • Landing pages. What pages will people land on when they enter certain queries?

Tactic Action 3: Email Marketing

  • Create email scripts for various activities on the site (subscription, purchase)
  • Creation of reporting to analyze the involvement of subscribers in the mailing list
  • Analysis of the profitability of mailings

Stage 6. Control of results

The final stage of planning is to provide an opportunity to analyze and evaluate your performance in the future based on the goals set in the second stage.

Think about what to set for tactics that are tied to your goals and set up weekly or monthly monitoring reporting to make sure you are on track to achieve your goals.

the marketing plan is a very important section. To write it, the team creating the project needs to conduct marketing research, the results of which should be presented in this paragraph. Before starting a study, it is necessary to define its objectives.

In most cases, marketing is carried out with the following goals:

  1. Needs Analysis potential clients and possible demand, taking into account the cost of services and the solvency of the consumer. Analysis of the market in which the organization or enterprise will operate, the conditions necessary to promote the project. Using the data obtained to create an effective production or organizational program.
  2. Risk analysis and positive conditions, which may lead to an increase or vice versa, a drop in demand for manufactured products or services provided;
  3. Determining the level of quality of products or services, assessing them in the context of real competition, searching for ways that can improve performance;
  4. Identification and ways of using specific marketing systems and ways to increase demand: determining pricing policy and strategies for promoting a product or service;
  5. Determining the effectiveness of the marketing strategy as a whole and assessing the possibility of implementing the above tasks.

The main task of any marketing research is to determine the existing demand for products or services, and obtain the necessary information to form production and marketing plans. So, in the course of the work carried out, the target group or groups whose need for your service or product will be unsatisfied should be identified, which will ensure demand for your project, and hence financial stability.

As a rule, a marketing plan is carried out in several general stages:

  1. Market research
  2. Definition of strategy
  3. Competition analysis
  4. Price policy
  5. Factors affecting pricing strategy
  6. Marketing strategy

Now for each step in more detail.

Market research

The market and the manufactured product or service are being researched, the following characteristics are determined:

  • Market segments;
  • consumer needs;
  • Ways of production to the client;
  • The level of competitiveness of a product or service;
  • Product life cycle;
  • Ways to improve the quality of goods;
  • Legal basis of production;
  • The ability to copy the scheme of production or provision of services by competitors.

Definition of a key strategy.

There are many marketing strategies, and the project manager's task is to choose the most appropriate one. The most effective strategies are:

  • Cost minimization - allows you to set the most low prices in the market, which automatically provides demand at the start of a business;
  • Differentiation - when a product or service differs from all existing offers, which favorably distinguishes the business from competitors;
  • Orientation to a specific segment - takes into account all possible factors (social, demographic, etc.), determines the target audience with the possibility of its further increase.

Analysis of the competitive environment

  • Identification of the main competitors and leaders of a particular market, collection of data on all such enterprises, their structure, financial condition, state, sales volume, the main advantages and disadvantages of their business model;
  • Holding comparative analysis products or services of competitors and your company to identify the main factors affecting quality, price, service and sales.

In addition, it is necessary to identify the possibility of entering the main competitors in the sales market of your enterprise, the obstacles to this, as well as the difficulty of copying your products. The information can be presented in a table.

Price policy

Is the most important factor determining the success of an enterprise.

There are several main pricing strategies:

  • High prices and better quality - this option is relevant if there is a demand for products and the company is able to produce goods of the desired quality;
  • Low price and low quality- allows you to meet the demand of the broadest social groups and sell large volumes of goods;
  • High price and low quality is an option that can only become profitable for monopolists;
  • Low price and high quality- sales, special promotions, capture positions in the market.

The choice of one of the above strategies does not mean that the company must follow it all the time. The strategy may change depending on the market situation, the need for development and expansion, etc.

Identification of factors that can affect the pricing policy of the organization

  • What systems of discounts and benefits can be introduced for wholesale buyers and regular customers?
  • How long does it take to go through the standard cycle from production to purchase of products?;
  • How will the customer pay for the product or service?
  • How to protect yourself from debts and encourage the consumer to pay on time (discounts for prepayment, penalties for late payments)?;
  • What systems of promotions, discounts, special offers can be created for regular customers who purchase goods for large amounts?

Definition of marketing strategy.

To write this paragraph, you need to answer the following question: “By what means will the organization, its services or products be promoted?” This can be media: television, radio, newspapers, or online advertising: mailing lists, search engine advertising, in social networks etc.

The choice of one of the above methods of advertising will depend on many factors: your financial capabilities, the efficiency of using certain resources, and the geography of the market.

In addition, you also need to mention the following:

  • How much will the selected advertising moves cost;
  • How do you plan to attract and retain customers with additional discounts, discounts, promotions, special prices;
  • What is your competitive advantage?
  • The flaws in your marketing and sales system.

Thus, in this section of the business plan, you need to justify in detail the feasibility of your proposal, show that your products will be or already are in demand, and also that you know exactly how to promote goods or services.

An example of a marketing plan in a clothing store business plan

It is planned that the clothes made at the Beautiful Clothes factory will be sold in the chain's branded stores. Seasonal collections for adults will be sold, therefore, the target audience is one of the largest population groups - men and women from 16 to 50 years old. The goods sold are competitive, since all clothing lines are made from domestic materials purchased from wholesale suppliers, which allows us to reduce the price, but maintain high quality standards. Another advantage of this project is the impossibility of using this scheme by competitors, since Beautiful Clothes stores will sell products of their own, well-established production.

The key strategy is to minimize costs. “Beautiful clothes” will sell clothes made from domestic materials on own production shipping costs are also minimal. This will allow you to set low prices, which, in turn, will automatically expand the target audience.

The main competitors of the store in Voronezh are Brands, Odezhka and FiCo stores. Their main advantages are the presence of promoted brands, but there are also disadvantages in their concept. So, "Brands" and "FiCo" sell clothes good quality by the same high prices. "Clothes", in turn, sells cheap clothes with low quality. "Beautiful clothes" will be able to give consumers the opportunity to buy quality clothes at reasonable prices that gives her obvious advantage ahead of the above competitors.

It is also planned to create a system of discounts, conduct seasonal promotions, as well as sell clothes from past collections at reduced prices. Bulk purchases are not provided.

To promote the store will be used:

  • Advertising in social networks: Instagram, Voronezh groups in VKontakte;
  • Advertising in local media: newspapers and TV channels;
  • Distribution of flyers;
  • Placement of advertising banners.