Air purifier for home. Industrial air purification from odors - technological aspects of filtering hazardous and foul-smelling compounds. Air purification from smoke and odors in the restaurant hall

The air from the restaurant or cafe hood, which goes into the residential area, can cause complaints from neighbors and fines from inspection authorities. If the air duct cannot be led above the roof ridge or on the facade, then the only way to avoid complaints is to achieve effective cleaning of the exhaust air from odors, smoke, soot, burning and grease.

To do this, the ventilation of the restaurant kitchen is equipped with the Tion complex air purification system. It is located immediately after the spark arrester and grease trap and removes smoke and odors from hot shops, barbecues, grills and other sources. This allows you to equate the air from the restaurant kitchen exhaust to domestic emissions and remove it at the ground floor level without causing inconvenience to people living or working in the neighborhood (in accordance with SanPiN, p. 4.6).

  • To clean the exhaust air of all types of stoves (except for wood-burning and barbecues), Tion Ext duct air cleaners are used (capacity from 400 to 27,500 m3/h).
  • Tion Ext Advanced duct air cleaners (capacity from 2000 to 6000 m3/h) are designed to clean the exhaust air of wood-burning stoves and barbecues.
  • For rooms where the concentration of pollutants removed is very high, an additional unit for cleaning the restaurant air from gases and odors Tion Ext-El is installed.

Air purification from smoke and odors in the restaurant hall

Restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments are often faced with the problem of food odors and smoke that are felt in the hall. To improve the quality of service and customer loyalty, it is necessary to properly organize smoke cleaning and ventilation in the dining area of ​​the restaurant.

The Tion Ext restaurant air purifier solves the problem of removing smoke and odors efficiently and cost-effectively. Thanks to a unique multi-stage cleaning system with smoke filters, the Tion Ext duct air purifier eliminates all types of pollution.

Tion Ext air purification equipment is placed in the restaurant ventilation system in two ways. It can be installed both in the supply branch and in the recirculation branch after the supply chamber.

Compact air purifiers for the restaurant hall

Air purification from odors and smoke in the restaurant hall can be organized with the help of Tion Clever compact autonomous air purifiers.

This is an excellent solution for those cases where the restaurant ventilation system does not provide for the possibility of incorporating odor and smoke traps into it.

And if smoke filters are already placed in the ventilation of a cafe or restaurant, then compact air purifiers will enhance their efficiency and increase the air exchange rate. This will create a comfortable environment and attract visitors.

A good air purifier is a useful purchase for a home where allergy sufferers, children, and the elderly live. It is very important to choose a device that will last for many years, be effective and comfortable to use.

Criteria for choosing a good air purifier

Maximum air exchange

It is known that with effective operation, the device must pass through itself the air in the room 2-3 times in 1 hour. Therefore, calculate the volume of the room (in cubic meters) and multiply this number by three, and then compare the result with the parameters of different air purifiers.

Used filters

There are several types of filters: electrostatic, ozonating, photocatalytic, water, carbon, HEPA filters. Each has its pros and cons. Qualitative models are characterized by the presence of several filters at once, i.e. multi-stage cleaning.

Ease of maintenance

You need to take into account 2 points:

  • the time you are willing to spend caring for the device. If an electrostatic filter requires washing no more than once a week, and a photocatalytic filter - once every six months, then air washers need daily attention (change and addition of water);
  • the presence of replaceable blocks in the design, the cost and frequency of their replacement.

Additional functions

These are indicators, displays, backlights, timers, aromatization, UV lamps, etc. The most important of the "bonus" features, which is worth paying for, is the possibility of controlled humidification.

Air purifiers-humidifiers

Air wash

Washers both humidify and purify the air from dust and other contaminants. An important advantage of these devices is that they do not need to buy consumables. Humidification and air purification is carried out without the use of replaceable filters.
For cleaning, the air is driven either through a system of discs moistened with water, or through a water curtain forced by a fan.
This is another advantage of air washes - the water evaporates naturally, and the humidity in the room cannot rise above a comfortable 60%. The disadvantages of these devices include noise and decent dimensions.

Climatic complexes for air purification and humidification

Multifunctional devices that combine three separate devices in a single housing: a full-fledged air purifier, a humidifier with traditional "cold" evaporation and an ionizer.

Advantages of climatic complexes:

  • The presence of an intelligent control system for air quality and relative humidity, which allows you to use the device in automatic mode;
  • High degree of air purification with or without humidification (unlike classic air washer).


  • The need for periodic replacement of "dry" and (or) humidifying filters.

Welcome to my blog, friends!

Everyone knows that a polluted atmosphere causes illness, headache, cough, shortness of breath. Moreover, the microclimate in the premises is much dirtier than on the street. How is the air cleaned from odors?

Particles of dust, human skin and animal hair, fungus and mold spores, poisonous gases, toxins and other toxic compounds are always in the air.

Modern industry produces powerful cleaning systems that will clean the microclimate not only in homes and offices, but also in restaurants, manufacturing plants and other places where there are large crowds of people.

A sales assistant will always help you choose the best option. And let's figure out how to bring the microclimate where we spend most of our time - in our homes.

What means are available for each of us to help get rid of unpleasant and harmful miasms, let's talk today.

Why are foreign odors not allowed?

Thousands of particles and compounds hover in the atmosphere, including carcinogenic and others, which can cause illnesses. It is they who give this or that smell.

Let's find out some of the substances that we have to breathe in our lives:

  • exhaust gases of automobiles and industrial enterprises;
  • formaldehyde, styrene and other compounds that highlight furniture and other items of the surrounding interior and decoration;
  • tobacco smoke and burning leaves, debris and other fires;
  • aromas from cooking;
  • household chemicals and cleaning products;
  • allergens from pets.

Unpleasant odors are a symbiosis of solid and gaseous compounds, allergens, viruses and harmful gases.

They are not only harmful to health, but also irritate, cause headaches, sore throats, pain in the eyes and tearing.

But not all gases can be recognized by our brain with the help of olfactory receptors, but it is necessary to fight them, although not easy, but necessary.

Secrets of a clean microclimate

Getting rid of them is not as easy as it might seem. Cleaners are not an option, as they themselves contain a stronger aroma, which temporarily “interrupts” an unpleasant one.

Firstly, this is a short-term effect, and secondly, the cause has not been eliminated, so the stink will be felt again.

In addition, convention and diffusion in the room contribute to the fact that the molecules in the atmosphere quickly spread in the premises.

The most effective way to overcome the smell in the apartment is to ventilate it.

But in large, industrial cities, during the period of burning peat bogs or forest fires, in the fall, when the acrid smoke of burning leaves is constantly present on the street, this method is not only unacceptable, but will pollute the atmosphere in the apartment even more.

Modern industry makes it possible to cope with this problem: now there is a huge selection of cleaners that will get rid of all kinds of odorous components.

They are able to clear the space of all kinds of gases, gradually reducing their concentration.

  • Air cleaners

These are filters for various rooms. They should be used in apartments, offices, educational institutions, medical institutions, public places and in production.

Modern air purifiers are multifunctional:they help filter out harmful allergens, dust, kitchen odors, harmful compounds, all solid and gaseous compounds that are present in the atmosphere.

In addition to cleansing from pollution, they disinfect the microclimate and make it healthy. This result is obtained thanks to a multi-stage filter system: they remove all dirt and stench from the space.

The first step is filtering out coarse particles: villi, pollen, particles of textiles and dead human skin, dust, etc. after that, microparticles are eliminated.

After that, aromas and gases are filtered out. The air stream then passes through the UV rays. UV treatment is excellent at killing viruses and pathogens.

This is the most expensive and reliable device based on carbon filters. Whoever has the opportunity, purchase this option, since it is not profitable to save on health.

But for those who do not have material opportunities, you can use more budget options.

  • Ionizers

Ionizers - under the influence of electric current, electrons are released into the environment, which interact with oxygen. The result is ionization of the atmosphere.

The result of the device's action is that dust and unpleasant odors are absorbed, and the space becomes favorable and clean.

Today, for the majority, air purification from odors in the apartment is carried out thanks to a large number of different neutralizers in the form of a block, spray or gel.

The principle of operation of such products is based on the fact that the molecules of harmful and unpleasant odors are neutralized due to the evaporation of such a product.

So, the spray is sprayed directly into the rooms, the block releases neutralizing substances into the space and the gel can be left in a convenient container.

The owner himself can regulate the effectiveness: by increasing or reducing their dosage, but do not forget that this is not the elimination of the cause, but just a kind of disguise.

There are several more ways to change the microclimate in the apartment with the help of flavors. These are all kinds of aromatic oils, sticks, candles.

They do not get rid of odors, but only change them. When using these products, be careful - they can cause allergies or headaches.

Especially if you exceed their dosage. If you light an aroma lamp and feel a headache, nausea, or a sore throat, turn it off immediately and check the room.

This rule is also true for synthetic fresheners: use carefully, in small quantities, carefully monitoring the reaction to drugs.

Preventive measures

Our well-being often depends on what we breathe throughout the day. Therefore, daily walks are necessary in places where there is a large number of green spaces.

Take a walk in the morning or evening, or go for a run. These activities will saturate your blood with oxygen.

While outside, do a set of simple breathing exercises. As a result, you will feel a surge of vital energy.

Diet can also give you a boost of energy. A healthy diet does not cause drowsiness, but on the contrary, it will give a boost of energy and strength. Change your diet and you will feel a surge of energy.

This step makes it possible to get rid of many ailments without medication, sometimes even the most severe ones, such as asthma, oncology, dermatological problems and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs.

Vegetarianism and raw food diet It is a way of healing and rejuvenation. Living nutrition allows you to regenerate cells, gives you a tremendous boost of energy, heals.

Try this diet, but do not rush to change your diet without preparation - this can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and end in a breakdown.

Get help from experts who will give the necessary knowledge absolutely free of charge, reveal all the secrets and share useful tips and recipes. This menu is very tasty and varied.

The raw food diet has analogues of the dishes that we love. The raw food diet includes soups, borscht, pizzas, Chinese, Japanese, Italian traditional dishes, sweets.

Anyone can cook them, or purchase in super shop for raw foodists and vegans.

Here you will find your favorite sweets: chocolate, sweets and bars, marshmallows, jams and cookies. And the powerful and reliable equipment that you can order here will help you cook other raw food and vegan dishes at home.

Give up coffee, alcoholic beverages. With the help of water, you will not only quench your thirst, but also remove toxins from the body. Drink more pure water - it is good for health and appearance.

Moisturizing occurs from the inside: the skin receives the necessary moisture, becomes elastic, and the network of fine wrinkles is smoothed out.

These simple changes can significantly improve everyone's health and well-being.

I wish you all the best and good health!

I suggest watching an interesting video:

The problem of getting rid of unpleasant strong odors in the room can sometimes be very relevant. It is clear that the first step should be to eliminate the source of the smell, but this can not always be implemented. Bedridden patients, repairs on the stairs or at a neighbor's, chemical enterprises located nearby - this is not a complete list of such problems.

Smells are not allergens, but they can be allergy provocateurs. In other words, there is no allergy to odors, but an allergic person's sensitivity to odors can cause an allergic reaction to a specific allergen, such as plant pollen or a food.

What is the nature of smells? These are organic or inorganic molecules that act on our nasal receptors. Most often in the premises we encounter odors of organic origin, the causative agents of which are volatile long molecules. No matter how long they are, their dimensions are always smaller than those of organic particles that cause allergies. Therefore, only those air purifier filters that either break down these molecules (photocatalytic or thermodynamic) or absorb them (coal) can “fight” them.

Thermodynamic cleaners, although they break down the molecules of organic odors, but due to their low productivity, make this process ineffective.

Carbon filters have a limited resource of saturation with such molecules, so they must be periodically changed. The smaller the carbon filter (in terms of volume and surface area), the more often it needs to be replaced (every 1-3 months). Large heavy carbon filters are changed less frequently (up to 1 time per year), but their cost is much higher.

Out of competition in the fight against odors photocatalytic filters(there may be variants in the name - ionic, plasma cluster, etc.). Many air purifiers with such filters have good performance and built-in electronics that automatically adjust the fan speed depending on the presence of foreign odors.