How to make a slime out of something. How to make a slime from water and without it at home. Video experiments on making slime from different ingredients

Greetings, friends!

Any child, and sometimes even an adult, is interested in playing with such a funny toy as a slime. It is also called slim or heidgum. This is a very popular activity among children. It's fun to toss and watch as it spreads across the surface.

But it is not necessary to buy a slime that is made from chemicals. After all, it is unsafe for the health of the child. Making your own unusual toy with your own hands is very simple. You won’t have to spend a lot of time on the manufacturing process, and you will need a minimum of components that everyone has in the house. This allows you to literally make a toy that will delight kids in just five minutes. How to make a slime at home? We offer recipes to choose from.

From PVA glue and starch

Components that will be required:

  • 25 grams of PVA glue (as fresh as possible);
  • food coloring (not a large number of);
  • 70 grams of liquid starch;
  • tight polyethylene bag.

Mix the dye and starch in the bag. If there is no food, you can use paint, brilliant green or beetroot juice. Do not add a large amount of dye. This will lead to the fact that during the game the slime will leave traces. If it is not possible to use liquid starch, then you can dilute the usual one in a ratio of 1: 2.

Next, glue is poured in, the bag is closed and tied. All components are well mixed until a thick homogeneous mass is formed. Excess liquid is drained, the contents are wiped. Slime is ready! You can safely play the resulting toy. To prevent dust from accumulating on the slime, it is recommended to store it in a container that closes tightly. It will last for about a week.

It may not work the first time, but don't despair. The main thing is to keep the proportions.

From baking soda

Children can play with such a toy only under the supervision of an adult, as it contains detergent. Wash your child's hands well after playing.

For the composition you will need:

Mix detergent, dye and water in the prepared container. Then soda is added and mixed well. The mixture should be fairly thick. If the consistency is too thick, then it can be diluted with water. An entertaining toy is ready to play! The only remark: you should carefully monitor that the children do not take the slime in their mouths.

From flour

This slime making method is ideal for young children. If you use a dye of natural origin, the toy will become absolutely safe. Of course, natural dye does not differ in brightness and color saturation. But the slime with the content of such a component will not harm the health of children.

Required components:

  • ¼ cup hot water;
  • ¼ cup cold water;
  • 400 grams of any flour;
  • some natural dye.

Pour the sifted flour into a small bowl, add cold water first, and then warm water. In no case do not use boiling water, otherwise you will get a regular paste. Mix everything thoroughly until the lumps dissolve and the mass becomes homogeneous. Add color and mix again. The result should be a sticky mass. Put the mixture for 4 hours in a cold place. When the mass cools down and acquires necessary form, you can give it to children for a fun game.

From washing powder

Making such a slime is very simple. The only thing is that instead of loose powder, you need to use a gel-like one. Other products, such as shower gel or liquid soap, can't replace it. They contain completely different components.

To make slime, you need to take:

  • ¼ cup stationery glue;
  • 70 grams of gel powder;
  • dye of natural origin;
  • rubber gloves;
  • bowl.

Glue is poured into the bowl. Its quantity can be increased or decreased. It all depends on the desired size of the toy. Dye is added and stirred until a uniform color is obtained. Then the powder is added and again thoroughly mixed. The mass should become sticky and resemble putty in consistency. If the mixture is too thick, dilute with a few drops of powder.

Next, gloves are put on, the mixture is removed from the bowl and kneaded well, as the dough is kneaded. In the process, the mass acquires elasticity and softness, and all excess liquid flows out. That's all! This slime is stored in a container with a lid. If it starts to thaw, put it in the refrigerator.

From shampoo

It's also an easy option. Components:

  • any shampoo;
  • dishwashing liquid.

The same amount of necessary components is mixed in a pre-prepared container. The composition of the ingredients should not contain additional substances, for example, grains, as in a scrub. The color of the toy will directly depend on the color of the materials.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator for at least a day. When the mass acquires the necessary consistency, you can play with the slime. This toy should only be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it will melt and lose its shape. You can play slime for about a month. Care must be taken not to accumulate a lot of dust on it. If the slime has become too dirty, it will have to be thrown away and a new one made.

From alcohol and borax

To make a toy, you need:

  • water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol (dry powder);
  • sodium borate;
  • dye.

Surely many are afraid of the borax component. But no need to worry, sodium borate is freely available in all pharmacies.

So, the powder is poured into an enamel bowl and diluted with water, following the instructions on the pack. Just do not need to dilute all the alcohol at once.

Put on fire and heat up for about 45 minutes, stirring constantly. Then it cools down.

In glass warm water 2 tablespoons of sodium borate are diluted, wait until the crystals disperse, and strain.


  • half a teaspoon of borax;
  • 30 grams of glue;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • iron oxide;
  • dye.

Borax dissolves in a glass of water, in a bowl prepared in advance. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining water and glue. Mix well and paint is added. To get a glowing slime, instead of the usual dye, you can add phosphor paint.

The borax solution is very carefully poured into the diluted glue, stirring constantly and gently. When the mass acquires hardness and the desired consistency, viscosity, you need to stop pouring the borate solution. The rest of it should be poured out.

Smooth out the made slime on a flat surface. Pour a small amount of iron oxide into the middle and mix well until a homogeneous mixture is formed. grey colour. The magnetic toy is ready. When a magnet is brought to the slime, it will begin to reach for it.

Why slime can not work?

  • There are times when everything seems to be done according to the instructions, but the funny toy still doesn’t work out. It depends on the constituent materials that are used for the slime. All the ingredients are different from each other, and significantly. For example, different manufacturers. Because of this, the end result is completely different. Therefore, there is no need to strictly follow one or another option. The amount of materials used can vary significantly. If you didn’t manage to make a slime right away, you can try again and again. Moreover, the process does not take much time.
  • A properly made slime should represent a homogeneous mass and be easily removed from the bowl in which the components were mixed.
  • In the case when the toy strongly sticks to the palms and is poorly removed from the surface, it must be slightly diluted with starch or water.
  • Lizun is one of the most attractive toys for children, it is a sticky and translucent mass that can stretch and wrinkle well in the hand. A similar funny little thing came from a sensational cartoon, it personifies one of the main characters of the cartoon.

    Wanting to bring the hero to life, Mattel made the gooey toy over forty years ago, using components that give the product a special elasticity.

    Today, you can reproduce the "lizuna" at home, using ordinary PVA glue as a basis. What could be more interesting than exercising common idea with your baby?

    Glue and shampoo

    The basic recipe for the original toy, which allows you to prepare the substance at home, is very simple and requires the use of only three components:

    1. the first component is PVA glue, it is he who forms the basis of the future substance;
    2. then you need to take a simple shampoo to wash your hair;
    3. and some dye will help to add color, which can be replaced with gouache.

    For the correct consistency of the mass, it is required to mix all the components in a ratio of 3: 1.

    • The first step is to take four identical containers, cups of yogurt will do. Fill three cups equally with PVA, and pour shampoo into the fourth. The correct proportions are ready.
    • The next step is to mix the measured liquids in a plastic bag or bag, and in order for the future "lizun" to turn out bright color, add some paint. For a good color, one pinch of a bright dye will be enough.
    • It is necessary to mix all the components until a state of uniform mucus. To make the slime more elastic, you can add more glue, the more PVA in the composition of the toy, the softer and more elastic it is. To make your "lizun" most similar to a cartoon character, transparent glue should be used.

    Glue and toothpaste

    For the second way to create a long-awaited toy, you will need the same PVA glue and, as an addition to it, toothpaste.

    • Taking a tablespoon of glue, you need to pour it into a pre-prepared container, adding half a tube of toothpaste there. Which paste to use depends on the desire and its availability. If the product does not immediately reach the required consistency, then you need to add a little more PVA to the mixed mass.
    • Then the resulting composition is cooled in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes and delivered to use as directed.

    The finished "lizun" should be stretched, crushed and thrown into the walls, while receiving a mass positive emotions.

    When strong odor toothpaste should not be upset, it will disappear very quickly during the operation of the product.

    When cold, such a "lizun" is very similar to an anti-stress toy that can be kneaded by kneading the hands. When the mass becomes room temperature, the product completely turns into a classic "lizun" and easily stretched, resembling chewing gum.

    Glue and soda

    If the first two recipes used mostly viscous components - shampoo and paste, then next instruction for the manufacture of beautiful Velcro involves the use of ordinary baking soda. How can you use bulk material to make an elastic slime?

    • The first step is to pour the PVA into the prepared container and extract the dye into it.
    • Then, in the second container, you need to add 30 grams of baking soda, which will need to be poured with one glass of hot water.
    • Pour the cooled water with soda into the prepared glue, and remove the resulting mixture from the container with water. If the mass sticks to the hands, then you need to additionally dip it into the prepared solution.

    Slime is ready to use!

    In addition to the first method, there is another option for preparing a slime using soda and PVA glue. This method is more complicated and requires more components. In the manufacture of the substance, you will need: PVA, soda and "miracle clay" with foam.

    • The first step is to mix the "miracle clay" used in the recipe with hot water and, after mixing, separate the liquid from the foam balls.
    • The second step is to mix the resulting liquid with the glue added to it. To avoid the formation of possible air bubbles in the future slime, PVA should be poured along the walls of the container used.
    • Next, a second container is taken, in which soda is mixed with hot water, and the cooled composition is mixed with the resulting mixture from the first container. It is necessary to mix the substance for about two minutes.
    • The final stage involves the division of the resulting mass according to various containers to which dye will be added various colors. Leave the open containers with the resulting mixture open for twenty minutes and send your transparent multi-colored "lizun" ready for use.

    Lizun is a children's toy in the form of a bright jellyfish that looks like chewing gum with a jelly-like structure. AT English language this toy is called "Slime". Below we will look at how to make slime at home.

    Lizun can take any shape, stretch, take the form of a container in which it will be placed. Despite the fact that the slime has been on sale for a very long time, it is still popular and in demand among children both in our country and abroad.

    However, making a slime with your own hands is much more interesting than buying it in a store, because in this case you can do exactly what you want, with individual features, texture, color, smell and properties.

    For a children's toy, of course, we will choose the most natural materials, you can also make the slime colorless in case of an allergy in a child. In our article we will tell you how to make a slime. To do this, you will need to stock up on all the necessary components so as not to be distracted during the process and fully surrender to creative work.

    To make this toy, you can use a wide variety of materials - from glue to shampoo.

    How best to create and store slime

    Some tips to help you make your creation better and more interesting, as well as extend its life.

    Tips for making at home:

    1. Add gouache to the solution, you need colors so that your slime is bright
    2. For more beauty and originality, you can add cosmetic sparkles
    3. For pleasant smell toys can be dropped into the mixture essential oil
    4. In order for the slime not to spoil clothes, leaving marks, and also to be more viscous, you can add 2-3 drops of vinegar.

    Storage Tips:

    1. Keep the slime in a closed container, otherwise it will dry out.
    2. Do not put the toy near sources of high temperature - near a fireplace or radiator, as well as in the sun
    3. Do not place the slime on fluffy surfaces such as woolen and other clothes or carpets, otherwise it will quickly become clogged.

    Now let's look at how to make slime. Read all and choose the most suitable for you.

    Method number 1

    Lizun from silicate glue and liquid detergent

    Probably the fastest, easiest and reliable way making such a toy.

    We will need:

    1. Silicate glue (1 bot.)
    2. Liquid Concentrated Gel Laundry Detergent
    3. Dye
    4. Container and spatula

    We take a container, pour about 1 tablespoon of glue there, add dye, mix well, then take the washing gel and pour a teaspoon into our container. All this must be mixed well again. It turned out a viscous substance, we take it in our hands and knead it well until a homogeneous state. Our slime is ready.

    Video of quick slime making from silicate glue and liquid laundry detergent

    Method number 2

    From PVA glue and sodium tetraborate

    In order to make such a toy, we need:

    1. PVA glue (preferably with a fresh date of manufacture)
    2. Sodium tetraborate (available at chemical supply stores or any pharmacy)
    3. Gouache or food coloring for color
    4. Plastic container 2 pcs and a spatula for mixing
    5. Rubber gloves (can be medical, so as not to get your hands dirty)
    6. Paper towel or napkin
    7. Measuring cup or spoon

    We put on gloves, otherwise, as you like, take PVA glue and pour it into plastic container 100-200 ml glue, depending on right size. Add gouache, and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. After we take a solution of 1-2 bottles of borax, depending on how much glue you have chosen (100ml - 1 bottle, etc.), if the borax is in the form of a powder, then dilute it in water (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of warm water ), mix well. We put the resulting mass on a paper towel so that all excess moisture left, then return the slime for 5 minutes to the bag and knead it well, take it out of the bag finished toy.

    The method does not work with PVA glue from all manufacturers. Which glue is better to choose, you will see below in the video. In any case, this method is not the best.

    Video of making slime from tetraborate and PVA glue

    Method number 3

    How to make a slime without tetraborate, from PVA glue and starch

    What will we do:

    1. starch in liquid form
    2. PVA glue
    3. Plastic bag
    4. Dye

    We take a bag and pour in about 100 ml. liquid starch (pre-diluted starch 1: 2), add quite a bit of natural dye, add PVA glue 30 gr. close the bag well and mix until thick. Drain the rest of the water and mash the slime in the bag for 5 minutes. Store the toy in a closed container and in a cool place (valid for about 7 days). If the slime sticks to your hands, then you need to make it again, reduce the amount of starch or put more glue.

    In the first two cases, we prepared a slime from PVA glue. This toy is not expensive at all. It is very good when a child participates with you. good process development and just activities for children. Next, we will consider several more cooking methods, but without glue.

    Method number 4

    Lizun without PVA glue, from soda, sodium tetraborate and dish detergent

    Ingredients needed to make slime:

    1. Dye
    2. dish detergent

    Pour dishwashing liquid into the container, the amount at your discretion, it can be somewhere around 50-100 gr., Gradually pour in water to control the density. Next, add the dye, and then pour the soda. When you mix everything, it can get thick, add a little water and mix again. Your toy is ready.

    This slime is not very natural, so after the child plays with it, you need to wash your hands.

    Now we will consider the safest type of slime, this is a flour slime, of course, you can’t eat it either! But for kids, it is more than suitable.

    Method number 5

    How to make slime without PVA and sodium tetraborate, from flour and water

    1. Hot water
    2. Cold water
    3. Dye natural, food

    Pour about 100 g of cooked flour into a container, first pass it through a sieve. After pouring about 50 gr., not very hot water. Next, we mix everything until a homogeneous mass, and make sure that there are no lumps, you can do this with a mixer. After we add the dye, and mix again, a sticky mixture is obtained. If it turned out liquid, you can add flour, or, on the contrary, water if tight. In this container, put the slime in the refrigerator, where it will reach full readiness.

    Method number 6

    Lizun from washing powder and PVA glue

    What you need to create such a toy at home:

    1. Liquid washing powder
    2. PVA glue
    3. Food coloring
    4. Container and spatula
    5. Rubber gloves

    We take PVA glue and pour it into a bowl, the amount of glue depends on the desired size of your slime. We drip a little dye, literally three drops. Then we take the powder 3-4 tbsp. spoons and put in a container. We mix everything well. We bring our slime to the desired elasticity. After we take it out and begin to stir it, like dough, until a homogeneous state. We store in a closed container, the validity period is 1 month. Refrigerate if necessary.

    next view the slime will be the longest in its preparation, but the result will please you. it will be as close as possible to the store. Do not forget to involve children in the process, it should be interesting and entertaining for them to make a toy for themselves.

    Method number 7

    Lizun from plasticine and gelatin

    Another manufacturing method is to make it from gelatin and plasticine. Such a slime will keep its shape well and will be less amorphous than slimes made according to other recipes.

    To create this type you need:

    1. Children's plasticine
    2. Food grade gelatin
    3. Two containers (plastic and metal)
    4. shoulder blade

    In the first container, put 1 tablespoon of gelatin, pour one glass of warm water and leave to stand for one hour. When the specified time has passed, place the container with gelatin and water on gas, bring to a boil and remove from heat. After that, carefully knead 100 grams of plasticine in your hands. Tear the plasticine into small pieces, put in a plastic container, pour 50 grams of water and crush the plasticine in the water with a spatula.

    Then thoroughly mix the contents of both containers until you get a homogeneous mass and refrigerate until the slime has cooled. Lizun from plasticine is ready!

    Method number 8

    Making slime from shampoo

    Such a slime is quickly made at home, but is not very durable. But due to the ease of manufacture, this method is quite popular.

    Ingredients that are needed:

    1. Any shampoo;
    2. As fresh as possible glue "Titan";
    3. Gloves

    Take a strong plastic bag and pour the shampoo and glue into it. The ratio is shampoo two parts, glue three. Seal the bag and mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes thick. For better consistency, you can put the bag in the refrigerator. Slime is ready to use!

    You and I have learned how to cook slime different ways Of course, you can choose any of your choice. But sometimes it happens that the toy turns out to be either sticky, or liquid, or even completely falling apart and not homogeneous, do not be afraid to add the main ingredient until the desired elasticity is formed. And if at all something went wrong, take and redo the toy. Because there is no limit to perfection.

    Slime toys came into fashion at the end of the 20th century, after the release of the Ghostbusters cartoon on TV screens. One of the main characters there was Slimer - a strange creature that changed shape, stretched and spread. The toy has a jelly-like consistency, but does not melt in the hands. It was called handgam and is still popular among children and teenagers.

    Slime can be bought in toy stores, but many parents, fearing the contact of the baby's skin with chemical components, prefer to make it with their own hands. Why is slime so attractive to a children's audience? Let's consider this question carefully:

    1. Fun with a gel-like soft substance has a beneficial effect on nervous system and relieves stress.
    2. Fun develops the child's creativity and fine motor skills.

    There are several options with which you can make slime at home. All of them differ among themselves in the duration of execution, the quality and consistency of the toy, the composition of the ingredients and the complexity. Main criterion which must be taken into account when independent production slime - its complete safety for the kids. How to make a slime at home so that the recipe is affordable and uncomplicated? This is what we will devote our article to.

    So, before you start, stock up on the following items:

    • 1 pack of plasticine;
    • 1 pack of edible gelatin;
    • container for mixing;
    • spatula for mixing ingredients;
    • metal container.

    So, we take dishes made of metal and soak a pack of gelatin in it, which we fill cold water and leave alone for 60 minutes. Then we heat the substance and remove it from the heat at the first boil. In a plastic bowl, mix with a spatula 100 gr. plasticine softened in the hands and 50 ml of water.

    Pour the swollen gelatin into the plasticine mixture and stir until a viscous plastic substance is obtained. We put the container in the refrigerator and wait until everything hardens. Slime is ready!

    This slime preparation option is environmentally friendly, which is why parents often stop their attention on it. Stock up to get started warm water and starch in equal proportions. Then they are thoroughly and for quite a long time mixed until an ideally plastic and homogeneous consistency is formed.

    To make the slime bright and interesting, you can add a dye to the raw materials, which is used as potassium permanganate, brilliant green, gouache or any food coloring. Such a toy sticks perfectly to any surface, but the downside is that it is not able to bounce and bounce. So, despite the complete safety, such a slime will not appeal to all children.

    How to make slime from shampoo (without titanium and PVA glue and without starch)

    This is a fairly simple method in which to create a slime, you need to take 200 ml of any shampoo (even the cheapest one can be) and 300 ml of Titan glue. Mix these 2 ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed. It is better to do this in a tight bag, where shampoo is first poured in, and then powdered glue is poured in a ratio of 2: 3.

    The package is securely tied and shaken. After the substance begins to thicken, leave the bag alone for 5-10 minutes. Then you can get the mass and make slimes out of it. In the process of mixing, dyes can be added to the components: the slime will turn out funny and bright.

    This method is considered one of the most popular, and the resulting fun has little difference from store toys. Prepare for work:

    • paint (food coloring, gouache or brilliant green);
    • fresh PVA glue (100 gr.).
    • 4% solution of borax or borax (sodium tetraborate).

    If you are interested in where to buy borax, then today this is not a problem. It is sold in any pharmacy, in stores with radio equipment and chemical reagents.

    Manufacturing steps:

    1. Warm water to room temperature and fill ¼ of a glass.
    2. Gradually add PVA glue to the water. Important: the consistency of the slime depends on how much glue was used. If you want the toy to be more elastic, feel free to add more glue.
    3. Mix water and glue thoroughly.
    4. Now add sodium tetraborate. When using a solution, 1 vial is enough for you, and if a powder is purchased, then it is pre-dissolved in a ratio of 0.5 tbsp. water to 1 tbsp. l. dry borax.
    5. It's time to add the dye.
    6. When everything is thoroughly mixed, pour the resulting mass into the bag and start kneading. The toy is ready!

    Most often, children demand toys when their parents are not ready for it. And if you didn’t have potassium tetraborate at home, then this method just for you! Keep in mind that such a slime will last only a few days, but most often more is not required. To work, you will need PVA glue, dye, a mixing spatula and soda.

    Important: If you plan to knead the slime with your hands, be sure to wear latex gloves. AT plastic utensils mix 50 gr. glue and ¼ cup of lukewarm water, then add the dye and again carefully move the mass. Separately, mix 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and ¼ cup room temperature water. Carefully pour the soda solution into the mixture of glue and water. After mixing, the slime is ready.

    How to make slime without starch

    The main component of such a toy is baking flour, so the slime is completely safe. For work you will need:

    • hot and cold water;
    • dye;
    • flour.

    Pour a couple of cups of flour into a plastic dish and pour it with ¼ of a glass of chilled water. Immediately after this, pour ¼ cup of hot water into the mixture, but in no case boiling water. Then everything is mixed until a plastic mass without lumps is obtained and, if necessary, a dye is added. The substance should feel sticky to the touch. Now it remains to place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and then feel free to play!

    Cheap and effective method allows you to get a solid slime that does not change shape well, but jumps well. For work, take a dye, hydrogen peroxide, 100 gr. PVA glue, 100 gr. starch or soda and 1 glass of water.

    In a plastic container, first mix starch with water (1: 1) to a jelly-like state, then add glue there and mix. It is necessary to add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and dye to the mass, mix everything again and get a light and airy toy.

    Lizun from alcohol

    This original way suggests the presence of water, dye, polyvinyl alcohol and borax (sodium tetraborate). Important: regular vodka or rubbing alcohol is not suitable, so do not even think about changing the ingredients.

    Polyvinyl alcohol is a powdered substance that is mixed with water and put on fire. The mass is boiled for 40-45 minutes with constant stirring over very low heat, since burning cannot be allowed. Then the mixture should cool, and at this time, mix 1 cup of water and 2 tbsp. l. sodium tetraborate until completely dissolved. The resulting mixture must be filtered, and then carefully pour into the alcohol mass in a ratio of 1:3. Want a bright slime? Add dye and start playing!

    How to make slime from pva, sodium tetraborate and water

    This is the most hard way, since it requires the purchase of special ingredients, but let's say right away that the result is the best in comparison with all of the proposed ones. You will need:

    Pour the PVA into the water slowly and in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

    Now it's the tetraborate's turn. If you bought a ready-made solution, then add the entire vial (100 ml) to the mixture, but if there is a powder, dilute it to the required amount, following the instructions on the package (most often this is a tablespoon of powder in half a glass of water).

    Stirring the resulting mass, add the dye and transfer the mixture to the bag.

    Now it remains only to carefully knead the slime with your hands. It turns out exactly like the store version

    Note! If next time you want the slime to be more elastic, take a little more glue.

    How to make slime from washing powder

    For this method, only liquid washing gel is suitable.

    It should be added in the amount of two tablespoons to a quarter cup of PVA glue and dye pre-mixed in a bowl, and then knead like dough until the mass begins to take the desired shape well and becomes plastic.

    Note!!! Work only in rubber gloves, and after the game thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

    How to make a DIY magnetic slime

    Mysterious light in the dark and the ability to be attracted to a magnet? Even older kids will like such a slime, and making it is just as easy as in the previous versions.

    You will need:

    • sodium tetraborate;
    • water;
    • fresh PVA glue;
    • iron oxide;
    • dye with phosphorus;
    • Neodymium magnets;
    • convenient container.

    Dissolve half a spoonful of tetraborate in a glass of water. Separately mix 30 gr. PVA and half a glass of water. Slowly pour in the phosphor paint, then mix both mixtures until smooth. Lizun is ready, the matter is small - it remains to give him the ability to be attracted to a magnet. To do this, you need to level the resulting mass and sprinkle it with iron oxide, and then knead thoroughly.

    If the toy didn't work

    Correctly selected the main ingredients, kneaded thoroughly, but the result is not the same? Do not despair. Remember that a lot depends on the manufacturer, and even a minimal deviation from the prescribed norm can give a negative result. Experiment and get perfect combination and also keep in mind that:

    • if the slime is too sticky, you need to add a little water and starch;
    • if the toy stretches but does not stick to the surface, there is too much liquid in it, which means you need to add glue.

    Be sure to try making your own slime. Interesting toy, which is also completely safe, will appeal to both adults and children.

    Handgum is a wonderful entertainment that can be done by the whole family. This will not only please the baby, but also unite the family. Have fun to your health!

    What parents do not go to in order to satisfy the desires of their child. And the more often we make concessions, the more the desires and needs of our children grow. Showcases of children's shops offer wide range of goods. From transformers to cute barbies, from interactive cars to children's bikes.

    Nowadays it is difficult not to find a suitable toy, it is more difficult to pay for it. For example, slimy to the touch, often bright green mass today has won the attention of children and is very popular with children.

    Making slime at home

    Lizun, or handgum, is not a cheap toy for many parents. When buying, some parents were stopped by the content of sodium tetraborate elements in this toy. However, such entertainment can be done with your own hands at home, showing a little imagination and knowing the principle by which handgams, which are loved by kids, are made.

    Moreover, today we will tell you what ingredients you can do without using harmful substances.

    Required Components

    To create a character in the animated series "Ghostbusters" you need very little. So, what can you make a slime from? Here are some commonly used ingredients for making toys.

    In order to give a child pleasure, and make a slime with their own hands, the following components are often used:

    • Ordinary water.
    • Soda.
    • Starch.
    • Gouache.
    • Shaving foam.
    • Toothpaste.
    • Detergents.
    • PVA glue
    • Plasticine.

    Since you will be making the toy yourself, you will be able to control the process. When creating a slime at home, you can set the shape, choose the color and size you like.

    Lizun from water and shampoo

    Let's try to make a slime with you using water and shampoo. Using these components will allow you to make a slime with your own hands. Being engaged in the manufacture of toys with your child, you will get a lot of pleasure from joint work, and later go about your business while your baby is making his pet.

    Take PVA glue, pour some water at room temperature into a bowl, add shampoo in equal proportions. In order to give color to our slime, you need to use an ordinary dye. This role can be played by ordinary brilliant green or gouache.

    Plasticine handgam

    The best recipes for making slime are recipes without sodium tetraborate solution. The use of improvised materials, plasticine or paper, often inspires the trust of parents, moreover, kids are familiar with crafts based on these materials.

    One of the easiest ways to create a slime is using plasticine. Moreover, the toy your child loves so much can be made without glue and sodium tetraborate.

    To make plasticine slime, you need the following components:

    • Gelatin -1 p.
    • Plasticine.
    • Water.
    • Plastic cup or glass.
    • Metal container.
    • Spoon for mixing.

    Stir the sachet of gelatin into cold water, leave the container for a while alone to completely dissolve the gelatin. Bring the resulting mass to a boil. Knead the plasticine of the color you like in your hands.

    Add water to a plastic container and mix with plasticine. Add gelatin to the resulting homogeneous mass and mix with a spoon. The resulting slime can be played immediately after it cools down. This method is the simplest and contains components familiar to the baby. When using this recipe to make a slime, you can easily do without adding harmful substances into the toy.

    Lizun from soda

    Our kids, like their parents, are close to paper crafts, but in this case we must disappoint you. The composition of the manufacture of slime does not carry paper base. But don't worry about this. There is an exit. We will try to give a description of the recipe, in which we will talk about how you can make a slime at home, using only soda.

    You may doubt, however, this mass, which is not pleasant to the touch, and incomprehensible to adults, contains precisely this component in its composition. By offering such entertainment to your baby, you will get a lot of free time.

    To do this, you will need the following components:

    • Glue PVA -50gr.
    • Water -100gr.
    • Soda 1st.l.
    • Gouache.
    • Wand.
    • Capacity.

    Mix water with glue to obtain the desired viscosity of the toy. It is better to do this in a plastic bowl. Feel free to add dye to the resulting mixture. Make the next solution based on water and soda. Combine the two solutions and mix with a stick to obtain a homogeneous mass. Here's a slime for you! It will bring a lot of positive emotions to your baby.

    Slime from starch

    One of the best recipes for slime making is the one using starch. To make a colored transparent slime with your own hands, you only need two components: water and starch. More commonly, starch made from potatoes or corn-based starch is used.

    Joint production of a slime will bring great pleasure to your child, and will take a little time. Shall we start? Mix the two components in equal proportions and add the dye. Ordinary brilliant green can act as dyes.

    Most of the Internet pages are filled with photos of homemade slimes. Having shown a little imagination and desire, you can choose the handgam you like and have a great time in mutual creativity with your child. And we continue to offer you new options for creating a cartoon character. Let's find out how to increase your cub in size.

    Lizun grows up

    Making crafts with children is useful and educational. Making a slime with children is doubly informative and interesting. It is interesting for a child to watch the process of creating a toy, and if you give a name to a slime, then your mutual friend will become the object of adoration of the children.

    Invite your child to grow a slime. How it's done? Very simple. Place your pet in a glass of water and refrigerate. In the morning, be sure to ask how much your new friend, invite the child to see how the pet feels.

    By focusing the attention of the child in this direction, you are guaranteed a daily report on the activities and viability of the new settler. The kid will watch with great interest how his pet grows and changes.

    Making slime without adding sodium tetraborate

    This recipe is extremely simple. It does not include substances harmful to the baby, and turns the process of creating a slime without the addition of sodium tetraborate into a fun and entertaining adventure.

    To make a child's dream come true, you need to stock up: gouache, PVA glue, a container, a mixing stick. And one more component that will help us in the manufacture. Strange as it may seem, this is an ordinary detergent, you can add an ordinary gel concentrate.

    Add to container required amount glue. The more glue you add, the stronger your slime will be. Mix the glue with gouache of the color you like. Did you choose red? Amazing! Take a mixing stick and add the required amount of dye. Mixing thoroughly, add paints if necessary to betray the maximum saturated color future slime.

    With thorough stirring, the mass will thicken right before your eyes. Place the toy on the child's hand, shape it, make eyes, a mouth. The composition of the selected ingredients is simple, but their components will make the toy soft and elastic, and it will not stick to the child's hands.

    Transparent slime without sodium tetraborate

    Our recipe is simple and contains only two ingredients. Pour water into a plastic bowl and add a little stationery glue, mix the mass.

    If you want your slime to be colored, use paints, or ordinary green paint. If you prefer to make it completely transparent, do without these components.

    Colored slime made from liquid soap and toothpaste

    Do-it-yourself colored and transparent slimes are one of the best toys for a child. Toddlers can spend hours twirling an incomprehensible mass in their hands, and get real pleasure from it. Let's give them such an opportunity, and try to make colored and transparent slimes with you at home using liquid soap.

    Add liquid soap and a teaspoon of starch to a glass container. Then cover the selected container with a lid and shake thoroughly in your hands. The mass gradually begins to thicken.

    Then, in a separate plastic bowl, add ordinary toothpaste. Add an obsession to your toothpaste glass container. And mix thoroughly. Your colored slime is ready. This recipe clearly shows how you can make a slime without glue. The slime recipe is simple, but how many emotions!

    Slime from toothpaste. Warm up!

    This slime recipe is unique in its simplicity, and is in a simple way in the manufacture of toys, however, requires the attention of an adult. To create it, you need two tubes of gel paste.

    Childcare is a guarantee good relations. Fantasy is limitless. Making toys with a baby, you yourself will return to childhood, feel the joy and delight from the result. Don't be afraid to experiment. At first, I will help you with photo instructions that tell you how to make a slime with your own hands. Give your baby pleasure, return to childhood. I wish you success!

    Photo instruction on how to make a slime