What to expect from the year of the Yellow Earth Pig? Forewarned is forearmed: what the year of the Yellow Earth Pig is preparing for us

patroness 2019, according to the eastern calendar, will become firm, purposeful, but good-natured Yellow Ground Pig. The time of her "reign" will come on February 5 and will last until January 24, 2020. The period promises to be especially successful for those who are used to hard work and are ready for a creative partnership. The color of this astrological sign- black, which is recognized as a symbol of dignity, duty and honor.

Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Pig

Boars of the earth element have a mass of exceptional qualities. They are very devoted to their romantic and business partners, hardworking, indulgent towards enemies, thoughtful decision making. Aggression and desperate measures are not their element, but at the same time they steadfastly overcome the various hardships of life and stubbornly go towards their intended goal. Earth Pigs are very good-natured and will never leave a person who asks for help in trouble. However, their trademark kindness is often abused by relatives and friends.

The weakest character trait of the representatives of the sign is the craving for fun feasts, during which they can easily lose a sense of proportion in food and drink. If you do not learn to control such addictions, life can go downhill in one moment. Their irresistible craving for expensive things and luxurious life as such also needs a similar control.

Main trends of 2019

The Earth Pig will willingly support those who do not throw words to the wind and work with full dedication. Especially lucky businessmen, large industrialists and farmers. You can appease the owner of 2019 with generosity, attention to loved ones, as well as a conscious avoidance of malicious criticism of other people.

Yellow Ground Pig highly appreciates the family, so bachelors can meet their soul mate, and married couples will fill their relationship with harmony and renewed passion.

It is best to postpone the solution of the most important problems to the first months of spring and summer, as well as October. In January, it is advisable to pay more attention to your health. The whole period will be especially successful for those who decide to finally get rid of bad habits. Motto 2019– work and more work! Anyone who follows this advice is guaranteed to be pampered by a generous host with solid dividends.

Who will help the Earth Pig?

Rats will have a hard time at work, but this forecast will noticeably soften for those representatives of the sign who managed to start a family. Bachelors will be the center of attention of the opposite sex, but they are unlikely to want to quickly legitimize the relationship that has begun.

The bull will have to work hard this year. Perhaps even more than usual, although the effort will not always have an adequate financial reward. Problems at work can affect personal relationships as well.

The tiger will significantly improve its financial affairs and, in general, its business life promises to be successful. But with personal life it may not work out.

The Earth Pig will bring a feeling of complete security to the Rabbit, which is the primary source of all other benefits for him. In some amazing way, he will be able to succeed in his career without harming his romantic relationship.

The dragon will sparkle like never before. Thanks to the signature agility and dexterity, representatives of the sign will get even more than they dreamed of. You can expect changes in your personal life, but the stars do not advise you to immediately run down the aisle.

The snake is waiting for a period full of worries. The desire to earn money will take a lot of time and significantly reduce romantic fervor.

The horse will decide on large bets, which will allow her to save money even for an apartment or a car. Lucky in love too.

Goat stars are advised to be picky in both business and romantic spheres.

The monkey, for all its resourcefulness and inexhaustible enthusiasm, will have to work hard and honestly. Otherwise, the Black Earth Pig will not find a worthy reward for her. But love can come quite by accident.

Rooster year will bring good luck in love, but does not promise brilliant success in the labor field.

Dogs will work hard and hard, while experiencing a lot of different changes. True, the changes mostly promise to be positive.

The pig has every chance not only to get rich and inherit, but also to improve family relationships.

How to Celebrate the Year of the Earth Pig?

The Earth Pig is a big supporter of everything natural, therefore, when decorating a house for the New Year, use only natural materials. Fresh flowers, pottery, compositions from mountain ash, viburnum, acorns, cones, chestnuts are ideal. If you need fabrics for home decoration, then preference should be given to natural and soft samples. The owner of the year will favorably appreciate the cozy sparkle of candles and a vase with various fruits near the fireplace.

The table should be not so much refined as hearty and generous. Be sure to prepare dishes from several types of legumes and vegetables. Particular attention should be paid to meat, which, in any quantity, will not be small. It is better to choose light drinks - wines, champagne, cocktails.

The venue of the celebration does not matter, but the circle of guests is important, which should consist only of close people. It is better to give simple but interesting gifts. The outfit can be white, pale pink and other colors, but certainly exclusive, expensive and new. The hostess of 2019 puts forward the same requirements for jewelry. She is even more picky about the emotional mood of those who organize a holiday in her honor. Sincere joy, an atmosphere of kindness and fun are welcome. Only in this way will it be possible to stock up on energy for the entire coming period.

Over the years, looking up at the night sky has created intrigue and mystery. And what events take place in the sky and how do they affect a person? Chinese astrology and chinese horoscope teach and show what awaits us in the near future. The symbol of 2019 is the yellow earthen pig.

Yellow Earth Pig 2019 - the end is the beginning.

The carefree yellow earth pig becomes the master of 2019. She is the last animal of the ring Chinese zodiac. In 2019, an analysis of the last 11 years is needed to prepare for a more relaxed design of the new cycle starting in 2020 (Year of the Metal Rat).

At the end of the Chinese calendar cycle, it is time to reflect on the past 11 years. A period of joy, relaxation, kindness and awakening will be seen in many areas throughout 2019. Goodwill and motives for doing good are renewed and strengthened in the year of the pig.

The Lunar New Year begins on February 5, 2019 and ends on January 24, 2020. This is the year of the earth pig (wild in nature), the element is Earth, and its main color is yellow.

The year 2019 is the last year in the Chinese calendar. The symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Pig. Astrologers predict that the year of the pig will bring positive maximum emotions and many important events. 2019 will be a significant year for all people.

In 2019, you need to be a disciplined person in order to have protection. We will have to see the important real issues and act consciously. You have to start with yourself. Watch your own behavior and criticize others less. Each person brings for development earth system something from yourself.

Pigs are associated with the fulfillment and end of the Chinese calendar cycle. Since it is the last sign of the Chinese zodiac, it symbolizes the achievement of goals. 2019 is the kind of finish line we've all been working towards for the last twelve years.

In the year of the earthen pig, progress and a step forward in all directions and on all fronts will be noticeable. Astrologers say that 2019 will be rich in more positive emotions due to the fact that the pig closes the ring of 12 animal signs. She has some of the emotions of each of the zodiac signs.

The symbol of the year of the pig - the end is the beginning ...

Due to the feeling of abundance and lightness that prevails during the year of the earth pig, there is a lack of attention to budget management and even loss of money. However, the dominant presence of the Earth element under its Yin polarization has the effect of stabilizing and restoring the often joyful and ephemeral year-round energies characteristic of the year of the pig.

The 2019 Earth element with feminine polarization (Yin) will bring positive energy for the whole year. He will create a favorable aura and endow many people with flexibility, modesty and excellent intuition. Philanthropy, spirituality and learning are important in 2019.

Since this is an earth year, people born under the signs associated with the earth element can expect prosperity, and those born in the years of the pig will receive additional energy for action.

The Pig (wild boar) is the last sign of the Chinese zodiac cycle and is generally ruled by the Water element. However, this year its main element is the Earth. Therefore, in 2019 we are dealing with the location of the Earth above the water. This is a great time to complete all projects that have been started in previous years.

2019 is not the best right time to start a new venture, especially if it is of great importance. Pigs and Earth elements recommend focusing on what we already have or are doing. We must make the necessary changes, improve our goals and strategy in such a way as to bring the matter to a happy ending.

We must avoid loneliness as much as possible in 2019. In the year of the pig, we must support friends, loved ones and family. This may be the time when we reach the end of certain toxic relationships in our lives.

Yellow earth pig. General forecast for 2019 according to the eastern horoscope.

The year 2019 will begin on February 5 on Tuesday Gregorian calendar. 2019 will be dedicated to raising awareness of indigenous languages ​​around the world. The United Nations has declared 2019 the Year of Indigenous Languages.

The year 2019 will bring good news in the social life of people with a liberal mindset. Your relationship with those who work with you will be good. But there may not be complete freedom in the year of the pig. Tactfully and diplomatically, it is recommended to create alliances on a professional and personal level.

Your desire for tranquility and peace will be the main commitment. Limit your ambitions and desires in all aspects in 2019. The element of earth will help travelers and any movement on any transport.

The individual financial sector in 2019 should be stable. The pig will reward those who work hard in the year of the dog. It will be profitable to invest in home improvement.

The year 2019 will promote progress and science. Many inventions and discoveries will be made. Many secrets of space will be revealed. Scientific cooperation in the world will develop. Significant development will be observed in the field of computer technology.

The climate on the planet will change: it will get colder in the south, warmer in the north. I do not want to write about changes in geopolitics. These are the brief for 2019.

The year of the pig is a time of friendly vibrations. Pigs are happy in life. Whatever they do, they try to enjoy everyday life, comforts and sensual pleasures. The boar is a tolerant, compassionate and generous animal. His negative traits are associated with difficulties in controlling his passions. Piglet does not hide his shortcomings or mistakes.

The Chinese Year of the Pig (2019) is a great time to think about your plans for next year and preparing for major changes that may occur during the next zodiac cycle. We must carefully visualize our future goals, but they must be stopped.

The Chinese horoscope 2019 shows that this is also a great year for business and all legitimate endeavors. Pigs are quite aggressive when it comes to cheating. Unscrupulous people must face the threat of punishment for their actions. People who do not follow the generally accepted rules will not have a light weight.

It is very likely that we will experience many dilemmas in 2019. Might have to take important decisions maybe the situation will force us to choose one of the belligerents. There are many different possibilities. At this point, it is worth remembering that the wild boar contributes to the openness of the mind and soul. He encourages you to speak honestly with others about your feelings, thoughts and plans.

In 2019, the 12 zodiac signs of the Chinese lunar calendar can expect a joyful year. The atmosphere is festive, and the rest is general. It is important not to torment yourself with the promises of this happy and promising wind. On a personal level, thoughtful action will be rewarded much more than taking risks during the year of the pig.

Piggy is a more intelligent and reliable creature than her peers. Therefore, she successfully implements her projects thanks to her vision strategy and business skills. A happy and responsible boar, very attached to his family, does not count his time or energy when it comes to feeding and protecting his family.

Yellow Earth Pig. What's in store for 2019? (video)

Earth pig 2019. Society and politics.

The Year of the Earth Pig 2019 is a productive period for fulfilling all the shortcomings of past years.

Therefore, specific sources of tension that were potential sources of conflict in last years lost their meaning and disappeared. An atmosphere of inattention and forgiveness, sometimes bordering on excessive recklessness, permeates 2019 with its wholesome and positive energy.

Giving and receiving become an integral part of Everyday life, so the new types human relations thrive on egotism and individuality as unacceptable behavior. Many anonymous individuals will be rewarded for their trustworthy loyalty.

Good luck will come to most of the natives of the 12 signs of the Chinese calendar in 2019, and not just the most privileged among them. In an atmosphere of abundance and exchange, it is important to remain vigilant and identify any malevolent person who has an idea to get rich at the expense of a kind person.

Underground and progressive changes will take place in politics and in the administration of governments. The time for temptations, ostentatious diplomatic gifts and lust will pass.

There are many worldly tricks in the realm of power, where between a glass of champagne and a tray of sweets, new alliances will arise. Well-known political figures will enter the arena and strengthen their positions, relying on the media to saturate the collective consciousness with new ideas.

Trade and diplomatic negotiations between the US, Asia, Europe, and Russia, which have previously been ignored or little known to the general public, will have an amazing pace over the next 12 years.

Many dedicated minds and science will help reduce the harmful effects of human activities on the Earth and find solutions to environmental problems.

Those of the 12 characters of the Chinese calendar who will feel a little hectic and unstable in 2019 should take care of their personal well-being carefully and carefully.

If the period of doubt passes, then its consequences in 2019 will always be favorable. By changing the way of life or the living environment, we will find new resources that we ourselves did not suspect.

Be careful not to be gluttonous in the year of the wild boar. Keep an eye on the quality and quantity of your meals if you want to put on your pants for the rest of the year. It is recommended to regularly engage in sports and exercise adapted to your body type. Avoid idleness in the year of the pig.

Earth pig 2019. Money, career and luck.

AT Chinese year 2019 is better to moderate your spending and limit your generosity to people who have a lot of problems. In addition, administrative tasks should not be underestimated. Stay up to date with your account updates and don't waste too much time until you settle your potential debts.

Trade and industrial trade are especially favorable in 2019. It is good to engage in intellectual activities in which the focus is on writing.

In organizations and communities, relations between colleagues will be softer, and the mentality will be more tolerant and constructive. Success or career development can be done successfully using dialogue and perseverance. People close to you will support you in your projects, even if you show impatience and anger.

Money in 2019 will not be synonymous with absolute happiness. There will be financial difficulties that you will have to face, but they can be easily overcome.

In the year of the earthen pig, love relationships will sometimes be passionate, short-term and without reciprocity. It's like a sensual dream and dispersed nostalgia. Bodily pleasures will be present under the sign of the Pig.

If you are single or starting a romantic relationship, then do not get attached to your lover until you feel mutual feelings.

social activity, solemn events and family reunions are plentiful in 2019. The open mind and warmth of the Year of the Pig makes it easy to make friends. Family is in the spotlight because 2019 is good year for marriage or the birth of a child.

Children (boy or girl) whose birth is scheduled during the year of the pig 2019 will more closely match the parents (father or mother) of a Chinese pig, rabbit, goat (sheep) or tiger.

Similarly, children conceived in the second half of 2019 who are born in the year of the metal Rat 2020 will be more compatible with one of their two parents belonging to the Chinese zodiac sign Rat, Dragon, Monkey or Ox.

In 2019, love and generosity will reign everywhere. This year may also be dominated by the tendency to sacrifice one's interests in the interests of a loved one. Gifts and offers are plentiful. Eventually, we will be able to more easily forgive insults and be more friendly to the weakest among us.

Colors will help balance the flow of energy in 2019. The Earth Pig colors 2019 are red and white in the direction of fashion trends, weddings, gifts or interior decoration.

The Chinese color red is the symbol of Fire. Red is synonymous with happiness, marriage and holidays. White color associated with the Metal element.

Wearing clothes and jewelry containing red and white colors can help harmonize the energy in 2019. These two colors can be present in small accents in everyday life. But don't have a red wallet because the money it contains burns your fingers.

Stars born in the year of the pig.

Prominent personalities born in the year of the pig include: Jules Verne, Elon Musk, Hillary Clinton, Edward Munch, Jackson Pollock, Diego Velazquez, King Henry VIII of England, Oliver Cromwell, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Kissinger, Dilma Rousseff, Edward Snowden, Ernst Hemingway, Stephen King, Yashar Kemal, Elif Shafak, Woody Allen, Alain Delon, Melanie Laurent, Michelle Berger, Snoop, Christopher Boykin, Logan Paul, Ross Lynch, Kendall Jenner, Troy Sivan, Nicky DeMartino, Kim Taeyoun, Brittany Raymond, Jimin Park, William Brent, Meredith Foster, Swi Lee (Ray Sremmurd), German Titov and others.

The pig likes red. For those born in the year of the pig, jewelry from natural stones burgundy, red or purple. Give your loved one, born in the year of the pig, chains, watches, pendants and rings with red stones.

The following jewels will bring financial independence, good luck to the piglet and will be an excellent talisman: red corals, transparent jewelry, white gold, rubies, garnets, diamonds, emerald, wine topaz, raspberry tourmaline, chrysoberyl, beryl, onyx and alexandrite.

What and how to meet an earthen pig?

The main color of the earth pig 2019 is yellow or gold. It is not necessary to wear a yellow dress for New Year's Eve. You can simply add accessories of this color. Jewelry made of diamonds, gold and natural modest materials (wooden bracelets and beads) are suitable for a holiday or a party.

In addition to yellow, you can celebrate the New Year in white, red, green, gray and berry shades. clothes in flower drawings will fit too. The outfit should be luxurious and rich. Do not forget about lip makeup and luxurious hair. The pig loves it.

An earthen pig is a symbol of warmth and comfort. Decorate the Christmas tree with yellow balls and gold, green, red and white ribbons. Place candles, add spruce legs and cinnamon pods. The pig will love it.

On the festive table put a variety of dishes. The boar loves meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, fruits and berries. In a separate dish, put nuts, grain bread and cereals. Do not forget to decorate the dishes with herbs. Put cinnamon and oranges to flavor the air in many places. The pig will not be happy if there is pork on the table.

Piggy loves abundance and variety. , salads, fish and meat cuts she will like. Prepare aspic, sandwiches, tartlets, crackers and snack rolls.

For the main New Year's dish, use chicken, duck, goose or turkey, for example with apples. The piglet will not refuse fruit either.

How and in what is it right to celebrate the New Year 2019? (video)


Chinese New Year 2019 is celebrated in Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China.

If you want to know what the near future holds for you, use the Chinese horoscope for 2019. Thanks to his help, you will be able to avoid most of the dangers and see the upcoming events clearly. Success will be closer if you use only the knowledge passed down by the ancient Chinese sages.

Check your zodiac sign more often and find out what the year of the earthen pig will bring. The horoscope cannot reveal everything, but it will give the direction in which it is worth moving effectively according to fate.

In 2019, you will try to hide or look for excuses for your actions. Instead, you should choose without hesitation or fear what suits you best. If you are wise, you will be rewarded in the future.

We don't need to be afraid negative aspects wild pigs. Please note that the dominant for the pig is the love of freedom and beauty. Piggy is an eternal optimist whose life motto can be described as follows: "Do not worry be happy!".

Happy New Year 2019, Happy Year of the Earth Pig!

May the Earth Pig bring you a lot of Happiness, good Changes and true Love!

The pig is the last animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. It is she who arranges the final chords and prepares for a new stage of life. No matter how each of us strives for a breathtaking career and material well-being, we still put love and relationships with a loved one in the first place. Light flirting, numerous novels and acquaintances remained in the year of the Dog. BUT Earthen Yellow Pig advises in the personal sphere to take the initiative in their own hands.


Year yellow pig quite prolific for pleasant surprises and generous for the birth of children. The editors decided to find out what astrological forecast for 2019 expected in the love field for each sign of the zodiac.

Love horoscope - 2019

Good news for single Aries: love will come, but only at the most unexpected moment. So do not ignore new acquaintances and play hard to get. New romances and light flirting in the year of the Yellow Pig are not excluded. In no case should an Aries chase two birds with one stone, otherwise you can miss a worthy partner. You should also pay special attention to the appearance in order to enchant even more.

Family Aries expects a harmonious and tender period with a soul mate. The ideal time for the birth of a child, especially if young families have long dreamed of procreation. But single people should be careful in intimate relationships, because the Yellow Pig really wants to give children to this sign.


Representatives of this sign should take their heads. Stop being led by passion and temptation. This is the perfect year to get your personal life in order. If you live in a rented apartment, it is worth making an effort to acquire housing, in addition, the Yellow Pig will contribute to your efforts. Various fleeting novels are contraindicated for you, and even more so games on the side.

Such behavior will leave you with nothing. And more wise advice from the Pig: be less jealous of the chosen one, especially since there is no special reason for such scenes. If Taurus plans to legitimize the relationship, then it's time to lead the chosen one down the aisle. But it is better to play a wedding not in the circle of relatives and friends, but to go somewhere to warmer climes together. After all, there is a high probability that others will ruin family life at the very beginning.

Family Taurus should also keep friends and relatives at a distance. Among them there are many envious people whose hands are itching to do dirty tricks.


Gemini in the year of the Earth Pig will truly drown in the attention and adoration from fans. It is only important to make the right choice, and on time. Astrologers advise to say goodbye to the bachelor life as soon as possible. After all, for those who find the strength to refuse general attention in 2019, the hostess of the year promises a chic family life.

If you don’t feel like putting a ring on your finger at all, try starting with a guest marriage. But in any case, you should not take much care of a bachelor's life, because it can drag on for many years worse than a swamp.


Cancer will have a whole army of admirers in the year of the Yellow Pig, but there is no reliable and attractive in all respects on the horizon. But in 2019, everything depends on your initiative. You need to choose a person for life among your boyfriends. You need to listen not to the heart, and not to the mind, but to your natural intuition. But you should not refuse new acquaintances, because they can contribute to other areas of life.

Also, the Yellow Pig promises Cancers big changes in appearance. But it is love that inspires them. Representatives of this sign will simply bloom and smell. By the way, if you are afraid to take serious steps in your personal life, don't worry, the mistress of the year will take care of the financial side.

Family Cancers should be more open in relationships. Try to fool around a little and allow yourself a trip with your loved one to your dream destination or take a ride on hot-air balloon. In general, relationships need to be decorated with new emotions.


a lion
Lviv in 2019 is simply unrecognizable. The Yellow Pig will take them. Lovers of attention and admiration will want a strong and permanent relationship. They seriously think about procreation. You just need to reduce your royal manners a little, otherwise you will live in joy and harmony only with your reflection in the mirror. The main thing is to be honest with yourself, and not choose a person who is advised by relatives and friends.

Family Lions will fall in love with their chosen ones again. They will again be encouraged and inspired by the relationship with a loved one. Their chosen ones will even be surprised how romantic their Lions can be.


If Virgo stops looking for an ideal partner, then the love horoscope for 2019 will instantly bring her to a worthy and reliable chosen one. Caution in the course of romantic events does not hurt, otherwise the arrow of love will hit the wrong person who Virgo likes. If we go down the aisle, then only with a loved and reliable person.

Astrologers advise Virgos to be extremely careful in 2019. Need to pay more attention family life and in no case should you exchange your comfort for the beautiful courtship of a new gentleman. Know that there is a big catch waiting for you here. As a result, you will lose your family, and the new boyfriend will run away as soon as you please him with a divorce.


The Yellow Pig advises Libra in 2019 to be more proactive and decisive when it comes to choosing a life partner. Do not go into the gap, it is better to think about the future. Year of the Earthy Yellow Pig - perfect time to improve your personal life. It is worth being in society more often, attending various events, and not sitting at home. But in order to meet your man, you need to put things in order in your inner world.

Family Libra should work on procreation. You should also think about expanding housing.


Nothing supernatural in the personal sphere of Scorpio will happen in 2019. But you should stay away from ex-partners. Moreover, the Yellow Pig decided to introduce Scorpio to a very nice and wealthy man. love horoscope for 2019 recommends that representatives of this sign prioritize the personal sphere, abstracting from work for a while.

Turn on your natural charm and put your inner demons to sleep as well. In 2019, you need to make concessions to your soulmate. Better yet, take a trip around the world together. And you won't be bored close person joy.


The love horoscope for 2019 predicts for Sagittarius a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm and ingenuity that will help you succeed with the opposite sex. If you use a smile and cunning tricks, then you will not be worth the price. There will be many competitors and ill-wishers, but in the end you will emerge victorious. But this does not mean that you can now relax and just wait.

Sagittarius in 2019 will be hard to resist the temptations and say "no" to another annoying fan. But this is not out of politeness, but because of a lack of attention. Therefore, it is worthwhile to communicate more often with your soulmate in order to avoid misunderstanding and harmful temptation as a result.


In 2019, Capricorn needs to boldly open up to change, then his personal life will instantly improve, and love will forever settle in his heart. If you want, you can change the hairstyle, hair color and image. You can even move to another country if it is necessary for family happiness.

It's time for family Capricorns to think about procreation. It doesn't matter if they are children or grandchildren, now is a favorable time for the birth of a new life.


If Aquarius wants to decorate his life with a strong relationship, then you should pay great attention to the signs of fate. Do not think that love will burst into your life unexpectedly, everything will be gradual. Perhaps an old friendship will grow into a chic romance. The main thing is not to miss the moment.

Those who are in a relationship should be prepared for the manifestation of the jealousy of a loved one. What to do if everyone around you goes crazy for you. The main thing is not to give rise to a scandal, and also to protect the clean reputation of a family man.


The love horoscope for 2019 promises Pisces not life, but solid romance. Mutual love Here's what's in store for you in 2019. But the Yellow Pig advises Pisces to attend psychology courses in order to paint the relationship with the chosen one in bright colors.

There will be no confusion. At first, a new relationship may even seem unpromising, but in the second half of the year you will fly on the wings of love. Family Pisces Yellow Pig will give a lot of vivid impressions. So you have to be easy-going.


As you can see, the Earthy Yellow Pig will be arranging the personal life of all the signs of the zodiac. Nobody will be left without attention. If we believe that the meaning of life lies in love, then we will all find it in 2019.

According to Eastern traditions, each year of the Chinese calendar, consisting of 12 year cycles, is tied to a specific animal. 2019 is no exception. They will be ruled by the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar). When will 2019 start and why won't it happen on January 1st? What character traits dominate those born in the year of the Pig? What new and unusual will the symbol of 2019 bring: what will please and what will disappoint representatives of other signs?

When will the year 2019 come according to the Eastern calendar?

It so happened historically that the Chinese have a different New Year's date from ours. If in Russia, America and Europe as a whole it is traditionally the night from January 31st to January 1st, then in the East everything is a little different. According to the data provided Chinese calendar, The New Year always comes on the new moon, which falls on zodiac sign Aquarius. And this date changes from year to year.

Therefore, the year 2019 of the Pig, whose element is earth, and the color is yellow or brown, will come on February 5, 2019, and end on January 24, 2020, when the White Rat takes over the reins.

General character traits of the Yellow Earth Pig, the symbol of 2019

The Earth Pig is a very docile and friendly animal. Representatives of this sign usually do not ask for advice, but do everything as their instinct suggests, which almost never makes mistakes. People born in the year of the Pig do not know how to take risks. Yes, they, in principle, do not need it, having such positive character traits, among which I would like to highlight the following:

  1. Justice.
  2. Sociability and patience.
  3. Endurance and performance.
  4. Loyalty and devotion.
  5. Caution and prudence.

Representatives of this sign are ready to work constantly and hard. They are able to successfully cope with all the difficulties that arise on the way to achieving the goal. But before doing something, the Pigs will think carefully, while eliminating all possible risks.

Despite the good nature and peacefulness of the Yellow Pig, she is often stubborn and capricious. Therefore, 2019 for many signs can be very unpredictable. The Rooster and the Dog will have a hard time this year. Situations and moments await them that will not always be pleasant. With potential problems in order to resolve them, these signs will have to cope in every conceivable and unthinkable way. Bull and Dragon, despite successes in professional activity you should take care of your health.

Tiger, Horse and Rat may be financially lucky, and a love relationship may begin with the Rabbit and the Snake. Goat and Monkey are encouraged to spend as much time as possible with friends and relatives. This will give them more positive emotions and will not allow them to fall into despondency.

But the Pig will never offend the representatives of his native sign. They expect a stable and profitable year, career growth and good mood.

The Year of the Pig suggests an increase in childbearing and an increase in the number of those who are ready to enter into marriage.

Pig pig strife ...

In each 12-year cycle, the Pig has its own natural element, its own color and its own character traits. One and the same animal with its inherent element governs the year only once every sixty years. More details can be found by looking at the table.

name of the pig Patronage years Characteristics
Yellow Earthy 1899, 1959 Active, economical and peaceful
White Metallic 1911, 1971 Energetic, fun and friendly
Blue Water 1923, 1983 Kind, trusting and vulnerable
Green Wooden 1935, 1995 Caring, willing to compromise and cooperate
Red Fire 1947, 2007 Persistent and stubborn, always succeeds

The next year after 2019, which the Pig will begin to rule, will be 2031. It will be the same sweet, good-natured and cheerful animal as it is now - the White Metal Pig.

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Pig

The incredible perseverance, perseverance and fortitude of people born in the year of the Pig makes them admire their talents and even idolize them. Among foreign personalities whose names have already become part of world history, it is worth noting the following:

  • Henry Ford
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Luciano Pavarotti
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Elton John
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Alain Delon

Domestic talented people also do not graze the rear. Here they are, our stars:

  • Fedor Tyutchev
  • German Titov
  • Arkady Raikin
  • Ludmila Gurchenko
  • Oleg Tabakov
  • Vladimir Vdovichenko

Although not all people born in the year of the Pig grow up successful, famous and intellectually gifted. But most of them, having very superficial knowledge, can so skillfully "hang noodles on their ears" that a person willy-nilly believes in their genius and superiority. But at the same time, in their hearts they still remain complaisant and compassionate.

The expression "put a pig" can fully justify itself in 2019. Therefore, it is best to rein in your selfishness, irascibility and nervousness, because otherwise you can not expect a well-fed and measured life in this favor. Although you can still try to make the New Year lucky. To do this, you need to try to negotiate with the Pig, reducing your principles and requests a little, and also start working hard. Then the path to success will become shorter ...

2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, as you know, it completes the twelve-year cycle of the Eastern calendar. Read the horoscope for 2019 of the Pig for all zodiac signs.

The year of the peace-loving Pig, which silently climbs the throne on February 5, 2019, will be the most favorable for summing up: you will finally cross out all those who pulled you down from your life and make peace with those you missed. Moreover, this is the year of new hobbies, implementation of plans and ideas, and yes, the good Yellow Boar will bring a lot of good things in his patch!

The year 2019 of the Pig is expected to be bright, filled with an active and open desire to live, create, enjoy life in all its forms. Many of us will stop thinking about tomorrow and begin to appreciate what we have at this particular moment.

2019 will be especially lucky for the signs of the zodiac water element: for Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Also favorites of fortune will be: Taurus, Leo, Aquarius. In practice, the heavenly protectorate will look like the fulfillment of all and sundry desires, including cherished ones. And as if the Universe itself will work for this. The circumstances in 2019 for the mentioned signs will develop in such a way that they will not want to, but will win, but you should not relax, fortune loves the strong and persistent.

What promises 2019 for each of us, the stars will tell.

Horoscope for 2019: ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)

The fiery guys are very lucky, since the whole of 2019 the Earth Pig will have a beneficial effect on them. In February, with the arrival of the Pig, you will have to forget about entertainment - Aries will enthusiastically begin to make deals and master new activities. Perhaps not everything will go smoothly, but in the year of the Pig the events will turn out to be bright, interesting, promising in certain areas of life. Although difficulties will arise, Aries will be able to cope with difficulties, as well as receive support from family and friends.

The first half of the year for Aries will be a turning point - fateful meetings, important people and decisions, promotion, even a change of residence is possible. All this is about the period from February to July 2019, the girls representing the sign of Aries will be charming, full of strength and energy.

In February-March 2019, Aries will reconsider their attitude towards others, thereby changing their lives for the better. At this time, it is better to abandon short-term novels and frivolous relationships. If there is no Mendelssohn march in your plans and intentions of your companion, it is extremely important to be careful.

In May-June 2019, you will want to open your own business, do not hesitate a second - have time to row bills before others come to their senses. Luck will be on your side, you need to seize the moment.

The second half of the year of Pigs will give Aries a rich life rhythm, representatives of the Zodiac sign will try to do everything and everywhere, not missing the long-awaited chance. This perseverance promises success.

The best lover according to the sign of the zodiac

Horoscope for 2019: TAURUS (21.04 - 20.05)

Considering the fact that the whole of 2019 passes under the auspices of the elements of the Earth, Taurus is given the opportunity to take everything they want from life. They will receive advantages in the professional field and area of ​​business interests. As for idleness, they will even be lazy in 2019 for their own benefit.

The horoscope for 2019 will give Taurus good luck and success not only in new endeavors, but also in last year's long-term projects, inspiration will seize them with renewed vigor. Ideas will visit them literally every day, and the Taurus themselves will be able to catch their thoughts in time and translate into reality the goals that once arose in their heads. Although there will be many ideas, not everything is destined to be realized as originally planned, but this is just the case when the stars know better, everything will happen even better than the Taurus imagined.

In late spring-early summer 2019, many Taurus will become parents. Worries will overwhelm, and feelings will overwhelm. The horoscope for 2019 Taurus advises to tune in to a serious wave, you can safely step into the registry office, even if there were some doubts before. There will be a lot of Taurus in love in the registry office. As if everyone agreed to marry in the year of the Earth Pig (Boar). And rightly so, the time has come to discard suspiciousness and surrender to feelings, although one should not forget about rationality. Yes, that's what, about what, but Taurus themselves remember this, they know how not only to earn and revel, but also to save.

Already in November 2019, Taurus will accumulate a decent amount, for which he can easily buy a car, a cottage, and even a private jet. In winter, the horoscope for 2019 promises Taurus a not very long, but very interesting business trip to another city or even a country.

Advice and prediction of the astrologer for 2019: If Taurus is lonely, then he will meet his half, and if he has already found a relationship for a long time, then it's time to decide on creating a family, but a family Taurus can count on having a child. 2019 for Taurus is a time of opportunity and free will.

Horoscope for 2019: GEMINI (21.05 - 20.06)

Gemini in 2019 will be rewarded for their easy nature. The position of Gemini in the triad of air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) in 2019 will be such that on the celestial sphere they will take their place in the so-called mutable cross (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo). Mutable means mobile, flexible, changeable. The situation of 2019 does not contradict the nature of the zodiac sign. With any unexpected blows of fate, the Gemini will not lose confidence. Moreover, they will feel, as they say, at ease. They simply go around the obstacle and move on if something goes wrong.

Until February 2019, the air guys will be somewhat in limbo, because Pig promised success in business, happiness in love, and even financial luck, but only hardworking, conscious and responsible guys will receive all these gifts. Gemini does not need to worry - in the spring they will deal with all last year's problems and begin to implement new plans.

In March-April, Gemini is waiting for interesting and tempting offers, life will seethe - both at work and at home. Gemini will feel a craving for creative activity, of course, Pig loves unusual people, and will support the wards of Mercury in everything.

Summer 2019 will be good and fun. July will give Gemini the first fruits of their activities, it will be possible to relax a little and go on vacation for a while. By the way, it is highly likely that it is on vacation that Taurus will meet people who can become their partners or will be useful in business. And the free Gemini will start a dizzying romance, which is likely to grow into something more ... Yes, and give up extreme sports - a high risk of injury.

In the fall, the Pig will give the Gemini vouchers to exotic countries, they are already waiting for you. Great year.

Horoscope for 2019: CANCER (21.06 - 22.07)

The horoscope for 2019 Cancer predicts important and promising meetings. I must say, Cancer felt so happy and careless in the year of the Dog that with the advent of the Yellow Pig (Boar) he would be slightly confused and alert. But you don't have to worry too much. The horoscope for 2019 advises Cancer to be more optimistic, then everything will go in the right direction.

In the spring and summer of 2019, you will be full of new ideas - creative and non-standard. Dare! In order to achieve a result, you should internally tune in, along the way listening to what your inner voice advises.

There are no problems with money in the year of the Yellow Pig - interest is dripping, deals are being made, work is in full swing. Earth Piggy advises Cancers to set aside funds, let them be, but at the same time says that they should not forget to pamper themselves.

At the end of September 2019, Cancer will get tired of communication, withdraw into itself and minimize contact with others, perhaps even with those closest to them. In the profession, success will be achieved by those representatives of this sign, the result of which depends only on themselves, since it will be very difficult for them to work in a team. In personal life, conflicts in the family are possible.

November-December 2019 will give Cancers a real chance to meet a soul mate. By the way, it is quite possible that family Cancers will feel an unrealistic physical attraction to their halves, with whom they have been in a relationship for a long time. Passion will resume, the flame will flare up with renewed vigor.

Astrologer's advice: Don't waste time on those people who bring negativity into your life. Possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance excess weight. Try to eat right and exercise at least a little.
In general, the year of the Pig promises a lot of new acquaintances to Cancer, they are able to develop into a strong friendship or a long-term romance, although only when the representatives of the sign want it.

Horoscope for 2019: Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Monetary and successful year for many Leos. In the first half of the year, Leo will be in the spotlight all the time, and his merits in the labor field will finally be appreciated, and he will receive a promotion. Already in March 2019, fiery creatures will become the favorites of the team, and the boss will set Lvov as an example

Astrologer's advice: Distribute your strength and don't overexert yourself. Think about what you need, and do not rush to solve other people's problems (really, how much can you?!). Torn between work and family, you can undermine your health, remember this, keep a balance.
Spring 2019 will give you many new experiences and hobbies, you will meet new and interesting people, they, in turn, will introduce you to another exciting activity - it can be art, esotericism or something else. Your new hobby will save you from possible despondency with hopeless sadness and even become a source of profit.

In the summer of 2019, single Leos have a high chance of meeting their true love. Moreover, the feelings will be so strong that they will bring serious changes: moving to another city or country, changing jobs, leaving the family, etc. Family Lions will have a new addition to the family or just a fiery flash of passion that will last until the end of the current 2019 of the year. In July, Rakov will be drawn to adventure, and in August they will seriously think about moving.

By autumn, the Lions will be sad, and it's not just the weather. Over the whole year, not only positive and negative will accumulate, it will begin to destroy the representatives of the Zodiac sign, if they do not gather in time and do not allow themselves a well-deserved rest ... Rest from everything and everyone.

Horoscope for 2019: VIRGO (23.08 - 23.09)

In 2019, Virgos will be in their element, they will feel a surge of strength, as well as the emergence of promising trends, so the year will pass easily and naturally, moreover, under the influence of Mercury. This is an amazing moment when it is possible to change the course of life, simply by making an effort to achieve goals. Virgos will find themselves on the list of lucky ones, and until the end of February they will celebrate success.

The Virgo sign belongs to the zodiacal triad of the Earth. And that is not all. Own element of the mistress of the year - Water. Perhaps there is no more harmonious combination of the elements, so the main trend of the year is favorable for you. For Virgos, this year will be work on mistakes and summing up. Now it's time for the harvest. And you will reap exactly what you have sown.

The horoscope for the year predicts that the summer of 2019 will be unpredictable for you. You will count on “quietly and calmly spending time”, but it’s not like that ... In general, you will find out everything yourself, but don’t be surprised if suddenly (about one moment) you decide to move to another country, get married, divorce or give birth to a child. Most importantly, do not worry, in the end everything will be fine, not otherwise. You are the favorite of Pig, who is the mistress of 2019, so everything will be wonderful.

In the spring of 2019, relationships with others will become even better - a complete lack of misunderstanding, perhaps a lonely Virgo will even start an affair, perhaps even at work. Most likely, this relationship will eventually end in marriage. And this is not a joke, for those who are free, experts promise a lot of interesting things, in particular, exciting events, the creation of strong, joyful relationships. Fascinating meetings will delight, which will be accompanied by exciting moments.

Astrologer's advice: avoid hypothermia (especially in winter time) and other excessive loads on the body, they can respond in your body with chronic diseases. You don't want this, do you?
In November 2019, Virgos will receive an interesting offer from management or business partners. Weigh your pros and cons carefully, minimize the likelihood that something will go wrong as you originally planned.

Horoscope for 2019: LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)

Libra in 2019, the Cabana will receive many interesting offers, as a result, plunge into an exciting adventure. Major changes are coming.

In February, you will finally be able to completely free yourself from destructive ties and establish contacts with those people with whom relationships bring you comfort and satisfaction. Libra will have a desire to learn something new, or turn their hobby into a source of income. Some Libras will decide to change jobs, or even get another profession (suddenly). Success awaits everyone who follows their inspiration - circumstances will work for them.

Advice of astrologers: your goals for this period should be ambitious enough, set them to the limit of your strength and capabilities. Do not take risks and do not hope for a happy coincidence. The outcome of your struggle depends solely on diligence and sober calculation. It is better to remain vigilant, otherwise you will fall out of reality. Do what you think is necessary, because only a strong confidence in your strength will allow you to control everything around, the intended goals will be realized.
Spring 2019 will be filled with bright events in your personal life. Hang out, walk, have fun, relax ... Libra will find time to relax anytime and anywhere. The people around them will even envy them a little. At the same time, despite the ability to sleep unnoticed right during the work process, Libra will be able to move mountains in the professional field, they will prove themselves as true creatives, which will earn even more respect among colleagues and relatives. Such creatives and "discoveries" will give not only the recognition of others, but also good money.

In July, due to being very busy with your new hobby, conflicts in the family are possible, so try not to forget about your loved ones. In general, well-being will also please - no serious health problems are expected. In withdrawals, take the initiative in your strong hands, and then life will sparkle with new colors. For a serious relationship, just the summer months are suitable, and in the spring of 2019 you can enjoy freedom.

In the fall of 2019, profitable contacts and the establishment of useful connections are possible, new experience and professional growth are likely. If against this background there is no increase in material income, you can easily find additional sources of making money.

Horoscope for 2019: SCORPIO (24.10 - 21.11)

The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio says that the Planets will lift the representatives of this sign to success.

Girls representing the sign of Scorpio are advanced, and already at the beginning of spring they will begin to embody their desires and dreams. Natural cunning will help to bypass the traps of competitors, and with the help of intuition and hard work, Scorpios will be able to achieve success in all areas of life.

In April 2019, Scorpios will feel an incredible surge of strength and energy, they will be so inspired that they will want to create new projects, make important decisions and do everything to make them and their loved ones happy.

So, already in the summer of 2019, the girls who represent the Scorpio sign will see the fruits of their labor - the relationship they are in will become even more tender, mutual understanding, respect and harmony will reign between lovers, at the same time, incredible passion will resume, with a new a burning spark will ignite with force and a storm of delightful emotions will arise. Those who were single during this period will be able to press the right buttons and not only find a worthy life partner, but also be able to create relationships that will become long-term and bring happiness to the lives of both partners.

Summer-autumn 2019 is really a good time to steadily move forward and exclude from life all those who pulled down. This period will generally turn out to be somehow crazy, work will boil, inspiration will knock from all sides, and personal life will seethe with the most wonderful emotions and give wonderful sensations. Luck loves those who act and energetically move towards the goal, Scorpios understand this and go in the right direction.

In the winter of 2019, Scorpios should give up dangerous pleasures, try to enjoy more - their nerve cells dream of new, vivid and beautiful experiences (without any stress, evil). In December, representatives of the zodiac sign will want a calm and measured pace of life. In general, the year will turn out to be fun and full of various events.

Horoscope for 2019: SAGITTARIUS (22.11 - 21.12)

2019 is going to be a busy year for Sagittarians.

At the beginning of 2019, Sagittarius, unfortunately, will feel a breakdown, associated primarily with worries about material problems. Help will come from close friends and family who will help find a way out of a difficult situation.

Later, at the beginning of spring, Sagittarius will manage to be on the rise, they will go optimistically through life, trying not to slow down, as they will remember that their specialty is purposefulness and activity.

In August, your financial condition will improve so much that you will start thinking about improving your home or expanding your living space. This may come in handy, since Sagittarians are likely to get married or expect replenishment in the family. Lonely Sagittarians in the fall may wake up feelings for a person whom they have known for a long time. Yes, yes, goodbye, freedom, hello, family ...

The fall of 2019 will bring some incredible inspiration to Sagittarius - hurry up to create while you are "rushing". Projects that begin their implementation at this time will be very profitable. You must understand that those that come to your mind in the period from September to November 2019 should be absolutely all written down in your notebook. It's likely that you'll open it up later and be blown away by how powerful your creatives were.

It cannot be said that 2019 of the Pig is fraught for Sagittarius with the danger of emotional failures and depression. Especially in spring and autumn. The opposite sex will go crazy after meeting Sagittarius - this is wonderful, but in 2019 fiery Sagittarius do not need to make dubious connections, no intimacy at the first meeting, add better rationality and pragmatism. Yes, men like silly girls, but they want to build relationships with a wise girl who knows her own worth. Remember this.

Horoscope for 2019: CAPRICORN (22.12 - 19.01)

The Year of the Pig will present serious and responsible Capricorns, who love when everything goes according to plan, a number of very unexpected, but extremely pleasant surprises. It can be an incredible change in life associated with a change of job or place of residence.

In the spring of 2019, Capricorns will realize their old dreams, they will have more free time and strong confidence in themselves, their strengths and talents. The year will definitely be positive, you will be able to do something interesting, be inspired for personal growth. Also, Capricorns are waiting for a lot of new acquaintances, who can become business partners in the future. A lonely Capricorn during this period can have a vivid romance with a worthy and interesting man.

Already in the summer in his personal life, everything will turn out more than successfully - Capricorns who are married will be able to strengthen relations with their soulmate and switch to new level, if they are ready to hear not only their opinion. Free Capricorns can meet their love in the fall.

2019 is rich in key stages, but, I must say, it is provided with a solid positive: fateful meetings that will change absolutely everything, obtaining a coveted position, marriage proposal, Mendelssohn's march, the birth of a child. Choose what you like best. Know that the obstacles to arranging your personal life and success in the professional field in 2019 are minimal.

In the fall, the horoscope for 2019 predicts a high position. Nevertheless, in the second half of the year, from October, health problems associated with emotional and physical overload are possible, but if you rest, everything will be fine. Remember this.

In December 2019, you will not only make your cherished dreams and ideas come true, but also exceed your personal expectations. The main thing is not to forget that the implementation of the plan depends only on serious intentions in this regard.

Horoscope for 2019: AQUARIUS (20.01 - 18.02)

Since Aquarius is a fixed cross zodiac sign, in 2019 you will be the favorite of Fortune. This year you will succeed. The horoscope for 2019 Aquarius, who will have a strong relationship with the chosen one, promises a wedding or a wedding.

In March-May 2019, it will be possible to make really many new acquaintances, especially in the business sphere, and also build strong mutual relations.

Astrologer's advice: Decide on the main desire, and then strive to realize it in order to become even more successful in all respects and areas of life. Especially take into account the fact that if you have support, it is still better to rely on yourself, trying not to relax, even if the situation helps. And yes, take the initiative in your own hands if you want to arrange your personal life. No need to rely on Fortune.
In the summer and fall of 2019, Aquarius will increasingly appear in restaurants and theaters. And what? No one canceled going out, especially since the soul asks, especially since there is someone.

October 2019 will give you a lot of strength and energy. If you want to achieve what you want in 2019, learn to turn down relaxing offers in time. You won't believe it, but once you start practicing own project in October-December, offers of "fun" will immediately arrive. You will need to find the strength in yourself to beautifully refuse and continue to work. This is the law of success. Now is an extremely important period when you can really move mountains!

Horoscope for 2019: PISCES (19.02 - 20.03)

For Pisces, 2019 will be a very successful year. The year will be fruitful and joyful, Pisces will be able to fully realize creative plans.

In the year of the Boar, all events will go on as usual, so everything will be calm and peaceful at home with Pisces. The most harmonious time is the summer season, experts insist that you need to go on a long journey. Family Pisces will enjoy life together with their loved ones, perhaps go on a trip or purchase something for the family that they have long dreamed of.

In May, career growth awaits them and, perhaps, they will even head some kind of enterprise. Creative Pisces will finally be able to realize their ideas: organize their exhibition, publish a book, make a film, etc. Their work will be appreciated and there may be a person who wants to sponsor your work.

The pig, the patroness of 2019, is peaceful and welcomes work. That is why Pisces should not focus solely on the struggle for a job, it is important to focus on the work itself. It is especially important to remember this in the summer. Your further fate will depend solely on what you do and how. If at this stage you are more concerned about the state of your personal life, here you can also succeed, but in your career you can now achieve more than with the chosen one.

Astrologer's advice: we must not forget that nothing falls from the sky, so the results depend on your decision and actions.

In the year of the Yellow Pig, be yourself, and any person you like will be at your feet. And yes, your chosen one is right next to you, you just need to take off your rose-colored glasses and disperse unnecessary suitors. Lonely Pisces at the end of autumn - at the beginning of winter 2019 will meet very interesting person, but the likelihood that something serious will come of this is not too high, since you yourself will not be sure of your own feelings.