Requirements for the installation of water meters. How to install apartment water meters. Video - Basic provisions for self-installation of a water meter

Installing water meters that will account for the used water, both for the whole house and for one apartment, saves a lot of money. The amount indicated on the receipt will depend on how you use cold and hot water and in what volumes. In addition, by installing such a water meter, you will not pay for water losses due to worn out pipes and systems, which are very fond of writing off for ordinary people waterworks employees.

You can install such a counter yourself or with the help of a wizard. After the installation procedure is completed, the water meter is subject to sealing and registration. We will tell you in this article how to register a water meter, install it and where to go.

Self-installation of the counter

Before you install the meter on the pipe, you should prepare it. To do this, you need to attach a cleaning filter to it, which will protect the device from debris. It is also necessary to install check valve. It will not allow the measuring device to rewind the readings back. If you install it, the water utility inspector will not allow you to register it. In addition, you will need tow or FUM tape, which will ensure the tightness of the nuts.

Next, the procedure for the direct installation of a meter begins, which takes into account the amount of water consumed. The easiest way to do this is on pipes made of metal-plastic or polypropylene, which can be easily cut even kitchen knife. It will be possible to connect the pipeline using a compact soldering iron.

The procedure for installing the counter is as follows:

If you have metal pipes, then it will be very difficult to install the counter yourself and you cannot do without the help of masters.

Choosing a company for installation

If you do not want to bother with installing the counter or are afraid to get confused in order and do something wrong, then you can invite a special master who will do it for you. When choosing a company to install meters for water metering, you need to take this seriously. Good companies differ:

If the water utility inspectorate refuses to register such measuring device, then the company will be responsible for all shortcomings. Experts will do everything necessary work right and in the shortest time, after which they will give you documents with which you will later contact the management company for its registration and sealing.

What you need to register

Before registering a meter with a management company or at the Unified Information and Settlement Center (EIRC), you will need to receive documents from the company that installed it. The list of required documents will include the following:

If you installed the meter yourself, then you still have to contact the service company involved in their installation in order for them to check whether the water meter was installed correctly and how it was connected. If there are no problems, then they will seal it and give you all the papers that are necessary to register the water meter.

Where to register the counter

EIRC and Management Company which you will have to visit in person with the package required documents. It is not possible to register a meter via the Internet or by mail. However, you will be able to report its indicators in the future using a phone or an online service.

After you submit the documents, the EIRC will check them and certify them with seals. Data from them will be entered into the information base.

When registering water meters, the following will be recorded:

  • Serial number of the water meter;
  • The year in which this device was manufactured;
  • Date of installation of the meter;
  • The amount of water that has passed through it.

After the registration of water meters is completed, it will be put into operation. Every month, the user must report his performance to the management company or to the EIRC, which in the future will issue a receipt to the person for paying for the consumed water.

Availability of benefits

If the family or one of its members is eligible for benefits related to payment utilities, then information about this must be indicated in the contract that was concluded by the company supplying the services. At the same time, in order for the benefits to start accruing, you will need to write an appropriate application and attach papers confirming the right to the benefit.

At the end of 2009, a law on energy conservation was adopted in our country, obliging all owners of buildings, structures, residential buildings, as well as individual apartments and premises in apartment buildings provide accounting for water coming from water supply networks.

The feasibility of installing water meters

The installation of water meters requires funds, nothing is being done for free now, but the law does not provide for funding these activities from the budget. The costs required to install water meters are borne by the building owners. The Russian government considered that the savings gained from the installation of metering devices would cover the costs of their installation.

To date, the deadlines for the installation of metering devices have expired, despite the fact that they have been repeatedly postponed. Nevertheless, the equipment of the apartments, and especially individual houses remains at a low level. The reasons for this situation are obvious:

  1. Lack of production capacity for the manufacture of a sufficient number of metering devices at the time of the adoption of the law;
  2. The complexity of installation and commissioning (at the initial stage, only organizations engaged in construction activities had the ability to install water meters);
  3. No punishment for citizens who do not follow the law.

Payback counter - Photo 03

By itself, the installation of a meter is not a measure to save water. It’s just that with him we stop mindlessly pouring water, forgetting to turn off the tap or not repairing a leaking one for months. flush tank toilet. Thus, the overall consumption is reduced drinking water and reduced utility bills. The cost of installing water meters pays off for a long time, but, given the reduction in payment for water disposal, it is not difficult to save 20-30 rubles per person per month.

Payback counter hot water occurs even faster due to the high cost of thermal energy. A installation individual devices accounting on credit up to 5 years at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank, which is the responsibility of the energy supply organization, actually becomes free.

Legal regulations affecting the process of installing metering devices

For owners who do not want to equip their premises with metering devices, the law provides for sanctions in the form of forced installation of water meters by an energy supply organization. But this provision of the law does not work yet, since the mass installation of metering devices has led to a decrease in the income of organizations supplying settlements water, as the state limits the growth of tariffs.

Laws are constantly being improved, for example, since 2011, self-installation of water meters for individual houses and apartments has been allowed. Since 2015, changes have come into force in the Rules for Setting Standards for Utilities, hitting negligent owners with a ruble. In most regions of the country, there are already increased standards for water consumed without meters.

The cost of water supply and sanitation for owners who ignore the law will increase every 6 months and, in addition to inflationary price increases, will increase by 1.6 times over 2 years.

Rules for installing water meters

It is quite easy to install water meters in your apartment. If the installation of a common house meter requires an organization that carries out this type of activity, and a special project that is carried out in accordance with building codes and rules, then an individual water meter is installed on the basis of the instructions prescribed in the device passport. The rules for installing water meters in an apartment have not yet been developed by anyone and, most likely, they will never appear, but in normative documents There are certain points that must be observed.

  • Do not install water meters in hard-to-reach places and the reading scale should be visible to the naked eye.
  • It is necessary to observe the lengths of straight sections of pipes after the device and before it, indicated in the passport.
  • In the kit of some devices there are connecting pipes, the installation of which eliminates the issue of straight sections.

Water meter installation diagram

The simplest scheme for installing a water meter in an apartment looks like this:

To provide water during the repair or verification of the meter, a bypass with a locking device can be provided in the circuit. It is much cheaper to make a pipe of the appropriate length and insert it in place of the meter. Sometimes a check valve is placed after the meter, but such a device is necessary when there is a reserve capacity in the apartment. On some models of meters, the manufacturer installs strainer. Then the filter (No. 2) can be excluded from the scheme. AT wiring diagram shown as disconnecting devices Ball Valves. The use of valves instead of them, of course, is allowed, but less resistance and the absence rubber gaskets increase the pressure of water flowing from the tap, and simplify operation.

Features of the selection, verification and replacement of water meters

The choice of a water meter is made based on its consumption, and the size of the connecting pipes of the device is most often smaller than the cross section of the pipes into which it cuts, but a water meter is usually installed in the apartment in accordance with the diameter of the water supply. Now on sale are water meters from various manufacturers.

The question immediately arises - what to install water meters? Choosing the cheapest, you can miscalculate. The warranty period and operating time, the duration of the calibration interval, ease of installation - that's additional criteria that need to be taken into account. The manufacturing time of the counter is also important, because the longer it lies on the store counter, the sooner you will have to carry out the next verification.

Calibration interval for meters cold water usually equal to 6 years. Water meters for hot water metering serve 4 years until the next verification. But there are manufacturers who produce water meters with other calibration intervals.

Unfortunately, rechecking counters rarely gives positive results. Having paid a considerable amount for verification, you may be refused in its further operation. You can check the error of the device yourself. Opening all the taps in the apartment at the same time and filling the containers with water, carefully calculate the volume that has poured out and compare it with the readings of your meter. If the error is higher than 2%, then the meter will most likely not pass verification, and it is better to buy and install a new one.

Choosing a place and technology for installing water meters with your own hands

The place of installation of the water meter in an individual residential building must be agreed with the supplier. Installing a water meter in an apartment does not require such approval. Usually it is placed immediately after the shut-off device on the riser (in the diagram, this is a tap in front of the filter). The technology for installing water meters is quite simple. When buying a meter, purchase taps, a filter, shackles, couplings, lock nuts, threaded pipe sections required dimensions. Putting it all together using FUM tape or linen is not difficult for a man.

It is even easier to install water meters with your own hands when using metal-plastic pipes and fittings. But in polypropylene plumbing embed counter without welding machine fail.

Please note that the valve on the riser is a common house property, you have already paid for its repair and maintenance according to a monthly receipt from the management company. If the closed valve allows water to pass through, then it is not necessary to turn off the common faucet on the riser. It is enough to make a request to the service organization about the need for repair.

Putting the meter into operation and sealing it

To register a water meter, you must submit an application to the management company, attach a water meter installation diagram to it (a drawing on a piece of paper is enough) and a photocopy of the device passport. Coordinate the arrival time of the master, who will check the correct installation and install the seals on the meter and the bypass locking device (if any). Breaking the seals automatically deprives you of the right to use the water meter to account for its consumption.

The signed act of commissioning a water meter imposes some obligations on you. Monthly it is necessary to transfer the readings of the meter to the operating organization. The timing of data transfer is strict, but in the absence of evidence, there will be no problems for 3 months. During this period, invoices will be presented at the average monthly expense. Then the calculation will go according to the standard.

In addition, it will be necessary to allow employees of the management company to check the meter. Such checks are carried out no more than once every 6 months, but refusing to do so may lead to the loss of the ability to pay for your water consumption by the meter, and the management company will have the right to charge you water consumption according to the standard.

Some cases from the practice of using

Particular attention to the points of the rules should be paid to cunning people who make tie-ins into the water supply in addition to the metering device. The water supplier, in case of detection of illegal withdrawal, has the right to make a calculation based on the calculation of the maximum water flow through such a pipe. The time taken into account in the calculation does not exceed 6 months, but the amount of the fine, even through a pipe with a diameter of 15 mm, can be 100 thousand rubles or more.

The use of metering devices does not solve the problem of water leakage into the sewer through a faulty stop valves toilet bowls or torn faucet gaskets. The fact is that water meters have a sensitivity threshold of 1% of the nominal flow. An apartment water meter DN 15 mm can pass through itself up to 15 liters of water per hour, and the meter dial will be stationary. There are many cases when a lonely pensioner, who spends 5-6 m³ of water per month on a meter, drains 10-11 m³ through a leaking toilet into the sewer every month.

Currently, management companies have the right only to inspect the condition of the equipment inside the apartments, and they cannot fine negligent owners or force them to repair faulty sanitary appliances. The difference between a common house meter and the amount of apartment meters that occurs when in large numbers management companies are forced to cover small leaks from their income. This difference in some houses reaches 35-40% of the total consumption. The Government of the Russian Federation urgently needs to make changes to the "Rules ...", allowing management organizations to activate apartment leaks and collect the appropriate amounts from apartment owners.

Many people try to save on utility bills. Effective assistants in this can be water meters (hot and cold) functioning in the apartment. You can install such counters on your own.

Bulk installation in housing stock meters for gas, water and electricity is caused by a regular increase in tariffs for these resources. Meters allow users not only to monitor the consumption of a natural resource, but also to significantly reduce the payment for its use.

Consumption rates, for example, of water, do not correspond to the amount of fluid consumed in real life. Without a meter, each resident must pay monthly for 5.5 cubic meters of theoretically consumed water. However, by placing a water meter, one can analyze and notice that the actual water consumption by one person, not limiting himself, is about 3 cubic meters. Those who intend to save hard and consume this natural resource in a minimum amount, the monthly consumption will not exceed 2 cubic meters.

And this figure is significantly different from the standards. In this state of affairs, the installation of a water meter is very useful, as it will lead to a rational disposal family budget. If you plan to do the work yourself, you should first learn how to properly install a water meter .

The water meter installation sequence can be conditionally divided into two phases: installation of all its components and, in fact, installation.

We install a water meter

For quality work in addition to the counter, it is necessary to install a filter coarse cleaning water, sifting everything out of the water mechanical impurities such as sand or rust. The non-return valve must be installed based on specifications developed by Vodokanal enterprises. Thus, it is supposed to prevent cases of fraud with meter readings. These components should be mounted in one unit, which will perform the functions of controlling water consumption. It is necessary to fasten nuts (flare nuts) to the filter and the check valve so that there are no difficulties when dismantling the meter.

For successful work counter is important to choose right direction installation of accessories. The manufacturer always puts on the device specific marks in the form of arrows, they set the direction of water flow through the device. Having connected the imagination, you need to imagine the process of water movement through the meter, which will greatly help to rationally mount the device.

Union nuts are attached to the filter from the point of the arrow, to the non-return valve, on the contrary, from the side of the end of the arrow. Tow, like other similar windings, cannot be used. It is necessary to use paronite gaskets, selected strictly in size.

The full operation of the meter depends on the direction of the water flow. The manufacturer also put an arrow on it to facilitate the installation process. The arrow should point towards the shut-off valve located on the riser.

With strict observance of the direction of the arrows, it is necessary to fasten the meter with a filter and a check valve using union nuts and paronite gaskets. Violation of the sequence of arrows will lead to incorrect operation of the counter. This may manifest itself in the fact that the counter will spin in opposite side, or water will not flow through the meter to the taps at all. Not a single employee of Vodokanal will allow such a meter to be put into operation and will not install seals on it.

Counter insert

From specifications water pipes depends on the difficulty of inserting a water meter into the system. The most difficult will be the tie-in process, if water pipes metal. In this case, a metal saw and a carving machine will come in handy. As the first connection point, a shut-off valve with a ready-made thread can be used, the second counter thread must be made additionally.

In the event that the water pipes are propylene or metal-plastic, it will be much easier to embed the meter. It is possible to cut such pipes with an ordinary knife. A specific soldering iron and the ability to solder may come in handy if the pipes are made of polypropylene.

To insert a water meter, the pipe must be cut, using tow, attach a fully assembled water meter block to a shut-off valve located on the riser. Then you should firmly attach the counter to the tap, determine the point for making a counter thread, cut off the excess pipe. At the selected point, a thread is made or a fitting of the metal-plastic system is soldered (attached).

Then, a check valve and a union nut are unscrewed from the mounted meter, and the valve is attached to the newly made thread by means of tow.

Next, you need to fasten the union nut with the meter, open the shut-off valve and carefully examine all the connections made for leaks. If necessary, eliminate existing leaks, after which the water meter can be put into operation.

It is advisable to once again carefully follow the direction of the arrows on the device, they should all look in the opposite direction from the shut-off valve. Then you need to invite a specialist to seal the water meter.


For installation instructions for water meters, see the following video:

Since recently, every owner of residential real estate must install a water meter.

According to officials, this is primarily beneficial for the residents themselves, since you can control its consumption, starting from the possibilities of your budget. The law of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility free installation counter for certain categories of citizens.

Who is entitled to free receipt this service? What is the procedure for providing it? What happens if you do not install the device? Who is exempt from the need to use?

Legislative basis of the issue

The issue of installing a water meter is regulated by:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 776, which provides for the procedure and rules for the use of water, including Wastewater;
  • Federal Law No. 261 on the procedure and rules for installing a meter for the consumption of cold and hot water;
  • Government Decree No. 306 on the formation of tariffs for citizens who, for whatever reason, have not installed a meter.

The list is not exhaustive, as at the regional level local administration may adopt its own amendments to laws that expand the list of categories of citizens entitled to free installation of water meters, as well as modify the very procedure for registering a meter.

Who can use this service from the state

On the territory of the Russian Federation, apply for free installation of water meters certain categories of citizens have the right, namely:

In some regions of the country, local laws provide for the possibility of installing a water meter free of charge for pensioners retired for a well deserved retirement.

For example, in the capital, all citizens who have received counters can be installed for free.

In addition, in each region, the local administration can hold a kind of action when, during a certain period of the year, the provision of water meters is free of charge for all citizens. A similar campaign was already held last year. in St. Petersburg.

When not to use this device

Water meter may not be installed if the building:

In a situation where a residential building belongs to any of the above categories, it is necessary to without fail contact the managing organization for a document that can confirm this fact.

If this cannot be done for any independent reasons, it is necessary to contact Rospotrebnadzor with an appropriate application. Based on the submitted application, a specialist will be called, who will be able to issue an appropriate conclusion.

Registration procedure

Initially, it is worth remembering that the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 776 of September 2013 “On the approval of the procedure and rules for the private use of water, including wastewater” clearly states: the introduction of meters into operation for citizens of the Russian Federation should carried out free of charge. In addition, the sealing of the device itself is free of charge.

Myself design algorithm is as follows:

If the management company does not personally install water meters, it must provide a list of organizations that are ready to provide such a service.


If the property belongs to municipal property, installation is free of charge.

When installing in a privatized apartment, it will be necessary to pay for the installation of the device on average from 4 to 7 thousand rubles(depending on the region of residence and the level of complexity of the work).

Many management organizations already have the necessary devices in stock, but you can also purchase them personally. In any case, you need to be prepared to pay about 2.5 thousand ( average price per device). The price may be increased depending on the model of the meter and the manufacturer.

What to do after installation

After the meter has been successfully installed in the apartment, it will be necessary to call a management campaign employee to draw up an appropriate act of commissioning.

After receiving it in hand, it will be necessary to conclude payment agreement for the consumed water according to the meter readings at the established tariffs.

Package of documents

To install a water meter need to prepare:

To conclude an agreement You must have a certain list of documents with you:

  • agreement for the installation of a water meter;
  • passport for the device issued by the manufacturer (included);
  • act of commissioning;
  • certificate of conformity.

If necessary, the list can be expanded.

Verification rules

Initially, the verification period is set by the manufacturer.

In such a situation, no one has the legal right to cancel it, if according to the specifications the meter wears out and after a certain volume of water passes through it, it begins to give false readings - you must immediately check it out.

AT general order verification period is adjustable Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 2011.

However stipulated rules they only give an unsubscribe to the agreement on the provision of public services, which indicates:

  • information about the type of counter;
  • when it was installed;
  • manufacturer's sealing time;
  • verification period.

In simple terms verification period repelled by existing technical conditions.

For today provided several varieties verification period definitions:

  • time interval. Many meters have a standard time - 4 years for hot water and 6 years for cold water must pass between verifications;
  • or after a while, when a certain volume of water passes through the device.

In practice, only the first method is used so far.

Writing an application

When compiling filling applications counter and its further registration, it must be remembered that it should contain the following information:

Sanctions and fines for the lack of water meters

Federal Law No. 261, adopted back in 2009, did not include any sanctions against those citizens who did not install water meters. This situation also developed with subsequent acts concerning the issue of transferring the equipping of communal systems with water consumption metering devices.

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly states that citizens who have not installed water metering devices before 2017 will not be subject to penalties.

However, there small nuance: starting from 2015, water tariffs for citizens who have not installed meters are calculated with an overestimated coefficient.

According to the Decree Government of the Russian Federation No. 306“On approval of the rules in the calculation of utility consumption standards” for 2019, the coefficient is set at 1.5.

It is allowed to be used for those categories of citizens in whose apartments it is possible to install a meter, but they have not yet done so.

In addition, the management company was allowed to install a water consumption meter without obtaining the consent of the residents. This possibility is allowed only by a court decision.

It is worth noting that this provision is already being challenged by human rights organizations, since the mechanism for providing appliances without the consent of the residents remains completely unknown. At the same time, if we take into account high level corruption among officials, the forced installation of meters can only significantly worsen financial position ordinary citizens who want to save at least a little on utility bills.

In the meantime, there are only two options left: install a meter and control your water consumption, or pay at inflated rates.

The need to use individual water meters is described in the following video:

Rules for the installation of water meters are necessary in order to keep an individual account of the consumption of the resource and pay only for the water used.

Otherwise, it is likely that you will have to pay for the water that neighbors use, because general house accounting is carried out using average indicators.

Procedure for installing water meters

Controlling wastewater disposal and paying for only used cubic meters is an important part of budget planning. Install apartment meters can specialists from housing departments, third party companies or the owners themselves.

It is important to understand sequencing:

  1. When buying a meter, it is important to check its series and number and pick up all the documents attached to the meter.
  2. Arrange a disconnection of the water riser, hot and cold, with a service company that works in this house. It is necessary to appoint a day and time and pay for the procedure.
  3. Install a meter and turn on the water.
  4. Registration from the representative of the water utility is required. For this, a specialist will come for sealing.
  5. You should collect documents for the meter, an act from an employee and contact the water utility for registration.

After reviewing the papers, payment begins exclusively on the counter. His data must be entered on the receipt regularly, not forgetting to indicate the exact figures.

Put water meters on your own or through a company

Many users are afraid to do the installation themselves. There is a prejudice that such a procedure is illegal.

However, in fact, only the residents decide whether to do the work with their own hands or turn to professionals.

In the first case, you need to have some tools and deal with the water supply system, but this is a savings. Money. When choosing the second option, the user is waiting for monetary costs, but he will save own forces and time.

Do-it-yourself water meter installation

Replacement or installation of meters can be done by residents. Changing the device is much easier, and there may be some problems with the initial installation.

The most important thing is to correctly draw up documents and carry out installation with special attention.

There is one appropriate place for installation, this is immediately after the riser, on the first straight section of the pipe. This applies to hot and cold water.

It will be necessary to install three elements: a meter, a faucet and a coarse filter. After the circuit is completed, the wiring is installed.

All modern elements are threaded and easy to install. The main thing to know is that the tap will need to be opened, access should be provided to it; the filter must be directed downward, and the counter must be clearly visible.

Which company to entrust the installation of a water meter in the apartment

Only those firms that have a license have the right to replace or install a meter. The easiest way is to take a list of companies in the DEZ and choose the right one.

However, not everyone is represented in this list, so you can also find specialists using the Internet.

The right decision for each tenant may be different. Some prefer to purchase the meter and all spare parts on their own and save money. Others don't have time to go to plumbing stores.

Any company that has experience, a license and technical means to carry out the installation. It remains to choose from general list those companies that have it all.

Scheme of installation of water meters

There are several options for installing a water meter.

simple circuit

Consistent installation of all necessary elements.

Faucet, filter and counter.

Scheme with check valve

AT a simple circuit a check valve is added to stabilize the meter readings.

Scheme with shut-off valves

For convenience, a shut-off valve is installed, with its help you can always turn off the water supply in order to replace the meter.

Scheme with pressure reducer

Precise pressure regulation allows you to get the right readings, regardless of the water supply.

Q&A rubric

When installing counters with your own hands, most users have questions. Let's answer the most common ones.

  • How to register self-installed water meters?

To pay according to the indicators obtained, it is necessary to call a representative of the water utility to seal the meters. Then with collected documents go to the water utility and further enter the indicators from the meter into the receipt.

  • Is it possible to put water meters for free?

Plumbing work comes with a price. Depending on the choice of the company, it may be different. You can do this procedure yourself for free by paying for registration.

  • How to properly seal a water meter?

Only a representative of the water utility has the right to seal, for this you need to call him, show the installation and all documents for the meter.