German universities. What documents need to be collected? Benefits of getting a German education

Having decided to study in Germany, young citizens of our country begin to study German universities. For 2019, according to information from various sources, the list of universities in the country exceeds 250. In some review articles, you can see the number 300. In fact, the number does not matter. Main quality. It is this that attracts the knowledge-hungry Russians.

Start with ratings

As a rule, for Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, etc. the prestige of a higher educational institution is of great importance. If and , then only at the best universities. To find the most prestigious universities, you need to study the ranking of universities in the country.

Rankings of German higher education institutions are offered by various newspaper and magazine sources. Opinions differ. But, as a rule, the most famous universities are always at the top of the tops. These are: the Free University of Berlin, the RWTH Aachen, the University of Mannheim, the University of Heidelberg, the University. Albert Ludwig in Freiburg, the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus and others.

Whatever rating you choose, rely not only on the prestige of the university, but also on its profile. Prestige is important, but not the main thing. The most important thing in the life of a young man standing at a crossroads is the right choice. First of all, you need to rely on what profession you will receive as a result of training. When studying universities in Germany, be based on what profile they belong to. At first, you have to choose from two major directions:

  • technical;
  • humanitarian.

In Germany, you can find excellent options for quality education. If you intend to enter a medical university or become an architect, intend to study law or decide to become a teacher, choose classical universities. Most of them are open to Russians and Belarusians, Ukrainians and Kazakhs.

The main thing is that the educational institution has enough quotas for foreign students. When choosing the right faculty for further education in your favorite specialty, consider the offers of several universities at once. It is recommended to send documents to various higher education institutions in order to increase your chance of admission.

The best technical universities in Germany

The most popular among Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians is the Rhine-Westphalian Technical University. In each semester, more than 6 thousand foreigners from all over the world study in it. Many of them are our compatriots.

The university offers master's programs in English. Bachelor's programs in English are not provided. The university offers 9 faculties. You can choose one of 144 specialties. The long list includes such professions as architecture, medicine, economics, construction, etc.

The old German university was founded in 1865. For many years he has been at the top of the German rankings. If you are interested in the cost of education, you will be pleased to know that studying at the university is free. You will need to pay only the semester fee, the cost of which is about 220-230 euros.

The university also has a faculty of humanities, where you can learn many popular specialties. However, high ratings for an educational institution in Germany and the world are provided by technical directions.

The Technical University of Berlin is no less popular. 20% of its students are citizens of other countries. Education is offered at seven faculties. You can master economic, humanitarian and other sciences. The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geology and Architecture provides a high level of architectural knowledge.

This public university is one of the most famous universities in Germany, where you can study in both English and German. The main direction is technical. The list of specialties includes architecture, mechanical engineering, history, philosophy and more.

Where is the best place to study medicine?

The universities of Germany, which provide medical specialties, are of great interest to the youth of the CIS. The most popular of these is Heidelberg University, also known as Heidelberg University.

Operating in Germany since 1386, it initially provided only theological knowledge. To date, the educational institution boasts 14 faculties. One of the strongest is medical. The list also includes jurisprudence, philology, theology, mathematics, cultural studies, etc. Master's programs are offered in English. The university includes many scientific institutions.

Another university with strong medicine, which occupies the first positions in the rankings, is the Charité University Medical Center in Berlin. This is one of the largest educational institutions in Europe. Those who want to become a medical specialist of international level come here. Highly qualified specialists get good.

University is also a great option. Christian Albrecht in Kiel and the University. Otto von Guricke in Magdeburg. Germany has strong medicine. Therefore, the list of the best medical universities can be continued.

Bridge to a German University Program

Many young citizens of the CIS countries enter Germany using the Bridge to a German University program. Thanks to it, our compatriots can bypass such a requirement as primary higher education. That is, if you want to study in Germany, you need to complete at least 2 courses in your home country. In this case, you will not be able to change your specialty.

You can continue your studies only in the previously selected profile.

The Bridge to a German University program is a chance to enter Germany immediately after graduation. No courses or exams required. In order to become a German student, you need to master the preparatory program. This is the main condition.

You need to worry about this way of studying in Germany in advance. Applications are accepted from 9th grade students. By this time you should be able to speak German at A2 level. You also need to have a good motivation for why you want to get a specialty in Germany.

To get into the Bridge to a German University program, you need to participate and win in various competitions and olympiads in many disciplines. Evidence of all of the above must be enclosed in the applicant's package of documents. In addition, it comes with:

  • results in computer science, mathematics and other subjects. They must be above average.

The Bridge to a German University project is only accepted after the applicant successfully passes the interview.

There is a list of Russian cities whose students can enter the "Bridge to a German University". Those who live in settlements that are not included in the list are not deprived of the opportunity to participate in it. However, they need to show proof that they speak German above the required level.

Higher education at German universities is currently one of the most popular in the educational market. The country of medieval castles and mineral springs ranks third in the world in terms of the number of foreign students, their number reaches 150 thousand. And the thing is that German universities harmoniously combine the old university traditions with the latest achievements of science and technology. Traditionally strong universities in Germany are technical, philological and medical universities. With a German diploma, you can find work both in Germany itself and in the UK and the USA.

At the moment, the German government and educational institutions are pursuing an active policy to attract foreigners, thanks to which the number of foreign students, including Russians, who come to study in Germany, has increased many times. In addition, after completing their studies, foreign students are given the right to stay in Germany. An additional plus is also the relatively cheap life in Germany compared to other Western countries, as well as its proximity to Russia.

How to apply to a university/institute in Germany?

To obtain higher education at a German university, an excellent knowledge of the German language is a prerequisite. For those who are not yet very good at German, we can recommend preparatory language courses both at the universities themselves and at. The difference between the Russian and German school education systems is that in Russia formally 11-year school education. In Germany, education is actually 13 years old on the basis of a gymnasium. Therefore, upon admission to a German university, the Russian school certificate is not recognized as an equal document to the German one. To continue studying in Germany after graduating from a Russian school, you need to study for 2 years at any Russian university. After that, you can apply to a German university.

However, if you do not have a completed higher education in Russia, you can only apply for the subjects you studied in Russia. If you already have a higher education, and you enter Germany in the same direction in which you have already graduated from a Russian university, then many academic disciplines can be credited to you. The system of higher education in Germany is distinguished by the so-called "academic freedom" - any student can independently determine the list of disciplines studied that will be included in his diploma.

Where to go to study

Do you dream of a career as a scientist and would like to do research during your studies? Then you need a university (Universitat, abbreviated Uni). If you are interested in science and engineering specialties, pay attention to technical universities (Technische Universitaten, TU) and institutes of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen, FH). By the way, today the list of specialties in them has expanded significantly and often includes purely humanitarian education.

If you associate your future with creativity, for example with music or painting, then you have a direct road to creative universities (Musik and Kunsthochschulen). Interestingly, every third student there is a foreigner, while in other higher educational institutions in Germany there are no more than 10%.

In Germany, there are also commercial universities, such as theological ones, as well as universities where subjects are taught in English.

It's not just about being able to speak freely on general topics. There are also specialized tests. For example, if your future specialty is one way or another related to technology, a free online test at will be an excellent test of knowledge of physical and mathematical terms.

Have you scored the required number of points (at least 80 out of 100 possible)? Congratulations! Not? Just don't despair. This only means that in order to get a higher education in Germany, you will have to learn German. This can be done again via the Internet, for example, via the website Moreover, your initial knowledge of the language may be scanty.

Ready for admission

Most universities in Germany do not have entrance exams (the exception is creative, medical and some other higher schools). Anyone who has graduated from a gymnasium in Germany (13 years of study) and passed special tests-examinations (Abitur) has the right to apply to a German university.

Next comes the competition of documents. True, applicants can be offered such types of verification as an interview, a test, and even a role-playing game. Unfortunately, the Russian matriculation certificate is obtained after 11 years of study, and he cannot participate in the competition of documents. Nevertheless, in German universities there are many students who came from Russia. If you want to get a higher education in Germany, you will have to "compensate" the difference in two years of study. To do this, it is necessary to successfully complete two courses (four semesters) in the daytime or 3-4 courses in the evening or correspondence department of a Russian university. The exception is gold medalists - they can apply to German universities immediately after graduation. Please note: studies at a Russian university must take place in the same or similar specialty that you want to study in German.

But there is a way that you can start your studies in Germany earlier - after the first full-time course or two evening/correspondence courses. This path is called Feststellungsprufung - a qualifying exam (those who enter a German university after the second year of a Russian university, as well as gold medalists, do not need to take it).

To be admitted to this exam, you will have to study for two semesters at the pre-university training college - Studienkolleg. The international department of the university you have chosen can direct you there.

For admission to Studienkolkg, you must provide copies and translations of the certificate of secondary education, extracts from the transcript, certificates of learning German, and also pass a language proficiency test. Education in most of these colleges is free, but sometimes you have to pay a semester fee - from €30 to €200.

But back to the qualifying exam. It consists of written and oral parts on the subjects studied in the college. Based on the results of the test, you receive a certificate that is recognized by all German universities of the same type. If you fail, you can retake the exam. But only one attempt will be given and not earlier than in six months.

Attendance at the Studienkolleg is not a prerequisite for admission to the qualifying exam. You can prepare yourself, however, as experience shows, it is extremely difficult to do this.

Getting a student visa to Germany

The list of documents for obtaining a visa can be found on the official website of the German Consulate.

Keep in mind that in addition to the application form, passport, photographs and an invitation to study, you will need proof that you have at least €8,000 of funds (an amount that is considered sufficient to stay in Germany for a year). One of three documents is considered such confirmation:

  • a statement from the parents that they will bear all expenses during the child's studies, supported by a bank statement and / or a certificate of income from work;
  • a letter of guarantee from a person permanently residing in Germany;
  • depositing €8,000 into a special account ( Sperrkonto) in one of the banks in Germany, from which only 1/12 of the amount is allowed to be withdrawn every month - a guarantee that in the middle of the school year you will not encounter the unpleasant fact of a complete lack of funds.

Those who have already opened Sperrkonto suggest the following algorithm of actions: you write to [email protected] a letter with a request to send you the forms of the necessary documents, fill them out and certify at the German consulate (passport is required!). Send certified forms to the address indicated in the reply letter. An account will be opened for you at the bank at your place of study. After receiving the account details, you transfer money to it and wait for a written confirmation from the bank.

It makes sense to attach a motivation letter to the package of documents. His task is to convince consular officials that your choice of university and decision to study in Germany are carefully thought out. In the letter, you must tell how long and where you studied German, why you are interested in this specialty, what guided you when choosing a particular university.

Usually an interview at the consulate goes without any problems and takes 5-10 minutes. But it is better not to hope for a chance and think over the answers to possible questions in advance. You may be asked where the university is located, how many years you need to study for the chosen specialty, etc. Be prepared for the fact that the interview may be conducted in German.

Where to live?

Almost all German universities have student campuses. Places in them are given (or not given), regardless of whether you are a local resident or a foreigner. Here's how lucky. A room in such a hostel costs €200-300 per month. Some of the money manages to rent a separate housing off campus. A very popular form of rental WG (Wohngemeinscfiaft) when students unite and rent one apartment for several people.

Addresses of international departments of all public universities -

The best of the best

The University Development Center determines the prestige of universities and faculties according to a variety of criteria. Winners receive additional funding from the state.

Most prestigious/best universities in Germany:

  • University. Humboldt in Berlin
  • University. Albert Ludwig in Freiburg
  • University of Karlsruhe
  • University of Tübingen
  • University. Friedrich Alexander in Erlangen and Nuremberg
  • University of Würzburg
  • Technical University of Munich
  • University. Ludwig-Maximilian in Munich

Leaders among faculties:

  • Economics of Production (Universities in Mannheim, Munich, Münster)
  • Economics of the national economy (in Bayreuth, Erfurt)
  • Jurisprudence (in Bayreuth, Frankfurt an der Oder, Mannheim, Münster)
  • Economic Informatics (in Magdeburg, Münster)
  • Economic Engineering (in Clausthal, Cottbus)
  • Informatics (in Karlsruhe, Saarbrücken, Berlin)
  • Pharmaceutics (in Freiburg, Heidelberg)

List of documents for admission to German universities

  • a certified copy of the document on graduation from a secondary educational institution,
  • a certified translation of this document,
  • 2 photos,
  • a biography with a description of the education received (educational institutions, exams passed, etc.),
  • for students, a certificate from the place of study on the disciplines and grades passed,
  • language certificate,
  • a certified copy of the certificate with the results of the qualifying exam Feststellungsprufung with a list of disciplines passed and grades.

Nikolai: “Getting into a German university is not so difficult, studying at German universities is more difficult. Exams can take place every day, sometimes two a day. Therefore, one has to gnaw at the granite of science throughout the entire semester, and not just during the session. In addition, no one will control and lead you by the hand here - you have to draw up a curriculum yourself, register for exams, and find literature. There is no headman who can get hold of information. No tickets, no lists of exam questions. Something can be found in the secretariat. And, of course, my classmates. So it all depends on the personal qualities and purposefulness of the person.

Svetlana: “First of all, you should carefully study the memo for applicants, which will be sent to you at your request, since the requirements for documents may vary in different universities. And do not be afraid to once again contact the university for more information.

Tatyana: “Start as soon as possible to draw up documents, about eight months before the planned receipt. Then there will be a margin of time to settle all sorts of details.

Maria: “It is quite possible to enter a German university, being in Russia and not having anyone abroad.”

Vera: “I would advise you to contact the graduates of the university that you have outlined for yourself. Try to learn about the peculiarities of education, about the problems that students face.”

Anya: “Russian students are doing well in Germany. I heard from professors that such diligence is not found in every German. So everyone who really wants it has a chance to enter and graduate from a university.

- one of the most popular offers in the foreign market of educational services. A developed, modern state with a rich history and culture is one of the most student countries: about 150 thousand foreigners study here, which puts Germany in third place in the world in this parameter.

The secret of the success and popularity of higher education at German universities lies in the structure of university education: universities combine ancient traditions and practices with an innovative approach and the active introduction of modern methods and approaches, actively use the latest technology and equipment. Traditionally, in higher education in Germany, technical and philological areas, faculties of medicine are strong: the received diploma is highly valued both in the country and around the world, giving the graduate a chance for a successful career. Throughout Europe, the degree of equipment, the latest equipment of German institutions is noted, and the qualifications, experience and professionalism of teachers have become a kind of quality standard.

The German government, together with the country's institutions, actively attracts foreigners, including Russian students. One of the main bonuses of higher education in Germany is the provision of temporary residence rights after graduation, which gives the right to find a job in the specialty, as well as the relatively low cost of education and living (especially in comparison with other Western and European countries). Moreover, students of German universities can work while studying - this is enshrined in law, and many enterprises and companies constantly cooperate with universities, look for future employees and specialists, organize internships and internships.

For Russian students, Germany is a fairly close state, so a trip to study at German universities does not cause much discomfort, and German is the second most popular foreign language after English. In both Russia and Germany, compulsory secondary education is guaranteed and free of charge, and the number of public universities is much larger than private ones, unlike the rest of Europe. Moreover, foreigners enter German universities on an equal footing with German citizens.

How to apply to universities in Germany?

Higher education in Germany has its own characteristics and sets certain requirements for applicants. A prerequisite is good (or better, excellent) knowledge. If you are not sure about the quality of your linguistic preparation, there are a huge number of language schools and centers,.

For many applicants, the problem is the difference in educational programs: in Russia, children spend 11 years in school, while - as much as 13, and only this course is the standard of secondary education. That is why only a Russian certificate is not enough for entering German universities - you need to add 2 years of study at any Russian university to it. Moreover, if your higher education is not completed, you can apply only to those specialties, the directions of which were studied at home. If you managed to get a higher education (bachelor's degree) in Russia, then you can apply wherever you like - the studied disciplines will be credited and recalculated for German credit points. Higher education in Germany is distinguished by academic freedom - students themselves determine which areas of study and subjects will be included in their own diploma.

Where to go to study?

Higher education in Germany can be obtained in several institutions of various profiles:

  • Universitat (or as it is often called, Uni) is for students who want to build a career as a scientist and researcher
  • Technische Universitaten, or TU (technical universities) will be the best choice for fans of engineering, natural sciences, applied specialties (and today they also have liberal arts courses). You can also choose institutes of applied sciences - Fachhochschulen, abbreviated FH
  • Musik and Kunsthochschulen are creative universities for future figures in music, art, painting, etc. They have the highest percentage of foreign students - about 30% (for comparison - in other institutions this parameter is about 10%)
  • Commercial universities (for example, areas of theology)
  • Universities teaching programs in English are ideal if you want to build a career in the future in an English-speaking country.

To assess the quality of universities, there is a special rating, which is compiled by the Center for the Development of Universities (CHE): public institutions participate in it, and the best of them receive significant funding and subsidies from the state budget.

Structure of higher education in Germany

According to the Bologna system adopted in Europe, a two-stage model of higher education operates here:

  • Bachelor (study 3-3.5 years, or 6-7 semesters); for the first 1.5-2 years, the student receives a licentiate degree (initial stage)
  • Master (training 1-2 years in addition - 2-4 semesters), this degree is also called a master
  • Doctorate.

Please note that for some particularly difficult and “voluminous” specialties, a bachelor's degree is not provided, only a complete higher education is required, that is, a master's degree. Future doctors study for 13 semesters, pharmacists - 8 semesters, teachers and teachers - at least 10, and lawyers - 9.

Higher education in Germany provides for a fairly short period of study if you are already receiving a second higher education: due to the most concentrated and structured plan, the duration of study does not exceed 1-2 years (2-4 semesters) in all specialties.

When receiving higher education in Germany, the Student independently chooses the disciplines for study and those subjects that will be included in his diploma. There are no familiar academic groups here - each student independently determines the schedule (both classes and exams) and reports at the end of each semester.

Paid or free?

More recently, the entire system of higher education in Germany at state universities was completely free, but this principle is quickly becoming a thing of the past - and universities are introducing paid education. The cost of education is regulated by the authorities of the federal land (district, region of the country) in which the university is located, so the numbers can vary greatly - but in general, the price of a semester does not exceed 500 euros. This makes higher education in Germany one of the most accessible throughout Europe!

Be prepared that foreigners incur some additional costs - for example, paying for guardianship, etc.

Is your language level sufficient?

As already mentioned, higher education in Germany is worth getting, being confident in your knowledge of the German language. There are several international tests (including online ones) that allow you to objectively check and evaluate the level of your knowledge. Usually, to obtain a diploma or certificate, you need to score at least 80% of the correct answers - if the result is unsatisfactory, you should pay attention to intensive German courses. Of course, it will be much more effective to learn a language in an atmosphere of linguistic and cultural immersion, so Smapse is ready to select courses for you at German schools or universities, summer camps with language learning, etc.

Please note that good spoken German, the ability to understand an interlocutor in everyday situations is not enough to study at German universities - academic German is required, knowledge of the terminology associated with your future specialty.

Are you ready to go to university?

Most of the German universities that provide higher education in Germany for foreigners (excluding the areas of medicine, creativity and art, jurisprudence) do not set entrance exams for applicants - it is enough to submit a complete package of documents, provide a certificate from a German gymnasium on passing a 13-year course and a certificate. Students can be involved in interviews, small profile tests, and a thematic role-playing game.

As already mentioned, a Russian certificate is not enough to immediately enter a German university (an exception is made only for holders of a gold medal). But there is another way, besides studying for 2 years at a Russian university: it is called Feststellungsprufung. This is a special qualification exam that allows you to study at a German university after the first full-time course (if you studied at the evening or part-time department, 2 courses are required). Feststellungsprufung consists of two parts - written and oral - devoted to all subjects and directions that the student studied in college. The exam certificate is accepted and highly regarded by all universities in Germany. But pay attention: in case of failure to pass, you will have only one attempt to retake and only after six months - carefully distribute your forces and evaluate the possibilities.

A student receives admission to the Feststellungsprufung after studying for 2 semesters at a specialized preparatory college: usually courses at the Studienkolleg are offered directly by the university of your choice. Admission to the Studienkolleg is incomparably easier: you only need to present a certificate of secondary education (including transcripts from the report card), a certificate of knowledge of German and pass an internal language test. Most Studienkollegs are free, only a small semester fee (30-200 euros) is charged. Especially stubborn and ambitious students can choose to prepare for the qualifying exam on their own, without visiting the Studienkolleg - but we do not recommend this option, because for an unprepared foreign student, the chances of success here are extremely small.

How to get a student visa to Germany?

On the official website of the German consulate, you can find the list of required documents that is provided for obtaining a German visa - and Smapse will help you collect and translate the required documents, sign you up at the consulate at a convenient time. You need to prepare a questionnaire filled out in the prescribed form, a valid passport, photographs of the established form, an invitation from an educational institution and a document confirming your financial solvency (at least 8,000 euros for six months). Financial documents may be as follows:

  • Letter of guarantee from a German citizen or from a permanent resident in its territory
  • Receipt of depositing the amount to an account in one of the German banks (Sperrkonto) - every month it gives the right to withdraw only 1/12 of the invested funds, which guarantees your solvency throughout your studies
  • A statement from the parents that they are ready to bear all the expenses for your studies and maintenance + bank statement + certificate of employment indicating income.

Additionally, the applicant should write a motivation letter in which you justify your desire to study in Germany and the choice of the university: indicate where and when you studied German, why you chose this specialty and educational institution, what personal and career goals you plan to achieve.

An interview at the consulate usually does not take more than 5-10 minutes, but it is worth preparing for it. Be prepared to answer where your university is located, what they study in the chosen specialty, what is the duration of study - and, of course, prepare for the fact that you will most likely be interviewed in German.

Where do foreign students live in Germany?

Most universities that provide higher education programs in Germany for foreigners provide a place on their campus, in common residences - this costs 200-300 euros per month. Sometimes for the same amount it is possible to rent a separate housing (apartment, room or hostel), a joint form of renting an apartment or apartment (Wohngemeinscfiaft, or WG) is also popular.

How to choose the best university in Germany?

As already mentioned, the best public universities are determined by the assessment of the Center for University Development - you can find the list below:

  • University of Würzburg
  • University of Tübingen
  • University of Karlsruhe
  • University. Humboldt (Berlin)
  • University. Ludwig-Maximiliana (Munich)
  • University. Albert Ludwig (Freiburg)
  • University. Friedrich Alexander (Nuremberg and Erlangen, two campuses)
  • Technical University (Munich).

Among the individual faculties, the following are considered the most popular and prestigious:

  • Jurisprudence (Frankfurt am Main, Münster, Bayreuth, Mannheim)
  • Informatics (Berlin, Karlsruhe, Sarrbrücken)
  • Production Economics (Münster, Mannheim, Munich)
  • Pharmaceutics (Heidelberg, Freiburg)
  • Economics of the national economy (Erfurt, Bayreuth)
  • Economic Engineering (Cottbus, Clausthal)
  • Economic Informatics (Münster, Magdeburg).

What documents are submitted to a German university?

  • Certificate or diploma of secondary education (certified copy) + certified translation
  • 2 passport photos
  • Certificate of knowledge of the German language
  • Certificate of passing the Feststellungsprufung exam (certified copy; a list of disciplines and grades is required)
  • Certificates of education received (list of educational institutions, disciplines studied, exams and points)
  • If you are a student of a Russian university - a certificate from the place of study (a list of disciplines passed and points received is required).

Universities in Germany are higher education institutions that really provide an excellent education. In this country, you can learn almost any specialist - from an Egyptologist to an engineer. In addition, in many education is provided free of charge, you only need to pay a small amount as a tax (it is only about 600 euros per semester). And in general, a diploma of higher European education for many students is the way to a later life.


Speaking about education in Germany, the most popular universities in this country should be noted. Each year, a list of universities is compiled that have proven themselves better than others during the previous year. And, I must say, it is difficult to decide which universities will lead it. After all, the best universities in Germany number in the hundreds. The rating is headed by the Technical University of the Rhine-Westphalia (city of Aachen). It also occupies a leading position. In general, it must be said, metropolitan educational institutions are quite popular. Take, for example, the Humboldt University of Berlin, famous all over the world. In general, there are a lot of prestigious higher schools in Germany - students go to study in Munich, Cologne, Heidelberg, Bremen, Dortmund and other cities where you can get an excellent education in any direction.

Classical education

The oldest universities in Germany inspire not only trust, but also undoubted respect. One of these is Heidelberg, located in the city of the same name. Perhaps one of the oldest universities in the world - its history begins in the distant 14th century, in 1386! It was from the walls of this university that the world-famous hymn of students Gaudeamus came out. Not much later, the University of Cologne opened - only two years later than Heidelberg. This university has quite an interesting history. In 1798 it was closed because the local professors did not recognize the French Revolution. More than a century passed before he started working again. Speaking about the old universities of Germany, it is impossible not to note the University of Freiburg. It has been working since 1457 and for such a solid period of time it has released the most famous people from its walls, which include Max Nonne (a famous neurologist), Paul Elrich (chemist and immunologist), Erasmus of Rotterdam (humanist) and many others. And this is not all the old universities in Germany. There is also the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, which has 20 faculties, Tübingen (it teaches medical and social sciences), and Mainz (considered a campus).

Technical education

There is a fairly extensive classification of educational institutions in their direction, but the most popular are those that are humanitarian and technical. Technical universities in Germany exist in almost all cities of this country. In addition to the aforementioned university, located in the city of Aachen, there are several more popular and elite educational institutions. For example, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In 1969, it became the educational institution that introduced a five-year program of study in the specialty "Informatics", and after another 5 years the faculty of this specialization was opened. Ten years ago, he was awarded the honorary title of a research university, most recently, in 2009, he became one of the components of the center for nuclear research in the city of Karlsruhe. This university has several more specialties - electrical engineering, industrial construction, natural science and mechanical engineering. Of course, one cannot fail to note the attention of the Technical University of Munich - the second German capital. A few years ago, he entered the top three best universities in the country. In this institution, you can study for such specialties as computer science, biology, physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, as well as management and economics.

Humanitarian sciences

Perhaps, if we talk about liberal education, then attention should be paid to the University of Constanta. It was founded not so long ago, in comparison with the universities described above, only in 1966, but it has become quite popular. The university has several faculties related to the humanities - this is history and sociology (combined with sports), the study of art, mass media and literature, linguistics and philosophy. The Free University of Berlin also has several faculties, where there is definitely a place for students with a humanitarian mindset. There is a department for the study of classical languages, cultural studies, philosophy, archeology and Egyptology. By the way, this is an ideal place for learning for polyglots. In this university you can get a diploma of a translator, as Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and, of course, German are taught here.

Mass media and communication

One of the most modern specialties is journalism. Many people are interested in this field of activity, a large number of potential students wish to receive an appropriate education in Germany. I must say that here more than 23 universities teach journalism within their walls. These educational institutions are located in Bamberg, Munich, Essen, Dresden, Berlin and some other German cities. Universities use two approaches to the training of publicists - scientific (that is, a combination of theory with practice) and practical (for this there are special schools of a narrow profile). In different universities, this specialty belongs to different departments. For example, at the Institute of Journalism of the University of Dortmund there is a department of cultural studies, where such specialists are trained. In Mainz, this specialty belongs to the Faculty of Social Sciences. And at the Institute of Journalism in Münster - and at all to the philosophical. By the way, the Free University of Berlin also has such a department. For those wishing to study for this specialty, there is a great freedom of choice, since there are also various areas in German universities - from sports journalism to media economics.

The medicine

Everyone knows how highly developed And, I must say, here you can get an excellent medical education. Take, for example, the University of Ulm. This university works with students from all over the world and trains excellent specialists. The university has four faculties - natural sciences, mathematics and economics, medical (basic, profile), as well as computer science and engineering. If a student wants to study epidemiology, molecular medicine or bioinformatics, then his path lies in the same Free University of Berlin. There is also a faculty of veterinary medicine. By the way, I must say that in Germany you can get it faster than in Russia. The duration of training is from two to four years - it all depends on the profile and level of training of the student.

Jurisprudence and law

Universities in Germany of this profile also provide a good education. Although in this country this profile is less popular than technical specialties. And it takes longer to study to be a lawyer - initially to unlearn about eight years in a higher educational institution, then to work for about two years in a court or in an appropriate law firm. After that, an almost ready specialist passes the second state exam. Only then can he be considered a true professional. Many universities in Germany offer a fairly extensive list of legal specialties. For example, at the University of Mannheim, a well-known department is one that gives a law degree in enterprises. Many potential students want to enter the University of Munich. Ludwig-Maximilian, as this university was recognized as the best in Germany in terms of quality

What is needed for admission

After a potential student has studied the list of universities in Germany and found the university of his dreams, questions follow regarding how to enter it and what is needed for this. There are no barriers here if a person has a small capital, some documents (which is necessary for admission to any university in Russia) and knowledge of the language. Almost any German university is ready to accept a foreign student almost for free (about 600 euros per semester). So studying in Germany for Russians is a reality. By the way, in this country there are quite a lot of students who came from Russia.

Language proficiency

What is necessary for admission is fluency in German. It is very important to confirm knowledge of the language. This is necessary in order to assure the Germans that the student is fully prepared to learn the material in the classroom. To do this, you must pass the DAF test. You must register in advance to take it. The test consists of four parts - text comprehension, oral speech, personal written speech, and conversation. Upon completion of the exam, a person is awarded a certificate, which indicates their level of language proficiency. TDN 5 is considered the highest. With this indicator, the student will be accepted by all the best universities in Germany. In order to 100% obtain this certificate, you must first take German courses. TDN level 4 is also possible, but not accepted everywhere.

Duration of training and its features

The term for which training in Germany is designed is different, it all depends on what specialty the student went to study. In addition, the university also plays a significant role. The average term varies from three to six years. Russian students can enter universities in Germany either immediately after completing 11 grades of school, or after completing two courses of study at their university. However, then you have to go to the first course. If a student has completed four years in Russia and received a bachelor's degree, then he can get a higher education in Germany, that is, a master's degree.