Musically didactic lotto print game. Music lotto. "Play Your Sound"

Musical didactic game

"Music Houses"

Equipment: cardboard houses, on the windows of which the treble and bass clefs are depicted. Toys (bear, bunny) are hidden behind the house. This game can be used for preschool children of all ages, both in music classes and in free play. gaming activity; both with the whole group or subgroup of children, and individually.
Target: development of auditory attention, the ability to distinguish sounds in height, the expansion of musical and auditory baggage, memory training .

Game Description

Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table on which two houses stand. The teacher tells the children that someone lives in the houses. The house with the treble clef has a high-pitched dweller, and the house with the bass clef has a low-pitched one. But in order to find out who lives in which house, you need to listen to musical works and recognize them. The teacher plays the musical works “Bear”, “Hare”, “Santa Claus”, “Gnome”, Cockerel”, “Chickens”, etc., the children recognize the music, open the door of the house and show the toy.

Games in music listening lessons

In the light of new educational standards learning programs Russian children's music schools and music departments of art schools have undergone significant changes. The traditional clock grid was revised, new subjects appeared in the curriculum. In the cycle of theoretical disciplines, the subject called listening to music, which precedes the traditional course of musical literature, received the right to register. The established didactic principles in teaching in connection with innovations required the search for new twists and revision of a number of pedagogical techniques.Having started classes on the subject of listening to music, the teacher immediately faces a number of tasks that should be understood in the broad sense of the word, namely:promote interest in the subject;expand the scope of musical and auditory impressions of students;to apply such types of practical forms of work that cement the gap between practical musical subjects and passive, at first glance, listening to music.In a narrower sense of the word, the main tasks of the initial period of study areformation of auditory skills and abilities of students;developing the skills of competent presentation of one's own impressions of music;memorization and recognition by ear of the material covered.One of the ways to solve the above tasks is to use the games included in the organization educational process. The game is powerful tool self-education and self-improvement of students. By choosing game forms of work in which the child feels quite free and comfortable, it is possible to create conditions for the activity and self-realization of students in educational, creative and communicative activities.The games proposed for work in the lesson of listening to music can be divided into three groups and used in various combinations:


    on paper.

Currently, there are a huge number of games, but we will focus on those that have been tested and are in demand in work.Let's start with the simplest ones. For example, from a game called Music Boxes. She needs a box made of paper, or a stylized small box.

The game"Music Boxes" causes a kind of competition among children. There is a kind of excitement: who has collected more material, who has more beautiful and colorful drawings, who remembers the musical themes more.

The game"Music Lotto" requires students to quickly and correctly find cards that depict elements of musical speech that correspond to the piece of music they listened to. In this case, you can use one of the ready-made educational games for students of children's music school called"Music Dictionary" (author E.V. Novikova) from the Musical Rainbow series. Positive sides of this game is the participation of the entire group of students and the possibility of simultaneously checking the level of assimilation of the material by each student.To liberate the children, relieve tension in the lesson and form the skills of verbal communication, a game is offered."Bell" . In Game"Bell" the formation of the simplest skills of analyzing a musical work takes place. It contributes to the creation of conditions under which there is an opportunity not to be afraid to speak aloud, express their impressions, discuss the listened piece of music. A presenter is selected who rings a bell or makes a sound using a triangle and names several pre-selected musical terms. After the bell has sounded, the first participant of the game reveals in the listened work any means of musical expressiveness named by the leader and its features. Similar actions are performed with the rest of the participants.To analyze the structure of a musical work, you can use the task in the classroom."Musical Ornament" . At the first attempts, students are limited, as a rule, to the image of schematic geometric shapes. Subsequently, students expand the means of expression and create ornaments from flowers and painted objects. To make the geometric ornament even more whimsical and original, it is proposed to design figures from colored paper, the so-called color modeling. You can use combinations of multi-colored cubes, large and small.Complicated game forms can be used to solve problems related to memorization and recognition of musical material. Game tasks are grouped here depending on the abilities of students and the period of study:1. memorization of musical material (“Try to collect”, “Favorite melodies”);2. recognition of music ("Musical way")In Game"Try to collect" students are offered a number of cards on which the names of composers, titles of works are indicated, musical examples of musical themes are given. The task of the children is, after listening, to quickly and correctly compose a chain corresponding to this musical material: the name of the composer, the title of the work, the theme.In the task"Favorite Melodies" Students perform musical themes for each other. They themselves sing the melodies of the works they like, the most capable ones play them on the piano or synthesizer.The game"Music Way" in many respects it is similar to a musical quiz, but is held in a more accessible, entertaining form. This game ensures the creation of a situation of success in completing the task in the narrow sense (as one of the forms of work) and in general in the lesson, since each student wants to complete the task faster and more correctly than others, come first and do everything possible to achieve the goal.For Game"Music Way" the guys come up with two or more objects: for example, a fabulous city, a wonderful meadow, a mysterious forest. In this game, students "pave" the way from the guessed names of musical works to the object created by the imagination of the children, from pieces of paper-bricks. Whoever remembered more, heard the musical themes, got the longest road, and he won.To expand the horizons of students as an additional study guide in the lessons of listening to music, sets of lotto games on paper from the series"Musical Rainbow" - "3 whales of music" , "Musical instruments" , "Fabulous world of ballet ». With the help of a scanner or printer, it is easy to make them yourself. The set should include large A4 cards with printed images on the chosen theme of the game in two copies. One of them is cut along the dotted lines into small cards with tasks. Award cards with prizes are made separately.How the lotto game works"3 whales of music" ? These are 3 copies of large cards with the corresponding genres and a set of small ones with varieties of songs, dances and marches. On the instructions of the teacher, when listening to a musical passage, the players raise the cards with answers on small cards, or, in the second option, fill in large cards with a set of small ones according to the genre. Whoever completes their card the fastest wins. For auditory consolidation of the material covered, musical examples are used on different types songs, dances and marches with specification of the genre type of the listened musical passages in the form of handed out cards.

Here is an example of the rule of two of 5 existing options games"Musical instruments". 1 game:
Players are dealt big cards. Small cards with the names of the instruments are placed in the center in a mess. The task of the players is to close the large cards as soon as possible with pictures with the corresponding musical instruments.2 game: Players are dealt big cards. Everyone comes up with a riddle about one of the depicted instruments. The rest must guess what it is about. For example, the riddle: “It has three strings, made of wood, the body is triangular. What is it?" (balalaika) or “A musical instrument for which F. Chopin often composed. What is it?" (piano).The game"Fairytale world of ballet" introduces students to the characters and content of the world's best ballets based on fairy tales. AT this case- these are "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Swan Lake" by P.I. Tchaikovsky. In preparation for the game, out of 12 large cards, 6 must be cut into 36 small ones with the characters depicted on them. Large cards are distributed to children. The leader has small colored cards.Option 1.
The teacher shows and names the hero of the fairy tale ballet to the children. The task of the students is to find this character and close it with a small card. The first person to cover the entire big card wins.Option 2.
The teacher shows the picture. Students must name the hero of the ballet. The one who found this character on his big map, closes it with a small card.Option 3. Large cards are distributed to students. Small cards are laid out face up on the table. After getting acquainted with the content of, for example, the Nutcracker ballet, the players are invited to find the characters of this ballet on their cards and cover them with small cards. After that, the players take turns calling the heroes of the ballet. The winner is the one who names all the heroes of the ballet correctly. The characters of Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake are played in the same way.Option 4. Large cards are dealt to the children. Small cards are laid out on the table face up. At the command of the teacher, the children should cover with small cards as quickly as possible on their cardsheroes only of The Nutcracker;heroes only of "Sleeping Beauty";heroes only "Swan Lake".For musical acquaintance with the content of P.I. Tchaikovsky can also use the literary and musical compositions "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Swan Lake" in a lightweight arrangement for piano, and then combine sounding musical passages with the playing conditions described above"Music Path" Good help for modern lesson can become tasks from licensed interactive music games in a series of developing children's programs"Playing with music" for memorizing music and developing timbre hearing:- "The Nutcracker" based on the work of Tchaikovsky;

- "Magic Flute" by Mozart;

- "Alice and the Four Seasons" by Vivaldi.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the game forms of work in the lessons of listening to music contribute to:1. the development of subject material and the removal of psychological stress, the creation of a situation of success, the formation of positive motivation;2. the development of the imagination and fantasy of students, the formation of a new view of the world, the education of an open and free personality capable of cognition, experience, and active action; 3. creative entry into the musical reality, creating opportunities for self-expression of students, opening the field of creativity; 4. activating the attention of students; 5. give room for the creative initiative of the teacher, allowing you to combine the classical traditions of teaching with advanced

In the cycle of theoretical disciplines, the subject “Listening to Music” precedes the traditional course of musical literature. Provided from the first year of study at a music school, the discipline immerses the child in the world of musical images. Students listen to music, the teacher's story, answer questions, guess and memorize musical works.

At the first lessons in listening to music, it is difficult for a child to sit through a lesson without doing practical activities, as happens in other subjects in music schools. Listen carefully to the music and the teacher's explanation. Therefore, the teacher faces a number of tasks:

  • promote interest in the subject;
  • develop musical and auditory impressions of students;
  • use practical forms of work with students.

By solving the above provisions and the main tasks of the initial period of training, they can be implemented in the following ways:

  • the formation of auditory skills and abilities;
  • the formation of skills in the analysis of a musical work;
  • developing the skills of competent presentation of one's own impressions about music;
  • memorization and recognition by ear of the material covered.

For a long time and successfully have proven themselves in the educational process of various kinds of educational games. They develop the musical perception of the child, allow him to learn to determine the figurative content and character of music, to hear the features of medody and rhythm, to distinguish the sound of musical instruments by ear. By choosing game forms of work in which the child feels free and comfortable, it is possible to create conditions for the activity and self-realization of students in educational, creative and communicative activities.

It is known from the psychological and pedagogical literature that the game is one of the proven means of optimizing the educational process. A child involved in the game copes more successfully with the difficulties that inevitably arise when mastering new types of educational and communicative activities, with the acquisition of various kinds of skills and abilities. The game is natural for children from infancy as a way of getting used to the world around them, mastering its features in all the richness of their manifestations. That is why the game used as a form of organization learning activities, so joyfully perceived by children. Here, in a natural way, the mental and social activity of the child is manifested, his intellectual capabilities are mobilized, which contributes to emotional uplift and the desire to learn.

The musical lotto game "Classical Music" (author Vdovina E. Yu.) is designed to work in the lessons of listening to music and musical literature. Music lotto requires students fast response, they must correctly find the cards on which the portraits of composers are depicted, the titles of the pieces, the pictures that match the titles of the pieces, the cards on which the elements of musical speech are indicated, corresponding to the piece of music they listened to, the cards with the image of musical instruments. Cards are made by the teacher and students according to a certain pattern.

The musical material is aimed at the younger childhood accessible and understandable to students.

Musical lotto in pictures was used by theoretical teachers of the Children's Music School No. M. K. Butakova Arzamas Nizhny Novgorod region in the lessons on the subject, listening to music as a game moment. After analyzing the result of educational activities, making sure that working with cards has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of the material, enlivens the lesson and arouses children's interest in learning, the teachers decided to hold a school team (two people per team), and then a city team Olympiad in listening to music, changing and complicating some tasks. The game ideally mobilizes the child's energy, his attention, intelligence, is very popular with children, helps to consolidate the musical material, makes the lessons of listening to music and musical literature more exciting and varied. This is the most natural and desirable way of learning for a child, bringing joy and good results.

Goals and objectives of the Olympiad:

1. Increasing the level of artistic culture of students, development creativity children.

2. Identification of talented children.

3. Improving the quality of student training.

4. Activation of students' interest in theoretical disciplines.

5. Exchange pedagogical experience, strengthening creative ties.

Below is a presentation video of the Olympiad and full text methodological development with assignments given to students.

From the editor: The presentation video of the authors was supplemented by us with musical fragments of S. Prokofiev's symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" to give it emotional content. Using this video during the Olympiad, it is recommended to turn off the sound.

"Musical Lotto" Game material: cards according to the number of players, five lines (musical staff) are drawn on each, circles - notes, children's musical instruments(balalaika, metallophone, triol). Game progress. The child-leader plays a melody on one of the instruments up, down or on one sound. Children should lay out circle notes on the card from the first line to the fifth or from the fifth to the first, or on one line. The game is played during free time.

Picture 58 from the presentation "Musical and didactic games for preschoolers" to the lessons preschool education on the topic "Musical development of children"

Dimensions: 637 x 640 pixels, format: jpg. To download a picture for a lesson of preschool education for free, right-click on the image and click "Save Image As ...". To show pictures in the lesson, you can also download the presentation "Musical and didactic games for preschoolers.ppt" for free with all the pictures in a zip archive. Archive size - 2992 KB.

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Musical development of children

"Music Development Program" - Expand the participation of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution. Analyze the creation of emotional comfort and psychological security of the child. Communication with narrow specialists. Show the results of individual, subgroup musical and rhythmic work with children. List of Programs and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

"Musical education in kindergarten" - Synthesis of arts. Psychological stress is expressed in the tightness of the arms and legs. Vivid impressions. Visually impaired children are better at staging songs. Musical education. military holidays. The lessons include musical etudes. Working with parents. Features of musical education in the preschool educational institution.

"Health-saving technologies in music" - The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies. Personal and professional qualities. Program and methodological base. Conclusion. Textbooks. Hypothesis. The relevance of the use of health-saving technology. The purpose and objectives of the application of health-saving technology. Forms of health work.

"Musical games in preschool" - Didactic guide"Rhythmic Cubes". Preface. Didactic game « Where does it go melody". Didactic game "Find a sister." Didactic manual "Hello, palm." Didactic manual "Funny bottles". Didactic manual "Rhythmic koloboks". Didactic game "Recognize the bell."

"Musical development of children" - Magic world. Lullaby songs. A sharp increase the number of children. Prenatal education. Moods and feelings. Early development. Musical people. Musical immersion. Great Russian critic. Psychological impact music. musical touch. aesthetic taste. The role of parents. Musical development of children at an early age.

"Musical and rhythmic classes" - Opportunity. Introduction to spatial relationships. Musical-rhythmic activity. Musical-rhythmic exercises. Development of abilities. Formation creative imagination. Psychological and pedagogical conditions. The essence of the basic concepts of creative fantasy. Aspects of the designated problem. Conscious movement.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

Introducing the new edition, which has undergone significant changes:

Purpose of the grant: to help novice musicians in a playful way to get acquainted with durations and rhythmic patterns, learn how to compose their own rhythmic pattern for simple poetic phrases. Also, the manual can be used in the lessons of logorhythmics when working with syllabic structure words.

Each of the 15 fields contains a poetic phrase, which you need to come up with a rhythmic pattern. One side is for playing lotto, the other for playing music.

Lotto: Each player receives a card with a phrase, his goal is to collect small cards with rhythmic groups, from which it will be possible to add the desired rhythmic pattern.
On cards with rhythmic groups, in addition to designating durations in the form of eighths and quarters, there are
a designation often used at the beginning of teaching children musical literacy: the eighth - "TI", the quarter - "TA", the half - "TU", they help to pronounce the rhythmic pattern.

In this game there is no one correct answer, depending on the semantic stress, you can get different rhythmic patterns for the same phrase. (An example is shown in the drawings for the game.)

We write, we play, we compose: The back of the card contains a musical notation for this poetic phrase, but this notation does not contain durations. Invite the child to become a co-author of music, he can take a felt-tip pen and add sticks and tails to the notes to get a small musical phrase on which a poetic one will lie. It is best to do this with a tool at hand, checking how well it turned out.

This side of the card is laminated, which will allow you to repeatedly write with a felt-tip pen and erase what is written with a damp cloth.

Game "Octave": This game involves turns of cards with rhythmic groups, which depict parts of the keyboard. The task of the player is to collect an octave faster than others, or to collect the longest correct sequence keys within the allotted time.

for children of preschool and primary school age

  1. "Find out who's in charge"
  2. "Make a Rhythm"
  3. "Magic Bells"
  4. "Make a Melody"
  5. "Musical Rainbow"
  6. Leaves are spinning, snowflakes are falling
  7. "What is called that?" (cards 2/1)
  8. "Choose a name" (cards 3/1)
  9. "The Fourth Extra"
  10. "Tic Tac Toe"
  11. "Music Cards"
  12. Dice "Musical Instruments"
  13. Cubes "Types of musical activity"
  14. Puzzles "Musical Instruments"
  15. "Training emotions"
  16. "Find a Pair" (3 game options)
  17. "One Verse, Two Verse"
  18. "Music Lotto"
  19. "Symphony Orchestra"
  20. "Find a Note"
  21. "Who plays what"
  1. Dynamic games:

- "Loud quiet";

- "Find an instrument that sounds like this";

- "Play your sound";

- "Arrange by ... amplification, attenuation of sound";

- "What is louder?";

- "Find the most ...";

- "Sing or play as I show"

"Find out who's in charge"

GOAL: Developing a sense of rhythm

There are 16 cards in the game, on one side on each card there is a thin strip - weak beats of the beat, on the other side of the card - a wide strip - a strong beat of the beat.

EXERCISE: Compose the pulse of a piece of music from cards.

APPENDIX: DON - DON - this is a bipartite measure

In the polka, the march is a double beat.

Olya, Tanya, Zhenya, Vanya -

The beat is bipartite, the beat is bipartite.


Three beats

We hear these words in the waltz.

Olechka, Tanechka, Zhenechka, Vanechka

Three beat beats, three beat beats.


GOAL: Developing a sense of rhythm.

The game has large cards with the image of the whole rhythm and small cards with the image of elements of the rhythm.

8 pieces 8 pieces 8 pieces

The job is executed by record or by memory. For example:

"MAGIC BELLS" for children 3 - 5 years old

GOAL: Developing a sense of rhythm


1. Teach children to distinguish between rhythmic figures.

2. Compose your own rhythmic patterns according to the model and independently.


GOAL: Development of sound (modal) hearing.


  1. Give the basics of musical literacy.
  2. Develop opportunities for creative music making.

The game consists of cards with the image of a musical staff according to the number of children and a set of notes (made of cardboard, caps from plastic bottles without drawings on them).

EXERCISE: Compose a melody at will or by ear and play it on a metallophone, xylophone or piano.


GOAL: Develop sound pitch (modal) hearing. Acquisition of musical literacy.


  1. Introduce color form sheet music
  2. Make the transition from color to symbolic form of notation.
  3. Develop memory, voluntary attention, coordination in space, fine motor skills hands

The game consists of:

Option 1: A set of colored notes, large format with an inscription on the back.

Option 2: A set of colored notes located on the stave.

Option 3: Stripes with typed melodies in the appropriate color scheme.

Option 4: Type-setting canvas and separate colored notes for composing melodies (notes from cardboard in 7 colors or caps from plastic bottles of the corresponding colors).

As musical notation is mastered, various components of the game are used starting from the first option.


GOAL: Develop children's emotional responsiveness to music.


  1. Learn to listen to the music and coordinate your movements with its pace.
  2. Strengthen children's knowledge of primary colors.
  3. Learn to respect nature.

NOTE: Drops, flowers, berries, etc. of different sizes and colors can also be used for the game.


In order to stimulate children's interest in playing children's musical instruments, to broaden the horizons of preschoolers, and to create mobile pauses in rhythmic lessons, it is proposed to use games with musical instruments. In these games, musical instruments can act both as a direct object of study and for the development of imagination, non-standard and logical thinking, memory.

A large number of games allows you to choose mobile or board game, arrange a competition or research, depending on the tasks set in the lesson. All games can be used in free activities to create a musical corner in each group.

"WHAT'S CALLED THIS?" (cards 2/1)

GOAL: To consolidate children's knowledge of musical instruments, groups of musical instruments, to stimulate children's ability to read.


The card shows two musical instruments, the name is written in the middle. The teacher reads the name, the child shows which instrument is called that.

In case of difficulty, the teacher names the group to which the given musical instrument belongs (strings, wind, percussion), the child, having connected the logic, decides which instrument to show.

"CHOOSE A NAME" (cards 3/1)

GOAL: Consolidate children's knowledge of musical instruments, groups of musical instruments, activate visual memory.


The card shows a musical instrument and three names for it. The teacher reads the names, the child repeats the correct one.

The game is on the next level of difficulty compared to "What is called that?"


GOAL: To consolidate the ability to classify and generalize knowledge.


  1. To be able to divide musical instruments into groups according to the method of extracting sound.
  2. Find a tool that needs to be replaced.
  3. Choose from additional cards the missing musical instrument.

The game consists of a field divided into 4 parts. Three musical instruments belong to the same group, one to the other. It is necessary to find a musical instrument that needs to be replaced and, having selected from the individual cards the one that belongs to the main group, close the “fourth extra” musical instrument with it.

"Tic Tac Toe"

GOAL: Develop associative thinking.


  1. Learn to analyze and compare your goals with the task of the enemy.
  2. Associate musical instruments with tic-tac-toe.
  3. Teach children to compete, not to be offended by defeat.

The game consists of a field divided into 9 parts-cells. The picture of a tambourine - a zero, maracas - a cross act as crosses and zeroes. It is necessary to build a line of 3 pictures horizontally, vertically, diagonally.




  1. Learn to distinguish the position of notes on the stave.
  2. Learn to compose melodies from the remaining notes.

four colors at the choice of the teacher.

The teacher first calls the name of the notes himself, the children repeat, then, after several repetitions of the game, the children themselves pronounce the names of the notes.

After the game is over, you can compose a melody from the remaining notes and play it on

glockenspiel or piano of your choice.

DICE "Musical Instruments"

"Types of musical activity"

PUZZLE “Musical Instruments”

Games like "CUBES" and "PUZZLES" will help to draw the child's attention to musical instruments. Pictures for cubes are cut into 4, 9, 16 parts (squares), pictures for puzzles are cut depending on the age of the child into 4, 6, ... equal parts or custom size for older preschool children.

Examples are given in the APPENDIX "CUBES MUSIC", "DICES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", "puzzles", "puzzles samples".

Theatrical and didactic game "TRAINING EMOTIONS"

GOAL: To achieve expressiveness in facial expressions and gestures of children.


1. Define positive and negative emotions.

2. Expand the range of emotions familiar to children

3. Develop facial muscles


GOAL: Strengthen children's knowledge of musical instruments.

1 GAME OPTION: In motion, find the same musical instrument, name it.

GAME OPTION 2: Find the second part of the musical instrument image and name it. Choose from a large number images (the same cut of cards).

3 GAME OPTION: In motion, find the other half of the musical instrument and name it.


GOAL: Master the couplet form of song construction.


  1. Learn how to structure a song.
  2. Sketch out the song.
  3. Develop auditory perception .

COUPLETS: Narrative pictures on one topic, for example:

CHORUS: identical pictures, up to 6 pieces.



Once upon a time, in a distant land, there lived a man who composed music. All the sounds of the world were in this music: the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves, the murmur of streams and the sound of the wind. Many people liked this music, musicians different countries performed it.

Years passed, centuries passed. Now musicians play his melodies, singers sing his songs, ballerinas dance to his music. How did this music come to us after so many years? Who kept it for us? This was done by the notes - the letters of the music. Notes are used to record music on paper. Only seven notes on five rulers can convey all sounds. And we again hear the birds singing and the sound of the waterfall as the composer heard when he composed the music.

Anyone who knows the musical alphabet can play any melody. And you can learn and remember notes by playing this exciting musical lotto. To make it easier for you to distinguish the notes from each other, we have colored them in different colors, and the drawings will tell you the name of the notes.

Playing this game is as easy as playing any lotto. Deal big cards to all players (2 to 6 people can play). The facilitator shows a card and calls a note; the player who finds this note on his big card first takes a small card from the leader and closes the note on his card so that the note is visible in the window of the small card. The winner is the one who first closes all the notes on his card.

The kit includes:

Large cards - 6 pcs.

Small cards - 36 pcs.

Hint sheet - 1 pc.


The game in an easy, accessible form introduces children to the structure of a symphony orchestra and the musical instruments included in it; stimulates interest in music. The game also contributes to the development of attention, memory, logic and coherent speech of the child.


  1. An adult shows the children cards with tools and reads out information about them.
  2. An adult reads the information, the children must guess which instrument is being discussed. Whoever guesses correctly takes a card with this tool for himself. Whoever collects wins large quantity cards.
  3. An adult shows a drawn instrument, and children find it in an orchestra. Whoever shows correctly first takes the card.
  4. An adult shows an instrument - children try to talk about it. Whoever says the most information wins.
  5. The adult calls the part of the tool, and the children must say which tools have this part.
  6. Children make suggestions to each other with hand movements, displays.



Musical instruments love to spend time in each other's company. And the largest representative collection of musical instruments is called a symphony orchestra. The conductor controls the orchestra with the help of a conductor's baton.

String instruments

This group includes elegant, aristocratic instruments different sizes made of wood, with four strings stretched. Musicians right hand move the bow along the strings, and with the fingers of the left hand they press the strings in different places.

1. VIOLIN- perhaps the main instrument of the orchestra with a high, melodious sound similar to a female voice. When playing, it is placed on the shoulder. In the orchestra, the violins sound differently: sometimes they gently whisper, sometimes they are having fun, sometimes they are sad.

2. ALTO- an instrument similar to a violin, but with a lower voice, thicker and larger in size .. Violas are not offended when they are mistaken for violins for their external resemblance, and their voice is for a cello.

3. CELLO- double the viola. During the game, the performer holds it between his knees, with a sharp metal spire resting on the floor. The cello is primarily a melodious, melodic instrument. In terms of warmth, cordiality, strength of feelings, only a low velvety human voice can compete with the "singing" of the cello.

4. CONTROBAS- a tool of enormous, one might say, basketball growth. It is the largest and lowest sounding in the violin family. The double bass voice is thick and harsh. It is played standing or sitting on special high stools. In the orchestra, double basses perform a special task - they support the entire sound of the orchestra with deep basses, like the foundation of a building.

Woodwind instruments.

In a symphony orchestra, woodwinds (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet) look like small straight tubes with valves and holes. The performer blows air into the instrument and presses the valves with his fingers.

5. FLUTE- a silver tube, which is held to the right of oneself when playing. Her voice is transparent, coldish, like a forest river. In an orchestra, the flute usually speaks of tender feelings. Her singing flows either smoothly and calmly, or crumbles into a sparkling waterfall.

6. OBOE- a dark-colored pipe with a sharp, nasal voice, a bit like a duck. In an orchestra, the oboe is capable of tender feelings no worse than a flute and can sound touching, affectionate, sometimes plaintively and sadly.

7. CLARINET- like an oboe, a dark-colored pipe with valves, only a little wider and longer. His sound is full and round, distinguished by nobility. In the voice of the clarinet one can hear warm, bright sadness and dreaminess. But at low tones, its sound darkens, becomes gloomy and gloomy.

8. BASSOON- the longest instrument of its family. He is held vertically in front of him, slightly tilted forward. The bassoon has a low, slightly choked, hoarse voice. the main task him in the orchestra - to bass.

brass instruments

This group attracts the eye with the festive sparkle of the metal from which these intricately curved instruments are made, resembling either a horn or a giant snail.

9. PIPE- a shiny long tube bent twice. The voice of the trumpet is resolute, strong, bright. She loves to break into the sound of the orchestra with a clear bright exclamation. But he will never refuse to sing a long melodious phrase.

10. FRENCH HORN- a pipe twisted into a ring, similar to a huge snail. The horn is the most poetic instrument in the brass group. Her full of nobility, velvety soft sound able to convey subtle feelings.

11. TROMBONE- Large curved shiny metal tool. The voice of the trombone is courageous, harsh, strong and piercing. Sometimes he decides to be honest. And it happens that a bear barks in a loud bass.

12. TUBA- a large, clumsy wind instrument, with a voice and a fat complexion similar to an elephant. In an orchestra, the tuba very rarely delivers its heavy, deep, powerful bass.

Percussion instruments

These instruments adorn the sonority of the orchestra, giving it brilliance and brightness, elasticity and dynamism. Their element is rhythm.

13a. Timpani - copper boilers covered in leather. The timpani is played with two soft mallets. The timpani in the orchestra either tremble anxiously, or beat out a victorious rhythm, or amaze with thunderous peals.

13b. PLATES- two thin copper, shiny discs with hand straps. Hitting each other, they make a thin, ringing, bright sound.

In a symphony orchestra, one can sometimes meet harp, and PIANO, and ORGAN.

14. HARP- a graceful, butterfly-wing-like instrument. It looks like a king: at the bottom there are sparkling gold pedals, at the top on a thin metal column something like a small carved crown; and the thinnest cape of 46 strings. The voice of the harp is not loud, gentle, it murmurs like a stream, lulls, caresses. It can then sparkle, shimmering like fountain jets. The harp is played by plucking its strings with the fingers.


GOAL: Strengthen knowledge of musical notation.


  1. To consolidate knowledge of the names of notes.
  2. Learn to recognize the position of notes on the keyboard.
  3. Learn to read melodies on the keyboard.


GOAL: Learn to accept the rules of the game.


  1. Fix the names of musical instruments.
  2. Choose a drawn musical instrument.
  3. Help in a playful way to master all the orchestral parts.

Under the chairs of children or on the floor, pictures depicting musical instruments are laid out, according to the number and availability, they make up the available instruments. On a signal, the children choose a card and a musical instrument depicted on it to play in the orchestra. Using the technique of lots, children master the part of the instrument they have chosen. Thus, they do not have the opportunity to choose their favorite instrument and, if necessary, you, as the leader of the orchestra, can easily replace a sick or retired participant.


II junior group


Children take musical instruments. Presenter shows dynamic tint card ( f or R ), children play loudly or quietly.


The facilitator shows a card, the children are looking for instruments that play in accordance with the sound (loudly or quietly).


Children are divided into two groups: Group 1 - R (quietly) 2 group - f (loudly) The facilitator shows a card with their dynamic tone, the children play instruments.

middle group


The presenter suggests arranging the cards in ascending order (sound amplification p ) or descending (sound attenuation pp ).


The host takes one of the cards, asks to find which one sounds louder, which one is quieter. For example: leader - tf

louder - f quiet - R

Senior group


The host offers the children from the set of cards the LOUDEST ( ff ), MOST QUIET ( pp ), MOST SIMILAR (tr, tf )

preschool group


The facilitator shows a card and the children complete the task according to dynamic shades ( p p,p p, f>p )

NOTE: Each next game complements the collection of games and can be used in the next age group to solve individual problems, for individual work with children.

Dynamic shades of music

2 junior group



FORTE (loudly)

PIANO (softly)

middle group


MEZZO FORTE (not very loud)

Senior group




FORTISSIMO (very loudly)

PIANISSIMO (very quietly)

MEZZO PIANO (not very quiet)

preschool group

p p,p p, f>p