Draw ovals so that you get objects to show. Pedagogical experience early development photo essay drawing and painting geometric drawings for the development of fantasy paper. Mobile game "Make a figure"


SUBJECT. Perception of spatial relationships.

Draw circles so that you get different objects.


    Where is the tree drawn? (In the middle.)

    Where is the crow sitting? (On the tree.)

    In which direction is the bear going? (Left.)

    Where is the bunny? (In the lower right corner.)

    Where are the clouds? (Upstairs.)

    Where do mushrooms grow? (In the lower left corner.)

Where is the sun drawn? (In the upper left corner.)

A game "Find the hidden number card

didactic purpose. Formation of spatial representations in children.

Means of education. Cards with numbers.

One of them turns to face the blackboard, the other on one of the tables in the classroom hides a card with a number so that its corner is visible. The person standing at the blackboard is invited to turn to face the class and guess where the hidden card is.

The teacher helps the student, who guesses the number, indicating the direction of movement: go forward, turn left, then right, go around the table, etc.

The rest of the children in the class also play: they show a green circle if the student is moving correctly, and a red circle if it is wrong. The teacher then calls another student. The game is repeated. The winner is the one who will correctly move in the indicated direction.

3. Development of speech.

Lesson 4.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Teach children to divide words into syllables.

2. Develop fine motor skills.

3. Design according to the sample.

Equipment: pictures with animals.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Speech and breathing exercises.

1. Development of articular motor skills. Horse game. The game "pipe",

"Bagel" (activation of the muscles of the tongue).

2. Breathing exercise.

3. Work on the tongue twister. (Speak clearly and quickly.)

tsy-tsy-tsy, tsy-tsy-tsy-

Hares, windmills, chicks.

Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi-

The reeds whisper something.

She-she-she, she-she-she-

This is a duck in the reeds.

III. Repetition (Suggestions).

Teacher: What does the offer consist of? (From words).

What are the words? (long and short)

Words are divided into syllables. For example, the word "mom". This word has two syllables. The word "house" has one syllable, and the word "car" has three syllables. Now determine for yourself how many syllables are in these words:

School, book, board, flower, window, chair, nose, eyes, street.

IV. The game "Live words".

The hedgehog carries an apple. /___________ ______________ ____________.

Children choose a word from a sentence.

Exercise: put the words in order to make a sentence.

Squirrel dries mushrooms. (The teacher whispers the words in the child's ear). Children pronounce the words out loud and line up in a sentence.

V. Work on the topic: "Division of words into syllables."

Teacher: All words are divided into syllables. We will learn to divide words into syllables.

Palm/ ________ /__________ Aspen/ /_____/ .

Exercise: designing schemes (development of fine motor skills).

Teacher: How are these words called in one word? (trees ) .

The game "Choose the scheme."

Fox Cow

_________/_________ ________/_________/___________

hare goat

________/___________ _________/_________


Exercise: change the word "hedgehog" so that the word consists of two syllables


- What groups can these animals be divided into?

The game "Tell me a word."

Cunning cheat

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty.

Who is this ? (a fox _______/______) .

Make everyone around cry

Although he is not a fighter, but (onion _________).

Quietly the snow is falling

White snow, shaggy,

We'll clear the snow and ice

In the yard (with a shovel/ / /____) .

V. Patter.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have needles. (Loudly, clearly and quickly pronounce the words).

VI. Work in a notebook.

Exercise: Color the circle so that it shows that movement is prohibited.
What light can you cross the street? Continue the pattern. __.__.__.__

Homework: Color the circles.

4.Physical culture.

Subject. Correct posture. Finger gymnastics.

1. Introductory part.

Guys, in order to take care of our health, it is important for all of us to know how it works and how it lives. We already know that exercise helps our body look beautiful and slim. Stand in pairs, feel the groove on each other's back - an even chain. This is the spine. It divides the back into two halves - left and right. Sit down at the desks. Look at each other as you sit at your desk. Our fairy-tale heroes brought drawings depicting two students (the teacher attaches the drawings to the blackboard). How do you think these students are different?

One student has the correct posture, and the other has the wrong one. Which student do we like best? The first one is more attractive to us, because it is more pleasant to look at
a person with a beautiful figure and correct posture. Our fairy-tale heroes have prepared for us the rules for proper seating at a desk (table).

Rules for seating at a desk:

    Sit straight. Tilt your head slightly forward. Lean on the back of a chair and slide your palm between your chest and the edge of the table. If the palm passes freely, then you are sitting correctly.

    Sit straight, not deviating either to the left or to the right.

    Keep a notebook or book from your eyes at a distance equal to from your elbow to your fingertips, which you can always check yourself.

    Hands on the table lie freely and calmly.

    Feet are on the floor evenly and confidently.

If the student gets used to following these rules, he will be less tired when performing educational tasks, he will make fewer mistakes and inaccuracies. Due to poor posture, vision can be severely impaired and you will have to wear glasses. And now our fairy-tale heroes have prepared pictures for us for the game "Who will collect the picture faster?".

Try to collect images of schoolchildren from the individual details of the picture, and then we will determine which of them has the correct posture. The students complete the task.

2. Finger gymnastics.

Children alternately touch the thumb of the same hand with the fingertips of each hand. With the fingertips of one hand, the children alternately touch the fingertips of the other hand. 3

3.Complex of general developmental exercises.

    Four steps hands to the sides and up, four steps - to the sides and down.

    The arms are bent at the elbows, palms down. Walking with knees high.

    Hands behind the back. Walking, turning the body in the direction of the forward leg.

    Walking lunges, swinging arms wide.

    Jumping on both legs moving forward.

Running is the main form of athletics. Do you like watching sports on TV? We want to run like famous athletes. The main mistakes when running.

11. Main part

1. Completion of educational tasks.

Let's jump like a frog

Jumping champion.

After the jump - another jump,

Let's jump higher, my friend! (Jumping.)

2. The game "Frogs in the tub."

On an old tub

frogs danced,

green ears,

Eyes on top.

I approached them

They are in the water - plop!

And there's nothing more

Tell me about them.

(V. Stepanov)

Small hoops are laid out on the floor of the playground according to the number of participants in the game. Each player is next to a hoop. The teacher reads the text of the poem. At this time, frog children jump around their hoop. With the word: "floppy", they jump inside the hoop. This text can be spoken by children not participating in the game.

At the end of the poem, the teacher, passing by the players, says: "Hey, green frogs, get out of the tub." With these words, the players leave the circle, begin to jump around it again. At the signal of the teacher of the “bumps”, they must have time to take their places again. The teacher also tries to find a hoop for himself. The one left without a seat is considered the loser.

III. Final part

1. The mobile game "Make a figure."

At the signal of the teacher, all students scatter around the site (additional boundaries are negotiated). On the next signal, all the players stop at the place where the team found them and take a pose. The teacher notes those whose figures he liked (turned out to be the most successful). The game is on repeat

      times (you can assign, choose a driver who will determine whose figure is better).

2. Summing up. Class competition for the student with the best posture. Walking in a column one at a time.

6th day DATE:

1. Acquaintance with school life.


Tasks: show children two possible forms of response: individual and group; introduce the signs "I" and "Chorus".

Equipment: ball, signs "I" and "Chorus", orders, children's drawings on the theme "What I love."

Lesson progress


Teacher. Hello children! What an unusual start to today's lesson! Why did I say so? Because today all the children said hello in school! Then I will do something unusual now: the children of the “Solnyshko” group sit down; children sit down

group "Chamomile"; children of the "Luck" group sit down; the children of the "Shoe" group sit down; the children of the Butterfly group sit down.

What did you notice? Indeed, our lesson today begins in a completely school-like way: quietly, calmly. And this means that we will have enough time to do one of the favorite children's activities in the lesson: guessing riddles.


The teacher makes riddles and provokes children to noisy answers.

U. Treats young children,

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor...


Together with Carlson

Jumped from rooftops

Our naughty...


She is beautiful and sweet

Her name is from the word "ash".


Why do you guys think my mood is so bad?

Children. We made noise.

W. And why did it happen?

E. Everyone knew the answer, but with a raised hand, the teacher can only ask a few. Everyone wanted to answer.

U. What to do? How are the students doing?

Children discuss in groups the situation andthey come to the conclusion that at school it is sometimes required to answer all together, that is, in chorus.

The teacher introduces the signs "Chorus" and "I".


U. Now I will ask you questions and show you one of these signs. Watch carefully when you need to answer in chorus, and when to raise your hand and answer one at a time.

The teacher asks questions and shows one of the signs.

What was the name of the fairy-tale hero whom the grandmother and grandfather made from dough? (Sign "Chorus".) Is it true that Kolobok was able to get away from both the Hare and the Bear? (Sign "Chorus".)

- What fairy tale characters do you know? (Sign "I".) Is it true that the giraffe has the longest neck? (Sign "Chorus".)

The teacher shows the drawing.

- Name this hero in chorus! How did you know to answer in chorus? I didn't show you any badge. How careful you are! Indeed, if you carefully listen to the task, you can determine exactly how to answer: in chorus or one at a time.


U. In the forest school, students are always given the Order of Attention for attention. Let's play and determine who is the most attentive. I will ask a question to each group and throw a ball. If the question has to be answered in chorus, you squat and answer the question, then I won't be able to throw the ball to anyone. If I ask a question and it needs to be answered by one person, I throw the ball to someone who knows the answer and shows me with a sign that he is ready to answer.

Who knows what time of year it is? Say in chorus: how many months are there in a year? Who knows why birds fly to warmer climes in autumn? Who wants to get to know the Romashka group better today?


The teacher distributes the drawings to the children of each group and invites the children to go to the blackboard one by one. Children guess what is drawn.

U. Which of the guys in the class likes the same thing that is shown in the pictures? See how many friends you can have to play with!

Summary of the lesson

U. What did you learn at school today? How useful is the new school rule? What new things did you learn about each other?


SUBJECT. Orientation in space.

Counting from 0 to 10, from 10 to 0.

The game "What's wrong?"

A game "Aerobatics"

didactic purpose. Consolidation of the concepts of "up", "down", "right", "left", "right to left", "left to right".

Means of education. Airplane drawing. Table 8 from the manual "Examples of the relationship between quantities."

The teacher acts as a pilot. His plane (drawing) performs different figures, changing directions of movement, and student pilots determine the change in route and, at the signal of the teacher (wave of the hand), indicate it in chorus, using the words “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”, "right to left", "left to right" (in relation to children).

didactic purpose. Formation of spatial representations.

Game content. One of the players becomes the back to class, the other asks to indicate where the voice came from: behind, to the left of him or to the right, and then to say whose voice he heard. The teacher silently shows with his hand who should loudly, slowly pronounce any sound, word, sentence. This game can be played in the forest, in the park, square, on the school playground

3. Development of speech.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Teach children to recognize sounds that are different in duration.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

3.Design from memory, sample.

Equipment: pictures with animals, snowflakes, sticks, plasticine.

Course progress.

    Organizing time.

    Speech and breathing exercises.

1. Development of articular motor skills The game "Cheerful tongue". The game "The wind blows". (Activation of the muscles of the tongue).

III. Repetition of syllables. The game "Live syllables".
Teacher: Can you name it in one word? (Birds).
chicken magpie sparrow duck goose

    Which bird is missing? Why? (Goose).

    Change the word "goose" so that it has two syllables (gu-si), of three syllables (gosling).

IV. Patter.(Helps to pronounce words correctly and clearly).
Three magpies chattering

Chattered on the hill.

The practical guide is designed to work with children aged 5-7 years, both in the classroom for the development of mathematical concepts, and in their free time, provided for the child in preschool educational institutions. The manual is included in the cycle "Mathematical Steps". It presents a system of practical exercises, the implementation of which contributes to the expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the development of attention, thinking, the ability to purposeful mental activity, the ability to understand and independently perform a learning task. It can be used by teachers, tutors and parents in preparing children for school.

Draw lines to make circles. Continue the row.

Name the items. Color them. What geometric shape do they look like?

Guess a riddle:
I'm round, funny, stubborn, Play with me, my friend. Don't put it on the barrel!
Draw a tumbler as shown in the picture.

How many circles is the tumbler drawn from? Write Draw the circles so that you get objects.

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Publication date: 03/23/2017 06:50 UTC

  • Development of interest and ability to read in children 6-7 years old, Educational and methodological guide to the workbook "I'm starting to read", Kolesnikova E.V., 2016
  • The development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old, Educational and methodological guide to the workbook "From A to Z", Kolesnikova E.V., 2016
  • The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old, Educational and methodological guide to the workbook "From word to sound", Kolesnikova E.V., 2016
  • The development of sound culture of speech in children 3-4 years old, Educational and methodological guide to the workbook "One - a word, two - a word", Kolesnikova E.V., 2015

The following tutorials and books:

  • I already consider, Workbook for children 6-7 years old, Kolesnikova E.V.
  • I count up to 20, Workbook for completing tasks on the book "Mathematics for children 6-7 years old", Kolesnikova E.V., 2008

These tasks can reflect the characteristics of the creative process of each child. On a half of a landscape sheet of paper, 6 circles of the same size are drawn (diameter 2.5 cm). Children are invited to think about what each circle can be and draw.




The task of drawing circles was chosen as a test task (for children 6-8 years old, 1st year of study in a circle). The choice of the diagnostic task was dictated by the following considerations: it is part of a planned program aimed at the development of children's fine arts and, in this regard, stimulates the creative abilities of children and gives children the opportunity to realize their existing experience. Tasks should reflect the characteristics of the creative process of each child. On a half of a landscape sheet of paper, 6 circles of the same size are drawn (diameter 2.5 cm). Children are invited to think about what each circle can be and draw.

The results of the tasks performed by children are evaluated according to a 3-point system.

Grade 3 (high level) is given to those children who endow original figurative content mainly without repeating one or a close sample.

Grade 2 (middle level) is given to those children who endow all or almost all circles with figurative content, but allow almost literal repetition (for example, a flower or a muzzle) or decorate circles with very simple objects that are often found in life (ball, ball, sun, etc.). P.).

Grade 1 (low level) is put by those who could not endow all circles with a figurative solution, the task is not completed to the end and carelessly.

Of course, the accepted assessment is very simple and does not allow a sufficiently accurate and versatile characterization of the levels of intellectual and aesthetic development of children. This technique is so simple that it can be used by any teacher and this will allow you to see how effective their work is in teaching children visual activity and developing their creativity. Here, not only the originality of the figurative solution is evaluated, but also the quality of the drawing (the variety of colors, the thoroughness of the execution of the image: whether the characteristic details are drawn or the child was limited only to the transfer of the general form). The technique of drawing and painting is also taken into account.

To determine the levels of development of the visual skills and abilities of children and their creative manifestations, I was guided by the criteria developed by T.S. Komarova.

1. criterion: the content of the rendered image, its components, their diversity;

2. criterion: form transfer (simple or complex forms, transferred accurately or distortedly);

3. criterion: the structure of the object (parts are located, true or not);

4. criterion: color (colors are bright or pale, warm or cold);

5. criterion: the nature of the lines (strong or weak pressure, coloring with small or large strokes).

To check the extent to which the child has mastered a particular skill, I conduct a control examination 2 times a year. This allows you to assess the dynamics of the child's development, plan further work, taking into account additional classes to form the necessary skills.

Primary school students

The proposed diagnostic approach is based on a combination of psychodiagnostic methods (mostly projective) with a clinical method. projective method is most adequate for the younger school age of children, since both the level of speech development and the degree of development of reflection, which is just beginning to take shape, do not allow the child to report in detail about his experiences and problems. In a conversation, you can only learn about them indirectly, but the child’s internal conflicts are expressed very fully and emotionally in a projective form, whether it’s a game, drawing or writing stories. Projective techniques are used, based both on creating their own products of creativity - projective drawings: ”,“ My family ”(or the modification“ Family of Animals ”),“ Man ”,“ My class ”,“ My teacher ”,“ The best and worst event in my life ”,“ What is the worst thing I dream about at night and what do I I'm afraid in the daytime”, a subtest of the creative thinking test by E.P. Torrens "Draw circles", "Pictogram", - and on the interpretation of ready-made stimulus material - compiling stories according to the proposed projective pictures: Children's apperceptive test with an application (CAT); Test for the definition of cruelty in the family; School anxiety test.

Of all the methodological procedures, drawing is perhaps the most exciting activity for children, it quickly liberates the child and allows you to establish the necessary trusting contact with him. In our opinion, drawing most fully emotionally involves children of primary school age in the process of creating an image, in contrast to verbal methods (primarily questionnaires), when using which there is a high probability of obtaining a formal or socially desirable answer.

It should be noted that the projective method itself, by emotionally involving the subject in the process of creativity, whether it be drawing or writing a story, has, in addition to research, also a psychotherapeutic function, since it affects the deep levels of human experience and makes it possible to emotionally respond in the process of creativity and his products the problems he has.

clinical method, aimed at an in-depth and intensive study of individuality, most fully meets the task of diagnosing to identify the causes of school difficulties, ways of their subjective comprehension and experience by each of the examined children. The main components of the clinical method - conversation and observation. Since the metaphorical language of the drawings is incomparably more complete than the verbal one, expresses the child's experiences and reveals his subconscious, it is better to build a conversation based on the images that the children used in their drawings. It is extremely important for a child that the language of his subjective world be treated with genuine seriousness and emotional inclusion. Such a position of the psychologist evokes in the child a reciprocal trust and openness, which is a necessary condition for the use of the clinical method.


"Draw circles"

The method is a modified by the author version of one of the subtests of E.P. Torrens (Short Test of Creative Thinking, 1995). Work is carried out with the whole class in the form of a competition. Subjects are presented with a piece of paper with ten circles on it and are asked to complete each circle as quickly as possible to a specific image: for example, draw an apple (using the space outside the circle) or a ball (using the space inside the circle). Children who want to draw with crayons or felt-tip pens can be allowed to use them. The time for completing the task should be limited from the moment when most of the children finish drawing all ten circles (10-20 minutes, depending on the age of the subjects). Children who quickly completed the task are offered additional forms with ten circles. The winners are those who completed the largest number of circles and who came up with the most original solutions.

Processing the task includes counting the total number of circles minus those solutions that were borrowed from the neighbors in the desk, about which the children must be warned in advance. You should especially count the number of repeated solutions, for example, only the letters of the alphabet.

This technique, the most emotionally neutral, was used at the beginning of the frontal examination of children. Extremely slow execution of the task, low efficiency, the presence of the same type of solutions are diagnostically significant indicators. So, the repetition of the same decision, “sticking” on one image (for example, several balls of different colors; only fruits; slightly different muzzles under different names: bunny, bear, mouse, pig, etc.; 3 -4 identical light bulbs) indicate rigidity of thinking and are characteristic of children with organic brain damage (minimal brain dysfunction). Low productivity, the desire to spy on the decision of the neighbors in the desk characterize children as intellectually passive, having, most often, poor academic performance. The low total number of completed circles, along with good creativity and independence in work, rather indicates the peculiarities of temperament. Examples of task execution are shown in fig. 12.

After the test, you should discuss the results with the children, talk about the most unusual and most common solutions, and also show solutions that the children in this class did not guess, for example, letters or numbers, etc.

Drawing of a man

Traditionally, this test is used to analyze a person's self-attitude (Projective Psychology, 2000). The subject receives paper, a soft pencil, an eraser, colored pencils and the task of drawing a person. The questions of whom to draw should be answered: whomever you want. When the drawing is ready, you need to ask who is depicted on it, what this person is doing now, what is his mood, etc. When interpreting a drawing, graphic features (pressure, shading), the ratio of the parts of the figure, the nature of the details, the location on the surface are taken into account. sheet and other options.

According to our observations, at primary school age, a drawing of a person often expresses the image of “ideal! “I” of a child: boys draw invincible heroes of action films, emphasizing their physical strength and masculinity, for girls, a drawing of a princess with a lot of decorating details is typical.

In the proposed system of techniques, the drawing of a person occupies a special place also because it is used for! comparisons with other figures. For example, if in the drawing “My Family” the characters are depicted very schematically and it is impossible to determine whether this is an expression of hostility or the child simply lacks the necessary graphic skills, then in such cases a comparison with a drawing of a person will make it possible to draw the correct conclusion.

The test can be offered to the whole class after the “Draw Circles” technique has been carried out.

Drawing "Non-existent animal"

This test is best done individually. The child is invited, without using the images of fairy tales or cartoons, to come up with and draw an animal himself, which “no one has ever seen anywhere”, and call it a non-existent name (Rogov, 1996). When the child finishes drawing, the psychologist asks him about the lifestyle of the depicted creature, whether he has enemies, friends, etc.

This task removes the child's natural alertness at the first individual contact with a psychologist, since it does not require special knowledge, drawing skills , but only freedom of imagination, and children are easily included in it.

In addition, the drawing "Non-existent animal" allows you to determine the creativity of the child by whether the image of the creature is original or the image is borrowed from cartoons, books, is made up of separate parts of famous animals.

Family drawing

The child is asked to draw his family. In case of clarifying questions about whom to draw, the psychologist gives evasive answers. (Khomentauskas, 1987).

The diagnostically significant indicators of the drawing “My Family” are its composition, the correspondence of the depicted family to its real composition, the ratio of the size of the figures, their coloration and other features described in detail in the works of G.T. Homentauskas (Khomentauskas, 1989). This technique, according to his apt expression, allows you to see the family through the eyes of a child, that is, how the child perceives and experiences his place in the family, as well as the emotional relationships between its members.

The refusal of the child to perform this task is considered as an expression of the extreme unfavorability of relationships in the family, and in this case an indirect version of the methodology is proposed - drawing "Family of animals", in which the child is asked to portray such a family, where each of its members would be represented by a separate type of animal, and then talk about their way of life. Significant indicators of this pattern are the size of animals, their antagonism in nature, the degree of their aggressiveness, etc.

2. Three colors.


4. Magic thread.

Purpose: the development of creative imagination, to find the similarity of the image of vague outlines with real images and objects.

5. Unfinished drawing.

6. Wizards.

7. What the music told about.

Purpose: development of creative imagination.

8. Magic mosaic.

9. Let's help the artist.

10. Magic pictures.

11. Miraculous transformations.

12. Wonderful forest.

13. Changelings.

Purpose: development of creative imagination.

16. Draw together.

17. Magic tree.

18. Wax sculpture.

19. Living picture.

20. Combination.

21. Exercise "Points".

22. Blotography

23. Rounds

25. What does a circle look like.

Goal: development of creativity

Purpose: development of imagination.



Creative games for the development of imagination in preschoolers in visual activity

1. What our palms look like

Purpose: development of imagination and attention.

Invite the children to dip their palm into the paint or circle their own palm (or two) with pencils and come up with, dream up “What could it be?” (tree, birds, butterfly, etc.). Offer to create a drawing based on the circled palms.

2. Three colors.

Purpose: development of artistic perception and imagination.

Invite the children to take three paints, in their opinion, the most suitable for each other, and fill the entire sheet with them in any way. What does the drawing look like?

3. The transformation of specks of paint (drawing technique - monotype).

Purpose: the development of creative imagination, to find the similarity of the image of vague outlines with real images and objects.

Offer to drop any paint or several colors of paints on the middle of the sheet or on half of the sheet, and fold the sheet in half, smooth, unfold. Various blots turned out, children need to see in their blot what it looks like or who it is.

4. Magic thread.

Purpose: the development of creative imagination, to find the similarity of the image of vague outlines with real images and objects.

In the presence of children, dip a thread 30-40 cm long in ink and put it on a sheet of paper, arbitrarily folding. Put another sheet on top of the thread and press it to the bottom sheet. Pull out the thread while holding the sheets. A trace will remain on the paper from the thread, the children are invited to identify and give a name to the resulting image.

5. Unfinished drawing.

Purpose: development of creative imagination.

Children are given sheets with the image of unfinished objects. It is proposed to finish the object and tell about your drawing.

6. Wizards.

Purpose: development of emotionality and creative imagination.

Without a preliminary conversation, invite the children to use pencils to turn two completely identical figures depicted on the sheet into an evil and good wizard. Next, propose to come up with what the “evil” wizard did badly and how the “good” wizard defeated him.

7. What the music told about.

Purpose: development of creative imagination.

Classical music sounds. Children are invited to close their eyes and imagine what the music is about, and then draw their ideas and talk about them.

8. Magic mosaic.

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to create objects in their imagination, based on a schematic representation of the details of these objects.

Sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard (the same for each child) are used: several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes. The teacher distributes sets and says that this is a magical mosaic from which you can add a lot of interesting things. To do this, you need different figures, whoever wants to, attach to each other so that some kind of image is obtained. Offer a competition: who can put together more different objects from their mosaic and come up with some kind of story about one or more objects.

9. Let's help the artist.

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to imagine objects based on the scheme given to them.

Material: A large piece of paper attached to a blackboard with a sketch of a person drawn on it. Colored pencils or paints. The teacher says that one artist did not have time to finish the picture and asked the guys to help him finish the picture. Together with the teacher, the children discuss what and what color is better to draw. The most interesting proposals are embodied in the picture. Gradually, the scheme is completed, turning into a drawing. Then invite the children to come up with a story about a drawn person.

10. Magic pictures.

Purpose: to develop the ability to imagine objects and situations based on schematic representations of individual details of objects.

The children are given sheets of paper. On each sheet is a schematic representation of some details of objects, different lines or geometric shapes. Each image is located on the sheet so that there is free space for drawing the picture. Children use colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens or paints.

Each figure, line depicted on a piece of paper, children can turn into a picture that they want. To do this, you need to add anything to the figure (line). At the end of the drawing, the children compose stories based on their paintings (at a younger preschool age, the teacher gives only a colorless outline of a geometric figure, and at an older age - geometric figures pasted from colored paper)

11. Miraculous transformations.

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to create objects and situations in their imagination based on visual models.

The teacher gives the children pictures with images of substitute objects, each has three strips of different lengths, three circles of different colors. Children are invited to look at the pictures, come up with what they mean, draw the corresponding picture on their sheet with colored pencils (you can have several). The teacher analyzes the finished drawings together with the children: notes their correspondence to the depicted substitute objects (in shape, color, size, quantity), originality of content and composition.

12. Wonderful forest.

Purpose: to develop the imagination, to create situations in the imagination based on their schematic representation.

Children are given identical sheets, several trees are drawn on them, and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places. The teacher offers to draw a forest full of miracles with colored pencils and tell a fairy tale about it. Unfinished images can be turned into real or fictional objects.

For the task, you can use material on other topics: “Wonderful Sea”, “Wonderful Glade”, “Wonderful Park” and others.

13. Changelings.

Purpose: to develop imagination, create images of objects in the imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects.

Children are given sets of 4 identical cards, on the cards there are abstract schematic images. Task for children: each card can be turned into any picture. Stick the card on a piece of paper and draw whatever you want with colored pencils to make a picture. Then take another card, stick it on the next sheet, draw again, but on the other side of the card, that is, turn the figure into another picture. You can flip the card and sheet of paper as you want when drawing! Thus, you can turn a card with the same figure into different pictures. The game continues until all the children finish drawing the figures. Then the children talk about their drawings.

14. Fabulous animal (plant).

Purpose: development of creative imagination.

Invite the children to come up with and draw a fantastic animal or plant that does not look like a real one. Having drawn a picture, each child talks about what he has drawn, comes up with a name for the picture. Other children are looking for features of real animals (plants) in his drawing.

15. Guess what I have in mind and finish it

Each of the children conceives his image (but does not talk about it). The first child starts and only draws one element. The next one should imagine what it could be, what the friend wanted to draw, and continue the drawing, adding one element to it as well. In the course of work, it is often necessary to rebuild the originally conceived image.

This task is very difficult, but it helps to build the most important components of the imagination, and also teaches children to work together, negotiate and compromise.

When children in the course of training have already acquired the skills of “completing”, reconstructing and creating new images, classes can be complicated by pre-performing tasks in groups of not 2, but 4 people.

16. Draw together.

A sheet of large format paper is fixed on the table. The sheet is divided into 4 "fields" (taking into account the number of participants in the work). The children are invited to create a composition on this topic (“Our City”, “Summer Vacation”, etc.).

Each child begins to draw in his field. Then, at the signal of an adult, everyone moves to the adjacent field. You need to understand what your friend wants to draw, and continue his drawing. In this joint work, the actualization and restructuring of images takes place, taking into account a given topic.

In the first lessons, children are guided by the creation of realistic images. Then elements of fantasy are gradually introduced into the task - for example, real contour images are proposed to be painted in fantastic, invented colors (a cow is green, the sun is blue, etc.).

17. Magic tree.

It is proposed to draw a magical tree, which should be unlike any known trees, in addition, there may be some unusual things on the branches.

Such tasks activate past experience, arouse interest, give vent to the emotions of children. In the process of joint actions, children learn to understand each other, an atmosphere of trust and interest is created, and this is one of the main conditions conducive to creativity.

18. Wax sculpture.

The group is divided into two teams. One team is "clay", the other is "sculptors". On command, the sculptors begin to sculpt from clay. Until the end of the game, each participant must remain in the position in which the "sculptor" left him.

19. Living picture.

A leader is selected from a group of children. The rest of the children create the plot at their discretion. Having created a plot scene, its participants freeze until the driver guesses the picture.

20. Combination.

The child is asked to come up with and draw as many objects as possible using geometric shapes: a circle, a semicircle, a triangle, a rectangle, a square.

21. Exercise "Points".

Show the child with an example how you can connect the dots to make a drawing. Now invite him to try to draw something by connecting the dots. Using all the points every time is not necessary.

22. Blotography

A game to break creative imagination and holistic perception

Equipment needed: paint, brush, paper.

Put a blot of any color (or several colors) in the middle of the sheet. Fold the sheet in half, blot inside. Expand it. You get wonderful pictures. Dry the sheet. What does it look like? Draw the details.

23. Rounds

Necessary equipment: circles, squares, triangles drawn on whatman paper.

Have your child draw the details. For example, to the circle - long ears, mustaches, eyes, nose, teeth; got a bunny! To the square of the arrow - you get a clock. To the triangle, the tail is a cheerful carrot. There are many options (circle - ball, ball, apple, fairy bird, etc.). Give the installation to the child - the image is not repeated.

24. Transformation of blots (a technique for inflating paint drops using a cocktail tube).

Purpose: development of imagination, breathing.

Drop a few drops of paint of the same color or different colors on a piece of paper. Using a cocktail tube, inflate the drops in different directions. What do blobs look like? Finish the received images. Come up with a title for the picture.

25. What does a circle look like.

Goal: development of creativity

The child is given a sheet of paper with an outline of circles (from 3 to 10) depending on the age of the child. It is necessary to finish the circles without repeating the image. The more diverse the images, the higher the level of creativity.

26. Draw half of the figure.

Purpose: development of imagination.

The child is offered a sheet of paper with a drawn half of some geometric figure. You need to guess which geometric figure is hidden in the picture, draw the other half of the figure. Look at the figure, think about what the whole geometric figure looks like, finish drawing to get an image of an object. For finishing, offer children a variety of visual material: paints, pencils, wax crayons, markers, felt-tip pens.