Technical report on the commissioning of ventilation research institutes. Report on the commissioning of electrical equipment Report on the commissioning of low-voltage systems

During the implementation of many projects, capital construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures is carried out with the installation of new equipment or specialized processes. Such works include the installation of fire extinguishing systems, power supply, air conditioning, ventilation, fire alarm. All of them require commissioning, for this, in recent times more and more often a program of PNR is being drawn up.

What is NDP and why they are carried out

According to SNiP, commissioning is a set of activities that are carried out during the preparation for the implementation of integrated testing and individual testing. installed equipment. This includes checking, testing and adjusting equipment to achieve design parameters.

All these manipulations are usually carried out on a contractual basis. specialized organizations having the necessary permits and a staff of qualified specialists. The necessary conditions for their activities at the site (industrial sanitation, labor safety) are organized by the customer, he also pays for commissioning at the expense of the general estimate for putting the facility into operation. All operations must be carried out by instructed and certified for each specific case by the personnel of the commissioning organization under the supervision of a responsible representative on the part of the customer.

There are two main stages in the commissioning activities:

  • Individual tests are activities that are designed to ensure that the requirements that are provided for by specifications, standards and working documentation, for testing units, machines and mechanisms. The purpose of individual tests is to prepare for complex testing in the presence of a working commission.
  • Complex tests are actions carried out after the acceptance of the mechanisms by the working commission, and directly the complex testing itself. It checks the interconnected joint work of all installed equipment Idling, then under load, after which the technological regime provided for by the project is reached.

Although not mandated by law, last years more and more often, the customer requires that a commissioning program be drawn up for testing work. This gives confidence that not a single nuance will be missed, and the operation of all systems will comply with approved standards and project documentation.

How is it compiled and what does the commissioning program include?

The commissioning program is a document that clearly outlines the entire list of actions that will be carried out by the responsible organization. On the net, you can see discussions about whether it is worth including a commissioning methodology in the Program or whether it should be drawn up as a separate document. There are no clear requirements regarding this, so everything here depends on the agreements of the parties. sample for each specific situation can be easily found on the Internet.

The program is drawn up and approved by a representative of the commissioning company and agreed by the customer, the signatures and seals of the parties are put in the header of the document. The following sections follow (as an example, let's take the preparation of a hotel heating system):

  • checking the correct installation, readiness and serviceability of equipment in visual mode (control devices, stop valves, filling the system with water), according to the results, a defective statement is compiled;
  • commissioning tests under operating conditions, balance experiments (setting optimal modes, testing valve control in manual and automatic mode, checking automation settings, identifying shortcomings and working out proposals for their elimination), the result is an act of individual tests;
  • comprehensive testing (72 hours continuous work- for all main equipment, 24 hours - for heating networks), its beginning is the time when all systems are started at maximum load.

Some companies document all activities related directly to the preparation and testing of devices in a separate document - the Commissioning Methodology, which comes as an addition to the Program. In the Program, they include more general things of an organizational nature. That is, there is an actual division of the entire complex of works into organizational, legal and technical components. However, the Methodology is often an integral part of the main body of the approved Program.

An integral part of the Program may be such additional documents:

  • passports of ventilation, heating and hot water supply systems, as well as individual nodes of their connection;
  • the procedure for preparing and subsequent commissioning with a list of all operations, their start and end times;
  • list of stationary and portable measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.);
  • list of control and stop valves, equipment (pumps, valves, heat exchangers, filters);
  • list of control points and measurement protocol for each of them;
  • a list of parameters that require clarification and adjustment (humidity and air temperature, pressure in pipes, coolant flow rates);
  • a method for measuring heat losses by building structures (a special act is drawn up and a certificate is issued).

After the completion of all commissioning works, complex testing and regime tests, a commissioning report is drawn up with the relevant annexes (a list of mechanisms and equipment on which adjustment and testing was carried out).

The technical report of the involved specialized organization issues, as a rule, within one month.

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A technical report is a mandatory document reflecting the technical condition of the installed equipment.

The technical report should contain information of a purely technical nature, which are of interest at the time of putting the facility being adjusted into operation to assess the condition of the equipment, as well as the normalization of the measurements required during repeated routine and extraordinary operational checks of equipment, mechanisms and equipment. automatic devices to compare the results obtained.

The main part of the technical report is the commissioning and testing protocols. The protocols are filled out on the basis of the measurements carried out in the process of commissioning by the persons performing these measurements, signed by them.

The commissioning manager at the facility is fully responsible for all work carried out personally by him and under his supervision, as well as for the sufficiency of measurements according to the protocols and the quality of the technical report.

Regardless of the purpose, size and departmental affiliation of the facilities where commissioning was carried out, the technical report is compiled in the following form and content:

1. Title page.

2. Abstract.

3. Reports of measurements and tests of equipment, automatic devices, individual independent elements, control equipment, alarms, etc. in the following order:

Technological equipment;

Electrical equipment;

Other installations and devices.

4. List of control measuring instruments,

applied in commissioning, and complex test devices.

5. Changes made.

6. Conclusion.

7. Applications.

The annotation reflects the following information:

Name of objects of commissioning works, its departmental affiliation and location;

A brief description of the equipment involved in the technological process and its technical condition.

In the paragraph "Changes made * give information about the fundamental changes in technological and electrical circuits project in the process of being set up.

In this case, they submit a protocol for agreeing on the changes made, signed by representatives of the customer and the design organization.

Corrections of minor design and installation errors are not reflected in this paragraph.

In the paragraph "Conclusion" they give a general conclusion on the adjusted equipment, recommendations to the operating personnel for the maintenance of new undeveloped equipment and safety measures during its operation.

Applications include:

The act of complex testing of mechanisms;

A protocol for coordinating project changes, subject to the availability of the latter.

All copies of the report must have the original signatures of the persons who approved and signed it. Signatures for title page certify with the seal of the commissioning unit.

An individual heating point cannot be considered operational and ready for use until it has undergone a number of procedures, including electrical installation and commissioning procedures, installation of thermal and mechanical structures. Upon completion of these activities, the ITP is directly put into operation, accompanied by the signing of the following ITP adjustment acts: - intermediate for the thermal and mechanical part of the equipment and carrying out hidden measures, as well as for electrical installation and automatic operation, - final for the approval of electrical equipment and heat-consuming installation as a whole. The final one is an act of technical acceptance, which is signed by the receiver and the further owner of this design. Thus, the execution of the act for commissioning heating point is the crown of the launch of equipment of this type into operation, therefore, many aspects of the use of ITP depend on the quality and correctness of the preparation of this document.

Step by step, the processes of start-up and adjustment of individual heating points can be represented as follows: initially, an external check of the equipment for faults is carried out, then a certain mode of system operation is established (calculated using a regime card, temperature charts and instructions), the automation is set up, which provides both monitoring and stability of the unit, after which the heating point is launched, accompanied by a check of the correctness of its operation, adjustment and debugging for specific operational requirements. Specialists check and adjust the equipment in such a way that it is as efficient as possible, all other things being equal. The final document that fixes all the qualitative results of such manipulations is an act that can be either the same for the entire structure or an individual focus, such as the act of setting up automatic regulators in an ITP.

The documents evidencing the completion of the construction of the ITP and the thermal power plant as a whole are an act of construction readiness and an act of commissioning, which are drawn up heat supply organization. In addition, you must obtain permission northwest administration Federal Service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision for commissioning and permanent operation. By the time of obtaining a permit for permanent operation in the northwestern department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, it is necessary to obtain permits for the permanent operation of the power plant and transfer the section of the heat network to the operational and balance responsibility of the heat supply organization. The main goal of automating an individual heat point is to save Money. The better the system is tuned, the more economical it will be. Therefore, it is so important to entrust this work to qualified specialists of TeploEnergoControl LLC.

Start-up and adjustment works on automation of the heating point include:

  • Checking the rotation of the pump motors
  • Setting up frequency converters
  • Setting up automatic protection
  • Coolant temperature correction
  • Adjustment of pressure valves and balancing valves
  • Turning on the system in automatic mode
  • System Schedule Setting
  • Night setback (savings at night)
  • Artificial creation of emergency situations to test the operability of the automation system

There are no two identical systems, each requires an individual approach. In the process of commissioning, the features of an individual heating point are revealed. Produced fine tuning equipment.

Installation and commissioning should be entrusted to one company. This speeds up the process of installing and configuring ITP automation.

Stages of commissioning (commissioning)

Commissioning works are carried out upon completion of installation and include a set of works on checking, setting up and testing the equipment of an individual heat point. Provided that the commissioning work is carried out by qualified specialists, a guaranteed effective work installations during the entire operating period.

As a rule, commissioning works are carried out in 6 stages.


Based on the operational and design documentation of manufacturing companies, the contractor develops a work program and a project for commissioning. The project includes activities on safety (safety measures) and the preparation of test equipment and fixtures, and a fleet of measuring equipment is also being prepared. The client submits a project approved for work, operational documentation of manufacturers, as well as executive documentation. In addition, the Customer appoints representatives for the acceptance of commissioning works, he also agrees on the timing of the work with the contractor, taken into account in general schedule construction.

Individual testing

At this stage, a node-by-unit check for compliance with the project of the completed installation work is carried out, the correct functioning of the means and devices that ensure safe work equipment in accordance with the rules of safety, subject to labor protection. At this stage, they also draw up an act of the working commission on the acceptance of equipment after individual testing, after which the devices are checked.

Start-up work

At this stage, the Customer's employees are instructed in the maintenance of heat and power equipment; preparations are made for start-up and start-up of equipment with fittings and communications. Continuous monitoring of the condition and behavior of equipment elements during idle operation should be organized.

Also at this stage, it is necessary to ensure monitoring of the acceptance of the load and bringing it to the value established by the Customer for comprehensive testing. A list of defects and shortcomings that were identified during the commissioning of communications and equipment is compiled. After carrying out these works, we issue recommendations to the Client's personnel on the specifics of operation.

Adjustment and complex testing

At this stage, the launch is carried out, and the work of the main and auxiliary equipment. Further, a comprehensive load test is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP and TS in the mode established by the Customer or provided for by the project. Mode maps are developed based on the readings of equipment under load during a comprehensive test. Based on the results of comprehensive testing, relevant acts are drawn up.

Regime adjustment

At this stage, the operating modes of the main and auxiliary equipment are worked out in terms of qualitative / quantitative indicators, optimal conditions operation of the equipment used. After that, the test results are processed and analyzed, compiled regime maps on the main and auxiliary equipment. Drawing up instructions for technical operation The equipment is produced jointly with the employees of the engineering and technical department of the Customer's company. After the elimination of all comments and defects according to the technological mode of operation of the main and auxiliary equipment, their tests to check the quality of adjustment work and compliance with regime cards are carried out again.

Preparation of technical documentation

This stage involves the preparation of a technical report in accordance with approved methods. This report is registered with the northwestern department of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. The necessary acceptance and delivery documentation is also drawn up.

The timing of commissioning depends on various factors, including the configuration of the ITP. As a rule, the time of the NDP ranges from 3 days to 2 weeks. After their completion, the specialists of TeploEnergoControl LLC will provide you with a detailed report.

The list of documentation required for commissioning at the facility:

1. The list of documentation submitted for the admission of heat-consuming power plants and heating networks:

The list of documentation submitted for the admission of heat-consuming power plants and heating networks for commissioning:

Copy founding document(certified in the prescribed manner) for legal entity. Documents confirming the authority of the person (persons) representing the owner.

Permission to apply technical devices(equipment of thermal power plants, heating points and heating networks, a section of a heating network, systems, devices and means of emergency protection, signaling and control used in the operation of the specified equipment) if there are identifying signs of danger. Availability of an expert opinion industrial safety and its approval by the Rostekhnadzor authorities - when identifying thermal power plants and heating networks as a hazardous production facility (Articles 7, 8 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ, clause 1.4. PTE TE).

Documents on registration of a heating network with Rostechnadzor bodies or with an organization that owns the network (Articles 7, 8 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ, clause 1.4. PTE TE).

Passports of pipelines, heating points, ventilation systems and thermal power plants (clause 2.8.1 PTE TE). Certificates for equipment (according to the approved list of products subject to mandatory certification) (sample of the inspection report from the admission procedure)).

The mode of energy consumption established by the energy supply organization (source) (current technical conditions for the connection of thermal power plants) (clauses 3, 4 of the Rules for connecting the facility capital construction to networks of engineering and technical support, clause 1 of the Rules for determining and providing specifications connection of the capital construction object to the networks of engineering and technical support, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 83 of February 13, 2006, a sample of the inspection certificate from the admission procedure).

A document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the technical specifications, certified by representatives of organizations operating utility networks (certificate of compliance with technical conditions) (Article 55 of the Town Planning Code).

The act of delimitation of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of the parties (clauses 2.1.3, 2.1.5 PTE TE). The act of acceptance by the working commission or the acceptance certificate between the construction (installation) organization and the customer. Acts of individual testing of thermal power plants. Acts of hydrostatic or manometric tests for tightness. Acts of washing and disinfection of thermal power plants and networks. Acts of acceptance of hidden works. Acceptance certificate UEC systems(wetting PPU insulation) (p. 2.8.1, p. 2.4.4 PTE TE).

The program for conducting thermal tests, instrumental measurements carried out at thermal power plants in the process of commissioning (clause 2.6.5 PTE TE).

Documents on technical examination (clause 2.6.3 PTE TE).

Permission for admission to operation electrical installations permissible thermal power plants (power supply of heat points, electric drives of fittings, lighting and ventilation systems for thermal chambers and passage channels) (clause 1.3. PTE TE). The act of readiness of on-site and home networks and equipment of a capital construction facility for connection to the engineering and technical support network for commissioning (form 1 part 1) (clause 20.2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 360 dated 09.06.2007).

Regulatory documents on the organization of the safe operation of thermal power plants. Staffing with trained (with knowledge testing) personnel (clauses 2.2.2, 2.3.34 PTE TE, a sample of the inspection report from the admission procedure).

An extract from the knowledge test journal or a copy of the protocols for testing the knowledge of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation thermal power plants and their deputies, thermal power personnel (clause 2.2.2 PTE TE).

A copy of the agreement on the operation of thermal power plants by a specialized organization. The act of acceptance of thermal power plants and heating networks for operation, for organizations that do not have their own staff and service thermal power plants and heating network under contracts (clause 2.1.1 PTE TE).

Operational circuit diagrams thermal power plants (pipelines and valves) (clause 2.8.3 PTE TE). Job Descriptions, instructions for labor protection and safety (clause 2.8.4 PTE TE).

A set of valid operating instructions. Availability of technological documentation. Availability technological equipment and a tool for operating a thermal power plant (clause 2.8.1 PTE TE; clause 2.8.6 PTE TE).

Approved program for warming up and putting into operation a thermal power plant, heating network. Programs for testing thermal power plants for strength and density (hydrostatic or manometric leak testing) (clauses 6.2.20, 6.2.22, 15.6.2 PTE TE).

Stock list protective equipment, fire extinguishing means and rendering medical care(clause 2.10.2 PTE TE). Operational logs, personnel briefings, personnel knowledge testing, protective equipment accounting, permit issuance accounting, technical examinations(clause 2.8.9 PTE TE, a sample of the inspection report from the admission procedure).

System documentation organizational measures, ensuring the safety of work during the operation of thermal power plants (clause 2.10.4 PTE TE, section 2 PTB during the operation of heat-consuming installations and heat networks, a sample of the inspection report from the admission procedure).

2. The list of documentation submitted for the admission of heat-consuming power plants and heating networks for operation:

A valid permit for admission and an inspection certificate for commissioning or a list of documentation submitted for admission of heat-consuming power plants and heating networks for commissioning (clause 2.4.8 PTE TE).

Technical reports on the tests (measurements) carried out, including a report on thermal tests heating systems with the determination of the heat-shielding properties of enclosing structures and the heat storage capacity of buildings (clause 2.8.1 PTE TE).

List of organizations participating in the production of commissioning works.

The act of comprehensive testing of thermal power plants (clause 2.8.1 PTE TE).

Act on the readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of a capital construction facility for connection to the engineering and technical support network for permanent operation (form 1 part 2) (clause 20.2 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 360 of 06/09/2007).

The act of acceptance of the metering unit (admission to operation of metering devices) (clause 7.1 of the Rules for Accounting for Thermal Energy and Coolant, an inspection certificate from the admission order).

Adjustment and comprehensive testing At this stage, the start-up is carried out, and the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment is also being adjusted. Further, a comprehensive load test is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP and TS in the mode established by the Customer or provided for by the project. Mode maps are developed based on the readings of equipment under load during a comprehensive test. Based on the results of comprehensive testing, relevant acts are drawn up. Operational adjustment At this stage, the operating modes of the main and auxiliary equipment are worked out in terms of qualitative/quantitative indicators, and the optimal operating conditions for the equipment used are identified. After that, the test results are processed and analyzed, regime maps are compiled for the main and auxiliary equipment.

Start-up and adjustment, etc., central heating station

  • the procedure for preparing and subsequent commissioning with a list of all operations, their start and end times;
  • list of stationary and portable measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.);
  • list of control and stop valves, equipment (pumps, valves, heat exchangers, filters);
  • list of control points and measurement protocol for each of them;
  • a list of parameters that require clarification and adjustment (humidity and air temperature, pressure in pipes, coolant flow rates);
  • a method for measuring heat losses by building structures (a special act is drawn up and a certificate is issued).

After the completion of all commissioning works, complex testing and regime tests, a commissioning report is drawn up with the relevant annexes (a list of mechanisms and equipment on which adjustment and testing was carried out).

ITP commissioning

The project includes activities on safety (safety measures) and the preparation of test equipment and fixtures, and a fleet of measuring equipment is also being prepared. The client submits a project approved for work, operational documentation of manufacturers, as well as executive documentation.

In addition, the Customer appoints representatives for the acceptance of commissioning works, he also agrees on the timing of the work with the contractor, taken into account in the general construction schedule. Individual testing At this stage, a node-by-unit check for compliance with the project of the completed installation work is carried out, the correct functioning of the means and devices that ensure the safe operation of the equipment in accordance with the safety rules while observing labor protection is determined.

The program of the commissioning

At this stage, the Customer's personnel are instructed on the maintenance of heat and power equipment; preparation for start-up and subsequent start-up of equipment with fittings and communications is carried out. Continuous monitoring of the behavior and condition of equipment elements during idle operation is organized, monitoring is provided for the acceptance of the load and its bringing to a value that is set by the Customer for comprehensive testing.


A list of shortcomings and defects identified during the start-up of equipment and communications is compiled. After carrying out these works, the Customer's personnel are given recommendations on the features of operation.

Commissioning, etc.

Methods for achieving the goal are also indicated (horizontal and vertical adjustment, measurements at control points).

  • Characteristic of the object. All available systems and their characteristics are described (presence of a heat point, heating systems, hot water supply and ventilation, coolant parameters for each of them, special pumps and batteries).
  • Preparing for testing systems.

    Includes checking all necessary documentation, drawings and permits, visual inspection of the technical readiness of systems, control and accounting devices, determination of control points, personnel training, compilation of a list of measures.

  • Measures to ensure labor protection.

Central heating service

  • commissioning tests in operating conditions, balance experiments (setting optimal modes, testing valve control in manual and automatic modes, checking automation settings, identifying shortcomings and working out proposals for their elimination), the result is an act of individual tests;
  • comprehensive testing (72 hours of continuous operation for all main equipment, 24 hours for heating networks), its beginning is the time when all systems are started at maximum load.


Some companies document all activities related directly to the preparation and testing of devices in a separate document - the Commissioning Methodology, which comes as an addition to the Program. In the Program, they include more general things of an organizational nature.

That is, there is an actual division of the entire complex of works into organizational, legal and technical components.
After their completion, the specialists of TeploEnergoControl LLC will provide you with a detailed report. 1. List of documentation submitted for admission of heat-consuming power plants and heat networks: List of documentation submitted for admission of heat-consuming power plants and heat networks for commissioning: A copy of the constituent document (certified in the prescribed manner) for a legal entity. Documents confirming the authority of the person (persons) representing the owner. Permission to use technical devices (equipment of thermal power plants, heating points and heating networks, a section of a heating network, systems, devices and means of emergency protection, signaling and control used in the operation of this equipment) if there are identifying signs of danger.

Report on the commissioning of the heating substation

Rules for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks, clause 1 of the Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering networks, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 83 of February 13, 2006, a sample of an inspection report from the order tolerance). A document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the technical specifications, certified by representatives of organizations operating engineering and technical support networks (certificate of the fulfillment of technical conditions) (Art.
55 of the Town Planning Code). The act of delimitation of the balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of the parties (clauses 2.1.3, 2.1.5 PTE TE).

Commissioning report of the thermal substation

Specialists check and adjust the equipment in such a way that it is as efficient as possible, all other things being equal. The final document that fixes all the qualitative results of such manipulations is an act that can be either the same for the entire structure or an individual focus, such as an act of setting up automatic regulators in an ITP.
The documents evidencing the completion of the construction of the ITP and the thermal power plant as a whole are the act of construction readiness and the act of commissioning, which are drawn up by the heat supply organization. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the North-Western Department of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision to carry out commissioning and permanent operation.

It was mentioned above that it is most reliable to entrust the maintenance of the central heating station once a year to a service company. Its task is to fully prepare the heating point for the autumn-winter season, namely: a complete inspection of equipment and instruments located in the central heating station; based on the results, a defective act should be drawn up; performance of all works indicated in the defective act; produce preventive repairs shutoff valves, glands, flange connections, regulators with the replacement of worn parts and gaskets; verification of control and measuring instruments, as well as calibration measuring tools who are not believed; participation in pre-launch tests; flushing of all devices and performance of commissioning and tuning activities. Full maintenance of the central heating station is usually performed once a year, less often - in unforeseen cases, as well as after force majeure situations.
Act on the readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of a capital construction facility for connection to the engineering and technical support network for commissioning (form 1 part 1) (clause 20.2 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 360 of 06/09/2007). Regulatory documents on the organization of the safe operation of thermal power plants. Staffing with trained (with knowledge testing) personnel (clauses 2.2.2, 2.3.34 PTE TE, a sample of the inspection report from the admission procedure). An extract from the knowledge test journal or a copy of the protocols for testing the knowledge of persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and their deputies, heat and power personnel (clause 2.2.2 PTE TE). A copy of the agreement on the operation of thermal power plants by a specialized organization.

Registration of the Technical report on acceptance, commissioning tests

We ask you to give an explanation on the issue of paying for the execution of the Technical Report on acceptance, commissioning tests and adjustment of electrical equipment in estimates made at the prices of FERp-2001.

AT General Provisions FERp 81-()5-OP-2001 pos. 1.14. stated:

"FERp part 1 does not take into account the costs of compiling the Technical Report, as well as the estimate documentation."

The Annexes to FERp dated January 30, 2014 No. 81-05-Pr-2001 in table 1.1 indicate that the cost of processing acceptance documentation is 5% of the cost of commissioning.

Usually, in estimates, the cost of preparing a technical report on completed projects is taken in the amount of up to 5% of the cost of commissioning.

Please provide clarification on the issue of the amount of payment for the preparation of the Technical Report.

The amounts of funds for the preparation of a technical report are taken into account in Chapter 4 of the "Consolidated estimate for the commissioning of enterprises, buildings, structures", which is indicated in the corresponding entry in MDS 81-40.2006 "Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning".

Chapter 4 of the Consolidated Estimate includes the amounts of funds spent by the Customer for reimbursement in the form of compensation for the costs of contracting commissioning organizations that are not directly related to the implementation of commissioning.

Complex of commissioning works of electrical equipment and electrical installations

Based on the results of the work, a protocol is drawn up in which all the parameters obtained are displayed, as well as a map for setting up security automation. The result of the commissioning is a certified commissioning of the object ready for transfer to the operation of the Customer.

Develops a work program for commissioning (commissioning program), including measures for labor protection; Transfers to the customer the comments on the project identified during the development process work program; Prepares a fleet of measuring equipment, test equipment and fixtures.

Commissioning of electrical equipment

At the second, no less important, stage, the actual commissioning of electrical equipment takes place in compliance with all electrical safety requirements: the commissioning of the installation and networks is carried out with the supply of electrical voltage.

At this stage, the customer must coordinate with the organization in whose competence the repair and adjustment of electrical equipment, all questions and comments on installation and troubleshoot.

Adjustment carried out before individual tests technological equipment: - external inspection of electrical equipment for compliance with the project; - checking and setting individual elements and functional groups; - assembly of test circuits; - checking the parameters and characterization of individual devices; — measurement of insulation resistance; - checking the connection of the windings; - adjustment of relay equipment; — verification of the correctness of the implementation of the schemes of primary and secondary switching.

Report on commissioning of electrical equipment

Attachment 1.

Form of execution of the section "Progress of the main work"

All-Russian Research Institute for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

Production Association Atomenergonaladka

Commissioning program for electrical equipment

Outdoor lighting of the sites and the reinforcing unit is carried out by lamps ZhKU16-250.

According to the PUE (clause 1.7.3, edition 7), the project provides for the “TN-S” grounding system (zero protective PE and zero working N conductors are separated throughout). In accordance with the requirements of VSN 012-88, intermediate acceptance with drawing up an act for hidden works all cables laid in the ground are subject, as well as an external grounding device.

During the check, the degree of their safety and reliability, compliance with the declared design characteristics. Based on the results of the work, all identified shortcomings that impede the normal operation of the equipment are eliminated. Installation and commissioning are carried out by specialized organizations with which the enterprise concludes a business contract.

If the enterprise has trained engineering and technical personnel and the necessary instrumentation, then these works can be performed on their own.