Spider mite control methods in currants. How to protect bushes from pests of black currant, red and white. Signs of damage by currant bud mite

If we do not take care in time to protect our currants from all kinds of pests, then all our hopes for big harvest these berries may not be justified, even if the most productive ones were planted and you and I have perfectly prepared the area for them.

And our favorite has plenty of enemies. This and various types insects, and mites. Total currant pests there are more than 70 species.

Let's talk about the most common representatives of the evil world, about effective fight With currant pests and the most effective traditional methods of treatment.

Currant pests

Currant bud mite

Therefore, they hide inside the culture (mainly in the ovaries).

  • The tick is a tiny representative of the genus of spiders (its size is only 0.2 mm). Ticks are dangerous not only because of their gluttony. They are carriers of many diseases (mycoplasma, terry). The affected crop suddenly loses its immunity, becomes very susceptible to other pests and may die.

Take a closer look at the dormant currant in winter. Are some of her dormant kidneys enlarged?

Swollen eyes are the most basic sign of the disease. In the spring, a diseased shrub will grow its shoots unevenly, the leaves will become deformed, with a noticeable lag in development.

  • A stunted crop will produce few flower clusters, and most of the ovaries will never wake up.

In summer, diseased plants become very noticeable, they are severely retarded in development and growth, have an untidy bush shape, many shoots are crooked and infantile, there are practically no berries, most of the fruits wither before they have time to ripen.

In the autumn, the eyes begin to swell, many of them take on a round shape, they are different in size, which is very noticeable.

Bud moth

A butterfly whose wingspan is 13-16 mm. It can be distinguished by the color of its wings: the front ones are yellowish-brown, the rear ones are brownish-gray, fringed.

The caterpillar of this species is warty with a light edge. It changes its color depending on age (red, then brown-yellow, and before pupation it becomes brown-green).

  • During the cold period, these currant pests are found in dense white cocoons. They can be found under the bark at the base of mature shoots. Her favorite varieties are red and white currants.

Pests awaken simultaneously with the beginning of the movement of scales on the buds. Voracious insects bite into the core of the eyes.

After destroying one ovary, they crawl to neighboring ones. One caterpillar can destroy up to 7 buds.

The bud moth is very prolific - one female can lay up to 60 eggs.

Redcurrant aphid

A small insect of black or green color has a size of up to 7 mm.

Everyone knows that ants and aphids depend on each other. Ants feed on the dew produced by the pest.

Moreover, ants carry the clumsy aphids on themselves, selecting the most appetizing parts of the plant for them and settling them there.

Spider mite

This is another very dangerous pest of black currants, but it does not disdain red varieties.

Spider mites live on the lower part of the crown of plants. In the process of their life activity, mites are engaged in weaving cobwebs, which can be easily detected.

  • Their presence is also indicated by the appearance of light dots on the leaves, which over time completely lose their color. A heavily damaged leaf becomes marbled, it dries out and falls off.

The plant's immunity, cold resistance and productivity drop sharply.

The tick settles for the winter under fallen leaves, and can live in top layer soil. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, he climbs onto the bush and begins to damage the crown.

These mites breed mainly on weeds. The dry, hot season contributes to this.

Currant gall midges

Mature individuals are 2-3 mm long, yellow-brown in color. Their caterpillars first have white, as they grow older they become red-orange, and at the end of development they become scarlet.

All varieties of these currant pests overwinter in surface layer soil in the larval stage.

When the weather warms, they pupate, and when the bush begins to bloom, adult insects become active.

The larvae of this voracious beetle willingly eat the core of currant branches. The affected shoots begin to dry out, the bush itself sharply loses productivity, the berries that were still able to form become tiny and frail.

  • Crawling pests have a flattened shape, slightly widened at the head. They live, overwinter and pupate in the same shoot that they eat.

The eggs of the beetles are filled with mucus, which dries and forms a hard oval-shaped shield on the trunk of the bush.

After two weeks, the larvae appear. They immediately penetrate the trunk.

glass currant

The insect is dangerous because it is very difficult to eradicate - the caterpillars of the pest live in wood, in the very thick of the bush.

  • If you notice in the spring that dried branches stand out sharply among the green foliage, it is quite possible that these are places of pest settlement. Cut the branch with pruning shears - in the center of the cut you will see a dark cavity - this is its trace.

The insect's butterflies are medium in size (2-3 cm), they are covered with blackish-lilac scales, and there are transverse, light stripes on the bottom and on the abdomen.

They appear 10-14 days after the bush blooms (end of June). One individual is capable of laying up to 70 eggs. The masonry is made in the cracks of the shoots.

The emerging caterpillars actively eat the core of the trunk and make tunnels up to 40 cm there. They settle there for the winter.

In autumn, the caterpillars grow up to 2 cm, but do not leave the plant. They crawl out only in May of the following year to pupate.

Gooseberry moth

The small gray butterfly is the most dangerous pest currants Its pupae overwinter in the soil under the bushes of the plant.

They appear in the spring, as soon as the temperature rises to +10-13° C. Soon they begin laying eggs inside the flowers of the bush. Sometimes their number reaches 200 pieces.

You can tell that the garden has been attacked by a moth by the presence of rotten berries covered with cobwebs and by the presence of the caterpillars themselves (as adults they are bright green, up to 2 cm long).

Gooseberry shoot aphid

These small sucking insects seriously damage young currant leaves (they especially love blackcurrant varieties).

With their massive invasion, the foliage becomes distorted, stops developing and dies. Young crops are extremely affected by the pest.

In summer, winged currant pests scatter throughout the garden and establish huge colonial settlements of harmful insects.

It is quite easy to understand that the garden is infested with aphids: the leaves will tell you about it with their downward-curved edges and curved loop-shaped shoots with enlarged internodes.

Gooseberry moth

The moth butterfly is large (up to 5 cm in length), with yellow, bright wings. She produces eggs from the inner area of ​​the leaves in the second ten days of summer.

  • Adult caterpillars reach a length of 4 cm; after their active summer activity, by autumn they weave themselves into a cocoon of cobwebs, simultaneously with the leaves they fall to the soil, where they overwinter.

Creeping pests are gray in color and have yellow stripes on their sides. In the spring, they emerge from the cocoon and crawl onto the branches of bushes, where they begin to actively feast on young leaves.

Preventive measures

♦ Effective boiling water. Hot water destroys the larvae of various currant pests that live and overwinter on the shoots of bushes.

At the same time, the bushes themselves do not suffer from dousing, but only become stronger. When carrying out the procedure, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not use 100% boiling water. Let the water cool a little.
  2. Before the event, tie the branches of the plant together.
  3. You can pour currants only in their dormant state.

Treatment of currants against pests is carried out during a period when it is already warmer, but there is no green haze on the bushes.

You can also water the plants in winter, when the bushes are free of leaves.

♦ Handmade. One of effective methods is the manual collection of harmful caterpillars.

In the fall, dig up the soil and cover each bush to a height of 10-12 cm with soil to a radius of up to 70 cm.

Pupae overwintering under plant debris will end up at destructive depths - they will be destroyed by the winter cold.

The layer of soil can be removed 2 weeks after the end of flowering of the bush.

♦ Competent care. Do not cut cuttings from plants affected by currant pests; carefully handle and disinfect your working tools (especially after pruning the bushes).

Monitor the condition of your plantings! Remove old stumps, dry shoots, do not leave plant debris or leaves under the bushes (burn them in a timely manner).

Spend every autumn general cleaning garden Remove all weeds, dig up the soil well, and in the spring collect all the remaining grass and dry leaves.

♦ Down with the ants. The fight against aphids of all types must begin with the destruction of ant colonies.

Try to find an anthill and fill it with boiling water in the spring.

After the ants disappear, you can exterminate the aphids themselves. It hides inside the kidneys. The eyes have an enlarged, rounded shape.

All such ovaries must be collected and burned. You also need to regularly remove excess growth.

Be sure to clean the bark if it begins to peel off - there may be oviposition there.

♦ Beneficial insects. These resist the spread of many currant pests: beneficial insects entomophages such as: aphelinus, gall midge aphidimisis, trichogramma and others.

To attract them, aromatic honey-bearing herbs (oregano, rosemary, calendula, cosmos, mallow, marigold) should be planted on the site.

Take your time to rid your garden of weeds. We are talking about a swan. It should be left near the currants at least 1-2 bushes.

Quinoa is an excellent treat for some types of harmful insects. The weed is capable of taking the blow, and as soon as you see that the plant is affected by currant pests, destroy it.

Traditional methods

Plants must be sprayed with such compounds.

You should treat at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bush, this way you will distribute the healing tinctures/decoctions more evenly.

Now watch a video about how to protect currants from aphids and currant moth.

And one more video about how now, without waiting for spring, you can fight the currant bud mite.

See you soon, dear readers and health to your garden!

Spider mites are considered the most common pests of currant bushes. They live in colonies of several hundred individuals, are located on the underside of the foliage, and feed on plant juices. The first signs of infection are yellowish dots (bite sites) on the leaf blades. Then the leaves become stained, turn yellow and dry out, weakening the bush. IN advanced cases Spider mites on currants form multiple webs and make their nests there.

The microscopic bud mite lives in currant buds. Its peak activity occurs in early spring, when females begin to lay eggs. The mite reproduces very quickly - about 1 thousand eggs can mature in each bud, from which new insects are born in 3-4 days.

A kidney mite infestation can be judged by the following signs:

  • in winter and autumn - infected buds become rounded and increase in size;
  • in the spring, diseased bushes may not sprout, and if they do, the leaves and inflorescences from such buds will appear deformed and defective; when the buds open, insects crawl out and begin to migrate, which can be seen visually;
  • in summer, diseased bushes look weak, shoots are twisted, leaves are deformed and turn yellow, berries fall off unripe.

Video “Fighting ticks”

From the video you will learn how to fight mites on currants.

Ways to fight

Boiling water

Pouring currant bushes with boiling water in early spring allows you to destroy mite larvae before they reproduce, as well as increase the plant’s immunity to powdery mildew.
When carrying out the procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • to avoid harm to the kidneys, use slightly cooled boiling water (90 °C);
  • for convenience of the procedure, the branches are tied at the top;
  • a garden watering can is used for watering;
  • dousing is carried out only before the buds open - if time is lost, the next procedure can be carried out in the fall, after the leaves have fallen.

Manual removal

The mechanical removal method requires a lot of patience and care from the gardener, because it is necessary to examine each bud and remove only the infected ones.
The event is held in early spring or autumn, but in spring there is a high risk of removing young healthy buds, since at this time each currant bud swells. It is important not to miss a single infected bud, otherwise the mites will spread again. Removed buds must be burned.

Sulfur chemicals

A more reliable way of explaining how to get rid of kidney mite on currants are sulfur-containing chemicals. The most effective remedy for ticks is colloidal sulfur, diluted in a ratio of 10 g/10 l of water, or a sulfur-lime decoction. Treatment of bushes with sulfur is carried out during the flowering period and after it. To begin with, it is recommended to spray only part of the bush, since in certain varieties of blackcurrant, sulfur-containing components can lead to leaf burn.

Acaricidal drugs have a quick inhibitory effect on mites: Vermitek, Endidor, Nissoran, Apollo, Actellik, which can only be used before flowering, as they pose a high danger to bees. After flowering, it is recommended to use biological insecticides: Fitoverm, Iskra, Kleschevit.


This drastic method is used when the bush is damaged by 30-40%. A plant infected to such an extent cannot be restored, so it should be cut off at the root, and diseased branches should be burned.
In the summer, new healthy shoots will grow from the stumps, which will need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest ones. As a rule, bush rejuvenation gives very good results. It is better to completely uproot old bushes, more than 6 years old, and after tilling the soil, plant new seedlings in their place.

Traditional methods

The appearance of bud mites on currants and how to fight them is a challenge for summer residents. But experienced gardeners know what to do using folk remedies:


As is known, the most best fight is about prevention. The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the seedlings.

The buds of young plants or cuttings should not be compacted. In addition, every autumn it is necessary to collect from the ground, then burn fallen leaves and weeds, and water the soil with boiling water or disinfectant solutions.

By using the sore spots of pests, their population can be reduced by about half. For example, ticks prefer dry and warm air, therefore in hot weather It is recommended to sprinkle the bushes. Also, the pest cannot stand the smell of garlic, and if it is planted nearby, the mites themselves will begin to leave the currant plantings.

Video “How to process currants”

From the video you will learn how to process currants in spring and autumn.

Currants are one of the most common berry crops from gardeners.

It contains large number vitamins in its berries and leaves. In addition, currant agricultural technology is quite simple.

However, despite its unpretentiousness, plantings of this crop can suffer greatly from the invasion of pests such as currant bud and spider mites.

Despite their microscopic size, these insects cause significant damage to currants due to their numbers (they produce several generations per season).

If the fight against these pests is not started in time, the harvest will be lost and the plants will die.

Ticks are spreading by contact(by birds, on human clothing and tools when processing bushes) and by the wind.

Currant bud mite

Kidney mite, section of the affected kidney

Signs of currant damage by the bud mite:

In autumn and winter, infected buds increase in size and have a round shape;

. in the spring ticks begin to feed intensively and reproduce. The affected buds either do not produce shoots or leaves at all and most of them die. By the period of “green haze” on the bushes (the beginning of leaf dissolution), 2 generations of mites have already developed in the buds (up to 1000 individuals can live in one bud). As a result of intensive reproduction, they become crowded, and insects crawl out in search of young shoots and buds in the axils of the leaves. This is how pests spread throughout the bush and crawl onto neighboring plants. Full shoots and leaves do not grow from damaged buds. Few flower clusters are formed, flowering is weak.

. in summer infected bushes have a disheveled shape, the shoots are partially twisted and underdeveloped. The leaves are deformed, their tops become lighter and take on a leathery appearance. The berries fall off before reaching full ripeness. From August, the buds in which new generations of mites settle begin to enlarge and take on a rounded shape.

Kidneys damaged by kidney mites (shown in the photo with red arrows) have a round shape and are almost 2 times larger than healthy kidneys

Ways to combat currant bud mite

There are several ways to combat this pest. Their use depends on the stage at which the tick was discovered. Many gardeners use boiling water to pour currant bushes over them. In this case, the mite larvae die, and the plant’s immunity to powdery mildew increases.

This procedure should be carried out according to following rules:

100% boiling water is not used - while the water is carried into the garden, poured into a watering can, it has time to cool slightly and does not damage the buds themselves, but the pests die (they are sensitive to high temperatures);

The branches of the bush are pre-tied together;

When the buds begin to open, you can no longer pour them over. If the deadline is missed, the procedure can be carried out in the fall, when the leaves fall and the affected round buds are visible.

Mechanical removal kidney

This method will require patience and care from the gardener. Sorting of buds is carried out in winter or spring, before they open. The disadvantage of this method is that it is labor-intensive; if the distinction is made incorrectly (before opening, all the buds have a swollen appearance), there is a high probability of removing healthy buds instead of infected ones. In addition, the gardener will need to carefully examine all the branches of the bush: if you miss even one infected bud, the spread of mites will continue. After collecting the buds, they are burned.

Drastic pruning

If at least 30-40% of the branches on young bushes are damaged by the bud mite, then in the spring they should be cut to a stump and burned. Treat wounds with Nitrafen. You cannot throw cut branches on the ground, because... pests can get on healthy plants. In July, the newly grown shoots are thinned out, leaving the most powerful ones. In a year they will begin to bear fruit. Severely damaged bushes 6 years old and older cannot be saved; they are uprooted and burned in the same place.

Treatment with sulfur preparations

The kidney mite does not tolerate sulfur, so to combat it, use a solution of colloidal sulfur (10g/bucket of water), karbofos (75g/10l of water) or lime-sulfur decoction (ISO). These preparations are sprayed on currant bushes during the flowering period and after it ends. At reprocessing the concentration of the substance is reduced by 2 times. In some currant varieties, sulfur-containing preparations can cause burns and premature leaf fall.

Use of acaricides

Ticks are not insects, but arachnids, so using insecticides will not have the desired effect on them. For this purpose, acaricides and insectoacaricides are used, for example Apollo, Vertimek, Oberon, Nissoran, Envidor, Sunmite. In addition to ticks, these drugs will also destroy other pests.

Traditional methods

Currant cuttings can be soaked in tea broth before rooting. To prepare it, 50g of tea is brewed in 25l of boiling water. You can use it after a day, otherwise the twigs may burn. The cuttings are kept in the resulting solution for 3 hours.

To combat bud mites, currant bushes are treated with garlic solution during budding and immediately after flowering. To prepare it, 200g of chopped garlic cloves are poured into 10l of water, mixed, filtered and used immediately.

Growing bud mite-resistant currant varieties

Some currant varieties are relatively resistant to damage by this pest. These include: Otradnaya, Early Potapenko, Vigorous, Early Sweet, Memory Gubenko, etc.

Purchase planting material it is necessary from trusted suppliers. If you are not completely sure of the “purity” of seedlings or cuttings, then they can be disinfected in the following solution: take agrovertin (10 g) and colloidal sulfur (40 g) per 10 liters of water. If you need to save your favorite variety on your site, then cuttings from such a bush are cut before the snow begins to melt - during this period, the female mites have not yet begun to lay eggs. The cuttings are pickled for 15 minutes in a 1-5 solution of karbofos or agrovertin.

Spider mites on currants

Spider mite

One of the very first signs of spider mites is the appearance of yellow dots (bite sites) on the leaves. Gradually the leaf acquires a marble color and then turns yellow. As a result, sap flow in the leaf blade is disrupted, dehydration and drying of the leaves occurs.

In advanced cases of currant damage spider mite- the presence on the plant of a thin web in which insects make their nests.

Spider web on a plant heavily infested with spider mites

Spider mites on currants: how to fight?

They begin fighting spider mites before the females lay eggs in the spring.

Chemical treatment acaricides

To do this, currant bushes are sprayed with acaricide solutions before the buds open. For example, such biological preparations as Fitoverm, Kleschevit, Agrovertin, Akarin, Iskra, Bitoxibacillin provide protection against ticks and other pests for 20 days. The death of ticks occurs on the 2nd day. These drugs are not dangerous for birds, fish, or insect predators, but are dangerous for bees. Therefore, it is better to use them before the plants begin to flower. Spraying is carried out with a fresh solution in dry, windless weather, evenly wetting the leaves on both sides. Treatment is carried out several times with an interval of 4-5 days. It is worth remembering that mites quickly develop resistance to poisons, so when treating plants it is necessary to alternate chemicals. Thus, Sunmite acts on all stages of mites (from eggs to adult), but quickly causes addiction and the emergence of populations resistant to it. Use it once a year. Apollo, Fufanon, Nissoran have a sterilizing effect.

Compliance with agricultural technology

Spider mites cannot tolerate high humidity. Using this weak point pest, its population can be halved. It is especially important to irrigate or spray currant bushes in hot, dry weather, while trying to ensure that the water gets on bottom side leaves.

In autumn, it is necessary to collect fallen leaves from the area and burn them, because... they are the wintering grounds for spider mites.

Throughout the growing season, it is important to destroy weeds on the site, which are breeding grounds for pests.

Traditional methods

Many gardeners and summer residents do not accept chemicals and prefer to fight spider mites using traditional methods.

When the number of mites is small, currant bushes are sprayed with garlic infusion. To do this, 150 g of dry leaves and husks are poured into 10 liters warm water and they insist for a day. After this, the resulting infusion is used to treat the plant. Instead of dry leaves, you can use 200 g of garlic for the same volume of water or onions. Infusion time - 2 hours.

Good effect gives a mustard infusion: take 200g of powder in a bucket of water, leave for 10-12 hours, filter and spray on the currants.

If dandelion grows on the site, then it is also used to combat spider mites. 200g of crushed roots and 50g of leaves are poured with 10 liters of warm (40°C) water, left for 2-3 hours and filtered. Currants are sprayed for the first time during the period of “green haze” (leaf dissolution), and the second time after flowering has ended.

Early spring You can collect the roots and leaves of black henbane and make a decoction from them: 2 kg of fresh raw materials are poured with a small amount of water and boiled for 2-3 hours. Afterwards the broth is added with 10 liters of water. The plant is poisonous, so all manipulations with it are carried out with gloves.

Horseradish infusion is quite effective: leaves (1 kg) are crushed in a meat grinder and infused for 60 minutes in 3 liters of water. If you use roots, you will need 2 times less of them.

If agricultural practices are followed, currants will be less often exposed to various diseases and be affected by ticks.

" Currant

Damage to currant bushes most often occurs from the foliage of its lower part. The main sign of the disease is the appearance of white spots on the leaves. While over time the mite moves higher and higher, enveloping all the currants with its web. We will discuss how to deal with this pest in this review.

It is not difficult to recognize the appearance of spider mites on currants. Even taking into account the fact that the pests are very small, they can cause significant damage to currants, including their destruction. Due to rapid reproduction, tick individuals in short terms spread throughout the plant, sucking the juices out of it and thereby deforming the structure of the foliage.


The main reasons for the appearance of spider mites include:

  • hot and dry weather. These are the weather conditions that are considered optimal for pest breeding. Although ticks can wait out even the cold for some time;
  • if the soil lacks beneficial organic compounds or other microelements, pests immediately take advantage of this. They immediately attack plants that are somehow weakened by a lack of organic matter;

  • currant bushes can become infected with spider insects from other plants in the garden. That is why it is important to localize the affected areas and try to get rid of pests as quickly as possible, not allowing them to multiply further;
  • excessively dusty plants- This is also the reason for the appearance of ticks. They like this kind of habitat. It is recommended to constantly irrigate currants to prevent pests.

It is worth noting that if you do not immediately eliminate all the causes of ticks, then there will be no point in doing so. Because in one day a female can lay about two hundred eggs. It is necessary to fight comprehensively, destroying not only adult individuals, but also their eggs.

Consequences of currant damage by a pest

Spider mites lead to dehydration and drying of currant leaves

If you don’t get rid of spider mites before the ovary appears, you may not wait for the harvest at all. This pest is also terrible because it not only affects the ovaries on flowers, but also causes irreparable damage to the foliage. At the same time, the chance of the currant bush to develop other ailments increases significantly.

Practice shows that blackcurrant bushes very rarely get sick. But if they were infected by a spider mite and did not get rid of the pest in time. Defeat comes immediately powdery mildew. And it becomes almost impossible to get rid of this problem.

How to deal with spider mites

In the process of fighting spider mites best to use traditional methods. Firstly, it is free, since the recipes contain improvised means or plants that can be found in any garden or personal plot. Secondly, this safe methods eliminating the pest. Such infusions and solutions do not harm either the plants themselves or people.

Plain water is an excellent remedy for ridding bushes of ticks at the initial stage. This is because the pest does not tolerate high humidity. If you constantly water the bushes directly from above with water or, after watering, cover them with film to significantly increase humidity, the adult specimens will quickly die.

While the use of specialized chemical compositions recommended exclusively in the most difficult situations when traditional methods did not give the desired result. Because store-bought drugs, when they get into the currant pulp, spoil it, causing harm to the human body. The use of chemicals followed by harvesting is possible only if the product is used before the currants begin to bloom. Otherwise harvested It is prohibited for human consumption.

The use of spider mite control also depends on the outside temperature.

At an air temperature of + 21 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to carry out three acaricide treatments with an interval of 8 days. If the temperature rises to +30 degrees, the number of treatments increases up to 4 times, and the interval decreases to 5 days. Otherwise, new eggs will have time to mature, spreading further

Use of special drugs

Acaricides can be used only before flowering appears, since hazardous substances can get into the berries and harm humans. If no one will harvest the berries at all and the problem is to save the garden from a pest that is spreading to other plants, There is a sense and meaning of acaricites at any stage of bush development.

The method of use, or rather the instructions for preparing the composition, is indicated on the packaging. You should not make your own adjustments to the solution; it is important to follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Practice shows that Getting rid of spider mites is not easy. And the first one that came across chemical agent may not help. We will have to change the drug based on other poisons.

  • Oberon;
  • Flumite;
  • Apollo;
  • Nisoran.

Using traditional methods

There are some plants that will help cope with the pest. Some should be used dried, others fresh. Let's look at the main options:

  • wormwood, datura, dandelion, yarrow, calendula, celandine;
  • can be cooked a solution of finely chopped onion and garlic, diluted with water and infused for 24 hours;
  • showed itself well in the fight against ticks infusion from potato tops.

It is recommended to use solutions by spraying them over the surface of the bush. Moreover, this must be done at least three times daily. This is because eggs are highly resistant to liquid. And it is much more difficult to destroy them when they are mature.

Now it becomes clear that you should start fighting spider mites immediately after they appear. This is because in the first place the pests can simply be washed off with a stream of water or treated with an infusion of herbs. If you don’t get your bearings in time, then After the ovary appears, the mite can damage it, which means there will be no harvest. Moreover, the pest quickly spreads throughout the garden and can affect all other healthy plants, even reaching indoor flowers. Everything must be done in a timely manner!

But that's not all. In addition, currants can be attacked by longhorned beetles, borers, and stem glass. It is imperative to fight spider mites as soon as you notice their presence on the bush. But first you need to understand by what signs this pest can be detected, and what consequences inaction is fraught with.

How to identify an infestation

The invasion of pests on currant bushes becomes much more active in the spring, when females lay eggs. To diagnose an infection on time, pay attention to the following points:

As soon as you notice a web or yellow dots on the leaf plate, immediately begin pest control, otherwise the plant may simply die.

Consequences for currants

How to get rid of spider mites is a question gardeners often ask. The main thing is to start treating the bush as soon as you notice the presence of pests. Treatment of the plant will be much more effective if done in the spring. In summer, insects multiply very quickly, so removing them from currants will not be so easy.

In any case, the choice effective means should depend not only on the time of year, but also on the degree of infection of the bush. For example, if you find cobwebs and yellow spots on the leaves of one plant, start by trimming the affected shoots. Under no circumstances leave cut branches on the ground near the bush: insects can “migrate” to another healthy plant. It is better to simply burn these sections.

If the situation with infection of currant bushes worsens, it’s time to choose the best way fight:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals.

If spider mites are infested on currants, how to fight them? As an alternative remedy, you can use traditional methods. These mainly include herbal infusions that have a strong aroma (garlic infusion or decoction of onion peel). These products show good results, but they have one significant drawback: the treatment will have to be done frequently, throughout the growing season.


In order to prevent the appearance of spider mites on currants in the autumn, dig up the soil around the bushes: in this way, you eliminate the female insects that overwinter in the soil near the plant. Fallen leaves should be removed in the fall. Sometimes domestic gardeners can resort to the help of auxiliary plants.

If you plant calendula near currants, its pungent smell will repel pests. Timely pruning of shrubs will also reduce the risk of bud mite invasion. Take care of black or red currant bushes in advance - and you will be able to avoid problems with pests once and for all.

Video “Fighting spider mites on currants”

From this video you will learn how to effectively fight aphids and spider mites on currants.