Benches are round around the tree. Bench with your own hands. (100 step by step photos). Do-it-yourself wooden benches

Many people lament wildly that their garden plots are not gentrified enough. Spreading oaks create coolness, but it is a pity to use them for hammering nails. Therefore, today I propose to watch a master class on the theme of chic comfortable bench around the tree with your hands.

We take old boards or slats and take measurements around the selected tree. Please note that the bench will dig in, so try to choose the most comfortable size.

Let's take wooden planks and measure the dimensions we need. Try to do it carefully, it is best to use special tools for the correct size.

When you are wondering: how to build a bench with a backrest with your own hands, then you should not put anything aside. Therefore, after measurements, it is urgent to cut and drill holes to connect the back to the main part of the bench.

First, we begin to assemble the bench on the floor to fit it up to the right sizes. Carefully assemble the bench in a circle, assemble it as accurately as possible, but so that you can disassemble it.

We twist the bench, trying to tighten the bolts as much as possible. After all, the bench can also be used as a couch or even as sleeping place during the daytime.

We assemble our bench near the selected tree and diligently dig it around the entire perimeter of our tree.

It remains only to screw the back into place and our wonderful bench is ready.

When the task arises - how to build a bench with your own hands, you do not need to skimp on materials, it is best to use a well-hardened tree that will survive a lot summer seasons and including winter period inaction.

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gentrification landscape area- It's not a matter of one day. In addition to the construction of the main buildings and the arrangement of the garden, you always want to allocate a place to relax, where you can enjoy unity with nature. And the main element of this cozy corner under open sky will certainly perform garden furniture. If free space there is not much on the site, you can use the near-trunk areas of trees by installing a round bench with a table under them. Let's take a closer look at how to build a round bench and garden table around a tree.

Benches around a tree have been topping the list of popularity among landscape designers and connoisseurs of comfort and beauty for many years. Made of metal or wood, with or without backrest, simple designs or graceful ornate items - they never go out of style.

The reason for such popularity, most likely, is that they act as a frame for the trunks. Large sprawling trees have an attractive effect on a person, because under its powerful branches anyone feels protected.

A bench under a tree is a kind of symbol of the unity of a person with the nature around him: while maintaining its functional and decorative qualities, she becomes part of a habitable garden

The key element of this pair is, of course, wood. Therefore, the bench framing it should not constrain, much less damage the trunk. A round bench is best placed under a chestnut, birch, willow or walnut tree.

Fruit trees are far from the best option. The falling fruits of the trees will spoil appearance furniture, leaving traces on the light surface of the wood.

It’s great if a picturesque panorama of the beautiful flower garden, pond or arch with climbing plants

On hot summer days, it is pleasant to relax on such a bench, hiding under the shade of foliage. In the autumn months, when the leaves have already fallen, you will enjoy the warmth of the last rays of the sun.

The choice of materials for construction

Garden furniture is designed not only to provide comfortable conditions for relaxation in the middle of green spaces on fresh air, but also to act bright accent original design shady corner.

The material for its manufacture can be: wood, stone, metal. However, the most harmonious garden plot looks exactly wooden furniture.

Having a unique texture, benches made of wood look equally good both among the greenery of the garden and against the background of stone and brick buildings site

When choosing a material for creating a wooden bench or table, give preference to wood species with a dense structure. They are better able to resist negative impacts precipitation keeping a presentable appearance for several seasons.

Larch is excellent for making garden furniture: the amount of oils and adhesives makes it the least vulnerable to high humidity and temperature fluctuations

Among inexpensive breeds for manufacturing outdoor tables and chairs, pine, acacia, cherry or spruce are also well suited. beautiful color and texture have oak and walnut. But even when high-quality processing they are less resistant to climate change, and under the influence of direct sun rays may even gradually dry out.

Regardless of the choice of wood species, in order for garden furniture to last more than one season, everything wooden details and elements must be treated with protective impregnations both from the front and from the back.

Master class # 1 - we make a round bench

The easiest way to make a circular bench is to create a hexagonal structure with a back adjacent to a tree trunk. The legs of the bench should not damage the aerial parts of the roots of the plant. Determining the distance between the seat of the bench and the trunk of a tree, it is necessary to make a margin of 10-15 cm for its growth in thickness.

For the manufacture of a round bench, which will act as a frame for a tree with a trunk diameter within 60 cm, you will need:

  • 6 blanks each 40/60/80/100 mm long, 80-100 mm wide;
  • 12 blanks 50-60 cm long for legs;
  • 6 blanks 60-80 cm long for crossbars;
  • 6 strips for the manufacture of the back;
  • 6 strips to create an apron;
  • self-tapping screws or screws.

Use only well-dried wood for work. This will reduce the likelihood of cracks on the surface during the operation of the bench.

From the tools you need to prepare:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • electric saw or hand saw;
  • Bulgarian with a nozzle for grinding;
  • garden shovel;
  • a hammer.

The circular bench is a design consisting of six identical sections. The size of the sections depends on the diameter of the tree. It is measured at the height of the seat, adding 15-20 cm to the result for a margin to ensure further growth tree. To determine the length of the short sides of the inner slabs of the bench, the result of the measurements is divided by 1.75.

In order for the assembled circular bench to have the correct shape and perfectly even edges, the cut angle of each section must be 30 °

To create symmetrical even edges and obtain even bevels between adjacent seat slats, when cutting, the parts should be interconnected with meter boards.

Seat blanks are laid out in four rows on a flat plane. So that when assembled, the seat boards do not adjoin closely to each other, at the stage of assembling the structure, gaskets 1 cm thick are installed between them.

On the extreme board, which will act as the short side of the inner plate of the bench, cut points are marked at an angle of 30 °

Having outlined the place of the cut along the last board, they transfer the line to the boards of neighboring rows, maintaining the same angle of inclination. In each next row, the plates will be longer than in the previous one. Using the same technology, 5 more templates of the same size are cut out.

It is easy to check the correct dimensions of the seat by laying out all the templates and joining their edges so that an isosceles hexagon is obtained.

After making sure that the calculations are correct and that the seat elements are assembled correctly, they begin to manufacture the legs of the bench. The design of the circular bench provides for the installation of internal and external legs. Their length depends on the desired seat height. On average, it is 60-70 cm.

To stiffen the structure, connect the legs with crossbars, the length of which will be equal to the width of the bench seat

Cut out 12 identical legs to the height of the seat. If the ground around the tree has uneven surface, make blanks for the legs a little longer than the intended size. In the future, during the installation process, you can always trim the height by adding or, conversely, removing the layer of soil under the legs of the bench.

To connect the legs with crossbars parallel to each other, marks are made on the support posts and crossbars, which will serve as a guide when drilling through holes. To create a rigid structure, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern, placing them diagonally and capturing the legs with crossbars.

AT through holes insert the bolts and, having threaded a washer with a nut on them, with the help of wrench tighten tightly. The same actions are performed when tightening the remaining five knots.

The easiest way to connect the legs to the seat of the bench is by placing them in an upright position and fixing them with clamps, and then placing the seat boards on them

The seat strips are laid out on the support posts in such a way that the joints between the boards are located exactly in the center above the legs. The strips themselves need to be moved slightly towards the front legs so that they go beyond the edges.

After making sure that the assembly is correct, two adjacent sections are connected. First, the external support posts are screwed, and then the internal legs are “planted” on the screws. The result should be two assembled sections, each of which includes three interconnected strips.

The assembled halves of the circular bench are installed with opposite sides wood, joining the edges of adjacent strips

“Having gained” the joints, re-adjust the location of the outer three supports, and only after that tighten the screws. Having leveled the horizontal surface of the bench with the help of a level, proceed to the installation of the backrest.

The backs of all six seats are installed along the rear edge, placing them flush and fixing them with a bolted connection

For ease of use, the end bevels are cut at an angle of 30 °. To fix the elements of the bench, the guide screws are screwed through the holes with inside seat and grabbing the back. Using the same technology, all adjacent backs are connected.

At the final stages, an apron is mounted from separate strips. To determine the length of the strips, measure the distance between the outer legs of the bench. Having cut six blanks for an apron, the short edges of each are beveled at an angle of 30 °.

To install the apron, alternately apply the boards to the outer sides of the seat, and, fixing it with a clip, screw it to the legs of the bench with screws.

The finished bench can only be sanded, eliminating all roughness, and coated with water-repellent oil impregnated. Wax-based formulations also give a good result, creating a thin film on the surface that prevents the penetration of moisture from environment.

The manufacturing process of a four-sided bench is not much different from the production technology of a hexagonal bench.

By setting up a circular bench in a cool corner of the garden, you can enjoy at any time, leaning on the rough bark of the trunk and listening to the sounds of nature.

Workshop # 2 - building a garden table around a tree

A logical addition to a circular garden bench would be a table around a tree, which can also be placed under a neighboring plant.

Under the arrangement of the table, it is better to choose a tree with a spreading crown, so that the shadow from it covers not only the countertop, but people sitting at the table

The type and shape of the table can be anything from traditional square designs and finishing with countertops irregular shape. We propose to build a structure, the tabletop of which is made in the form of a head of an opened flower.

The project is designed to decorate a tree trunk, the diameter of which does not exceed 50 cm. If the tree you have chosen for installing the table is still growing, be sure to make an additional margin for the central hole of the tabletop.

To make a table around a tree you will need:

  • cut plywood 10-15 mm thick, 1.5x1.5 m in size;
  • board 25 mm thick and 20x1000 mm in size;
  • 2 cuts of a metal strip 45 mm wide and 55 mm thick;
  • wooden block 40x40 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for wood and metal;
  • 2 coupler bolts 50x10 mm;
  • 2 nuts and 4 washers.
  • paint for metal and impregnation for wood.

When determining the dimensions of the metal strip, be guided by the thickness of the wood, but at the same time make an additional margin of 90 mm for attaching parts.

Boards for the tabletop are processed in the form of a petal, rounding the outer edges and making the inner parts narrower for the middle of the flower.

A circle is cut out of a sheet of plywood with a diameter of 10-12 cm less than the size of the countertop. A hole is cut in the center of the circle, the size corresponding to the thickness of the trunk. For mounting, the circle is cut in half, the workpieces are varnished.

The frame of the structure is constructed from bars 40 cm and 60 cm long. For blanks 60 cm in size, the ends are cut off at an angle of 45 ° so that one side retains the same length. Wooden blanks are cleaned sandpaper and cover with impregnation.

The ends of two cuts of a metal strip with a cross section of 45 mm are bent at a right angle and covered with 2-3 layers of paint. To assemble the structure, bars are screwed to metal blanks in such a way that their ends do not protrude beyond the edge of the strips. The result should be a design that looks like a barrel, but in a mirror version.

The assembled frame is put on a tree trunk, placing gaskets under the metal elements - pieces of linoleum. Bolts and nuts are tightly tightened. To vertical elements frame using self-tapping screws screw semicircles of plywood. Petals are laid out on a plywood circle, forming a tabletop in the form of a flower.

Each petal of the “flower” is fixed with a self-tapping screw, deepening the hats as much as possible so that they do not protrude above the surface

The surface of the petals is treated with sandpaper. If desired, the gaps between the boards are covered epoxy resin. The side edges and the surface of the countertop are treated with a protective compound that will minimize the effects of moisture and insects. To give the countertop the desired shade, use impregnation with pigment or ordinary stain.

Whichever version of the circular bench or table you choose, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the landscape surrounding it. In any case, handmade garden furniture will delight you every time with its originality and uniqueness.

On a warm summer evening, it is pleasant to relax, sitting on a bench, admiring the beauty of a blooming well-groomed garden. Of course, the easiest way, without bothering, is to buy a shop. But it is much more pleasant to relax on a bench made with my own hands. You will have to spend two or three evenings on its construction, but you will enjoy the work of your hands for more than one year. This will be your favorite place at any time of the day, as even in the afternoon heat one of its parts will remain in the shade. And the branches of a sprawling tree will give a pleasant feeling of security and comfort.

In this article we will tell you how to make a bench around a tree with your own hands, give drawings, photo and video instructions.

There are many variations and styles of benches, from deliberately rough to skillfully made, with a bunch of small details; from the most ordinary to the very non-standard and original. Used to build a bench different materials: wood, plastic, wrought iron, stone, marble and even glass. Also look great combined benches. The most common material for building a bench is, of course, wood. This is one of the "warmest" and easiest materials to process. Also, wooden furniture looks very aesthetically pleasing. And it pleases the eye, and it is pleasant to sit down.

Choosing the right tree in the garden

When determining the location of a round bench, we do not recommend installing it around young tree, since it may look a little ridiculous, the more the tree grows rapidly and over time the bench will crowd it.

The thicker the tree, the prettier it will look. round bench Around him. It is also not advisable to dwell on fruit tree, since in summer or autumn you will have to clean the bench quite often from fallen fruits.

It's so nice to lean on the bark of an old tree, enjoying the rustle of leaves. Here you can sit alone, reading your favorite book, or spend unforgettable fun hours in the company of your best friends.

We select and process wood

Since the bench you are about to make will be located in the open air, it will be exposed to the biological effects of the environment. Therefore, you should choose the right type of wood. Ideal for: oak, larch, pine, teak and others resistant to biological and mechanical influences materials. In extreme cases, you can take any type of wood left after making something. But if it is not very resistant to moisture and fungus, you should carefully treat it with special impregnations.

All details of the future bench should be pre-sanded and treated with some kind of antiseptic solution, wood impregnation or special oil. Particular attention should be paid to the end sides of the boards (cross section), as they absorb moisture most of all. This is especially true of the lower part of the legs of the bench. They will come into contact with the soil, which will have a destructive effect on the wood. You can even put some kind of bedding. After processing, the material must dry for at least 12-18 hours (depending on the type of impregnation and wood species).

Preparatory work

In order for the bench to stand level, it is necessary to level the area around the tree. Remove excess soil, and where necessary - add a little. Try not to damage the roots of the tree. For the same reason, it is not recommended to concrete the legs of the future bench by digging holes in the ground. If possible and desired, the area where the bench will be located can be sprinkled with fine gravel or gravel.

So, let's move on to the most interesting. This article provides several options for the ring bench. But first, let's look at how to make the easiest bench around a tree to make - a quadrangular one.

square shop

In preparation, it is important to give Special attention selection of the necessary building material and tool. You will need:


  • screwdriver (or drill);
  • jigsaw, Circular Saw or a regular hacksaw;
  • grinder or sandpaper.


  • impregnation for wood processing ;
  • 16 boards 10x5 cm: about 8 m (for support posts);
  • 16 boards 10×2.5 cm: about 23 m;
  • bolts or screws;
  • paint or varnish for finishing the bench (optional).

There are standard dimensions for the bench:

  1. Seat height - 40-45 cm (at the same time, the legs will comfortably rest on the ground);
  2. Seat surface width: 45–50 cm.

The bench should not damage the tree trunk, so it is advisable, when constructing it, to leave a small indent from the crown (10-15 cm). In order for the product to turn out to be even, first of all, it is necessary to designate 4 internal support points and 4 external ones around the tree on the ground.

We make support racks, of which there will be four. For each of them you will need 4 boards, 10 cm wide, 60 cm long, 50 cm long and 2 pieces of 40 cm each. They need to be fastened with bolts or self-tapping screws, as shown in the diagram. If you do not like these base legs, you can use the benches described in the third version of this article - with a back. Install the support posts at the pre-marked points.

Next, you will need 4 boards for each section of the bench. If the thickness of the trunk is about 50 cm in diameter (155-160 cm in girth), and leave 15 cm from the crown, the length of one board of the inner square will be 100 cm. Make an oblique cut at an angle of 45 °.

Carefully sawing all the boards of one section will be easier if you put them on a flat surface, setting the gaps between them with spacers. Then, using a ruler, outline the cut line, focusing on the first, already finished, bar. After cutting along the intended line.

Fasten the short boards with bolts or self-tapping screws to the support posts. Leaving a gap of 2 cm, attach the following planks, having previously cut them at the same angle. They can protrude slightly beyond the support posts, thereby covering the corners of the legs. Be sure to leave a gap between the planks! Otherwise, water will not be able to freely drain to the ground, which is why rot may appear at the joints. Thanks to the gaps, it will be easier to clean the bench from sand and leaves. To even out the gaps between the boards, you can use linings (small boards two centimeters thick, or something else).

The second bar should be 126.5 cm, the third - 153.5 cm. The longest bar - 180 cm. If the perimeter is the same, and put five bars, then everything is just as simple: the first is 1 m, and each next one is 20 cm longer Only the planks should be thinner - 8 cm. Or 9 cm with centimeter gaps.

The dimensions of the boards and the number of planks, if desired, can be proportionally changed. The design of the bench will not change much from this. But at the same time, you need to calculate everything and monitor the accuracy of the cut so that the product does not turn out to be crooked and inconspicuous. You have a goal to create beauty yourself!

The final stage in the construction of the bench is finishing products. If necessary, grind the roughness created during installation. Then the bench can be optionally coated with paint or varnish.

If you are not ready to spend too much time on the bench, and the previous version seems rather boring and primitive to you, you can simply modify its design.

To do this, you just need to install one more support post in the middle of each section. The distance from the tree trunk to the edges of the base legs should be the same. And the strips should be cut at an angle not of 45, but of 22.5 °. So, you get eight sections. The length of the shortest plank will be 30 cm. And the longest - 67.5 cm (with a seat width of 50 cm, and an indent from the crown - 15 cm).

Hexagon bench with backrest

After preparatory work on the site where the bench will be located, it will be useful to designate six points around the tree. You can simplify the task, as well as make the markup more accurate, by making an outline of a star-shaped figure out of paper (two intersecting equilateral triangles), as shown in the diagram. On each sharp corner this figure will be the outer edge of the base leg.

We outline the points of support on the ground. The advantageous feature of this version of the bench, although not the main one, is that a back is attached to it. It is very convenient and gives the product aesthetics.

For the construction, you will need the same tools as for the first option. But you will need a little more materials:

  • boards 6 × 3 cm of different lengths: about 36–38 m (if you plan to make an apron, then another +6 m);
  • beam 5 × 5 or 10 × 5: 13–14 m;
  • screws or bolts;
  • paint or varnish.

We make the legs-bases for the bench. We take bars, 90 and 45 cm long, respectively, and 2 pieces of 40 cm each. We connect them with bolts or self-tapping screws.

We cut the boards at an angle of 30 °. We leave gaps between the slats 0.8 cm or more. The shortest slats should be 40 cm each (with a trunk thickness of not more than 50 cm), and the longest 100 cm. We calculate the length of the remaining slats depending on their number. We attach them to the support posts.

We make out the back by attaching the desired number of slats to it. It will be more convenient to sit down if the backrest is set at a slight slope of 15-40 °. Then the horizontal bars of the legs need to be cut at the same angle, and the lower backrest bar will be slightly longer than the top one and should also be cut at a slight angle (depending on the slope of the backrest). Or you can attach them vertically. It all depends on your skill and imagination.

If there is a desire to attach an apron, it will not be difficult. Six boards of the same length as the last plank of the bench must be cut at the end side at an angle of 30 °. Attach them to the legs of the base. We complete the work with finishing.

Having understood these schemes and understanding the main nuances, you can improvise in every possible way, make your own invented variation of the bench around the tree.

For comfort and convenience, the garden needs to be decorated and supplemented with various elements, these can be pools, fountains, artificial ponds. But besides them and beautiful flowering plants, in the garden there should also be recreation areas in order to comfortably admire this beauty. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, you can make a luxurious gazebo or a table with benches, but for small and compact gardens it is best to choose benches.

Benches around a tree

One of the most attractive and unusual options garden benches. It looks original and advantageous, organically fitting into the surrounding landscape. In addition, even a teenager can make it with his own hands, and a recreation area made with his own hands will be even more comfortable and dear.

How to make a circular bench near a tree with your own hands: production technology

Let's take as a basis standard version a hexagonal bench without a back with six transverse boards on the seat, drawings will help with this.

During construction you will need:

  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • clamps;
  • bolts, nuts and a key to them;
  • saw or carpentry machine;
  • shovel.

Stages of work:

  1. Select on site suitable tree

It is better to choose mature and strong specimens with already slow growth. They will allow you not to worry that the bench will soon interfere with the trunk, and the thick shade from the spreading crown will help you relax comfortably on hot days. It is also recommended to choose walnut, oak, birch, chestnut or willow, but fruit species with a tendency to fall off should be avoided, because during the ripening period, ripe fruits will fall on the surface of the bench, pollute it and interfere with normal rest.

Wooden bench next to a tree

  1. Make a template

Before starting work, you need to roughly estimate the amount of wood, for this the selected tree is measured, 15 centimeters are added to its diameter for an adult specimen with slow growth and 30 for an actively growing young one. This reserve will allow you not to worry that in a couple of years the boards will squeeze the trunk. Further, the resulting amount must be divided by 4 - this will be the length of the inner side of the board closest to the tree.

  1. Purchase and prepare boards

For an outdoor bench, it is best to choose strong and resistant wood species, it can be pine, which has a high resin content, or oak, one of the most durable types of wood. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the builder and financial capabilities. Further, all wood is wetted protective compounds, increasing the resistance of the material to moisture, rot, fungus and insects, after this procedure, the boards must be dried for 14-18 hours.

  1. Take the first board and measure on it the distance obtained in paragraph 2 - this will be the short side of the segment, then you need to measure the outer corners of 30 degrees on both sides, as in the photo. In the same way, five more boards should be sawn - and the inner row is ready.
  2. Further, for the convenience of cutting the boards with your own hands, it is recommended that next to the first, shortest board, put five more uncut pieces on the table, lay gaskets between them with a thickness of 1 centimeter, and then use a ruler to mark the angle of inclination on them, focusing on the inner , already finished board. The process is well illustrated in the photo.
  3. Cut the boards on the machine or with a saw according to the marks. The easiest way to perform this procedure is on a machine with the ability to set the saw angle.
  4. In the same way, cut out the boards for the remaining five sections of the bench with your own hands.
  5. When all parts are ready, it is recommended to check the correctness of the angles by folding the bench seat on flat surface as in the photo. It must be remembered that the boards will have gaps of a centimeter between them, so they need to be laid between them with spacers. This step will help identify possible mistakes before building the structure.
  6. Next, you can proceed to the legs, they are also easy to do with your own hands. First you need to decide on the height of the bench, taking into account the average height of the inhabitants of the house. If the area around the tree is uneven, then it is recommended to make the legs as long as possible in order to further level the surface of the bench by digging some posts into the ground.
  7. The legs are made of two vertically arranged boards, sandwiched between two horizontal supports - it will be convenient to attach the seat boards to them later. Taking into account required height benches are cut out 12 pieces of board and 12 supports along the width of the seat. On each support board, the end is cut at an angle of 30 degrees in order to later attach a protective apron to the cut.

Making a bench around a tree

  1. We collect the legs

To do this, the boards of the legs and supports are fastened with clamps, through holes are drilled with a drill at a distance of about 5 centimeters from the edges, and with the help of bolts the legs are fastened together. The features of this stage are discussed in the photo.

  1. Collection of individual sections

Seat boards are attached to one leg with the help of self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, they must lie on one side support and half the thickness of the leg. You also need to monitor the maintenance of gaps between individual boards, which is ensured with the help of gaskets. Thus, a construction of two adjacent sections is obtained, and the second double section is assembled in the same way.

  1. Bench assembly

Finished sections are installed on opposite sides of the trunk and the rest of the boards are attached to them to obtain a one-piece structure.

  1. The bench is leveled with a shovel, for this, individual legs are dug into the soil, as in the photo.
  2. An external apron will add beauty to the bench, for this you need to cut the board along the length of the external distance between the legs of the sections, cut the edges at an angle of 30 degrees and attach with screws to the support boards cut in advance. So sew up the entire perimeter of the bench, the final view is shown in the photo.

If desired, the design of the bench can be different:

  • without back;
  • With small back in one board;
  • with a high back, made of boards horizontally knocked down in a circle.

Lovingly hand-made decor elements become a real decoration of the garden, and a bench made by yourself will be not only beautiful, but also a convenient addition to the site.