Checking the car alarm for performance. Checking the alarm. What should be reliable protection

The question of how to check the operation of the alarm willy-nilly arises in the head of any driver when he puts the car under protection. It does not matter what level the car alarm is installed on the car. It can be a telematic, security complex, or maybe a simple, budget signaling with minimum set functions.

In any case, confidence in flawless work will be useful.

It’s not so scary when violations in the car’s alarm system become visible or heard with your own eyes. Another thing is if such malfunctions make themselves felt at the wrong time - with unauthorized entry or robbery. Periodic, nighttime activation of the car alarm - a malfunction or an attempt by intruders to force the car owner to turn off the car alarm? This article provides answers to such questions.

What should be reliable protection

Why do we need a car alarm (our experts will tell) on a modern car? Especially when such a car is equipped with an immobilizer. No words - he is a great protector and reliable assistant in the fight against thieves. But this is the case when there will be unauthorized interference with the operation of the ECU (central unit) of the car. With any form of robbery, including attachments to the car or wheels, the immobilizer is a helpless electronic unit.

At the same time, with the silent neutrality of the immobilizer (- advice from our experts), the car alarm will burst into a heart-rending siren roar, flashes of headlights and by email owner about a particular incident. The alarm does not replace the immobilizer in any way. Rather, it complements it by taking on the function of alerting and after-sales service. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • the coded signal of the key fob of the car owner enters the protection control unit;
    • other encoding using frequencies not perceived by codecrabbers;
  • the immobilizer, confirming the correctness of the code, transmits a signal of compliance with the car's ECU;
  • The ECU, in turn, unlocks all electrical circuits, blocked when performing security functions;
  • the driver, within a certain time, must take advantage of the opportunities that have arisen after disarming the car;
  • otherwise, the security functions of the car alarm will be resumed.

Important: the car owner must know all the pin codes inherent in this alarm. Especially the code that allows you to disarm the car without a key fob.

Basic functions necessary for protection

As with any other electronic device, the heart of a car alarm is the electronic control unit. Information from devices connected to it flows here:

  • car immobilizer;
  • key fobs and tags for controlling car alarms;
  • machine position sensors;
  • autonomous siren;
  • immobilizer crawler;
  • GPS navigation and GSM communication sensors;
  • hood and trunk locks.

In addition to the function associated with the protection of the car and the notification of malicious actions by unauthorized persons, the car alarm is also endowed with many service capabilities. Often, because of them, car owners opt for one or another car alarm:

  • remote start of the car engine;
    • by time;
    • by temperature;
    • by timer;
    • by voltage at the terminals of the car battery;
  • automatic turbo timer for turbocharged engines;
  • recognition and search for the owner of the car;
  • service mode "VALET";
  • functions of control over 3-d position of the car and impact;
  • telematic capabilities of car alarms;
  • car search in difficult conditions parking;
  • turning off alarms without disarming the car.

This is a small list of the possibilities of modern, car alarm. Installed car alarm yourself or service center, she, paired with an immobilizer, will create 2 security barriers. Only black business professionals will be able to overcome such barriers.

Important: the personal tag of the car alarm should be kept separate from the main key of the car. In an emergency, the car alarm, having lost contact with the tag, will block the car engine in an unpredictable place.

Testing - step by step instructions from experts

How can you be sure that your car alarm is working properly? To be confident and remain in this confidence always? The recipe is simple and obvious - systematic, independent checks of the health of various car alarm functions:

  • independently check the range of the actual operation of car alarm key fobs. The theoretical range of the control signal, some models of car alarms, can reach up to 3 km. In doing so, it should be taken into account that self check must take place in an open area. In the presence of any interference, the range of the control and response signals is reduced. This is especially true in busy parking lots at shopping centers.
  • check the reaction of the alarm to the opening of the luggage compartment, any doors, the hood of the car. You can do this yourself by opening any door with a key. The siren signal and headlight flashes must continue for the time specified by the instructions. A short signal will mean the operation of the shock sensor in the security zone and the malfunction of the door contact sensor.
    Several short siren signals, when arming the alarm, will indicate a malfunction in the door contact sensors circuit;
  • autostart is the most popular car alarm service function. Each owner of the car will check its performance every day on their own;
    • this can be done remotely - from the window of your own apartment;
    • in programmable mode by time or timer;
    • in winter, it is better to check according to the set temperature or voltage at the terminals of the car battery;
  • check the functioning of the car's car alarm in case of impact. Upon impact of a small force, the siren and headlights of single-level sensors should work. If there are 2-level sensors in the alarm, at first, with a slight impact, there will be a warning signal. If the impact force is significant, the siren and headlights will work in full cycle. The sensitivity of shock sensors can be adjusted in a car service;
  • the glass break control sensor can be checked independently by using an ordinary 5-ruble coin. The algorithm of the car alarm will be similar to the previous check;
  • You can independently verify the performance of the sensors controlling the interior space quite simply. This function can be checked by any movement in the car. The reaction of the car alarm must be complete and continuous;
  • sensors that react to the presence of unauthorized persons in the protected area near the car should be checked by independently passing through the car's security zone. Warning signals should follow immediately.
  • the response of the car alarm to jacking up the car must be checked by selectively hanging the wheels of the car. The alarm signal must follow immediately after 1 minute after the alarm is armed;
  • it is quite simple to independently check the impossibility of starting the engine of a guarded car. To do this, you will need to turn the key in the ignition of the guarded car. Must follow the full cycle of the siren and headlights;
  • the operability of the autonomous siren installed on the signaling machine should be checked together with the light action of the headlights. The clear and full sound of the siren should last no less than the time regulated by the instructions. An urgent shutdown of the siren should occur when the ignition key is turned 900;
  • the light reaction of the alarm to the operation of any sensors occurs simultaneously with the operation of the car alarm. In this regard, you should check their performance at the same time. Them joint work you can also check when arming and disarming the alarm on your own;
  • it is necessary to check the efficiency of the car alarm of the car in various modes of its operation by installing a multimeter in the open circuit of the battery;
    • check the current value when the car alarm is in the guard mode;
    • check the current value when the alarm is disarmed;
    • indicators must correspond to the passport data of the device. Otherwise, contact the service center.

Important: if the software mode of autostart by voltage drop is not set, you must independently check the voltage in onboard network car. Dropping it too much can cause serious malfunctions of the car alarm.

Systematic monitoring of the performance of various car alarm functions will allow not only to avoid problem situations on long trips, but also be completely calm for the safety of the car near the house.

Check your alarm We often hear about how competent and skillful villains steal a car in an instant! The owner, with a tear in his voice, says that he turned on the “secret police” and went away for a minute ... This possibility was willingly confirmed to us by “good uncles” from a certain power structure, modestly showing off their special electronic device. The device is not cheap - the price, they say, is under 300 thousand rubles), but no security system seems to be able to resist it! It turns out that there is no salvation from a talented thief?

How to check your alarm

Then we offered the "uncles" a specific case - to "steal" our car, equipped with a serial, but correctly installed system. Its creators made a bet - if, they say, you can, you will get a worthy prize! Through an intermediary, they even agreed on the rules of the “duel”, the time and place, but at dawn a messenger jumped up and said that the duel was canceled .... Why would? Probably, it is not without reason that a smart wolf will not attack a healthy elk - after all, you can get it with a hoof! He better watch the patient. From the point of view of a specialist in security systems, “sick” systems are faulty, incorrectly installed, not serviced in a timely manner, etc. » is traditionally paid little attention: responds to the button - and okay! Remember when the alarm was installed on your car and whether it was checked at least once later ...

We put the car on guard. Are the locks closed? WITH; over time, they wear out, weaken, in winter they can only click without locking the doors. In short, pulling the handles is sometimes very useful.
Let's check the shock sensor: knock on the body with a fist in front and behind, rock the car. The configured system should grunt.
The next one is the motion sensor. We sit in the car, put on guard. We try to turn our heads, wave our arms, bend over. If nothing happens, the system is not working. Perhaps a motion (volume) sensor was not included in the kit, they did not offer to install it, and you did not know about the existence of this. Having penetrated into the interior of a car that is not protected by it, the attacker will silently turn off the security system - and look for wind in the field!
Again we put the car on guard, from the inside we open the doors, the hood, the trunk lid one by one. After each operation, we re-set the system to guard. At the same time, we take into account the delay of the cabin light! A rare car will pass this exam with excellent marks, especially if the system was installed a year ago or, worse than that, all ten. End caps get rusty, their tuning gets lost, wires break off…
But, let's say, the described check showed that everything is in order. Then, sitting in the cabin with the security on, we try to start the engine. Earned like clockwork? Not surprising. Remember: while you were installing the security system, you managed to drink three cups of coffee. Is it a lot or not? The fact is that blocking engine systems is an intimate matter, conscientious installation of a security complex in a good specialist sometimes it takes not hours, but days!
By the way, if the motor did not start during this test, try removing the connectors from the system unit. Most likely, the engine will immediately start up, as if there were no “security guards” on it, because when the alarm is triggered, the contacts of the blocking relays break the protected circuits! I unplugged it and there it was. This is one of the signs of sloppiness. A thief in such situations has no reason to waste time, look for a block, connectors: cut off the wires - and use the car. But if the “Okhranka” is competently remade, then even after cutting its wires, it will not be possible for an outsider to start the engine. Understood what weakness your protection? Go to a specialist, let them work again.
In short, knowing more or less the features of your security system and regularly checking its operation is no less important than, say, changing the oil in the engine. Otherwise, it is very likely that others will do it.

In the daytime, in a crowded place, not every thief will dare to break open doors or break windows. It is important to get into the car as if it were your own. The means have long been known. For example, to prevent you from turning on the security from the key fob or open the doors by faking its signal. It is clear that the villain has some electronic device, which intercepts the radio signal of your key fob. How to protect yourself? You can use the passive arming function, which is available in any system. It activates itself when the last door is closed. The radio signal is not i shlchi1, it cannot be drowned out or copied, and here the electronic hacking system is useless. Of course, when using this function, do not forget the key fob in the cabin! But who doesn’t happen to ... If this already happened, the sensor on the glass will help out: he tapped a Morse code password on it with a coin - the doors opened. I note that it is not difficult to supplement the old system with such a useful function - for example, the Silich programmable device will help.
Copy the key fob signal, that is, make a duplicate of it, motu i n those. who did you trust the car for a while. However, in almost any car alarm, you can check the number of active key fobs. We delete extra entries-trinkets after verification.

If the battery is low on a towing vehicle, the electric door locks can be powered from another battery as shown here. Here 1 is the fuse of the brake system; 2 - diode (Schottky); 3 – stoplight switch; 4 - stop lamp switch; 5 – TSU plug connector.

Our laws oblige any firm that uses code systems to disclose their secrets to "who should." Guess who? And in the end, the secret becomes clear to everyone who pays. Thieves are improving the design of electronic scanners, grabbers - in fact, "crowbars" for opening security systems. But you can complicate the thief and this task. Any security system provides additional channels controlled from the key fob. Let's break, for example, the power supply circuit for electric door locks through an additional channel. Then an electronic burglar, having an access signal, will probably disarm the car for a few seconds, but the electric locks will not open - they are de-energized. And the outer (mechanical) locks on the correct "security guard" must be disabled so that they cannot be opened with a "convolution".
You can control an additional channel by pressing several buttons in a certain sequence. The thief, even who has taken possession of the key fob, does not know this code, so he will not sneak into the car secretly.
But, alas, it also happens like this: a person returned from a business trip and found that during the month of parking the battery had run down, the doors were closed, and the external locks had been prudently disabled a long time ago. Gut will be pleased to find in a secluded place the "positive" wire once brought here! If you “light it up” from someone, the doors will open. For example, I did as shown in the diagram: in parallel with the contacts of the brake switch 3, I put diode 2 in reverse polarity. If my battery is dead, I apply a “plus” from another battery to the sixth contact (stop signal) of socket 5 of the traction stage device . Electric locks will receive power through the diode. Of course, other options are also possible.
Security systems are most easily surrendered to thieves if they are installed formally, without any zest. But what kind of creative approach can we talk about when the master installer is chasing the plan, and there is a queue of people outside the gate? The car owner is often unaware of the possibilities of fine-tuning the system, increasing its cryptographic strength and reliability, and the installer does not need to bother with this.

Like any other car system, sometimes it can fail. If you are not an expert in the field of electronics, then it is better to entrust the repair of an alarm on a car in terms of its brains to a professional auto electrician.

What is important to know?

There are situations when the alarm malfunction is not related to operating system, and in this case it is quite possible to eliminate the breakdown with your own hands. In order not to panic ahead of time, not to transport your car to a car service, you need to have an idea about typical malfunctions car alarms.

In this case, self-repair of the alarm system on the car will save you from unnecessary worries and unforeseen blows to the budget. To repair an alarm on a car, traditional driver tools should always be at hand: screwdrivers, wire cutters, electrical tape, a couple of wires, a tester (a light bulb with two wires for “ringing”).

Important! If your car alarm is still under warranty, then, of course, you should not interfere with it yourself.

What malfunctions occur most often?

  • Nutrition. The alarm does not respond to your pressing, or performs actions that you did not order. We start the check with the key fob, namely with the battery. Disassemble and key fob and replace the battery - it does not take much time. A characteristic sign of a low battery is the LED becomes dimmer, or the range of the key fob remote action decreases. Another reason for the key fob to not work may be the ingress of water on it (when used in the rain).
  • Wiring. No matter how complex or advanced the car alarm is, whether it is the usual “beep” of the AOS (car alarm) or - under the influence of external factors, the contacts at the junctions always oxidize. That is, the repair of a car alarm always begins with the ringing of contacts.
  • The LED lights up brightly, but the alarm does not respond to pressing. In this case, the repair of the alarm on the car begins with finding out the reasons for this phenomenon. The "brain" of the AOC could freeze, because in any case we are dealing with a mini-computer. Reboot required. It is necessary to remove the terminal from the battery (any), i.e. de-energize the system and after a couple of minutes put it back on. If the alarm is working, you can fix the terminal, no - try rebooting 2-3 more times. If it doesn’t work out, then we proceed to the next step in repairing the alarm on the car - checking the fuses.
  • Circuit breakers. If a separate wire with a separate hanging fuse box comes from the positive battery terminal (or from wires with a constant “plus”), check the fuse. Since we started, at the same time you need to check the serviceability and performance of the main energy consumers of the car (standard fuses): emergency gang, sound signal. During this test, the negative power is called (this type of testing can be carried out if you know where the AOC central unit is located). In this case, the AOC is rebooted by the following method: remove the connector from the unit and reconnect it. If the beep sounds, no big deal.

If your efforts to repair the car alarm are unsuccessful, then you will have to contact a car service, the cause of the malfunction turns out to be deeper.

How to troubleshoot car alarms on the road?

There are many factors that affect the fact that a car alarm may not work. Electronics is a delicate thing. Do not panic in these cases. Test the system and most likely, car alarm repair may not be needed. Most often, when you press the key fob, the arming (disarming) function does not work. Why and what should be done?

  • Bring the key fob closer, preferably to the location of the central unit, and try to press again.
  • Did not help, reboot the system by manipulating the battery terminal.

This may be due to the presence of powerful industrial facilities. Key fob signals are simply "clogged".

Another option: the car stalled or you turned off the ignition, and when you try to start, the alarm starts to go off with a “good obscenity”. Most likely, your battery charge has disappeared, it is discharged, the car will not start. And the alarm responded to a voltage drop below 8V (this is a precaution for trying to steal a car by removing the terminal from the battery). In this case, you need to disconnect the siren and proceed to troubleshoot the battery.

Actually, these are the reasons for the malfunction of the car alarm. The most important thing is not to fall into despair, but to try to repair the alarm on the car yourself if it is not under warranty or not super fancy GSM alarm. We hope that the information will help you not only repair the alarm, but also save money.

Expert opinion

Ruslan Konstantinov

Automotive expert. Graduated from IzhGTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov with a degree in Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes. Experience professional repair vehicles for over 10 years.

Most often, motorists are faced with the problem of a non-working car alarm key fob. One of the main reasons for such a malfunction is simply a dead battery. In order to somehow reanimate the power source to disarm the car, you can remove the battery and tap it with a hard object. In general, it is recommended to always carry spare power elements for the alarm key fob with you.

The second reason is radio interference, often this can be encountered near airports, closed sensitive facilities and in other places where there is a powerful electromagnetic field. By the way, the car of collectors can become a source of radio interference, you should not park near it. If the car still got into the radio interference zone, you can try to bring the key fob as close as possible to the location of the alarm control unit. If this does not help, it remains only to tow the car a few hundred meters from the source of interference.

Another reason for the impossibility of arming and disarming the car is a discharged battery. The key fob may not work in very coldy, and also due to constantly pressing buttons on the key fob away from the alarm control unit, for example, accidentally pressing in pockets. Over time, anything wears out and car alarms are no exception because of this, the signal coverage radius is reduced. Sometimes it happens that a faulty antenna is to blame or tritely admitted gross mistakes at self installation security system.

And finally, the key fob may not work due to lack of synchronization with the control unit. In this case, it is necessary to “make friends” with each other again using the instructions that are in the instruction manual for any car alarm. Depending on the manufacturer, the process may differ slightly, but the general algorithms are similar and not at all complicated.

To successfully resist theft, you need to know how cars are stolen. This has been written about in sufficient detail. One of the barriers of protection is a car alarm. As a rule, car alarms are additional device which is not factory installed. Therefore, no matter how hard you try, the quality of the installation is somewhat lower than in mass production. In addition, the flawless operation of the alarm system directly depends on the reliability of the additionally installed limit switches (buttons). Unfortunately, they often oxidize and cease to perform their functions. Most often, the installation of the alarm is carried out using twists. Inept twisting also reduces the reliability of the security device. Therefore, it is very important to periodically, at least once a month, check the operation of the alarm.

Usually the owner of the car is content with the fact that he hears “beeps” and sees “blinks” of the car alarm. But this is not enough to control its work. Such a car alarm may not perform its main functions at all. We need a check for which it will take only fifteen minutes. In order not to disturb others, you can wrap the siren with a rag or foam rubber. The siren is located under the hood. You can unscrew the black wire from the mass and connect it through a five-watt light bulb, the siren will sound much quieter.

Let's start, turn on the alarm, make sure that the siren gave a short squeak and the emergency or parking lights blinked. We make a shutter speed of 15 seconds, we approach the car and check the operation of the shock sensor, applying with the palm of our hand not swipe along the front bumper. Other parts of the car should not be beaten so as not to leave dents. The siren should beep briefly and after a few seconds on the key fob screen (if you have an alarm with feedback, and now they are the majority) an image of a hammer will appear and a specific sound signal will sound.

Now we hit the bumper much harder, the siren should turn on, the turn signals should flash, and a hammer will appear on the key fob screen and the key fob signal will sound. We turn off the alarm. Next check the microwave sensor (if installed). We turn on the alarm and wait 15 seconds, such a pause must be done every time it is turned on. Then we wave our hands near the windshield, simulating the theft of wiper blades, the siren should beep several times. Prolonged fuss at the windshield and near the car will cause the siren to sound for a standard cycle of 30 seconds. At the same time, an image of a hammer will also appear on the screen of the key fob with two-way communication - the shock sensor and the microwave sensor are usually not positioned separately. We turn off the alarm.

If you have a tilt sensor, then before turning on the alarm, tighten the handbrake and install the jack in one of the standard places on the body. Turn on the alarm, wait a pause and start jacking up the car - the alarm will go off. Turn off the alarm. The next step is to check for door operation. We turn on the alarm, open the driver's door with the key, if your car does not have a mechanical key, then open the glass on the driver's door before turning on the alarm. In the event that the windows automatically close when the alarm is activated, then mechanically block the closing of the glass on the driver's door with a foreign object, for example, a glass cleaning brush.

Now open the driver's door either from the outside or from the inside through the open glass, the siren should turn on and the emergency lights will start flashing. The image of the door will flash on the key fob screen and a specific melody will be heard. This will continue for 30 seconds. Turn off the alarm. Be sure to check all doors in the same way. If the siren does not turn on from some door, then the button located on the car body is most likely to blame. It has oxidized and needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Hood button

Turn off the alarm. Let's start checking the hood. Open the hood and lock it, find the alarm button under the hood. It looks exactly like in the photo. Press the button all the way and turn on the alarm. After a pause, release the button, the siren should immediately howl, the turn signals will flash accordingly and the hood and trunk will light up on the key fob (usually they are not separated by indication). Turn off the alarm, close the hood.

Now let's check the trunk. Open the trunk and use a screwdriver to close the trunk lock. Then turn on the alarm, wait a pause and open the trunk lock with the key, the siren will work, the lights will flash and the hood and trunk will flash on the key fob screen. If the trunk is opened from the passenger compartment, then before turning on the alarm, you must leave open window in the driver's door. How to do this, I wrote in detail at the beginning of the article.

If you do not understand how to close the lock on the open trunk, then you can simply open the trunk and then turn on the alarm. The siren will beep three times instead of one, announcing that the trunk is open and the hood and trunk will flash on the key fob. We turn off the alarm and get into the car, we will check the engine blocking. Doors, hood and trunk must be closed, the radio is turned off. We turn on the alarm, insert the key into the ignition (if any) and try to start the engine. If the locks are in order, the engine will not start, or it will start and immediately stall. When you try to start the engine, the siren should turn on and, accordingly, the blinking turn signals.

We turn off the alarm not with a key fob, but with the “valet” button, you should know where it is located. To turn off the alarm, turn on the ignition and press the “valet” button no later than five seconds later. If this option does not work, then you need to enter a two-digit code. How to do this, see the instruction manual for the alarm. Do not forget to release the siren from the rag or fasten the standard ground (black) wire. It remains to check the range of the key fob. Usually it allows you to turn the alarm on and off at a distance of 50-80 meters without any problems. The range of the key fob from the car when the alarm is triggered is usually 300-2000 meters, depending on the type of alarm and the conditions for the passage of radio waves (open area or city). Good luck to you!

If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments.

If you buy a car with an alarm already installed on it, can it be considered secure? We bring to your attention a few recommendations that should be considered when choosing such a car.

* Find out how to change the key fob code (remote remote control- remote control) and emergency coded disarming and be sure to change them.
* Additionally, find out from the former owner the method of emergency disarming in case of failure or loss of the key fob, the method of switching the alarm to the service mode (Valet), the method of blocking the engine, as well as the installation locations of the blocking relays and the type of their blocking. If the possibility of obtaining this information is completely or partially absent, it is advisable to get an instruction manual for the system or find out where it was installed. After that, we check the alarm itself by setting it to the armed mode.

1. Remote control range.

It must correspond to the passport (this is usually at least 5 meters). If the range is short, you should replace the power supply or, contacting a specialist, check the transmitter frequency (standard 433.92 MHz, for older and non-certified systems from 305 to 315 MHz).

2. Reaction to the opening of doors, hood and trunk.
The response to sequential opening of doors, hood and trunk should be a long (30-60 seconds) alarm. A short-term signal means that the alarm processing has passed in the warning zone of the shock sensor and the contact sensor is not working. Arming with three or more "Wakes" or operation of the system 5-45 seconds after arming means that the proximity switch circuit is faulty.

3. Reaction to impact on the front struts and wheels.
A single-level shock sensor should have a long (30-60 seconds) alarm. In a two-level, the reaction to a weak blow (warning zone) is one or more warning “croaks”. The reaction to a strong impact is similar to the reaction of a single-level sensor. Keep in mind that rocking the car will not trigger the alarm. The sensor included in the kit was called "shock" not from a lack of vocabulary.

4. Reaction to glass breaking (if there is a glass breaking sensor).
Blowing a coin on the windows of a car should cause a reaction similar to that indicated in the previous paragraph.

5. Reaction to penetration into the cabin (if the alarm has ultrasonic or single-level microwave sensors).
Movement inside the car should trigger a continuous alarm. In cars equipped with these sensors, it is unacceptable to decorate the interior with decorative “pendants” in the form of deodorants, skeletons, dolls. The microwave sensor is usually mounted in the passenger compartment near the hand brake. He does not tolerate the presence of metal above him.

6. Reaction to movement in a guarded warning zone.
Moving around an armed vehicle equipped with a two-level microwave sensor should trigger a siren response. These are single "quacks" or a series of them. The sensor can only be triggered when moving!

7. Reaction to jacking (if there is a position sensor).

Approximately 1 minute after arming, when the car is successively jacked up, a long alarm should sound.

8.Reaction to unauthorized engine start.
An attempt to turn the ignition key in the lock of an armed car should cause the siren to sound (cycle of 20-60 seconds). In this case, the engine should not start.

9. Checking the performance of the siren.
In the "alarm" mode, the siren should work out a full cycle without wheezing and failures. The emergency shutdown mode with the battery terminal removed should ensure that the sound stops when the ignition key is turned 90 °.

10.Checking the light signaling.

The fact of arming/disarming must be confirmed by light signals. Alarm signal - light signals together with siren signals.

11. Current consumed by the alarm.

The tester should measure the current consumed by the car with the alarm armed and disarmed. The measurement is carried out by a device, the probes of which are installed in the open circuit of the regular car battery and the terminal removed from it. And here it is necessary to pay attention to the following points.
Firstly, the difference in measurement between the two values ​​is the current consumption of the alarm in armed mode, and its value should not be more than 50 milliamps.
Secondly, when the alarm is disarmed, the electrical equipment of the car must consume no more than 100 milliamps. Otherwise, you should contact an auto electrician to find the source of the battery discharge.
Thirdly, if both measured values ​​​​are not critical, but the battery is quickly discharged, you need to check its condition.
Fourth, if it is difficult to perform these manipulations on your own, you should seek help from an electrician.
What you need to pay attention to

1. You decide to install a security system on your car and start browsing newspapers with offers of similar products. To begin with, pay attention to how often an advertisement for a particular brand flickers. Reputable firms, as a rule, do not spare money for advertising support, including booklets, stickers, T-shirts, posters, etc.
2.Another factor: the longer trademark holds on to the market, the more likely it is to reliable system, which is in demand and meets the expectations of customers. The car alarm market is quite saturated, and only those who offer interesting and high-quality products can stay afloat.

3. When buying an alarm, it is better to give preference to the latest models of well-known brands, such as Excalibur of America (AW, Crime Guard 745i, K-9-5 ATV), Prestige (APS-500), Clifford (Cyber-9). Reputable firms usually update their assortment at least once a year. Hijackers are on the alert, so manufacturers are constantly developing and new types of alarms are entering the market. Choosing new system a well-known company whose products have proven themselves well, you increase the degree of protection for your car.
4. One of these novelties is the control of the number of key fobs. Western manufacturers consider it a necessary component of any security system. For example, you drive a car to a service station. Your keychain ends up in the wrong hands - no matter how long. Even a few minutes is enough to connect another key fob. What's next is clear without words. Your car has every chance of being stolen. An alarm with control over the number of key fobs will immediately let you know by flashing the LED or turning on the siren that an "unauthorized" key fob has appeared.

5.Latest models have a so-called "jumping" (changing) code. This means that each time the key fob is pressed, the code changes, as a result, it cannot be intercepted by the scanner and read. The presence of this function is to a certain extent an indicator of the class of the system.
6. For some reason, we pay little attention to the immobilizer, although its use in signaling significantly increases the complexity of the system. Everyone knows that he immobilizes the car. Thus, another, independent level of protection appears. It usually costs two to three times less than an alarm system, as does a pager, which is also often forgotten. However simple alarm in combination with these two elements provides comprehensive protection. The pager gives a signal to the owner, which is important when he is far from the car and it is not visible.

7. The same applies to the stand-alone siren. If the hijacker can try to neutralize the alarm in a relatively short time by opening the hood and resetting the battery terminal or cutting the wires in the cabin, then he will not be able to “calm down” the self-powered siren so quickly, especially if it is installed in hard to reach place.
8.Directly when buying, pay attention to the quality of workmanship. With some experience, you can immediately distinguish branded products. For example, distinguishing feature cheap Chinese alarm system - a bright colored keychain. The key fob of a good system is usually black or gray color. Taking it in hand, you will immediately see the excellent work of the designer and the accuracy of execution.

9. And the last moment - the quality and accuracy of the installation. Any alarm can be ruined by inept installation. Remember that you can't set up a good alarm in 2-3 hours. In reputable companies, as a rule, certified electronic engineers with good equipment. Therefore, you should not save money on installation, especially since the difference is not so great, and you can lose much more.
How to prevent your car from being stolen

To steal a car, you need to get inside. There are two ways to do this: break the glass or open the lock with a key, pick or other device. You can increase the strength of the glass. For example, with the help of special “armoring” films 5–35 microns thick with a very complex structure, in which the main reinforcing functions are performed by adhesive layer. Glass pasted over in several layers with armor films can withstand a blow with a brick and a shot from a pistol. Get bogged down in protective layer and fragments of a hand grenade that exploded next to the car. Such glass withstands pressure of about 70 tons per 1 m2. In addition, the films do not burn. In addition to the listed qualities, glass pasted over with films has another important property: it is impossible to remove information from them at a distance either optically or electromagnetic methods.
With keys, the situation is more complicated. You can put an additional lock, but, as practice shows, this is not too much effective protection. However, if there is no way to prevent the opening of the car, you should at least find out about it - any alarm is triggered when the door is opened.

The next step the hijacker must take is to start the engine. Here lies the main "line of defense" of most anti-theft devices on the market. And for immo-bilizers this the main task, and for signaling - auxiliary. Of course, all types of blocking can be overcome. But knowing that absolute protection does not exist, we will try to create as many difficulties for the attacker as possible. In this regard, a well-placed immobilizer is preferable. In addition, the hood must be opened to release the lock. Therefore, it does not hurt to install an additional lock on it.
Additional locks

Ten years ago, in the Russian outback, one could see not only a truck, but also a completely respectable Volga with hefty eyes sticking out of the door for a padlock "barn" lock.
The first devices on our market that block steering wheel and pedals. Experienced motorists remember well these massive, creepy-looking pieces of iron.

It is worth mentioning the "Israeli miracle" - Mul-T-Lock (lock that locks the gear lever). Apparently, these devices protect a car with an “automatic” better, since a manual box allows you to tow a car with the clutch depressed.
next view anti-theft device - wheel blocker, a thunderstorm of violators of parking rules.

Finally, the last design is an additional hood lock. True, in itself it does not represent an obstacle for the hijacker, because to start the engine of a modern car, you do not need to open the hood, and even more so - the trunk. Therefore, such locks are good only as additional measure, making it difficult to access the alarm or immobilizer.
There is no absolute protection. As a last resort, you can always download passenger car in the back of a truck. Today, car theft is a business, and easy money seekers seek to cut costs. Therefore, they give preference to machines that "do not complicate life." Therefore, it is necessary to create difficulties for the hijackers.

Of the variety of signaling functions, one deserves a separate story. This is the protection of the machine robbery. The most common Hight Jack and Black Jack.
Hight Jack is activated from a key fob, the one that puts the car on guard, or your own. In principle, the following is envisaged: they took away your car, and pulled you out yourself. You immediately press the button. Further, immediately or with a slight delay, the engine stalls and the alarm turns on. After that, it is impossible to bring the machine into working condition using key fobs. Of course, you need to turn on the Hight Jack before the car leaves the range of the key fob. The disadvantage is that they are usually pushed out of the car, in which the keys and key fob remain, so you need to have an additional one with you or at least keep the main one separately.

Black Jack does not need to be enabled. It must be turned off usually after each opening of the door. Otherwise, he warns the forgetful driver, stops the engine, but at the moment when the hijacker "turns off the gas", which makes it safer to stop the car.
Helpful Hints If you replace the fuse in the carburetor circuit (responsible for the operation of the electromagnetic shut-off valve) with a “dummy fuse” (thus cutting the conductive layer thinly), the engine will not start due to lack of fuel supply. Outwardly, the “false fuse” looks like a normal one; a tester or a control light is needed to check it. The thief, of course, can land the battery, but the car will be saved. The following tips are not safe for the driver himself and in extreme cases can lead to criminal liability for exceeding the limits of necessary defense.

"Homemade" is based on an ordinary stun gun. In addition to it, you will need only two wires 1 m long, tinned at both ends. So, we take a stun gun and cut off the charge check mustache. Then we solder one wire to his working mustache. After that, placing the stun gun under the driver's seat, we fix the second ends of the wires under the driver's seat cover at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other. Security system ready. It remains only to provide a switch with which the owner of the car can turn it off when sitting in the driver's seat. Choose the location of the system at your discretion.
Understanding how it works is easy. Getting into the car, the hijacker closes the circuit of the stun gun and, having received a solid discharge, lights up like a light bulb. Cruel? However, he made his own choice.

There is, of course, the danger that the driver himself may be in the role of an unfortunate hijacker. But who does not risk ...
The next method is simple, like all ingenious. You need to take a sheet of plywood 25 x 25 cm and fix fishing "tees" on it. Put the plywood on the driver's seat for the night, which can be covered with some kind of rag from above for the view. The principle of operation is more than clear. The thief, having flopped down on the seat of the car, will instantly be struck by a bunch of fish hooks, and the desire to rob the car will immediately be replaced by another - to get rid of this "gift" as soon as possible. Another option is also possible. Attach a tear gas canister in the passenger compartment opposite the driver (for example, under the dashboard). Using a cable, connect the pedal that opens the exhaust valve to the clutch pedal. If a car thief gets into the car, then after pressing the clutch pedal, a fair portion of gas will shoot him in the face. The owner of the car, before getting behind the wheel, simply disconnects the cable. The method, of course, is not bad, but it is worth noting some drawbacks.

Have in the car gas spray, which is aimed directly at the driver's face - it's not safe. First, no matter how good the canister's exhaust valve is, gas molecules will still leak out and concentrate in the interior of the car in which you have to be. Secondly, in the event of a car collision, hit by displaced equipment, the canister will “shoot” with a good portion of gas. So this idea should be implemented with care. If you do not like any of the proposed methods, you can act like a certain entrepreneur from Polish city Cologne, who came up with a rather original guard for his car. He took out a mannequin, dressed him in the uniform of a police sergeant and put him on the right seat. For two years, this man allowed himself to exceed the speed limit, and the “traffic cops”, seeing a police uniform through the glass, never stopped him.
For two years not a single thief dared to approach the car. Everything was fine until it dawned on one Polish policeman that there had been no police in Poland for 6 years now, they had been replaced by the police. The authorities regarded this act as a violation of the law, but limited themselves to confiscation.