Why are bees and ants called social insects? Features of the complex behavior of social insects: a description. How do social insects differ from solitary ones: comparison, similarities and differences. Ants are real What insects are common

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Features of the behavior of social insects

The behavior of insects is determined by a combination of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, instincts, taxis and tropisms (you can read more about this).

Social insects living in colonies and interacting with each other in a complex way have all these components of behavior, but instincts are most strongly expressed in them - long chains of reflexes that start one after another according to a kind of "domino effect". Sometimes instinctive behavior causes such complex sets of actions that it is hard to believe that ants, termites, bees and wasps lack the ability to think and fully communicate with each other.

For the manifestation of instincts and others complex shapes behavior correspond to specific areas of the brain. In many social insects, these areas are very well developed and enlarged relative to the rest. For example, the so-called mushroom bodies, which are responsible for the integration of information received from the senses, occupy a sixth of the brain volume in a honey bee, and one third in a Formica ant. The brain itself is also more developed in comparison with other insects.

Key features behavior of social insects are as follows:

This can be illustrated by another experiment. Near the road of the small forest ant, a special device was installed: two cameras, two curtains covering each of these chambers, and two threads connected to the curtains. If an ant pulled on one thread, the curtain opened, and in the chamber, the insect received sugar syrup as a reward. There was nothing behind the other curtain. The ants quickly realized what was happening, and opened the chamber, which contained the syrup, more than 60 times per hour. Moreover, sometimes some ants pulled the thread, keeping the curtain open and giving others the right to feast on the syrup.

Another feature is that social insects purposefully and harmoniously can perform one common work necessary for the interests of the colony. They build anthills, get food, carry out masonry and care for them in accordance with some kind of unspoken agreement in which each member of the community is assigned a certain role. (a photo)

Behavior and division into castes

It would be impossible to ensure the autonomous existence of a colony if all insects in the group had "equal rights". Therefore, within a family, social insects are usually divided into castes - subgroups whose representatives perform certain tasks. On the example of bees, you can see that in the hive there is only one queen that lays, several drones that fertilize her, and all other individuals are worker bees. They are responsible for life support, food storage, egg care, etc. Accordingly, these three subgroups have absolutely different models behavior. The structure of the community in ants is even more complicated. In some genera and species of ants, “scouts”, “foragers”, “warriors”, “water carriers”, “nannies”, etc. are distinguished among working individuals. In total, there can be up to 11 castes in one anthill, and they behave, respectively, in different ways.

The behavior of social insects in general is very complex. But within each family, the "acts" of its individual members are more similar than the actions of different insects one species leading a solitary lifestyle. This is explained by the fact that insects in a group live in approximately the same conditions, so they develop similar conditioned reflexes and form similar life experiences.

However, each insect of the family is unique. It has been found that the ability to learn and other innate properties vary among different members of the community, even within the same caste. In other words, as among people, among ants, bees, etc. There are "stupid" and "smart" ones. Their behavior is different.


There are many more examples of how amazing the behavior of social insects can be. But even these examples make us convinced that in their development representatives of the class Insecta sometimes even surpass organisms that are at higher stages of evolution. It is precisely the peculiarities of the behavior of social insects that to this day make some experts express the opinion that, probably, along with everything else (reflexes, instincts, etc.), insects have rudimentary forms of rational activity.

Lesson topic : Bees and ants are public insects. Beneficial insects, insect pests.Significance in nature and human life.

Lesson Objectives: reveal the structural features of the honey bee and ant in connection with the social way of life; talk about their role in nature and human life; reveal the diversity of insect pests, their negative role in human practical activity; indicate the importance of insects in nature and human life.

Equipment: insect collection,multimedia projector, presentation, handouts: tables, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

During the classes:

I. org. moment (1 min) II. Updating of basic knowledge(10 min) Test work with mutual verification.

Write down the test numbers, against each - correct options response

Option 1.

A. Dragonflies B. Orthoptera C. Bed bugs

  1. Two pairs of wings.
  2. The larva has a mask.

Option 2.

What features are characteristic of insects from the order

A. Butterflies B. Diptera C. Hymenoptera

  1. Development with complete transformation.
  2. Development with incomplete transformation.
  3. Two pairs of wings.
  4. One pair of wings, the second is reduced (halteres) and serves to stabilize the flight.
  5. The first pair of wings are turned into rigid elytra, the second pair are leathery wings.
  6. The forewings are denser than the hindwings.
  7. The elytra are dense in front and soft behind; the second pair of wings is used for flight.
  8. On the wings are small chitinous scales.
  9. Mouth apparatus in adult insects of the sucking type.
  10. Mouth apparatus licking type.
  11. The mouthparts of adult insects are of the piercing-sucking type.
  12. In larvae oral apparatus chewing type.
  13. The hind legs of many representatives of the jumping type.
  14. The larva has a mask.

Option 1. A: 2,3,14; B: 2,; B : 2,6,11

Option 2. A: B: C: 1.3

III. Activation cognitive activity . (2 minutes)

Most insects lead a solitary lifestyle, but there are insects that live in large groups. What are these insects? (bees, ants, termites) Such insects are called public and they live in families.

IV. learning new material(25min)

Teacher's story.

What do you think, which of these insects have long become human pets? (bees)

Where do bees live? (hive)

Honey and wax along with our furs ancestors - Slavs were considered the main objects of trade. Honey was used instead of sugar, wax was used in candles. In those days, there were no apiaries yet, and for bees, a person provided hollows of forest trees - “bortni” - beekeeping. At the same time, the hives often went bankrupt.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Ukrainian landowner Petr Ivanovich Prokopovich first used the collapsible frame beehive he invented, which is still used today.

Let's look at what a bee family is.

Student message.The composition of the bee family. (presentation)

As the story progresses, students complete the table.

Students independently fill in the table for the ant family section, using the textbook pp. 135-136.

Table. The composition of the ant and bee families:

bee family

Ant family

family member

Features, role

family member

Features, role


The main bee is larger than the other bees and lays eggs.

uterus (queen)

Wingless female, breaks off wings after mating flight. The role is to lay eggs.


Male. The role is to fertilize the females. After fertilization, the males are expelled from the hive and die.


Winged individuals. The role is to fertilize the females. After mating, the males die.

worker bees

Barren females, ovipositor modified into a stinger.

Role: clean the hive, collect nectar, take care of the queen and larvae, protect the hive from enemies.

worker ant

Barren females that do not have wings.

The role is to clean the anthill, collect food, care for the queen and larvae, and protect the anthill from enemies.

During the assignment, the teacher ensures that the whole class is involved in the work, approaches the students, monitors the progress of the assignment, and, if necessary, makes corrections.

After completing the task, the teacher asks the class questions:

  • Did everyone complete the task?
  • What difficulties arose during the task, what was not clear?

Bees and ants communicate with each other through touch and secretions. But only bees have a "language of dance." Video clip.

Do you think such complex behavior can be called reasonable? (No)

Their behavior is instinctive, unconscious.

Notebook entry. Instinct- a set of innate moments of behavior, fixed hereditarily and characteristic certain kind animals.

Apart from beneficial insects there are also pests cultivated plants and vectors of human diseases.

The study of the material occurs in the course of the conversation. Students work with handouts: tables, insects.

Exercise : determine which order your insect belongs to and what harm it does to cultivated plants. Answer plan:

1. The name of the squad.

2. The name of the insect.

3. Signs of the detachment.

4. Meaning.

The negative value of insects for humans


Meaning, examples


Asian locustdestroys crops over large areas


Inhibit the development of plants, can tolerate viral diseases plants


Harmful turtlesucks out the contents of unripe grains. Bed bug is a carrier of diseases, causes anxiety


Beet weevil larvaefeed on beet rootsColorado potato beetle and its larvaereduce the yield of potatoes.Larvae of the weevil beetle - apple blossom beetle- destroy the ovaries of apple trees.Bark beetle and longhorn beetle larvae- tree pests


Caterpillars of the cabbage whitedamage cabbage leaves;codling moth- spoil the fruits of apple trees;gypsy moth- harm the plants of the garden and forest.Pine silkworm caterpillars harm pine; clothes moth - spoil wool products


sawfly larvaeeat the needles of trees; horntails - feed on wood, damaging trees



Black cockroaches and Prussians contaminate food with excrement, can carry pathogens and helminth eggs. Sometimes their secretions cause allergies.


Carriers of typhus and relapsing fever


Carriers of plague, tularemia, typhus

Students write their answers in a notebook. Several students are asked. Ratings are given.

Additionally . What methods can be used to control harmful insects?

During the conversation, it turns out that the proposed options can be divided into four groups:

Methods of human struggle with harmful insects




Collecting caterpillars or insect eggs: catching a malarial mosquito with various traps, destroying its larvae with kerosene, which is poured over the surface of a reservoir


Treatment of plants with pesticides, breeding sites of larvae with bleach, cockroaches with various poisons


Change of crops - crop rotation; timely sowing and planting; thorough cleaning of fields, destruction of weeds that serve as a breeding ground for insects


V. Fixing the material.(4 min)

What insects did we meet today?

What are the characteristics of families?

What insects harm agricultural plants? Describe the life of some of them.

VI. Reflection. (1min) Draw your mood as a smiley.

VII. D/W Review topics in the arthropod section. Preparation for control work.

Appendix. The uterus is the largest bee in the hive, 18-20 mm in size. It has a long abdomen with an ovipositor designed for permanent egg laying. Cannot eat on its own. It is fed by worker bees with goiter milk. There is always only one in the family. The uterus develops from fertilized eggs. Lives up to 5 years. When another queen appears, the old one flies away with a part of the bees. This process is called swarming.

Drones are male, with long wings and large eyes. They develop from unfertilized eggs. Their task is to fertilize the uterus. Live for one season. In autumn they die, they are stinged by worker bees or simply kicked out of the hive.

Worker bees are sterile females. Workers - ensure the life of the whole family (collect food, care for the larvae, feed them, clean the hive, build honeycombs, harvest honey). To perform these functions, they have a number of devices:

  • oral apparatus;
  • Body covered with villi;
  • honey goiter;
  • Sting-modified ovipositor;
  • Hind limbs with baskets and brushes.

Bortnichestvo This is borti, the oldest primitive way of beekeeping, a favorite pastime of the ancient Slavs - the inhabitants of the forests. The local peasant considers it a sin to catch swarms: "The bee is God's creature, free, it is a sin to force it," he says. Since ancient times, beekeeping has been a significant industry: wax was exported through the Dnieper to Greece. Numerous glades covered with heather serve as a feeding place for bees. Heather blooms from August 1 to September 15. At this time, millions of bees make a hum, circling over the heather and collecting nectar.

Anthill A covering of needles and twigs. Protects the dwelling from the vicissitudes of the weather, is repaired and updated by worker ants. 2. "Solarium" - a chamber heated by the rays of the sun. In the spring, the inhabitants come here to warm themselves. 3. One of the entrances. Guarded by soldiers. Serves ventilation duct. 4. "Cemetery". This is where worker ants carry dead brethren and garbage. 5. Wintering chamber. Insects gather here to survive the cold in a semi-hibernating state. 6. "Bread barn". This is where the ants store grain. 7. The royal chamber, where the uterus lives, laying up to one and a half thousand eggs a day. She is cared for by worker ants. 8. Chambers with eggs, larvae and pupae. 9. "Cowshed" where ants contain aphids. 10. "Meat pantry", where foragers bring caterpillars and other prey.

The value of ants in nature and human life 1) Participate in the soil-forming process (loosening, oxygen enrichment, fertilize, mix); 2) Regulate the number of insect pests of the forest (destroy the larvae); 3) Ants are the only pollinator of cocoa. And without them, we would never have tasted chocolate; 4) Formic acid is effective means against mites that kill bees. These mites gnaw through the chitinous cover and suck out the hemolymph.

Ants are the largest family of insects in terms of the number of individuals. And in terms of the number of species, few families can argue with him. Now there are approximately species of ants, but, given that every year more and more new species and genera are described and the fact that ants of many areas the globe almost unexplored, this number will be greatly increased. All ants have a characteristic feature by which they can be distinguished from any other Hymenoptera: between the chest and abdomen they have a thin stalk of one or two segments, while in all other Hymenoptera the abdomen is directly articulated to the chest.

If in bees and wasps within the same family we can observe all stages of the transition from a solitary lifestyle to a social one, then ants, without exception, are social insects. Under laboratory conditions, individual working individuals can live up to 34 years. There is a case when an ant lived for seven years. Females live much longer up to 20 years.

Scientists observe the life of ants in special glass anthills. Imagine their surprise when it turned out that not all ants are as hardworking as it is commonly believed! Observations have shown that 80% of ants are engaged in social useful work- clean the house, collect food; but the rest - beat the buckets. The situation has not changed even after the scientists removed some of the "working" ants. For the remaining hard workers, activity began to boil with a vengeance, and the idlers remained out of work. A possible explanation for such a strange behavior of the latter, according to the researchers, can be either their advanced age or pathological laziness.

Importance of bees in human life Honey. Contains about 60 various substances, mainly glucose and fructose and: Enzymes that speed up the body's metabolism; Minerals: Ca, Na, Mg, P, Fe, S, I, Cl, Rd; Trace elements: Mn, Si, Al, B, Cr, Cu, Li, Ni, Pb, etc. organic acids; vitamins; Phytoncides with antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal effects. Propolis, or bee glue. Contains essential oils, wax, pollen. Medicinal properties: Painkiller (5.2 times stronger than novocaine); Antipruritic; Antimicrobial; Tones the body, improves immunity; Strengthens tooth enamel; Relieves and softens calluses.

The value of bees in human life Royal jelly. Contains mineral salts, sex hormones, trace elements, vitamins, etc. Therapeutic effect: Increases the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood; Increases appetite and increases weight; Stimulates hair growth; Improves memory and vision; Increases immunity. Beeswax. Rich in vitamin A, necessary for the development of the epithelium of the skin, bronchial mucosa, throat, nose, stomach and intestines, for visual acuity. It has an antimicrobial, nourishing and regenerating effect. Bee venom. Therapeutic effect: Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect; Increases the overall resistance of the body, immunity; Antimicrobial; Expands blood vessels; Reduces blood pressure; Reduces viscosity and blood clotting; Reduces blood cholesterol.

Social and domesticated insects

Most insects lead a solitary lifestyle. However, there is alsosocial insects . These includetermites, bumblebees, wasps, bees, ants . The community of these insects is one big extended family. Social insects share food with each other, take care of the larvae together, and guard the nest.

Bees and ants are social insects

bees.The social insects arehoney bee . A large family of bees has up to 100 thousand individuals that live in a hive. Most of the insects in the hiveworkers bees. These are infertile females in which a modified ovipositor serves assting . They clean the hive, collect nectar, take care of the queen and larvae, protect the hive from enemies. They live one warm season (less than a year). In a bee family, the main bee isuterus , which lays eggs - up to 2000 per day. The queen is larger than the worker bees. She lives for about five years. In the spring, in May - June, a new queen and several dozen males appear from the pupae in the bee colony, which are calleddrones: they do not take any part in the work, and their main task is the fertilization of the uterus. In autumn, the worker bees drive the remaining drones out of the hive and they die.

All care about the hive lies with the worker bees: growing up, each worker bee changes several "professions". She builds combs, cleans cells, feeds larvae, takes food from incoming bees and distributes it in the hive, ventilates the hive, guards it, and finally begins to fly out of the hive for nectar. Bees communicate with each other in the same way as ants - with the help of touch and excreted substances.

However, only bees have a "language of dance". With the help of special body movements and movements, one bee can tell others where the nectar-rich flowering plants . The scout bee "dances" in the hive on the combs.

On the bottom side The abdomen of the worker bee contains special glands that secretewax . From it, bees, thanks to complex instincts, buildhoneycomb . On the hind legs bees have areas surrounded by long chitinous hairs - baskets. The bees crawl over the flowers, and the pollen falls on the hairs of the insect's body. Then the bee cleans the pollen into the basket with the help of special brushes on the paws of the legs. Soon a ball of pollen is formed there - a pollen, which the bee transfers to the hive.Perga - Pollen impregnated with honey - serves as a reserve of protein food for the bee colony.

Worker bees have a peculiar expansion of the esophagus -honey goiter . From the nectar collected from the flowers, which passed through the honey goiter, the main food supply of the bee family is formed -honey . Cells are filled with honey, which the bees cover with a thin wax layer. For a year, up to 100 kg of honey can be obtained from one bee family.

Although man has been breeding bees for a long time, collapsible frame hives were invented relatively recently - in 1814 by the Ukrainian beekeeper P. I. Prokopovich. Prior to this, in order to extract honey from a bee nest, which, as a rule, was located in a hollowed-out log of a tree, it was necessary to break the honeycomb, that is, to ruin the bee colony. The surviving swarm of bees can live independently, without human help. This indicates that bees are not yet fully domesticated.

Ants- social hymenoptera. They do not have a sting, but a poisonous gland has been preserved, thanks to which they can protect themselves from enemies. Red forest ants are of great benefit to the forest. Ants of one anthill eat tens of thousands of insects per day and protect the forest on an area of ​​0.2 hectares from pests. They live in families.

The anthill consists of aboveground and underground parts. Most of the ants living in the anthill are wingless working individuals - these are barren females. Their number sometimes reaches a million. In addition to them, a queen lives in an anthill. She doesn't have wings either. She breaks them off after the nuptial flight. All her life she lays eggs, and all the care of the anthill lies with the worker ants. They forage, repair and clean the anthill, feed the larvae and the queen, defend the anthill in case of attack by enemies. Once a year, at the beginning of summer, winged females and males appear from pupae in the anthill, which go on a mating flight. After mating, the males die, and the females shed their wings and found a new anthill. They can also get into the anthill in which their development took place.

Most ants are predators. Some feed on the sweet secretions of aphids. For this, ants guard, "graze"these insects that feed on plants, and sometimes build shelters for them. Other types of ants breed mushrooms in underground chambers for their food, bringing crushed plant leaves for this. There are herbivorous ants.

Ants communicate by touching each other with their antennae, legs, and head. In addition, they have a "chemical language" - they secrete special substances with which they mark their paths. By smell, ants recognize relatives and enemies.

With the false behavior of social insects is called instinctive because instinct - a set of innate moments of behavior, fixed hereditarily and characteristic of a certain type of animal. The behavior of bees, ants, and some other animals is so amazing and complex that it leads many people to believe that it is intelligent. However, these actions of animals are instinctive, unconscious.

domesticated insects

There is only one completelydomesticated insect , not found in nature in the wild, -silkworm ; females of this species even "forgot how" to fly. An adult insect is a thick butterfly with whitish wings with a span of up to 6 cm. The caterpillars of this silkworm eat only mulberry leaves, or mulberries.

Scientists suggest that in the wild, the ancestor of the silkworm lived in the foothills of the Himalayas. The butterfly was domesticated in China around 3,000 BC. e. Nowadays, this insect is completely domesticated. It is bred in China, Japan, the countries of Indochina, in Southern Europe, South America, Central Asia and the Caucasus - where the mulberry tree can grow. There are several dozen breeds of silkworms, differing in length, strength and color of the silk thread they produce.

Silkworm females lay eggs (each female - up to 600 eggs), which are calledgrenay . Caterpillars emerge from them. These caterpillars are fed with mulberry leaves in special rooms on the aft shelves. When pupating, each caterpillar viet for three days.

In this article, we will analyze the behavior of bees and ants, their differences and similarities.

Somehow the phrase "social insects" suggests that they belong to society. But, in fact, such a name is obtained due to the structure and complexity of its behavior. What insects belong to this group, and how they differ, will be considered in this material.

What are social insects?

Who are insects, even a preschooler does not need an explanation. To make it clear who these social insects are, watch the ants. The most common forest red or black garden insects. Pay attention to how beautifully and harmoniously they move in their anthill.

  • Therefore, we can note the first distinguishing feature of social insects - this is presence of families. They do not live alone, but only in large groups. Moreover, each of the representatives has its own role in such a community.
  • Polyetism- this main feature social insects. In other words, it is a separation of duties.
  • Second distinguishing feature- This presence of castes on sexual and reproductive functions. Social insects may have one queen (i.e., monogyny) or several breeding females ( polygyny). But this is reflected in the size of the masonry and size. Even working individuals are smaller in size from such queens.
    • At the head of social insects is mother or queen, on whose shoulders lies the responsibility for reproduction and offspring. The whole family with colonies is built around it.
    • And for protection there are special soldiers! These representatives do not have the opportunity to breed, but they have weapons. Namely, strong stings in bees or powerful jaws in termites and ants.
    • But someone has to feed them too. And this responsibility falls on the shoulders work force, which also cannot produce its own offspring. Incredibly, even working representatives are further divided into subspecies depending on the work.
  • That is why these groups of insects are in close relationship with each other. If at least one puzzle falls out, then the other part of the picture is lost. After all, some insects protect, others feed, and still others take care of their offspring.

IMPORTANT: Different subspecies of even one species of insects can differ significantly in some rules.

  • Housing– here is another difference. Yes, animals and insects are looking for a warm overnight stay for the winter. But only social insects build nests so complex and thought out to the smallest detail. And how they take care of their masonry!
  • Such insects can communicate. No, they do not have their own language. In fact, it's a bit odd. More often use body language and its movements.
    • Bees can dance! But this is not just a desire to stretch, so they report the location of the nectar.
    • Ants use the sweet scent they leave along the way they need to. For example, after an edible find, an ant will leave such a trace to its anthill, informing these of its relatives.
  • But the connection between the uterus and its subordinates is of the greatest value. This merit pheromones! In this structure, everything is insanely finely thought out. The fact is that this substance is secreted by the larvae. Thus, they communicate their hunger. But only the mother can hear them!
    • And only she tells her workforce to bring food supplies. Why, she gives clear instructions on what food is needed and in what quantity. Without the queen, the rest of the representatives will simply die, because they do not know what to do!
    • But there are also insects that have a chance to grow a new queen. True, this is a very painstaking and time-consuming process. New uterus requires special conditions cultivation, that is, it requires special cells. Yes, she is picky about food.

Now we can make a final and already substantiated conclusion about who the social insects are.

Public insects - these are those representatives who lead a public or social way of life. As can be seen from the above information, they step over the behavior of other insects and even compete well with upper classes animal kingdoms. That is, social insects can create societies. Therefore, the science that studies them is sociobiology.

Features of the complex behavior of social insects: description

In these insects, the development of the brain and nervous system. And this is naturally reflected in the behavior of social insects, distinguishing them from similar loners.

  • Brain directly depends on the diversity and mobility of the life of the insect. That is, the more active it is, the more developed and larger the brain is. For example, working ants and productive representatives. The latter insects have a smaller brain size.
  • Incredibly, social insects can distinguish shapes and colors! For example, the Australian ethologist Karl Frisch conducted experiments on bees. As a result, it was found that they land on bright colors.
  • This aspect has not been fully studied, but insects may be far from their nest, but they will still find their way home. An experiment was carried out with bumblebees, which were placed in boxes at different distances from the house, they were necessarily marked with colored paint. By evening, all the insects were in place.
  • They are not just remember the way home, but they also go out in search of, for example, nectar with a strictly thought-out plan of action. For example, a bee focuses not only on the relief shape and bright color but also on the quality of the smell.

IMPORTANT: To communicate with each other, social insects use a whole chain of stimuli - these are auditory and visual contacts, chemical, vibrational and tactile stimuli.

  • These insects have memory and can transfer experience. For example, ants live 1.5-2.5 years, and for them it carries important value. Remember the cartoon "Luntik", ants always have a leader or commander!
    • They single out those individuals who have a good memory and rich experience in order to find a solution in case of incidents. That is what the leader does. They act strictly according to the laid route, but if an obstacle appears on the way, the activist will lead the rest after him, bypassing it.

  • Moreover, such insects can even think logically and find solutions from difficult situations. An experiment was conducted (again on ants) when a small dose of radiation (up to 10 R/h) was delivered to their nest. This went on for 3 years. And to reduce the incoming dose, the ants built a covered road.
  • In social insects, they form and develop faster conditioned reflexes. This is another confirmation of the development of their memory and ability to draw conclusions. They have such a divided and thoughtful work of each representative that it requires certain skills. And this indicates a good ability to learn.
    • They have a goal and are moving towards its fulfillment! They work so harmoniously with each other that they easily compete even with higher animals. Even a person can develop some skills for himself.
  • They have incredible care of offspring. The womb devotes herself and her whole life to taking care of them. And in case of urgent need and a threat to offspring, she, without hesitation, will sacrifice herself.
    • Look even again at the anthill, they do not leave their cocoons close to the entrance, but lower them to other floors. If the house is in danger, they will be the first thing to endure it!

IMPORTANT: Social insects have a chain of complex reflexes that are responsible for their instinct.

  • In addition to memory, the ability to memorize and think, as well as to draw logical conclusions, among the species of even one family of insects, there are "stupid" and "smart" individuals.
  • It is also worth highlighting such a quality of social insects as thriftiness. What ants, what bees make stocks of food.
  • And that's not all, because they are able to share it among themselves. Yes, this is the result of organized work in the caste. But it is also a kind of concern for the surrounding family members.

Some illustrative examples.


  • They are able to conclude "friendship pact". Their association with aphids is known. The ants protect it and provide some fresh shoots for them to feed on, as well as take care of the wintering grounds. But for this they collect their sweet excrement for their nourishment. It's kind of like cattle breeding.
  • But there are ants who are engaged agriculture. For example, leaf cutters carry the spores of some fungi along with the leaf supply. They plant them in an anthill, and then eat them.
  • But the tropical Amazon ants take into slavery other insects. More precisely, they steal their eggs or tiny individuals. And from these cubs they grow labor force. Similar behavior is observed in other species of ants. By the way, they can also attack neighboring anthills.
  • And some species of ants, such as foragers, have pension. Yes, over time they turn from active representatives into passive observers. But on the other hand, they pass on the collected traditions and experience. young generation. And in case of devastation, pensioners are able to restore everything again.


  • Polist wasps show interesting behavior during the rain. The fact is that their house is covered with aspen paper, through which drops of water pass. Therefore, insects absorb it, and then spit it out.
  • But vestin wasps can heat up your clutch abdominal movements. They begin to dance as if performing a belly dance. And thus, the temperature can rise by a whole degree.


  • They can be called real. architects. Even though their work seems chaotic and uncoordinated, the result will please the eye. After all, their buildings have not only simple form, but can be in the form of arches, canopies or entire corridors. And do not forget that termites are completely blind, so their projects are carried out purely with the help of instincts.
  • Some of their species are capable of self-destruction. If a worker is attacked, it can literally explode. In this case, the enemy will be attacked by sticky slime. It is not dangerous, but is distracting.


  • They surprise not only with their dance, but also with the presence of emotions. Even through dance moves, they are able to pinpoint exactly where the food supply is. And also show your character.
  • And many of their working representatives die as a result of the defense of their colony. After all, they leave a sting in the body of the enemy, after which they die with him.


  • Among these representatives there are "cuckoos". The fact is that these types of insects throw their eggs into another masonry. Of course, they choose other families of bumblebees, not an ant colony. Cuckoo insects do not have their own workers. Children, on the other hand, grow up in a “foster” family, along with other cubs on an equal footing.

How do social insects differ from solitary ones: comparison, similarities and differences

Based on the above material, one exact conclusion can already be drawn - solitary insects live separately, but public representatives - only big families. Similar characteristics include the extraction of food, the need for it, as well as the protection of the territory and their offspring. It should also be noted that other insects also use a sound signal or gestures to communicate during the mating season. It's just that social insects have all the characteristics slightly improved.

  • But none of them can survive on their own. The role of each “member” of the family is so thought out and organized that it acts as the missing puzzle. And without it, the whole picture will not turn out. For example, bees build families of up to 60 thousand - 100 thousand individuals.
  • And therefore, such a large community is able to build big house. For example, some anthills can reach several meters in depth (according to some sources, even up to 10 m). And what termite mounds are found in nature, that single ones cannot do this. The highest termite mounds reached 9 m.
  • These houses increase the safety not only of adults, but of young and clutches. In solitary species, such care for offspring is not observed. In social insects, the future generation, as well as food supplies, generally come first.
  • In that huge house, where every road, descent or honeycomb is thought out, temperature and humidity are also regulated. Again, all to maintain optimal conditions masonry. But only social insects can create such a microclimate due to their large numbers.

  • Such a family can also attack large prey, and this will help to make a significant supply of food.
  • Well-coordinated work helps social insects defend themselves from enemies. Single representatives are weaker in this matter.
  • Well, the main difference is polymorphism. That is, the presence of a uterus that deals only with offspring. The queen is engaged only in masonry. Although, for example, in some species of termites, the uterus is not even able to move independently. This protects her as much as possible from any dangers, providing a high birth rate.

What insects can and cannot be classified as social?

It is easier to name those representatives who may belong to social insects. All the rest, if they do not have the above characteristics of social life, are referred to a number of single individuals.

  • Ants- almost all of their species belong to social insects. They are of great benefit to the forest, protecting it from enemies. Characterized by large anthills, which consist of ground and underground parts
    • In the center is a wingless uterus (she loses her wings after the mating season) and spends her whole life only laying eggs.
    • Working representatives clean the masonry, the uterus and bring her food.
    • Soldiers stand out large sizes and powerful jaws, whose task is to protect the colony.
  • bees have only one uterus that governs them. They don't have soldiers, but they do have drones who fertilize the uterus. After mating, they die. All work, including feeding the uterus, falls on the shoulders of the workers.
  • wasps live only one summer. Only fertilized females remain overwintering. Housing is also used for only one year, Build it from wood and their own saliva.
  • bumblebees have the same signs of social life. But it is worth highlighting that the sting can be not only in working individuals, but also in the uterus. By the way, it has no notches, so insects can use it repeatedly.
  • termites live in termite mounds, and their family can number up to 1 million individuals. The uterus of this species can live up to 10 years, and workers differ in that they can be of both sexes. Their main task is order in the "house".

There are 5 main types of social insects

There are some characteristic features public behavior in the following insects:

  • earwigs - they are characterized by the care of the female for offspring
  • bedbugs that live in large families
  • and even in aphids that come into contact with ants
  • crickets and Japanese bugs bring food for their larvae
  • thrips have the highest social degree of life. They also build families of up to almost 200 thousand individuals, lay paths with a characteristic smell and take care of their laying

IMPORTANT: Only ants are fully related to social group. All other insects belong to the class Hymenoptera. Because they are characterized by all the transitions from a solitary lifestyle to social behavior.

Video: Social insects: the secret of collective intelligence