The better to fertilize tomato seedlings at home. How to feed tomatoes that do not grow well. Banana skins as fertilizer

Many lovers indoor plants they raise their pets themselves, because it is not always possible to find the right one in the store home plant. In addition, buying flower seeds will be much cheaper than mature plant. But all this is not so important. The main thing is what a fascinating process it is - growing indoor flower! And what a pity it is when the seedlings of a flower die. Having lost my seedlings of indoor plants several times, I decided to approach the issue of growing them more responsibly. As it turned out, of great importance during cultivation is proper feeding seedlings.

What elements are needed for feeding seedlings

If the condition of the plant does not cause concern, you can use universal fertilizers for top dressing. In fact, the main elements that are necessary for the growth and development of a plant are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is good to feed young seedlings with a mixture with a predominance of nitrogen salts.

But there are situations when you need to know which microelements your seedlings lack. This can be seen from her appearance.

Lack of nitrogen leads to slower plant growth, the leaves become small and pale. The stems of such a plant are thin, slightly branching.

Phosphorus deficiency. Plant growth is significantly retarded. Plants become weak, leaves turn yellow at the edges and fall off. Reduced disease resistance and cold resistance of seedlings.

Potassium deficiency. In addition to the fact that plant growth slows down, their resistance to fungal diseases decreases. The edges and tops of the leaves turn brown and die.

A lack of calcium leads to the death of young leaves and stem tips, weakening the growth and development of roots. First, young leaves become light in color, then light yellow spots appear on them. The edges of the leaves are bent down and they fall off.

Lack of magnesium. The leaves of the plant become "marble", spotted, turn pale between the veins. Gradually they turn yellow, curl and fall off. The growth and development of the plant slows down.

A lack of boron leads to a halt in the growth of stems, roots, and the death of the apical point of growth. Young leaves become dark in color, their edges are bent down. Plant shoots become brittle.

For fertilizing with nitrogen, ammonium, salts of nitric and nitrous acids are used. With a lack of potassium, nitric and potassium phosphate are used. The plant can obtain the necessary phosphorus from mixtures containing salts of phosphoric acid or superphosphate.

Basic rules for feeding seedlings

Having correctly chosen the necessary fertilizer, you also need to competently carry out top dressing of seedlings. Let's learn how to do it right.

Feeding seedlings is recommended to be done every 7-10 days. Feed seedlings only during the growth period. Plants that are not yet rooted should not be fed.

It is best to fertilize early in the morning on a sunny day, but in no case do not fertilize plants in hot weather. It is very important that the fertilizer does not get on the leaves and stems, as this can cause the plant to burn.

For fertilizing seedlings, fertilizer of low concentration should be taken. Commercially available mixtures are used as top dressing. The sachets indicate for which plants and in what quantities they are needed.

A few hours before top dressing, the seedlings are well watered. This protects the roots from burns and contributes to the uniform impregnation of the fertilizer with the entire clod of earth. But remember that excessive fertilization harms the development of the plant.

Also, I learned that it is very good to alternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and biofertilizers with growth stimulants based on humic acids.

Experienced gardeners no longer need to explain that feeding tomato seedlings at home before and after picking, as well as after planting in the ground, is an absolutely necessary procedure for obtaining healthy and strong plants. After all, only such tomatoes can bring good harvest, resist diseases and pests.

During the growth of seedlings, the root system begins to develop, the “immunity” of the plant to diseases is laid, and the basis for the future harvest is formed. And what it will be depends on how and when you feed tomato seedlings.

  • How and when to feed tomato seedlings
    • 1.1 Why do we need top dressing for seedlings
      • 1.1.1 Signs of nutrient deficiency for seedlings
    • 1.2 When to feed tomato seedlings
    • 1.3 Feeding tomato seedlings after picking
    • 1.4 Foliar top dressing tomato
    • 1.5 Feeding tomato seedlings organic fertilizers
      • 1.5.1 Feeding tomato seedlings with iodine
      • 1.5.2 Fertilizing with yeast
      • 1.5.3 Fertilizing seedlings with ashes
      • 1.5.4 How to feed tomato seedlings, video

How and when to feed tomato seedlings

Many mistakenly believe that tomatoes are enough for growth. fertile soil. You can grow plants without fertilizing, and they will even give you a crop, but not the same if you still feed the tomatoes.

Why do you need fertilizer for seedlings

At the first stages of development, the plant lacks the vitality inherent in the seed itself and nutrients from the soil. But only at first. Imagine how much strength a plant needs to hatch from a seed and break through a layer of soil, even if it is loose. And at home, when it is warm and humid enough, all growth processes are accelerated and very soon the plants begin to experience nutrient deficiencies.

Signs of Nutrient Deficiency for Seedlings

Those gardeners who carefully observe the seedlings every day notice any changes immediately. At the same time, it is necessary to act immediately and correct errors during cultivation:

  • If the leaves become light and all the veins are clearly visible on them, then there are two reasons, or you are watering the plants with tap water that is not settled and contains a lot of chlorine. Or the seedlings suffer from a lack of iron, but in both cases this is called chlorosis.
  • When plants suddenly become very fragile and break at every touch, it means that magnesium must be urgently added to the soil.
  • The leaves become darker and acquire purple hue, especially with bottom side leaf, so they lack phosphorus.
  • Symptoms such as lightening of foliage, stunting, falling off, can be caused by insufficient water, poor lighting, cold air or lack of nitrogen.
  • When to feed tomato seedlings

    Experts recommend starting top dressing on the very early stage growth, that is, the first dressing should be in the phase of two true leaves. At this time, the plant develops resistance to diseases, especially fungal diseases, such as late blight.

    If you are going to feed the plants at this time, then it is better to use the Fitosporin preparation, which is diluted according to the instructions. It not only helps plants resist diseases, but also acts as a bioenergetic.

    Also at this time it will be appropriate to shed the soil with a solution of copper, also for the emergence of disease resistance.

    A week after the first, you need to carry out a second top dressing. here you can already use complex fertilizer, which will include not only mineral, but also organic matter. It is convenient to use the drug "Agricola", which has everything that tomatoes need. And the plants themselves will choose what to take for development.

    The following top dressings are carried out every 10 days, preferably also with complex fertilizer. In addition, you can use organic matter, then I will give examples of organic dressings.

    Feeding tomato seedlings after picking

    After a dive, all plants experience stress, they need to get used to a new place, maybe a different soil composition. Necessarily at the same time the roots are damaged and the plant should just rest. Therefore, we give two weeks after transplantation and carry out the next top dressing with a solution of urea.

    After planting in the ground, you also need to feed the tomatoes in two weeks, when they take root and grow. In the first feeding, you can use organic fertilizers. Dilute the mullein infusion, prepared in advance, 1 to 10. Add a tablespoon of nitrophoska to a ten-liter bucket of this solution and pour half a liter under each bush.

    All root dressing should be done after watering, so nutrients reach the roots of the plant faster.

    Foliar top dressing tomato

    As you certainly know, plants feed not only through the roots, but also through the foliage. Tomatoes are no exception, so foliar top dressing has a very beneficial effect on them. Usually these procedures are carried out in turn with the application of fertilizers under the roots. spraying useful compositions it is recommended to carry out early in the morning, in the dew, so that nutrients quickly penetrate the inside of the leaf.

    For foliar top dressing of tomatoes, the following sprayings are used:

    • Phytosporin solution, according to the instructions
    • Urea solution
    • Superphosphate, solution 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of boiling water, leave for a day
    • Potassium monophosphate, 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water
    • A solution of potassium nitrate.

    Feeding tomato seedlings with organic fertilizers

    Can be used for seedlings and fertilizers from folk remedies. My elderly neighbor every year sprinkles the soil in the seedling boxes with old tea leaves. Some collect eggshells by spring, pour two-thirds of a bucket of shells into a bucket of water with water, insist for three days and water. Just keep in mind that for such top dressing you need your own, homemade fresh eggs.

    In the spring, when the seedlings already require top dressing, the first shoots of young nettles appear. I always collect young shoots in a bucket and fill it with warm water, leave it for five days, then use it to water small tomatoes.

    Feeding tomato seedlings with iodine

    You can use ready-made water-soluble fertilizers with iodine for seedlings and water the plants. You can use a solution of iodine for foliar top dressing. To do this, dilute a couple of drops of iodine in four liters of warm water and spray the sprouts from a spray bottle. In the seedling phase, one feeding with this preparation is sufficient for tomatoes.

    Yeast nutrition

    Previously, such dressings were popular, and both dry and raw yeast were used, even bread and crackers. But with the advent of new drugs, such a remedy was forgotten, and in vain. Because the yeast fungus activates the life of microorganisms in the soil, in addition, the yeast is rich in all the trace elements that are necessary for plant growth, root development and immunity.

    Yeast sourdough for irrigation is prepared as follows: one hundred grams of any yeast is diluted in warm water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of sugar, for better fermentation. The solution is infused until the fermentation process stops, Then you need to dilute it again, a liter of sourdough in five liters of water, water the seedlings a week after planting on permanent place, then immediately after rooting.

    Feeding seedlings with ashes

    For many years, such top dressing has been popular, because the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers absorb the potassium and phosphorus contained in the ash very well. And everyone knows how all fungal diseases are removed with the help of ash.

    The only negative is that nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be mixed with ash and nitrogen can be applied only a month after using ash top dressing.

    For feeding, the following mixture is used: pour a tablespoon of pure wood ash with five liters hot water and insist for a day, then apply under the plants.

    How to feed tomato seedlings, video

    The purpose of sowing a tomato is, of course, their fruits, to which gardeners pay the most attention. However, it should be understood that for a good harvest, first of all, it is worth growing excellent seedlings, which require frequent and the right fertilizer. This plant almost always needs additional feeding, therefore, below we will consider what fertilizers it is necessary to feed tomatoes with.

    Signs of malnutrition of tomato seedlings

    by the most topical issue on agroforums is “How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems?”, Since thin seedlings are very rarely able to give a good harvest and are the first sign that plants need additional nutrition. Usually, seedlings are sown in a special soil, which is saturated with all the necessary components for plant growth, so we are talking about top dressing only after planting seedlings in open ground.

    After transplanting, seedlings do not always grow well, but their condition will tell you what tomatoes need:

    • when lush tomato seedlings drastically slow down their growth after transplantation, and its rich green leaves turn pale, the earth usually suffers from a lack of nitrogen;
    • when plants rapidly start to grow and an excess of greenery appears on them, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the nitrogen content in the soil (such “fatting” of greenery in the future can lead to the fact that the bushes do not start fruiting);
    • leaves of a tomato bush that have acquired a purple hue after transplantation are usually evidence of a lack of phosphorus in the soil, and if there is too much phosphorus, the leaves and ovaries will turn yellow and fall off;
    • if the tomato seedling, after transplantation, began to fade, then it lacks nitrogen, although if there is too much of this substance in the soil, the leaves of the plant will be covered with unsightly matte spots;
    • when the leaves curl, nitrogen and potassium should be added to the ground, but the amount of phosphate, on the contrary, should be tried to neutralize.

    When to feed tomato seedlings

    Experts recommend starting top dressing at the earliest stage of growth, that is, the first top dressing should be in the phase of two true leaves. At this time, the plant develops resistance to diseases, especially fungal diseases, such as late blight.

    If you are going to feed the plants at this time, then it is better to use the Fitosporin preparation, which is diluted according to the instructions. It not only helps plants resist diseases, but also acts as a bioenergetic. Also at this time it will be appropriate to shed the soil with a solution of copper, also for the emergence of disease resistance.

    A week after the first, you need to carry out a second top dressing. Here you can already use complex fertilizer, which will include not only mineral, but also organic substances. It is convenient to use the drug "Agricola", which has everything that tomatoes need. And the plants themselves will choose what to take for development. The following top dressings are carried out every 10 days, preferably also with complex fertilizer. In addition, you can use organic matter, then I will give examples of organic dressings.

    After a dive, all plants experience stress, they need to get used to a new place, maybe a different soil composition. Necessarily at the same time the roots are damaged and the plant should just rest. Therefore, we give two weeks after transplantation and carry out the next top dressing with a solution of urea. Further, every ten days we carry out top dressing "Agricola" for tomatoes. Also, some carry out regular spraying with phytosporin so that no fungal diseases occur.

    After planting in the ground, you also need to feed the tomatoes in two weeks, when they take root and grow. In the first feeding, you can use organic fertilizers. Dilute the mullein infusion, prepared in advance, 1 to 10. Add a tablespoon of nitrophoska to a ten-liter bucket of this solution and pour half a liter under each bush.

    Feed options for tomato seedlings

    1. 0.5 grams of urea, 4 grams of superphosphate and 1.5 grams of potassium salt per liter of water.
    2. 0.5-0.7 grams of ammonium nitrate, 3-4 grams of superphosphate, 1.5-2 grams of potassium sulfate per liter of water.
    3. 1 tablespoon of ash per 2 liters of hot water. Such top dressing is infused for a day, then filtered.
    4. Infusion eggshell. A three-liter jar is 2/3 filled with shells and poured with water. This fertilizer is infused in a warm place for 3-4 days. One and the same shell can be used three times. To feed the seedlings, the eggshell infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
    5. Infusion banana peel. Prepared according to the principle of infusion of egg shells from dried banana skins. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
    6. Fertilizers based on humates (according to the instructions on the package).

    Foliar feeding of tomato seedlings

    This treatment is carried out by spraying plants aqueous solution low concentration fertilizers. This is an optional procedure, it is mainly used as " ambulance» for plants (when spraying plants with fertilizers, they are very quickly absorbed by the leaves and immediately begin to act).

    Foliar application is carried out by spraying. This type of fertilizer nourishes the plant in a difficult period for it. With weak tops, small leaves, thin stems, poor flowering or fruit ripening, use this method. You can prepare the following solutions:

    1. Urea solution. Use before flowering (0.5 teaspoon per 5 liters of water).
    2. Superphosphate extract. We spray during the formation of the fetus (0.5 teaspoon per 5 liters of hot water).
    3. Milk iodine solution. For 5 liters of water, 500 ml of milk and 5 drops of iodine.
    4. Boric acid solution. Used in different periods(0.5 teaspoon per 5 liters of hot water).
    5. Multicomponent. For 10 liters of water is used: boric acid 10 ml, magnesia 10 ml, blue vitriol 10 ml, a few crystals of manganese, 3 tablespoons of laundry soap.
    6. Nitrate calcium. It is used in different periods of plant formation. Helps to get rid of ticks and slugs. It will protect the tops from rotting and give vitality (10 g per 5 liters of water).
    7. Fitosporin and Zdraven. According to instructions.
    8. manganese solution. Dilute to pale pink.

    Organic fertilizer for tomato seedlings

    top dressing organic origin also have a positive effect on plant growth and yield.

    • Coffee grounds. It contains a large amount of nitrogen, and tomatoes need it. However, it is better not to use this fertilizer in its raw form, as it oxidizes the soil. But the protective functions of coffee grounds are excellent. Slugs and snails do not tolerate caffeine, so you can sprinkle it around the seedlings so that they do not annoy. Coffee grounds can be used to prevent late blight in tomatoes - fungal disease, from the impact of which the fruits are destroyed.
    • Compost. In addition to the standard cooking process, it can be obtained by mixing leaves, lime, wood ash and coffee grounds. These components saturate the soil in plantings in the country with organic matter that improves drainage.
    • Manure and bird droppings. These components can only be used in the process of preparing the site for planting. If you dig up a plot for tomatoes with manure in the fall, then in the spring you can plant seedlings in that place. If manure is added directly to the hole before planting, then there will be few fruits in the end, and the bushes will be large.

    Mineral fertilizers for tomato seedlings

    Mineral fertilizers are inorganic compounds in the form of various salts. Depending on the number of trace elements, they are divided into simple and complex. The former are characterized by the predominance of one inorganic element, the complex ones consist of several compounds. Mineral fertilizers are divided into phosphorus, nitrogen and potash.

    Phosphorus - perfectly strengthen root system. Tomatoes are usually fertilized with phosphate, in which the content of trace elements reaches 20%, or with superphosphate with an amount of phosphorus up to 50%. Common options are phosphate rock and precipitate.

    Nitrogen nutritional formulations are extremely important for plants, they are responsible for the quality of the vegetative mass, improve leaf growth and flowering. The most common (including for tomato seedlings) are: ammonium nitrate, acidifying the earth, and urea, alkalizing it.

    Complex supplement for tomato seedlings

    The greatest amount of nutrients is contained in a complex solution, which is not difficult to prepare yourself at home. For its preparation you will need: dandelion leaves and dioica nettle. The proportions of the components are not important. They fill a 200-liter barrel by a third, add manure there, the rest is filled with water and infused for 10 days. The barrel can be covered with a film for better fermentation. After the time has elapsed, the film can be removed, and with it the surfaced layer. Mix the composition and dilute with water. People have been using folk remedies and they never let them down. They used iodine as a fertilizer for tomatoes. This is an excellent way to disinfect the soil, in addition, the use of iodine accelerates the development of fruits and prevents the development of fungal diseases. Just 4 drops per bucket of water is enough. If you feed the culture not with iodine alone, but in combination with milk, then the fertilizer will not be equal. 40 drops of iodine are injected per liter of serum.

    Thus, top dressing of tomatoes plays a key role in the growth of future fruits. Today there are a large number various fertilizers, which can improve the quality of the fruit, the main thing is to follow the exact instructions for the dosage and time of applying them to the soil. With the help of top dressing, you can grow an excellent crop of tomatoes on the soil, which is not particularly fertile.

    Growing vegetables seedling way you need to use fertilizer for seedlings. Feeding has a huge impact on plant growth, but adding additional nutrients requires some knowledge from the grower.

    When growing vegetables in seedlings, it is very important to choose not only high-quality seed material and, but also to apply the necessary fertilizers for seedlings in the development process. Experienced growers know that top dressing has a huge impact on plant growth. However, this process requires compliance with the measure. Therefore, before fertilizing seedlings, it is necessary to choose the type, shape and composition of the nutrient mixture.

    Mineral fertilizers for vegetable seedlings

    Top dressing of this type consists of inorganic compounds, mainly mineral salts. Depending on the type of filling, fertilizers for seedlings are simple with one trace element or complex, containing several minerals.

    The main minerals that are necessary for the full development of the plant:

    • Nitrogen: ammonium nitrate (35% nitrogen), urea (46% nitrogen), ammonium sulfate (20% nitrogen), ammonia water (20-25% nitrogen).
    • Phosphorus: superphosphate (20% phosphorus) or double superphosphate (40-50% phosphorus).
    • Potassium: potassium chloride (50-60% potassium oxide), potassium salt (30-40% K20), potassium sulfate (45-50% K20).

    With a lack of any mineral, the growth of seedlings slows down significantly. Its leaves become light green in color, become small and begin to fall off. With excess intake mineral fertilizers the plant can get burned and die. Therefore, before fertilizing seedlings, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and, in accordance with the stated norms, apply top dressing.

    Organic fertilizer for vegetable seedlings

    This type of fertilizer contains organic matter. The main advantage of top dressing is that it contains not one type of minerals, but almost all the necessary nutrients. Such an organic fertilizer cannot be attributed to any one type, since the main mineral elements are already present in it. In addition, other minerals are contained in different proportions: cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, etc.

    Organic fertilizers for vegetable seedlings:

    • Manure. The advantage of using manure is a complete set of all essential substances. In addition, after its addition, biological and physical characteristics soil. It begins to release abundantly carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the carbon nutrition of the plant.
    • chicken manure. His distinctive feature is a huge productivity. It includes in in large numbers nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
    • Compost. This type of fertilizer is easily prepared on suburban area. For its preparation, leaves, straw, grass from weeds, potato tops, various kitchen garbage, etc. are used.

    The introduction of organic fertilizers for seedlings gives a good result, but it can be difficult for a beginner to determine the necessary proportions. Therefore, before feeding, it is better to get additional advice from a specialist.

    Fertilizer for seedlings of cabbage

    Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

    Nutrient top dressing is applied several times. The first time fertilizers for tomato seedlings are used after picking only after 10 days. It is recommended to water the plants with organic fertilizers, which will enhance the growth of weak senets. The principle of preparing a nutrient mixture from mullein or bird droppings is described above.

    Also as a fertilizer for home seedlings tomatoes have proven themselves well wood ash, which contains a large number of various trace elements.

    For 2-3 m² of sown area, 8-10 liters of liquid, 70-80 g of ash and 15-25 mg of ammonium nitrate will be required. This nutrient mixture can be used 10-13 days after the first fertilization.

    Each top dressing of any plant should be completed with irrigation. warm water. When fertilizing, avoid getting fertilizer on the leaf mass. To prevent burns on the leaves after watering, it is recommended to sprinkle all plants with water.

    Video: fertilizer for seedlings or why the leaves turn yellow

    The role of feeding seedlings in its cultivation is underestimated by many gardeners. But in vain! Fertilizers strengthen the immune system of plants and help it withstand stressful conditions. Before fertilizing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and other plants, the soil in the containers must be lightly watered with ordinary water so that the roots are not burned with a nutrient solution. This is especially true for seedlings grown in small containers, such as cassettes. How to feed seedlings? How? What kind of fertilizer to use?

    To feed seedlings, you can use various special solutions in low concentration - organomineral fertilizers, trace elements. Now on sale there are many different drugs that can be used to feed seedlings. These are, for example, Uniflor Growth, Kemira Lux, Agricola for various garden plants, other.

    I have used the preparation "GUMI Kuznetsova" more than once for feeding. Very satisfied. It can be used to soak seeds before sowing (1 drop per glass of water). It is possible for dipping the roots when picking seedlings (2 teaspoons per 5 liters of water), or for foliar feeding (spraying) seedlings (2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water). This is an organomineral fertilizer, a natural elixir of fertility. Water or spray the seedlings with this solution once every 10-14 days.

    Elements that contain such preparations stimulate the growth of plants - first the root system, and then the vegetative mass. In addition, such fertilizers have fungicidal properties, that is, they prevent rotting of seedling roots damaged during picking or transplanting.

    You can make a complex fertilizer for seedlings yourself from the main preparations, which, for sure, every gardener has.

    Below is a table of the order of feeding. Doses are given in grams per 1 liter of water.

    cultureTop dressing sequenceAmmonium nitrate(g/l)" data-order="Ammonium nitrate (g/l)"> Ammonium nitrate (g/l)Superphosphate (g/l)Potassium sulfate (g/l)
    Cabbage 1 2 4 1 2 4 4 1,5 3 2 4 6-8 Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant 1 0,5 4 1,2 2 1 8 2,4 3 1 4 6-8 Cucumbers, watermelons, melons 1 1 1,5 1 2 1,5 3 2 3 1,5 4 2
    cultureTop dressing sequenceAmmonium nitrate (gr/l)Superphosphate (g/l)Potassium sulfate (g/l)

    I usually have a lot of seedlings and, of course, 1 liter of fertilizer solution for watering is not enough. Therefore, I don’t bother too much, I don’t measure out such tiny doses - I measure fertilizers with teaspoons or tablespoons.

    Ammonium nitrate:

    • 1 teaspoon - 5 g,
    • 1 tablespoon - 15 g,
    • matchbox - 20 g.

    Superphosphate granulated:

    • 1 teaspoon - 6 g,
    • 1 tablespoon - 17 g,
    • matchbox - 23 g.

    Potassium sulfate:

    • 1 teaspoon - 4 g,
    • 1 tablespoon - 13 g,
    • matchbox - 17 g.

    As can be seen from the table above, it is necessary to carry out 3 top dressings for the entire period of seedling development - from the emergence of seedlings to planting in open ground.

    The first feeding is carried out with the advent of the first true leaf.

    The second - 10-14 days after the first.

    The third - one or two days before disembarkation. This is the so-called hardening top dressing.

    Growing seedlings is an exciting process that will give you a lot of emotions. Feel free to take on this exciting business, experiment and share your experience with us!