Ecological clean countries. The cleanest and dirtiest countries. Ecological card of Kazakhstan

Hello, Dear readers, investment and educational blog!

Today's topic does not quite fit its general theme, but again it is very vital, one might even say vital and will be devoted to the rating the most environmentally friendly countries in the world.

I decided to collect information and write this article after watching one of the many television programs about human existence and the life of the Universe. Usually, receiving such information, you begin to think about the meaning and way of life ...

Everything in life has its end, and sooner or later our entire solar system the end will come, the only good news is that, according to scientists, this can happen in about 4.5 billion years, but what will happen to our planet during this time? If already now the ecology is violated not in better side and people stubbornly continue to pollute it, the garbage has nowhere to go, the cities are suffocating from exhaust gases and industry... Of course, if such projects start to develop rapidly, the situation may change for the better, but for now we live and breathe every other time)).

In general, it seems to me that information about the most environmentally friendly countries in the world will be of interest to everyone, even for educational purposes, and maybe even someone will consider some environmentally friendly country for permanent residence, and why not? Everyone wants to live long and not get sick, and bad ecology completely prevents the realization of this desire.

Without excellent health and in a dirty environment, life is not so interesting, not to mention the desire to move forward and something there ...

  • So where else are there places on Earth where you can enjoy clean air and water?
  • Where do people love and cherish the cleanliness of their country and other benefits that contribute to the preservation of a clean environment?

When I started to gather information for this article, I studied some materials on the Internet, the collections turned out to be slightly different from each other, both in terms of list and age. The latest data on the most environmentally friendly countries is only for 2012, for 2013 the extras have not yet been formed 🙂

This ranking of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world was compiled by scientists from US universities and there are 132 countries in the ranking:

I did not leave five or ten countries, but issued the entire long list so that you could get full information on the ecology of the entire planet, only for beauty and ease of reading diluted the rating with beautiful pictures ...

1. Switzerland
2. Latvia
3. Norway
4. Luxembourg
5. Costa Rica
6. France
7. Austria
8. Italy
9. UK
10. Sweden
11. Germany
12. Slovakia
13. Iceland
14. New Zealand
15. Albania
16. Netherlands
17. Lithuania
18. Czech Republic
19. Finland
20. Croatia
21. Denmark
22. Poland
23. Japan
24. Belgium
25. Malaysia
26. Brunei Darussalam
27. Colombia
28. Slovenia
29. Taiwan
30. Brazil
31. Ecuador
32. Spain
33. Greece
34. Thailand
35. Nicaragua
36. Ireland
37. Canada
38. Nepal
39. Panama
40. Gabon
41. Portugal
42. Philippines
43. South Korea
44. Cyprus
45. Hungary
46. ​​Uruguay
47. Georgia
48. Australia
49. USA
50. Argentina
51. Cuba
52. Singapore
53. Bulgaria
54. Estonia
55. Sri Lanka
56. Venezuela
57. Zambia
58. Chile
59. Cambodia
60. Egypt
61. Israel
62. Bolivia
63. Jamaica
64. Tanzania
65. Belarus
66. Botswana
67. Ivory Coast
68. Zimbabwe
69. Myanmar
70. Ethiopia
71. Honduras
72. Dominican Republic
73. Paraguay
74. Indonesia
75. Salvador
76. Guatemala
77. United Arab Emirates
78. Namibia
79. Vietnam
80. Benin
81. Peru
82. Saudi Arabia
83. Kenya
84. Mexico
85. Togo
86. Algiers
87. Malta
88. Romania
89. Mozambique
90. Angola
91. Ghana
92. Democratic Republic of the Congo
93. Armenia
94. Lebanon
95. Congo
96. Trinidad and Tobago
97. Macedonia
98. Senegal
99. Tunisia
100. Qatar
101. Kyrgyzstan
102. Ukraine
103. Serbia
104. Sudan
105. Morocco
106. Russia
107. Mongolia
108. Moldova
109. Turkey
110. Oman
111. Azerbaijan
112. Cameroon
113. Syria
114. Iran
115. Bangladesh
116. China
117. Jordan
118. Haiti
119. Nigeria
120. Pakistan
121. Tajikistan
122. Eritrea
123. Libya
124. Bosnia and Herzegovina
125. India
126. Kuwait
127. Yemen
128. South Africa
129. Kazakhstan
130. Uzbekistan
131. Turkmenistan
132. Iraq

Russia is in 106th place :roll:, yes, not a joyful achievement at all.

The first place belongs to Switzerland and this cannot be called a surprise, this country has long been famous for its environmental position and their attitude towards maintaining it.

And at the end of the list, we no longer see the most environmentally friendly countries in the world, but rather the most unclean, it is they who have the most unfavorable parameter - the attitude of people towards cleanliness, indeed, these nationalities cannot boast of cleanliness.

But what country surprised me, Duck is Qatar ... only 100th place, despite the fact that it is, on the one hand, it is clear that this is not a green forest belt, besides one of the leaders in oil production, but with their money they could have fought for the environment .

Here is some interesting information. Maybe it will be useful for you when you are planning a trip to a particular country or when choosing a country for living and enjoying or, for example, studying, etc. View the rating of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world and make your choice.

In addition, among all these there are countries that are not only environmentally friendly, but also, which will also be a plus for yours.

That's all for today, good luck.


Have you ever wondered what will happen to planet Earth in two or three decades? People keep polluting it with rubbish industrial waste and exhaust gases. Therefore, environmental organizations, as well as the UN, require governments to adopt special programs so as not to turn the whole world into a dump. And this is not surprising. After all main factor improving the environmental situation is the right policy of states that think about whether their citizens live well. People's health directly depends on the quality of the water they drink, the air they breathe, whether they eat well, how developed medicine is, from which energy is generated, which is heated at home. Effective work politicians directly affects the improvement of people's lives, but the standard of living itself differs greatly depending on the country. Now everyone is free to choose their own place to live. And in the selection process, the criteria for good ecology and health are often decisive. So which country today is the cleanest from an environmental point of view?

What is the Eco-Friendly Index

The environmental policy of different countries is evaluated according to several essential criteria. One of them is the Environmental Performance Index. It is compiled by the Center for Environmental Policy and Law at Yale University. The calculation methodology was created by the Center's specialists together with international experts, in particular, from Columbia University and the World Economic Forum. The rating is measured through the prism of many factors, but it is especially taken into account what the country is doing to improve the environmental situation and how it manages natural resources. The index sends a signal to policy makers about what needs to be fixed immediately, because the survival of entire nations and all of humanity is at stake. A special role is given to the assessment of measures to protect the environment and the stability of ecological systems, because these factors have a direct impact on human health.

Rating of countries with the cleanest environment in the world

The Eco-Efficiency Rating is published every two years and is used in special UNDP reports on human development. When compiling the Index, 22 indicators are considered, among which it is taken into account how much the biological diversity of animal and plant species is preserved in a particular country, whether its population is healthy, whether the country counteracts climate change and how, whether the economic burden on the environment is strong, and more. 180 countries participate in the rating. If the state perfectly meets all the indicators, it receives 100 points. According to the results of these studies, the top 10 countries that received the highest rating in 2018 are Switzerland, France, Denmark, Malta, Sweden, the UK, Luxembourg, Austria, Ireland and Finland.

Interestingly, in 2019, researchers record improvements in the world as a whole in access to clean water, protection of the habitat, as well as the climate. Mainly, the deterioration of the environmental situation is affected by the active development of enterprises that pollute the atmosphere, ignoring the norms of environmental standards by some countries (the most ardent violator is the United States).

Leading countries of Northern Europe

The research results for 2019 are encouraging. After all, there are still countries where you can breathe clean air, where forests are protected, and not mercilessly cut down, and where people and those in power chosen by them do everything to preserve nature.

Finland closes the top ten countries in terms of environmental situation in the world. It is worth noting that the country has noticeably lost its position, and can boast of a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation. The fact is that in the last ranking compiled in 2015, Finland topped the ranking of countries in the world, and received the highest score of 90.68 points for achievements in water supply, for improving human health, diversity of animal and plant species and protecting the environment. .

According to the 2018 survey, Finland scored 78.64 points. Despite this, Finland is considered one of the best places to live. In new residential areas of the capital, the heat of solar energy is actively used, and tap water Helsinki is recognized as the highest quality in the world. It is fed through a 124-kilometer tunnel carved into the rocks. The clean air and waters of the country attract many tourists every year.

Iceland is not far behind. Just like Finland, Iceland has lost one of its leading positions. If in 2015 it Island state took 2nd place with 90.51 points, then according to 2018 data, it was in 11th position with 78.57 points.

Thanks to their natural features, this country has the smallest "pressure" of the economy on the environment. Houses in Iceland are heated by hydrogen, which also powers public transport. Changes in the environmental situation for the worse are associated with global warming. Many of Iceland's glaciers began to melt gradually, negatively affecting the ecology of the island.

The fifth place among the leaders was taken by Sweden. Her score is 80.51. Compared to the previous assessment results, Sweden has lost 2 positions (in 2015 Sweden was in 3rd place with 90.43 points). Forests occupy more than half of the territory of this country - hence the amazing purity of the air. There are 317 glaciers in the north, which are carefully protected. The Swedish government plans in a few years to transfer the heating of the homes of its citizens exclusively to solar, wind and water energy.

You can read more about life in this country at the link:

Denmark showed a slight increase. It has risen by 1 position in comparison with 2015 and takes a confident 3rd place with 82 points. At the same time, it is worth noting that in 2015 the country scored over 89 points. However, taking into account the global downward trend in the level environmental safety, Denmark is taking very effective steps towards maintaining a normal level of ecology. It still remains one of the greenest economies in the world.

South Winners

Now let's move on to the south of Europe. Slovenia was recognized as the best country in this region in terms of environmental efficiency (67.57 points). This is the first time that this state has received such a high rating for its successful environmental policy. For many years, Slovenia has tried to increase the richness and diversity of flora and fauna. Although the country is small in size, it has national park, alpine lakes, thermal waters and forests. By the number of trees per capita, Slovenia ranks third in Europe, and the beaches of this country are among the cleanest in the world.

Spain, which for a long time had serious ecological problems, this time got 78.39 points. A successful environmental planning policy and a slowdown in industrialization have turned the country into the main recreational area of ​​Europe. Spain has the toughest EU emission quotas carbon dioxide. The country is actively developing green tourism and is reborn Agriculture compatible with nature conservation.

How do Russian migrants live in Spain? You can find the answer to this question on our portal:

The environmental situation in Portugal has deteriorated significantly (71.91 points in 2018 against 88.63 points in 2015). There are practically no industrial zones here, and the country receives its main income from tourism and the development of golf. However, among all European countries, it is Portugal that shows the most serious problems in the field of environmental control. This is due to the fact that for a long time the Government of the country ignored environmental difficulties, which is why every year there is a serious deterioration in the situation.

Among the states that are not located on the European continent, we can distinguish:

  1. New Zealand (75.96 points and 17th in the ranking). In this country great importance they devote to the preservation of unique natural attractions, therefore the ecology is strictly monitored here. Unfortunately, in last years despite attempts by the Government to stabilize the situation, the situation began to deteriorate. This is explained by the rapid melting of the glaciers of Antarctica and changes in temperature regimes.
  2. Israel. According to new research, Israel was able to score 75 points and take 19th position. A balanced policy and a variety of environmental programs have helped to significantly improve the situation in comparison with past periods.
  3. Japan. This Asian country rounded out the top 20 with 74.69 points. It should be noted that Japan is systematically descending from research to research. This is due to the complexity of environmental control on the islands, changes in the temperature of the Pacific Ocean, active build-up industrial productions and many other bad things.
  4. Canada. Unexpectedly for everyone, a country with huge timber reserves, clean air and high potential was able to score only 72.18 points, which allowed it to take the final 25th place. This position is explained by the insufficient level of attention to the environment, the lack of local programs and the disregard for international environmental standards.
  5. USA. The United States is in 27th position with 71.19 points. According to experts, the environmental situation in the United States is rapidly deteriorating, and by the end of 2021 the country may “fall out” of the TOP 50. US policy is aimed at maximizing profits, even if it comes at the expense of the environment.

Trailing in the TOP-ten of environmental efficiency

Estonia is recognized as a country with low environmental efficiency. She was able to score 64.31 points, which allowed Estonia to take 48th position. In comparison with the data of 2015, this is the most serious drop (-40 positions). As an example, here is an excerpt from the 2015 ranking.

Estonia, which international experts referred to as “environmental outsiders” a few years ago, unexpectedly rose to eighth place in terms of environmental “cleanliness”, earning 88.59 points in the rating. The country suddenly showed improvement in almost all criteria, demonstrating a willingness to invest in new technologies. Following the example of Sweden, Estonia began to convert waste incineration into useful energy and built modern purification systems in industrial enterprises.

Opposite trends are observed in the economy of Malta. Due to the limited supply of fresh drinking water, the country's government has introduced a wise tax policy. It began to encourage environmentally friendly modes of transport and subsidize the use of solar and water energy. So it achieved ninth place in the 2015 ranking (88.48 points). According to 2018 data, the situation in the island republic is improving, which allowed Malta to rise to the 4th position in the ranking with 80.9 points.

France, which completes the top ten, traditionally holds the first place in the Environmental Performance Index. Her score is 83.95. Although it is an industrial country with high level industry, its government has not abandoned the use of nuclear power plants, which generate 80% of all electricity. France is also investing heavily in alternative sources energy - solar panels, wind generators, power plant systems on mountain rivers, and so on.

France has been at the top of the Environmental Performance Index for many years.

States with the best level of medicine and healthcare

Now let's try to figure out which countries have the best medical care and monitor the health of their population so much that it's absolutely not scary to get sick there. Each year, the Index is compiled by Bloomberg, the world's leading source financial analytics. The indicators of this rating are the life expectancy of citizens, government spending on medicine, and also the efficiency of using money. These data give the right to judge the level of health care in the state. Not every country in the world falls into this rating, and not all of them, who invest a lot of money in medicine, take first place. After all, it's all about correct application these funds, achieving maximum result for the lowest price.

So, traditionally leading in the list of countries in 2019 with the most the best medicine in the world Taiwan (85.34), South Korea (84.34) and Japan (82.21). The previous leaders of the ranking - Hong Kong, Singapore and Israel lost their positions and moved to 39th, 30th and 16th place respectively.

South Korea, Taiwan and Japan have similar health care systems, both public and private, with life expectancy in excess of 82 years and excellent medical care.

South Korea, a well-known country for medical tourism, earned third place for the technical equipment of the industry and the competence of doctors. If earlier lovers of non-traditional cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, now local doctors can boast a huge range of services of the highest class.

The most effective medicines in Europe, according to Bloomberg, were Belgium and Denmark (4th and 5th place with 80.93 and 79.85 points). In general, European states began to rapidly lose their positions in the field of medicine, skipping ahead of Asian countries. It is in them that today the leading developments are carried out, the latest medicines and unique medical technologies appear.

Belgium has become famous not only for the literacy and conscientious attitude to the work of all medical personnel, but also for the fact that most of the cost of any prescription drugs is paid by the state.

Denmark makes any free operations for all its citizens, and does not require money for ambulance services even from illegal migrants.

Which country has the best climate for living?

Although this question is considered to be related to personal preferences, in fact there is an objective list of indicators that attract most people. Generally, we tend to avoid sudden changes temperatures - cold winter, too hot summers, and, of course, a lot of precipitation or dangerous disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, floods. Therefore, many of the resorts of world importance will not take the first places in terms of the indicator. Edition of International Living, which evaluates every year different countries in terms of cost of living, infrastructure development and climate mildness, offers us a list of places with the most favorable weather conditions for life. According to the 2019 edition, the TOP 5 countries with the best climate are in Latin America. These are Ecuador (100 points), Colombia (95), Mexico (89), Uruguay (86) and Panama (85).

Learn more about the climate in the leading countries

The very name of the country Ecuador suggests that it is located on the equator, and therefore, all year round its residents are provided with direct sunlight. There are different geographical areas- coastal, forest and mountain - and each of them has its own advantages. Even in the capital of Ecuador, which is located at an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level, eternal spring reigns - + 21 ° C during the day and + 12 at night. The climate here is dry and quite mild, even on the coast, and insects do not bother.

Colombia also benefits from being close to the equator. There are no big changes between seasons. It is hotter here on the coast, cooler in the mountains, but there are no sudden temperature changes. The climate in Colombia is more humid than in Ecuador, and summer is mostly the rainy season. Therefore, she takes second place.

As in the previous two countries, the climate in Mexico depends on the geographical area. Near the sea, the climate in the country is tropical, and famous resorts are located there. But in these places, especially on the Caribbean coast, there are hurricanes. And in regions that are at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, the climate is temperate and healthier.

Uruguay is in the subtropics. The climate here is not very humid, there is little rain. Between regions, the difference in climate is not very noticeable, but there are more pronounced seasons. But in this country there are no climatic disasters at all - there are no hurricanes, no tsunamis, no snowfalls, no showers. It is warmest from September to April, and at other times you have to wear a light jacket.

Panama is a hot country, located in a subequatorial climate. But at the same time, there are no too large temperature fluctuations. In the mountains, on average, it is 7-8 degrees Celsius colder than on the coast. The dry season lasts from December to April. And during the rains, strong winds occur, but hurricanes do not fall on the country - their path goes north.

Residents of all these countries are less likely to have hypertension, diabetes, they are less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Although the natives middle lane with high pressure, most likely, the countries of Western and Central Europe with a temperate climate - Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, the Baltic states and Scandinavia.

Global studies on the effectiveness of environmental policy, the level of health care and the favorable impact of climate on the human body help us understand in which countries our life and health are in in good hands. After all, the consequence scientific and technological progress was that humanity has finally learned to appreciate the environment. Therefore, some people ensure their health and longevity by buying cleaning devices or carefully choosing only natural products for nutrition. And others collect information about countries where the money allocated for health care and environmental policy does not go into a bottomless abyss, but is used wisely. Interestingly, the oases of purity are not giants of industry or geopolitical leaders, but such calm small countries with excellent natural and weather conditions, such as Finland, Slovenia or Ecuador.

In our century, which continues the traditions of the previous century of scientific and technological progress, people have learned to appreciate the environment. Today everyone wants to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy food. Some solve these issues by buying pure water in the store, installing air purifiers at home and buying expensive, but natural, food. Other people are trying to move to live in a cleaner area. But where to look for such oases of purity? Let's see where the most clean cities in the world.
The American edition of The Forbes has published a rating of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. 140 countries were assessed using The Environmental Performance Index, developed by Columbia and Yale universities. The methodology is based on an assessment of the environment according to 25 criteria (ranging from air purity and water quality to biodiversity and pesticide use).

Switzerland scored 95.5 points out of 100 possible.
One of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita - the cleanest in the world. Switzerland has all the conditions to live a long life.

The country has consistently high environmental performance, which is directly reflected in the health of its inhabitants. Sweden has low air pollution, clean drinking water, low greenhouse gases. Nine million Swedes take special care of their forests.

Against the backdrop of the struggle of European countries with man-made pollution, Norway, the third richest country in the world, boasts excellent water quality, sanitation ( effective cleaning Wastewater), air. Norwegians are the least prone to respiratory diseases.

The economy of Costa Rica depends on the ecotourism industry, therefore, serious attention is paid to caring for the environment. The industrial policy of Costa Rica is based on these principles. Unlike its Latin American neighbors, Costa Rica avoids deforestation. The country scored 97 or more points out of 100 possible in the categories of forestry, air cleanliness. Things are a little worse here with the marine environment.

The prosperity of Colombia is directly related to the fertility of the land and the cultivation of agricultural products. Incl. we are talking about the cultivation of coffee and flowers, which provide export income. The South American country protects the quality of its lands. Pure Environment Colombia is a guarantee of the health of the population with a life expectancy of 73 years.

Sparsely populated New Zealand is a hiker's paradise. The country pays great attention to environmental protection. According to the purity index, it is far ahead of other countries in the region due to the quality of water and air. But industrial enterprises contribute their “dirty mite” with CO2 emissions.

Life expectancy in Japan is about 82 years. This is highest score in the world. Thanks in part to superior water treatment technologies, sanitation, avoidance of chemical pesticides, and relatively low levels of air pollution. The problem here is the depletion of fish stocks in coastal waters and, consequently, the decline in marine biological diversity.

Croatia, with its developed tourism industry, prioritizes clean beaches. The country on the Adriatic shows its visitors a rich variety of fish. However, the socialist past is telling: the industry of the Soviet era is a source of greenhouse gases.

Albania, like its Eastern European neighbors, does not belong to the category of countries with impeccable ecology. But since the country's industry has never worked at full capacity (GDP per capita is only $6,000) and the country has not undergone total industrialization, Albania produces few greenhouse gases. However, the tendency to use furnace heating gives Albania a score of 47.7 on the Household Air Pollution Index.

7.2 million Israelis enjoy the quality of water and air, competing in this with the cleanest countries in Europe. Life expectancy here is 81 years. Despite droughts, Israel has a smart policy towards its small forests. The scourge of the country is pesticides that affect food.

It is almost impossible to meet a person who would not like cleanliness, which is also welcomed in every religion and society. And since we are rational beings, we need to take care of its maintenance. We must not litter the environment. Each of us must understand that dirt can cause negative effects on our environment.

Hundreds of harmful diseases, which can even cause death, accumulate in the dirt that we either create or do not fight against it. In some countries of the world, the problem with garbage was solved by introducing a system of fines for people who throw away even an ice cream wrapper or a sheet of paper not in right place.

Now let's take a look at the top ten best countries the world in regards to purity. These states are considered to be really clean and pleasant for people than others on our planet.

The cleanest country in the world

10. Norway

Our list starts with one of the neatest and cleanest countries in the world - Norway. This country is well known all over the world due to its powerful economic system. The reason for such a reverent attitude towards ecology and the fight against garbage is the friendly cohesion of people. But scientists also highlight one of the reasons cold climate: if you throw garbage on the snow in winter, then in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, this garbage, along with water, will spread throughout the city.

9. Sweden

The next country on our list is Sweden. It, like Norway, is classified as a Scandinavian country. The clean ecology of Sweden is due to the same reasons as in Norway, only one more thing can be added - huge investments in the fight against negative consequences from industries (mines, factories). It means that business leaders are investing a lot of money to buy cleaning filters, a new one that is more environmentally friendly. clean equipment and much more.

8. Austria

Austria is considered not only one of the cleanest countries in the world, but also one of the the best places where you can live a long and healthy life. Scientists also note that Austria is a very calm state in which crime is reduced to a minimum. The main reason for the purity of the environment is the lack of large enterprises and the presence of a large number of mountains and forests on the territory of the state.

7. Spain

Spain is another neat and clean country in the world. She is number seven on our list. In Spain, everyone will find a calm atmosphere for themselves. Since this state is considered one of the most developed, and also having great system progress in every area of ​​​​life, Spain is simply forced to maintain cleanliness. Cleanliness is also a guarantee of tourist visits.

6. Germany

Germany could be put in first place, as it is a country with strict environmental regulations. And in general, this is one of the most developed countries in the world with all the amenities for its inhabitants. But big industrial enterprises nevertheless, they partially make themselves felt, well, a large number of cars on the roads.

But still, a large number of people visit Germany every year as tourists to enjoy the German way of life and spend a couple of days in a relaxed atmosphere.

5. Czech Republic

Next on our list is Germany's neighbor, the Czech Republic. This really pleasant and clean country, which is spoken about not only locals but also visitors. The Czech Republic is economically and technologically advanced than Spain or Germany, but still the state government managed to maintain high environmental standards. A peaceful way of life and mentality is the guarantee of the Czechs to maintain cleanliness on the streets of their cities.

4. Singapore

Probably. You didn't expect to see Asian countries in this ranking, but Singapore is an exception. As for tourism, this country is truly a paradise, and this is not only due to beautiful tall buildings (of which there are really many in Singapore), sights, but also thanks to clean air and streets across the country. Singaporeans are unusual Asians, they can be attributed even more to Europeans. Also. Remarkably, in technological development, Singapore does not lag behind Germany, but environmental pollution in Asian country much lower.

3. Australia

Australia opens the top three - the green continent, in which, probably, the best climatic conditions in the world, it's a pity that New Year Australians celebrate on the beaches in 30 degree heat. Also, it is worth noting that Australia is quite high in the ranking of the richest countries in the world, and from this we can conclude that the government of the country certainly does not spare money to maintain the environment in good condition.

2. Luxembourg

Tiny Luxembourg got a very profitable geographical position, in fact, surrounded by forests. The population in this dwarf state less than in most cities in our country. And based on this - there is no one to litter, and no where. But, and speaking realistically, tourists have repeatedly noticed how clean the waters and air are in Luxembourg. The inhabitants of the state also took a significant role in maintaining cleanliness.

1. Switzerland

The undoubted leader and the cleanest country in the world is Switzerland. This is confirmed by the fact that Switzerland is one of the most visited countries in the world. Every year a large number of people visit Switzerland to enjoy its atmosphere, as well as the cleanliness of the environment. Also, remarkably, a clean environment ensures a healthy and peaceful life, and this is confirmed by the high average life expectancy of the Swiss.

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