A dwarf country near by Belgium. dwarf states

GOU boarding school I-II type

Considered at the meeting Approved at the meeting

scientific and methodological council of the pedagogical council

Protocol No. 4 Protocol No. 32

from 13.05.09 from 27.08.09.

The program of the elective course "Dwarf states of Eurasia" for boarding schools of I-II type

Pyankina N.B.

Kostroma 2009

Explanatory note

The program of the elective course "Dwarf states of Eurasia" is intended for students of the 8th grade of a boarding school for children with hearing impairment, based on knowledge of the geography of the continents and oceans, precedes the study of the course of Russian geography.

The theoretical and practical material of this elective course expands the scope curriculum, since the dwarf states are only mentioned there, and is designed for 16 hours.

The modern world is very interesting and attractive because meeting with it is an acquaintance with the beautiful and the unknown.

Each student discovers something new for himself and his friends. Correspondence trips to countries, especially such unusual ones as dwarf states, using the capabilities of the global Internet, videos, additional and reference literature, all kinds of maps, will undoubtedly increase students' interest in studying geography.

The course demonstrates the connection of geography with biology, history, ecology, and economics.

The interdisciplinary nature of the course will increase the cognitive activity of deaf students and develop their analytical skills.

A feature of this course is that it is almost entirely conducted using information and communication technologies. Living in the information society, children should have an idea about various information processes, master the basic elements of information culture. The use of computer technology will make it possible to take into account individual characteristics students, develop them Creative skills to satisfy curiosity.

Program goal:

expand the geographical horizons, introduce students to the dwarf states of Eurasia.

Program objectives:

  • arouse interest in the study of the countries of the world;
  • to consolidate students' knowledge of geographical terminology;
  • develop general educational skills (ability to work with popular scientific and reference literature, with information from the global Internet, compare, highlight the main thing, generalize, systematize material, draw conclusions);
  • develop independence and creativity when performing practical tasks for creating computer presentations;
  • to develop the communicative speech of students in the course of studying the course;
  • develop tolerance towards other peoples.

Requirements for the assimilation of educational material.

As a result of studying the elective course program, students should know :

  • dwarf states of Eurasia and their capitals;
  • features of nature, population and economy of these countries;
  • features of countries that distinguish them from other states.

Students should be able to(name, show):

  • create computer presentations;
  • work with various sources of information;
  • navigate the map.

Expected results.

Students who complete this course will receive necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for understanding and knowing the world.

Constant work with various sources of information will allow you to form responsibility and independence. Increase interest in the subject.

The system for evaluating the success of the course.

The main form of testing and assessing knowledge is the ability to work with statistical materials and geographical maps, search for information on the Internet, perform design work.

Classes on the main issues of the topic are held in a computer class. The result of successful completion of the program can serve as presentations created by students.
Educational and thematic plan

Name of course topics

Total hours Including Forms of control
theory practice
1 Introduction 1 1
2 The position of the dwarf states on the map of Eurasia 2 2 Implementation of practical work
3 Dwarf States of Europe 4 4 Filling in the table
4 Algorithm for creating presentations 2 2 The presence of a folder with materials
5 Dwarf States of Europe.

Design work students

3 3
6 The dwarf states of Asia. Project work of students 3 3 Computer presentations of students
7 Final lesson 1 1 Doing practical work
Total: 16

Program content

Introduction(1 hour) Introduction to course content.

Choice of essays.

Topic 1. The position of dwarf states on the map of Eurasia (2 hours).

Practical work No. 1.Dwarf states on the map of Eurasia. Compilation of a catalog of the dwarf states of Europe and Asia.

Practical work №2. Neighbor countries. Determining the leader by the number of neighbors.

Topic 2. The dwarf states of Europe (4 hours).

Luxembourg. Andorra. Malta. Vatican ( geographical position, nature, population, state structure, economy, country features)

Topic 3.

Algorithm for creating presentations (2 hours).

Search for information on the Internet, its selection, saving and editing. Create presentations in PowerPoint.

Topic 4. Dwarf States of Europe. Project work of students - computer presentations (3 hours).

Liechtenstein. Bahrain. Monaco (geographical location, nature, population, state structure, economy, country features)

Topic 5.

The dwarf states of Asia. Project work of students - computer presentations (3 hours).

Singapore. Bahrain. Maldives (geographical location, nature, population, state structure, economy, country features)

Final lesson (1 hour).

Practical work №3. Construction of charts using the data given in the table.

Preparation of a collection of student work.

Topics of design work

  • And it's all about him.


  • Little Monaco.
  • Let's go to San Marino.
  • Out in Singapore.
  • Paradise - Maldives.
  • Small spool but precious.

In the course of studying the course, students make business cards (in the form of a table) of the dwarf states of Eurasia. In the final lesson, using this table, students practice their diagramming skills.

Practical work No. 1 (to topic 1).

Dwarf states on the map of Eurasia.

Compilation of a catalog of the dwarf states of Europe and Asia.

Objective: compile a catalog of the dwarf states of Europe and Asia, find these countries on the map.


Working process:

Find on political map the world's dwarf states from the list. Divide them into 2 groups: the dwarf states of Europe and the dwarf states of Asia. Complete the summary table.
Practical work No. 2 (to topic 1).

Neighbor countries.

Determining the leader by the number of neighbors.

Objective: to determine with which countries each of the dwarf states of Eurasia borders, to identify a leader among them.

Equipment: political map of the world, atlases

Working process:

Find on the political map of the world the neighbors of the dwarf states of Eurasia. Determine which country has more neighbors.

Complete the summary table.
Practical work No. 3 (final lesson).

Construction of diagrams using the data given in the table.

Objective: build charts using data on the area of ​​dwarf states and population.

Equipment: business card of the dwarf states, computer.

Working process:

Using the program Microsoft Office Excel, build diagrams "Territory of the dwarf states of Eurasia" (1 group), "Population of dwarf states" (2 group).


  1. Bogdanovich O.I.

    and others. Countries of the world: Encyclopedic reference book. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2001. - 624 p.

  2. Dushina I.V. Geography. Our home is the Earth. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries. Grade 7: textbook. for general education

    502: Bad Gateway

    institutions - M.: Bustard, 2005. - 383, p.

  3. Internet resources







  1. CDs (" Big Encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius", "Countries of the World", "Geography Grades 6-10"

If you live in such big country like Russia, you are unlikely to be able to visit all corners of such an immense homeland. But if you live in a dwarf state, then only one day may be enough for you to get around all the hidden corners. We present you the TOP 10 smallest countries.

1. Vatican

The Vatican is a closed city-state located in one of the districts of Rome and covers an area of ​​44 hectares. It was founded in 1929 and is run by the Pope. The Vatican boasts the most beautiful buildings in the world - the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Cathedral, the residence of the Pope - the Apostolic Palace, etc. In addition, half of the country's territory is occupied by the Vatican Gardens. Approximately 800 people are official citizens of the Vatican, and several thousand Italians travel here every day to work.

2. Monaco

The second smallest country is Monaco. Over the past 20 years, due to the drying of the sea, the area of ​​​​the country has increased and now it occupies an area of ​​2.02 square meters. kilometers. Monaco is the second smallest monarchical state. The country is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with 30,000 inhabitants. The main source of income for the residents is tourism.

3. Nauru

Nauru is located in the south Pacific Ocean in Micronesia. The area of ​​the state is 21.3 sq. kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. They gained independence in 1968, but the island has been home to the natives for 3,000 years. To date, the population of the country is about 9 thousand people. The state of Nauru has no armed forces.

4. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is also located in the South Pacific Ocean and covers an area of ​​26 square kilometers. kilometers. The country also includes several coral islands. Previously, these islands belonged to the British crown and were called the Ellis Islands. Tuvalu gained independence from the British in 1978. The population of the country is 10.5 thousand people. Due to lack natural resources Tuvalu has to live off the help of other countries.

5. San Marino

San Marino covers an area of ​​61 sq. kilometer and has the smallest population of the member countries of the European Council. It is the oldest independent country in the world and was founded on September 3, 301. In addition, San Marino is one of the richest countries in the world, its income exceeds its expenses.

6. Liechtenstein

This state has no access to the sea. The area of ​​the country is 160.4 sq. kilometers. Liechtenstein borders Switzerland and Austria and is one of the richest states. There are more companies registered here than residents.

7. Marshall Islands

This state in the middle of the Pacific Ocean consists mainly of coral islands. The area of ​​the country is 181 sq. kilometer, population 62 thousand. In 1986, the Islands gained independence from the United States, but so far only America's help helps them "keep afloat". The country has no natural resources and imports of goods far exceed exports.

8. Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​455 square kilometers, with a population of 84 thousand people. The archipelago is located north of Madagascar and consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. The islands were able to develop thanks to the export of coconut, vanilla and cinnamon. But since 1976, when the country gained independence, tourism has become the main source of income.

9. Maldives

The island country of the Republic of Maldives is located in Indian Ocean and is the smallest in area Asian country. The area of ​​the country is 298 sq. km. with a population of 396 thousand. Two-thirds of the population lives in the country's capital, Male. The country used to develop thanks to the export of dried tuna, kauri shellfish and coconut ropes, now main income brings tourism.

10. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

This dwarf state is located in the West Indies - between North and South America on islands Atlantic Ocean. The state is located on two islands with an area of ​​261 sq. km. These were the first islands inhabited by Europeans. The main source of income, of course, is tourism, but there are also developed Agriculture and offshore banking.

In contact with

dwarf states.

San Marino

Dwarf states are states that occupy the smallest area and are recognized by other states.

The Republic of San Marino is surrounded on all sides by Italy. If we take into account the current borders of San Marino, then it is the oldest state in Europe. Its name comes from the Christian saint - the stonemason Marino, who, according to legend, founded the state. The total area of ​​the state is only 60.57 km². Population - 32 thousand people (2011).

Associated states also belong to the dwarf states. They are a form of confederation of unequal states united on a bilateral basis, in which a smaller state, while formally retaining sovereignty and independence, entrusts a significant part of its power to a larger state.

Republic of Malta.

The Republic of Malta, whose name comes from the ancient Phoenician malat ("harbour, refuge"), is located in the Mediterranean Sea. This 316 km² island, located in the center sea ​​routes from Europe to Asia and Africa, attracted conquerors for a long time. In the VIII century BC. it began to be colonized by the Phoenicians and Greeks. Then Malta was alternately captured by the Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Spaniards. Malta is a parliamentary republic, its population is 425.5 thousand people (2011).

Republic of Maldives.

A popular tourist "health resort" is none other than the Republic of Maldives, located on a group of 20 atolls in the Indian Ocean. Its territory is 298 km², while the population is about 400 thousand people (as of 2013). The capital of the republic is the city of Male. Most of the residents are from South Asia and the Middle East. By religion, the population of the Maldives belongs to the Sunnis. Any of the islands of the state can be crossed in 1.5-2 hours.

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The country is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, its area is 261 km², the state is inhabited by only 50 thousand people (2010). The capital of the country - the city of Basseterre - is located on the island of St. Kitts. The indigenous people are the Caribs. The islands themselves were discovered by Columbus in 1493, but the Spaniards did not colonize them. However, then the British took them seriously. Today the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is an independent member of the British Commonwealth.

Marshall Islands.

The republic is located in Micronesia and is associated with the United States. The total land area is 181.3 km², and the population is about 53 thousand people (2011). The capital is the city of Majuro. The islands are named after the English captain John Marshall, who, together with another captain, Thomas Gilbert (the neighboring islands are named after the latter), explored this territory in 1778.

Principality of Liechtenstein.

According to the form of government, Liechtenstein belongs to constitutional monarchy. The state is located in Western Europe, in the most beautiful spurs of the Alps. One of the largest European rivers, the Rhine, flows through the western part of the country. Associated with Switzerland. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty of Liechtenstein. The area of ​​this dwarf state is 160 km². The capital is the city of Vaduz. The population at the end of 2012 was almost 37 thousand people. Despite its tiny size, the country is home to several important cultural sites, including the Liechtenstein Kunstmuseum, the largest international museum of contemporary art.


The total land area of ​​Tuvalu, a Pacific state in Polynesia, occupies only 26 km², and a little more than 11 thousand people inhabit the country (2011). The capital of the state is a city with the name Funafuti, which is undignified for the Russian ear. The islands of Tuvalu were discovered by the navigator Alvaro Mendaña de Neira in 1568; for most of the 20th century, Tuvalu was considered a British colony and gained independence in 1978. The archipelago received its modern name (in the Tuvaluan language it means “eight standing together”) only in 1975. The first name - the Lagoon Islands - was given to it by the discoverer, and in 1819 the archipelago was called the Ellis Islands.

Republic of Nauru.

The Republic of Nauru is also located on an island (of the same name) located in the western Pacific Ocean, 42 km south of the equator. The area of ​​the country is 21.3 km², the population is a little over 10 thousand people (2011). The state gained independence in 1968. Nauru breaks records in a variety of positions: the smallest independent republic on the planet, the smallest island nation, the smallest nation outside of Europe, and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

Principality of Monaco.

The Principality of Monaco is associated with France, located in southern Europe on the coast of the Ligurian Sea, and borders France on land. Monaco is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. So, with an area of ​​​​only 2.02 km², the population is almost 36 thousand people, that is, about 17,814 people per km²! In addition to its tiny size, Monaco is known for its casino in Monte Carlo and the Monaco Grand Prix, the Formula 1 championship stage held here.


The State of Vatican City, as you know, is located inside the territory of Rome and is the smallest officially recognized state in the world. Associated with Italy. The status of the Vatican international law sounds like this: "auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the seat of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church." The form of government is an absolute theocratic monarchy, the head of state for life is the Pope. The area is 0.44 km² and the population is 842 (2014). The Vatican has a non-profit planned economy and exists on the donations of Catholics around the world. Most of the population has the status of the clergy and are members of the papal governments, and the workers (gardeners, janitors, etc.) are, as a rule, Italian citizens.

If your place of residence is Russia, great and immense, then you are unlikely to be able to visit all corners of this vast country. But if you live in a dwarf country, then just one day will be enough for you to visit all the sights of the state, as well as other hidden corners.

So, we present to your attention the top 10 dwarf states or the smallest countries on our globe.

1. Vatican

Tops this list Vatican. As you know, this is a closed city and state rolled into one. It is located in Italy, in the city of Rome. The area of ​​this city is only 44 hectares. The Vatican was founded just over 80 years ago, in 1929, and is headed by the Pope. Of the sights of this state, very beautiful buildings are distinguished. The most famous are the Apostolic Palace - the residence of the Pope, as well as the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Cathedral and many others. They are considered the most beautiful in the world.

It is noteworthy that half of the area of ​​this small town occupy the Vatican Gardens. The official population is only 800 people. Also every day, several thousand Italians come here to work.

2. Monaco

Followed by the Vatican Monaco. This country is the second in the list of the smallest countries in the world. The area of ​​this state has grown significantly over the past 20 years due to the drying of the sea. Now Monaco covers an area of ​​2.02 square kilometers. Monaco is also the second small state with a monarchical system of government.
An interesting fact is that this country is considered one of the most abundantly populated countries in the world and the number of inhabitants is around 30 thousand. Tourism is the main income of this country.

3. Nauru

In third place is a country with an unfamiliar name - Nauru. It is located in Micronesia in the South Pacific. The occupied territory is 21.3 square kilometers. The Republic of Nauru is the smallest island nation in the world. This country gained independence in 1968, but for three thousand years, natives lived there. Today there are 9 thousand people in Nauru. This state has no armed forces.

4. Tuvalu

The fourth place was given to a no less unfamiliar country - Tuvalu. She, like Nauru, is located in the South Pacific Ocean. Its area is 26 square kilometers. Also, this country includes a small number of coral islands. In the past, these islands were called the Ellis Islands and belonged to Britain. In 1978, Tuvalu became independent from the British. The population of the country is 10.5 thousand people. Tuvalu cannot live on its own and has to accept help from other countries because it lacks natural resources.

5. San Marino

The territory of the fifth dwarf state in the list San Marino- 61 square kilometers. Here is the most small number residents from countries of the European Council. San Marino is the oldest independent country in the world. The date of its foundation is September 3, 301. San Marino, oddly enough, is one of the most monetary countries on our planet, because its income is much higher than its expenses.

6. Liechtenstein

In sixth place is Liechtenstein- a state that borders on Austria and Switzerland. The area is 160.4 square kilometers. Liechtenstein is landlocked, but is one of the richest states, because the number of registered companies exceeds the number of inhabitants.

7. Marshall Islands

Seventh - Marshall Islands. They are located in the very center of the Pacific Ocean and consist mainly of coral islands. The territory is impressive - 181 square kilometers, and the population is in the region of 62 thousand inhabitants. These Islands gained independence from the United States in 1986, but without the help of America, they simply could not stay afloat. The United States regularly provides support to the Marshall Islands. As it is already clear, in this state there are no natural resources. Imports of goods are much larger than exports.

8. Seychelles

Under the number eight are located Seychelles. They are located a little north of Madagascar. They include 115 islands of the Indian Ocean. The total area is 455 square kilometers. The inhabitants are 84 thousand people. This state can exist due to the export of cinnamon, vanilla and coconut. But the main source of income is tourism. This happened after the country sawed off independence in 1976.

9. Maldives

The ninth place belongs to the famous Maldives. This island republic is located in the Indian Ocean. Due to the size of the territory it occupies, it is the smallest country in Asia. Its area is 298 square kilometers, and the population is 396 thousand people. The capital of the country is Male, where 2/3 of all the inhabitants of the country live. Earlier development countries supported the export of dried tuna, coconut cables and kauri shellfish, now tourism is the main income of the Maldives.

10. Saint Kitts and Nevis

And finally, in last place - the Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis. This dwarf state is located in Western India - on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean between South and North America. This country covers 2 islands with total area 261 square kilometers. In history, it is noted that these are the first islands that were settled by Europeans. The main source of income is tourism, but offshore banking and agriculture are also developed here.

Dwarf states or small stories about small countries

dwarf states not to be confused with Microstates - they just differ from other states in terms of area and population.

dwarf states are considered inferior in area to Luxembourg and with a population of no more than 1 million people.

To the dwarf states also include small historically and geographically isolated, island dependent territories, administrative autonomies, young and centuries-old formations.

Dwarf states formed for a number of reasons. resulting in all sorts of benefits: tax evasion, political protest, economic profit.

Ten independent dwarf states with interesting history creations that have their own constitution, system of government, issue of coins.

Kingdom of Ladonia- an area of ​​0.386 square miles. In 1980, in the Swedish county of Skåne, Swedish artist Lars Vilks began building a series of sculptures…

Kingdom of Redonda- an area of ​​0.78 square miles. Her story is a colorful interweaving of fiction of writers and reliable facts...

Republic of Minerva- an area of ​​4 square miles. In 1971, with the help of two barges of sand from Australia, an artificial…

Dominion of Melchizedek— an area of ​​14 square miles, a worldwide scam...

Principality of Baldoni- an area of ​​0.00626 square miles. Once a publicist and sports fishing enthusiast Russell Arundel, not far from Canada and the coast of Nova Scotia, noticed ...

freestonia- 0.0028 square miles. On Halloween night in the late 1970s, 120 people from an abandoned…

Country of Thalos does not have well-defined boundaries, because it includes ...

Hutt River Province- an area of ​​28.9 square miles. In 1970, farmer Leonard Casley...

Seborga- an area of ​​4 square miles. In the 10th century small plot land in Northern Italy...

Principality of Sealand- an area of ​​0.0002 square miles. This tiny principality is the most famous of all the dwarf states. Despite its small size, its history is full of hostilities and political upheavals. Offshore platform Roughs Tower…

And these are quite law-abiding dwarf states compared to the previous ten.

Helgoland, Athos.

The youngest dwarf states- Singapore, Bahrain.

The oldest dwarf state– San Marino

Luxembourg (2,586 km²), Andorra (468 km²), Malta (316 km²), Liechtenstein (157 km²), San Marino (61 km²), Monaco (2.02 km²), Vatican City (0.44 km²)

Sovereign Order of Malta(today's territory ancient state- total Palace of Malta and Villa Malta in Rome and Fort Sant'Angelo in Malta, 0.012 km²)

Administrative autonomy of Denmark: Faroe islands.

Asian dwarf states:

Maldives (300 km²), Bahrain (620 km²), Singapore (648 km²), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region, Christmas Island Territory, Cocos Islands Territory,

African dwarf states:

Mauritius (1,860 km²), Sao Tome and Principe (1,001 km²), Seychelles (455 km²), Cape Verde (4,033 km²), Comoros (2,170 km²).

Overseas territory of France:

Mayotte (374 sq. km.), Reunion (2,517 km²), Wallis and Futuna (274 km²)

French colony:

Saint Barthélemy (21 km²), Saint Martin (53.2 km²), Territory of Saint Pierre and Miquelon - Saint Pierre and Miquelon (242 km²)

Sovereign territories of Spain:

autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla with subordinate islands: Peñon de Vélez de la Gomera, Peñon de Alusemas and Chafarinas (31 km²)

American mini-states. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of America:

Dominica (754 km²), Saint Lucia (620 km²), Antigua and Barbuda (442 km²), Barbados (430 km²), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (389 km²), Grenada (344 km²), Saint Kitts and Nevis ( 261 km²)

US Administered Territory:

US Virgin Islands (352 km²)

Department of Guadeloupe - Guadeloupe (1,780 km²),

Department of Martinique - Martinique (1,100 km²)

British Crown Dependency:

Guernsey, Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Jersey, a colony of England - the Chagos Archipelago.

British Overseas Territory: Anguilla (91 km²), Bermuda (58.8 km²), British Virgin Islands (153 km²), Cayman Islands (262 km²), Montserrat (102 km²), Turks and Caicos Islands (430 sq. km.), Pitcairn ( 47 km²), St. Helena (410 km²), Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands - Northern Mariana Islands (477 km²)

Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Aruba (193 km²), Netherlands Antilles (960 km²),

Oceanic dwarf states. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Oceania:

Tonga (748 km²), Kiribati (717 km²), Federated States of Micronesia (702 km²), Palau (458 km²), Marshall Islands (181 km²), Tuvalu (26 km²), Nauru (21 km²), Independent State of Samoa - Samoa (2,944 km²), Territory of American Samoa - American Samoa (199 km²), Territory of Guam - Guam (549 km²), Cook Islands (240 km²), Niue Island - Niue (260 km²).

Territory of Norfolk Island– Norfolk (34.6 km²),

Territory of New Zealand– Tokelau (10 km²)

Territory of French Polynesia– French Polynesia (4,167 km²)

dwarf states, microstate, small states, mini state, Ladonia Redonda, Minerva, Melchizedek Dominion, Baldoni, Frestonia, Thalossa, Hutt River, Seborga, Sealand, kingdom, republic, country, principality, sovereignty, autonomous states, independent states