Offset for foreign Asia. Test on the section "Asian countries". The currency of Japan is

1 option

1. Align the mineral resources and regions of Foreign Asia, leading in terms of their reserves: 1) oil 2) tin ores 3) coal

a) East Asia b) Southeast Asia c) Southwest Asia

2. Demographic policy is aimed at reducing the birth rate and natural population growth in: a) Southwest Asia b) South Asia c) Southeast Asia d) East Asia

3. Arrange the countries of Asia in order of increasing their population:

a) Vietnam b) China c) Mongolia d) Japan

4. Most of the economically active population of Foreign Asia is employed: a) in agriculture b) in industry c) in the service sector

5. Asian oil-exporting countries include: a) Yemen and Kuwait b) Afghanistan and Iran

c) Brunei and UAE d) India and Saudi Arabia

6. Highlight the industry, in the production of which Japan ranks first in the world: a) aerospace industry b) ferrous metallurgy

c) shipbuilding d) electric power industry

7. Align agricultural crops and leading countries in their cultivation: 1) sugar beet 2) rice 3) tea

a) Japan, China and Sri Lanka b) Vietnam, India and Indonesia c) China, Iran and Turkey

8. Select the type of transport that is the main one in China's cargo and passenger traffic:

9. Arrange the economic centers of Asia in decreasing order of their GDP:

a) India b) China c) Gulf countries d) Japan

10. The problem of desertification is not faced by the countries of: a) East Asia b) Southeast Asia c) Southwest Asia d) South Asia

Test on the topic: " Overseas Asia" Grade 11

Option 2

1. Match the mineral resources and the leading countries in terms of their production:

1) oil 2) tin ores 3) coal a) China b) Malaysia c) Saudi Arabia

2. In general, do not carry out a demographic policy, professing Islam regions:

a) Southwest Asia b) South Asia c) Southeast Asia d) East Asia

3. Arrange the countries of Asia in decreasing order of their population:

a) Bangladesh b) India c) Singapore d) Turkey

4. The main center for attracting foreign work force in Overseas Asia are:

a) newly industrialized countries b) countries of the Persian Gulf

c) countries of Southeast Asia d) Israel and Japan

5. The newly industrialized countries of Asia include:

a) Singapore and Republic of Korea b) Vietnam and Taiwan c) North Korea and Thailand d) China and Hong Kong

6. Highlight the industry, for the production of which China ranks first in the world: a) automotive b) steel production c) electricity generation d) polymer chemistry

7. Align Agriculture and regions of Asia:

1) semi-nomadic and nomadic animal husbandry 2) industrial crops 3) grain crops

a) West Asia b) East and Southeast Asia c) South Asia

8. Select a mode of transport that has not been developed in Japan:

a) road b) railway c) sea d) river

9. Arrange the economic centers of Asia in order of increasing their GDP:

a) India b) China c) newly industrialized countries d) Japan

10. The problem of deforestation is most acute for countries:

a) East Asia b) Southeast Asia c) Southwest Asia d) South Asia

Keys to the test "Foreign Asia" Grade 11

1 option

1. 1c 2b 3a 2.d 3.c-a-d-b 4.a 5.c 6.c 7.1c 2b 3a 8.b 9.b-d-a-c 10.b

Option 2

1. 1c 2b 3a 2.a 3.b-a-d-c 4.b 5.a 6.b 7. 1a 2c 3b 8.d 9.c-a-d-b 10.d

17803110451Kuznetsova Nadezhda Gillarevna

geography teacher the highest category

MBOU secondary school No. 7 " cadet school them. M.T.Kalashnikov»

Votkinsk Udmurt Republic

The purpose of this work is to check the level of preparedness of students on the topic "Foreign Asia". Tests contain questions and tasks on the main features of the economic and social development region:

    character traits EGP,

    geography of natural resources,

    features of the population, religion, metropolis,

    placement of industries,

    industrial areas,

    transport routes.

The proposed tests can be used for current and final control.

Test tasks drawn up different types into two options:

      • with one correct answer

        built on the principle of determining the wrong answer,

        there are multiple correct answers

        to establish causal relationships,

        to enumerate geographic features.

A mandatory task is to identify the countries of the region on contour map.

ANSWERS: Tests "Foreign Asia" for grade 10

Option 1

1. G

2. G

3. In

4. G

5. 1A 2B 3A 4C

6. G

7. A

8. 1B 3VG 4A

9. 2B 3A 4C

10. G

11. In

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. B

16. G

17. In

18. In

19. A

20. 20, 44, 27, 39

Option 2

1. G

2. B

3. A

4. In

5. A

6. 1A 2B 3B 4A

7. A

8. 1V 2BGD 4AE

9. B

10. G

11. In

12. B

13. A

14. B

15. A

16. In

17. In

18. B

19. B

20. 32, 47, 48, 1

Grade 10. Overseas Asia

1 option

1. Most of the monarchies of Overseas Asia are located in:

A) Central and East Asia B) South Asia

B) Southeast Asia D) Southwest Asia

2. The development of agriculture in Foreign Asia is limited by the lack of:

A) land and heat B) labor resources and water

B) heat and labor D) water and land

3. Find an error in the list of multinational countries of Overseas Asia:

A) Indonesia B) Iran C) Japan D) India

4. A state stands out with a very high population density in Foreign Asia:

A) Mongolia B) Saudi Arabia C) Afghanistan D) Bangladesh

5. Establish a correspondence between countries and their leading industries.

1. UAE A. Neftyanaya

2. Taiwan B. Electronic

3. Oman V. Easy

4. Bangladesh

6. Find an error in the list of countries in Foreign Asia engaged in the cultivation and export of tea: A) China B) India C) Sri Lanka D) Iraq

7. The largest sub-region of Overseas Asia in terms of area is:

8. Match:

1. South Asia A. Three world religions originated in the region

2. Southeast Asia B. The region is the cradle of Hinduism

3. East Asia V. In this region, the spiritual and material culture was influenced by

4. Southwest Asia Confucianism

D. The region has the world's first most populous country

9. Establish a correspondence between the regions of Foreign Asia and the export structure for which it is typical.

1. East Asia A. Dried fruits, nuts, astrakhan skins, dates and coffee

2. South Asia B. Jute, tea, copra, tropical fruits

3. Southwest Asia B. Spices, raw material for the production of natural rubber, 4. Southeast Asia palm oil, cinchona bark

10. What typological group of developing countries Overseas Asia can be characterized following words: countries, for short term past the path of industrial and socio-economic development?

A) Key countries B) Lagging countries

B) Oil exporting countries D) Newly industrialized countries

11. What is the feature socio-economic development is not typical for developing countries Foreign Asia?

A) colonial past B) high standard of living

B) the multi-structural nature of the economy D) rapid population growth

12. Why developing countries Foreign Asia was chosen as a way to solve the food problem "green revolution"?

A) The limited unused land resources do not allow solving the food problem in an extensive way.

B) This is the policy of developing countries in the agrarian sector.

C) Developing countries experimented with the development of agricultural production.

D) This policy was imposed from outside.

13. What is the most densely populated part of China:

A) northern B) eastern C) southern D) western

14. China ranks first in the world in the production of:

A) electricity and steel B) cotton fabrics and mineral fertilizers

B) steel and cotton fabrics D) mineral fertilizers and electricity

15. In Japan, organic synthesis chemistry specializes in the production of substitutes for natural products, because ... .

A) substitutes have "given" properties

B) it allows you to reduce dependence on imported raw materials

C) substitutes are cheaper

D) there is a great demand for substitutes for natural raw materials in the world market

16. Megalopolis Tokaido is located in Japan on:

A) north of the country B) west coast

B) the south of the country D) the east coast

17. There are practically no modes of transport in Japan:

A) railway and road B) pipeline and river

B) road and pipeline D) river and rail

18. Specify the largest city (urban agglomeration) of India:

A) Delhi B) Calcutta C) Mumbai D) Chennai

19. The main wheat growing area is located in India on;

A) Kuwait B) Maldives C) Thailand D) East Timor

Grade 10. Overseas Asia

Option 2

1. The inland states of Overseas Asia are:

A) Mongolia and Iraq B) Cambodia and Iraq C) Iraq and Nepal D) Nepal and Mongolia

2. The most important mineral resource of Foreign Asia, which determines its place in international division labor is:

A) iron ore B) oil C) coal D) diamonds

3. Find the error in the list of religions that have numerous followers in Foreign Asia: A) Protestantism B) Islam C) Buddhism D) Hinduism

4. A large area of ​​labor immigration in Foreign Asia are the countries:

A) the coast Pacific Ocean B) the Persian Gulf

B) South Asia D) Mediterranean coast

5. Find an error in the list of the least industrially developed states of Foreign Asia: A) Singapore B) Myanmar C) Yemen D) Nepal

6. Establish a correspondence between the countries of Foreign Asia and the leading sub-sectors of their agriculture.

1. Indonesia A. Rice cultivation

2. Israel B. Subtropical farming

3. Mongolia V. Pastoralism

4. Philippines

7. The largest sub-region of Overseas Asia in terms of population is:

A) Central and East Asia B) South Asia

B) Southeast Asia D) Southwest Asia

8. Match:

1. South Asia A. The region has the largest oil reserves

2. Southeast Asia B. There is a “tin belt” in the region

3. East Asia V. The region is rich in iron and manganese ores

4. Southwest Asia D. The region retains the most significant forest resources

E. The region has the most significant resources fresh water

E. The region has the most significant pastures

9. main reason underdevelopment of developing countries Overseas Asia is ... .

A) in natural and climatic features

B) in the consequences of dependence on metropolitan countries

C) in the ethnic characteristics of the population

D) far from metropolitan countries

10. Why for developing countries Foreign Asia is characterized by unemployment?

A) Few jobs in industry.

B) Constant inflow population from rural areas.

C) Non-compliance of the qualifications of workers with the needs of new industries.

D) The excess of the natural increase in labor resources over the number of newly created jobs.

11. Exacerbation of the food problem, characteristic of most developing countries Overseas Asia, explained:

A) low productivity in agriculture

B) ethnic characteristics food consumption

C) population growth ahead of agricultural production growth

D) the discrepancy between population growth and the increase in food needs

12. The largest city (urban agglomeration) of China is:

A) Beijing b) Shanghai C) Harbin D) Seoul

13. Indicate the main crops grown in the southeast of China:

A) rice and tea B) tea and wheat C) wheat and cotton D) cotton and rice

14. The most common religions in Japan are:

A) Islam and Buddhism B) Shinto and Buddhism

B) Buddhism and Shinto D) Buddhism and Islam

15. Most of Japan's imports are:

BUT) different kinds fuel C) food products

B) metallurgical raw materials D) machinery and equipment

16. What kind of international geographical division of labor is typical for Japan's external relations with the newly industrialized countries?

BUT) International trade. B) industrial cooperation.

B) Financial and economic ties. D) Provision of services.

17. Why is the share of animal husbandry increasing in the structure of agriculture in Japan, and the share of wheat in the sown area is increasing?

A) The catch of fish and seafood - traditional foodstuffs - has decreased.

b) The standard of living of the Japanese has changed.

C) The influence of European tastes, which has intensified due to a change in lifestyle in conditions of close contact with them, is affecting.

D) This phenomenon has no good reasons.

18. Specify the most numerous ethnic group in India:

A) Bengalis B) Hindustanis C) Sikhs D) Indians

19. The main region of ferrous metallurgy is located in India on:

A) north B) east C) south D) west

20. Determine what numbers on the map indicate:

A) Syria B) Bhutan C) Singapore D) Abkhazia

1 option

1. The total area of ​​Asia is:

A) 57 million km² B) 44 million km² C) 19 million km² D) 10 million km² E) 24 million km²

2. 75% of the relief of the territory of Asia is occupied?

A) plains and lowlands B) plateaus and plateaus C) plains and mountains

3. The main wealth of Southwest Asia, which determines its role in the MGRT?

A) iron ore B) oil C) coal D) gold E) copper ores

4. In which Asian countries is the form of government absolute monarchy?

A) Brunei, Kuwait, UAE, Oman B) Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan

C) Philippines, Singapore, India, Bangladesh D) Cambodia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon

E) Japan, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Israel

5. What states are called "Asian tigers"?

A) Thailand, Laos, Japan B) Singapore, Indonesia, India

C) Singapore, Republic of Korea, Taiwan D) Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Turkey

E) Mongolia, Japan, Thailand

6. How many large islands form the basis of the territory of Japan?

A)1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E)5.

7. Japan's largest island:

A) Honshu B) Hokkaido C) Kyushu D) Shikoku E) Yaku

8. What was the population of Japan in 2014 (million people)?

A) 45.5 B) About 100 C) 150 D) 80.1 E) 127.1

9. Indicate the natural object that is the national symbol of Japan?

A) Okinawa Island B) Mount Fuji C) Sagami Bay

D) Mount Asahi E) Kiso River

10. What type of products (goods) significantly prevails in the structure of imports

Japan? A) Fuel and raw materials B) Ores and finished products

C) Machinery and equipment D) fuel and finished products E) metallurgy products

11. The world's largest oil field Gavar is located in the country:

A) Kuwait B) Iraq C) Saudi Arabia D) Iran E) Bahrain

12. Country ranked 1st in the world in terms of head of cattle:

A) China B) India C) Japan D) Saudi Arabia E) Kazakhstan

13. Deposits of chrome ores in Turkey:

A) Eregli and Zonguldak B) Garzan and Germik C) Davrygi and Sivas

D) Fethiye and Basherron E) Ergani and Morgul

14. Countries of which region of Asia are distinguished by deliveries to the world market

mineral raw materials (tin, tungsten, antimony)?

A) Southwest Asia B) South Asia C) Southeast Asia

D) Central E) Eastern

15. Megalopolis of Japan, uniting a number of agglomerations and being the most

largest in the world:

A) Tokyo. B) Osaka C) Nagoya D) Tokaido E) Okinawa

16. In terms of the extraction of tin and chromium ores, India ranks in the world:

A) 2nd place B) 3rd place C) 5th place D) 6th place E) 7th place

17. In what year was the independence of India proclaimed:

A) 1914 B) 1947 C) 1961 D) 1975 E) 1981

18. Which of the developing countries in last years became centers of immigration:

A) Southeast Asian countries B) Persian Gulf countries

C) South American countries D) East Asia countries E) South Asia countries

19. Which of the following countries is federal?

A) Nepal B) China C) Mongolia D) Japan E) Malaysia

20. The largest metallurgical plant in China is located in the city:

A) Beijing B) Shanghai C) Anshan D) Tianjin E) Urumqi

21. ASEAN International Organization represents the states of the region:

A) Southeast Asia B) East Asia C) Southwest Asia

D) Central and East Asia E) South Asia

22. Which of these Asian countries do not have direct access to the sea?

A) Oman, Lebanon, Kuwait B) Iran, Iraq, Syria C) China, India, Japan

D) Pakistan, Bhutan, Malaysia E) Afghanistan, Mongolia, Nepal

23. Is a country located in two parts of the world?

A) India B) Japan C) Turkey D) Indonesia E) Afghanistan

24. Specify main center shipbuilding of the Republic of Korea:

A) Seoul B) Busan C) Kaesong D) Nampo E) Chojin

25. What is the main reason that contributed to rapid growth economies of the newly industrialized countries (NIEs)?

A) Large mineral deposits B) Cheap Electric Energy

C) developed transport D) favorable economic and geographical position

E) "Soft" environmental laws

Final test"Countries of Asia" Grade 11 (EMN)

Option 2

1. On political map Asia distinguish states:

A) ~50 B) ~20 C) ~30 D) ~40 E) more than 60

2. Which region of Asia is the leader in the extraction of minerals and fuels?

D) Eastern and Central Asia E) East Asia

3. The lowest place on Earth's land surface?

A) Red Sea B) Dead Sea C) Yellow Sea

D) Caspian Sea E) Mediterranean Sea

4. Countries in which region of Asia are best provided with water?

A) Southwest Asia B) South Asia C) Southeast Asia

D) Central Asia E) East Asia

5. Specify the countries included in Central and East Asia?

A) Jordan, China B) Israel, Iraq C) Republic of Korea, Mongolia

D) UAE, Qatar E) Afghanistan, Japan

6. What is the place in terms of population of Overseas Asia among the regions of the world

A) 2 B) 5 C) 3 D) 1 E) 4

7. The countries with the highest population density are:

A) Bangladesh, Mongolia B) Singapore, Bangladesh C) Singapore, Mongolia

D) Japan, Saudi Arabia E) China, Saudi Arabia

8. Which of these states is a constitutional monarchy?

A) Saudi Arabia. B) Kuwait C) Brunei D) United Arab Emirates E) Japan.

9. National Religion of Japan:

A) Judaism B) Shintoism C) Buddhism D) Hinduism E) Confucianism

10. Specialization of Japan in the world economy is:

A) growing tea, rice, cotton, jute. B) heavy engineering

C) Robotics, electrical engineering D) Agricultural engineering

E) military equipment, non-ferrous metallurgy

11. Specify the shipbuilding centers of Japan:

A) Yokohama, Kobe B) Hiroshima, Tokyo C) Nagasaki, Nagoya

12. Specify the newly industrialized countries of Asia (NIE):

A) Rep. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan B) China, Thailand, Mongolia

C) Japan, China, Republic of Korea D) Japan, India, China

E) Singapore, Iran, Iraq

13. Determine which parts of China are densely populated:

A) South coast and Central regions. C) Xinjiang, Tibet.

C) Great Plain of China, East and Southeast coast

D) Hinterland and Manchuria

E) The population is distributed evenly throughout the country.

14. The largest agglomeration of China is:

A) Beijing B) Urumqi C) Anshan D) Tianjin E) Shanghai

15.Most of China's electricity is produced:

16. How much state languages in India? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3. D) 4. E) 5.

17. Shaped state structure India is:

A) unitary republic B) federal republic

c) a constitutional monarchy D) federal monarchy E) jamahiriya

18. Which city is the largest industrial center in northern India?

A) Mumbai B) Agra C) Chennai D) Delhi E) Kolkata

19. The highest point of Turkey mountain:

A) Big Ararat B) Chogori C) Everest D) Mount Fuji E) Elbrus

20. What are the most developed branches of the Turkish economy? A) tourism and agriculture

C) manufacturing and crop production

C) mining, metallurgy, oil, textile, food, construction

D) power industry and non-ferrous metallurgy E) tourism, textile and shipbuilding

21. Turkey's main livestock industry:

A) camel breeding B) sheep breeding C) horse breeding

D) poultry farming E) cattle breeding

22. Specify the countries of Asia that are members of OPEC:

A) China, Japan, Iran, Iraq. C) China, India, Kuwait, Algeria.

C) Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan D) Japan, Mongolia, Qatar, UAE.

E) Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE.

23. Which countries belong to the group of backward countries:

A) Israel, Pakistan B) Cambodia, Taiwan C) Indonesia, Nepal

D) Malaysia, Taiwan E) Afghanistan, Nepal

24. Indicate the Asian country with the highest average life expectancy:

A) India B) China C) Afghanistan D) Japan E) Brunei

25. Indicate the region of Asia, which is the birthplace of 2 world religions:

A) Southeast Asia B) Southwest Asia C) East Asia

D) South Asia E) Central Asia

Final test "Countries of Asia" Grade 11 (EMN)

3 option

1. 25% of the relief of the territory of Asia is occupied?

A) plains B) plateaus and plateaus C) plains and mountains

D) mountains and highlands E) uplands and lowlands

2. The largest coal basins in Asia are located in the countries:

A) China, Afghanistan B) China, India C) Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

D) Jordan, India E) Japan, China

3. Countries in which region of Asia are the most well endowed with forest resources?

A) Southwest and South Asia B) South and East Asia

C) Southeast and Central Asia D) Central and East Asia

E) Southeast and East Asia

4. Do they belong to the countries of Southwest Asia?

A) India, Lebanon B) Lebanon, Japan C) Jordan, Bahrain

D) Brunei, Malaysia E) China, Republic of Korea

A) Mongolia B) Bangladesh C) Kazakhstan D) Pakistan E) UAE

6. Are the main flows of oil from the ports of the Persian Gulf directed?

A) to the USA and Canada B) to North America and Europe

C) to China and South East Asia D) to the North and South America

E) to Western Europe and Japan

7. Shape state government in Japan?

A) Kingdom B) Sultanate C) Duchy D) Empire E) Principality

8. Determine which two religions are practiced in Japan

A) Confucianism and Buddhism B) Buddhism and Lamaism.

C) Christianity and Buddhism D) Shinto and Buddhism

E) Buddhism and Hinduism.

9. What type of product (goods) dominates Japan's exports?

A) Fuel B) Ores and other raw materials C) Machinery and equipment.

D) Food products. E) Raw materials for the chemical industry.

10. Specify the centers of automotive industry in Japan:

A) Yokohama, Kobe B) Hiroshima, Nagoya C) Nagasaki, Nagoya

D) Tokyo, Osaka E) Fukuoka, Osaka

11. Specify the chain of cities in China:

A) Beijing, Pyongyang, Urumqi, Tianjin. C) Dalian, Wuhan, Shanghai, Harbin.

C) Baotou, Phnom Penh, Hong Kong, Shanghai. D) Aomyn, Kitohyushu, Haifa, Harbin.

E) Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Beijing, Manchukuo.

12. Which city in China is a tourist center?

A) Beijing B) Shanghai C) Anshan D) Tianjin E) Chongqing

13. In what part of China are special economic regions concentrated?

A) in Western China B) in East and South China C) in North China

D) in Southeast China E) Northeast and North China

14. What is China's place in the world in terms of electricity generation?

A) 2nd place B) 3rd place C) 1st place D) 6th place E) 5th place

15. The dominant religion in India:

A) Christianity B) Sikhism C) Hinduism D) Buddhism E) Islam

16. What are the main rivers of India?

A) Ganges, Indus B) Ganges, Assam C) Savitri, Indus

D) Brahmaputra, Karmanasha E) Godovari, Damodar

17. Large area of ​​heavy industry in India, rich mineral resources

formed in the states: A) Southern B) Western C) Central

D) Northeast E) Northwest

18. Specify the largest ports of India:

A) Delhi, Kolkata B) Mumbai, Chennai C) Mumbai, Mangaluru

D) Bhilai, Kolkata E) Chennai, Delhi

19. Specify The largest city Turkey:

A) Izmir B) Ankara C) Adana D) Bursa E) Denizli

A) Barns B) Tarsus C) Kyzyl-Irmak D) Tigris E) Euphrates

21. Turkey ranks first in the world in collecting:

A) wheat B) citrus fruits C) hazelnuts D) grapes E) olives

22. Specify the country of resettlement capitalism:

A) Iran B) Israel C) Afghanistan D) Kuwait E) Saudi Arabia

23. In which countries of Southwest Asia are there large metallurgical plants,

working on imported raw materials?

A) in Kuwait and Algeria B) in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

C) in the United United Arab Emirates, Qatar D) in Qatar and Bahrain

E) in Kuwait and Bahrain

24. Indicate the country that ranks fifth in the world in the production of passenger cars


A) Republic of Korea B) Japan C) North Korea D) China E) India

25. Oil exporting countries are united in an international organization:


Answers of the test "Countries of Asia" Grade 11 (EMN)

1 option

Option 2

3 option

1 option

1. Choose from the listed Asian countries a country with a limited monarchy

A. India B. China C. Republic of Korea D. Thailand

2. High level economic and social development of the country is characterized primarily by:

A. Population size B. GDP per capita

C. Population density D. Prices of newspapers and magazines

3. What state of Asia after World War II was divided into two?

A. Japan B. Korea C. Czechoslovakia D. Germany

4. Throughout the entire post-war period, the main "hot spot" of the planet remains:

A) USA B) Equatorial Africa C) Middle East D) Russia

5. "Population explosion" is typical for countries:

BUT) of Eastern Europe

B) Resettlement type

D) Australia and Oceania

6. Country ranked 1st in terms of population

A) India B) Russia C) China D) Bangladesh

7 . OPEC countries are:

A. Saudi Arabia B. China C. Kuwait D. Japan

8. The formation of multinational states is explained primarily by:

A) The history of the population and development of the territory

B) economic development states

B) the presence of large cities

D) Internal migrations of the population

9. The capital of Kazakhstan is:

A) Astana B) Bishkek C) Ashgabat D) Pyongyang

10. Specialization of Japan in the world economy is:

A) Cultivation of tea, rice, cotton, jute.

B) Heavy engineering, military equipment

C) Robotics, electrical engineering

D) Agricultural engineering

11. Areas of new development:

A) rich natural resources

b) have access to the sea

C) Occupy a convenient geographic location

D) Located at the crossroads of transport routes of international importance

12. The first place in oil production is occupied by:

A) Saudi Arabia B) Russia C) USA D) Iran

13. The inland states of Overseas Asia are:

A) Mongolia and Iraq; B) Cambodia and Iraq; C) Iraq and Nepal; D) Nepal and Mongolia.

14. One of the main factors determining profitability geographical location Asian countries:

A) The presence of rivers and lakes B) Access to the sea

C) Neighboring countries D) The presence of unique geographical features

15. ASEAN International Organization represents the states of the region:

A) Central America B) Central Africa

C) Southeast Asia D) Southwest Asia

16. Name the NIS of Asia

A) Rep. Korea Singapore Taiwan Malaysia Indonesia B) China Thailand Mongolia

A) Mongolia B) Bangladesh C) Israel

18. 14. "Tea landscapes" are typical for countries ...

A) India, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia B) UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Iraq

Test test on the topic "Foreign Asia":

Option 2

1. Throughout the entire post-war period, the main "hot spot" of the planet remains:

A) Middle East B) Russia

C) USA D) Equatorial Africa

2. The first place in oil production is occupied by:

A) Russia B) Saudi Arabia C) USA D) Iran

3. "Population explosion" is typical for countries:

A) Eastern Europe

B) Resettlement type

B) Asia, Africa and Latin America

D) Australia and Oceania

4. Country ranked 2nd in terms of population

A) India B) China

C) Russia D) Bangladesh

5. The most "hungry" region of the world is:

A) Africa B) Asia

C) Oceania D) Latin America

6. What religion do the Japanese practice

A) Confucianism B) Shintoism C) Hinduism

7. The high level of economic and social development of the country is characterized primarily by:

A) population density

B) Prices for services

B) population

D) GDP per d.s.

8. One of the main factors determining the advantageous geographical location of Asian countries:

A) Access to the sea B) The presence of rivers and lakes C) Neighboring countries

9. In terms of population, Overseas Asia occupies ... a place in the world

A) first B) second C) third D) fifth

10. The capital of Kyrgyzstan is:

A) Ashgabat B) Bishkek C) Astana D) Pyongyang

11. Main industries light industry India

A) cotton shoe

B) jute sewing cotton

B) knitted sewing

12. Most high density population (more than 900 people per 1 sq. km) is typical for ...

A) Saudi Arabia B) Bangladesh

C) Mongolia D) India

13. The only country in Foreign Asia, in which there is a high proportion of elderly people, is ...

A) Japan B) China C) India D) Saudi Arabia

14. Which countries of foreign Asia are not members of OPEC :

A) Kuwait, Saudi Arabia;

B) Indonesia, UAE

B) China, Philippines;

D) Iran, Qatar

15. A typical one-national country of Overseas Asia is ...

A) China B) Pakistan C) India D) Japan

16. Money currency Japan is

A) Dollar B) Yuan C) Yen

17. What is the most densely populated part of China:

A) northern B) eastern; B) south D) western

18. The inland states of Overseas Asia are:

A) Mongolia and Iraq; B) Cambodia and Iraq;

B) Iraq and Nepal; D) Nepal and Mongolia.