Overseas asia map of minerals. Nature of East Asia. Minerals. Seas

Asia is the world's largest part of the world and covers about 30% of the Earth's land area. In addition, it is the leader in terms of population (about 60% of the total population of the planet).

Asia's share of the world market has increased significantly over the past half century. Today, some Asian countries are leading producers in agriculture, forestry, fish farming, industry and mining. This production affected the economic growth of certain countries, and at the same time, led to a number of negative consequences for environment.

Water resources

Fresh water

Lake Baikal, located in the south of Russia, is the deepest lake in the world, reaching a depth of 1620 meters. The lake contains 20% of the world's unfrozen fresh water, making it the largest reservoir on Earth. It is also the oldest lake in the world, over 25 million years old.

The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world (after the Amazon in South America and the Nile in Africa). Reaching 6,300 km in length, the Yangtze moves east from the glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau and flows into the East China Sea. The Yangtze is considered the lifeblood of China. The river occupies 1/5 of the country's territory and is home to one third of the country's population, and also greatly contributes to the growth of the Chinese economy.

The Tigris and Euphrates rivers rise in the mountains of eastern Turkey and flow through Syria and Iraq before emptying into the Persian Gulf. The land between two rivers, known as Mesopotamia, was the center of the earliest civilizations, including Sumer and Akkad. Today, the Tigris and Euphrates river system is under threat due to the increase in agricultural and industrial use. This pressure caused desertification and an increase in salts in the soil, and caused severe damage to local watersheds.

Salty water

The Persian Gulf has an area of ​​more than 239 thousand km². It washes Iran, Oman, United United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq. The Persian Gulf is subject to high rates of evaporation, which makes the depth shallow and the water very salty. The seabed of the Persian Gulf contains approximately 50% of the world's oil reserves. The countries bordering the gulf have been involved in a number of disputes over the extraction of this valuable resource.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk covers 1.6 million km² and is located between the Russian mainland and Kamchatka. As a rule, during the period from October to March, the sea is covered with ice. Large areas of ice make movement by sea almost impossible.

The Bay of Bengal is the largest bay in the world, covering almost 2.2 million km². It washes Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Burma. Many major rivers, including the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, flow into this bay.

forest resources

The forest cover of Asia is about 20%. The largest number forests, relative to the area of ​​the country is concentrated in: Laos (71.6%), Japan (67.0%), Bhutan (64.5%), South Korea (64.0%), Myanmar (63.6%) and North Korea (63.3%). Forest cover less than 1% is in the following countries: Yemen (0.9%), Bahrain (0.7%), Kuwait (0.3%), Afghanistan (0.3%), Qatar (0%).

Forestry is an important sector of the Asian economy, but in some countries it has negative consequences. More than half of the territory of China, Indonesia and Malaysia is covered by forest resources. China is considered a major exporter of wood products and ranks first in the world in the production of panels, paper and wooden furniture. Indonesia and Malaysia are the main producers of tropical timber products. Tropical trees such as teak are mainly used to make high quality furniture and flooring.

During the last 10 years, forest cover in Asia has increased by 30 million hectares. It's connected with artificial creation forest areas, thanks to which you can get more high yields and use them in industry. It is believed that by 2020, the forest industry in Asia will produce about 45% of production. In addition, artificial plantations are extremely important from an environmental point of view, since natural forest resources are depleted every year in huge quantities.

Asia's rapid population growth has created an increased demand for forest products, and lenient legislation has led to illegal logging and smuggling flourishing. Especially, the damage is noticeable in the South East Asia where high-value tree species grow. Therefore, Asian countries have some of the worst deforestation rates in the world.

Land resources

The total land area of ​​Asia is 44,580,000 km², and the area of ​​land resources used in national economy- 30,972,803 km². Agricultural land occupies 52.2% (of which: arable land - 15.8%, perennial plantations - 2.2%, pastures and meadows - 34.2), forest land - 18%, surface water - 2.9% , and other lands - 26.9%.

five countries Central Asia(Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) are the most agrarian states of this part of Asia. Arable land that is suitable for growing crops is about 20% of the total agricultural land. More than 80% of arable land in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan is irrigated, while in Kazakhstan only 7%.

In Northern Asia (which mostly consists of the Asian part of Russia), arable land makes up 60-80% of the agricultural area.

In South Asia, the largest areas of arable land are concentrated in India and Bangladesh - more than 30%.

In the countries of the Middle East, namely in Iran and Iraq, arable land is less than 20%, and in other countries - no more than 10%.

The arable lands of East Asian countries, including China, South Korea, and Japan, occupy no more than 20% of agricultural land. land, in the DPRK - less than 30% and Mongolia no more than 10%.

In Southeast Asia, arable land occupies no more than 30% of the agricultural land.

Mineral resources


Asia has a huge amount of coal, which is almost 3/5 of the world's reserves, but they are unevenly distributed. The largest deposits are in Siberia, the countries of Central Asia, India, and especially in China; Indonesia, Japan and North Korea have smaller coal reserves.

Oil and natural gas

At least 2/3 of the world's known oil and natural gas reserves are in Asia; the number of deposits may increase as Siberia, the Caspian Basin and the seas of Southeast Asia are still being explored. Many of the islands bordering Southeast Asia have geological formations that are favorable for gas and oil deposits. The largest oil reserves are in Western Asia (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates). The rest of the countries in Southwest Asia have limited oil reserves and are also small oil fields on the Indian subcontinent.

uranium ore

The richest deposits of uranium ores are located in Kyrgyzstan, between the Osh region and the Tuya Muyun mountain range. China and India have their own reserves. Chinese uranium deposits are believed to be in the Xinjiang region and Hunan province.


Many regions of Asia have iron ore deposits, but not every country has its own domestic reserves. South Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and several smaller countries in Southwest Asia have small iron ore reserves. Japan has less inventory of this mineral resource than it is required for the iron and steel industry, so the country is heavily dependent on imports. Thailand, Myanmar and Pakistan have good reserves of relatively low-grade iron ore, while Vietnam and Turkey have good ore in significant quantities. Indonesia and India have large reserves of quality iron, which are wisely distributed.

Although China was previously considered poor in iron ore, huge deposits of this mineral of various grades were discovered in the country. China is currently one of the world's largest producers of iron ore.

Smaller deposits were located in several places in Eastern Siberia. In Central Asia, the main deposits are located in East Kazakhstan.


Nickel reserves in Asia are not significant. There are small reserves in Norilsk and north-central Siberia; Indonesia, China and the Philippines also have nickel reserves.


Chromium deposits are concentrated in Turkey, India, Iran, Pakistan and the Philippines, as well as in the north-west of Kazakhstan.


There are large reserves of manganese in Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Siberia and India; Chinese deposits are also significant.


Southern China has exceptionally large deposits of tungsten. The deposits of tungsten in Central Asia are as significant as those of molybdenum.


Asia is not rich in copper. In Central Asia, the main reserves are located southeast of Tashkent (Uzbekistan); from Zhezkazgany to the west of Karaganda; and from Kungrad to Lake Balkhash (Kazakhstan). In Siberia, deposits are mainly concentrated in the Kuzbass. The Philippines has limited copper reserves.


Significant deposits of tin extend from southwestern China to the Malay Peninsula. Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, and Yunnan in China also have tin deposits. Siberia has significant deposits in Transbaikalia, as well as in the Sikhote-Alin in the Far East.

Lead and zinc

The largest reserves of lead and zinc are located in the Kuzbass, in Central and Eastern Kazakhstan. China also has rich deposits of zinc and lead, and North Korea has significant deposits of lead.


Asia has huge reserves of bauxite. The largest deposits are located in Kazakhstan and the Sayans. There are also large deposits in India, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia and China.

precious metals

Many Asian countries have mined gold from alluvial placers in past centuries, and some of them continue to do so today. There are small volumes of gold ore in Myanmar, Cambodia and Indonesia, as well as near the headwaters of the Yangtze River. Previously, India had large gold deposits, but now many of them have been exhausted. North and South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines have significant reserves of hard rock. Siberian gold reserves are currently significant.

Nonmetallic minerals

Stocks of asbestos are found in abundance in China, South Korea, and also on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals. Mica is found in large quantities in Eastern Siberia and India. Asia has huge reserves of rock salt. There are significant deposits of sulfur and gypsum in Central and Western Asia. Japan has large deposits of sulfur. There are deposits of phosphates in Kazakhstan. Diamonds are formed in the central and eastern parts of Siberia, and in India. India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Cambodia have deposits of rubies, sapphires, and other precious stones.

biological resources

Crop and livestock

Northern and central parts of Asia are subject to cold and dry Arctic winds, especially in the Siberian region of Russia. Hardy grains such as barley, buckwheat, millet, oats and wheat are grown in the central and southern regions of this zone, where permanent frosts stifle plant growth. Animal husbandry is also very important in this zone. In Mongolia, for example, 75% of agricultural land is allocated to livestock (sheep, goats, cattle, etc.).

Southwest Asia is dominated by a dry and hot climate that stretches from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia through China, Pakistan, Iran, and into the Arabian Peninsula. There are very few areas in this zone with sufficient moisture and rainfall to produce a good harvest. Cereals such as barley and corn are the main crops grown in some countries. The lack of pastures and land suitable for cereals means that heat-resistant vegetables and fruits are most widely grown in this zone. Figs, apricots, olives, onions, grapes, cherries are the most important fruits and vegetables of the region.

The zone to the southeast is heavily affected by the summer monsoons. As a result, many parts of Southeast Asia are considered to be among the wettest places on earth, receiving more than 254 centimeters of rain each year. High temperatures and heavy rainfall are ideal conditions for growing rice and tropical fruits. Rice is considered one of the most important agricultural products of Asia and the main source of nutrition for the entire continent (79 kg of rice per inhabitant of Asia per year). As a result, most rice in Asia remains in the regions, and international trade is rather low.

In Southeast Asia, tropical fruits such as mango, papaya and pineapple are grown on a large scale. India grows the most a large number of mangoes in the world, while Thailand and the Philippines are famous for pineapples.

Fish farming

Asia is the most important fisheries and aquaculture region in the world. Aquaculture is the rearing of fish and other aquatic animals under controlled conditions. In 2008, Asia's offshore industrial areas accounted for approximately 50% of the world's fish catch. Six of the world's top 10 fish producers are located in Asia, namely China, Indonesia, Japan, India, Myanmar (Burma) and the Philippines.

Seafood is an extremely important food source for many Asian peoples. A recent study by the National Geographic Society found that China and Japan are the top consumers of seafood (approximately 765 million tons per year).


Asia has the richest vegetable world from all parts of the world. Since it is a large part of the largest continent - Eurasia, it is not surprising that about 100,000 various kinds plants are found within its various natural areas that range from tropical to arctic.

Asian plants, which include ferns, gymnosperms and flowering vascular plants, make up about 40% of the Earth's plant species. Endemic species of flora consist of more than 40 families and 1500 genera.

Asia is divided into five main regions based on the species diversity of the flora: the humid evergreen forests of Southeast Asia, the mixed forests of East Asia, moist forests South Asia, deserts and steppes of Central and Western Asia, taiga and tundra in North Asia.


Asia is the most populous part of the world and also one of the most biologically diverse places. It is home to both unique species of wild animals and the most common on the planet. Asian countries have become home to many mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, etc. However, some of these species are thriving and others are facing serious threats that could wipe out their populations. Animals such as the giant panda and orangutans may be the first to disappear from Asia.

An important reason for the extinction of wild animals is human activity and extremely high population density in certain areas.

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The natural resources of the plains of Central Asia are diverse. Of the combustible minerals, Jurassic coal was found in Dzhanak and brown coal in Mangyshlak and in the Alakul region; oil and gas in Mangyshlak, in Bukhara and in the Ili depression, oil in the Cheleken peninsula, in Nebit-Dag and Kum-Dag, ozokerite in Cheleken. Of the deposits of ore minerals, manganese is becoming known in Mangyshlak (Aitkoksh), oolitic iron ore in the Northern Prearalie. Asbestos, graphite and copper were found on the territory of the Paleozoic uplands of the Kyzyl Kum. In the Lowland Karakum, sulfur has been mined for many years in the Sulfur Hills, located 250 km north of Ashgabat, in last years explored gas reserves. The richest reserves of self-planting salts are found in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay on the Caspian Sea (mirabilite), in the Karagie tectonic basin (magnesian salts), in the Aralsk region (astrakhanite) and the Aral Sea region (sodium sulfate). Gypsum and table salt are everywhere unlimited.

The plains of Central Asia are rich in light and warmth. In the Lowland Karakum, heat resources for the period with temperatures over 10°C exceed 5000C, in the Kyzyl Kum - about 4000°C; in the deserts of the Aral Sea region, the Southern Balkhash region and in the Muyunkums - 3000-3500 ° С. With such heat resources, in the presence of water, subtropical plants such as fine-staple cotton, sesame, peanuts, the world-famous Chardzhui melons, and high-sugar table grapes are successfully grown in the southern deserts. Over the past decades, new crops for those places have been mastered on the plains of Central Asia: southern hemp, kenaf, jute, sugar beets. Southern fruit growing is successfully developing.

The plains of Central Asia are poor in surface watercourses, except for transit rivers, the sources of which are located in mountainous areas. Measures for the collection and storage of temporary runoff water, including the construction of underground rainwater collectors, are of great economic importance.

The underground waters of the plains are concentrated in the vast Artevian basins explored by Soviet hydrogeologists in recent decades. Among the basins, the Aral group (Turgai, Syr-Darya and Karakum) of artesian basins is distinguished. Within the Tien Shan folded region are the Chui and Iliisk basins, in the Dzungar region - a group of artesian basins of the Balkhash region. In all basins there are pressure (self-flowing) or semi-pressure waters of different flow rates and variegated mineralization - from fresh to salty inclusive. Part groundwater used for drinking needs of the population and animal husbandry. For this purpose, many shaft and artesian wells have been built in the deserts in the past decade.

The deepest groundwater was found on the Badkhyz and Karabil plateaus. Here, dug wells for watering livestock reach a depth of 200-260 m. Upon reaching the Karakum, groundwater rises closer to the surface (15-40 m and closer) and becomes noticeably saline. The eastern regions of the Zaunguz Karakum are relatively well supplied with water, and the western regions of the Low Karakum are poorly watered. In the Kyzyl Kum, as well as in the Aral Sea, Muyunkum and Southern Balkhash regions, everywhere in the sands there is fresh groundwater, the flow rate of which is mostly small, but the total reserves of fresh and slightly brackish ground water in the Muyunkums and in the sandy massifs of the Southern Balkhash region are large. On the piedmont plains, groundwater often wedges out, forming numerous "karas" - small streams and rivers used by the population for irrigation and watering. The abundance of "Karasu" can be observed on the piedmont plains of the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz, Trans-Ili and Dzhungar ranges, in the Ferghana Valley.

The development of solar technology makes it possible to obtain fresh water from brackish and saline groundwater. The plant resources of the plains are of great economic importance in connection with the intensive development of animal husbandry, in particular astrakhan breeding and fine-wool sheep breeding. Pastures are the dominant type of economic land in the deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia. The fodder value of desert-tree and sagebrush associations is the greatest. Deserts with a predominance of desert-tree associations, which, along with saxaul, kandyms and other trees, contain many ephemeroids and ephemera, are mostly used as year-round pastures. The average productivity of fodder mass is 0.8-1.9 q/ha. Deserts with wormwood dominating vegetation are considered the best autumn-winter pastures. Their average fodder productivity is 1.3-2.7 q/ha. In the tugai, horses and cattle are most often pastured. Hay is harvested in reed and sedge bogs.

The most valuable forage are psammophytic shrub and saltwort communities.

In the fuel balance of the republics of Central Asia, a prominent place belongs to the wood of saxaul sparse forests. Of the total area of ​​20.5 million hectares of desert forests and thickets of Central Asia, 19.8 million hectares fall to the share of saxaul forests. The stock of timber in this area is about 35 million liters * 1 .

The bonitet of saxaul stands is closely related to the level of groundwater and the type of soil: the best saxaul stands develop on sandy and light loamy soils with groundwater at a depth of 3-8 m.

For the decade 1947-1967. Saxaul and desert shrubs were sown on an area of ​​about 97 million hectares.

Large areas of land have been developed for agriculture in the largest irrigated oases: Ferghana, Khorezm, Tashkent Zeravshan, Murgab, Tedzhen, Gol with one steppe, Chuisky, Talas, Semirechensk. The total irrigated land in the Central Asian republics, excluding Tajikistan, is 6.8 million hectares. In the future, it is possible to irrigate about 15 million hectares in the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (BD Korzhavin, 1962).

During the Soviet period, the Aral, Repetek and Dzhezkazgan experimental stations did a great deal of work on studying the methods of developing deserts and fixing sands. They developed a series effective methods oasis transformation of deserts: new methods of rain-fed and irrigated agriculture and foraging, a trench method for growing vegetables, potatoes and fruits in the sands has been developed, effective methods of fixing sands and their afforestation have been scientifically substantiated and introduced into production. All these methods make it possible to more rationally use the natural resources of the deserts of Central Asia.

The work of zoologists and physicians on the elimination of Asian locust nests, a sharp decrease in the incidence of malaria, and the development of methods for combating ticks and other vectors of serious diseases in humans and animals are of inestimable importance.

On the plains of Central Asia, fur and other animal industries are of some importance. Commercial species of animals that occupy a prominent place in the national economy of the plains include ground squirrels, jerboas, muskrats, acclimatized in Balkhash (Ili river delta) since 1935, goitered gazelles and saigas, the shooting of which is limited by the nature protection law. Wild boars are shot in the tugai and a lot of waterfowl are hunted - ducks, coots, geese, cormorants, less - pheasants.

Protection and extended reproduction natural resources are the most important state and public events. The regulation of cattle grazing on the sands and the hunting of animals, as well as the rational use of water resources, require close attention.

The economy, especially agriculture, will depend on natural conditions territory. And the conditions of Asia are distinguished by great diversity and contrasts. The highest mountain ranges with steep slopes coexist with lowlands and the monotony of their flat relief. Large contrasts are also characteristic of the climate, especially for moisture. The low-lying areas are well supplied with moisture, because they are located in the monsoon climate - these are the eastern and southern parts of the region.

The western part of Foreign Asia lies in the region of the Mediterranean climate. $90\%$ of all arable land is concentrated in these parts of Asia. The central and southwestern parts are arid. The Asian part of the world lies in several climatic zones. The south of the territory lies in tropical latitudes and receives a total solar radiation$2$ times more than northern regions. Summer and winter temperatures on the islands of Indonesia are almost the same, the average January temperature is +$25$ degrees, and the north of Manchuria, for example, has a January temperature of -$24$, -$28$ degrees. Yes, the cold weather is long there. Significant climatic differences are also characteristic of mountainous regions and even within the mountainous territories themselves. This is due to the height of the mountains, their position, the exposure of the slopes. The circulation of the atmosphere has a very pronounced effect on the climate of East and South Asia, where the seasonal change of air masses is clearly expressed.

Winters in these areas are characterized by the winter monsoon, while the summer monsoon operates in summer. All of East Asia, Hindustan and Indochina are in the monsoon circulation zone, where annual precipitation can reach $2000$ mm per year. Associated with the winter monsoon are cold continental air masses that cause cooling in East Asia and partly in the tropics of Northern Indochina.

In the southern part of Asia, winter cooling does not occur, because the territory is under the influence of the Indian monsoon, which has smaller baric gradients. On the other hand, India is closed in the north by the highest mountain ranges from the cold air masses of Central Asia. The interior regions of Asia, located at high altitudes and surrounded by mountains, have a sharply continental climate.

In winter, the Asian anticyclone dominates here and a severe and long winter sets in. At low temperatures the soil is deeply frozen, which leads to the formation of patches permafrost. In summer, the territory warms up well and a low temperature area is formed. atmospheric pressure. The weather is hot and dry. Precipitation is very small, high mountain ranges prevent their penetration. In closed basins, only up to $50$ mm falls out. But even this inland region has its own internal climatic differences. The reason for this lies in the different availability of thermal resources and thermal regime.

An exceptionally hot region is Southwest Asia. It receives the largest amount of solar radiation, therefore it is the driest part of the mainland. Deserts and semi-deserts are common here.

Remark 1

For the development of agriculture, a significant part of Asia Abroad has unfavorable climatic conditions. The equatorial regions are highly humid, while the vast plateaus and plains of Southwestern and Central Asia are too dry. Agriculture in these areas is possible only with land reclamation.

The location of agricultural production, the composition of cultivated plants, the features of farming methods, and the productivity of crops largely depend on climatic conditions. The level of agricultural development in the countries of Foreign Asia is relatively low, so the yield is highly dependent on weather conditions. Based on climatic features, several agro-climatic regions are distinguished in foreign Asia.

Mineral resources of Foreign Asia

The surface of Foreign Asia is represented by vast mountainous territories and lowlands, the areas of which are small. Low-lying areas are located on the outskirts of Asia - these are the eastern and southern coasts. Mineral deposits are associated with the relief and with the main tectonic regions, with which the bowels of Foreign Asia are rich. In terms of reserves of fuel and energy raw materials, Asia occupies a leading position in the world.

These are, first of all, huge deposits of coal, oil and gas. The bowels of this part of the world contain world reserves of tin, antimony, mercury, graphite, sulfur, muscovite, zirconium, phosphate raw materials, potassium salts, chromites, tungsten. True, from a geographical point of view, these resources are distributed unevenly. Coal, iron and manganese ores, non-metallic minerals were formed within the Chinese and Hindustan platforms. There is a copper belt along the Pacific coast. In the Alpine-Himalayan folded region, ores are predominant.

A decisive role in the international geographical division of labor in Asia is played by oil and gas reserves, which are the main wealth of the region. The main hydrocarbon deposits are concentrated in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. Large oil fields have been discovered in the countries of the Malay Archipelago - Indonesia, Malaysia. There is oil and gas in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The Dead Sea is known for its large salt reserves, and the Iranian Highlands for sulfur and non-ferrous metals.

Of all Asian countries the greatest diversity and reserves of minerals are concentrated on the territory of the following states:

  1. India;
  2. Indonesia;
  3. Iran;
  4. Kazakhstan;
  5. Turkey;
  6. Saudi Arabia.

Remark 2

Those mineral deposits that are well known today do not reflect the true picture of the richness of the subsoil of this region. The ongoing prospecting works open up new deposits of mineral raw materials. In terms of hydrocarbon production, offshore zones are becoming promising, which provide the extractive industry with new opportunities.

Different subregions of Asia have their own set of minerals.

Western Asia. Here, first of all, the largest oil and gas fields are concentrated, in terms of reserves of which Western Asia is a leader among other regions of the world. According to $1980 data, there are $43 billion tons of oil in this area and more than $20 trillion. cube m of gas. Coal reserves are more than $23 billion tons. The reserves of ferrous metal ores amount to $14 billion tons and they are located on the territory of Turkey and Iraq. Reserves of titanium ores in Saudi Arabia and chromium ores in Turkey and Iran, Afghanistan and Oman. Non-metallic building materials are represented by gypsum, the reserves of which amount to $3 billion tons. In some countries of the region there are deposits of precious and ornamental stones, for example, Iranian turquoise, Afghan lapis lazuli, ruby, emerald, rock crystal, aquamarine, onyx marble.

South Asia. She holds a leading position in the reserves of muscovite, barite, titanium, pyrite, beryl, graphite, iron, manganese ores. This part also has significant reserves of oil and gas, as well as gold, copper, nickel, and tungsten ores. The most important energy raw material for South Asia is hard coal, whose reserves are estimated at $115 billion tons. The total iron ore reserves are over $13.5 billion tons. They are concentrated in India, Pakistan. There are small reserves in Sri Lanka and Nepal. The extraction of manganese ores has long been going on in India. There are aluminum and nickel ores in this region. Here is about $30\%$ of the total reserves of mining and chemical raw materials - India, Pakistan, Nepal. Non-metallic raw materials are represented by Indian asbestos - India, gypsum - Pakistan, graphite - Sri Lanka. There are quartz building sands, dolomites, limestone and marble. Precious stones are only in India - diamonds.

Southeast Asia. In terms of tin reserves, the region ranks $1 in the world and has significant reserves of nickel, cobalt, tungsten, copper, antimony, and barite. In addition, there are oil, gas, bauxites, chromites and others. mineral resources. Exploration for hydrocarbons is being carried out on the continental shelf. Of the $36$ promising basins, $25$ belong to Indonesia. Hard coals are also found in Indonesia and Vietnam. Ore minerals, the reserves of which amount to more than $1271 million tons, are found in Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines, Kampuchea. Of the ores of non-ferrous metals, aluminum and copper ores are known - Indonesia, Vietnam, Kampuchea.

Other types of resources of Foreign Asia

Foreign Asia is rich in its superficial waters, but distributed water resources across the territory unevenly, and security decreases from the southeast to the northwest. Water resources are used, usually for irrigation, which helps to solve problems associated with drought, soil salinization and windblown. In India, for example, $95\%$ of fresh water consumed goes to irrigation. Mountain rivers contain colossal reserves of hydropower, which is best provided in the humid tropics. Due to the economic backwardness of the mountainous regions, the hydro potential of the rivers is poorly used. For example, the hydro potential of the rivers of India and Pakistan is used by about $10\%$. Large Asian rivers have basins covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. They are among the most important types of natural resources.

Another type of resource is soil. The huge size, diverse relief and climate were the conditions for the formation of a complex soil cover. Podzolic, sulfur and brown forest soils have formed in the temperate climate zone. In the steppe regions - chernozem-like and chestnut soils. In the subtropics of the Mediterranean, brown soils are dominant, and in the monsoon regions, yellow and red soils. Peculiar tropical soils - regura or black soils formed on the Hindustan peninsula.

If speak about forest resources, foreign Asia is not rich in them. There is only $0.3$ ha of forest resources per capita, and the average world level is $1.2$ ha per person. Low availability of forest resources is typical for India, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Singapore. The south-east of the region is best provided with forest resources. Here, the areas of forest resources are not only large, but also accessible, which threatens their existence.

recreational the resources of the region began to be studied and used only in the second half of the $XX$ century. Attractive for tourists are the warm seas of Southwest Asia - Turkey and Southeast Asia - Thailand, Malaysia.

The Indian platform (outcrops of the crystalline basement) is characterized by iron ore reserves. Large deposits of Chhota-Nakpur, with an iron content of 60%. Manganese ores, titanium-magnetite ores, deposits of zirconium, diamonds and precious stones are also concentrated here.

The basement outcrops of the Chinese Platform are rich in ore minerals. The Shandong-Korean shield concentrates deposits of iron ores, polymetals, copper, gold and uranium ores.

Platform syneclises are rich in fuel and energy resources.

The Chinese platform is one of the world's centers of coal accumulation, especially the area of ​​the Loess Plateau. The age of the coal is different. East of 110 0 E predominantly Carboniferous, Jurassic to the west. 90% of coal reserves are anthrocytes. The largest basin: Datong, one of the 20 largest coal deposits in the world. The oil content of the Chinese platform is exceptionally high (1/3 of the territory of the PRC is promising for oil). The largest oil basins are the Ordos, Sichuan, East China, as well as the Dzhungar, Tarim and Tsaidam depressions.

The Indian platform is also rich in coal. The vast majority of reserves are concentrated in the Paleozoic layers, and the richest deposits are located in the valley of the Damodar River.

The Indian platform is not rich in oil. The deposits discovered recently are associated with marginal subsidence of the platform (Tujarad and Assam).

The geological knowledge of the Arabian platform is extremely uneven: only the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf have been developed. The world's largest oil fields have been identified. Brown coal, bromine, copper ores, potassium salts, silver, table salt, etc. have also been found here.

Paleozoic structures are rich in minerals, but they are still little developed. These are polymetallic, copper, iron ores, tungsten, gold.

Mesozoic structures are also rich in minerals. The famous tungsten-tin belt passes through the central part of Indochina, the Malay Peninsula and a number of Indonesian islands, in which 60-80% of the world's reserves of tin, tungsten and antimony are concentrated. On the Shan-Yunnan Highlands there are large deposits of silver-lead-zinc and cobalt ores. The main type of mineral resources of the Cenozoic structures are fuel and energy. The largest oil deposits are confined to the foothills: Mesopotamia, the Persian Gulf, the Indo-Gangetic lowland and the Irrawaddy river valley. The Persian Gulf is the pole of oil accumulation. The largest deposits on land are Ghabar and offshore Safania. Here are the most productive wells. The flow rates of one well in Saudi Arabia are 363 tons, Abu Dhabi - 626 tons, Iran - 1427 tons, USA - 3.5 tons. Currently, oil production is moving to the Asia-Pacific shelf.

Alpine structures, in addition, are confined to deposits of brown coal (within the Himalayas - resinous coals), as well as deposits of sulfur, bauxite, borates, phosphorites, and chromite deposits are associated with intrusions. Foreign Asia accounts for: antimony-75-80% of world reserves, oil-69%, tin-61%, native sulfur-51%, phosphates-47%, Turkey, Iran, Syria. gas-35% - countries of the Persian Gulf. tungsten-33%--Burma, China, Turkey, Japan. zirconium muscovite-30% - India. nickel - 20%, chromites - 18% Turkey, Iran, Philippines.

The region of Central Asia is rich in natural resources. The reason for this is the structure of the surface of Central Asia, which is due to the complex geological history: several phases of mountain building, the growth and destruction of mountains, the advance and retreat of the sea, changes in atmospheric circulation, glaciations. The seismic activity of the territory is associated with mountain building (earthquakes up to 9 points often occur here), as well as the placement of most of the minerals - oil, gas, coal, gold, polymetals, rock crystal, rock salt.

Natural resource potential

The natural resource potential of a territory (NRP) is the totality of its natural resources that can be used in economic activities, taking into account scientific and technological progress. The territory of Central Asia is rich in various natural resources.

Oil (million tons) Gas (billion cubic meters) Gas * (billion cubic meters) Coal (billion tons) Uranium (t) Uranium * (t) Hydropower resources (billion kWh/year)
Kazakhstan 4 000 3 300 6 800 35,8 622 000 1 690 000 40,2
Turkmenistan 2 860 23 000
Uzbekistan 1 875 5 900 93 000 185 800
Kyrgyzstan 20 000 142,5
Tajikistan 460 000
Total for CA 4 557 8 041 37 706 39,8 715 000 2 355 800 709,7
Place in the world 6-8
* - Reserves, according to official bodies of countries, national companies

Table 1 - energy resource potential of the Central Asian countries

Organic fuel plays the leading role in the production and consumption of fuel and energy resources (FER) in the region. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan account for over 20% of the world's proven uranium reserves. Explored reserves of coal will last more than 600 years, oil - 65 years, natural gas - 75 years. At present, the region is increasingly identified as a potential supplier of hydrocarbons in various directions and to various markets, and there are many possible projects and export routes.

Rich reserves of fuel and energy resources are distributed unevenly across their territories. Thus, 88.6% of the explored coal reserves in the region are concentrated in Kazakhstan, and 86% of oil. In Uzbekistan, coal - 4.9%. Gas reserves are more or less evenly distributed between Turkmenistan (43%), Uzbekistan (30%) and Kazakhstan (27%).

More than half of the total volume of consumed energy resources in the Central Asian Republics (CAR) falls on the share of natural gas, about 3/4 of which is used in Uzbekistan. The second place is occupied by coal consumption, about 93% of which is used in Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan uses 38% of the oil consumed in the region, 34% falls on the share of Kazakhstan.

The country Production (billion m 3) % of world
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Kazakhstan 10,8 10,8 10,6 12,9 18,5 0,7
Russia 545,0 542,4 555,4 578,6 589,1 21,9
Turkmenistan 43,8 47,9 49,9 55,1 54,6 2,0
Uzbekistan 52,6 53,5 53,8 53,6 55,8 2,1
Source. BP World Energy Statistics, 2005.

Table 2 - Gas production in Central Asia and Russia

The countries of Central Asia have significant reserves of water and energy resources, which are distributed extremely unevenly across the territories of the states. The region contains 5.5% of the economically effective hydro potential of the world. The total hydropower potential of the region is 937 billion kWh of electricity per year. A significant part of this potential (56.2%) is concentrated in Tajikistan, but its development is at a low level. Kyrgyzstan (0.8 million kWh/sq. km) and Tajikistan (3.7 million kWh/sq. km) are especially different in terms of annual hydropower potential per unit of the country's territory.

Within Kyrgyzstan, 25% of the total flow of the rivers of the Aral Sea basin is formed, Tajikistan - 43%, Uzbekistan - 10%, Kazakhstan - 2%, Turkmenistan - 1%. In the energy balance of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, the basic source is hydropower. The share of hydropower plants in the installed capacity in the whole of the United Energy System (IPS) of Central Asia reached 35%, in Kyrgyzstan - 79%, Tajikistan - 93%. Uzbekistan generates 52% of the total electricity. Kazakhstan annually faces seasonal flooding in the southern regions and a high concentration of salts in the mouth of the river, lack of irrigation water in the summer, which led to a number of social and environmental problems. In general, the use of the economically efficient part of the hydropower potential in the region does not yet exceed 10%.

In general, determining the consequences of the global crisis in the countries of Central Asia is possible subject to significant investment in the sectors most affected by the crisis, taking into account the specifics of each country. The decline in foreign investment in these sectors is the most serious problem. The remaining political risks do not add optimism regarding the investment attractiveness of the region's countries. The reduction of foreign investment in the modernization of hydrotechnical facilities could lead to a new energy crisis throughout the region and increase tensions between neighboring states. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen integration interaction by combining the efforts of the countries of Central Asia to solve common regional problems. Concerted actions are the most important factor of regional security and a necessary condition for developing the production capacities of the fuel and energy complex of the countries of the region, increasing their energy self-sufficiency, expanding their energy export potential, and saving investment resources.

At the same time, the region has large renewable energy resources, the introduction of which into the energy balance can be a significant contribution to achieving sustainable economic development, a stable energy market, and ensuring favorable environmental conditions. In a number of republics, the trend towards the use of renewable energy sources (RES) is at the stage of developing National Programs.

The above concepts of the countries of the region in the development of energy industries lead to the need to diversify the structure of the energy sector, including expanding the use of renewable energy sources. As a number of studies show, the share of renewable energy in the energy balance by 2050 should be about 18% or even higher in order to stabilize the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

In general, the analysis of the potentials of the energy resources of the countries of Central Asia identifies important problems that require the collective efforts of all states in the region:

Consolidation of water and energy resources, since for decades a single energy system has been functioning in the region with the dominant role of the hydropower industry of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and gas supply, the main suppliers of which were Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan;

Cooperation in the field of ecology. As a result of extensive exploitation of the environment, the possibility of its reproduction has been significantly undermined;

Rational, efficient water use of transboundary rivers. The socio-economic and environmental well-being of the states of Central Asia depends on a comprehensive solution to this problem.


The history of Central Asia is extremely complex, the territory of which lay on the path of invasions by many conquerors and powerful migrations that influenced the composition of the population, the formation of languages, and culture. Large states were formed that left a deep mark on history, and collapsed under the blows of the conquerors. The periods of flourishing cities, agricultural oases gave way to their death and desolation, high achievements of science and art alternated with times of cultural decline and stagnation. On the ruins of the collapsed states, new ones arose, there were endless feudal wars.

Under these conditions, the process of ethnic formation of the peoples of Central Asia was going on. The initial elements of the ethnic community of today's nations were formed back in the 9th-12th centuries. The peoples of Central Asia are linked by ethnic kinship. In addition, the ancestors of many of them for a long time were part of the same states, fought together against foreign invaders. They were also brought together by their joint participation in uprisings against feudal rulers, as well as constant economic and cultural communication.