Why do cucumber fruits turn yellow on a bush. Why do cucumbers turn yellow and what to do? Yellowing due to a large number of ovaries

Almost every gardener is faced with a problem when cucumbers, leaves or ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse. There are many reasons for this. What does this mean and what needs to be done to improve the situation, AiF.ru asked the experts.

“Most often leaves or ovaries get sick. If the fruit turns yellow, then most likely it is a lack of trace elements, nutrition. Perhaps not enough nitrogen. In this case, it is necessary to alternate root and foliar top dressing, ”says breeder Lyubov Chistyakova.

Biologist and agronomist Mikhail Vorobyov also believes that yellowing leaves and ovaries indicate a lack of nutrition. “Cucumbers turn yellow only in one case, when they are overripe. Then the skin becomes yellowish, and the pulp becomes completely tasteless, although edible. It happens that it is not the cucumbers themselves that turn yellow prematurely, but the ovaries. This is when the flower of the vegetable bloomed, a small fruit appeared, and then it turns yellow and disappears. This means that the plant lacks nutrients. Cucumbers are very sensitive to soil fertility. If the soil lacks nutrition, then the plant simply gets rid of extra cucumbers. They die at the earliest stage. This, of course, is embarrassing. If you notice such a disgrace, the plant must be fed. The best option is to fertilize the soil with horse manure, diluted in water 1:10, and let it brew for a couple of days, and preferably a week. If it is not there, then the most common fertilizer such as Nitrofaska, Azofoska or Gomel fertilizer, ”says Vorobyov.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

The problem when the leaves turn yellow also directly depends on the condition of the soil. Gardener and designer Olga Voronova explains this phenomenon with three reasons. If the castings are yellow and the veins are green, then there is not enough iron; if completely yellow, without veins - there is little calcium in the soil. Sudden changes in temperature in the greenhouse can also provoke yellowing.

“The greenhouse is such a stressful place in which any vegetables are not very comfortable. And here it is very important what material it is made of, since cucumbers react to any change in the weather and even to the change of day and night. If cucumbers have suffered some kind of climatic stress, then the plants lose nutrients, including iron, calcium. Processes slow down, the fruits temporarily stop absorbing nutrients from the soil, ”explains Voronova.

If this problem is detected, the leaves should be treated with epin and zircon, and the next day, the expert recommends spraying the leaves with a preparation containing calcium.

When cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, what to do is the first question that gardeners have. First of all, you need to determine why the problem occurred. This can be a violation of agricultural technology, and a lack of nutrition, and pest infestation.

Experts identify 5 reasons due to which there is a change in the color of the tops of cucumbers in the greenhouse.

The leaf turns yellow if:

  • improper watering;
  • lack of lighting;
  • lack or oversaturation of the soil with nutrients;
  • infection with pathogenic bacteria and fungus;
  • the presence of pests on leaf plates.

In this situation, the green mass on the lower part of the plant most often suffers. If the cucumbers turn yellow in the ovary, then the reason lies in problems with pollination or plant overload. To solve it, it is necessary to remove some of the embryos and flowers. The answer to the question of why the fruits of cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse is frost. As a result of a sharp temperature drop, a young crop could die or be seriously injured. This also applies to flower stalks. In addition to these problems, the ovary is affected by an imbalance in nutrients, improper agricultural practices, and pest infestation.

When figuring out why the fruits turn yellow, you should pay attention to plant care. With proper agricultural technology, a change in color causes overripeness. It leads to the fact that the cucumbers outgrow in size, the peel becomes yellowish, the flesh becomes less crispy. These non-hybrid cucumbers are suitable for seed collection.

Knowing why the tops fade in the greenhouse and how to deal with it, you can avoid serious problems in a timely manner.

Why cucumbers turn yellow in the open field

The reasons why cucumbers turned yellow in open ridges may be similar to greenhouse ones. A number of factors affect the color change of the cucumber leaf plate.

  1. Wrong watering. The lack of moisture affects the loss of leaf turgor. Yellow dry spots form on it, which lead to the withering of the entire plate. If watering is excessive, then the root system begins to rot, which also causes the leaf to turn yellow.
  2. Burn formation. When watering in sunny time, the drops remaining on the leaf plates dry out quickly, which leads to a burn.
  3. Inappropriate neighborhood. Cucumbers don't grow if the wrong place is chosen for them. Bad predecessors are pumpkin, squash, watermelon. After them, pathogenic bacteria remain in the soil, and there is also a lack of nutrients needed by cucumbers.
  4. Place. The reason may be hiding in the wrong place. Excess sun, strong drafts, swampy soil are not suitable for a growing seedling.

Not only leaves, but also the ovary of cucumbers can turn yellow. This moment is most often associated with:

  • excessive formation of the ovary;
  • pollination problems;
  • violation of the rules of agricultural technology;
  • temperature difference;
  • shortage of fertilizers.

The answer to the question why the cucumber inside turns yellow is:

  • lack of oxygen in the soil;
  • insufficient soil moisture;
  • defeat by infections (peronosporosis, fusarium wilt).

Effective ways to combat yellowing

It is important not only to know why cucumbers turn yellow on the ridges and in the greenhouse, but also what to do in such a situation. Often, the solution to the problem requires changing the conditions for keeping plants or treating them with disinfectants.

Features of agricultural technology

Violation of growing conditions often leads to the fact that cucumbers turn yellow and dry leaves, ovaries or the fruits themselves. For this vegetable, it is important to make the conditions as optimal as possible. This applies to ridges under the film and in unprotected soil. In order for vegetables to grow well, they need warmth, timely watering and top dressing. If yellowing of cucumbers is noted in the greenhouse, what to do depends on what the problem is.

Often, the reason is hidden in untimely watering. As a result of a lack of moisture, the soil overheats, the leaves begin to turn yellow, then they dry. Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants. But it is important to follow a number of rules.

  1. Water quality. For cucumbers, it is recommended to use settled water.
  2. Temperature. To prevent cucumbers from turning yellow, use heated water.
  3. Regularity. Young cucumbers require regular watering. During the heat, watering is carried out daily in the evening. In case of frost, the amount of water is reduced. Watering is transferred to the morning.

Another important factor to consider before planting is heat. Low temperatures can be the reason why cucumbers dry in the greenhouse. To solve it, it is important that a constant temperature is maintained in the room. If the air is too hot, organize ventilation.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Often the reason why cucumber leaves turn yellow is improperly prepared soil. This problem is especially felt when. In such cases, it is not possible to change the soil annually or enrich it naturally. Accordingly, the question arises of how to feed the cucumbers in order to avoid the appearance of yellow leaves or ovaries.

If cucumbers have already been planted, then they must be fed during the season with potassium, wood ash and other mineral compounds. With a lack of nitrogen, urea helps well from fertilizers.

Experts recommend planting plants in prepared beds. For this, mullein is first introduced into them. It is important that only rotted manure is used. Fresh leads to a burn of the roots. From folk methods, top dressing with infusion of chicken manure shows high efficiency.

Pest and disease control

The reasons why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse or in unprotected ground include infection with pests or other diseases. Experts note a wide variety of pests that lead to a change in the color of the tops or damage to the crop.

  1. Bacteriosis. The defeat of plants is associated with a violation of the rules of agricultural technology. Excess moisture leads to yellowing of the ovary. During the formation of young fruits, a yellowish coating forms on them, then warts and ulcers form. The plant ceases to bear fruit and dies. Bordeaux mixture is used as a treatment against bacteriosis. In order not to turn yellow leaves and fruits, it is enough to spray the plants and remove already withered leaves and affected cucumbers. Subsequently, excess moisture in the soil should be avoided.
  2. Powdery mildew. The disease is characterized by a change in the color of the leaves. They first turn yellow, then dry. The disease affects plants, both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Fungicides are used for control.
  3. Fusarium wilt. In the greenhouse, yellowing of cucumbers is associated with this disease. Fusarium is transmitted through the soil and leads to the loss of most of the crop. The fight requires the processing of soil, plants and all equipment that is used for work. Yellowed tops, fruits and plants are completely removed and burned.
  4. Aphid. The pest often infects plants under a film cover or in open ground. You can find it on the back of the sheet. For the fight, special drugs are used. Also, landing next to the beds of garlic, fennel, marigolds, and mint effectively helps against aphids.
  5. Corner spotting. The disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow or whitish spots. The tips of the leaf plates dry out, curl. The disease actively progresses at high humidity and high temperatures. Greenhouse plants are more susceptible to it. For the fight, 1% Bordeaux liquid is used.

In order for the cucumbers in the greenhouse not to turn yellow, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive work against the spread of diseases and pests. They are based on a set of rules.

  1. Disinfection. Before planting the plants, the soil must be disinfected. For this, chemicals or a solution of manganese are used.
  2. Prevention of pests and diseases. To prevent diseases from being transmitted to a new crop, all dried greens are removed from greenhouses during the harvesting period.
  3. Weeding. In a greenhouse and on open ridges, it is necessary to regularly weed the soil. Weeds are not left in the aisles, but are disposed of in compost heaps or burned.
  4. Removal of affected plants. If the leaves turn yellow and dry, they must be removed immediately. Also come with the ovary or fruits.
  5. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. The greenhouse maintains a constant temperature, avoiding drafts and excess moisture or drying out of the soil.
  6. Timely pest control. Planted seedlings are treated against pests several times a season.

Compliance with preventive measures, as well as knowing the reasons why cucumbers turn yellow, allows you to avoid problems in a timely manner and get a bountiful harvest, both in the greenhouse and in the open field.

It often happens that there are ovaries on cucumbers, but they do not develop, but turn yellow and fall off over time. The phenomenon is unpleasant, but correctable. Therefore, we propose to talk about why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and what to do about it.

Why does the ovary of cucumbers not grow, but turn yellow?

The bush grows without forming

Most greenhouse varieties of cucumbers (most often the ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow) able to grow a huge vegetative mass. Such plants must be stepchildren - pinch, blind. In short, it is necessary to pinch all stepchildren growing from the axils of the first 3-5 leaves, as well as all shoots growing higher, after the 2nd leaf. Only in this case, the sun-loving cucumber will be able to receive enough light for the growth of the ovaries, and the ovary of the cucumbers will not turn yellow and fall off.

Thickened plantings of cucumbers

We know that cucumber greenhouses are built in the sunniest place. But even if the place of growth is chosen successfully, the thickening of plantings of cucumbers will lead to the fact that the ovaries of cucumbers will turn yellow and dry from lack of light. On one "square" of the greenhouse, no more than 2-4 plants should grow, and if you grow parthenocarpics, then 1-2 plants at all. Therefore, be sure to take into account the recommendations on the packaging from the seed manufacturer, and do not thicken the planting of cucumbers, otherwise you will not be able to get a good harvest.

High-yielding hybrids cannot produce too many ovaries

Here we will talk about high-yielding hybrids, often paternocarpic (not requiring pollination), in which the ovaries are located in almost every leaf axil. Often such plants are not able to "feed a lot of babies", so they sacrifice some of them, and sometimes all the green babies, so that the plant survives. What to do, if cucumber ovaries do not develop and fall off for this reason? To relieve the plant of an unbearable load - to remove part of the ovaries even before the flowers have blossomed. At the same time, cucumber liana is able to feed no more than 25-30 fruits.

But if you notice that only a few cucumber ovaries turn yellow, the rest grow well, this is normal. This means that the plant itself knows how many fruits it can feed, and gets rid of the rest.

Cucumbers started on a too young plant

In an immature plant with a weak leaf apparatus, but already a long main and side lashes, cucumbers are often formed. But the “teenager” cucumber cannot yet give full nutrition to the fruits, and is forced to get rid of the greens. Try to prevent this - remove flowers on too young, fragile plants, cut the lashes.

Plants do not pollinate

Most gardeners grow self-pollinating and non-pollinating varieties in greenhouses. However, traditional varieties of cucumbers that require pollination are also quite frequent guests in greenhouses. If the female flower is not fertilized, the ovary of cucumbers does not develop, turns yellow and falls off.

How to help the plant in this case?

- attract pollinators. Open the windows so that insects can get into the greenhouse, spray the plants with sweetened water with boric acid (per 1 liter - 1 gram) for more intensive formation of ovaries. But cloudy, rainy weather, or very hot and stuffy bees in the greenhouse are difficult to lure, so you have to resort to hand pollination.

-manual pollination of cucumbers. You can either pick the male flower and gently fan the female flower with it, or you can transfer the pollen from the male flower to the female flower with a brush.

- plant several varieties of cucumbers, more precisely - for high-yielding varieties in which predominantly female flowers are formed, it is necessary to plant a pollinator variety, on which male flowers are also formed.

Problems with pollination are possible at too high a temperature, above 30 degrees, when the pollen of male flowers becomes sterile. In this case, even the ovary of cucumbers pollinated with sterile pollen will turn yellow and fall off.

Lack or imbalance in the nutrition of cucumbers

Cucumbers need to be fed regularly with watering, once every 7-10 days. But, depending on the stage of development, the composition of cucumber dressings should change: during the set of green mass, the plant needs more nitrogen and phosphorus, and during the period of pouring cucumbers - phosphorus and potassium. If plants are fed even after flowering with one infusion of mullein, grass, chicken manure and other fertilizers rich in nitrogen, but poor in potassium, the ovaries of cucumbers will turn yellow. The peculiarity of the lack of potassium is expressed in the twisting and yellowing of the baby cucumber from the end. In this case, it is good to spray (and also add to nitrogen fertilizers) the plant with a solution of wood ash and calcium nitrate (3 tablespoons of ash and 10 grams of saltpeter per bucket of water), or a complete mineral fertilizer such as Mortar, Kemira.

Overripe cucumbers

It is very important not to overexpose ripe cucumbers on plants. "Zeltyakov" and overgrowths significantly inhibit the growth of young cucumbers - the plant believes that it coped with the task, brought up the offspring with full-fledged seeds, and the development of fruits in the future is not so necessary.

Improper watering and lack of moisture

Cucumbers are very fond of water, but there are nuances. Before flowering cucumbers and during fruiting, cucumbers need to be watered often - 3 times a week, and in the heat - every day. However, during flowering, in order to form more female flowers, it is recommended to stop watering for a few days so that the soil dries out and the leaves are slightly wilted. After the appearance of female flowers with ovaries, watering is immediately resumed, and in larger volumes than before flowering. If at this time the soil is dried out, the ovary of cucumbers falls off.

Another important point - do not water the cucumbers with cold water. The temperature of water and soil should be approximately the same, around 23-25 ​​degrees (ideally). Watering cucumbers with cold water not only contributes to the appearance of a large number of male flowers, but also leads to yellowing and falling of the ovaries of cucumbers.

Unfavorable air temperature

This factor is the most difficult to control. The ideal temperature for the development of cucumber ovaries is 21-26 degrees during the day and 18-20 degrees at night. With sharp changes in night and day temperatures, the soil cools, the roots begin to die off and, naturally, the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow. To avoid overheating of the soil during the day, mulch it; in too cold weather, it is recommended to install dark containers with water in the greenhouse - they accumulate daytime heat and smooth out temperature changes at night.

Do not forget to ventilate greenhouses in the heat - it happens that with the ovaries of cucumbers will gasp simply from the catastrophically high temperature.

Diseases of cucumbers

Diseases are also the cause of yellowing of the ovaries of cucumbers. These are mainly bacterioses that develop on too weak, densely growing plants. Favorable conditions for bacterioses create sharp temperature fluctuations. Bacterioses of cucumbers are fought with fungicides.

Very often, the ovaries of cucumbers wither from root rot, when a healthy-looking plant begins to dry out from above. Due to the inferior functioning of the root system, the plant does not properly provide the fruits with nutrients. In this case, you can avoid falling off the ovary of cucumbers by tilting the plant to the soil and pouring fertile soil on the healthy part of the stem. Over time, young, healthy roots will appear in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vine, and the plant will recover safely. He can be helped in this by treating him with complex mineral dressing and removing a significant part of the ovaries.

A serious problem when the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow. What to do? Do not sit back, but stepson, water, feed, air, and your cucumbers will surely thank you with a generous harvest!

It happens that the ovary on greenhouse cucumbers, which seems to be developing normally, for some reason begins to turn yellow and wither. From this, fruiting decreases, and the vegetable grower does not get the harvest. The reason for this phenomenon is often errors in the agricultural technology of the crop, which some gardeners can make. Let's find out why the ovaries of cucumbers growing in a greenhouse turn yellow and what to do to help the plants.

The reason for yellowing and drying of the ovary of cucumbers is often the young age of the plants. Such bushes do not yet have time to form a sufficiently strong leaf apparatus that will fully nourish the ovary, so young plants are forced to get rid of it, since they themselves are not yet strong enough.

While the cucumbers are growing and forming, it is necessary to remove all the flowers, since there will still be no full-fledged greens from them anyway.

Violation of the optimal temperature regime of air and soil

The ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and dry out from too high or low temperatures of greenhouse air or soil, or from sudden changes in temperature in a short time. Plants suffer greatly when it gets cold during the day and especially at night, as their ovaries grow at night. Under such conditions, the root system of cucumbers does not develop, or this process goes poorly and may even begin to die. In cold soil, healthy roots lose their ability to properly absorb nitrogen from the soil, and the ovaries lack the essential nutrient they need.

There is an ideal temperature that must be maintained in order for cucumbers to grow and develop normally. Before fruiting is:

  • 22-24 ° C - in clear weather;
  • 20-22 ° C - in cloudy weather;
  • 17-18 ° C - at night.

When the cucumbers begin to bear fruit, the temperature must be slightly increased:

  • 23-26 ° C - in clear weather;
  • 21-23 ° C - in cloudy weather;
  • 18-20 °C - at night.

For varieties pollinated by bees, all temperature indicators should be 1-3 ° C higher.

The maximum temperature that cucumber plants tolerate well is up to 36 ° C, the minimum is 13-15 ° C. The temperature regime above and below these limits has a negative effect on vegetative cucumbers, they either overheat or overcool. All this has the most negative effect on the growth and development of the ovaries, they begin to turn yellow.

Sudden temperature changes most often occur in greenhouses. During the day, the air and soil in them are very hot due to the fact that excess heat cannot go outside, and at night they cool sharply. No culture welcomes such temperature drops, but cucumbers are the most sensitive to them.

Measures to combat overheating of plants include:

  • ventilation of greenhouses in the heat;
  • whitewashing the walls and roofs of shelters with chalk;
  • shading plants with white reed shields or mats;
  • abundant watering in the evening;
  • mulching the soil under cucumbers with hay, straw, fresh sawdust, black film or agrofibre of the same color.

To avoid a decrease in temperature at night, low greenhouses are covered with another layer of film, dark-colored containers with water poured into them are installed in them. During the daytime, the liquid will heat up and accumulate heat, and at night it will release it into the airspace. In large greenhouses, if electricity is supplied to them, electric or infrared heaters are installed. Such stoves that run on wood, sawdust and pellets, for example, such as Buleryan, are excellently heated.

Lack or imbalance of nutrients

Often the reason that the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and do not grow is malnutrition, that is, a lack of basic elements and trace elements in the soil. This picture can be observed when the plants have exhausted the supply of nutrients in the soil, and there are no additional top dressings. Varieties and hybrids with a bundle type of ovary suffer especially from malnutrition. In this case, it often turns out that 1-2 cucumbers grow, and the rest wither.

Cucumber embryos can also turn yellow from an excess of nutrients or illiterate fertilization without observing the required proportions.

When the flowering phase begins, cucumbers need phosphorus, and when fruiting, nitrogen and potassium, so you can save the bushes and the crop if:

  • reduce or stop feeding with fresh manure;
  • replace it with wood ash (300 g per 1 m 2 of planting area);
  • feed them with solutions of complex fertilizers: Crystalon, Master, Mortar, Kemira, Agricola, etc.

Such dressings are needed both for greenhouse cucumbers and for those that grow in open beds, but they are especially relevant for plants planted in closed ground, since in such conditions the need for nutrition is greater.

Improper watering - excess or lack of moisture

Cucumbers, as humid tropical plants, are very partial to moisture, but in order for them to grow and bear fruit, they must be watered correctly. Before fruiting, watering should be moderate, and with its onset - more abundant. The optimal frequency of watering is after 1-2 days, in the heat - daily (or even 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening). In general, you need to look at the condition of the soil - if it is dry, it is necessary to water the beds. If the ground is wet, you can skip the next watering. The main thing is to keep a balance, since the lack and excess of liquid in the soil is equally unfavorable and can lead to yellowing of the ovaries.

Water for irrigation of this crop in a greenhouse should be separated from chlorine and warm (23-25 ​​° C), cold is not acceptable (such a liquid causes temperature stress on the roots, which ultimately affects the state of the whole plant, including the ovary).

The best time for such events is in the evening or early morning. You don’t need to do this during the day: the water will quickly evaporate, this will only raise the humidity of the air, while the plants themselves will be able to get moisture in a minimal amount.

Insufficient air humidity

Dry air is another reason for the yellowing of the cucumber ovary. These plants have an increased need for high relative humidity (at the level of 85-95%). If this indicator is lower in the greenhouse, transpiration will be more intense, so the absorption of moisture from the soil by cucumbers will also increase. If it is not enough in the soil, the leaves and ovaries will begin to wither, the flowers will fall off.

The necessary measures to prevent yellowing of the ovary are irrigation of the soil between the rows (but not the plants themselves). Water, evaporating from the ground, will increase the humidity of the air in a closed greenhouse.

dense plantings

Cucumbers need a lot of light for normal growth and fruiting. Despite the fact that the beds for their cultivation and greenhouses are always located in a sunny place, the plants themselves can shade each other. This happens if the seeds or seedlings were planted too densely.

At the initial stage of development, a small area is enough for plants. But with the growth of bushes and the growth of green mass, the fruits are in dense shade, which provokes yellowing of the ovaries and their subsequent fall. Bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids throw out the barren flower, postponing fruiting.

The correct placement of plants can correct the situation. When choosing planting schemes and calculating the number of cucumber bushes per 1 m 2, it is worth considering:

  • sizes of beds in greenhouses and on the ground;
  • construction of shelters and trellises;
  • belonging of grown cucumbers to one or another variety or hybrid;
  • the degree of weaving of the plant;
  • method of forming a bush;
  • terms and place of cultivation.

On average, 3 to 6 cucumbers are placed per 1 m 2. The gardener can get basic recommendations regarding the selected variety or hybrid from the manufacturer's instructions on the seed bag. They must be adhered to in order to prevent thickening of plantings and yellowing of fruits.

The bush grows without forming

In a greenhouse, one of the reasons why cucumber ovaries turn yellow is the lack of bush formation. On the ground, this problem manifests itself less, walking here with vertical cultivation of crops, the bushes must be looked after.

Most varieties and hybrids intended for cultivation in greenhouses intensively increase their green mass. This is facilitated by a special microclimate, as well as enhanced planting nutrition. While the bushes are busy with leaves and shoots, they do not bear fruit. In addition, Zelentsy also suffer greatly from shading.

The formation of plants will help speed up the process of ripening the crop. It consists in the fact that the first ovaries, side shoots and leaves are removed from the cucumber, forming the so-called blind zone below. Depending on the timing of cultivation and the characteristics of the variety or hybrid, it may be different. On average, from 3 to 8 first knots are subject to blinding.

  • for specific conditions (heated or not heated, high and low greenhouses);
  • growing time (early spring, spring-summer, autumn-winter);
  • type of cucumbers (bee-pollinated, parthenocarpic);
  • places of cultivation (open or closed ground).

When using shaping, the fruits receive enough nutrients and light, do not turn yellow.

Pollination problems

When growing insect-pollinated varieties and hybrids, the reason that the ovary turns yellow and falls off may be that insufficient fertilization of female flowers occurs. Risk factors include:

  • weather;
  • early or late growing periods;
  • improper microclimate in the greenhouse;
  • lack of plants with a pronounced male type of flowering.

Bees, which are the main pollinators for cucumbers, do not fly in rain, cloudy and cold weather. They also do not show much interest in hot greenhouses and greenhouses, so they need to be attracted there. In order for the insects to do their job, it is worth opening the windows and doors. Spraying plants with a solution of water and honey, boric acid will help.

If there are no bees, the gardener will have to work hard for them. To prevent cucumbers from turning yellow, hand pollination is used. Work is carried out in the morning when the female flower blooms, in warm and dry weather. Apply a soft brush or male flower stalks.

Growing several varieties or hybrids of cucumbers in a greenhouse also helps to increase the number of fertilized ovaries. If the main crop belongs to plants with a predominantly female type of flowering, it is worth planting bushes with them that stably form male inflorescences. They will act as good pollinators for greens. Usually, 10% of such plants are enough to solve the problem of yellowing cucumber ovaries in a greenhouse.

Too many ties

Small cucumbers turn yellow even if the fruit load on the bush is too high. Then the plant itself regulates the number of fruits that it can grow. Isolated cases are not the reason for intervention by the gardener. Measures to save the crop must be taken only when the cucumbers drop the ovary en masse.

The main reasons for such sabotage are:

  • insufficient nutrition of the bushes;
  • incorrect formation;
  • beam type of fruiting plants.

High-quality soil preparation, regular fertilizing, the use of optimal shaping schemes, and the removal of part of the ovaries will help to correct the situation so that the rest of the greens can get enough nutrition and grow.

Overripe cucumbers

Often cucumbers turn yellow and do not grow in the upper nodes when the fruit is picked irregularly and inattentively. This happens because most of the nutrients go to the greens hanging below. They are getting bigger, moving into the biological stage of maturity.

At the same time, the plant itself no longer needs to grow new ovaries. He is quite satisfied with the seeds that he has. He does not need to spend resources on the formation of new cucumbers.

To obtain a good harvest, fruit harvesting is carried out regularly. During the period of mass fruiting - every day. All greens that have reached the size characteristic of the variety or hybrid are plucked, preventing them from overgrowing. Exceptions can only be specimens that gardeners specifically leave for seeds.

Causes of yellowing fruits

The whole reason is the wrong growing procedure. The most important thing is to create a positive microclimate for the growth and development of the plant. It is necessary to provide it with good lighting, a stable temperature not only of the air, but also of the earth, and the greenhouse should also be constantly ventilated. It is very important to monitor the nutrition of the soil with water. In no case should it dry out, as this can lead to yellowing of the fruits and their wilting. Why are their embryos in the greenhouse, and what should be done?

  • Yellowing occurs due to a lack of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil. This can be prevented by fertilizing the soil during each season. To do this, you can purchase special preparations for feeding cucumbers. They already contain the trace elements necessary for the plant. But do not overdo it with fertilizers, as excessive consumption can also negatively affect the plant.
  • If hybrid varieties are used, up to 150 ovaries can form. All this contributes to the overload of the bush, which leads to fruit disease. For greenhouses, 25 ovaries are enough, you need to get rid of all the rest.
  • Every year it is recommended to change the place for growing cucumbers, since constant cultivation in the same greenhouse depletes the soil very much, and it, in turn, becomes infected with various infections that provoke the formation of yellow leaves and fruits. All this can lead to plant disease and crop loss.
  • Insect pests also negatively affect cucumber bushes. They feed on the juice, shoots and fruits of the plant, which causes the cucumbers to turn yellow, dry out and eventually die. Moreover, such pests are able to multiply at an increased rate. This situation can be avoided if the bushes are examined and treated with special preparations every day.
  • Cucumber ovaries may turn yellow due to improper fertilization. The pollen of the flowers of the plant is sticky, which attracts the attention of bees. To attract them, you need to use more magnesium fertilizers and other trace elements.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is not so easy. To grow a good crop, proper care of the plant is necessary. If you follow all the rules and useful tips, then in the spring you can try fresh homemade cucumbers. And why the cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow and what needs to be done, you can see in the video.

Other causes of yellowing fruits

Some reasons can even lead to the death of the ovaries. In some cases, cucumber leaves may turn yellow at the edges. Often this happens due to insufficient pollination. In this case, premature vegetation occurs in cucumbers, which leads to their death.

As already mentioned, a large number of them can be the cause of yellowing of the ovaries. Because of this, the plant does not have enough strength to provide nutrition to all the ovaries. That is why they, along with the leaves, begin to turn yellow.

Helpful Hints

Why do cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse and what should be done? Many gardeners want the answer to this question. The first step is to establish the causes of this phenomenon, and then begin to deal with them. But it is best to carry out prevention in order to prevent yellowing of the leaves and fruits of the plant. You need to follow clear rules and useful tips, and then this situation will never happen.

  • It is extremely important to monitor the watering of the beds. It must be done in a timely manner. Do not allow the soil to dry out too much.
  • Crop rotation must be done correctly. This affects the spread of fetal diseases.
  • As you can see, there are about 4 mature leaves on the plant, they need to be sprayed. To prepare the product, you will need to mix a liter of milk, 1/5 of laundry soap and 35 drops of iodine. Mix all this in 10 liters of water. With this tool, you need to spray the plant about every 1.5 weeks.
  • You should also constantly feed cucumbers. Top dressing is allowed to use both mineral and organic origin.
  • In order to prevent the fungus from appearing on the plant, it must be constantly sprayed. Soda will help us with this. Dissolve one large soda solution in 10 liters of water. This product should be sprayed on the plant.
  • To get rid of the yellowing of fruits and leaves, it is necessary to spray the plant from a special infusion. He prepares easily. First you need to soak the bread overnight. Then it is worth pouring a vial of iodine into it. After that, it is worth taking 1 liter of the prepared mixture and diluting it in a bucket of water. Spray the plant every 14 days.

  • At the initial stage of yellowing, the plant can still be saved. To do this, you need to use a weak agent of potassium permanganate, which you need to water the bushes in order to.
  • From various pests, ordinary onion peel can help. First of all, it must be boiled and left to infuse all night. Then you need to measure the amount of husk. It must be completely packed into a 700 gram jar. This amount is required for 10 liters of water. This solution is useful not only for spraying the leaves, but also for watering.

Causes of yellowing cucumbers on the balcony

Many people do not have summer cottages, so they have to look for other places to grow plants. Basically they are trying to grow on balconies. But everyone knows very well that cucumbers are very unpretentious, so in such conditions they feel very good. But even with this method of growing cucumbers, you may encounter the problem of yellowing of the fruit. Why do cucumbers and their embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse, and what should be done? The reason for this phenomenon can be very diverse.

This may be due to a lack of nutrients. It is recommended to grow cucumbers at home in sufficiently large containers, and it is better to use garden soil. In the early stages, it is better to feed the plant with a solution of mullein, and a little later you can use mineral fertilizers for indoor plants.

In some cases, the embryos may fall off due to the occurrence of bacteriosis. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to preheat and disinfect the seeds. Only after such a procedure can they be planted. It does not matter where the cultivation of cucumbers will take place in greenhouses or on the balcony, the most important thing is proper care of the plant.

What diseases and insect pests lead to yellowing of cucumbers?

Proper cultivation

If you grow cucumbers not in soil, but in sand, then you need to follow a few rules.

  • You need to know that on hot days the plant needs abundant watering. That is why cucumbers need to be watered daily.
  • Water should be poured exclusively under the leaves. And due to the fact that they are not tied up, moisture is retained under them. Thus, the soil is protected from drying out.
  • Experts in this field recommend sprinkling ash on the plant. You can also use a special tool.

Its easy to prepare. For cooking, you need any weeds. For example, you can take nettles and put them in a bucket, and then fill them with water. In this form, the product should remain under a closed lid for about 7 days. After the product must be diluted and fertilized with cucumbers. It is necessary to pour it accordingly under the leaves. Ash helps to keep the plant, the leaves will never turn yellow.

Many inexperienced summer residents and gardeners do not know why cucumbers and their embryos turn yellow in a greenhouse, and what needs to be done. But first you need to establish the cause of the yellowing of the plant, and then proceed to its destruction.