How to clean the turntables at the gas stove. We clean the gas stove quickly and effectively to a shine. Cleaning fixed handles

If it is quite easy to clean the flat surfaces of a gas stove, then a problem may arise with the handles. Especially if you often fry, and the smallest splashes of oil scatter anywhere. Due to the relief and shape, the regulators are much more difficult to clean well. It is even more difficult if the handles cannot be removed from the stove. You will have to figure out how to clean the handles of the stove without breaking them in vain attempts to detach the handles from the surface. But there are practically no unsolvable problems in the economy. You can wash and clean everything if you approach the task in a businesslike way.

If the regulators can be removed

In this case, everything is quite simple. Removed handles should be put in a chemical-resistant container, applied with a fat-dissolving agent and left in the sink for a few minutes. Then, using a hard sponge and a toothbrush, clean the softened fatty layers, wash well with water and put them back clean.

As a fat remover, you can use:

  • household chemicals designed to remove fat from a gas stove and oven;
  • universal detergents;
  • glass cleaners containing ethyl or ammonia;
  • hot soda solution;
  • table vinegar solution;
  • a mixture of ammonia, water and a small amount of detergent;
  • a mixture of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 1.

The more aggressive the composition, the less time it will take for fat droplets to dissolve on the surface of the plate.

If the regulators are not removed

You will have to arm yourself with unnecessary toothbrushes, toothpicks and patience - in addition to an effective grease remover.

The easiest way is to clean the handles using soda, food or calcined. Dip a damp sponge in baking soda and gently wipe the handles. In difficult places, you can use cotton swabs or toothpicks. Then the soda must be washed clean, and finally wipe the stove with a dry soft towel. Almost the same efficiency has a solution of vinegar. With the help of an acetic solution, you can wash not only the old dirt from the regulators, but also from all surfaces.

Perfectly dissolves even the most ancient and persistent fatty contaminants ammonia. It is not necessary to use it undiluted, dilute the ammonia bought at the pharmacy by half with water. With a cotton swab and cotton swabs, apply ammonia on the surface of the handles and around them. After a few minutes of this, unpleasant dirt can be easily washed off. In difficult places, you will have to clean the regulators with a toothbrush or toothpicks.

You can successfully deal with kitchen grease stains with household chemicals. Some of them are amazingly effective, but you should not choose the most "vigorous" remedy in the hardware store. As a rule, it will be the most aggressive and can damage the surface of the household appliance and harm your health.

Inventive lazy people have come up with a way to keep the stove and handles from getting dirty and make cleaning the kitchen easier. For this, ordinary food foil is used. It covers the hob around the burners, and the regulators are wrapped in it. As it gets dirty, the foil simply changes to a clean one, and the greased one is sent to the trash can. If your aesthetic sense does not dominate your practicality, this method can save you time and energy for something more interesting than cleaning the kitchen.


All work on cleaning the stove must be done with gloves. You must first disconnect the stove from the power supply.

If you decide to clean the handles at the stove with caustic chemicals, be sure to take care of your own safety: put on a mask, open windows for good ventilation.

And never mix several products together - a chemical reaction can begin, releasing extremely hazardous substances!

No matter how hard the hostess tries, but in the process of cooking, dirt constantly accumulates on the stove in the form of splashes of fat, food particles. This is especially noticeable on the handles, since they have a rather complex shape that makes cleaning difficult.

Removable and non-removable handle cleaning technology

Sooner or later, you have to solve the problem of cleanliness radically. And in this case, in order to clean the handles at the stove, you need to decide whether they are removable. It depends on the method of cleaning, its speed and effort.


Removable handles are very convenient, in this case you can also put in order the panel to which they are attached: frozen fat always accumulates in the place where the parts fit.

How to wash the handles of a gas stove - step by step:

  1. Carefully pull each handle towards you and remove from the special pins.
  2. If the contamination is strong, place the regulators in a washing solution for several minutes (dissolve grated laundry soap, powder or dishwashing detergent in water with t 80 °), then clean them of grease with a sponge or an old toothbrush to wash hard-to-reach places.
  3. If there is little dirt, simply clean the switches with a soapy sponge in the sink.
  4. Rinse in clean water, wipe dry.
  5. Rinse the panel, especially at the attachment point.
  6. Put dry, clean handles on the pins.

Now the stove looks completely different: well-groomed and neat. Cleanliness solely on the hob does not give such an effect.

What to do if the handles are not removable

For electric and some models of gas stoves, the handles are not removable. But you can still clean them, it only makes cleaning a little more difficult, but does not cancel it.

In this case, you can simply wipe all contaminated surfaces with a damp cloth, or resort to special household chemicals in the form of a spray, or even cook them at home. The spray is sprayed, getting into the most inaccessible places. It is left on the surface for a few minutes, then removed with a damp cloth and wiped dry.

When it comes to more thorough, for example, weekly cleaning, it is better to do this:

  1. Spread old newspapers or film on the floor near the stove so that when cleaning non-removable handles, detergents do not drip or fall on the floor: then just roll everything up and throw it away.
  2. The electric stove must be disconnected from the mains.
  3. Treat with a special spray or cleaning agent containing chlorine, the surface of the handles and the panel itself, leave for 5-10 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.
  4. Heavily soiled areas can be rubbed with an old toothbrush or household sponge.
  5. In order to clean the handles in hard-to-reach places, use the tip of a toothpick.
  6. Wipe everything with a clean, damp cloth several times, carefully removing the remnants of detergents.
  7. Wipe the plate dry. It remains only to throw away the auxiliary materials spread below.

Do not forget only about safety: wear rubber gloves and a bandage or a respirator to protect your respiratory organs from caustic substances in time.

Means for cleansing pens from grease

For cleaning in the kitchen, you can choose industrial household chemicals: from environmentally friendly to "thermonuclear" or use home remedies, which is always at hand.

Baking soda powder or soda ash

It is possible to wash the handles of the stove with water and soda - food or soda. For this you need:

  • dip a wet sponge in any of the powders and clean the surfaces;
  • if necessary, use an old toothbrush;
  • rinse with a clean, damp cloth, completely removing the soda;
  • wipe the surface dry.

Lemon juice for mild stains

This is a very simple method, but it is only suitable for light greasy. You need to apply it like this:

  • squeeze juice from a lemon;
  • moisten a swab with it and generously lubricate the handles of the stove;
  • after an hour, clean with a sponge or brush and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

So cleaning is doubly pleasant, because after cleansing a natural citrus aroma remains, which cannot be said about the next method.

Ammonia solution (checked by the editors)

Ammonia is often used as a household cleaner: it has a very strong smell, but it is extremely effective. They must be used very carefully, otherwise you can get poisoned:

  • dilute ammonia with water in half, not forgetting about the protection of the respiratory organs and skin of the hands;
  • moisten a cloth with a solution and wipe the dirt;
  • rinse with a clean damp cloth.

An alternative is ammonia-anise drops. They do not have a pungent odor, do not require dilution with water, and at the same time are not inferior in effectiveness to ammonium hydroxide.

The result after cleaning with an aqueous solution of ammonia. The method is 100% working

Acetic essence solution for tough dirt

In this way, you can deal with dirt on the handles only on gas stoves, and only on those where the handles are removed. It is used only as a last resort: if the dirt is very old and it is impossible to wipe it off otherwise:

  • prepare a solution at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the product per liter of water;
  • put pens in it and put to boil;
  • 5-7 minutes after the start of boiling, turn off the stove, drain the water and let the parts cool at room temperature. In no case do not cool them under cold water, this will lead to cracks;
  • then rub a little strong dirt, which will now lag behind well, and rinse with clean water.

Do not forget that all work on cleaning the regulators must be carried out with gloves.

To cope with cleaning faster, you can cover not only the hob, but also wrap the handles themselves with food foil. This will allow you not to wash the stove at all, but simply throw away the soiled coating and replace it with a new one. But not everyone will like this method, since the stove in this case looks completely unpresentable.

Regular cleaning makes things a little easier. It is enough to wipe the handles daily with a cloth to remove the dirt that constantly appears there.

There is another effective surface cleaner: ready-made wet wipes in packs from hardware stores. They are inexpensive and last a long time. As part of the impregnation - citric acid, alcohol and antistatic agents. Therefore, they degrease well, keeping the surface clean for a long time.

As a degreasing agent, you can use glass cleaner: this is not a specialized product, but it also contains alcohol, so it is suitable for regular surface treatment.

Whatever way you choose to maintain cleanliness, as a result of daily manipulations, the stove will get dirty less, and any, even the most serious cleaning, will take no more than 1-2 minutes.

It is not difficult to deal with dirt on the handles of the stove. It is enough to remember just a few ways to deal with them and preventive measures to stop worrying about this problem area in the kitchen forever.

The stove is the very first assistant in cooking. It does not matter whether it is gas, induction or electric, these household appliances are operated by us every day. During the operation of a popular household appliance, many housewives are wondering how to clean the handles of a gas stove, because we touch them to control the power of the hob. In fact, removing dirt from these regulators is not as easy as it seems at first. Ordinary detergent does not dissolve grease, and the sponge itself becomes dirty and sticky when applied, but does not remove dirt from the handles. And what should we do, how to wash the handles of the gas stove? We'll deal with this right now.

Main varieties

The first thing our hands touch when we want to turn on the stove is its handles. At the same time, we do not particularly care about the cleanliness of our hands; we turn on or off the household appliance at any time we need. Very often, grease, dust, water and other contaminants get on the switches, which, when dried, form an unpleasant coating of dirt.

If you notice severe contamination of the regulators, then before you clean the handles at the gas stove at home, you need to find out whether they are removable or not, and only then start washing them. You can determine this by pulling the handle head towards you:

  • If it can be easily removed, then the elements are removable.
  • In the case when, with the applied efforts, the regulator remained in place, you are faced with a monolithic structure.

Important! To avoid electric shock, before cleaning the electric stove, it must be disconnected from the mains.

Removable handle cleaning:

  1. If the handles are removable on your electric or gas stove, then it will not take much work to clean them of dirt. Remove all switches from the stove and take them to the bathroom. Fill a bowl with hot water, and put all the items that you removed from the stove into.
  2. To get the desired effect, you will need various detergents. You can use washing powder, laundry soap, dishwashing detergent or a special grease remover. In hardware stores, you can buy a huge amount of various household chemicals that are designed to clean greasy contaminants. All these tools will be quite effective, but before you clean the handles of the stove from fat, dip them in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After some time, remove the switches from the basin, rinse with warm water from dirt. If the dirt has got into hard-to-reach places or on small elements, then you can use an old toothbrush to remove it.
  4. Rinse the switches in clean water, dry them, after which they are ready to be installed in their usual place.

Washing non-removable handles

When wondering how to clean the handles of a gas stove if they are not removable, you need to understand that it will be quite sufficient to clean them superficially, since we cannot get inside the monolithic structure. It is worth noting that it is also very difficult for dirt to penetrate there.

If the regulators are very dirty, then first you need to make a mass wash, and only then a spot one:

  • Treat the handles with a stovetop cleaner that you usually use to remove grease deposits on the stove.
  • Leave for 10 minutes and remove the main layers of contamination.
  • The next step is the point processing of the handles. Using a toothpick, carefully pick out the dirt from the crevices and recesses. Use a soft cloth, preferably dampened with detergent, to wipe the handles.

Important! For additional disinfection, it will be just fine if the selected cleaning agent contains chlorine.

  • Cotton swabs can be used to thoroughly clean difficult places.
  • After carrying out all cleaning procedures, use a clean rag and plain water to rinse the front panel and handles of the gas stove.

Your hob is now ready for further use again.

Important! In addition to handles, during cooking, fat gets on the burners and the surface of the stove as a whole. Find out how to clean them by reading the articles on our website:

How to clean the handles of a gas stove from fat with folk remedies?

Today, household chemical stores sell a huge amount of gels, solutions, powders and other cleaning products with which you can effectively remove grease and dirt from any surface. The price of these miracle products is quite high, but there is no full guarantee that the chemical composition will help wash the hands. Before you spend a lot of money, try folk remedies that can cope with pollution just as well as store-bought detergents.


Vinegar can be used to clean the removable handles of an electric or gas stove. This acid is likely to be found in almost every kitchen, in addition, it can not only remove strong pollution, but also remove unpleasant odors, and additionally disinfect surfaces.

To achieve the desired effect, adhere to the following cleaning instructions:

  1. Remove the handles and place them in any enamel pot.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water and 250-300 ml of vinegar into a container.
  3. Bring the resulting solution to a boil, leave in this state for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid, cool the handles, rinse them in warm clean water, while removing the remaining dirt with a toothbrush.
  5. After drying, the regulators will look like new.

Important! Acetic acid can be replaced with lemon juice.

In addition to the stove, fat from frying also gets on nearby surfaces, especially the hood. Explore information about.


It turns out that ammonia-anise drops, which can be purchased at almost all pharmacies, are not only an excellent cough remedy, but they will also help to remove stubborn dirt from the handles of stoves and other household appliances.

Important! If you didn’t have such drops at hand, then you can also use pure ammonia, diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

To achieve the desired cleansing effect, follow these recommendations:

  1. Soak a brush or sponge in the medicinal composition.
  2. Clean all handles with calm, even strokes.

Important! In case of not very strong pollution, you can use cotton pads or sticks, which must be moistened with an anise-ammonia solution, and use it to remove unpleasant plaque and fat from contaminated places.

Lemon juice

When choosing a way to clean the handles on a gas stove, pay attention to freshly squeezed lemon juice, which dissolves almost any dirt. To achieve the desired result, it should be used according to the following instructions:

  • Squeeze out the juice of one lemon.
  • Get your spare toothbrush ready.
  • Dip the brush in lemon juice and carefully clean the surface of the stove regulators in places of contamination.

Important! If there are a lot of small, non-washable, greasy dots on the switch surface, then the brush after treatment with lemon juice should be lowered into baking soda and lightly wipe the problem area.

  • To completely clean the handles, alternately dip the brush in lemon juice and water, and thoroughly wipe the contaminated surfaces. The reaction that takes place helps to dissolve the dirt.

Important! To wash off the sticky lemon juice and soda residue, at the very end, the handles are washed with a clean sponge and water.

Laundry soap

A rich soap solution made from laundry soap will also help clean greasy and sticky grime from stove handles.

Grind 50 grams of laundry soap on a fine grater, mix it with 100 ml of boiling water, wait until the soap swells and dissolves.

Important! If your stove has removable regulators, then you need to soak them overnight in a soapy solution, and after about 8-10 hours, wipe thoroughly with a sponge, rinse abundantly in clean water. Fixed handles are cleaned with the hard side of a kitchen sponge, liberally dipped in soapy water.

After cleaning, wipe the handles with a damp, clean cloth, allow them to dry completely.

Wet wipes

Sometimes, to clean not heavily soiled handles, it is enough to wipe their surface with wet wipes. Many wet wipes that effectively remove dirt include castor oil and citric acid. This is a gentle cleaning method for both the handles of the gas stove and your hands.

Use wipes according to the following instructions:

  1. Wrap a damp cloth around your finger.
  2. Thoroughly treat the contaminated surface.
  3. Change wipes as they get dirty.
  4. After the cleaning process, dry the handles with a clean cloth.

Important! To clean the handles of a gas stove, you need to choose only one of the cleaning methods, and not combine them. This is especially true for folk methods, because the chemical reaction can be unpredictable.


Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health. Proper care of household appliances will ensure a long service life. This is especially true of the kitchen, namely the gas stove, which helps you in cooking, which means it most often gets clogged. We will tell you how to clean the gas stove without damaging it, and what tools to choose for this.

Folk remedies in the fight against pollution: time-tested

The modern chemical industry offers a lot of products that will easily and quickly clean your stove from any contaminants. But lately, housewives have been skeptical about such substances. There are several reasons for this: such products can be expensive, they are unsafe, therefore they require special storage (which becomes more relevant if there are children in the house), and it is recommended to use them with rubber gloves.

The stove can be perfectly cleaned with the help of folk remedies

For women, it is important that such products, even with protection, negatively affect the skin of the hands, which means that you need to use creams. This adds expense to the already high cost of cleaning gels and powders. In addition, we all faced such a situation: it is urgent to clean the stove, and the industrial tool is over. And running to the store is not an option. This is where the long-known and used tools, which are probably always at hand, will come to our aid:

  • laundry soap solution;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia alcohol;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia-anise drops.

Almost all of these tools will easily help you cope not only with pollution on the gas stove, but also clean almost all household appliances to a shine - a refrigerator, a boiler, an electric kettle, a washing machine, a juicer. They can handle any dirt, and most importantly, their advantage is the possibility of safe use even with children.

Folk remedies that will help you in the fight against plate pollution

Cleaning sequence

  1. First of all, disconnect the stove from the gas supply. This will be required so that you do not accidentally turn the gas supply knob into the burner. If the stove has an ignition button powered by electricity, then you need to disconnect the stove from the power source. Thus, you protect yourself from injury.
  2. Now remove the grate. It should be placed in a large container (such as a bathtub or basin of a suitable size) and completely filled with hot soapy water. To prepare it, dissolve 72% laundry soap flakes in water (at the rate of ¼ soap bar per 5-7 liters of water). Make sure that the grate is completely covered with the solution. Leave for a few hours.
  3. Remove the burners (if the design of the stove provides for their disassembly) and send them to soak in a basin with a grate for the same time.
  4. While the grate and burners are soaking, remove food residues, crumbs and other dirt from the surface of the stove, which can be easily removed dry. Do not wet the stove for this, otherwise the cleaning will be delayed. Use a kitchen sponge with a hard side or a thick cloth for this.
  5. Cleaning the stove handles from dirt is perhaps the most difficult stage of work. These elements become clogged especially intensively and have many hard-to-reach places. We will describe this process in detail below.
  6. If you do not have a hob, but a full-fledged gas stove with an oven, then you know how difficult it can be with it. We will also consider cleaning the oven in detail, so that it is easier for you to choose the most convenient method.

Usually, all elements must be removed from the surface of the stove for thorough cleaning.

The plate is disassembled, which means that the preparatory stage is over. Now we'll get to work.

Removing grease stains from the surface

The first assistant in the fight against greasy stains is hot water. Of course, it will not completely break down fat, especially old and dried up, but it will be able to soften it. After that, soda comes into play. Spread it evenly over the surface of the stove, abundantly moistened with hot water, and leave for half an hour. The effect will be enhanced if you use a soapy solution.

After the plate has soaked, carefully wipe off the applied mixture with a soft sponge. Now wipe the surface with a 1:1 solution of water and ammonia.

Attention! Do not use metal brushes or sponges. With them you will scratch the surface, and on damaged areas, subsequent pollution will settle much stronger. If a regular sponge does not cope, use a toothbrush. A cotton swab will help to clean out hard-to-reach places.

Use laundry soap for cleaning. Grate part of the bar and add some hot water. Mix to a paste and apply evenly to the surface. Leave for 15 minutes, and when the fat sours, rinse with warm water. Wipe any remaining product dry with a clean cloth.

A toothbrush can help clean hard-to-reach places

Lemon juice, vinegar and citric acid will also be effective helpers against fat. Apply any of these products to the entire surface of the contamination and wipe off after 15-30 minutes. Also, burnt areas or dried spots of fat will be destroyed by a solution of vinegar and ammonia.

It is much easier to deal with if your stove has stains from syrup, coffee or cocoa containing sugar. In this case, ordinary hot water will help you. Sugar at high temperature turns into caramel, which is difficult to clean, but easily, literally in 15-20 minutes, dissolves in water.

Cleaning the stove handles

Handles on a gas stove, as the smallest and most frequently used elements, get dirty quickly. In addition, due to the design, pollution settles in hard-to-reach places.

Removable handles are the easiest to clean. To do this, just take them out and put them in a container with a cleaning agent. In a concentrated solution of laundry soap, these parts must be kept for quite a long time, depending on the degree of contamination, about 8 hours. But during this time, fat and dried food particles will completely soften and leave the surface.

Stove handles can be the hardest to clean

If you want to speed up the process, then use vinegar essence diluted with water (2 tablespoons of the substance per 1 liter of water). Don't forget to wear rubber household gloves! The solution should completely cover the handles. Boil them for 5-7 minutes, drain the solution and leave the pan with handles to cool. Don't try to cool them down with cold water. When the parts are completely cool, clean them with a sponge. You can use soda in special cases.

It is more difficult if the handles on the stove are not removable. In this case, you will need patience, and they will come to the rescue:

  • toothpicks;
  • cotton buds;
  • Toothbrush;
  • soda (preferably not food, but calcined, if the pollution is too strong);
  • ammonia.

First, put some baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe the handles thoroughly. After that, take on hard-to-reach gaps. Here it is better to use ammonia. Dilute it in water in a ratio of 1: 1 and apply to the gaps with a cotton swab, rubbing well. After 10 minutes, the dissolved dirt can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth or sponge. Remove the rest with a toothpick.

How to effectively clean your oven

  1. Wipe the oven thoroughly with a paper towel. Wet the inner walls with soapy water and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the fat soaks a little. After that, pour a weakly concentrated soapy solution into a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Set the temperature to 120 degrees and leave the oven with the door tightly closed for 30 minutes. All contaminants will melt and dissolve in hot steam. After that, the oven must be thoroughly wiped with a soft cloth and rinsed with clean water.
  2. Soak baking soda or citric acid in water, and apply this product to the moistened interior surfaces of the oven. Leave on for 15-25 minutes, depending on the degree of soiling, then dry thoroughly with a paper towel and rinse with water.
  3. If the pollution is insignificant, then an aqueous solution of vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 will cope with them. Moisten the inner walls with it abundantly, turn on the oven at 50 degrees and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off all impurities with clean water.
  4. Such a folk remedy will help remove more serious pollution. Apply the vinegar solution in the same proportion to the walls of the oven and sprinkle with baking soda. During the reaction of extinguishing the soda with vinegar, fat and dried food residues will lag behind the surface. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid to avoid a strong smell.
  5. Ammonia is also good at removing stains. Rub it generously on the oven surfaces from the inside, close the door and leave for 10 hours, for example, overnight. In the morning, the oven must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water so that the smell of ammonia completely disappears.
  6. Pour 200 ml of ammonia into a baking dish and top up with water. Put in the oven for half an hour. All dirt can be easily wiped off with a sponge and soapy water.
  7. Sprinkle the inside of the oven with a thick layer of salt, and let it heat up to 100 degrees for 30 minutes. Let the oven cool down, sweep out the salt and dirt residues and rinse the surfaces with cold water.
  8. Make a simple but very effective paste: mix equal parts of salt, baking soda and water. Apply the product to the surface that is dirty and leave for 10 hours. After that, wash off the residue with cold water.

Even heavy dirt in the oven can be washed with improvised means

Any of these tools will help you clean not only the oven, but also the gas stove completely.

Video about gas stove cleaning

As you can see, in order for your stove to shine clean, it is not at all necessary to use expensive chemicals. If you know any other folk ways, share them in the comments. Comfort to your home!

Sometimes there are some problems with cleaning the handles of the stove, especially if they are embossed and complex in shape, because it is impossible to protect them from pollution. Consider various methods and tools to simplify the care of the stove handles.

Cleaning the removable handles

Finding out whether or not the stove handle, or rather the handle of the gas supply or burner power regulator, is removable or not, is very simple. It is enough to gently pull on yourself. The handle should come off. If this does not happen, the handle is non-removable.

For cleaning, remove the handles, put them in any container, fill them with clean warm water, add laundry soap or another fat-dissolving agent (for example, Synergetic, Economy Santry, Shumanit). The water should cover the handles completely. We leave for 20-30 minutes.

Then, using a metal brush for dishes or a sponge, we remove the dirt. If that's not enough, use baking soda and a toothbrush. Thus, it will be possible to remove accumulated dirt in hard-to-reach places of the handle.

After removing all dirt from the handles, we clean the places of their installation with soda and a toothbrush.

All handles and places of their installation after the use of cleaning agents are thoroughly rinsed, wiped and dried before being installed in their original place.

Cleaning fixed handles

Cleaning non-removable handles is much more difficult, because a non-removable handle cannot be soaked separately in a soapy water solution. A particularly hard-to-reach place is the gap between the plate body and the handle.

For high-quality performance of such cleaning, it is necessary to apply a pre-prepared solution of any detergent to the surface of the handles. After half an hour, using a kitchen sponge, toothbrush, toothpick, hygienic sticks or cotton pads, thoroughly wipe all surfaces and crevices. When it is difficult to remove pollution, a slurry of soda and ammonia is used. Upon completion of cleaning, carefully wipe and dry all parts.

The presented video shows an example of cleaning non-removable handles: in what sequence to do the work, what tools to use and how to use them correctly.

Folk remedies

As often happens, the necessary cleaning agent is not at hand, or its price is not satisfied. In such cases, folk remedies always come to the aid of housewives, which are in no way inferior to industrial chemistry.

Ammonia. A well-known stain remover that is in every home first aid kit. With an aqueous solution of ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1, using a hygienic stick and a cotton swab, wipe all contaminated places until the dirt is completely removed. Aqueous solution can be replaced ammonia-anise drops.

If you inhale ammonia vapor from ammonia, you can get poisoned, so the cleaning procedure must be carried out in a mask.

Citric acid and baking soda. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is the easiest option. With a toothbrush dipped in such juice, the contaminated surface is treated until the solidified fatty deposits are completely removed. When difficult, use baking soda. The toothbrush is alternately dipped in soda and juice to wipe the problem area.

Vinegar solution. Vinegar solution is used only for removable, heavily soiled handles. The removed handles must be lowered into a solution consisting of 0.7 liters of water and 0.2 liters of table vinegar. Boil the container with the solution and handles for a quarter of an hour. Remove handles and let cool. Replace thoroughly wiped, dry handles.

Laundry soap. Laundry soap and soap solution very well clean surfaces from old dirt. Grated soap (50 g) on ​​a fine grater is mixed with 100 g of boiling water. After the soap is completely dissolved, the removed handles are soaked. Usually they are left overnight. With the help of a sponge and a toothbrush, remove the soaked dirt and rinse thoroughly. After complete drying, set in place. Fixed handles are washed with such a solution, wiped with a sponge and brush until the dirt is completely removed, washed and allowed to dry.

Hygienic wet wipes. Wet wipes are impregnated with camphor oil and citric acid. Wiping the knobs of the stove switch with such wipes is not difficult after cooking. The napkin is wound on any stick or without it and the handle is wiped.

Wipe the handles after each use of the hob. Handles will always be clean.

Household chemicals

The industry today produces a huge range of household chemicals for cleaning any contaminants: gels, pastes, powders, solutions. They include various solvents, alkalis, soap, powdered components that will help get rid of old fat without any problems and will not spoil the stove itself. Each person can choose a means to remove any contaminants at the best price.

The most popular means of both domestic and foreign production are the following:

  • spray Shumanit;
  • cleaning agent Sandocan;
  • liquid for removing old fat on Bilyzna stoves;
  • Sanita gel.

Before using household chemicals, you must read the instructions and strictly adhere to them. Work should be done with protective gloves.

Precautions when using cleansers

When cleaning the knobs of the regulators, you must follow the simple rules of personal safety:

  1. All cleaning work, regardless of the means used, must be carried out with gloves.
  2. Studying the instructions for use of any cleaning agent, following the instructions for use is strictly necessary.
  3. Use a respirator when using strong household cleaning products.
  4. Be sure to ventilate the room after finishing work.
  5. Mixing different chemicals is strictly prohibited.
  6. When cleaning the handles of the electric stove, the power cord must be unplugged from the socket.

Pollution Prevention

Proper operation and cleanliness of not only the switch knobs, but the entire stove will predetermine its condition and prevent unnecessary pollution. Strictly adhere to the rules of operation - a guarantee of the durability of the plate.

Regular cleaning both during and after each preparation, clean hands, use of clean utensils and in accordance with the size of the burners are the ingredients for success in maintaining cleanliness and preventing contamination.

Even if you wipe the handles after each use, general cleaning is required periodically. After all, even the ancient Chinese believed that a sparkling clean cooking place helps maintain strong family relationships.

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