Area 15 acres. How to correctly calculate the required materials for the fence. The main factors in the formation of the final price of the fence

In the life of each of us, various legal issues may arise, for example, we can conclude a contract for the sale of a land plot or a lease agreement.

First of all, any person will be interested in how many square meters are in a hundred square meters and how to calculate it correctly. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to calculate - on a specific example

Weaving is a square, having a length and width of 10 meters, i.e. 10 meters * 10 meters = 100 m2 = 1 weave. In practice, this is approximately 12-14 human adult steps. By the same analogy, one can calculate a hectare: 100 square meters \u003d 0.01 hectares \u003d 0.02471 acres.

Example: A plot of 9 acres means a plot of 30 by 30 meters, or 20 by 45 meters, or 25 by 36 meters.

The origin of the word "hundred"

The word "weaving" comes from the concept of one hundredth of something. In this case, this is one hundredth of one hectare, in the example it will look like this 0.01 hectare.

Now on our land the entire area is measured in hundreds. And not only the earth is measured. An example can be carried out as follows, so a tractor driver needs to process 30-35 acres per day.

Why are calculations needed?

Thanks to these calculations, you can find out the size of your house or garden. The value of the land in the transaction will depend on the amount of land. Knowing the size of the land plot in acres, you can plan the development of other buildings on your land.

Abroad, it is customary to measure land by other measures. Before the introduction of the metric system in Russia, ancient Russian measurements were used. Previously, land was measured in tithes, and twelve such tithes were included in a hectare.

Yes, and on our land they began to measure the land in hectares and acres not so long ago. This happened from the moment of the beginning of the October Revolution and the formation of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

But even in our time, not in all countries they measure land in hundredths. And in the territories that were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, the land is measured by Dunam. In Thailand, the measure of the earth is called paradise.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: weaving is one hundred square meters. The concept of "weaving" is quite convenient, it arose about 100 years ago and its main property is the measurement of the earth.

The value is quite convenient and simple, does not require complex calculations. This calculation can be done by anyone. It is enough to take a certain number of steps, and you will see the allotted area.

The need to measure certain areas of land has appeared since the time of the migration of ancient tribes to other territories.

Plots of land were measured in units that changed depending on the era. Along with the evolution of mankind, agricultural affairs and industrial relations, the way the land was measured improved.

Each nation had its own measures of measuring the territory, which created inconvenience in foreign trade. In Russia, the first measurements were verst, mile, tithe, arshin and square sazhen. In order to eliminate the inconvenience, the society decided to create a universal measure for measuring plots of land.

Only in 1960 did the square meter become the universal unit for calculating area, and distance and length began to be measured in meters.


In the Russian Federation, the area of ​​a piece of land is measured in hectares. In most cases, in hectares (ha), the amount of land for payment of land tax is calculated. How to calculate 1 hectare? This can be imagined as much as you like both in the form of plans and in the form of tables.

Land area calculation plan:

  1. The length of a certain part of the earth is measured;
  2. The width of the land plot is calculated;
  3. The area of ​​the measured territory is determined.
  4. The resulting calculation result is converted into points and its own coefficient is used.

Ha are used in the fields of urban planning, in agriculture, in the design of land management works. In addition, this unit of measurement is also used to calculate the size of the field for playing football.

The units of area measurement also include the so-called hundredths (Ar) - a measure of calculating the land plot during the sale and purchase.


A hectare is a unit of area measurement. In size, 1 ha is equal to the area of ​​a square with a side of 100 m. The concept itself appeared in a person’s speech after 1917, and its abbreviated version, Ga, was formed 13 years later.

If the width and length of the area to be measured is 100 m, its area is 1 ha (10,000 m²).

Area calculation

  • To find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot, it is necessary to multiply the resulting length by the width;
  • If the figure is more than 10,000 m², then the land plot is more than 1 ha;
  • In order to determine the exact area, the resulting figure in ha should be divided by 10,000.


The term weave is understood as a piece of land with an area of ​​1 Ar (the diameter of a rectangle with a face of 10 m, a measure of the territory in France).

1 Ar is equal to 100 m², respectively 0.01 ha. For a visual example, mark a reference point, take 13 small steps, turn 90 degrees and walk the same amount. The square resulting from a small calculation is Ar of the land plot.

Weave is also called one hundredth of something. This type of calculation is convenient both for the construction and sale, and for sowing land.

The ratio of acres and hectares

People who are interested in buying a plot of land often ask themselves the question: how many acres are in a hectare? After all, it is there that we often meet with such a concept as weaving. Where does the question arise: how many acres are included in 1 ha?

Based on the previously stated text that 1 ha equals 10,000 m², it is necessary to calculate how many acres can fit into 1 hectare. Recall that 1 Ar - square with a diameter of 10 x 10.

So, 1 ha consists of 100 Ar. With the intention of converting Ap to hectares, one of the following methods must be followed:

  • We divide the required amount of Ar by 100. The resulting figure is the space of the land area in hectares;
  • We multiply the required number of Ap by 0.01.

Consider the ratio of calculus measures on the example of a table:

If there is a need to convert a hectare to acres, you must use this algorithm:

1000: 100 = 10 (Ar size of 1 thousand is equal to 10 hectares)

In case there is no Internet or calculator nearby, and you have to calculate hectares and acres on your own, you need to know some features of the translation of these units:

  • 1 ha is likened to 10,000 m²;
  • 1 weave is equal to 1 Ar, which, in turn, is equal to 100 m²;
  • 1 ha includes 100 Ar.

The ratio of Ap and m²

When calculating how many m² in Ar, you should remember the table above, which indicates that 1 Ar equals 100 m². In the calculation, this will be represented by the following equation: 10 x 10 = 100 m².

Despite the fact that these measures represent the degree of calculation of the area, they are still used in various cases. So, a square meter is most often used in calculating the size of living space and small land areas, a hectare - when building a city and large plots of land for agriculture (farms), and Ap are used to measure the territory with a duration and scale of not more than one hundred meters.

The word "weave" is widely used in informal communication of people, especially those associated with land. Yes, yes, what kind of gardener does not know how many acres of land on his plot? Already the old generation accurately and by heart remembers their three or six hundred square meters!

And although in official land documents it is required to mark the area of ​​\u200b\u200bplots only in hectares, especially when buying and selling, it is still more common for people to hear and consider land for a garden in acres.

For interaction with the cadastral authorities, the area of ​​​​the site is in hectares (ha). In this material, we propose to understand the terminology and units of land measurement, to find out what a "hundred part" actually is and what is its relationship with a hectare.

How many square meters are in one acre?

Whatever the reasons for clarifying the area of ​​​​your land plot, the dimensions of which you know in acres, the classic conversion from acres to meters will take place according to the scheme:

an area of ​​1 "weave" = 100 square meters (1 weave = 100 m2).

How to measure the area of ​​a piece of land with a simple shape?

It is correct to start measuring by measuring the sides of the site. Having scored pegs in the corners of the site, using a tape measure, make accurate measurements of their length and width. If the plot is of the correct geometric shape, then only two of its sides are needed - length and width. It is better to write down the measurement results in a notebook or enter it into a computer.

But if your site turned out to be asymmetrical - in this case, you need to measure all four of its sides and angles in degrees, or the length of the diagonals - also under the record.

If your garden is irregular in shape (NOT a square or NOT a rectangular plot), then the method of measuring the land plot is a little more complicated than multiplying the length and width, but it is quite within the power of an ordinary person without special education.

How to determine the size of the plot in square meters

To make the calculation as accurate as possible, you will need a tape measure, a few pegs and a notepad to record the measurement results. The entire course of the required calculation follows the laws of the school geometry course, which says that in order to accurately determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba rectangular figure, its width should be multiplied by its length, for example:

  • A - length, m;
  • B - width, m;
  • S - area, m2;

For example, if your plot of land is 70 meters long and 40 meters wide, then the area can be calculated as S = 70m * 40m = 2800 m2, that is, in this case, the area of ​​​​your land is 2,800 square meters.

Given that 1 weave is equal to 100 m2, we go the opposite way to transfer data from meters to hundredths. This will allow you to get the correct results of measuring the area of ​​this land plot. When calculating the number of square meters in a hundred, you need to divide the resulting result by 100, for example:

  • plot area - 1000 m2;
  • 1000 m2 divided by 100;
  • number of acres - 10

If your site is of an irregular geometric shape, but you correctly calculated its area in square meters, the method for calculating the size in acres remains the same. Large plots are usually measured in hectares, each consisting of 10,000 square meters or 100 acres.

Calculation of the land area with an online calculator

Today, there are quite a lot of services and online calculators on the network that allow you to calculate the area of ​​​​a land plot, just use one of the search engines, for example Yandex.

Keep in mind that the online area calculator will need the exact dimensions of all sides of the plot in meters in order for its algorithm to cope with an accurate calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour plot of land.

It is more difficult to calculate a plot of an irregular shape, and only the dimensions of the sides will not be enough to calculate the area of ​​a plot of a complex shape. Here you will need to know the dimensions of all sides of the garden, and the size of the diagonals. A little easier if one of the corners of the plot is 90 degrees.

Here is an example of calculating acres of land for a summer cottage of complex shape:

Dimensions of the sides of the land plot, in meters

  • Side A-B = 69 meters,
  • Side B-C = 46 meters,
  • Side C-D = 87 meters,
  • Side D-A = 35 meters,
  • Left bottom right angle (90 degrees)

Based on these data, you can determine the lengths of the diagonals B-D and A-C, and calculate the area of ​​​​the site = 3035 square meters (or 30.35 acres).

By fencing the perimeter or boundary of our household, we strive to hide from prying eyes. Having retired to their site, many owners are so obsessed with the idea of ​​​​isolation from the outside world that they erect fences up to 5-6 meters in height. Such fences can interfere with those living in the neighborhood. In order to avoid disputes in this regard, the current legislation establishes the rules for the construction of fences, their height and location.

General criteria, what should be the height of the fence and how to calculate it

The presence of a fence, its height and material of manufacture, are always due to factors that create discomfort for the owner, which include:

  1. Annoying neighbors. Homeownership does not always border on friendly tenants.
  2. Potential penetration hazard. A high fence will become a reliable natural barrier for people plotting to steal your property. For this purpose, profiled sheet fences have become a popular option. With a small thickness of the material, the upper edge of the fence is sharp, which does not allow leaning on it. In turn, the smooth surface of the sheets further complicates penetration into your territory.
  3. Neighbor animals. This is especially noticeable in rural areas, where even chickens are able to fly over a fence up to 2 m high. In the absence of a fence in such an area, animals that have entered your garden can destroy the entire crop.

With so many reasons, the question arises: “why are high fences not common?” It should be noted that this is due to the following factors:

  1. The main one is the cost of materials for construction. It is easy to calculate that the construction of a three-meter fence will cost as much as the construction of two half-meter ones.
  2. The higher the fence, the more its wind load increases. To withstand the pressure of a strong wind, it is necessary to install a solid foundation and strong pillars, which means additional costs.
  3. The high height of the fence will create discomfort for your neighbors. Such a fence will create a large shadow, which will negatively affect the growth of green spaces. Also, this will cause shading of the premises in the neighbor's house.
  4. Restrictions established by law.

The established requirements for the construction of fences require us to:

  1. If the construction of the fence is carried out on the main highways of cities and villages, then the material for its construction must be agreed with the local authorities.
  2. The height of the fence dividing the street or public area with your site should not exceed 220 cm from ground level.
  3. The material must not injure passers-by. Care must be taken that its surface does not contain a burr, skid and sharp protruding fragments. Building a fence from unpolished boards and decorating it with barbed wire would be too much.
  4. The fence separating neighboring territories should also not exceed a height of 2 m 20 cm, but there are certain nuances here:
  • by agreement of neighbors, fencing from raspberry, currant, bindweed, ivy plants is allowed. However, the height of this living barrier should not exceed 150 cm;
  • you need to install a fence that has a lattice look. For this, fences made of boards, gratings and nets are suitable, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gaps of which is at least 50%;
  • if you are planning to build a blind fence (brickwork, prefabricated or monolithic concrete slab, profiled material), then without the consent of the neighbors, it cannot be higher than 75 cm;
  • written permission from a neighbor will be required if you build a fence whose thickness exceeds 5 cm. Without it, with such parameters, you can build a fence within your territory;
  • when installing a fence made of brick, concrete and other materials that form solid sections, care must be taken to build drainage systems and drainage systems. If rain or melt water causes flooding of the neighboring territory, then its residents have the right to go to court with a claim for the dismantling or demolition of the structure you have erected;
  • when building a fence on your own, you need to understand that its poor-quality installation will annoy neighbors who will turn into enemies. It is unpleasant when, throughout the day, there is a continuous shadow from the fence in the windows or, for the same reason, the plants on the site wither.

When calculating the height of the fences, the material used for the posts and sections should be taken into account.

If the fence is made of chain-link mesh, then its height can be made more than two meters using profile pipes driven into the ground. The windage of such a fence is so small that at this point you can ignore it.

If a solid fence is erected, for example, from profiled sheets, then the effect of even a slight wind can deform the entire structure. To avoid this, you will need to lay a columnar or columnar-tape base.

When building fences made of stone or brick, you will also need a reliable foundation, as well as strengthening the pillars. As such, vertically mounted pipes with a treated surface are used, which are pre-concreted at the base.

Considering all of the above, it should be borne in mind that building codes and rules are not mandatory, but rather advisory in nature. It can only be enforced by local law.

Fence height standards listed in regional regulations may differ from recommended building codes. This is due to the fact that different regions of our country the sun has different elevation angles above the horizon. Differences in constant wind speeds in the regions are also taken into account, for example, a fence made of profiled sheets mounted on metal pipe poles will create a threat to life.

The height of the fence is not always limited by the norms. For example, in preschool children's institutions, it should be at least 160 cm, and in schools, bushes or other plants are additionally planted in front of them.

Linear meter - what is it and how to determine

To measure the means used, repair and construction processes, they use not an ordinary meter, but a special unit - a linear one. Often it is used to calculate the required amount of material for a fence under construction.

This unit of measure facilitates the calculation process and involves calculating only the length of the material, since its width is a standard size. From this it follows that this method is used to calculate the material in a rolled form.

The running meter is 100 cm. A large number of building materials have tags indicating the linear value. However, you can also meet with a note about the price per area. In this case, not only the length, but also the width is taken into account. A plot equal to 1m² consists of sides, each of which is 1m in size.

How to count a fence depending on the number of acres of a plot (5, 7, 9, 11, 20, etc.), examples

Before carrying out calculations, it is necessary to determine what kind of value - weaving. From the school mathematics course, it is known that the area of ​​​​1 weave (ar) is 10 10 \u003d 100 m², respectively, the area of ​​​​a plot of 10 acres \u003d 100 10 \u003d 1000 m².

It should be noted that it is impossible to calculate the length of the sides with only area parameters. Each land owner has documents that indicate the size of the holdings. Therefore, a plot equal to 5 acres (500 m²) can have dimensions, for example: 10x50 m; 20x25 m; 5x100 m; 15x33.3 (499.5 m²), etc. each of the given dimensions is equal to or close to the indicated area. It follows that the multiplied values ​​of each example will be equal to or close to 500 m². For example: 10 50= 500; 20 25=500; 5 100=500; 15 33.3=499.5. You need to understand that the plots are not perfectly square, rectangular or other regular shape. To determine the length of the sides, you need to add the length and width, after which the resulting value is multiplied by 2.

It is important to understand such a pattern that with the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figure, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the perimeters with different sizes of the sides will differ.

This fact is easy to verify with the help of a visual example. So, let's imagine that a plot of land equal to 4 acres has the form of four identical cells forming a square. In the image, we can see 8 outer sides of the cells. If we imagine that four cells are located horizontally, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe figure will not change, and there will be the same 4 acres. However, if you look closely, then in this case we will see not 8 external sides, but 10. This illustrative example explains the difference in the perimeters of the figure with the same area.

Substitute the available parameters: (10 + 50) 2 = 120 m - this is the total length of the fence on the site with a side size of 10x50x10x50 m. Accordingly: (20 + 25) 2 = 90 m; (5+100) 2=210 m; (15+33.3) 2=499.5 m.

The same principle applies to the calculation of fences for plots with other sizes. For example, a territory with an area of ​​7 acres (700 m²) will have side dimensions: 26.5x26.4 m (699.6 m²); 20x30 m; 10x60 m; 6x100 m, etc. Let's make a calculation: (26.5 + 26.4) 2 = 105.8 m; (20+30) 2=100 m; (10+60) 2=140 m; (6+100) 2=112 m.

A plot of 9 acres (900 m²) can have the following dimensions: 30x30 m; 10x90 m; 40x22.5 m; 15x60 m, etc. We make the calculation: (30+30) 2=120 m; (10+90) 2=200 m; (40+22.5) 2=125 m; (15+60) 2=150 m.

A territory of 11 acres (110 m²) can have the following dimensions: 50x20.2; 10x110m; 30x3.7 (111m²). We calculate: (50 + 20.2) 2 = 140.4 m; (10+110) 2=140 m; (30+3.7) 2=67.4 m.

An area equal to 20 acres (2000 m²) may contain plots of the following sizes: 10x200m; 5x400m; 40x50m; 70x28.6 (2002 m²). Let's make a calculation: (10+200) 2=420 m; (5+400) 2=810 m; (40+50) 2=180 m; (70+28.6) 2=197.2 m.

A plot of land equal to 27 acres (2700 m²) can have the following dimensions: 130x20.8 m; 10x270 m; 70x38.6 (2702 m). We make the calculation: (130 + 20.8) 2 = 301.6 m; (10+270) 2=560 m; (70+38.6) 2=217.2 m.

How to calculate the material for the fence (with specific examples)

To understand how in practice the required material is calculated in linear meters, it is better to consider this with an example. Our task is to determine how much material is required to make a solid fence. First you need to set the total length of the sides of the future building. Suppose that the proposed site on which the fence will be installed has dimensions of 20x50 m. Since the site is rectangular, you need to add these values ​​​​and multiply the result by half: (50 + 20) 2 \u003d 140 - the sum of the lengths of all sides of the rectangle or the total fence length. As a result of mathematical calculations, it was found that it occupies an area equal to 10 acres or 100 m².

For further calculations, you will need the parameters of each type of material, as well as the dimensions and design of the future structure. As an example, calculations will be made of materials for a fence made of: bricks, picket fence, boards and metal profile sheets.


To calculate the number of bricks for this fence, information is needed not only on the width and height of the spans, but also on the parameters of the pillars, since they will be built from the same material.

For example, the fence will be built of red brick with dimensions of 250x120x65 cm. The total length of the fence is 140 m.

The fence will have a basement level, consisting of four rows of bricks. The basement, located under two pillars and one span, contains 216 bricks. Plinth length - 4315 mm.

One of the masonry layers similar to each other of each pillar consists of five bricks. The height of the column and the span located on the basement is 1625 mm, which is 25 rows. Width of a column from the front side of 500 mm.

The width of the fence span is 3500 mm. The laying will be carried out to the width of one brick in 14 rows.

The available parameters are enough to make a calculation and find out how many bricks are needed to build the entire fence.

Let's start with the calculations. First of all, you need to establish how many bricks you need for the basement of the entire fence:

To do this, you need to divide its total length by the length of the brick: 14000: 25 = 560 bricks will be required for one row along the entire length. Since the basement part consists of masonry three bricks wide and 4 rows high, then: 560 3 4 = 6720 pieces of bricks will be required for the base of the entire fence.

Now we calculate the number of posts for the entire fence. To do this, subtract the distance between the midpoints of two columns from the total length of the fence: 14000: 400 = 35 spans and, accordingly, 36 columns. It should be borne in mind that there will be one more pillars, since the span on both sides is reinforced with a brick support.

Now you need to determine the number of bricks in one column. To do this, you need to multiply their number in one row by 25 rows: 5 25 \u003d 125 pieces. We multiply the resulting value by the number of all pillars: 125 36 = 4500 bricks will be required to build all the fence posts.

We do the calculation of the amount of material for the spans of a brick fence. We know that the height of the span contains 25 rows, and each of them has 14 bricks. We make a calculation by multiplying these values: 25 14 = 350 bricks are needed for laying one span of the fence. We multiply this result by the total number of spans: 350 35 = 12250 bricks.

profiled sheets

Sheets of profiled metal with the same height and width equal to 200x100 cm were chosen as the main material for the fence.

It is easy to calculate the amount of profiled material for a fence 140m long. This requires 140 sheets. This simple calculation is acceptable for a solid fence made of such material. If the design of the fence provides for protruding supports or other elements, these nuances should be taken into account, since the width of the spans will be reduced. Accordingly, less profiled metal is required.

foundation concrete

Concrete is most often used for the base of the fence. The shape of the foundation has its own characteristics, and resembles several connected geometric shapes, such as a cylinder, a cube and a rectangular parallelepiped. This form of foundation implies a strip-column base for fences made of heavy materials. To make accurate calculations of the required amount of concrete, you need to remember the school geometry course, namely the formulas for the volumes of these figures. For convenience, calculations will be made for each figure separately.

To find out the volume of concrete for a columnar base, you need to apply the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder, which looks like this: V \u003d πR²h, where π is the mathematical value of the geometric number equal to 3.14; R is the radius of the base of the cylinder; h is the height of the cylinder. The optimal dimensions for such a foundation are shown in the image.

Let's substitute the values: 3.14 ∙ 0.125² ∙ 0.5 \u003d 0.39 m³ you will need a mixture for one concrete pile.

Now let's make a calculation for a cubic foundation located under the pillars. To do this, you need to use the formula for calculating the volume of a cube, in which the length - L, height - H, width - S are multiplied: V=L∙H∙S. Let's substitute the values: 0.3∙0.3∙0.3=0.027m³ - concrete is needed for one base under the pillar.

Now you need to add the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bto find out how much mixture is needed for a foundation fragment consisting of the previously described figures: 0.39 + 0.027 + 0.129 \u003d 0.456 m³

By doing these simple calculations, you will get the exact parameters of the future foundation. To find out how much concrete is needed for the entire fence, you need to multiply the resulting value by the number of pillars in the entire fence structure. It should be borne in mind that the number of spans will be one less than the number of pillars. We previously established that the fence, which is 140 m long, will have 35 spans and 36 posts. Now it is easy to calculate the total volume of concrete required to install the foundation of the entire fence. For this: 0.456 ∙ 36 \u003d 16.415 m³, but since the number of spans is one less, it is necessary to subtract the volume parameters for one span from this figure: 16.415–0.129 \u003d 16.286 m³ of concrete will be required to fill the tape-column base for the entire fence.

Foundation reinforcement

Reinforcing bars are used to strengthen the base of the fence. Before pouring the foundation, a metal structure is made from this material in the form of four longitudinal rods and transverse elements (clamps) for the base tape, and four rods for its pillars.

As we already know, in a 140 m long fence there will be 36 pillars with 35 spans. The distance from the beginning of one base of the pillar to the end of the second is 300 cm. The distance between the transverse structural elements is 80 cm. The height and width of the clamps are 25 cm each. Their number for one span is 4 pieces. Using these data, it is easy to calculate the amount of reinforcement.

First you need to determine how many meters of metal rods will be required for one pole and span.

For a tape of one span:

  • 300∙4=1200 cm - longitudinal rods;
  • 25∙4∙4=400 cm - transverse elements;
  • 50∙4=200 cm - rods for a concrete pillar;
  • 1200 + 400 + 200 \u003d 1800 cm or 18 m of reinforcement will be required for one span and pole.

Now it is easy to calculate how many metal rods are required for the entire fence. To do this, you need to multiply the resulting value by the number of sections of the entire fence. As we already know, there are 35 of them, therefore: 18 ∙ 35 = 630 m of material will be required to reinforce the foundation for the fence.


The amount of material required for picket fences depends on the width of the material, the distance between the boards, the way they are arranged, and, accordingly, on the length of the fence itself.

It should be noted that when installing a picket fence, the distance between its elements can be done differently. However, the fence will look more aesthetically pleasing in which the gap between the pickets will not exceed their width.

The width of the fence may be different, depending on the individual order of the consumer. If we are talking about a European fence, then in this case there are standards. The width of this material can be in the range from 70 to 170 mm.

To calculate the amount of a fence for a fence, you need to use the following formula: K \u003d A / (A1 + B) where A is the length of the entire fence, A1 is the width of the fence, B is the gap between the planks.

Suppose that the length of the fence is 140 m, the width of the fence is 120 mm, and the gap between them is 80 mm, then according to the formula, the calculation of the amount of material will be expressed in the following example: K = 140 / (0.12 + 0.08) = 700 pieces .

You can always reduce the cost of materials if you make the distance between the pickets a little more, but within reasonable limits.

In the case when the fence provides for the location of pickets on both sides in a checkerboard pattern, then the previously obtained result must be doubled.


The use of this material implies the installation of fence elements in a vertical or horizontal position. As in the case of the picket fence, the number of boards in a vertical position is calculated using the indicated formula. When fastening horizontally, the length of the sections and the material itself, as well as the length of the fence, should be taken into account.

For fences I use unedged and edged boards.

In the first case, the material is not stripped of bark, has a length of about 600 cm, a width of 100 to 500 mm. Such boards require additional processing and drying before use. Accordingly, such material has a low price, but it will take time to bring it to the proper state.

Edged boards are made with a width of 100 to 150 mm, a thickness of 20 - 25 cm. This material does not require additional drying and sanding. The surface of such boards is smooth, can be made in the form of a semicircular profile. For the manufacture of boards I use noble types of wood, such as, for example: oak or larch. Edged boards are an expensive material ready for use.

When calculating the material installed horizontally, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the width and length of the board, as well as the length of the entire fence, are used. Let's say the fence will be 140 m long. The width of one section is 3 m, and its height is 2.5 m, the distance between the boards will be 5 cm.

Using these parameters, it is necessary to determine how many boards are needed for horizontal placement in one section. To do this, you need to add the width of one board with the provided distance between the wood, after which the height of the section is divided by the resulting value: 2.5: (0.15 + 0.05) \u003d 2.5: 0.2 \u003d 12.5 pieces.

Then, to find out the total amount of material, you must first know how many sections will be in the fence. To do this, its length must be divided by the width of one section: 140: 3 \u003d 46.6 sections. Now we multiply this value by the number of boards in one section: 46.6 ∙ 12.5 = 582.5 boards will be required to build a fence 140 m long, 2.5 m high, with gaps between the boards equal to 5 cm.

Rivets and screws

To fix the elements of the fence, rivets, nails or self-tapping screws are used. Rivets are most often used during the installation of a eurostudent, and nails and self-tapping screws are most often used for wood. Having calculated the number of fence elements, it is easy to find out how much consumable material is required.

It should be noted that the required number of rivets, nails or self-tapping screws depends on the number of installed logs, the method of fastening and the material of the fence.

If the fence consists of a euro fence, then with two transverse lags, two rivets are sufficient. When installing a wooden picket fence or boards on two lags, you will need 4 screws or nails - two for each cross member.

Let's make a calculation for a fence 140 m long from a picket fence. As we know, 700 shtaketins are required for such a fence. Since for one picket on two lags 4 screws or nails are required, then: 700 ∙ 4 = 2800 pieces.

It should be borne in mind that consumables should always be purchased with a margin.

Carrying out accurate calculations during the construction of the fence will ensure the reliability of its design and save you from extra cash costs. By learning how to make these simple calculations, you will be able to give the right advice, which will help your loved ones or neighbors.