Sheep farming business. What to feed sheep and how to care for them? Sheep care: a few important rules

It is considered a traditionally popular business, and there are several reasons for this. First of all, the business attracts attention because of its relatively low labor intensity. This is explained by the fact that sheep are quite unpretentious animals.

The second reason for the popularity of these animals for breeding is their relatively low mortality rate. It is also attractive that you can start such a business with a very small herd. The entrepreneur will not have problems with feed, because sheep are grazing animals.

Business prospects

According to statistics, the population of our planet is constantly growing in demand for food. Lamb is no exception. The share of annual consumption of this meat is about eight and a half million tons. As for Russia, the sheep industry here is experiencing a period of deep crisis.

Confirmation of this fact is the rapid reduction in the number of animals. There are only 1 million sheep on farms, 4.4 million sheep in agricultural herds, and 9 million of these animals are raised in private households.

Starting a business

If, in order to receive income, you have chosen a type of activity such as sheep farming, a business plan, as in any other business, must be drawn up. In this document, reflecting the main stages of the formation of a farm, such an item as registration of a company must be indicated in mandatory. Only in this case will your activity be considered legal.

The legal form of the company is peasant farm (peasant farm). Registering a sheep breeding business is similar to registering an individual entrepreneur. Organization legal entity in this case it will not be necessary.

Anyone who draws up a business plan for sheep breeding must definitely study the list of documents that need to be collected for submission to the registration authority. This list includes:

  • application for registration of a farm;
  • power of attorney for the MFC;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty for registering the farm;
  • original and a copy of the passport of the head of the peasant farm;
  • document confirming the person who registers the farm;
  • original and a copy of the birth certificate.

Another document that a sheep farming business plan must provide for is a SES permit. Without it, it will be impossible to open a farm.

Pasture selection

The business plan of a farm in which sheep breeding is the main activity should consider animal nutrition issues. To provide food, you will need to find a suitable pasture option.

When planning a business such as sheep farming, be sure to draw up a business plan taking into account the fact that one animal (with offspring) will require 1 hectare of pasture throughout the year. This should be taken into account when calculating the planned number of sheep.

Selecting a room

Where can sheep and rams be raised? The business plan should mention options required premises for the farm. It can be an ordinary wooden pen. Today it is not difficult to find one of the abandoned farms, of which there are many in villages and villages.

It is not necessary to provide for the creation of any kind of housing system, because sheep tolerate frost well. In case of extreme cold, it is enough to install only a stove-stove.

Purchasing breeding stock

What animals should be in the herd to make a business like sheep farming as profitable as possible? The business plan must have an article providing for the costs of purchasing breeding stock. You need to negotiate the supply of animals only with verified, certified farms. This condition will protect the newly created farm from possible problems with the offspring. And in order to prevent interbreeding of animals from occurring, it is advisable to purchase individuals from different sellers.

The business plan should also describe which livestock breeds will predominate in the peasant farm. Many entrepreneurs raise sheep for meat. That's why they purchase it. It is meat-based. However, it is worth keeping in mind that in practice the advantage of the Romanov breed over others has not been confirmed. You can buy long-haired Russian, Prekos, etc. But if the business plan sets the main objective of the business as selling meat, then the Romanov breed should still be given preference.


After registering a peasant farm and resolving issues about housing and purchasing livestock, you will need to hire workers for the farm. It will be impossible to organize sheep breeding on your own, without additional personnel. The business plan should have a section that will present a list of professions and indicate the number of people who will be needed to properly run the business. For every three hundred head of livestock, four workers must be hired. These will include:

  • shepherd (shepherd);
  • vet;
  • milkmaid;
  • a specialist who produces haircuts (possibly on a temporary basis).

When creating a small-scale sheep farm, members of one family will be able to handle the work.

If you organize your workday routine correctly and plan necessary measures for the whole year, then for an entrepreneur sheep farming is profitable business. Breeding these animals, which requires little investment of money and time, may not be the only direction for farming.

Sales of products

Wool, meat and milk are what will bring income to the entrepreneur. The amount of possible profit is also pre-calculated by the business plan (sheep farming). The finished product in the form of wool today does not have much at a high price. That is why you should not place special bets on it. It is also problematic to sell large volumes of sheep milk. Only meat can provide a decent profit. It can be offered to restaurants, cafes, kebab shops, and also sold on the market. Of course, the demand for lamb is much lower than for pork, but concluding agreements with regular buyers will make a business based on sheep farming as profitable as possible.

Calculation of costs and profits

A sheep farming business plan should include financial matters future project. Below are approximate calculations of the costs of organizing, as well as generating income for a farm with three hundred animals.

So, in order to open your own peasant farm, a novice businessman will need:

  • for renting pastures and premises - 100 thousand rubles each;
  • for the payment of wages to employees (per year) - 600 thousand rubles;
  • for (per year) - 50 thousand rubles.

All these expenses will total 850 thousand rubles. A novice entrepreneur will need to invest capital in the purchase of animals. How much does one sheep cost? The price of the animal will depend on the purity of the species. Let's look at the most popular Romanov breed. The cost of one sheep will be 250-300 rubles. per 1 kilogram of live weight. In general it will be 8000-12000 rubles. Fat-tailed lambs are somewhat cheaper. Each of them will cost 5500-8000 rubles.

What is the profitability of such a business? If you sell whole sheep, you can earn five hundred thousand rubles a year. The entrepreneur will receive one hundred thousand rubles from the sale of wool. Half a million can be received by selling the meat of fifty heads. Thus, the annual income of the peasant farm will be 1,100,000 rubles.

All the above figures are, of course, approximate. Much will depend on the region of business and on the existing average market prices for the final product. However, even the most conservative calculations allow us to talk about the payback of sheep farming within just one year. This is a pretty good indicator, which in the current economic situation clearly indicates in favor of this business.

Fattening and further resale of lambs will allow increasing profits from sheep breeding. Young animals can be bought in the spring for little money - 120 rubles. per 1 kg of live weight. By autumn, animals reach 60-65 kilograms. During this period, they can be sold profitably.

Sheep breeding as a business is profitable and current idea entrepreneurship for today. It attracts budding entrepreneurs with its quick payback, high profitability. Sheep breeding is considered one of the most promising areas of livestock farming.

Sheep farming is an activity that even a businessman who has never raised animals can master. It is no coincidence that this direction is interesting to entrepreneurs, because there are many positive factors that imply significant profits. We are talking about the following features:

  • the unpretentiousness of sheep;
  • minimal feed costs (sheep are grazing animals and feed on their own);
  • possibility of starting from small investments and a limited number of individuals;
  • high demand for products - meat, wool, cheese.

In general, when breeding sheep, even a small entrepreneur is able to achieve a profitability of 25-30%. But if business processes are not structured correctly, its value can drop even to 10%. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with all its features before opening a business.

Legal Features

Breeding sheep at home with the subsequent sale of finished products will require registration own enterprise. If you plan to open small company, then the idea of ​​creating an LLC should be abandoned. It is better to choose one of the following forms:

The opening of a peasant farm will require the signing of an Agreement on the establishment of a farm. This is necessary to notify the registration authority. The OKVED code must be 01.22.1 - “Raising sheep and goats.” This category includes not only the breeding of breeding animals, but also the production of milk, wool, and fluff. Before opening, you will have to take care of obtaining permission from the SES.

Selecting suitable pasture

An entrepreneur who has never been involved in sheep farming will probably wonder where to start and how to succeed in this business. He must understand that much will depend on the correct selection of the area for walking. Therefore, you need to look for a plot of land very carefully. It can be bought or rented, depending on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

When choosing land, you need to be guided by the fact that one sheep and its children need 1 hectare of pasture annually. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the area based on the number of animals. But there is another very important point- the area where the sheep will graze. In the southern regions, land will cost more. But if you choose northern region, then you need to be prepared for the following difficulties:

  1. keeping livestock will require large investments than in the southern regions;
  2. Sheep will be able to graze only from May to September.

Entrepreneurs keep sheep in cattle pens. You can make them yourself from wood. Some businessmen solve this issue differently - they buy or lease land where a farm or state farm was previously located. Thus, the majority necessary buildings will already be on the site, and the owner himself will be able to significantly reduce costs.

Sheep tolerate it well low temperatures, but it’s better to play it safe and get a stove. You will also need a house for a shepherd.

The entrepreneur should pay special attention to the selection of livestock. It is better to abandon the idea of ​​buying sheep secondhand - this can lead to serious problems, the emergence of diseases, which will ultimately make the enterprise unprofitable. The ideal option is to contact agriculture, engaged in sheep breeding and having supporting documents and certificates for animals.

Subsequently, to increase the number of livestock, it is better for the entrepreneur to contact different farms. This way he can avoid interbreeding, which reduces survival, fertility and worsens health.

The ideal option is to start with 300 individuals. It is suitable for budding entrepreneurs who are new to sheep. Such businessmen, in order to achieve maximum profit, must constantly study the features of raising their animals and take advice from more experienced breeders.

Types of breeds

It is very important at the initial stage to decide on the breed of future sheep. The most popular among Russian breeders is the Romanov breed. In total, about 70 varieties of sheep are bred in the country and throughout the CIS. All of them are divided into the following groups:

  1. fine-fleece;
  2. semi-fine-fleece;
  3. semi-coarse-haired;
  4. rough-haired.

The fine-fleece group is most widely represented. It includes Altai, Stavropol and Caucasian sheep, for example.

Purchase of feed

One of the most important cost items is the purchase of feed. For the most part, sheep feed on pasture plants while walking. But in addition, you need to include in their diet food filled with important vitamins and microelements. The composition of the feed will depend on the region in which the pasture is located. In a day, one sheep can eat:

  • 2 kilograms of straw;
  • 1.5 kilograms of hay;
  • 100 grams of barley.

You can include branches, silage, and root vegetables in your diet. Be sure to add special salt-lizun to your daily diet.

Feed needs to be stored in larger volumes - 35% more than needed. Then it will be possible to reduce the amount of unexpected costs for purchasing feed.


It takes one shepherd to run 300 sheep. Consequently, if the livestock numbers 600 heads, then 2 shepherds will be required. In addition to the shepherd, other workers are needed:

  • vet;
  • milkmaids;
  • haircut masters (cut hair).

Hire shearers for permanent job optional. They can shear sheep as needed. You can go another way - find a shepherd who can shear the animals and monitor their health. But in this case, the employee’s salary will be much higher than that of an ordinary shepherd. As motivation, you can offer him a salary and a bonus/percentage of profit.

Sales channels

It is very important to decide in advance where to sell finished products. We are talking about meat, milk and wool from sheep. The main income will come from the first components, and shearing and selling wool will only be additional profit. When selling meat, you can use one of the following sales methods:

  • sale in markets;
  • wholesale;
  • production and sale of semi-finished products, meat in retail chains.

When organizing large-scale production, you can open your own retail outlets in the form of butcher shops. Then it will be possible to sell the goods at a significantly higher cost.

Financial results

A novice entrepreneur who decides to start raising sheep probably wants to know whether such a business is profitable or not. To do this, it is necessary to calculate planned financial indicators. So, if you plan to purchase 300 sheep, then there will be the following cost items:

A total of 1,200,000 rubles of initial investment will be required. Fixed costs include the following:

  • rent of land - 12,000 rubles per month;
  • salary - 45,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase of feed - 8,000 rubles monthly.

It turns out that monthly expenses will be 65,000 rubles. The total profit will be about 600,000 rubles. Net profit will be about 450,000 rubles. But it will be possible to start making a profit no earlier than six months later, receiving at this time income that only covers the amount of costs. Therefore, the payback will be: 6 months + 1,200,000/450,000 = 9 months.

There are many ways to make money in the countryside, and one of the most popular of them has always been and remains sheep farming. If a business plan for sheep breeding is drawn up correctly, costs can be minimized without compromising quality, and profitability can be significantly increased.

Sheep farming: advantages, technology

When creating a business plan, remember: most important factor when calculating any planned enterprise - consumer demand. The three main products of sheep farming are:

  • meat;
  • wool;
  • dairy products.

In Russia, processing sheep wool is underdeveloped, so meat is considered a more popular product. And raising sheep is really profitable. Selling wool and dairy products usually acts as a side income.

You should understand: sheep farming is not a type of activity that will provide huge profits. Rather, it is a way to receive stable income without large investments and high risks.

The main advantage of this provincial business is the absence of large primary costs. Even without owning substantial capital, it is quite possible to try your hand at breeding sheep, starting with a small herd. Most often, farmers do just this, and then, as the herd grows, they expand the boundaries of the farm.

But even with minimal planned volumes, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for sheep breeding, calculating upcoming costs, income, and payback period. In general, this is a very profitable business, since pasture constitutes the main diet of sheep during the grazing period. That is, food costs will only be incurred for the time when there is no grass. These animals have a relatively short growth period, a good yield of meat, and, by the way, it is not cheap.

Where to start raising sheep

When drawing up a business plan, first of all you need to think about how profitable it will be. Therefore, you should not save on purchasing sheep; you must carefully choose the breed, focusing on the recommendations of experienced farmers.

Proper selection of primary stock will ensure rapid growth, maximum meat yield and minimal susceptibility to disease. Good breed– if not a guarantee, then one of the foundations for the success of the event. Very popular. They gain weight quickly and are very famous delicious meat and high fertility.

It is recommended to purchase sheep from large specialized farms with a good reputation. If you plan to purchase a large herd, it is better to assemble several groups from different farms. This way, the risk of inter-generic mixing will be minimized.

In addition, the following issues need to be resolved:

  • where animals will graze in warm weather;
  • what they will eat during the period without grass.
  • in which room will the sheep sleep and stay in cold weather.
  • who will graze, feed and water, shear the sheep, clean the pen, etc.

Pasture can be purchased or rented for a long time. Great option there will be the territory of an abandoned farm with a ready-made paddock, of which there are many in our country. Renovating a property will cost much less than building from scratch. By the way, a sheep pen does not require additional insulation, since these animals are very tolerant of cold weather.

It’s worth thinking about winter nutrition in advance. The ideal solution is to make your own hay from cereals and legumes. You can add variety to the diet of animals and improve their growth by purchasing oats, barley, etc. Don't forget that hay and feed also need to be stored somewhere. To do this, it is better to arrange the territory indoors closer to the paddock.

Basic expenses when organizing a sheep farm

Beginners should not start with large numbers. Firstly, this is a huge expense, and secondly, it is much easier to gain experience and deal with primary problems with small volumes.

All calculations given were made for a large flock of 300 sheep solely as an example. Since prices may vary depending on location and other factors, the figures are approximate.

Primary (one-time) investments

So, the first thing sheep raising requires is adequate pasture. According to statistics, one individual with subsequent offspring consumes about 1 hectare per year. Annual rent required area will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

No less amount will be needed to tidy up an abandoned farm or paddock. But the main expense item that makes up the business plan is the acquisition of a number of sheep. The wholesale price of one individual reaches 3-4 thousand rubles, so to purchase a herd of 300 heads you need at least a million.

Fixed expenses

Since we are talking about a large, full-fledged farm, an article on remuneration of hired workers must be included in the sheep farming business plan. You will have to constantly support a shepherd, a laborer, and a milkmaid. From time to time there will be a need for the services of a veterinarian and a grooming specialist. The total salary of such employees will be about 600-700 thousand rubles per year.

It will take at least 60 thousand rubles to purchase additional feed for the year, taking into account that the hay will be prepared independently. All kinds of overhead costs will cost about 50 thousand rubles a year.

In total, at a rough estimate, the proposed business plan assumes costs in the first year of 2 million rubles. Considering that the scale is taken as a basis, this is not a very significant amount.

Income part of the financial plan

Despite the apparent simplicity of the description, sheep breeding is a rather complex and responsible undertaking. Before making a profit, a novice farmer will have to solve a number of technical and organizational issues.

Sales of finished products

Along with the hassle of raising animals, the issue of selling products, the main of which is meat, arises. When dealing with large-scale farming, the problem of sales should be taken seriously. Potential clients include restaurants, cafes and market traders.

But the ideal option is to cooperate with wholesale meat buyers on an ongoing basis. Offering slightly lower prices, they nevertheless ensure a stable sales volume.

In addition, it will be possible to sell wool, hides, milk, and sheep cheese. But these specific products are not in high demand here, and their prices are correspondingly low. Therefore, it is advantageous to draw up a business plan with an emphasis on the sale of lamb.

Income from sheep farming

Animals can be sold both for meat and as live stock. The cost will not vary significantly. If we take into account the upcoming breeding, a maximum of 200 rams will be sold per year. Their sale can ultimately bring up to 1 million rubles.

From the sale of wool, the farm's annual budget can be replenished by a maximum of 100 thousand rubles. The total is 1,100,000 rubles a year, plus additional revenue from the sale of milk and skins.

Thus, the proposed business plan assumes that a sheep farm with a population of 300 sheep should fully pay for itself in less than two years from the date of opening. It must be said that for a large enterprise this is a fairly short payback period.

The average profitability of a sheep farm is low - 15% (can vary from 10 to 20%). But with further development and expansion of the economy, this same 15% can turn into a very respectable, constantly growing figure!

Dear visitors of the portal!

Every week we receive requests for help with drawing up a business plan for the development of a sheep farm. As an introduction, we are publishing the 2012 business plan.



Feasibility study (business plan)

investment project

“Production and processing of livestock products.

Creation of a sheep farm”

General manager

applicant company


“___”________ 2012

_______________________ (signature)


  1. Brief overview of the project.
  2. Project initiator.
  3. Analysis of the industry situation
  4. Sheep breeds
  5. Market indicators of the project
  6. Production technology
  7. Main financial indicators of the project and loan repayment schedule
  8. Calculation of the need for borrowed funds and loan repayment schedule
  1. Brief overview of the project

Project name - Creation of a sheep farm in the XXX district of the Vladimir region.

The initiator of the project is IP “XXX”.

The project will be implemented in the XXX district of the Vladimir region.

The goal of this project is to create a sheep breeding complex for 900 sheep and rams of the Edilbaev breed.

In the first year of operation of the farm, it is planned to reach a sales volume of lamb carcasses, skins and wool of 2,832,000 rubles,

In the second year of work: RUB 8,327,040.

In the third year: RUB 12,885,040.

The implementation of the project will make it possible to create a sheep fattening complex with a closed production cycle. Those. from the moment of insemination of the queens with their subsequent lambing until the lambs reach marketable weight (the slaughter weight of a ram or ewe is 50-60 kg). The project also provides for the sale of skins and wool from lambs, sheep and rams.

The target sales segment for the complex's products are: slaughterhouses; meat processing enterprises of various types, the HoReCa segment, manufacturers of fur and wool products.

There are no restrictions on the implementation of the project, as there are:

Supply contracts for animals, equipment and technologies;

Contracts for consumer enterprises;

Availability of own transport, water supply, communications, guarantees of compliance with environmental safety standards.

  1. Project initiator

The initiator of the project is IP “ХХХ”

  1. Essence of the proposed project

It is planned that the farm will be located in the Vladimir region. This area has favorable climatic conditions for raising sheep and rams in open pastures in summer and indoors in winter. Natural conditions and the presence of meadows will allow you to create your own food supply. In the Vladimir region there are many empty lands suitable for grazing sheep and making hay for winter period. This will increase production volume and reduce raw material costs. The location was chosen taking into account convenient road connections and infrastructure.

The project is planned to be implemented in the XXX district of the Vladimir region. There are no large sheep farms in the Vladimir region. This industry is mainly represented by small farms with a livestock of up to 300 animals.

To implement the project, IP “XXX” leases a barn building with an area of ​​1200 m2 in item XXX of the XXX district.

  1. Analysis of the industry situation

One of the promising areas in the field of livestock farming is sheep breeding. This is due to five factors.

The first factor is the maintenance and breeding of sheep and rams, which do not require significant costs compared to other animals.

The second factor is the relatively low risk of infectious diseases in rams and sheep compared to other animal species.

The third factor is the possibility of selling not only lamb meat, but also lamb skins and sheep wool. This significantly increases the sales market for the final product and makes production almost waste-free.

The fourth factor is the high loyalty of consumers to dishes made from lamb meat and their rare purchase of other types of meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.). Separately, it is worth noting that there has been a steady trend toward an increase in the segment of lamb buyers, and, as a result, the opening of a large number of restaurants and cafes offering lamb dishes and an increase in demand from retail operators for this species products. When choosing the breed of sheep, we chose the fat-tailed breed of meat - the greasy direction. This type of meat is in greatest demand among us.

The fifth factor is government support. The development plan for the industry is the “Program for the Development of Sheep and Goat Breeding for 2012 - 2014.” and for the period until 2020”, which was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on September 02, 2011, protocol No. 294. The goal of the program: increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of sheep products based on a more complete use of the potential of its wool and meat productivity, preserving and improving the existing breed potential, adaptation to local natural and technological conditions, improving the social status of industry workers, creating new jobs. According to the forecast, the number of sheep in all categories of farms in 2012 should amount to 26.5 million heads. The program includes subsidies for the maintenance of breeding stock for 2012 in the amount of 400 million rubles. Subsidies for ewes, goats, and lambs older than one year in the amount of 670 million rubles. Plus 30% - co-financing of the regions.

It is also worth noting one trend in livestock farming that emerged in 2010-2012. One of the leading branches of livestock farming, pig farming, is undergoing serious changes associated with restrictions on the import of pigs from the European Union; the African swine fever epidemic and Russia's accession to the WTO. The last factor involves imports into Russian Federation inexpensive European pork. This will lead to intensified price competition between Russian and European pork producers. As a result, the profitability of the pig farming industry in Russia will decrease and the payback period for investment projects will increase. Against the background of these changes, most livestock farms are forced to develop new directions, including sheep breeding.

  1. Sheep breeds

The most common meat and fat breeds of sheep include three breeds: Edilbaevskaya, Gissarskaya, Texel. These breeds are most suitable for keeping in climatic conditions middle zone Russia and have best characteristics by early maturity, daily weight gain, meat quality. Below are their descriptions.

Edilbaevskaya breed coarse-haired meat-fat productivity direction was created by folk selection in late XIX centuries on semi-desert and steppe pastures between the Ural and Volga rivers (Kazakhstan). By crossing Kazakh fat-tailed sheep with large Astrakhan rough-wool sheep. During the selection process, animals were selected for breeding that were most adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of nomadic sheep breeding. They tolerate severe winter cold and summer drought well, easily make long journeys and, due to their morpho-physiological constitution, have the ability to fatten well on scanty, sparse pasture food.

Edilbaevsky sheep are characterized by a strong constitution, regular physique, and well-developed fat tail. Rams and ewes are polled. Height at the withers is 75-84 cm, oblique body length is 77-82 cm, chest girth is 97-106 cm. The live weight of rams is 110-120 kg, the best 150-160 kg; queens - 65-70 kg, the best 90-100 kg. Sheep are distinguished by greater growth energy and early maturity. The body weight of rams at birth is 6.0 kg, 5.2-5.3 kg, at 1.5 years - 80 and 65 kg.

When young animals are slaughtered at 4 months of age, the carcass weighs 20-24 kg, the fat tail - 3-4 kg. According to the data of the former Temir experimental station of Kazakhstan, the live weight of Edilbaev lambs under good pasture conditions in 1 month. will reach 17.7 kg in 2 months. - 28.7 kg, at 3 months. - 35.8 kg, at 4 months. - 42.4 kg and at 6 months. - 59.5 kg. The average daily gain over 100 days was 195 g, and the maximum was up to 253 g. All these data indicate a very high precocity of sheep of this breed. The carcass weight of fattened adult lambs reaches 40-45 kg, fat tail fat - 12-14 kg. Slaughter yield of meat and lard is 50-55%.

Edilbaevsky sheep are distinguished by their high wool productivity and for this reason they are superior to other fat-tailed sheep with coarse wool. The average wool clip for rams is 3-3.5 kg, the largest - up to 5.0 kg, for queens - 2.3-2.6 kg. The coat is heterogeneous, consisting of down (52-56%), transitional hair (16-19%) and awns (24-28%). Dead hair is found in the fur of only a small proportion of animals. According to the laboratory, the fineness of down is 18.0 microns, transitional hair is 33.1 microns, awn is 59.5 microns,

The main color of Edilbaev sheep is black and red, as well as brown. Research has established that animals of different colors are characterized by unequal productivity. For example, it has been proven that females with black coloring have higher wool clipping by 7.5-11.8%, live weight by 2.2-6.9% and better slaughter qualities than sheep with red color. The same high performance Productivity is characterized by sheep with a brown color. The fertility of the queens is low - 110-120%. The milk production of sheep is quite high. According to the data of the former Temir experimental station, queens of this breed produce an average of 150-155 liters of milk, with fluctuations from 124.8 to 184.3 liters. Commercial milk from Edilbaev sheep is used to prepare dairy products: ayran (sour milk), primchik (cheese), kurt (cheese) and butter. The average fat content of milk is 5.8%, varying from 3 to 9%. By In terms of early maturation and meat productivity, it can compete with the outstanding early maturing English breeds of meat and wool.

Gissar breed. This breed belongs to the coarse-wool fat-tailed sheep with a meat-fat bias. The homeland of the Gissar sheep breed is Tajikistan. Regarding physical characteristics, then this is: the height of rams is from 80 to 85 cm, in sheep from 75 to 80 cm at the withers, on average total weight animal from 130 to 140 kg. The maximum weight for rams is 190 kg, for sheep 150 kg.

A distinctive feature of this breed of sheep is its large head with long drooping ears. This breed of sheep is also characterized by the absence of horns. Unlike most other breeds of sheep, the Gissar breed has a large fat tail on the rump, in which fat tends to accumulate. TO positive features One can attribute their precociousness, and therefore a six-month-old animal, most often, reaches 60 kg. As for the coat, it is coarse, mostly dry and with dead hair. In this regard, the wool of the Gissar breed of sheep is usually used to make felt or felt. In general, these are hardy sheep that can be kept on pasture all year round.

The Gissar breed of sheep is primarily bred for meat, so a large part of it accumulates in their fat tail. Interestingly, mostly when breeding the Hissar breed of sheep, uses the purebred breeding method. Those. Only breeding animals are taken for breeding, although sometimes a small admixture of blood from another breed is allowed in order to preserve the physical characteristics of the animals. When breeding a pure breed, it is necessary to make an individual record of the pedigree of the breeding herd. As for exhibition or elite queens, the selection of individuals for reproduction is also of great importance.

If the breeding of the Gissar sheep breed is primarily focused on obtaining meat and wool, then it is possible to add foreign blood in order to directly improve these characteristics of the offspring. Such herds are called custom herds. But again, it is necessary to make a clear account of the growth of wool and the meat and fat part of the animal. It is worth highlighting the fact that fertilization of queens occurs in the fall, so if artificial insemination is performed, it is best to do it at this time of the year. So, following these rules, you can easily achieve your goal when breeding the Hissar breed of sheep.

Texel breeds known since the mid-nineteenth century. The Dutch island of Texel was famous for its local early maturing sheep with good meat and wool characteristics. Sheep of this breed began to be crossed with English Lincoln sheep, which ultimately led to typification. Now this is the most common breed of sheep in Europe. Popular in North America, New Zealand and Australia. The precocity, fertility and meat-and-wool orientation of Texel sheep led to their breeding on a large scale when used in intensive pasture areas.

Sheep of the Texel breed are distinguished by their proportional build, white narrow head with a black nose, and short skinny tails. The neck is short and muscular, the hips are well developed, the legs are strong and well muscled. The average weight of an adult sheep reaches 70 kilograms. The weight of a Texel ram can reach 160 kilograms. The percentage of meat yield in relation to live weight is 60 percent. The meat has excellent taste and excellent sales rates.

The wool of Texel sheep is semi-fine, thick, and crimped. The color of the wool is white, the thickness of the fiber is 30 microns. The quality of the wool corresponds to class 56. The wool yield is 60 percent. Shearing from sheep - 5.5 kilograms, from rams - 7 kilograms. A large amount of grease ensures soft wool.

Texel sheep have high fertility. For every 100 queens there are 180 offspring, of which 75 percent are twins. Lambs are born weighing up to 5 kilograms. The period of precocity before the first mating is 7-8 months.

The disadvantages of Texel sheep include only one lamb per year. Even experiments with hormonal stimulation of the uterus did not produce the desired effect. Daily weight gain can be called intense only up to two months of age. After this, the weight gain drops and amounts to 300 grams per day, which is quite an average figure for meat and wool. Due to popularity and intensive breeding, the purity of the breed is decreasing - more and more deviations from the line due to uncontrolled crossing. Lambs are born large, with large heads, which often complicates lambing.

However, these shortcomings cannot spoil the reputation and prospects of this breed. That's why Texel sheep are in demand by both large and small farms.

Of the listed sheep breeds, from our point of view, Edilbaevskaya is. Sheep of the Teckel breed must be imported from Holland because... Breeding animals of this breed cannot be found in Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain an import permit from Rosselkhoznadzor. Today this is a complex and lengthy procedure. Purebred sheep of the Gissar breed are also not to be found in Russia. They need to be imported from Central Asian countries. Sheep of the Edelbaevskaya breed, then today there is an agreement with two farms from the Astrakhan region, which are ready to supply animals to required volume and with relevant documents.

  1. Market parameters of the project

6.1. Product

Direct products of sheep farming include: meat (lamb), wool and skins. It is worth noting separately that the Edilbaevskaya breed occupies a preferred position among fat-tailed, coarse-wool sheep of the meat-fat variety. .

6.2. Pricing policy

  1. Sales of lamb: The average price in the Vladimir region is from 290 rubles per 1 kg.
  1. Sales of skins: The average price of one skin is 700 rubles.
  1. Sales of wool: Average price 1 kg. wool is 200 rubles. for 1 kg.

6.3, Promotion and Sales

IN at the moment There is a preliminary agreement to open a point selling meat on the Vladimir market (retail price from 350 rubles per kg) and to sell it wholesale at a price of 290 rubles. per kg. It is planned to search for clients for skins and wool by placing advertisements on specialized resources (Internet portals, media, etc.).

  1. Production technology

When planning investments when operating a farm, an important issue is the payback period. The technology proposed in the project provides for a closed cycle. This implies dividing the technological cycle into 3 stages: reproduction, growing, fattening. The use of this technology will reduce the cost of updating the main herd, automate the feeding and watering process, provide favorable conditions for keeping queens, lambs and fattening stock, save feed, fuel, electricity, reduce water consumption, reduce labor costs, solve environmental issues, optimize the investment component .

The project does not provide for separate placement of production sites (as in pig production), which is due to the specifics of breeding and maintenance of this type animals. It is worth noting that in the spring and summer, animals are kept in open pasture. This allows you to reduce the load on variable costs related to paying for electricity and feeding animals.

In this project, special attention is paid to improving product quality. The project provides for the purchase of high-quality breeding stock, which has improved genetic characteristics and is adapted to feeding modern types feed The production capacity of the complex will allow the production of up to 37,000 kg annually. lamb carcasses in the third year of operation of the farm.

Technical section

The technological process consists of several stages:

  • Repair and preparation of premises for keeping sheep and rams.
  • Feeding and raising animals. In spring and summer: on open pasture. In autumn-winter: indoors.

The technological solution was chosen taking into account the existing agreements with IP “ХХХы” regarding the rental of premises for keeping animals and the experience of breeding sheep and rams.

8. Main financial indicators of the project

The main costs are associated with the purchase of livestock. The purpose of this business plan is to substantiate the economic efficiency of the construction and launch of a sheep breeding complex.

We consider the most rational, after consultation with experts, to be the following herd composition: 90 sheep, 10 rams of the Edilbaevskaya breed with breeding certificates, and 800 three-month-old lambs of the Edilbaevskaya breed or Merino breed. Purebred animals are taken in order to obtain breeding status and to improve the breed. It is proposed to purchase purebred sheep and rams of the Edelbaev breed for breeding. farm in the Astrakhan region at a price of 7,500 rubles. for a sheep and 15,000 rubles. for a ram, lambs of the Edilbaev breed at a price of 3,000 rubles. for the head in the Stavropol Territory. Further, it is planned to annually purchase 1000 lambs in the spring of this year for fattening and increasing the main herd.

Thus, the cost of purchasing livestock will be: 90*7,500 + 10*15,000 + 1000*3000 = 675,000 +150,000 + 2,400,000 = 3,225,000 rubles. Transportation costs will be about 200,000. In total, the total cost of purchasing livestock will be about 3,500,000 rubles.

As stated above, income from the sale of sheep products consists of 3 components: meat, skins and wool. From rams of the Edilbayevsky breed or the Merino breed, the main income comes from the sale of meat. Income from the sale of skins and wool is additional and amounts to 15-20% of income from the sale of meat.

8.1. Income from the sale of lamb

The production cycle from lambing until the lamb reaches slaughter weight is 6-7 months. In the first year we plan to receive 800:2 = 400 lambs for slaughter, and 400 go to update and increase the main herd. In the second year of operation of the farm, we plan to receive 490 * 1.2 + 500 = 588 + 500 = 1088 lambs for slaughter, and 500 go to update and increase the main herd. In the third year, we receive 990 * 1.2 = 1188 lambs from the main flock sheep and purchase 1000 lambs. Of these, 1188 + 500 = 1688 lambs are used for fattening, and 500 are used to increase the main herd.

The growth dynamics of the main herd will be as follows:

2012 - 90 sheep and 10 rams of the Edilbaevskaya breed, 400 lambs of the Edilbaevskaya breed or Merino breed (the sheep is ready for insemination at the age of 8 months) to increase the main herd. Thus, to the end:

In 2012, we will have a main herd of 490 sheep and 20 rams of the Edilbaev breed;

2013 - 990 sheep and 30 rams;

2014 - 1490 sheep and 40 rams.

Thus, in the first year of operation of the farm, 400 sheep will be sent for slaughter, in the second year - 1088, in the third year - 1688.

The total number of animals in one farm should not exceed 5,000 animals in one farm. This is determined by the availability of pasture land located close to the farm. Below are economic calculations of the farm's operation in the first three years.

The average weight of a lamb carcass sent for slaughter is 22 kg. It is planned to send 400 lambs for slaughter in the first year, 1088 in the second year and 1724 in the third year. Thus, we get 400 * 22 = 8,800 kg of lamb carcasses in the first year, 23,936 kg in the second year and 37,136 kg in the third year of operation of the farm. The wholesale selling price today is 290 rubles. per kg. Income from the sale of meat will be:

In the first year: 8,800 * 290 rub. = 2,552,000 rub.

In the second year: 23,936 * 290 = 6,941,440 rubles.

In the third year: 37,136 * 290 = 10,769,440 rubles.

8.2. Income from the sale of skins

The purchase price of one skin is 700 rubles. Income from the sale of skins in 2012 will be: 400 * 700 = 280,000 rubles, in 2013: 1088 * 700 = 761,600 rubles, in 2014: 1688 * 700 = 1,181,600 rubles.

8.3. Income from wool sales

Purchase price per kg. Wool is 200 rubles. From a ram we get 5 kg of wool per year, and from a sheep 3 kg. Shearing of wool from sheep and rams of the main herd will be carried out from the second year of operation of the farm. In the second year, 990*3 + 30*5 = 3120 kg will be received, in the third year: 1490*3 + 40*5 = 4670 kg. Income from wool sales in 2013 Will amount to 624,000 rubles in 2014. - 934,000 rub.

The total income of the farm in 2012 will be: 2,552,000 + 280,000 = 2,832,000 rubles, in 2013: 6,941,440 + 761,600 + 624,000 = 8,327,040 rubles, in 2014: 10,769,440 + 1,181,600 + 934,000 = 12,885,040 rubles.

Table 1: Structure of income from product sales (in rubles)



RUB 2,552,000

RUB 6,941,440

RUB 10,769,440

RUB 1,181,600


RUB 2,832,000

RUB 8,327,040

RUB 12,885,040

The cost part is:

1) costs of maintaining and maintaining a sheep farm.

Table 2: Payroll costs (in rubles)

Job title

Salary per month

1. Shepherd-zootechnician

2. Veterinarian

3. Shepherd guards (from 3 employees depending on the season and number of animals)


2) food in winter

(per day) Feeding sheep and rams of the main herd is 7 rubles. per day. Feeding lasts 4.5 months (135 days).

Table 3: Feed costs (in rubles)

Fattening period

510 animals

1,020 animals

1,530 animals

Total for 135 days:

3) overheads

(10% of total costs)

in the first year: (516,000 + 481,950)*10% = 100,000 rub.,

in the second year: (732,000 + 963,900) * 10% = 170,000 rub.,

in the third year: (816,000 + 1,445,850) * 10% = 226,000 rub.

Table 4: Overhead costs:

The planned profit for 2012 (excluding taxes and loan payments) will be:

2012: 2,832,000 - 1,097,950 = 1,734,050 rubles,

2013: 8,327,040 - 1,865,000 = 6,462,040 rubles,

2014: 12,885,040 - 2,487,850 = 10,397,190 rubles.

8.4. The financial indicators of the project, taking into account taxes, are as follows:

Table 6:


1. Income (total)

RUB 2,832,000

RUB 8,327,040

RUB 12,885,040

1.1. Mutton

RUB 2,552,000

RUB 6,941,440

RUB 10,769,440

1.2. Skins

RUB 1,181,600

1.3. Wool

2. Costs (total)

RUB 1,275,970

RUB 2,118,440

5. Net profit

RUB 1,386,110

RUB 5,708,978

RUB 9,342,568

9. Calculation of the need for borrowed funds for project implementation

The need for credit resources is: RUB 3,500,000. (purchase of the main herd) + 1,445,890 (costs of wages, taxes and feed, taking into account overhead costs in the first year of operation) = 4,945,890 rubles. Unforeseen expenses - RUB 54,110. Thus, to implement the project, credit resources in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles are required.

The total need for borrowed funds is 5,000,000 rubles.

Loan repayment terms: 3 years

Loan repayments are proposed to be made at the end of the year because... The main income from product sales will be received in November-December of each year.

Table 7: Loan repayment schedule (in rubles)




Loan amount

Payment per year

2012: RUB 1,556,030 *0.15=RUB 233,404.50

2013: RUB 6,208,600 *0.15=931,290 rub.

2014: RUB 10,115,670 *0.15=RUB 1,517,350