Is it profitable to open a pharmacy with credit money. How to get a license to open a pharmacy? The list of necessary equipment for opening a pharmacy

Medicines are a category of goods that is always needed. Whether people have money or not. Crisis in the country or a calm economic situation. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the disease, so medicines will be in demand in any situation. Pharmaceutics in principle and pharmacy business in particular is a rather profitable undertaking. At proper organization affairs.

In this article, we will consider the main nuances of opening a pharmacy; learn how to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education; how to open a pharmacy online store according to the law; We will also pay attention to the opening of a veterinary pharmacy.

Before starting a pharmacy business, there are many things to consider, from the type of pharmacy to the purchase of goods. This is where we start our business.

1. Choose a niche for opening a pharmacy

The first thing to do is decide on the location of the pharmacy and its scope. You can open both a large store and a small kiosk. Moreover, if your future brainchild will also involve the manufacture of medicines, you will have to register with the tax service in accordance with all the rules. An ordinary kiosk involves only the sale of prescription drugs. But it must also be a "branch" of some major branch.

As for the location. Great option there will be a sleeping distant area for several blocks. Often there are no pharmacies there. Many residents of such areas complain that they have to run far, for example, for ordinary aspirin.

Large retail outlets can also be considered. Usually people visit them on weekends to buy the necessary goods for the future. But in this case, the pharmacy kiosk should be located in such a way that it literally "an eyesore". A potential client will see a stall and remember that he needed to buy some more of the medicines. Because each of us has a small list medicines, the supply of which needs to be replenished, but so far too lazy to go to the pharmacy.

2. Looking for premises for a pharmacy and purchasing equipment

Well, if you have your own room. Otherwise, it will have to be rented. We are not talking about the purchase at this stage in principle - it is still unknown how our business will show itself. As for the lease, it is better to conclude an appropriate contract for a long time. So it will be more profitable.

For a pharmacy, according to the standards, the premises must be at least 70 square meters. In this case, the main part will go to production rooms. You need to store drugs somewhere, unpack them, and the trading floor itself will take up most of the area. Let's not forget about the room for the staff and the utility block.

Now pharmacy equipment. When organizing your own pharmacy, you will need:

  • Computer and cash register;
  • Cabinets for storage of medicines;
  • Trade show-windows and racks;
  • Refrigerator for medicines;
  • Safe for storage of drugs.

All relevant equipment must be registered with the Ministry of Health. Speaking of registration, before you open a pharmacy, you need to obtain permission from such structures as Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Inspectorate. The building must also be equipped with all necessary communications, fire and security alarms are required. There will also be a need for devices responsible for temperature regime and humidity control.

3. Registration of pharmacy activities and obtaining a license to open a pharmacy

The pharmacy business begins with obtaining a license. It is this important paper, the process of obtaining which can take up to 45 days, that will give a real start to your business.

The license is issued by Roszdravnadzor. And the package of documents on the basis of which it will be issued includes:

  • Constituent documents and application for extradition;
  • Registration documents from the tax service;
  • Documents for the building;
  • Information about the personnel: work books and education documents;
  • Information about the equipment;
  • Scheme of the object of licensing;
  • Receipt of payment of the license fee.

Both originals and notarized copies of all documents will be required.

Before applying for a license, it is necessary to register a future pharmacy with the tax authority. And this is the choice of OKVED and the registration form.

Important! An individual entrepreneur opening his own pharmacy must have a pharmaceutical education and work experience of at least five years as a pharmacist or three years as a pharmacist. What if there isn't one? It is necessary to do a little differently, which we will discuss below.

4. A business plan is the key to a successful business

Any business should start with the necessary calculations. It is necessary to calculate all costs, determine the payback period of the project and plan future profits.

Medications are a fairly popular category of goods with a long shelf life. Therefore, usually the payback period of pharmacies does not exceed two years. Of course, at competent organization business.
In the future, you can open a second or even a third pharmacy store, which, due to lower prices for bulk purchases, will lead to an increase in business profitability.

A business plan will also be necessary for applying to financial institutions for credit funds in case of their shortage. If you do not have enough knowledge to prepare your own pharmacy business plan, then you can contact intermediaries and buy a ready-made business plan.

5. Recruitment of workers in the pharmacy

A few words about the staff. Pharmacy is a specialized trading activity, therefore all staff must have a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist. The pharmacist should not only know everything about medicines, but also give advice to the buyer in the process of purchasing medicines.

By the way, a small marketing move practiced in some pharmacy stores. Often visitors to pharmacies come without a prescription, they do not know what drug they need and ask the pharmacist for advice. And since the main goal of any business is to make a profit, the staff of such pharmacies offers expensive analogues of cheap drugs. Of course, this is wrong. According to the rules, the pharmacist must report cheap medicines. And also about the benefits of more expensive analogues. That is, it is necessary to be a good psychologist in order to convince the client to buy more expensive medicines instead of cheap ones.

6. Purchase of goods in a pharmacy

And the last thing we still need when opening a pharmacy is a product, directly, medicines. You can purchase the latter both at pharmacy warehouses and from drug manufacturers. Cooperate with neighboring pharmacies - so you can still significantly reduce the price through bulk purchases.

If you open a pharmacy, this does not mean that you only need to sell medicines in it. There are many more useful products that consumers need. These include:

  • Nutrition for children, diapers, other children's related products;
  • Personal hygiene products and cosmetics;
  • Goods from the series "healthy food";
  • Homeopathic medicines;
  • Other related products such as blood pressure monitors, contraceptives or inhalers;
  • Goods for optics.
7. Advertising, promotions and ways to promote a pharmacy

So, the pharmacy is open, now you need to attract visitors. For this we need an advertising campaign. It would be better to launch it a month before the opening of the pharmacy itself. Advertising banners on the building, flyers, information about the imminent opening in the media - everything can be used.

Be sure to turn the opening day into a holiday: you need to make yourself known! Balloons, music, discounts, drawings and gifts - all that visitors love so much.

Do not forget about promotions and discounts on other days. Systematically arrange discount days for certain categories of goods. You can also attract customers by providing various kinds of additional services. For example, free consultations or blood pressure measurement. BUT free check vision will already become a guarantee that the visitor will purchase glasses here.

It is also worth keeping track of the advertising market. Drug manufacturers are the largest advertisers, their advertising contributes up to 26% of the total federal advertising budget. Consequently, those drugs that are intensively advertised in the federal media will be in high demand.

For example, in 2017, Nurofen and Kagocel became the two most purchased drugs. Both drugs were massively advertised throughout that year and were heard by consumers as remedies for pain and colds, respectively.

How to open a pharmacy without pharmaceutical education

We have already mentioned above that all personnel, including the manager, must have a pharmaceutical education. Is it possible to open a pharmacy without it? It turns out you can! To do this, you need to select an LLC as a form of business registration. In this case, you will only be the owner of the pharmacy, and not its leader. And as the latter, a person with the appropriate education and work experience will already act.

But to open a production pharmacy, i.e. the one in which medicines are also made, you are unlikely to succeed. It is necessary to control the activity, but without the appropriate knowledge it will not work!

Ears, paws and tails: a pharmacy for our smaller brothers - a veterinary pharmacy

Today at major cities you won’t surprise anyone with a hotel or even a cafe for animals. Why not open a pharmacy for animals? Our smaller brothers are not immune from diseases as well as we are. Of course, all the necessary drugs can be purchased locally, at a veterinary clinic or pet stores, but the price there will be more expensive.

The requirements for opening a veterinary pharmacy are the same as for a regular pharmacy. But in addition to pharmaceutical education, staff must also have a veterinary education with relevant work experience.

Another difference is the receipt of a certificate from the Union of Zoobusiness Enterprises. But for this you need to be ready to be tested to confirm your classification. In general, not everything is as simple as it seems.

As for the area. Unlike a regular pharmacy, a 30-square-meter space will suffice for a pet pharmacy. Forty-five squares will be needed for those entrepreneurs who plan to make prescription pills.

What else? Oh yes, documents. The package of documents is the same, only we bring it not to Roszdravnadzor, but to Gosselkhoznadzor.

Before purchasing medicines, do not forget to visit the forums for animals. Ask around what drugs are most often needed by shaggy friends. Through the World Wide Web, you can also find trusted suppliers, focusing on consumer reviews.

Well, and, of course, the staff. It is desirable that he not only be highly qualified, but also treat animals with love. Often pet owners treat them like their children. Therefore, it is important for them that their shaggy friend is given maximum attention and sold only an effective remedy for reasonable price. Only then the client will return again!

Online pharmacy as an alternative to a conventional pharmacy

Entrepreneurs planning to open their own online pharmacy in Russia are faced with the fact that medicines, as a type of product, belong to the list of goods whose free sale is prohibited. That is, drugs cannot be sold anywhere except in pharmacies.

And according to paragraph 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2007 N 612 (as amended on October 4, 2012) “On approval of the Rules for the sale of goods remotely» the goods included in the above list are prohibited for remote sale. That is, according to the law in Russia, it is forbidden to open an online pharmacy where medicines will be sold and paid for, as well as their subsequent delivery to the client.

But, an inquisitive reader will say, there are online stores selling medicines on the Internet. Yes there is. But, they don't sell drugs, they help book necessary funds at the nearest pharmacy. That is, no distance selling, exclusively comfortable accommodation future order, thereby the laws of the Russian Federation are observed.

Therefore, when planning to open your own online pharmacy, you should understand that the site will be a way to pre-order medicines. A direct purchase and payment for the order must be carried out at the pharmacy. Therefore, on the one hand, the process of opening an online pharmacy, in fact, is no different from opening a regular pharmacy. You need to register your activities, and obtain a license, and even look for premises. Everything is as it should be - after all, we are opening a regular pharmacy and its website.

On the other hand, the opening of an online pharmacy does not always need to be accompanied by the opening of your own pharmacy. So, you can create an information pharmacy portal that allows you to place pre-orders in existing pharmacy points. That is, mediation. The customer, with the help of your online pharmacy, will book the necessary medicines at the selected pharmacy, and buy and pay already when visiting the pharmacy. The profit of such a site is formed from each paid order.

Summing up the pharmacy business

That's all the information about the pharmacy business. Further, the choice is yours: will you limit yourself to opening a regular pharmacy or will you “treat” our smaller brothers. And maybe the best idea for you is to open a pharmacy on the World Wide Web. The main thing is to set a goal and do right steps to its achievement. Good luck in your endeavor!

The pharmacy business is among the most profitable activities after the sale of alcohol and food. Aspiring entrepreneurs are attracted to this business area, but before starting it, you need to know how much it costs to open a pharmacy from scratch.

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The relevance of the business is due to the following:

  1. High and growing demand for medicines and complementary products. It is associated with poor ecology, consumption of low-quality food, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, a person's special attention to their health, etc. The vast majority of the world's population needs medicines.
  2. Demand for products sold in pharmacies exceeds supply both in Russia and Ukraine. Since the market is not saturated, it can be penetrated and successfully operated.
  3. High profitability and profitability of the business (at the level of 20 percent).

Opening a pharmaceutical business from scratch is relevant for a doctor, pharmacist or any other person who wants to do it and has initial capital.

Types of pharmacies

All Russian pharmacies can be divided into three types:

  • pharmacy;
  • pharmacy kiosk (pharmacy branch);
  • pharmacy (pharmacy branch).

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation issued Order N 553n (dated June 27, 2010) "On approval of the types of pharmacy organizations." It defines the requirements and features of the functioning of all types of pharmacy organizations. The text of the order can be downloaded from the Internet.

According to the order, a pharmacy enterprise can be of three types:

  • selling finished dosage forms;
  • with own production;
  • with its own production and with the right to manufacture aseptic products.

The main difference between the types of pharmacies is the list of medicines allowed for sale. For example, only a pharmacy can sell prescription drugs. You cannot buy narcotic, psychotropic and poisonous drugs in small kiosks/points.

To start a pharmacy from scratch, an entrepreneur will need to initially create a general pharmacy organization. This situation is explained by the fact that kiosks and points are a kind of structural divisions relating to the pharmacy store. According to businessmen, kiosks pay off faster, they should be opened for business development in the future, but first a head pharmacy is organized.

All pharmacies can be divided into three types:

  1. Discounter. Here, a limited range of goods is offered for sale, which is most in demand, from a low price category. Such establishments are located in busy places, for example, near public transport stops and roads, in residential areas. Discounters will also be relevant in rural areas.
  2. Pharmacy with an average range of goods. This type of establishment is very popular among businessmen. They are opened both in the city center and in areas of mass residence of people.
  3. Large pharmacies. There is a rich selection of basic and related medicinal products (from 7,000 items) on showcases. For convenience, several counters equipped with cash desks are organized in the trading floor. This business format provides for the possibility of open display of products. Traditionally, such stores are located in the city center.

A private pharmacy can be made "closed" or "open". The first option involves displaying products on a showcase behind glass, without direct access for buyers. The second option is reminiscent of a supermarket, where everyone can pick up a thing, choose the right one and take it to the checkout. An open display of goods attracts buyers with the opportunity to carefully look at the goods, read the instructions, etc.

"Open" pharmacies allow you to make a profit of 20-30 percent more than "closed" ones. At the same time, it is important that the institution is located in a place with high traffic (at least 10,000 people a day). A novice businessman is advised to choose a more reliable and safe form of organizing a business - a “closed” pharmacy. In such a situation, the likelihood of theft of goods will be minimized.

An electronic store differs from a traditional pharmacy in that a website acts as a trading floor in the network. To advise customers of the online store, an online assistant must be set up that can work at home.

Description and analysis of the market

Characteristics and trends of the Russian pharmaceutical market:

  • the market has a high social significance;
  • over the past ten years, the average annual growth rate of retail sales of medical and related products has exceeded 8 percent;
  • the largest Russian pharmacy chains - Rigla, Apteki 36.6;
  • in 2016, the capacity of the pharmaceutical market amounted to approximately 1,127 billion rubles (or 5.3 billion packs);
  • the share of consumer spending in the market is 68.8 percent, the state segment is 31.2 percent;
  • at the end of 2016, there were 17,133 pharmacies in the Central Federal District, where the average bill is 488.2 rubles;
  • in 2016, compared to 2015, the number of pharmacies increased by 4 percent and amounted to 60.2 thousand pharmacies;
  • the largest part of pharmacies are local establishments (55.44 percent);
  • the average revenue of one pharmacy per month at the end of 2016 was 1,776,000 rubles.

Structure of the pharmaceutical market in 2016 The number of pharmacy organizations in Russia at the end of 2016 and the average bill Number of pharmacies in 2015-2017 Dynamics of indicators of the Russian pharmacy segment in 2016

Characteristics and trends of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market:

  • in 2016, sales of medicines, medical devices, dietary products and cosmetics amounted to UAH 60 billion (or 1.6 billion packages);
  • there is a growth of the market in monetary terms by 21.9 percent, and in kind - 5.7 percent;
  • goods of foreign manufacturers are mainly sold on the market;
  • the average cost of one package of goods in a standard "pharmacy basket" in 2016 was UAH 37.7;
  • the five largest distributors occupy 89.4 percent of the market (BaDM, Optima-Pharm, Venta, FARM KO, Pharmplanet).

The target audience

Characteristics of the target audience of the pharmacy organization:

  • predominantly pharmacies are visited by women with children (men make up about 30 percent of pharmacy visitors);
  • more than half of the clients belong to the category of employees and pensioners;
  • the average age of visitors is 30–55 years;
  • income levels range from low to high.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of a successful pharmacy:

  • a location convenient for customers of a pharmacy store;
  • speed of service, lack of queues due to the organization of several workplaces equipped with cash registers;
  • convenience of product selection due to the efficient use of retail space;
  • a wide range, designed for visitors with different incomes;
  • convenient mode of operation;
  • high culture of service;
  • the competence of sellers, they must be able to give advice and answer the client's question about a particular product;
  • comfort and friendly atmosphere;
  • Possibility of home delivery;
  • the possibility of paying for goods in cash and non-cash methods;
  • discount cards and bonus system;
  • discounts for pensioners and some other categories of visitors;
  • smart pricing policy.

Advertising campaign

To get the most out of advertising campaign, it should be launched about a month before the opening of the pharmacy.

It should include the following activities:

  • placement of advertisements in the network on city forums and sites related to the subject of health and treatment of various diseases;
  • adding information about the company to pharmacy catalogs;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • placement of information about the pharmacy in local print media;
  • distribution of leaflets with an invitation to visit a pharmacy and make a purchase at a discount;
  • creation of a corporate website or online store;
  • development of a loyalty program (for example, discounts for older people, regular customers, etc.);
  • development of a pricing policy, it is important not to make prices higher than those of direct competitors.

In addition to the above actions, the entrepreneur must order:

  • bright individual sign;
  • shield pointer;
  • business cards;
  • discount cards.

The design of the trading floor, shop windows, signboards, staff uniforms, etc., must be kept in the same style. Here it is important to give Special attention branding. Practice shows that a well-thought-out brand helps to increase customer loyalty and trust in a pharmacy organization.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

Step-by-step instructions will allow a novice entrepreneur to understand where to start opening a pharmacy:

  1. Make a business plan from scratch with calculations.
  2. Analyze the real estate market for selection best place under the organization of a trading point.
  3. Sign long-term lease agreements.
  4. Legalize the activities of the company.
  5. Implement branding.
  6. Develop a pharmacy design project.
  7. Renovate the premises.
  8. Hire staff.
  9. Negotiate with suppliers and conclude contracts with them for the supply of goods.
  10. Purchase commercial equipment and install it.
  11. Obtain permits that will allow you to open your own business.
  12. To purchase goods and its subsequent display on showcases.
  13. Run an advertising campaign.
  14. Run a pharmacy.

The documents

The main issues that should be resolved in the process of legal registration of pharmacy activities:

  1. Choose the legal form. In this area of ​​business, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is usually registered. If in the future it is planned to expand the business to a pharmacy chain, then it is better to immediately register a legal entity. Also, the IP form is allowed to be registered only by those entrepreneurs who have a pharmaceutical education. A doctor can open his own pharmacy, but for this he will need to improve his qualifications in the field of pharmacy.
  2. Choose the form of taxation. It will be more profitable for a businessman to work according to a simplified system, according to the scheme of income "minus" expenses, 15 percent.
  3. Complete the procedure for obtaining a license from the Ministry of Health. Having prepared a package of necessary documents, it will not be very difficult for an entrepreneur to issue it.
  4. Go through the procedure for obtaining permits from supervisory authorities to open a pharmacy. A positive conclusion must be issued by inspectors of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Rospotrebnadzor and fire department. The requirements for the sanitary regime of Russian pharmacy organizations are established in the instructions for the order of the Ministry of Health No. 309 (dated 10/21/1997).
  5. Select codes according to the classifier of types of economic activity.

When registering, the following details are indicated:

  • code 47.73 "Retail sale of medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies)";
  • code 47.74 "Retail sale of products used for medical purposes, orthopedic products in specialized stores";
  • code 47.75 "Retail sale of cosmetic and personal hygiene products".

A pharmaceutical license in both Russia and Ukraine is issued for five years.

To open a pharmacy and obtain a license in Russia, the following documents are required:

  • application for a license;
  • company registration certificate;
  • certificate confirming tax registration;
  • expert opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, Fire and Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • copies of diplomas of medical / pharmaceutical education (higher or secondary), pharmaceutical certificates and health records of employees and the head of the pharmacy;
  • certified copies of documents confirming the work experience in the specialty with an individual entrepreneur or pharmacy manager;
  • contracts with organizations that carry out medical examinations of employees, cleaning the premises, disinfecting them, removing waste, cleaning overalls, cleaning ventilation;
  • a lease agreement for the premises or a document confirming the ownership of it;
  • a plan-scheme of the premises from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI);
  • documents for the equipment used.

It will take about two months to collect and process the necessary documents.

The video describes the key points of the process of obtaining a pharmaceutical license. Filmed by the channel: "Anton Smirnov".

List of papers for starting a business in Ukraine:

  • BTI drawings (copies);
  • a copy of the diploma of a pharmacist of the head of a legal entity;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • statistics help;
  • an application for a license;
  • information about the material and technical base and specialists (certified by the business entity);
  • certificates confirming that the main personnel have no mental disorders, drug and alcohol addictions;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction (for crimes of medium and special gravity related to drug trafficking);
  • permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to use the selected premises for a pharmacy;
  • permission from the SES to use the premises (it must comply with the requirements of current sanitary standards).

Since the second half of 2012, obtaining a license to open a pharmacy in Ukraine does not require a pharmacy organization passport.

Room and design

Requirements for the location of the pharmacy organization and premises:

  • high traffic of potential buyers, a sleeping area is best suited;
  • a small number, or complete absence, of pharmacy organizations in the proposed area for the location of the outlet;
  • location near roads and public transport stops;
  • convenient approach and entrance (preferably with parking);
  • the premises should not be housing stock at home;
  • an area on the ground floor (for example, in a residential building) with an individual exit from the trading floor is suitable;
  • when placing a pharmacy in a shopping center, at a hotel, railway station or airport, a separate exit from the trading floor is not required;
  • small pharmacies and kiosks are best placed on the territory of clinics, hospitals, large hypermarkets, etc .;
  • availability of communications: electricity, heating, sewerage, water supply and ventilation.

The minimum standards for the areas of pharmacy organizations located in Russia:

Types of pharmacy organizationsRoom areaIndustrial premisesCommercial and administrative premisesPremises for sanitary facilities
75 60 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants over 1,000,000 people)69 54 13 2
70 55 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants from 500,000 to 1,000,000 people)64 49 13 2
65 50 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants from 100,000 to 500,000 people)59 44 13 2
60 45 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants from 10,000 to 100,000 people)54 39 13 2
55 40 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants up to 10,000 people)49 34 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants over 10,000)45 30 13 2
Pharmacy point that does not sell narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants over 10,000 people)39 24 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants up to 10,000 people)43 28 13 2
Pharmacy that does not sell narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (number of inhabitants up to 10,000 people)37 22 13 2
Independent pharmacy kiosk (number of inhabitants over 10,000 people)35 20 13 2
Independent pharmacy kiosk (number of inhabitants up to 10,000 people)33 18 13 2
pharmacy store35 20 13 2

Under industrial premises means:

  • shopping room;
  • room for receiving and unpacking products;
  • storage room (warehouse).

If the pharmacy provides for its own production of medicines, then you will need additional area for the production shop.

Requirements for pharmacies in Ukraine:

  • distribution of the area of ​​the pharmacy premises: trading floor, production and service room, bathroom;
  • the area of ​​a city pharmacy - at least 50 square meters, in settlements - 40 square meters, and in villages - 30 square meters;
  • the minimum area of ​​the trading floor in cities and towns is at least 18 square meters, and in villages - 10 square meters;
  • the minimum area for storing medicines in cities and towns is at least 10 square meters, and in villages - 6 square meters;
  • the minimum area of ​​a room for staff in cities and towns is at least 8 square meters, and in villages - 4 square meters;
  • the minimum area of ​​a pharmacy point is not less than 18 square meters;
  • the minimum area of ​​a city pharmacy kiosk is at least 21 square meter, and rural or settlement - 8 square meters.

Equipment and inventory

An example of equipping a pharmacy selling finished dosage forms in a Russian city with a population of 600,000 people.

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Commercial equipment (showcases, racks, counters, etc.)200 000
Shelving with drawers for storing medicines50 000
Cash registers (two pieces)50 000
Software for electronic accounting70 000
Safe-refrigerator for storage of narcotic/psychotropic substances100 000
Pharmaceutical refrigerator (two pieces)80 000
Medical freezer60 000
Fire alarm equipment10 000
Security alarm equipment30 000
Ventilation system25 000
Sensors measuring temperature and humidity5 000
office equipment40 000
Furniture for administrative and utility rooms60 000
Other equipment and inventory40 000
Total:820 000

Equipping a pharmacy will cost the entrepreneur about 820 thousand rubles.

Commercial equipment - 200,000 rubles higher or secondary pharmaceutical education (medical education is possible, but with additional education allowing you to work in a pharmacy with medicines);

  • work experience in the pharmaceutical field for at least three years for a manager/manager with higher education and five years for secondary vocational education;
  • assortment knowledge;
  • sociability;
  • discipline;
  • goodwill;
  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • accuracy with the goods;
  • a responsibility;
  • courtesy with the client;
  • the ability to give qualified advice;
  • no criminal record;
  • neat appearance.
  • It is beneficial to outsource accounting. Thus, the entrepreneur will save money on the absence of the need to organize and equip the workplace for a permanent accountant and his salary.

    Financial plan

    To determine how much open a pharmacy from scratch a number of factors must be taken into account:

    • type of pharmacy organization to be opened;
    • area of ​​the room;
    • location;
    • average permeability, etc.

    Initial data for approximate calculations of the financial plan:

    • opening a pharmacy selling finished dosage forms;
    • location: a Russian city with a population of about 600 thousand people, a densely populated residential area;
    • the premises are taken on a long-term lease;
    • room area - 75 square meters;
    • LLC registration;
    • number of staff - 3 people.

    Starting investments

    Sample start-up investment for opening a pharmacy.

    ExpendituresEstimated prices in rubles
    Registration of a legal entity, obtaining permits and licenses50 000
    Room rent (for three months)120 000
    Branding and room design30 000
    Premises renovation200 000
    Purchase and installation of pharmacy equipment820 000
    Purchase of products2 000 000
    Advertising campaign50 000
    Insurance30 000
    Other costs30 000
    Total3 330 000

    Recurring costs

    Pharmacy monthly expenses.

    ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles
    Rent40 000
    Supplementation of the range1 300 000
    Utility costs10 000
    Staff salaries with deductions150 000
    Expendable materials5 000
    Security10 000
    Marketing5 000
    other expenses5 000


    Pharmacy income is calculated based on the following data:

    • average check - 450 rubles;
    • the number of visitors who made purchases - 150 people per day;
    • average markup - 20 percent;
    • The pharmacy is open seven days a week.

    The average daily income will be 63,000 rubles, monthly - 1,890,000 rubles. Thus, the pharmacy will bring profit at the level of 365 thousand rubles per month (excluding taxes). The business is very profitable, its profitability is about 20 percent.

    Risks and payback

    The pharmacy business is sensitive to the following risks:

    • an unfavorable location for opening a pharmacy (for example, insufficient demand for medicines in a rural pharmacy);
    • a large number of direct competitors;
    • overcharging the rent;
    • increase in prices for goods from suppliers;
    • damage to products due to improper storage or power outages;
    • negative customer reviews about pharmacy service and product quality;
    • the risk of purchasing counterfeit goods;
    • fluctuations in the exchange rate, this may adversely affect the cost of imported medicines;
    • theft of goods by staff;
    • changing the provisions of regulations governing the sale of medicines.

    Business pitfalls can affect the planning and payback of the idea of ​​​​opening a pharmacy. Invested in business cash should be returned to the entrepreneur in about 10-14 months.

    This article is for those who are thinking or have already decided to open their first pharmacy. It describes in detail each stage, provides a list necessary documents, regulations and laws, requirements for premises and personnel. Suggested helpful videos and comments from pharmacy business experts.

    To open a medium-sized pharmacy, you need to invest 1.5-1.8 million rubles. This amount includes everything: showcases, racks, furniture, equipment, rent, advertising, paperwork, etc. The profitability of the pharmacy business is low - 10%. This indicator can be increased only by opening a whole network of pharmacies in the region or throughout the country.

    How to open your first pharmacy from scratch will be described in detail below.

    Defining the concept and choosing the type of pharmacy

    At the initial stage, you need to decide on the type of pharmacy. There are 5 types in total.

    1. Pharmacy point - a pharmacy where drugs are not produced and do not dispense potent and narcotic drugs. It does not have a pharmacist, and it does not need serious and expensive protection. The best option for an entrepreneur who decides to try himself in the pharmacy business. Investments here are minimal - 1-1.5 million rubles.
    2. Pharmacy kiosk (shop) - a classic pharmacy, which can often be seen in clinics, shopping malls or at train stations. It is allowed to sell simple medicines that do not require prescriptions, medicinal herbs, hygiene and sanitation items, patient care products, etc.
    3. Pharmacy of finished drugs - such an organization sells only finished drugs and does not manufacture them.
    4. A manufacturing pharmacy is a pharmacy that has all the conditions for the manufacture of medicines for further sale in the same pharmacy.
    5. A pharmacy with the right to produce aseptic preparations is an organization that, in addition to sales, has the right to manufacture means for treating wounds, tissues, organs during operations, dressings and diagnostic procedures.

    All listed species pharmacies are approved in the order of the Ministry of Health "On approval of the types of pharmacy organizations".

    Conventionally, pharmacies can be divided into two more types.

    • City - a pharmacy located in the city.
    • Village - a pharmacy operating in a small locality: settlement, agro-town or village.

    In the first case, the profit and the flow of customers will be greater than that of a village pharmacy. This is due to the fact that the population even in a separate area of ​​the city is hundreds of times greater than the number of residents of the village.

    It is necessary to decide on the type of pharmacy before registering it. Which type to choose, the entrepreneur decides for himself, based on his financial capabilities.

    It is worth starting preparations for opening your enterprise with the development of a business plan.

    First you need to decide on the choice of organizational and legal system and taxation. Two organizational and legal systems are acceptable for a new pharmacy enterprise: an individual entrepreneur and a limited liability company ... To open a pharmacy, an individual entrepreneur must have a manager's certificate and have at least three years of work experience in the specialty.

    There are only three taxation systems acceptable for pharmacies: a single tax on imputed income (note UTII), simplified system taxation (approx. STS) - income, minus expenses, - and general system taxation (approx. DOS).

    UTII is the most profitable system for a small business. Its essence is a fixed quarterly tax contribution.

    How to register a new pharmacy

    To register a pharmacy, you need to choose the legal form, OKVED codes and familiarize yourself with the regulations and laws governing the activities of pharmacies.

    Organizational and legal form

    You can open a pharmacy as an individual entrepreneur. But an individual entrepreneur must have a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist.

    You can choose LLC, OJSC or CJSC. Then the manager will not need a diploma of a pharmacist or pharmacist. But you will have to hire a manager with such an education and at least 3 years of experience in his field.

    Accordingly, if there is higher education in the specialty of a pharmacist or pharmacist, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. If it is not, then as an LLC, OJSC or CJSC.

    Suitable OKVED codes for pharmacy activities

    Before registering with the tax service, you need to decide on which pharmacy will open.

    The following codes are suitable for pharmacies:

    • 52.3 Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical products, cosmetics and perfumery products.
    • 52.31 Retail sale of pharmaceutical products.
    • 52.32 Retail sale of medical and orthopedic products.
    • 52.33 Retail sale of cosmetics and perfumes.
    • 24.42.1 Manufacture of medicines.

    When registering, you must indicate the codes suitable for a particular case. That is, if the pharmacy will not produce medicines, then code 24.42.1 does not need to be indicated. It is better to indicate the first four codes, since there is always a possibility of expanding the range.

    Regulations and laws governing the activities of pharmacies

    The activities of pharmacies are regulated by the following laws, regulations and orders:

    • No. 61-FZ "On the circulation of medicines";
    • Order No. 553 "On approval of types of pharmacy organizations";
    • Regulations on the licensing of pharmacological activities.

    Be sure to familiarize yourself with each normative act and law in order to prevent blunders when organizing a pharmacy.

    Collection of documents for registration and opening of a pharmacy

    To open a pharmacy you need to get:

    • License for retail medicines and medicines.
    • Permission from the Fire Authority.
    • Sanitary passport of the premises, allowing the use of the premises as a pharmacy.

    Obtaining all documents and permits will take from 1 to 1.5 months.

    “A pharmacy must have contracts for the removal of food waste, solid waste, for the removal and disposal of mercury-containing waste, for deratation, disinfection, disinfestation of objects, for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, for medical examinations of employees, for washing and dry cleaning of overalls .

    It is also necessary to take preventive measures to disinfect the premises and check the ventilation systems.”

    Alexey Kucherov - Fortuna Pharmacy Specialist

    Choosing the location of the pharmacy, premises and equipment

    Where is it more profitable to open a pharmacy: the center or a residential area?

    Before you rent and equip a room, you need to find it. The profitability of the pharmacy will depend on the location.

    Such an organization does not have to be opened somewhere in the city center, near a clinic or hospital. The best option is a sleeping area where there are no pharmacies yet. It is best if the area is new and densely populated.

    Pharmacy business practice shows that people buy medicines in pharmacies within walking distance from home. A person at any day and time can leave the house and buy the right drug.

    At the same time, buyers are not particularly worried about prices when the pharmacy is located close to their home. And even more so if it is one for the entire district or village.

    Therefore, the most optimal location pharmacy location - sleeping area. In the city center, shopping centers, clinics and near hospitals is high, which can interfere with business development. After all, people will have the opportunity to choose from pharmacies the one where prices are lower. Therefore, in pursuit of buyers, we will have to underestimate the cost of medicines. It is not necessary to do this in residential areas.

    The only requirement for the location is that the pharmacy should be located in a convenient place for customers with high daily traffic.

    Important requirements for pharmacy premises

    Requirements for the premises of a pharmacy are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 21-10-97 No. 309 "On approval of instructions for the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations (pharmacies)".

    Important excerpts from the Order:

    • The pharmacy should have artificial and natural lighting.
    • Window transoms and vents must be protected by metal bars.
    • When finishing the premises, it is forbidden to use plasterboard hollow partitions. For each construction material must have a hygiene certificate. The surface of walls and floors must be smooth and covered with materials that allow wet cleaning.
    • In the premises where the medicine will be produced, it is forbidden to grow indoor flowers, hang curtains on the windows, spread carpets, hang posters, wall newspapers, etc.
    • The pharmacy should have a toilet for staff and a room with sinks for washing and disinfecting hands. It is also necessary to have a separate sink for washing dishes and tools necessary for preparing medicines.
    • Workplaces of personnel should be equipped with special devices that exclude direct contact with customers to protect against droplet infections.

    You can get acquainted with the full list of requirements for the premises of pharmacies on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation ( in the "Document Bank" section. Requirements for pharmacies in Belarus can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus (

    It is also worth noting that the minimum area of ​​​​the pharmacy should be at least 75 m 2. Of which 60 m 2 is allocated for the trading floor, rooms for receiving, unpacking and storing goods. 13 m 2 is allocated to the office of the head and accountant, a wardrobe and a room for staff and meals. Sanitary rooms and an archive should occupy at least 2 m 2.

    Mandatory equipment for a pharmacy

    The mandatory equipment of pharmacies includes the following:

    • Cash registers and terminals for payment by bank cards.
    • Racks, showcases and counters for displaying goods.
    • Lockable cabinets and refrigerators for storing medicines.
    • Safes for storage of narcotic drugs.
    • Computers with installed programs to automate and simplify accounting.
    • Furniture for the trading floor, offices of the head, accountant, premises where medicines will be produced.

    Staff requirements: who can work in a pharmacy

    The position of the head of the organization should be occupied by a person with a diploma of a pharmacist and work experience in the specialty for at least three years. This is a key specialist who will be responsible for the purchase of goods.

    The head can be the entrepreneur himself, if he has a diploma of a pharmacist. If not, then you need to hire a manager with such a diploma.

    The rest of the pharmacy staff must have a pharmaceutical education, a health book and work experience in the pharmaceutical field for at least 5 years. Every 5 years, specialists must be sent for recertification and additionally for advanced training courses.

    An exception with education may be a cleaning lady and an accountant, who do not need to have a specialty of a pharmacist. Enough health book.

    Salespeople need to be knowledgeable about medicines so that they can give competent advice to customers or suggest a remedy based on a person's symptoms. Not the last quality of the staff is friendliness to customers.

    Obtaining conclusions and a pharmaceutical license

    All documents required for obtaining opinions and a pharmaceutical license are listed in the table below.

    State fire supervision


    TIN certificate.

    Declaration of fire safety.

    Prepared license application.

    The original and a copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, LLC, OJSC or CJSC.

    Constituent documents.

    Constituent documents.

    Passport, power of attorney.

    Documents confirming the availability of fire extinguishing equipment, fire alarms and their good working condition.

    Original and copy of extract from USRN.

    Extract from USRN.

    Protocol on measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring.

    A copy of the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, LLC, OJSC or CJSC and tax registration.

    Prepared statement.

    A document confirming the payment of the license fee.

    Room lease agreement.

    Room lease agreement.

    Contract for medical examination of personnel.

    A copy of the certificate of the head of the pharmacy.

    Medical books of all employees.

    Copies of diplomas, certificates, work books all employees.

    Production control plan

    A copy of the documents permitting the operation of the equipment.

    Contracts for: garbage collection, disinfection, disposal of fluorescent and energy-saving lamps, laundry.

    Copies of conclusions from the SES and the State Fire Supervision.

    Floor plan from BTI.

    A document confirming the measurements of the microclimate and lighting.

    Explication of the premises - an explanation of the architectural project.

    Assortment, organization of trade and operation of the pharmacy

    Product range

    You can only sell in a pharmacy what it has permission for and what is included in the selected OKVED codes.

    Mandatory goods for sale are essential medical supplies, various cold and flu preparations. To increase profits, it is advisable to offer cosmetics, hygiene products, nutritional supplements and nutrition for diabetics to customers.

    Only an experienced pharmacist can choose the appropriate assortment. Therefore, this task should be entrusted to him - if the business owner does not have the appropriate education and experience.

    Organization of trade

    Before opening a pharmacy, it is worth deciding what form of trade it will adhere to. There are two options:

    1. Closed display - when the product is in closed display cases and only pharmacy staff can take it.
    2. Open display - when buyers can independently take goods on the trading floor. This is a form of display on the principle of self-service supermarkets.

    The first option is the safest, as the risk of theft of medications is reduced. The second one can increase sales by 30% in pharmacies located in high traffic areas: more than 10,000 people a day.

    Again, the decision on the shape of the product tab remains with the head of the pharmacy.

    Working mode

    It is desirable that the pharmacy work seven days a week from 9:00 to 21:00. This is convenient for customers, as they can buy the right medicine at any convenient time, including those that may be urgently needed due to a sudden illness or injury.

    A 24-hour pharmacy is also worth considering. But not in residential areas and towns. This will only be true in the city center.

    How to advertise an open pharmacy

    If the pharmacy is located in a residential area, then leaflets can be distributed throughout this area. mailboxes residents. It doesn't have to be discounted. It is enough to indicate what products the pharmacy offers. But if you want to draw more attention to it, then you can hold some kind of promotion for a specific product or category of goods.


    So, to open a pharmacy, you need to go through 9 stages:

    1. Select the type (concept) of the pharmacy.
    2. Gather a package of documents for registration.
    3. Register as an individual entrepreneur (with a diploma in pharmaceutical education), LLC, OJSC or CJSC (diploma is not required).
    4. Explore regulations and laws governing pharmacies.
    5. Select and rent a room.
    6. Buy equipment.
    7. Hire staff.
    8. Obtain the conclusions of the SES, the State Fire Supervision Service and the license of Roszdravnadzor.
    9. Decide on the assortment, display form and mode of operation.

    If everything is done correctly and guided, then the pharmacy will begin to make a profit. And in the future, it will be possible to open a network of pharmacies in a particular city, region or across the country.

    If you decide to go into the pharmaceutical business, then you should carefully think through the whole thing. Of course, the pharmacy business is a profitable business, because it probable reasons there is always a demand for drugs.

    Opening a pharmacy is within the reach of anyone who has a certain amount of money and perseverance in achieving the goal. This article contains detailed information about how to open a pharmacy from scratch and what is needed for this.

    The main stages of opening a pharmacy:

    1. Analysis of financial costs.
    2. The procedure for registering a pharmaceutical business.
    3. Personnel selection.

    Opening one pharmacy from scratch is not a promising business. Therefore, it is better to use a membership in a network of pharmacies.

    Many monolithic companies sometimes have difficulty choosing a location, which is why they are happy with a new investment infusion of capital and the most suitable building for a pharmacy. Cooperation based on franchising is a good alternative in the pharmacy business.

    To open a pharmacy, you will need to draw up. According to the data for 2015, you will need an amount from 40 to 85 thousand dollars. The required amount will cover the costs of renting and repairing the premises, purchasing pharmacy furniture, technical equipment, as well as the procedure for obtaining the necessary certificates and licenses.

    In order to gain a foothold in the pharmaceutical business, you may need an amount of 500 thousand dollars. This amount will go to wages employees and for the purchase of medical supplies.

    There is an opinion that the pharmacy business is a super-profitable business. However, in Russia it is inferior in terms of income to Western colleagues. Thus, in Russia the sum of the average monthly turnover is 25-30 thousand dollars, which is ten times lower than the income of Western colleagues.

    In the autumn-winter period, the monthly income from the work of a private pharmacy will be no more than 5 thousand dollars, and the profitability of a network pharmacy will reach 6-7 thousand dollars .

    There is a limited profit margin from the pharmacy business because the price of medicines is subject to government regulation. It is for this reason that prices in independent pharmacy chains are kept at approximately the same level.

    Stage 2 - registration of a pharmacy business

    First of all, you need to decide on legal form business organizations, for pharmacies First you need, for which you will need to make a contribution in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

    To obtain a license, you will need to find suitable premises, prepare it, if necessary, carry out repairs. The range of medicines that will be used in trade determines the choice of premises, its characteristics, such as ceiling height and cubic capacity.

    According to regulatory documents, an important role in the repair of the premises is the choice of finishing materials. The choice of purchasing equipment for storing medicines should be approached thoroughly, and not save money.

    Much attention in preparing the premises for pharmacy trade is occupied by the installation of air conditioners and inverter refrigerators. A competent approach to preparing the premises will speed up the process of obtaining a license for pharmaceutical activities.

    Stage 3 - recruitment

    Having received the necessary licenses for pharmaceutical activities, you should proceed to the selection of employees. Everyone must have a medical education, with the exception of technical workers and security guards (if necessary).

    When choosing employees, do not underestimate the emotional factors of behavior. It is desirable to carry out psychological test, on balance and self-control in extreme situations. After all, buyers are different, and customer service plays an important role in the reputation of the pharmacy.

    According to the law Russian Federation the basic staff should be two pharmacists and one pharmacist. Otherwise, it will be a violation of Russian law.

    On the one hand, the growth of incomes of the population, and on the other hand, television advertising, contribute to an increase in the profits of the pharmacy business. The demand for expensive drugs is growing, which is not best measure promoted by advertising and preconceived notions about the benefits of expensive medicines.

    There is a misconception among people about useful properties and the quality of expensive medicines. But this opinion is not always true.

    The unwillingness to go to the doctor and the negligent attitude towards one's own health leads to the fact that a sick person does not go to the clinic on time, but immediately runs to the pharmacy in the hope of getting a saving pill from the pharmacist.

    According to polls of sociologists, in 50 percent of cases, it is easier for a client who does not have a prescription to consult a pharmacist in a pharmacy. According to the same surveys of pharmacy visitors, 40% of them would like to receive qualified advice from a doctor right in the pharmacy.

    Therefore, using such indicators of those who want to get advice from a doctor, as they say, without leaving the pharmacy cash desk, the organization of a customer consultation center in a pharmacy can become a significant advantage in the competitive pharmaceutical market.

    Factors affecting the successful operation of a pharmacy:

    • own premises for trade;
    • cash for the purchase of goods;
    • special software;
    • analysis of competition when choosing a district;
    • selection of socially adapted personnel;
    • timely registration of expired medicines.


    Not without pitfalls. Pharmacies are very often checked by labor inspections, tax service, Roszdravnadzor. Therefore, do not neglect a conscientious approach to record keeping, as well as the timely payment of taxes.

    By following these simple requirements, you will save yourself from unnecessary problems. Otherwise, in the event of a violation of office work, the bodies of Roszdravnadzor may suspend the trading activities of the pharmacy for 90 days up to license revocation.

    If you approach the pharmacy business with responsibility and literacy, then this business will provide you with a steady income at any time of the year.

    Methods for enhancing profitability pharmacy business:

    • use of a discount card;
    • choosing a location with high traffic;
    • discounts for pensioners;
    • organization of a visitor consultation center with the ability to measure temperature, blood sugar and blood pressure;
    • advertising and announcement of discounts for seasonal drugs;
    • round the clock work;
    • trade in rare expensive drugs;
    • discounts for privileged categories of citizens.

    Average monthly profit by type of pharmacy trade in 2015:

    Specialty pharmacies

    Every entrepreneur wants to get the most profit and independence in his field.

    To seek independence in the pharmaceutical market, investors can find an untapped niche in the pharmacy business and fill it by opening a specialized pharmacy.

    To do this, it will be necessary to resort to trade in rare and expensive medicines, environmentally friendly biological supplements, homeopathic remedies, products for diabetics, cosmetics from seaweed extracts, etc.


    The most diverse range of medicines will attract more visitors and increase the demand for sale. The range of medical products should consist not only of modern drugs, but also of time-tested medicines.

    To increase the profit and attractiveness of the pharmacy business, it is necessary to meet the requirements and requests of customers.

    AT recent times demand for domestic products is increasing due to the use of innovations and advanced technologies in the production of pharmaceutical products. In comparison with foreign analogues, domestic medicinal products have a lower cost and confidence among pensioners.

    You can expand the range of medical products by including in the sale mineral water, sea salt, environmentally friendly body and facial skin care products, shampoos, children food, cosmetic care products for teenage girls, juices, slimming teas and much more.

    Follow these tips and your business will always be afloat.

    How to open a pharmacy? Step by step instructions are in this video: