Fun games and competitions for children and adults. Fun starts at school. Scenario

Fun starts.

1st competition. Line up in your teams according to the principle: find out the first letter of the neighbor's last name and stand in the place you are supposed to. Alphabetical. With repeated surnames, the first letters of the names are used. As soon as you line up, shout loudly: "WE ARE READY!" (the animator marks the time and after completing the task checks the correctness of its execution).

2nd competition. The team receives a set of table tennis balls, the target is any suitable container: a basket, a bucket, a saucepan, etc. љWithin a certain time, all team members of the team throw the balls into the bucket. Each participant has in his arsenal three to five balls. The total success is the sum of the maximum number of balls thrown into the bucket. Ping-pong balls or some alternative are required, as well as any suitable container.

3rd competition. The whole team is involved. Participants tie their legs in such a way that the left leg is tied to right leg neighbor, and the right, respectively, to the left leg of the neighbor. In such a combination, the team must cross the swamp over bumps (artificially marked on the ground, for example, small pieces of linoleum), while choosing the right tactics. When one player falls, the whole team returns to the starting point or is punished with a penalty point. Requires tapes for tying legs and "hummocks" (approx. 10 pieces).

4th competition. The team is divided into pairs, each pair chooses a double name for itself, for example, "Chip and Dale", "Coffee and House", "Fly and Tsokotuha", "Mother and Siberian", etc. After that, the couples introduce themselves and everyone is blindfolded. The animator spreads all the couples and mixes them in the clearing, at this moment there should be absolute silence. At the command of the animator, each half begins to loudly call its name, and when it hears the name of its other half, it starts to follow its call. The task of all the halves in the team is to meet with tied

1) Running in bags
2) Pair walking on hands
3) Running in fishing boots and sheets
4) Tug of war
5) Sword racing
6) Bouncers
7) Extreme running with bound legs
8) Pumps (teams have fun jumping on frog pumps and inflate Balloons until the balloon bursts).
9) Horse racing (plush horse racing)
10) Competitions with balloons: participants inflate balloons at speed, burst without the help of hands, throw their legs over a rope, dance in pairs, holding the balloon with their backs
11) Limbo (passing under the ribbon)
12) Dance
13) Winders
14) Rubber bands

Pair competitions

1. Apple (fruit on a string, you need to speed, eat it without the help of hands)
2. Making a cocktail
3. Best suit
4. Song Contest
5. Joke contest
6. Beer Contest
7. Pouring water on girls
8. Oriental fun
9. Body painting (drawing on the body)
10. The best sculptor

Selection of the queen and king of the event. Holidays may be different styles: cowboy, pirate, latino, oriental tale.

Outside scenario for celebrating the New Year outside the city, or fun starts for adults
It often happens that such major holidays as New Year, company birthday, etc. are noted not at the enterprise itself, but on the road, that is, in a boarding house, rest home or in nature. This has its pros and cons. On the one hand, everything is not as formal as in the office, on the other hand, not everyone likes field conditions. However, when right approach to the organization, you can celebrate anything and anywhere. It is for such exit options that this scenario was developed.

In this scenario, there is absolutely no official part, but fun and entertainment that you will remember for a very long time - as much as you like!

For fun starts, you need to determine the venue, outline the teams (although they can be made already on the spot) and, of course, come up with a good reason. And what better occasion than celebrating the New Year?

In order for the competition not only to take place, but also to be funny, you need to stock up on good music, an interesting legend (that is, for what, in fact, people will suffer) and, of course, worthy prizes. It is also impossible to do without Santa Claus, and therefore you will also need a Santa Claus costume.

There can be two teams, or maybe more, it all depends on how active the employees of a particular organization are. If someone does not want to take a direct part in the competition, you should not force him - the passive participants of the holiday will be an excellent support group. They should be given flags, balloons, horns, scarves, posters, i.e. everything that will help to cheer for this or that team.

Competitions can be held both outdoors and indoors, if, of course, space allows.

Each team must be given interesting name, come up with a motto, what is good to do in the form of a preliminary competition, about 10 days before the planned trip, and provide identification marks- baseball caps, scarves, T-shirts, bandanas, etc.

For such competitions, it makes no sense to paint the script by roles, because. no one will appreciate your efforts anyway. The main thing is to know the tasks and be able to sensibly explain to the competitors what, in fact, is required of them.

Legend for New Year's fun starts
At the general meeting before the start of the competition, the host announces to all those present:

Ladies and Gentlemen!

A terrible disaster has happened!

Due to inflation, speculation and some witchy stuff, the new year 200... is cancelled! From now on, and forever and ever, the entire population of the Earth will live in the old 200 ... year!

The New Year refused to come to people who only know how to work, work, work ... like Energizer batteries, that is, ten times longer than usual, and have completely forgotten how to relax! Today at 11 pm Moscow time, Father Frost made an open statement in the press, which said, and I quote: People have become too old, even children! It can’t go on like this anymore, and therefore I, Santa Claus, as a sign of protest, announce the wintering of deep freezing and refuse to give gifts and work miracles until people come to their senses and prove that there is still a place for the holiday in their lives . End of quote.

As a matter of urgency, the President issued a decree dated December 28, 200, No. NG 2007 / SG 2007 On holding large-scale festive events as a sign of the seriousness of mankind's intentions to celebrate the New Year.

And you and I, dear working citizens, today have to save the country and all of humanity from eternal vegetation in the old year and bring the long-awaited new year closer!

I believe in you, dear workers! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

After that, the start of fun starts is announced.

Here are a few tasks that you can use at an outdoor holiday.


The participants of each team must transfer oranges to a certain place without the help of hands. The winner is the team that in 3 minutes was able to transfer large quantity oranges.


3 people from each team participate - two men and one woman. Each three players receive a tight volleyball. At the signal of the leader, the woman stands on the ball and, supported by two men under her elbows, stepping on the ball, rolls it. The first team to reach the mark and return wins.


The members of each team line up one by one. The first participant is given a set of colored crayons by the team. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put a hoop. The task of the relay race participants in turn, on a signal, running out with crayons, collectively draw an animal - a symbol next year inside the hoop. The team that completed the task faster and drew the most beautiful symbol wins.


This game will require skittles and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Skittles are arranged in a snake in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to cover the distance without hitting the skittles. Whose team will have fewer pins knocked down, that one becomes the winner of the trip. Each pin not knocked down is worth one point.


Team members take turns running, or rather, jumping a certain distance, holding a tennis ball between their knees or Matchbox. If the ball or box falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, knees it again and continues running. The team that completed the task faster than the others wins.


Team members without the help of hands at speed pass a fake thermometer so that it is necessarily under the left hand. The team that completes the task first wins.


The members of each team temporarily become scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. In a pair, one player is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The fox bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand, and the cat Basilio is blindfolded. Thus, embracing, a couple of scammers must get to the mark and back. The team whose rogues made the journey the fastest wins.


The most vociferous representative is called from each team. Participants take turns choosing a song that each of them would like to sing. After that, the presenter turns on a soundtrack with a recording of a song. A Christmas tree was born in the forest or It's cold in the winter for a Little Christmas tree. And the participants must sing their own song to this phonogram. The winner is the one who turned out funnier than the others.

Scenario of the event "Merry Starts"

Targets and goals:

Teaching students healthy lifestyle habits;

engaging them in systematic training sports games;

identifying talented children to replenish the contingent sports sections;

promotion of sports as an alternative to negative habits.





Wooden planks.

Tennis balls.

Good afternoon dear guests! Where there is an atmosphere of respect, friendship, mutual understanding - there is always a holiday! Our sports festival is called " fun starts” and is held under the motto “Strong. Bold. Dexterous”

Riddles for participants

1. You will hit anyone -

He gets angry and cries.

And you hit this -

Jumping for joy!


2. I twist it with my hand,

And on the neck and leg,

And I twist at the waist,

And I don't want to drop.


3.Smooth, fragrant, washes clean

Everyone needs to have

What guys?(soap)

4. Whole 25 teeth

For curls and tufts

And under each under the tooth

Hair will lay in a row.(comb)

5.Waffle, striped,

Smooth, shaggy,

Always on hand

What it is?(towel)

6.Hairy head

She fits into her mouth deftly

And counts our teeth

In the morning(Toothbrush)

7. Only the judge will nod to her

It will start jumping on the log!

Will dance with a long ribbon

Wave legs from the uneven bars

And then drink water

And waiting for assessments for the work.(gymnast)

8. There is a lawn in our school

And on it goats and horses

We are tumbling here

Exactly 45 minutes

At school, horses and a lawn,

What a miracle, guess what?(gym)

9. Two-meter kid

Ball to ball, then the second

After all, the basket is with a hole!(basketball)

10.10 plus one someone

They want to kick the ball into the goal

And 11 others

Do not let them seek.(football)

11. Green meadow,

100 benches around

From gate to gate

People are running around

At these gates

Fishing nets.(stadium)

12. The ice around is transparent, flat

Two iron strips

And someone is dancing above them

Jumping, waving his arms.(figure skater)

13. Who quickly rushes through the snow

Are you afraid to fail?(skier)

14. He rushes as if to the stars,

To the finish. Blimey

He raised his head: air, -

Lowered: already water.(swimmer)

15. Looks like a hedgehog

But does not ask for food

Runs on clothes

She will be cleaner.(brush

16. White River

Leaked into the cave

Cleans white.


17. I am related to Moydodyr,

Turn me away

And cold water

I will kill you alive.

(water faucet)

18. I'm not sitting on a horse,

And the tourist on the back. (Backpack)

19. On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearable!

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked. (Soccer ball)

20. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Birders, anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard?

- Don't interfere with the game!

You'd better leave

We play ... (volleyball).

21. When spring takes its toll

And the brooks run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she - through me. (Rope)

Team greetings. Equal! Attention!

Teams greet each other by saying the motto.

Team "Smeshariki"

To grow and mature

Let's play sports.


Use dexterity and attitude

Victory will be yours.

Leading : The jury will evaluate your progress.

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a miss

Who will be friendlier

That one will win.


Hey brave teams

Friendly, skillful

Come out to the platform

Show strength, dexterity.

Relay race " needle eye»

There are 2 hoops on the ground along the relay line. Starting, the first one must run to the first hoop, pick it up and pass it through itself.

Then with the next hoop also. And so on the way back.

Relay "Three jumps"

The members of each team line up one by one. At a distance of 10 meters from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back, the 2nd takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it, the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team can do it faster, that one will win.

Relay "Handed - sit down"

Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 m. Captains receive a volleyball. On a signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

Leading. Tourists are walking along the trail

They have a backpack on their back.

Athletes finalists

Run them like this.

Relay "Crossing"

Participants are built in oncoming columns one by one at a distance of 10 m from one another. The guides of the columns of the first group receive 3 wooden boards, the thickness and width of which are at least 10 cm, the length is 25 cm. Putting 2 boards (one on the start line, the other in front, a step away from the first), each of the participants stands on the boards with both feet , and holds the third tablet in his hands. On a signal, the player, without leaving the boards, puts the third board in front of him and transfers the foot that was behind him to it. He shifts the released board forward and puts his foot on it. So the player moves to opposite side. He comes back, running holding the planks in his hands. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Relay "Merry jump rope"

The players of each team line up common line start in a column one at a time. In front of each column at a distance of 10–12 m, a turntable is placed. On a signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the turntable, he folds the rope in half and intercepts it in one hand. He moves back, jumping on two legs and rotating the rope horizontally under his feet. At the finish, the participant passes the rope to the next player of his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The team whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier wins.


I see friendly guys

For each other you are a mountain

Well, jump like a rabbit

Would you like to come with me?

Relay "Kangaroo"

Participants are built in a column one at a time. The start and finish lines are marked at a distance of 10 m from one another. The guides of the columns clamp a volleyball between the legs (above the knees). On a signal, the guides begin to move forward in jumps and, having reached the opposite line, take the ball in their hands and run back. This is how all players act. If the ball fell to the floor, you need to pick it up, pinch it with your feet, and only then continue the relay. The participants who finished the relay race stand at the end of the column. The team whose players finish the relay the fastest wins.

Relay "Jumping in bags"

Participants are built in a column one at a time, the distance to the control post is 10 meters. Holding the bags with their hands near the belt, they jump to the designated place. Having run around it, the children return to their columns, get out of the bags, and pass them on to the next. This continues until all the children run in bags. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Competition "Collective run of centipedes".

the race is unusual in that the whole team participates in it. Having wrapped their arms around the waist of the player standing in front, they run after the leader to the designated place, for example, the same impromptu mountain. Run around her and come back. It is very important at the same time not to collide head-on with the opposing team and not to stumble and not make a “bunch of little”.

Competition " Relay with the ball ».

The competition is as follows: teams are built in a row. The first players pass the ball to the next until it reaches the last. The last players, each running around their chain, become at the head of their teams and pass the ball to the players behind them. The ball again hits the last player in the chain, who must also run around it and become the head of the team, and so on.

The team whose players have switched places first wins.

Competition "Captains".

Team captains are called to participate in the competition. The competition is called "Free Throws", the task of the captains is to hit as many as possible out of 10 times. The captain team wins, which hits as many times as possible.

8 competition for captains "Don't drop the ball".

A ball between the foreheads, who will sit down more. Captains choose their assistants.

Competition "Running in one bundle with a friend."

If you want to check the reliability of your friend, take him to the mountains, become one with him and make sure that he is a reliable and faithful friend. We are waiting for the relay.

Children become pairs back to back and grab each other with their elbows. Created as a couple, they run to the counter. On the way, they run around the hoop, around the rack and return back the same way. On the run, you can not unhook and fall. If you fall, get up and continue running from the same place.

competition "Siamese twins".

2 participants come out of each team, we tie them with a rope on one leg. Their task is to run to the specified goal and return back to the team and pass the rope to the next two team members.

Leading .Let's give the floor to the jury and find out whose team today became the best, fastest, most attentive, most friendly and sporty.

The result of our event, the jury names the winner.

Leading : Sports, guys, are very necessary,

We are very friendly with sports.

Sports help!

Sport is health!

Sport is a game!

Physical training!

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Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

watermelon helmet

One representative per team. Each of them is given half a watermelon. Their task is to eat all the pulp as quickly as possible (pick out only with their hands) and put the remaining “watermelon helmet” on their heads. The winner is the one who does it faster and better.

Two participants receive a large net on a long stick and a balloon. The task of the players is to catch the opponent in the net as soon as possible, trying not to “lose” the ball.

Running back to back

Each team is divided into pairs. And this couple turns their backs on each other. Teams compete with the same number of pairs. Each pair runs to the screen and back, passing the baton.


An old French game with a tied ball that is tossed and caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or string 40 cm long. Glue one end with adhesive tape to a table tennis ball, and the other to the bottom of a plastic cup or tie it to the handle of a plastic mug. Your bilbock is ready. Several people are playing. It is necessary to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One point is awarded for this. Catch the ball in turn until you miss. The one who misses passes the bilbock to the next player. The winner is the one who scores the agreed number of points first.

Big Wash

Each team receives a bowl of water and a bar of soap. At the command of the facilitator, each team tries to wash off the soap using only hands and water. Washing stops after 2 minutes. The winner is determined by the size of the soap.

Big races

They can be arranged using everything that has wheels (with the exception of real cars): bicycles of any caliber, strollers, garden cars, cars. All participants in the races must be divided into teams by age, so that the little ones would not be offended to lose to their older brothers and sisters. Determine a section of the road (not a driveway) of about 200 m, mark the start and finish, place “beacons” that need to be bypassed (they can be plastic buckets or bottles of lemonade filled with water). At the same time, guys should start approximately equal in age and on those “machines” that can develop same speed. For example, tricycles start the race, then two-wheelers. For those who can't yet ride a bike, they can ride the "track" by pulling a toy truck (which must not roll over!). But the funniest, of course, will be garden wheelbarrow racing. This is where adults can compete.

If a suitable means Not everyone has enough movement, then you can compete in turn, marking the time. The one who will be more agile will win, win extra seconds and not knock down a single “beacon”. Choose fair judges!

But even the fairest judges can make mistakes if you don't define the rules clearly enough.

Agree in advance what to do if: one of the players falls; you doubt who came first; the rules were violated through no fault of the child; the loser burst into crocodile tears; technique let you down; The weather turned bad and not all the children had time to participate in the game.

When starting a game with children, do not forget that you are adults - not only organizers and impartial judges, but, above all, moms and dads. Carefully observe the players in order to involve a too shy child in the game in time, provoke a timid one, encourage an unfortunate one, and prevent fights and unnecessary tears. Prepare incentive prizes for those children who do not receive the main awards.

Big run (relay race for the whole camp)

jogging 60 m;

get an apple from a basin of water;

flight with toilet paper;

hit the basketball hoop;

spoon in the mouth, potatoes in the spoon;

blow a ball;

shoot soap;

carry the boat, carry;

swim boat, swim;

eat watermelon;

everyone in the water.

small bottle

One representative per team. Each of them is given plastic bottle and newspaper (the thicker the newspaper, the better). Their task is to stuff the newspaper into the bottle as quickly as possible. The one who completes this task faster will win.

Come on, put it in

When a certain number of bottles have been released, you take pens or pencils, tie a piece of thread to them, and with the other end behind, for those who want to play, for a belt. When tying, choose the height to make it more fun. Well, you put an empty bottle between your legs and by squatting you get a handle into the bottle. Whoever is first wins. The more bottles empty, the harder it is to hit and the merrier for everyone.

fast water carriers

Two people are involved. There is a bowl of vodka on two chairs and one spoon each. There are two more chairs a few steps away with an empty glass on them. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

Types of relay races using running

Running with jumps on one leg; Running together, wearing one hoop; Running jumping rope; Leaping while sitting, like frogs; Jumps on one leg, with a change of legs at the finish; Running with a hand tossing a balloon; Running with hoops, jumping through them, like on a skipping rope; Running with the ball; Running with a puck dribbling; Running with knocking (up) the ball with a table tennis racket; Ride a scooter to the finish line and back; Walking on stilts; Running with climbing through a canvas bag lying on the ground without a bottom; Running with overcoming simple obstacles; Running with measuring the distance with a surveyor's compass; Running while carrying various items: a bag of balls, a kettlebell, a stack of books, etc.; Running with inflated balls tied to the legs; Running with one ski on the leg; Running in fins; Jumping sideways; Running on all fours; Running backwards (on all fours); Running backwards (standing); Running with an apple on your head; Running with the transfer of flags, bells; Movement on children's tricycles; Ride on a broom; Wheelbarrow movement: one player holds the other by the legs, and he walks on his hands; Running with somersaults over the head; Movement in dance (letka-enka, lambada); Running with carrying on the back of a partner (on horseback); Running with two inflated balls, pressing them to each other between the palms; Running with matchboxes on the shoulders; Running with a pyramid of 10 cubes; Running with a hand tossing a balloon; Running five of us, wearing a hoop; Walking on stilts.

Types of relay races with the transfer of the ball

Passing the ball with two hands from above with an inclination back, the last player, having received the ball, rolls it along the guide floor, between the legs of the participants; Passing the ball in the same way, back the ball is passed from hand to hand below, between the legs; Passing the ball with two hands from the side (left and right) with body turns.

One person per team. Each of them is blindfolded and given a fork in his hands. With it, they must determine three objects in a minute. For each item correctly identified, the team receives one point.


Form teams of 6 people. Give each a cup of plain M&M and paper plate. The 1st person from each team pours the entire contents of the bag onto a plate and takes only the yellow ones. When he's done, he puts the rest of the candy in the cup and passes it on to the next person. The second player repeats the same process and only eats the orange candies. Give me 5 sec. a penalty for each candy that ends up on the floor. The team that finishes first is the winner.


The task of each team is to fill a colander with water using their hands. Whichever team overflows, that one wins.

Calling numbers

Players are built in columns in front of the posts, located at 15-20 m, and are calculated in order. The leader loudly calls some number, for example, "5". The fifth numbers of the teams run to the rack (you can also use a stuffed ball), run around it and return to their places. Whoever crosses the finish line first (it is held four steps in front of the columns) receives one point. If more than two teams play, the result is summed up in the same way as in the previous game. If two teams are playing, the second-place finisher receives no points. The manager calls the players in any order and does not interrupt the game until everyone starts one or two times. The scoring can be done by an assistant.

Chief Accountant

On a large sheet of whatman paper, various banknotes are scattered around. They must be quickly counted, and the account must be kept as follows: one dollar, one ruble, one mark, two marks, two rubles, three marks, two dollars, etc. Whoever counts correctly, without getting lost, having reached the far banknote, is the winner.

pyramid race

Make teams from 3 people. Mark a distance of about 3 m. Have two get down on all fours and stand next to each other, and the third kneel on top of his 2 players (he should not be too heavy for the other two). Place chips at the ends of the marked distance. Pyramids of people reach the second chip and return. The team that comes back first and doesn't drop their head wins the race.

bucket racing

To play, you need a folding chair, an umbrella, a bucket with a lid, which contains a whistle. The task is to unfold the chair, sit on it, open the umbrella above you, open the bucket, take out the whistle, blow into it, close the bucket, fold the umbrella, fold the chair, run back, touch the next player and he does the same until everyone is finished game.

One representative per team. Each of them is given a pack of chewing gum. Their task is to stuff all the chewing gum into their mouths as quickly as possible and, after chewing for 2 minutes, inflate as large a bubble as possible. Whoever blows the biggest bubble wins.

Chewing gum in gloves

Two teams with the same number of players receive a pair of rubber gloves, a bag that is hermetically sealed and contains sweets for each player. At the command of the host, the first player from each team puts on gloves, opens the bag, takes out and unfolds the candy, poisons it in his mouth, closes the bag tightly, takes off his gloves and passes everything to the next player. The team that completes this operation first wins.

Divide into two teams (at least 20 people each). Both need to line up. Before each team at a certain distance, you need to put a certain chip. On a signal, the first player from each team runs to this 2 object, running around it, returns to his team, takes the next player by the hand and runs with him. When they come back take two players; upon return - 4 more, then eight ... The condition is that the chain never opens.


And if you put a small bag of sawdust or sand on your head, can you run so fast as to overtake all your rivals (who, of course, do not run lightly either)? And do not drop, of course, this bag! If someone looks at you running from the side, your funny look will give him considerable pleasure. We think you will have fun too. And, believe me, such fun games help develop good posture.

Looks like it's starting to rain

Divide the group into 2 teams. Each team receives a raincoat, umbrella, hat. All this is stacked on a chair at the opposite end of the room. At the command of the leader, the first player from each team runs to the chair, puts on a raincoat, a hat, opens an umbrella over his head and runs around the chair 3 times, while singing: “It seems it is starting to rain!” Then he takes everything off himself, leaves it on the chair, runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one.

Potato in a spoon

It is necessary to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in an outstretched hand. They take turns running. Running time is measured by the clock. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! Whoever shows wins best time. Team competition is even more exciting.

The player stands in front of a chair with pins, goes 8-10 steps forward, stops. Then he is blindfolded, offered to turn around himself once or twice, go back the same number of steps back to the chair and, raising his hand to the top, lower it onto the pin. The one who completes the task receives a prize.


Equipment: 4 brooms, 1 rubber ring per player. One player from each team receives a broom and stands inside the square in the center of the circle. The players stand on the line of the circle. Each player has a rubber ring from a can or a ring of this size. The player in the center stands on the tail of the broom. The broom handle is held with both hands, pointing it at the first player on the circle line. The meaning of the game: the players throw the rings one by one, and the central player must put them on the broom handle. The handle of the broom rotates to catch the hoop, but the tail must remain under the foot of the center player. The team that catches the most rings wins. If the teams are large, several rounds can be held. Younger children may stand closer to the broom than older children.

Who will build faster

The whole team participates in this game. At the whistle, all teams run into a circle and begin to run randomly in a circle. When the host blows another whistle, everyone runs to their own line. The team that lines up the fastest wins.

Who will grab the pouches from the circle

Equipment: 5 bags. The bags are laid out in a circle opposite each team and one in the middle. Each player is given a number. The leader calls the number, and all the players under this number run in a circle and try to grab as many bags as possible. For each bag, the player brings the team 50 points. The team that scores more points wins.

With the help of an ordinary syringe, you need to hold a tennis ball over the entire distance of the “marathon”, trying to get to the finish line faster.

We are all friendly guys...

The participants of the game are invited to jump with a rolling pin as long as possible, breaking into pairs, triples, fours.

Find a skittle blindfolded

Equipment: 4 scarves, 4 starting pins, central pin. Players: 1 per team. Game description: Each team member is blindfolded with a handkerchief. The leader leads him to the starting pin and, after the leader's signal, the players go to the circle in order to find the center pin. The team whose representative finds the pin first wins.

draw the sun

Teams take part in this relay game, each of which lines up in a column “one at a time”. At the start, in front of each team, there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put a hoop. The task of the relay race participants is to alternately, on a signal, running out with sticks, spread them out in rays around their hoop - “draw the sun”. The team that completes the task faster wins.

No worse than a kangaroo

You need to run, or rather, jump a certain distance, holding a tennis ball or a matchbox between your knees. Time is marked by the clock. If the ball or box falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, knees it again and continues running. The one with the best time wins.

peeled banana

Divide the players into two teams and place them in front of the start line. At the end of the room, one chair for each team. Give the players a banana. The first player from each team receives a book. At the command of the facilitator, the first player from each team puts a book on his head, walks to a chair, sits down, peels and eats a banana. After that, he gets up and returns to the starting line, and then passes the book to the next one. Continue the relay until the last player returns to the finish line and the whole team shouts: "Peeled banana!"


There is no need to rush at full speed, trying to get ahead of those who are running nearby. Another thing is important here - to show your endurance. They measure the distance and run “from flag to flag” all together, at an average pace feasible for everyone. They ran - stopped, turned around at once and ran back. So several times. And now someone can't stand it anymore. Tired, you can't run with everyone - stop, drop out of the game. With each new run, the number of runners decreases; in the end, the winner is determined. It's you?

Circle transmission

The two teams line up in two separate circles (back of the head to each other). Each team chooses a captain. Captains receive a volleyball. At the signal of the leader, each captain raises the ball over his head, passes it to the one standing behind, and then the ball passes in the first circle from hand to hand. When, having gone around the circle, the ball returns to the captain, he directs it to the one in front (ie, in the opposite direction). After that, everyone, at the command of the captain, turns their backs, facing the center, and passes the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball is returned to the captain, he lifts it over his head.

Changing places

Two teams of 8-10 people line up in ranks facing each other on opposite ends platforms, behind the lines (distance 10-12m), and diverge to the width of outstretched arms. At the signal of the leader, they run towards each other, trying to be outside the opposite city as quickly as possible, turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins. When repeating, you can change the methods of movement: jumping, on one leg, with a rope.

tug of war

One player per team stand in a circle and pick up the rope. Skittles are placed at the same distance from them. At the whistle, the players begin to pull the rope. At the same time, trying to reach the pins and take it. The host gives another whistle and one more player is added to help them. So you can add up to five people from the team. The one whose players reach their pin and take it wins.


The whole team participates (an equal number of people in each). The team is given two cards. With the help of them, they must move to another part of the territory. Standing together on one cardboard, and the other, at this time, shifting forward, they move to the other part. Then one goes back, also by cartons, to pick up the next one. Moreover, you can’t step on the ground, penalty points are given for this. The team that gets to the other part faster than the others wins.


Those who train sprinters get their students to put their feet on the track parallel to the imaginary running line. Let's make a game out of this. On the ground, a few (according to the number of participants in the game) parallel straight lines are drawn with a sharp stick, marking the distance (50-60 meters). Start! Everyone is running a race - it is important not only to come first, but also to run the distance "like a thread" - so that the traces must fall on the drawn straight line. By the way, it will be easier for those who run with their knees high, and not dragging their feet.

obstacle course

Mud running; Through barriers; Climb a slippery rope; Crawl under the ropes; Web; From bump to bump (possibly in circles); Swim the distance; Climb a rope over a pond or ravine; bungee; Running with a team (everyone is tied); Carry through a puddle (by a rider with one pair of boots); Dive and get (you can in a bucket and mouth); Horizontal bars, fences, labyrinths and ravines; Wren; Climb the tree and get the key; Water rain; Ambush (anything); dead end (wrong path); Run along a log (board); Go down into the pit on a rope and get the key; Chairs at arm's length;


Team game. In front of each team on the floor (distance 5-7 meters), there is a thick sheet of paper, divided into cells in which the endings of names are written (cha, nya, la, etc.). Another sheet of paper with the first half of the names of the names is pre-cut into pieces in the form of postcards, which are folded into shoulder bags. The first numbers of the teams put the bags on their shoulders, at the signal of the presenter they rush to the paper sheet on the floor - the addressee, take out a postcard with the first half of the name from the bag and attach it to the desired ending. When they return, they pass the bag to the next player on their team. The team whose mail finds its addressee faster wins the game.

Progressive relay

For each team of 6-8 people, place a chair at the other end of the room. Place cards on each chair according to the number of players in the team. At the command of the leader, the first player from each team runs to the chair, takes the first card, reads and completes the task. Then he returns to the starting line again, takes the second player by the hand, runs together to the chair, takes the second card, reads and completes the task, then after the third player, etc.

Sample tasks:

sing "A tree was born in the forest";

jump up 5 times;

take off and then put on your shoes.

Five in a line

In front of you, as well as in front of your opponent (or rivals), five small objects are placed or laid out in a line on the ground. It can be skittles or towns, balls or cubes, or just sticks or chocks ... From you to the first chock is 2 meters, and from the chock to the next chock is also 2 meters, so in total you have to run 10 meters, picking up these chocks on the run, and another 10 meters back, carefully pressing them to yourself so that they do not fall out; you are not supposed to return without prey, and while you are picking up what you have dropped, your more cautious opponent will be first at the finish line.

Players are built in one line with their backs to the finish line. At the leader’s signal, they get on all fours and start back to front. You are not allowed to look back while driving. Winner: The player who reaches the finish line first.

Crazy plate

Teams line up behind the starting line, 20 steps from the finish line. Each team has one plate, the first players hold the plate between their knees, run to the finish line and from there throw the plate to the next players. The first team to reach the finish line wins.

hold the ball

This game is designed for a large group (15 or more people). Divide into teams of 4-6 players, arrange chairs around the room (how many teams). Place a few uninflated balloons on each chair. Then bring each group into a circle and brief the participants.

At the signal: "Let's go!" - the team, huddled together, moves to the first chair, where one of the players inflates the balloon and throws it into the middle of the team. The team then moves to another chair and the process repeats. The whole difficulty of the game is that the team needs to keep the balls on the weight, at the level of the stomach, very closely clinging to each other and not using their hands. Near the second chair, the team inflates two balloons, near the third chair, three, and so on.

Throughout the game, the team must keep the balls in the air. If the ball falls down, stop and pick it up. The team cannot approach a chair occupied in this moment by another team. After 5-6 minutes, stop the game, count who has how many balls in weight, and name the winner.

"Fort Boyard" at the edge of the forest

What an “obstacle course” is, those dads who served in the army, were fond of tourism, or at least went to a pioneer camp, know very well. And everyone probably watched the program “Fort Boyard”. Every gambler, and even more so a child, would like, just like her heroes, to test themselves for dexterity, endurance and courage, but where? If you spend a few hours preparing, you can provide such an opportunity for children. Set up an impromptu "obstacle course" at the edge of the forest. What can it consist of? Well, for example: two firmly taut ropes, along which you need to go “over the abyss” from tree to tree, a dozen sawn-down wooden circles, jumping on which you have to “cross the swamp”, “bungee”, with which you can jump over the designated “stream”, a tangle of ropes, under which you need to crawl and not hurt, as well as any other simple test that you can remember from your pioneer childhood. Believe me, the children's team will be delighted, especially if mothers come to cheer for their athletes.

4 start pins, center pin, bag

Players: 3 per team.

2 players get on all fours in front of their pins, the third - behind them. When the leader's signal sounds, the third player jumps over the first two and gets on all fours in front of them, and the second player does what the third did. Thus, the team must jump circles, hitting the center, take a skittle or bag.

Swedish burners

They become pairs, and each pair, starting with the lead one, gets its number in order: first, second, third, etc. In the middle, a kind of corridor for the run should be left, so that the couples do not join hands - it turns out that everyone is standing in single file, in two lines.

Someone needs to be in charge of this game. He steps forward, ten paces from the first couple. In both hands he has a wand. One by one, he calls pairs (in any order). Both of the called pair run along inner corridor to the leader, they snatch the sticks from his hands and, having run around the standing couples with outside, again give him these sticks. The one who gave his wand first brings his line a point. When all the pairs run across, it turns out that one of the lines has more points - she won. After each run, the lines change places: the first becomes left, and the left becomes right.

chocolate bar

Two teams are participating. The host prepares two identical chocolates. On command: "Start!" - the extreme players of the two teams, sitting next to the leader, quickly unfold the chocolate bar, bite off a piece and pass it on to the next participant. He, in turn, quickly eats another piece and passes it on. The team that quickly eats their chocolate wins, and it should be enough for all the players on the team.

relay races

With a bouncy ball. Divide the participants into two teams. Give each team a stick and a balloon. The task of each player is to run to the destination with a wand! do not let him fall to the ground;

With cotton. For this relay, prepare a special in advance. tubules bent at one end. It is necessary to reach the designated place as soon as possible without dropping the cotton wool. To do this, you must constantly inhale air through a tube, at the end of which there is a piece of cotton wool;

Throw pebbles into a glass;

Jumping in the bag;

In the teeth is a plastic glass of water;

Apron, scarf, spacing, hooks;

Who will eat a piece faster toilet paper;

steeplechase (the whole team holds on to a piece of toilet paper);

put on jackets and skirts, supporting a balloon on the fly;

drink all the water in the bottle through a straw, running up in turn;

get a pencil into the neck of the bottle;

pass a matchbox with your nose;

soap relay race (soaping hands to shoot soap as far as possible;

and for posture benefits (a bag of sawdust on the head);

blanket race (one sits, two carry);

chabi - baths (put more marshmallows in your mouth and say clearly and distinctly: "chabi - baths";

goldfish (to drink to the mentor and mentor a jar of water in which live goldfish swim;

glove (pull the glove up to the nose and inflate it until it explodes with the nose);

Eat a banana with warm soda.

relay race with balls

Two or three teams of five to seven people can participate in the relay race. Relay stages:

The first step is to carry the ball on your head. If it falls, stop, pick it up and continue moving again;

The second stage is to run or walk, and drive the ball through the air;

The third stage is to carry two balls, pressing them to each other, between the palms;

The fourth stage is to drive the ball along the floor, going around the towns (skittles, toys) arranged by the snake;

The fifth stage is to quickly walk the distance with a ball tied with a meter thread to the ankle of the leg;

The sixth stage is to carry a table tennis ball on a racket or in a large spoon;

The seventh stage is to hold the ball between your knees and jump with it like a kangaroo.


Hit the basket (3 small balls); Wrap everyone in paper (the whole team in toilet paper); Eat a candy in flour; Sit on a ball of water (foam in the water); Eat a lemon without hands (1/2); Carry a piece of paper on your chest; The best toilet paper wedding dress; Poke a ball with a baseball needle (some balls with water, and some with prize notes); Who will travel further through the mud on his stomach; Balls in a flying saucer; Water in a flying saucer; Shave the ball.

relay races

2 or more teams participate in the relay race. Throughout the relay race, in many competitions, teams are given penalty points for violations. Penalty points based on the results of all competitions are summed up and 5 penalty points are equal to 1 point, i.e. if a team scores 15 penalty points for the entire relay race, then at the end of the relay race, 3 penalty points are deducted from the total number of points earned by the team. Points are given as follows: if a team takes 1st place in the competition, then it gets 4 points, if 2nd - 3 points, etc., and if 2 teams together take 1st place in the competition, then they both get 4 points. The winner of the relay race is the team that, in total and with the deduction of penalty points, will have more points than the other teams.

Relay races on the beach

  1. Relay with changing clothes Each participant must swim to the buoy and back in the tights and T-shirt, which they receive before entering the water, and give it to the next participant on their return.
  2. Canoe Races Canoe to the yellow buoy and back.
  3. Swimming Relay Swim in any style to the buoy and back.
  4. Fanbag Races At least 2 participants must be on the fanbag at all times. The third must ride two to the lifeguard tower and back.
  5. Bury the leader in the sand Bury the body of the leader in the sand, however, leave the head uncovered.
  6. Who is faster? Fill the bucket with water to the very top, using only one glass.
  7. Throwing plates From one line, participants must throw a plate into the lifeguard's house.
  8. Great kayaks Use double kayaks. Two players swim to the buoy using only their hands for paddling, return back next to the kayak, pushing it with their hands.

Four people per team. The first participant takes an apple in his teeth and runs around the designated place with it. Then he returns and, without touching the apple with his hands, puts it in the teeth of the next participant. He also runs around the designated place with an apple and shifts the apple to the next participant, etc. If the apple touches the ground or hands, then the team receives penalty points. The team that completes the task first wins.

Elena Burkatskaya
"Fun starts for adults." Scenario of sports entertainment for teachers

Burkatskaya E. A, educator of the highest qualification category.

Leading: Hello, Dear friends! Today the teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and smartest will prove in an honest and open duel that they deserve the title of "Champion!". Today on our site: in the competition "Merry Starts" teams meet: employees kindergarten. The motto of our competitions (all teams together with the leader)

Let's remember the old victories

And again we will put on sneakers!

Command representation: today the team "Oba-na" is participating in our competitions, the captain of the team: ....

Team captain: our motto is: “We are girls anywhere,

We are girls - "Both-on"!

Even though you burst

Even though you crack

Both come first!

Leading: And the Strelka team, team captain:….

Team captain: our motto is: “We are troubled girls,

If we don't win

At least let's have some fun"

Leading: as you know, every olympiad has its own song. Therefore, our first warm-up is a warm-up for breathing. We will perform the song of our Olympiad. It is called "Song of sports educators."

We're having fun, fun, fun

We are educators, which means

We can do everything

We'll run once and twice

Under the cries of loud "Hurrah!"

And let our back not really hurt

We go to the start

Suits with old sneakers

in the closet we will find

And in our gym

We will gather friendly teams.

Let it be very difficult for us tomorrow

But don't let anyone win.

Let's play fair!

We won't give up, no

You know so!

Leading: After such a good warm-up, we move on to the competition program.

Relay number 1.

Inventory: baton.

The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the rack and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay number 2.

Equipment: hoops, skittles.

3 hoops lie on the floor on equal distance from each of the teams. The first participant receives three pins and, on command, carries them, placing one pin in each of the hoops, runs around the rack and, by touching his hand, passes the baton to the next participant. The next participant collects the pins from the hoops, runs around the rack and passes the pins to the third participant. The third participant sets the pins again. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay №3.

Equipment: soft rugs.

Each team has two soft mats. With the help of which teachers need to move to the other end of the hall. Back to run.

Relay №4.

Inventory: plastic glasses with water.

Each of the two teams is given a plastic cup filled to the top with water. At a distance of 5 meters from each team, make a mark (check the box, draw a line). The task is to carry (run) the glass to the mark and back, then pass the glass to the next player. Each member of the team must carry the glass back and forth. The team with the most water left in the glass wins.

Relay №5

Inventory: 2 long ropes.

The whole team is involved. Participants tie their legs in such a way that the left leg is tied to the neighbor's right leg, and the right leg, respectively, to the neighbor's left leg. In such a combination, the team must go to the other end of the hall, go around the pin and go back, while choosing the right tactics. When one player falls, the whole team returns to the starting point or is punished with a penalty point.

This concludes our competition.

While the jury is summing up, I ask the teams to untie their legs, remove the ropes.

Dear educators, you competed well today, and your fans cheered for you well, and this undoubtedly gave you strength. Let's turn around and greet our fans and all together, together, say "Thank you!"


Our competitions have come to an end, but whatever their results, we will consider that Friendship! won today.

The event must be held in the gym. Games are played between three teams. In each team, the guys must choose a captain. The results of the competitions will be evaluated by the jury, which includes teachers and the best athletes.

For competitions you need: a basketball, a tennis racket and a ball, a hoop, a badminton racket and a shuttlecock, running bags, table tennis balls, ski equipment, a hockey stick, air balloons.

Competition "Homework"

Teams greet each other. Each must have a name, a motto, an emblem. The teams must also prepare a greeting for the jury members.

Contest "Build Up!"

Teams must line up in alphabetical order by last name. As soon as they complete, they shout "Ready!". The coach checks. Then the teams should line up in alphabetical order by name. The teams shout “Ready!” again. The coach checks again. After that, the participants should line up in a row according to their height. As soon as the guys complete the task, they again shout “Ready!”. Each time a team is first, it earns 1 point.

Competition "Badminton"

The contestants line up. The first participant receives a racket and a shuttlecock. They must run to the opposite wall, stuffing the shuttlecock, touch the wall and run back to the team, pass the racket and shuttlecock to the second participant, and so on until the end. Participants receive 5 points for winning.

Competition "Full equipment"

Each team has one participant. They stand in the middle of the room. The skier's equipment lies against the wall, from boots and skis to a hat. Each participant must run to the wall to take one item, put it on the "skier", and then return to the team. The team that is the fastest to fully and correctly equip their "skier" wins. 5 points are awarded for a win.

Competition "We are winners"

Participants tie their legs in such a way that the left leg is tied to the neighbor's right leg. In such a long chain, they must run to the opposite wall, where letters lie on the floor, from which they must form the expression "we are winners." The team that gets back the fastest will be the winner. For the victory - 5 points.

Competition "Ring"

The teams take turns. Each participant must hit the basketball into the ring. Players only have one try. For each hit, the team receives 2 points.

Competition "Pairs"

Two team members pinch the ball with their backs and run to the opposite wall, where the hoop lies. One participant gets into the hoop, and the other returns to the team, pinches the ball with another participant and again runs to the hoop. So the whole team should be in the hoop. They all come back together. The first team to do it gets 5 points.

Competition "Chop"

The first team member dribbles the basketball to the opposite wall. There, he takes a tennis racket and kicks a ball as he returns to the team. Gives the racket and ball to the second participant. He goes to the wall with a tennis ball, and takes a basketball back. And so is the whole team. The winning team gets 5 points.

Competition "Jumping in bags"

The guys jump in bags to the opposite wall, go around various obstacles on the way. At the wall, they crawl out of the bags and return back, jumping on their right foot. Winners receive 5 points.

Competition "My name"

Participants must run to the wall. There should be a piece of paper and a pencil on the chair. The children must write their last name, first name and patronymic in full. The winner will be the team that not only finishes the fastest, but also writes neatly and legibly. A team is awarded 5 points for a win.

Captains competition

The captains go to the outlined "ring". The guys hold the towel at different ends. The winner will be the one who can pull his opponent out of the contours of the "ring". A team gets 10 points for a win.

Captains competition

Captains must answer questions correctly. Each participant has 5 questions. For each correct answer - 2 points.

➢ How many major players in football team? (11 people)

➢ Until what score is played in volleyball? (Up to 25)

➢ How many minutes are there in a basketball half? (20 minutes)

➢ How is badminton played? (Racquets and shuttlecock)

➢ What is a “pass”? (Transfer from one player to another)

➢ Where do they score a “one-pointer” in basketball? (From a free kick)

➢ How many minutes are there in a football half? (45 minutes)

➢ What is another name for table tennis? (Ping pong)

➢ What is the short morning workout called? (Charger)

➢ How many people in basketball team playing on the court? (5 persons)

➢ What is a clear win called in boxing? (Knockout)

➢ What is the name playground for tennis? (Court)

➢ For which card is removed from the field during football match? (Red)

➢ What sport is played at Wimbledon? (Tennis)

➢ In which sport did Kostya Ju become famous? (Boxing)

Competition "In pairs"

The first participant stands on his hands, and the second - holds the first by the legs. So the guys must run to the opposite wall and come back. Then the second participant is held by the third. A team gets 10 points for a win.

Competition "Sit down"

At the command "Sit down!" all team members should quickly squat down. At the command "Stand up!" - get up. Each time the pace of the teams should increase. Such commands must be repeated 10 times, and at the end "Jump!". The team with the fastest correct response wins. 5 points are awarded for a win.

Contest "Collect the cones"

Each team has one representative. They are blindfolded, and cones are placed all over the site. Within a minute, the guys walk around the site and collect chips. For each found cone get one point.

Competition "Catch with your mouth"

The first participant runs to the opposite wall, where there is a bucket of water and table tennis balls are floating. The player must catch the ball with his mouth without the help of hands and return to the team. Then the next participant runs. The team that completes the task faster will be the winner. For the victory in the competition, the team receives 5 points.

Competition "Master of Sports"

The teams take turns calling different kinds sports. The team that is more erudite wins.

Competition "Passing the ball over the head"

The team line up. The first participant passes to the second outstretched arms basketball. The second passes to the third and so on. When the last player receives the ball, he stands in front of the first player and passes the ball back again. The winner is the team whose leader, who at the beginning of the competition was in front of the line, will be back in his place. For winning the competition, the team receives 10 points.

Competition "Hockey"

Participants take turns driving a basketball with a stick to the opposite wall, circling various obstacles laid out on the floor. They come back running. The winning team gets 5 points.

fan competition

Fans of the first team must pretend to be fans of the team that loses the decisive match. Fans of the second team are fans who quarrel in the stands. Fans of the third team are joyful fans. Fans who coped with the task better than others bring 5 points to their team.

Competition "On the knees"

Each team sits on a bench. The guys must pass the tennis ball from the first participant to the last one without the help of hands. Then pass the basketball in the same way. If the ball falls, then you need to start with the first participant. The most cohesive team wins. For the victory in the competition, the team receives 5 points.

Competition "handle the ball"

One member is selected from each team. They get a soccer ball. Competitors must kick the ball on their feet as many times as possible within one minute. After that, for one minute - on the knee. Then for one minute on the head. The winner will be the participant who filled the ball more than his rivals. For this competition, the participant brings the team 10 points.

Contest "Secret Orange"

On the opposite wall there is an orange in one bag, and tennis balls in the rest. Each participant is allowed to take only one bag. You can see what's in the bag only when you return to the team. For the victory, the most successful and fastest get 5 points.

Competition "Pumps"

The first participant must run to the opposite wall. There are balloons there. The participant must inflate the balloon until it bursts, then he returns to the team, and the second participant runs to the wall. Winners receive 10 points.

Competition "Get in the bottle"

One player from each team takes part in the competition. A pen (pencil) is attached to the belt on a thread 20 cm long. The participant must get into the neck of the bottle in a minute maximum amount once. For each hit, the participant brings the team 5 points.

Contest "Get in the Ring"

The team chooses one member to be the "goalkeeper". He stands at a distance of 5 meters from the team. Each participant must throw the ball, and the "goalkeeper" to catch it. For each hit, the team receives 1 point. The teams take turns.

Competition "Big relay"

The first contestant runs to the opposite wall, rolling the hoop and running through it. He comes back holding it in his hands. This is how the whole team goes. Then the participants in pairs, holding hands, must jump to the wall on the right foot, and back on the left. Then the couples, standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, run to the wall and back. A team gets 15 points for a win.