How to use tomato tops in the country. Infusion of tops of tomatoes from pests. A decoction of fresh leaves

The demand for the vegetative part of tomato plantations is due to the presence in its composition of such components as vitamins of groups B, C, PP, organic acids, potassium, sodium, nitrogen, essential oils. Using simple ways preparation of top dressing, it is possible to make a worthy alternative chemicals With triple benefit:

  • there is no excessive vegetation on the site;
  • the process of forming bushes is carried out on time;
  • there are no costs for the purchase of effective and safe fertilizers.

Tomato tops are a complete nutritional complex that sufficiently satisfies the need of a vegetable crop for useful elements. In addition, products based on it help protect plantings from the invasion of harmful insects.

Applications and recipes

The use of tomato tops in the garden and in the garden allows you to grow strong plants that differ high level resistance to adverse factors environment, pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, it is good to use tomato tops as a mulch layer, nutrient mix, composting ingredient.

Against pests

Recipe for making an infusion of tomato tops from pests:

  1. Grind 2-2.5 kg of tomato greens, including leaves and stepchildren.
  2. Put raw materials in a suitable container and pour 10 liters hot water.
  3. Let the infusion brew for 5-6 hours. To speed up the process, the mixture is boiled over low heat (20-30 minutes).
  4. Then the working solution is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 before use. To make it better stick to the leaf plates of damaged agroplants, add to the mixture laundry soap(50 g).

They use green medicine for the treatment of all vegetable crops, and not only for medicinal purposes, but also as preventive measures from the attack of most pests, in particular as a remedy for slugs. For example, ticks die after spraying during the first day. Repeated manipulations are carried out after 7-10 days, both affected plantings and healthy specimens are processed. You can make a harvest of useful raw materials by drying the collected tops of tomatoes and stepchildren. They are good to use for decoctions and infusions.

A decoction of tomato leaves is prepared taking into account 400 g of raw materials per 10 liters of water. It is boiled for 30 minutes on low heat, then filtered, and diluted with water 3:10 before use. Also grated soap (40 g) is added to it. The decoction is popular against caterpillars and aphids.

Despite the effectiveness of natural insecticide from the tops of tomatoes, there are some nuances that should be observed when using it:

  1. To avoid the appearance negative consequences in the form of burns on the root system of plants, solanine concentrate is recommended to be used in strict accordance with the dosage. It is better to first make a control treatment of one bush and in the absence of occurrence allergic reaction move on to spraying the rest of the plantings. Side effects look like spots, swelling on the leaf plates.
  2. Optimal time for spraying with infusion of tomato greens - morning or evening hours. If the weather is cloudy outside, then there are no time limits. The main thing is that the plants that have undergone processing are not under the scorching rays of the sun. Otherwise, burns will appear on the sheet mass.
  3. It is noteworthy that the poisonous plant remedy does not concentrate in the soil, and therefore does not pose any threat to either the bushes themselves or the human body. Products are ready for use after one day.

As a fertilizer

Tomato bushes respond gratefully to the nutrient mixtures introduced, especially if they are made on herbs. Leaf-based liquid top dressing has a high percentage of nitrogen, which is so necessary for plants to build green mass. In addition to cut stepchildren, leaves and others vegetative organs Experienced gardeners add a bush to the mixture and weeds. But only raw materials without signs of disease should be used.

To prepare fertilizer for feeding a tomato, you must:

  1. Put chopped tops in a container.
  2. Pour 20 liters of water and cover the container with a lid.
  3. Let it brew for a week.
  4. The signal that the mixture is ready will be bubbles on the surface, indicating the release of methane.

Before use, the concentrated product must be diluted with water at the rate of 1:10. Watering is done under the root, preventing the working fluid from getting on the leaves of tomatoes. If there is a need for foliar top dressing, then the solution is prepared in a reduced concentration. Plantings are sprayed with a strained composition. Thanks to such procedures, it is possible to quickly deliver useful components to the plant and get rid of harmful insects.

Another tops of tomatoes are burned, mixed with ordinary ash and used as organic fertilizer when planting young seedlings. A handful of this nutrient composition is added to each well.


Tomato tops are recognized as an excellent component of the compost mixture. But it is recommended to use only young and succulent vegetation, with no signs of disease damage. If there are traces of late blight on the tops, it should be immediately destroyed in a fire, otherwise a dangerous disease in short time will infect everything vegetable plantings.

Not only the vegetative part of the tomatoes is used to make compost, but also the darkened fruits. They are placed in a large container and mixed with a small amount of soil. To disinfect the substrate, it is recommended to treat it with blue vitriol. To speed up the process in compost heap add mullein or urea, previously diluted in water. As an option, specialized preparations such as Sanex are used. It will be possible to use such a fertilizer for the next season.

After all the ingredients are laid, the compost is covered with a black film on top, small holes are made in it through which air will flow. In the spring, it is good to pour complex fertilizer diluted according to the instructions into the pile. The resulting crumbly humus is great for mulching beds under fruit trees, bushes. It is effective to add it to the soil before digging the site. But it is optimal to leave the compost to be prepared for three years. During this period, all spores of pathogenic microorganisms remaining on tomato leaves will die.

Nature is conceived in such a way that some plants help others cope with serious ailments caused by improper care, adverse weather conditions or the invasion of voracious insects.

Plants - saviors emit the so-called phytoncides, substances that can destroy microorganisms and uninvited insects. The recipes for their preparation were known to our ancestors, but, unfortunately, not all of them have survived to this day. Among them there are those that gardeners like, because their use is beneficial and has an obvious result. They allow you to get environmentally friendly products, which cannot be said about other plant protection products. One of these effective "vegetarian" recipes is an infusion of tomato leaves and tops.

Let's take a look at the secret of the popularity of this remedy and how to prepare it correctly.

Why tomato infusion is considered a panacea

An infusion of tomato tops is recommended to be used against pests of cabbage leaves and cucumbers - caterpillars, aphids and spider mite. An infusion of leaves, tops and stepchildren scares away even the most formidable potato pest - the Colorado potato beetle.

Our ancestors also knew the peculiarity of tomato tops - it is poisonous, so they treated it very carefully. Scientists, having studied the composition of the tops and tomato leaves, came to the conclusion that they contain the alkaloid solanine, a poisonous organic compound.

Of course, a big role for growth and development horticultural crops(especially tomato, cabbage, cucumber, beet, pepper, etc.) play preventive measures. If they are not carried out on time, most of the crop can be lost. To avoid this, an effective folk remedy is widely used - an infusion of tomatoes.

Preparing an infusion of tomatoes

Remedy for aphids, Colorado potato beetle and spider mites:

  • We need about two kilograms of chopped green and juicy tops, or leaves and stepsons of tomatoes. It can be poured with a bucket of hot water and let it brew for four hours, or bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour.
  • If you need less volume, try this method. Pass 40 grams of tops or stepchildren of tomato through a meat grinder, fill it with a liter warm water, in three hours the infusion will be ready.

The resulting infusion must be filtered and thirty grams of soap should be added as an adhesive.

Processing of potato tops, cucumber leaves and cabbage can be repeated every 10 days.

It is known that during the first twelve hours after treatment, 90% of the mites die and crumble under the leaves.

In addition to fighting insects, the infusion of stepchildren and tomato tops does an excellent job with diseases of tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.

  1. The infusion of stepchildren, tops and tomato leaves is not as harmless as it seems at first glance, therefore, before using it better remedy test. Spray part of the bush or a few leaves of the plant and wait a day. If no spots appear on it, the leaves will be as juicy and green as before processing, feel free to start spraying.
  2. It is better to treat plants early in the morning or in the evening when the heat subsides, otherwise the plants may suffer.
  3. Strictly adhere to the recommendations, in this case it is dangerous to overdo it.
  4. Don't Forget Funds personal protection, protect skin covering, eyes and respiratory organs from toxic particles.

Gardeners have long preferred organic plant protection products against pests to pesticides, because they are absolutely safe for the health of people, animals and birds. Plant poisons do not accumulate in the soil, and their toxic properties disappear in the light, therefore, for example, cabbage treated with tomato tincture can be eaten as early as 12 days after treatment.

More details on how to make an infusion from the video:

Tincture of leaves and stepsons of tomato

Tomato tincture is well known to gardeners and gardeners as a means of controlling insects, but not everyone knows it. healing properties. It can significantly improve health, as it helps to stabilize blood pressure, cope with bowel problems and solve other problems.

Stepson tincture is made of two types:

  • in the form of a water decoction;
  • like an alcoholic solution.

Recipe 1.

An aqueous decoction of leaves, tops or stepchildren for rheumatism. To prepare it, you need to take a kilogram of chopped greens and pour three liters of boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes and drink in small sips after meals or add to water for water procedures.

Recipe 2.

Alcohol tincture from the tops. Alcohol tincture can be prepared from dry or fresh leaves or tops. Dry leaves are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, in the second case, the proportion is preserved, but the leaves are ground with a blender or meat grinder.

To normalize the pressure, it is taken 10-20 drops three times a day, if there are problems with the stool, the tincture is taken thirty minutes before meals three times a day, 10 drops.

As we can see, not only fresh tomatoes, leaves and tops serve indispensable assistant to humans in the cultivation of crops and are used as medicines.

The effectiveness of tomato tops against a number of pests is due to the presence in all parts of the plant of solanine, a poisonous glycoalkaloid (glycoside), which is found even in immature tomato fruits. It is characteristic in varying degrees all nightshade and has not only insecticidal, but also fungicidal action.

When pinching tomatoes, removing excess leaves, you can use any vegetative parts of plants without signs of disease with benefits for garden and fruit crops, for safe pest control. And also store them for future use.

A decoction of tomato leaves helps in the fight against:

  • herbivorous bugs
  • spider mite
  • leaf-eating caterpillars

All parts of the plant are suitable for this: stems, stepsons, dried leaves (should be dried in the shade in a draft) or raw.

A decoction of fresh leaves

For 10 liters of water, 4 kg of chopped herbs, leave for 3-4 hours, boil everything over low heat for 30 minutes, cover with a lid, cool and strain. Before use, dilute the concentrate with water 1:4.

A decoction of dry leaves

It is better to take freshly dried tops. For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of chopped tops insist 4-5 hours. Boil for 2-3 hours, covered with a lid, over low heat. When the solution boils, add required amount boiling water. Cool and strain. Dilute the concentrate 1:2-3 before use.

For better adhesion of the solution, 30 g of laundry or green soap is added to it before spraying for every 10 liters.

Decoctions retain their toxic properties for up to a year (but it is better to use within six months), they can be stored in tightly sealed glass bottles in a cool place. AT winter time they may be useful for indoor plants, and in the spring - for seedlings from aphids and mites.

The same decoctions can be used not only for tomatoes, but also for others vegetable crops, fruit plants - against herbivorous bugs, scoops, moths, cruciferous fleas, codling moth, sawfly larvae. Their effectiveness, of course, is lower than chemical insecticides, so you should try to use them prophylactically, without waiting for the mass settlement of pests.

Tomato tops are good add to herbal starter cultures used for organic dressings, providing both nutrition and plant protection at the same time.

In autumn, it is useful to cut the tomato tops removed from the greenhouse into small pieces and evenly spread under the bushes of gooseberries and currants. Some pests will bypass these plants, especially moths. During the summer season, you can periodically replenish the "protection" under the bushes with stepchildren and tomato leaves.

Have a rich harvest!

After each "haircut" a large armful of stepchildren is recruited. Omnipresent also does not let you get bored: they are added to a bunch of stepchildren lower leaves, which we cut from the bushes, trying to protect them from this scourge. And at the end of the season, this pile of green waste turns into a huge stack of tomato bushes.

Do not rush to take the greens to the landfill. This vegetable crop has unique "tops": delicious juicy fruits will diversify the table, and the tops will act as natural and will allow you to prepare valuable. An extensive tomato plantation, which we were not too lazy to set up in the garden, will provide us with healthy raw materials in abundance throughout the summer.

1. Pest control

Throughout holiday season we are bothered by various ones that strive to undermine the health of cultural plantations. But most of these harmful insects cannot resist the pressure of solanine, a poisonous compound found in tomato leaves.

If the garden and vegetable garden do not need protection from pests, and you have a pile of tomato tops in your hands, go to plan "B" - cook from tomato greens nutrient fertilizer, which will always come in handy and will help increase the fertility of the soil on the site.

2. Compost

Plant residues of tomatoes are an excellent raw material for manufacturing. To do this, we put the tops in a compost bin, layering it with earth, and for faster decay we spill it with a solution of mullein or urea (or we take a solution for this purpose) - with this approach, the compost will be ready for use in 1 year.

If you have at your disposal “late blight” tops of tomatoes, it is not necessary to take it to a landfill - you can also make compost from it. But so that such a fertilizer does not become a source of spread of late blight spores throughout the site, “marinate” it in a compost bin for 3 years.

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After cooling, we immediately put the resulting ash into action - with the help of this natural product we properly prepare for wintering or we apply fertilizer to the soil when preparing beds for next season's crops.

5. Leaves as mulch

Numerous stepchildren and leaves, which are regularly recruited after the formation of tomato bushes, can be used as - to cover the surface of the soil with dried tops in the aisles of other vegetables, or trunk circles trees and shrubs.

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The insecticidal properties of tomato leaves have been known for a long time. In the book of P.N. Steinberg's "Everyday gardener's recipe. 1000 useful practical advice and recipes”, published in 1911, there is a note entitled: “Leaves of tomatoes as an insecticide”:

These leaves, placed on glass in greenhouses, completely destroyed insects. G. Boucher made the following experiment: he prepared a decoction of tomato leaves and sprayed them with plum trees affected by grass aphids: all aphids died from this spraying. Such a decoction completely replaces tobacco infusion and has the advantage of being much cheaper. Another French gardener, Mr. Berlan, made an interesting observation, according to which the planting of tomatoes in beds with vegetables and other valuable plants completely protects the latter from the attack of aphids.

The effectiveness of tomato tops against a number of pests is due to the presence in all parts of the plant of solanine, a poisonous glycoalkaloid (glycoside), which is found even in immature tomato fruits. It is characteristic to varying degrees of all nightshade and has not only an insecticidal, but also a fungicidal effect.

When pinching tomatoes, removing excess leaves, you can use any vegetative parts of plants without signs of disease with benefits for garden and fruit crops, for safe pest control. And also store them for future use.

From aphids, herbivorous bugs, spider mites and leaf-eating caterpillars, it helps well decoction of tomato. All parts of the plant are suitable for this: stems, stepsons, dried leaves (should be dried in the shade in a draft) or raw.

A decoction of fresh leaves. For 10 liters of water, 4 kg of chopped herbs, leave for 3-4 hours, boil everything over low heat for 30 minutes, cover with a lid, cool and strain. Before use, dilute the concentrate with water 1:4.

A decoction of dry leaves(preferably freshly dried) . For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of chopped tops insist 4-5 hours. Boil for 2-3 hours, covered with a lid, over low heat. When the solution boils, add the required amount of boiling water. Cool and strain. Dilute the concentrate 1:2-3 before use.

Decoctions retain their toxic properties for up to a year (but it is better to use within six months), they can be stored in tightly sealed glass bottles in a cool place. In winter, they can be useful for indoor plants, and in spring - for seedlings from aphids and mites.

For better adhesion of the solution, 30 g of laundry or green soap is added to it before spraying for every 10 liters.

The same decoctions can be used not only for tomatoes, but also for other vegetable crops, fruit plants - against herbivorous bugs, scoops, moths, cruciferous fleas, codling moth, sawfly larvae. Their effectiveness, of course, is lower than chemical insecticides, so you should try to use them prophylactically, without waiting for the mass settlement of pests.

It’s a good idea to add tomato tops to herbal starter culturesused for organic top dressing, providing both nutrition and plant protection at the same time.

In the fall, it is useful to cut the tomato tops removed from the greenhouse into small pieces and spread them evenly under the gooseberry and currant bushes. Some pests will bypass these plants, especially moths. During the summer season, you can periodically replenish the "protection" under the bushes with stepchildren and tomato leaves.