Heat engineering, organization of operation of boiler installations. Basic provisions for organizing the operation of boiler houses. Drum and intradrum device

1. Scope of application of this instruction (KASV-1.86 “VK-21”).
The requirements of this manual are mandatory when servicing and operating the equipment. boiler area with KABC boilers (fuel - natural gas).

2. Designations and abbreviations.
In this document, the following divisions apply: designations and abbreviations:

  • VK – hot water boiler;
  • PUE – rules for electrical installations;
  • TNLA – technical normative legal acts
  • PC – safety valve;
  • NKF – sodium cation exchange filter.

3. Safety requirements.
Production instructions for the maintenance and operation of boiler room equipment with the attachment of an operational thermal diagram of the boiler room must be posted at the workplace and handed out boiler room personnel.
Boiler room staff must know and comply with the requirements set out in this manual.
Boiler room equipment maintenance must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of the Design Rules and safe operation steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2) and hot water boilers with a water heating temperature not higher than 388 K (1150C), rules industrial safety in the field of gas supply, Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels, PUE, this instruction and other technical regulations.
To be completed operation and repair of boiler room equipment Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, training at an educational institution that has a license from a technical inspection body and a certificate for the right to service boilers, internship, instruction, and testing of knowledge on labor protection issues are allowed. Individual training of personnel is not permitted.

A repeated check of the knowledge of these persons should be carried out by a commission of the enterprise:

  • - periodically (at least once every 12 months);
  • - when switching to servicing boilers of a different type;
  • - when converting serviced boilers to another type of fuel.

Not allowed:

  • – operation of a hot water boiler with faulty pressure gauges, safety valves, explosion valves designed to release combustion products into the atmosphere in the event of an explosion of the combustible mixture in the boiler furnace;
  • – knock on a working boiler;
  • – carry out embossing or welding work;
  • – use pipes and other devices for opening and closing gates, taps and valves;
  • – lengthen wrenches additional levers, second keys or pipes;
  • – operate pumps, fans and smoke exhausters without guards;
  • – tighten the seals while the pumps are running.

The change of duty personnel must comply with the requirements of internal regulations. Upon joining duty boiler room staff is obliged to familiarize himself with the entries in the shift log and check the serviceability of the boilers being serviced and related auxiliary equipment, as well as the serviceability emergency lighting and alarm system for calling the administration.
Acceptance and handover of duty must be documented by shift supervisors with an entry in the shift log indicating the results of inspection of boilers and related equipment, as well as pressure gauges, safety valves.
It is not allowed to produce duty shift during an accident in the boiler room.
Boiler operators must not be distracted from their assigned duties.
It is forbidden to leave boilers until combustion in the furnace has completely stopped and gas pressure has dropped to zero.
Unauthorized persons may be allowed into the boiler room only with the permission of the administration and accompanied by its representative.
Boiler room and all its equipment must be kept in good repair and properly clean. It is prohibited to clutter the boiler room or store and store materials and objects. The passages and exits of the boiler room must always be free. Doors for exiting the boiler room- easy to open.
Before starting work inside the VC connected to other operating boilers by common pipelines, as well as before inspecting or repairing elements operating under pressure, if there is a risk of people being burned by water, the boiler must be separated from all pipelines with plugs.
Opening hatches and hatches, as well as repairing boiler elements, is permitted only in the complete absence of pressure.
Work inside the furnace and VK flues may only be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 35° C and with a written permit (permit), issued after an appropriate inspection of the site of the planned work.
Before starting work inside the firebox or flues, they must be well ventilated, illuminated and reliably protected from the penetration of gases and dust from the flues of operating boilers. The cleanliness of the air in the furnace and flues must be confirmed by analysis.
When shutting off sections of pipelines and gas ducts, as well as on the starting device of blowing machines, posters must be posted on valves, valves and flaps: “Do not turn on - people are working.” IN starting devices blowing machines must have fusible inserts removed.
When working in boilers and gas ducts, lighting with a voltage of no higher than 12V should be used.
Before closing hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check for people or foreign objects inside the boiler.
Keep boilers clean and not cluttered with foreign objects.
Do not carry out repairs while the boilers are operating.
In the event of a fire or other accident outside boiler room stay where you are. If fire threatens boiler room, stop running boilers and auxiliary equipment.
Capital and current repairs boilers must be produced in accordance with a specially developed schedule.

4. Maintenance and operation of boiler room equipment.
Boiler room personnel and their responsibilities
Boiler room operator should know:

  • - Design and principle of operation of serviced boilers operating on gaseous fuel.
  • - The main thermal processes occurring in the boiler and ways to achieve the most economical operating modes of the boiler.
  • - Design, principle of operation and procedure for servicing auxiliary equipment - blower fans, pumps.
  • - Design and maintenance rules for furnaces, fittings and boiler fittings.
  • - Design, purpose and principle of operation and maintenance rules for the control and measuring instruments used.
  • - Technical diagramspipelines and boiler room equipment according to drawings and in kind, their structure and purpose.
  • - Basic methods of external and internal cleaning of boilers.
  • - Signs and causes of malfunctions in the operation of boilers, auxiliary equipment, instrumentation.
  • - Methods for preventing and eliminating malfunctions and accidents.
  • - Requirements for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2) and hot water boilers with a water heating temperature not higher than 388 K (1150C), industrial safety rules in the field of gas supply of the Republic of Belarus.
  • - Safety regulations and industrial sanitation, fire prevention measures, internal regulations, manufacturing instructions, rational organization of labor at your workplace.
  • - Standards for the consumption of fuel, electricity and water to produce a unit of heat.
  • - Procedure for maintaining operational documentation.
  • - Plumbing and repair work necessary to troubleshoot problems during equipment operation and performed with participation in scheduled preventive inspections and repairs.
  • - Their rights and responsibilities, subordination, whose orders must be followed, who to notify about accidents and malfunctions, about fires and accidents.

Boiler room operator must be able to:
- Serve hot water boilers working for gas fuel, auxiliary boiler room equipment and monitor their serviceability.
- Prepare boilers and auxiliary equipment for operation.
- Blow out the boiler, check safety valves and pressure gauges.
- Stop boilers in planned and emergency procedures in accordance with the instructions.
- Maintain the combustion mode correctly.
- Use technical documentation, maintain operational documentation at the workplace.
- Produce minor repairs(stuffing oil seals, changing gaskets, etc.)
- Prevent all kinds of accidents and malfunctions in the operation of boilers and equipment, and if they occur, quickly take measures to eliminate them.
- Provide first aid to victims.
- Use fire protection equipment.

The administration should not give boiler room staff instructions that contradict production instructions and may lead to an accident or accident.
Workers boiler room bear responsibility for violation of instructions in the manner established by the internal labor regulations of the enterprise and other legal acts.

Preparing the VC for kindling.
Kindling of VK can only be done if there is an order written down by the person in charge boiler room in the order journal. The order must indicate the duration of filling the VC with water and its temperature.
When preparing to light a gas-fueled VC, the operator must check:
- serviceability of the boiler and auxiliary equipment;
- absence of people and foreign objects inside the boiler, in the furnace and gas ducts, then close the boiler hatches and manholes;
- condition of the firebox and flues;
- serviceability of control and measuring instruments of shut-off valves, PC, absence of plugs on the lines;
- serviceability of fittings. All fittings must have a good seal to prevent air from leaking into the firebox.
After checking serviceability of boiler equipment You can start filling the VC and network mains with water. Filling is done with water at a temperature not lower than 5°C. The filling time is approximately 1-2 hours, with filling being faster in summer and slower in winter.
To avoid the occurrence of significant thermal stresses, the temperature difference between the metal of the VC and water at the time of filling should be no more than 40-50°C. During the filling period, the tightness of flange connections, as well as purge and drain fittings is simultaneously checked. If a leak is detected in the above places, tighten it; if the leak continues, stop the water supply, drain it and replace the gaskets and stuff the seals.
When the network is together with VK, auxiliary equipment and network pipelines are filled with chemically purified water, turn on the network pump.

Starting the pump.
The pump must not be put into operation without a preliminary inspection, which should, as a rule, be carried out before each start-up.
During the inspection it is necessary to check:
- is there lubrication in the bearings;
- whether there are any jams in the pump (the latter is checked by turning the coupling);
- Is the oil seal well packed? The oil seal must be carefully packed and evenly and loosely tightened so that when the pump is running, water slowly drips through the oil seal. Water leaking through the seal indicates good packing and also that air is not being sucked into the pump through the seal. Water flowing through the seal can be drained through the hole in the bracket body; an over-tightened seal will soon heat up and increase energy consumption; in addition, too much packing can cause the shaft to seize.
After you have verified that the pump is in good condition:
- close the valve on the discharge pipeline. This is necessary to avoid overloading the electric motor during startup. Starting with an open valve is allowed if it has been adjusted to a certain capacity and pressure;
- turn on the electric motor;
- after development full number pump revolutions, slowly open the valve until the required pressure is reached (according to the reading of the pressure gauge on the discharge pipeline).
Note: To avoid heating, it is not recommended to work with the valve closed for long periods of time.
All boiler pumps, hot water supply pumps, make-up pumps are started similarly to network pumps, according to the above instructions.

Starting a stationary VC.
Before launch of a stationary water heating boiler type VK-21 necessary:

  • - Make sure there is water circulation through the boiler.
  • - Check for natural traction.
  • - Check the tightness of the gas shut-off valves in accordance with the instructions for using the leak testing unit BST-BPG-01-P.
  • Proceed to ignite the GGS-2.1 burner:
  • - Turn on the burner by sequentially switching on circuit breaker on the power unit and the “Start” button. The “Network” indicator light should light up.
  • - Check the serviceability of the light and sound alarms by pressing the “Control” button.
  • - Click on the “Start” button. The fact that the “Start” program is running is indicated by the “Start” indicator light being on. After this, start-up operations begin to be performed automatically.
  • - At the moment of ignition of the igniter, (observe visually), smoothly open the low-fire valve, observing the ignition of the main burner flame. Wait until the main flame burns steadily.
  • - After the start program is completed, the “Start” indicator turns off and the “Operation” indicator light turns on, indicating that the automatic water temperature controller at the boiler outlet has started working.

Further work boiler operation is carried out automatically.

Monitoring the operation of a stationary VC.
During VK operation you must:
Maintain network water pressure within:

  • - direct pipeline not higher than 5 kg/cm2 and not lower than 2.5 kg/cm2
  • - return pipeline not higher than 1.5 kg/cm2 and not lower than 0.7 kg/cm2

Maintain the water temperature at the outlet of the VC according to the graph depending on the outside air temperature.
Maintain normal combustion of fuel in the VK furnace: conduct combustion according to the VK regime map.
Monitor the operation of the circulation pumps, smoke exhauster and boiler burner fan.
Regularly lubricate bearings.
Monitor the condition of the VC, fittings, fittings and pipelines.
Clean the VK surfaces from dust.
Note: When servicing the VK, you should be guided by the requirements of the operating instructions and performance cards. In a prominent place in boiler room a table of the dependence of the water temperature in the boiler on the outside air temperature and regime maps of each VK should be posted.

Stopping a stationary VC.
Normal shutdown of the VK is carried out according to a schedule or written order of the person responsible for safe boiler room operation.
The burner is turned off using the “STOP” button and occurs automatically according to a given program.
After stopping the VC, it is necessary to de-energize the shield automatic control VK, close gas taps VK, open the VK purge plug, close the valve on the return pipeline of the VK.

Emergency stop of stationary VC.
The VC must be immediately stopped by protection or maintenance personnel in the following cases:

  • - detection of VC malfunction;
  • - if cracks, bulges, gaps in their welds, or breakage are found in the main elements of the boiler anchor bolt or communications;
  • - the appearance of hydraulic shocks in the boiler during its operation;
  • - faulty safety automation or alarm, including loss of voltage on these devices;
  • - occurrence in the VC, gas duct or boiler room fire threatening safety service personnel or boiler design;
  • - increasing the water pressure at the boiler outlet above the permissible level: 6 kgf/cm2.
  • - reducing water pressure below the permissible level: 2.5 kgf/cm2;
  • - increasing the temperature at the water outlet from the water supply system above the permissible level: 95°C;
  • - decreasing (increasing) the pressure of air supplied to combustion in accordance with the operating instructions of the manufacturer;
  • - decreasing (increasing) the pressure of the gas supplied to combustion in accordance with the operating instructions of the manufacturer;
  • - reducing the vacuum in the furnace;
  • - gas explosion in the furnace.

The reasons and time of the emergency stop of the VC must be reported to the person responsible for safety boiler room operation and make an entry in the shift journal.

5. Chemical water treatment of the boiler room.
Raw water contains calcined and magnesium compounds, which, when heated, have the ability to form dense deposits called scale on the internal heating surfaces of boilers, which significantly impair heat transfer and, as a result, lead to an increase in gas consumption and metal stress in boilers.
Replacing the scale-forming calcium and magnesium cations contained in water with an equivalent amount of sodium cations (Na+), the salts of which are highly soluble and do not form solid deposits on the heating surface, is called water softening using the sodium cationization method.
Sodium-cationized water is carried out by an ion-exchange material containing mobile cations that can be replaced by calcium and magnesium cations, as well as iron, usually contained in natural water.
The exchange reactions of these cations can be presented in the following form:

  1. Ca (HCO3)2 + 2NaK = CaK2 + 2NaHCO3
  2. Mg (НСО3)2 + 2NаК = MgК2 + 2NаСО3

Here K is a complex cation exchanger complex, practically insoluble in water.
From the above reactions it follows that water, after filtering it through the NCF, will contain, instead of calcium and magnesium salts, which determine its hardness, the corresponding sodium salts, as a result of which the hardness of the sodium-cationized water residue decreases, the alkalinity does not change, and the dry residue is somewhat increases.
During the process of water softening, the cation exchanger is gradually saturated with calcium and magnesium ions and loses the ability to deeply soften water, after which the residual hardness of the softened water begins to increase until it is equal to the hardness of the source water, i.e. its working exchange absorption capacity is completely exhausted.
To restore the working exchange capacity of the cation exchanger, it is necessary to replace the previously retained Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions with the Na+ ion. This process is called regeneration. It is produced by passing a solution of table salt through a layer of depleted cation exchanger.
The reactions that occur in this case can be represented by the following equations:

  1. CaK2 + 2NaCl = 2NaK + CaCl2
  2. MgK2 + 2NaCl = 2NaK + MgCl2

The resulting calcium and magnesium chlorides are highly soluble in water and are removed with the regeneration solution and wash water.

Construction and maintenance of sodium cation exchange filters (NKF)

List of operational documents
1. Passport boiler room
2. Boiler passports.
3. Change magazine boiler room
4. Thermal energy accounting log.
5. Journal of chemical water treatment.
6. Heat engineering boiler room diagram.
7. Chemical water treatment scheme.

List of materials used
1. Graphite lubricant
2. Grease solid oil fatty GOST 1033-79.
3. Paronitis.
4. SHAON cord 30 mm
5. Plate 2N-1-MBS-S
6. Enamel, solvent.
7. Rags.

Magazine forms

Boiler room shift log

1st page

Heat meter

Network water

Air pressure in front of the burner,

Temperature care. gases t o C

Heat production Q, Gcal

Opening hours

T, hour, min

Consumption Q 1, m 3





after pump, kgf/m 2

return, t o C

After hydraulic fracturing,

Before the burner, kgf/m2

2nd page

Thermal energy logbook

Coolant flow, m 3

Instant heat consumption, kW

Instant coolant flow rate, m 3 /h

Temperature, o C

Operating time, hour


Difference T1-T2

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3.1. Initial start-up (after installation or overhaul)
3.1.1. It is prohibited to put the equipment into operation:
- with unfinished work on its installation and repair; .
- with non-included measuring instruments, technological protections and interlocks provided for in Section 2.4.
3.1.2. For each newly commissioned boiler installation, a startup program must be drawn up, which must include the requirements for water safety, indicating the persons responsible for carrying out the measures according to clause 3.1.5.
3.1.3. The startup of the boiler installation must be carried out under the guidance of a responsible person who has experience working with this fuel, appointed by the head of the enterprise.
3.1.4. Personnel who have undergone special training and knowledge testing in accordance with the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”, “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Water-Heating Boilers”, “Guidelines for organizing work with personnel at power plants” must be allowed to start and operate the boiler installation. enterprises
and organizations", as well as testing knowledge of operating instructions and these Rules.
3.1.5. Fuel should be supplied to a newly installed or repaired boiler pipeline only after the tightness of the closure of the shut-off devices on the fuel supplies to the burners and ignition devices has been checked and the correctness
operation of measuring instruments, interlocks, protections and remote control fittings.
3.1.6. When starting a gas boiler installation, the following must be installed: plugs must be placed on all fittings connecting the boiler gas pipeline with the purge air or inert gas supplies.
When starting a boiler using fuel oil, plugs must be placed between the two valves on the steam supply line to the fuel oil pipeline, and the valve on the steam supply line for purge of nozzles must be tightly closed.
Discharge of gas and fuel oil into an idle furnace is not allowed.

3.2. Start-up of the boiler plant
3.2.I. Before lighting the boiler, it is necessary to carry out a pre-start check of the tightness of the closure of the shut-off organs with pepper burners in accordance with the operating instructions.
It is prohibited to ignite gas released through purge plugs.
3.2.2. Before starting the boiler, it is necessary to ensure gas (fuel oil), air and draft pressure in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions. The temperature of the fuel oil in front of mechanical and steam-mechanical nozzles must correspond to a viscosity of no more than 2.5°VV, in front of steam and rotary nozzles - no more than 6°VV.
3.2.3. Before lighting the boiler, it is necessary to ventilate the firebox, gas ducts (including recirculation ones), the “warm box”, as well as air ducts by turning on the smoke exhauster and fan or the blower and recirculation smoke exhausters. Ventilation must last for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the rated load. The maximum duration of ventilation is taken in accordance with the current "Rules technical operation power stations and networks."
3.2.4. If during ignition the fuel does not ignite in the pilot burner (nozzle), it is necessary to immediately close the fuel supply to the boiler and all pilot burners, extinguish the ignition devices and ventilate the burners, furnace and flues for at least 10 minutes at an air flow rate of at least 25% of the nominal loads.
After eliminating the cause of non-ignition, you can begin re-ignition.
3.2.5. If, during the process of lighting the boiler with the pilot burners running (see section 2.3.10.), one of the other burners does not light up or goes out, you need to close the fuel supply to this burner, turn off the ignition device, eliminate the cause of the burner going out and, after blowing it with air, start re-ignition.
3.2.6. In the event of a complete break of the torch in the furnace (the firebox goes out), the fuel supply to the boiler must be immediately stopped and the pilot lights must be turned off. Only after eliminating the causes of the extinguishing and performing the operations according to clause 3.2.3 can you begin to kindle.
3.2.7. It is allowed to extinguish the ignition devices of working burners after the combustion in the firebox becomes stable.
3.3. Normal operation of the boiler system
3.3.1. During operation of the boiler, it is necessary to monitor:
- maintaining the combustion regime in accordance with the regime map, did not allow the furnace to operate with chemical incomplete combustion of fuel;
- fuel pressure after the control valve, not allowing it to deviate from the limits specified in regime map;
- the temperature of the fuel oil in front of the nozzles, not allowing it to decrease below the values ​​determined in accordance with the instructions of clause 3.2.2;
- a torch, especially when switching from one type of fuel to another, preventing it from going out. In case of extinction, act in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.2.6.
3.3.2. Cleaning the heating surfaces of an operating boiler unit must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions.
3.3.3. Inspection of gas pipelines and fuel oil pipelines of boilers must be carried out regularly according to an approved schedule. The inspection periods are established in accordance with the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” and “Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Stations and Networks”.
3.3.4. At least once a shift, an external inspection of operating injectors should be carried out, and if necessary, they should be replaced.
3.4. Boiler plant shutdown
3.4.1. When stopping the boiler, it is necessary to stop the fuel supply to the burners, make sure that the fuel supply to the burners is stopped, ventilate the firebox and flues for at least 10 minutes, then turn off the blower fans, and then the smoke exhausters.
3.4.2. When extinguishing burners operating on fuel oil, immediately after stopping the supply of fuel oil, the nozzles should be purged with steam.
3.4.3. Make sure that the shut-off valves on the fuel supply to the boiler and burners are completely closed and that fuel does not enter the extinguished firebox through the burners or ignition devices.
3.4.4. With the boiler gas pipeline disconnected, open the purge candles and the “safety” candles.
3.5. Emergency condition
3.5.1. According to the fire safety conditions, the boiler must be immediately stopped by technological protection or by personnel in following cases:
) extinguishing of the torch in the firebox;
b) an unacceptable decrease in gas or fuel oil pressure behind the control valve (when the boiler is operating on one of these types of fuel);
c) simultaneous reduction of gas and fuel oil pressure (when they are burned together) behind control valves below the limits established by the operating instructions;
d) turning off all smoke exhausters or blower fans or all regenerative air heaters;
e) explosion in the furnace, explosion or ignition of flammable deposits in gas ducts, red-hot heating of the load-bearing beams of the frame during the collapse of the lining, as well as other damage that threatens personnel or equipment;
f) a fire that threatens personnel or equipment, as well as the remote control circuits of the shutdown valves included in the boiler protection circuit;
g) loss of voltage on remote and
automatic control and on all measuring instruments;
h) in cases provided for in the operating instructions.
3.5.2. In the event of an emergency shutdown of the boiler, it is necessary to stop the fuel supply by closing the high-speed and other shut-off devices on the gas pipeline and fuel oil pipelines and open the purge candles and “safety” candles on the disconnected gas pipeline.
3.5.3. If a gas pipeline or fuel oil pipeline ruptures, the damaged section must be immediately disconnected and, if necessary, the boiler(s) must be stopped.
3.5.4. If a working nozzle comes off, the supply of fuel oil must be stopped immediately.
3.5.5. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, it is necessary to turn off the gas pipeline (fuel oil pipeline) in the threatened area, immediately call the fire department and begin extinguishing the fire.
3.5.6. If a fire occurs in a regenerative air heater, the boiler must be stopped immediately and all fire extinguishing means put into operation.
3.6. Boiler installation inspection and repair
3. 6.1. Internal inspection, cleaning and repair of the boiler are permitted only with written permission from the workshop management (by appointment) and in compliance with the relevant safety regulations. Gas-hazardous work must be carried out in accordance with the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”.
3.6.2. Internal inspection and repair of the boiler installation is permitted subject to the following safety measures:
a) the boiler fuel line and its outlets to the burners must be cleared of fuel oil by blowing steam into the emptying line.
b) the boiler fuel oil pipeline must be disconnected from all fuel oil (pressure, circulation and drainage) mains of the boiler room and from all blowdown lines by plugs;
c) the gas pipelines of the boiler, all its outlets to the burners and drains must be completely freed from gas by purging compressed air and are disconnected from all lines by plugs; purge plugs
and the "safety" spark plugs must be completely open;
d) ignition and kindling devices must be disconnected from the fuel supply pipelines using plugs;
e) the firebox, flues and “warm box” must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes and a sample taken in the upper part of the firebox to determine the absence of gas.
3.6.3. The section of the boiler gas pipeline that is not under pressure and is turned off only by shut-off valves should be considered filled with an explosive gas-air mixture.
3.6.4. Hot work on boiler installations (in the boiler room must be carried out along with in accordance with the current "Fire Safety Rules when carrying out welding and other work at sites national economy" and "Safety rules for the operation of thermal power equipment of power plants" provided:
a) written permission from the head of the workshop (or the person replacing him), agreed with fire department object;
b) providing hot work sites with the necessary fire extinguishing equipment;
c) appointment of a person responsible for hot work:
d) ensuring control over the fire safety condition of the site after completion welding work within 5 hours
3.6.5. After graduation repair work it is necessary to make sure that there are no forgotten objects inside the boiler flue that could catch fire or smolder.
3.6.6. Gas and fuel oil equipment of the boiler plant after repair must be accepted in the manner established by the “Rules for the Technical Operation of Electric Power Plants and Networks” with the drawing up of a corresponding act.
3.7. General rules service
3.7.1. Gas pipelines and fuel oil pipelines of a boiler plant must be subjected to scheduled preventive maintenance in accordance with the “Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks” within the time limits provided for by the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.
3.7.2. Do not check for gas leaks using open fire.
3.7.3. It is prohibited to remove condensate from the gas pipeline into a general drainage or sewer network. Condensate from the gas pipeline should be discharged only into a special container designed to receive and store flammable liquids.
3.7.4. Fuel oil spilled in the boiler room must be cleaned up immediately.
3.7.5. The gas content in the air of all boiler room rooms with a gas supply must be monitored regularly in accordance with the operating instructions according to the approved schedule. Monitoring of gas contamination in the room should also be carried out before starting hot work. The results of measuring the gas content must be recorded in a special journal.
3.7.6. When content is detected natural gas in the air whiter than 0.1% by volume, it is necessary to immediately increase the ventilation of the premises, identify and eliminate the cause of the gas contamination.
3.7.7. Analysis of the gas content in the air must be carried out using explosion-proof gas analyzers.
3.7.8. It is necessary to keep primary fire extinguishing equipment in order and in constant readiness: fire extinguishers, boxes with sand and shovels, fire hydrants, etc.
Their permanent locations must be established in accordance with the current " Model rules"Fire safety for industrial enterprises".

I.V. Plygun, chief designer,
V.S. Okhremenko, design engineer of the department for the development of new equipment,
JSC "Biysk Boiler Plant", Biysk

The reliability and safety of boiler houses, as well as their long service life, are determined not only by the design features, their components, the presence of safety systems, and compliance with regulated building codes and professionally performed installation, but also competent operation and timely service.

The opinion is that the boiler, being the heart of the heating system, correct production, installation and commissioning can fulfill the estimated period without a set of works to maintain the remaining systems involved in the boiler room in good condition, undoubtedly, it is a mistake.

Qualified maintenance of boiler equipment during operation is a necessary and mandatory condition for its long-term operation without accidents, the elimination of the consequences of which will require large funds than timely service.

Causes of accidents in theory and practice

Emergency situations may arise due to various reasons, however the main ones are:

■ operation of counterfeit and falsified boiler equipment;

■ poor quality installation or repair of equipment;

■ incorrect implementation commissioning works;

■ wear or bad quality the material from which individual components are made;

■ incorrect actions of boiler room maintenance personnel.

Experience shows that the majority of boiler equipment accidents (80%) occur due to correct operation. Unqualified boiler room personnel in many cases are unable to prevent or quickly eliminate malfunctions and accidents of boiler units, which is their main task as service personnel. Here are just a few cases that serve as examples of the above, without mentioning the names of companies that violated the instructions for operating boiler equipment.

Example No. 1. The DKVR-20-13S boiler, equipped with automation based on a modern controller, was put into operation in January 2010 on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. In March 2010, the company operating the boiler sent a letter to the manufacturer informing them that an accident had occurred. When lighting the boiler, the pipes of the side screens of the front combustion unit and the rear screen were deformed, and subsequently the pipe of the left side screen ruptured.

Based on the results of the inspection, it was revealed that the accident occurred due to the fault of the operating organization. The immediate cause is that during the heating period of the boiler, the valve connecting the level column and the drum was closed, and the drain valve of the lower drum was slightly open (or incompletely closed), as a result of which the actual water level in the boiler dropped below permissible value. The signal from the level column, at the same time, showed the working level of water in the drum, as a result of which the automatic protection and blocking did not work when it dropped beyond the minimum level.

Example No. 2. In 2008, 3 water heating boilers of the KBE-0.7-115GM series were put into operation, and in September 2010, the operating company sent a letter to the manufacturer, which stated that when carrying out maintenance In preparation for the heating season, the left walls of two boilers burned out. Photos of failed equipment were also sent.

Based on the results of a more detailed study of the burnout of the left walls of the boilers, it was revealed that the burnout occurred in the same place on all boilers, namely in the area of ​​the first turn flue gases. The reason for the burnout of the enclosing walls made of heat-insulating materials was that there were unburned fuel particles in the flue gas flow. These particles settled and burned out at the point where the gases turned, namely on the left wall of the boiler. The presence of unburned particles in the flue gas stream indicates incomplete combustion of the fuel.

Main causes of the accident: incorrect commissioning and incorrectly selected nominal mode, which resulted in burnout of the boiler walls and incomplete combustion of fuel.

Example No. 3. Boiler E-1-0.9GM installed in Krasnodar region in 2014, failed due to the formation of multiple fistulas on the screen and convective surfaces of the boiler unit.

At the request of the operating company, a representative of the manufacturer was sent to the site to investigate the reasons for the boiler failure. During the inspection, it was revealed that during the period of repair and restoration work on the boiler, about 10% of the total number evaporator pipes. The presence of dense deposits was also noted on the inner surface of the pipes and the boiler supply line, salt deposits of which blocked about 20% of the pipe's flow area, and therefore control cutting of samples was carried out for further study of the nature of the deposits and the microstructure of the metal.

According to the results of the study, the causes of the fistulas were sludge corrosion caused by insufficient water treatment for normal operation, which is confirmed by dense black deposits up to 12 mm thick on a pipe sample cut from the boiler feed line. On the remaining samples, the boundaries of the vapor cushion were clearly visible, where intense concentration of substances causing corrosion occurs, as well as foci of oxygen corrosion, distinguished by a darker color.

This phenomenon is caused by a violation of the water chemistry regime by the operating personnel - the supply of non-deaerated boiler water with a low pH level of 7.1 units to the boiler.

Example No. 4. According to a report from the operating organization about the impossibility of achieving the nominal parameters for the steam output of the DE-16-14-225GM boiler (in operation since 2015) due to increased vibration on the burner device, leading to the destruction of the burner embrasure, an examination was carried out boiler room equipment.

As a result, it was determined that increased vibration is transmitted to the burner device from the designed on our own blower fan pressure boxes. At the same time, the design of the air ducts does not meet the requirements for the design of air ducts, and, moreover, they were made in violation of the recommendations of the aerodynamic calculation standards. In addition, flow meters are not installed according to feed water and superheated steam to determine the actual load on the boiler, as well as a gas analyzer, the absence of which makes it difficult to determine the recommended fuel-air ratio. In addition, the level of automation of the boiler does not meet the requirements of SP 89.13330.2012.

It was revealed that the reasons for the boiler’s failure to reach the nominal parameters were failure to fully implement installation work, inconsistency of the project with the series regulatory documents, as well as performing commissioning work not in accordance with RD 34.70.110-92.

Example No. 5. In 2014, after one month of operation of the BVES-1-2 economizer, leaking coils were discovered in the boiler room. During an inspection of the boiler room equipment by a representative of the manufacturer, it was noted that the DA-15 deaerator works only as storage tank due to the inoperability of the deaeration column. A control cutting of metal samples was carried out to further study the nature of the deposits.

It was determined that the destruction of the economizer coil pipes occurred due to the violation of the water chemistry regime by the operating personnel - the supply of non-deaerated boiler water to the economizer and boiler.

Errors - consequences - elimination

The most common errors in the operation of boilers are associated with a violation of the water treatment system, a decrease in the water level, contamination of the boiler water, a violation of the purge technology, non-compliance with the heating technology, a fuel explosion and other operational failures. The table provides a list of the most common operating errors of boiler equipment and recommendations for eliminating their consequences.

Table. Errors during the operation of boiler installations, their consequences and recommendations for elimination.

Errors when operating boiler systems Consequences of improper use Recommendations for troubleshooting errors

water treatment

The quality of the water does not meet the standards (water with increased hardness is most often used to feed boilers). Scale formation, burnout of heating surfaces, excessive fuel consumption. Boiler water must comply with the standards for boiler operating parameters. It is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of boiler and make-up water in accordance with the requirements of the “Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure.”
The water circuit is not prepared before starting up the boiler room. Accumulation of sludge in bottom zones.
The internal surfaces of the boiler (water side) are not checked. Signs of scale deposits.
There is no continuous monitoring of the quality of return condensate. Contamination of boiler water, which causes corrosion of the internal surfaces of the boiler, accumulation of sludge in the lower points of the boiler. Constant and continuous monitoring of the condensate condition is required.
Decrease in water level. Violation of the water regime, namely, when the water level drops below the permissible level. Overheating of the metal, causing deformation of the pipe system. Boiler explosion. To avoid the water level dropping below the permissible level, it is necessary to use variable pressure differential sensors.
Failure to comply with warm-up regulations. The boiler is heating up too quickly. Damage to the boiler lining, possible deformation of the drum. Follow the boiler firing schedule in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations (operating instructions).
Incorrect operation of the burner device. Nozzle clogged, combustion instability or flame failure. Explosion in the furnace. Before lighting the boiler, check the functionality of the explosion valves and nozzles, and clean the firebox nozzles.
Operation is carried out with faulty or unregulated safety equipment and instrumentation. The pressure in the boiler is higher than permissible.

Boiler explosion.

Checking the proper operation of safety valves must be carried out within the time limits in accordance with the “Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure.” It is necessary to submit pressure gauges for verification in a timely manner, and operate equipment only with serviceable and verified instruments.
Use of off-design fuel. The boiler does not reach the set parameters. When switching to off-design fuel, it is necessary to carry out commissioning work.

Undoubtedly boiler equipment requires not only proper operation, but also constant preventive maintenance, and often repair. For high-quality maintenance of boiler rooms, qualified personnel are needed who can identify malfunctions in time and take appropriate measures.

Boiler room operating personnel must:

■ know the relationship between the processes occurring inside the systems that form the boiler room;

■ follow service instructions and “production instructions for servicing boiler room equipment” and other service instructions;

■ carry out constant monitoring of the operation of all boiler room equipment and carry out timely troubleshooting;

■ maintain technical records, provide reports and work plans.


Boiler room is complex system, requiring close attention and care. In order for boiler equipment to complete its service life without emergencies, operating organizations must pay special attention preparation and training of personnel in the process of work when servicing boiler houses, who would strictly adhere to the technical recommendations of the boiler equipment manufacturers.

A gas boiler house has specific features that must be taken into account during its operation and maintenance. Each employee hired to work in the boiler room must meet the following requirements:

  • Passed a medical examination;
  • Completed safety training when operating boiler rooms;
  • Completing training at an accredited educational institution;
  • Passing the qualification commission exam.

Starting and lighting a gas boiler

The process of starting a boiler that runs on gas fuel is carried out in stages. The employee responsible for starting the boiler must perform the following actions:

  • Check the general technical condition of the gas pipeline, automation, valves and instrumentation;
  • Check the presence of traction in the equipment and the condition of the masonry;
  • Close all necessary locking devices on equipment;
  • Check the pressure in the gas pipeline.

It is important to note that the process of lighting the boiler can only be carried out if the gas equipment is accepted by Rostechnadzor. Equipment is assessed for compliance with current requirements by an acceptance committee. After acceptance, the equipment is registered, and the commission inspector puts the permit in the boiler passport. If the boiler is not registered with Gosgortekhnadzor, its lighting occurs only after receiving a written order from the employee who is responsible for the operation of the boiler room.

Operation of boiler rooms

The operation of boiler rooms is a responsible process that requires regular preventive work, technical inspection and maintenance. As part of operation, boiler room employees are required to carry out a number of activities provided for by internal instructions.

Due to the need for technical work and constant monitoring of the progress of equipment operation, boiler house owners often resort to the services of third-party companies, outsourcing the operation of boiler houses. Main task specialists of such companies is to ensure effective and uninterrupted operation entrusted object. At the same time, it is also necessary to maintain the equipment in good condition and, if necessary, carry out repair work.

As a rule, the operation of boiler houses includes:

  1. Registration of the boiler house with the regulatory authorities (if the client applied before the boiler house was put into operation);
  2. Coordination of all necessary documentation in regulatory authorities;
  3. Maintaining boiler room equipment in stable operating condition in accordance with instructions and safety rules;
  4. Carrying out preventive and repair work (both planned and unscheduled);
  5. Maintaining documentation and reporting.

Other work and activities can be carried out in accordance with the client’s wishes after an initial audit by a company specialist. For example, at the request of the customer, specialists can only take on maintenance or commissioning and further maintenance of a turnkey boiler room.

Boiler room operation services from third party companies

The uninterrupted operation of the boiler room depends not only on the qualifications of the employees, but also on the control of the owner. The boiler room owner needs to spend a significant amount of time to ensure control and invest significant budgets for updating, repairing and modernizing equipment.

You can get rid of all the worries about managing a boiler room by contacting one of the companies that provides maintenance and operation services for boiler rooms. By contacting the company, the boiler room owner relieves himself of the following tasks:

  • The need to find qualified personnel. Every boiler room owner spends a lot of time searching for personnel who have the necessary qualifications. By turning to an outsourcing company, you will not need to look for personnel yourself - a team of highly qualified specialists will already be formed at your site.
  • Cost savings. Maintaining a boiler room is quite expensive. Among the main costs are staff salaries, repair and maintenance work, equipment depreciation and others. Instead of high costs for various needs, the owner of the boiler room can allocate a certain amount for operation.
  • Interaction with regulatory authorities. Preparing documentation for registering a boiler house, obtaining permits, and passing inspections are just part of the activities involved in working with Rostechnadzor and other authorities. Third Party Company will take upon itself all issues related to interaction with regulatory authorities.
  • Minimizing costs. Proper operation of the boiler room will reduce equipment wear and therefore extend its service life. Thus, you will save on repairs and modernization of equipment.

Operation of gas boiler room equipment from TSK-Sheremetyevo

Among a number of companies that provide services for the operation of boiler houses, one can highlight TSK-Sheremetyevo. Over our long history of work in the electricity and heat power market, we have won the trust of many clients, including large companies and enterprises. The main advantages of cooperation with us are:

  • Competent pricing policy. The cost of our services is significantly lower than all the costs that accompany independent operation of boiler rooms.
  • Rich experience. Over the entire period of our company’s activity, we have serviced more than a hundred boiler houses. various types. We continue to cooperate with some clients today.
  • Equipment. All specialists carrying out work at the customer’s site are provided with the necessary modern equipment and all materials.
  • Highly qualified specialists. Each specialist who works at TSK-Sheremetyevo has high qualifications, confirmed by the certification commission.
  • Full compliance with current requirements and regulations. During the operation of boiler rooms, our specialists are guided not only by the wishes of clients, but also by all safety rules.

Finding a responsible and reliable contractor for the operation of boiler rooms is not very difficult. It is much more difficult to find a contractor who can offer a combination high level service, full compliance with current safety requirements and low prices. It is the TSK-Sheremetyevo company that can offer you such a combination. To start cooperation with us, you just need to leave your contact information in the form feedback, after which the managers of our company will contact you and discuss all the details of further cooperation. After this, one of our specialists goes to your site to study technical condition equipment. Next we prepare commercial offer with the price and types of work and sent to you.

Do you require reliable operation of a gas boiler room? In the person of the TSK-Sheremetyevo company you will find a responsible partner for a long time.

Our website is our business card. Just like on a business card, we displayed only the most necessary information, in our opinion.

Our website was created so that by visiting here you can call us:

And receive qualified answers to your questions within a reasonable time.

Work performed:

  • Obtaining technical specifications (TU) on the following types works: gasification of the facility, water supply, electricity supply, sewerage. And also - all permitting documentation for boiler installations in the SES, Fire Service and other organizations. Gas limits - documentation preparation, receipt.
  • Boiler house design. It is provided both as a separate service and as part of a complex of works for the construction of turnkey boiler houses. For gas boiler houses, for diesel boiler houses and for wood fuel boiler houses. Design is carried out for the following facilities - gas boiler houses, diesel boiler houses and boiler houses using wood waste.
  • Boiler equipment. Supply of imported and Russian equipment - directly through manufacturers. We provide discounts to design and installation organizations that make purchases through our representative offices. Basics boiler equipment: block modules, boilers, burners, heat exchangers, chimneys.

    You can also order the following boiler equipment separately:

    • gas boilers(small and medium power),
    • heating boilers,
    • burners (gas, diesel and combined),
    • block-modular buildings (made of sandwich panels).
  • Installation of boiler rooms is produced both at the Customer’s site and with the possibility of partial execution at the company’s base, with further delivery to the site and block assembly. Main types: block, modular boiler rooms, roof-mounted, built-in, attached, transportable.
  • Delivery of completed work. Carrying out all work on paperwork and interaction with representatives of supervisory authorities. Interaction with all structures involved in both steam boiler houses and hot water boiler houses.


  1. Deadlines, quality, price- everyone declares. Not everyone complies. We comply.
  2. The management department will deliver you maximum convenience when working with us.

Boiler rooms are designed and installed in accordance with a number of rules, for example:

  • GOST 21.606-95 SPDS "Rules for the implementation of working documentation for thermomechanical solutions for boiler houses"
  • GOST 21563-93 Water heating boilers. Main parameters and technical requirements
  • PU and BE "Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers"
  • PB 12-529-03 "Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems."

If your task is to obtain an active object back to the beginning heating season , we offer you the option "Block-modular boiler house" based on standard solutions. Modular boiler rooms supplied under this program have the following advantages: a) use standard project reduces the time required for design and approval of the project, b) it becomes possible to purchase basic equipment in parallel with the development of individual parts of the project.

We also translate steam boiler rooms in hot water mode. With this operation steam boilers lose from the rated power, while deciding specific tasks for heating. These are solutions mainly for Russian boilers. The advantage of this operation is that existing steam boilers do not have to be replaced with new ones, which can have a positive effect in the short term from an economic point of view.

All supplied boiler equipment is certified and has permission for use in the Russian Federation - gas boilers, heating boilers, burners, heat exchangers, shut-off valves etc. The specified documentation is included in the delivery package.