Table for the child by the window. Working area for the student at the window. Table for feeding

Being engaged in the design of the room for their baby, parents think over areas for recreation, games and activities. Company " Stylish furniture» will help to equip workplace in the nursery so that it meets accepted standards and is as comfortable and safe as possible.

Options for placing a table in the nursery

To provide good natural light, you should place the table along the window, but the battery often interferes with the ideal placement of furniture. If it is difficult for you to choose a standard product from the store, the best way out is to place an order for an individual design.
With a room width of 2.5 meters or more, you can safely place two desks, which is especially important for families with two children. A great way to equip a spacious study area and at the same time rationally use the area is to build a table into the windowsill.

Additional elements and decoration

When ordering a table by the window, take care of the availability of additional cabinets and shelves for storing small items, and also do not forget to provide a place for the future computer. The table in the nursery should be equipped with shelves, compartments and cells where writing instruments can be neatly placed. Models with drawers, cabinets under the table and a separate pencil case are in great demand. If you invite the children to take part in the discussion of the design and colors, this will arouse their interest in future furniture and become an incentive for lessons and creativity.

Our designers will develop a table model for the nursery in accordance with the strict requirements for this type of furniture. With care for the health of your children, we will think over every little thing - size, design, functional content, and we will take into account all the wishes of our adults and small customers. Beautiful, comfortable, ergonomic products, created from safe high-quality materials in accordance with all the rules of the furniture business, will help you competently organize the space and provide a comfortable environment for classes.

In this article I will tell you how to organize a place near the window for schoolchildren so that it turns out to be functional. I will explain how to choose furniture for the work area, a desk. In addition, I will tell you where in the room to install a table and a chair for a student and how to create proper lighting workplace. I'll give you some nice ideas.

Workplace organization rules

When equipping a place for schoolchildren, you need to consider a large number of all sorts of factors. For the working area, it is better to choose functional and comfortable furniture in the organization of the bedroom and suitable lighting in the interior of the room.

It is best to place the table near the window, because it is a source of natural light.

A beautiful and stylish desk-windowsill can be decorated in any interior. And order is guaranteed.

However, remember that the design should not remind the child of a school class.

At home, the child should not experience negative emotions, so you need to discuss the arrangement with him

So it will be possible to understand what the student wants, in which room he will feel comfortable.

Mandatory items in the work area are:

  • worker ;
  • convenient ;
  • several nightstands with drawers;
  • or whatnots for books, textbooks and notebooks;
  • magnetic, slate, Cork board or a bar to pin class schedules and other reminders.

It is desirable that all storage places are located at a distance outstretched hand from a student

If possible quick access to school books is missing, they are placed in the nearest free space. And be sure to buy a student stand for books - he needs it.

Choosing a table and chair for a student

When choosing furniture for the workplace of a student, you need to remember a few basic rules.

Table in the interior

The tabletop should be located at the level of the chest of the person who is sitting at the workplace. It is easy to pick up in modern stores suitable model, including Ikea.

The best option are transformer models. They can be placed in the bedroom.

Such models can be adjusted to the growth of any child. Furniture does not have to be constantly changed, because it will grow with your child.

Such tables can change both height and angle of inclination. working surface which is important when doing homework.

One long desk for two students is very good decision, because this way you can save space and use it more functionally. Corner models, sliding, as well as nurseries for schoolchildren along the window. Can be embedded.

It also takes place computer desk. You can set up a work area glass table from IKEA. As an option for decorating a small bedroom - a table as a continuation of the wall. A closet around the window will look stylish.


This piece of furniture is best replaced with a chair. AT this moment in the furniture market, special chairs are in great demand, which can be adjusted to the anatomical features of each person. The following requirements apply to student seating:

  • the seat must rotate freely;
  • the angle of inclination and the height of the backrest must be adjusted;
  • the surface is covered with the materials of the High Quality;
  • covers must be removable, as they will one day become unusable and will need to be replaced;
  • seats should be without armrests.

The seat should not be too soft and large, as this contributes to the development of scoliosis.

Shouldn't choose leather upholstery or its analogues. With prolonged contact with it, the child's skin will begin to sweat, and he will experience discomfort. And since leather chairs are more expensive, it will be a waste of money.

How to arrange school furniture in a room

Probably, every person knows that it is better to put a student's table in front of the window. This way you will be able to get the most suitable lighting for the tasks and avoid glare on the computer monitor and smooth sheets of textbooks.

It is better to isolate the child's workplace from prying eyes so he can do it on his own

It is better to use racks with open shelves. On the shelves are books, notebooks, flower pots and photographs within. The wall will not be blank, and the child will not feel abandoned, but at the same time, he will be able to fully concentrate on classes.

It is better to set the table in such a way that the child can see everyone entering the room, simply by turning his head. If the door is behind the back, then every time it is opened, the student will break away from the tasks and turn around.

When choosing a suitable corner for the desktop, you need to remember that it cannot be installed in the following places:

  1. Near the doorway, as the student will be distracted by every sound and will not be able to delve into the task.
  2. In the central part of the room, because not a single child wants to study in front of everyone.
  3. To save free space, parents often buy a bunk bed, the lower tier of which is a workplace. This is not entirely correct and not safe. In this case working space It has minimum dimensions and if the help of an adult is needed, he will have nowhere to sit.
  4. If the child does not have private room, then don't even think about installing a student's desktop in the kitchen. In this room, he will not be able to fully immerse himself in his studies.

Rules for lighting a children's desk

If you equip a workplace by the window, then during the daytime the child will be engaged in daylight, but the day may be cloudy and then natural light is not enough. Yes, and most often homework is done in the evening and therefore you need to create the right lighting in the children's room.

The child should feel safe in his room, so the light should not be too bright or too dim.

If a homework is performed with the light on, then it is necessary to ensure that no shadow falls on notebooks and textbooks.

Install this lighting fixture follows from opposite side from working hand(for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right).

To create suitable lighting, it is better to take lamps that are easy to adjust the height and tilt.

The light from the lamp should be diffused, and if a lamp with a lampshade is chosen, then it should be of a soft milky, creamy or mint shade.

The maximum brightness of the light bulb should not exceed 80 watts, and ideally this value should be 15-20 watts. If the light is too bright, it will lead to overworking the student.

To create a functional and comfortable workspace, it is better to do it together with the child, because he will have to spend a lot of time here. In order not to overload your eyesight, it is better to choose calm, neutral tones for decoration.

It should also be remembered that tactile sensations are very important for a child, so it is better if all the materials from which the furniture is made are natural.

Two or more kids is great. But the older they get, the more acute the issues related to their placement, the organization of their personal space, it is especially important to properly equip the work area.

Even if the kids are still preschoolers, each of them needs to be allocated separate place. There they will be able to draw, sculpt, study according to the first recipes.

The problem of limited space is solved by choosing the right desk that is convenient for accommodating two children at the same time.

Desk Requirements

There is a whole list of requirements for children's furniture. This is not a whim: the harmonious development and health of the baby depend on many factors.

By placing a work area under the bed, you can win several square meters for games


A table that is incorrectly selected in height will reward the baby with scoliosis and stoop in just a few months. It is important that the parameters of the furniture correspond to the age and height of its user.

The ideal ratio of the height of the table, chair and height of the child is as follows: with a height of 110-120 cm, the most comfortable height the table is 52 cm, and the chair is 32 cm. These are the initial values ​​​​for choosing furniture that is acceptable from the point of view of orthopedics.

For tall guys, the dimensions of the table and chair are calculated according to the scheme: for every 10 cm of the child's growth over 120 cm, 5 cm is added to the base height of the table (52 cm), and 3 cm to the initial height of the chair (32 cm).

For a student with a height of 146 cm, a table needs a height of 67 cm (52 ​​+ 5 + 5 + 5), and a chair - 41 cm (32 + 3 + 3 + 3).

Correct posture while running homework a healthy spine

The correctness of the ratio of the height of the student and the parameters of his workplace can be assessed visually. Seat the child and see how his position meets the following requirements:

  1. when the legs are bent at a right angle: the foot should clearly stand on the floor; the distance between the tabletop and the knee varies between 10-15 cm; the edge of the table is at the level of solar weaving;
  2. keeping his back straight and placing his elbow on the tabletop, the baby should calmly reach the outer corner of the eye with the tip of the middle finger;
  3. when the student is standing near the table, his elbow should be 2-5 cm lower than the table top.

The optimal depth of the tabletop is 60 cm, if a monitor is to be installed, then at least 70 cm. The width of the working area is at least 1 m per user.

If the difference in the age of children is large, and there is no opportunity to buy a table, the height of which could be adjusted individually for each, arrange a convenient seat. Install a height-adjustable chair and footrest.

Landing one behind the other is suitable for elongated rooms


If children have vision problems, the workplace should be arranged by the window. And nothing else. The light should fall on the left.

If it is not possible to organize the space in this way for both children, make one “correct” zone, and change the children periodically.

In the off-season, when natural light is not enough, use artificial light. Lamps - separate for each - are installed at the very edge of the tabletop. Let's wall mount. It is important that the direction of the light flux can be easily adjusted. The light from the lamp should also fall on the left.

The light should fall on the left (for right-handers) and on the right (for left-handers)

Often the countertop is mounted directly under the window sill or flush with it, which eliminates growing on the window. indoor flowers: access to pots for watering, as well as to doors to ensure ventilation, will be very difficult, and notebooks can be accidentally poured with water.

Before installing children's furniture, inspect the window:

  • for the presence of cracks, so as not to see through;
  • on the quality of the locking mechanisms, which must be protected from children, but at the same time not limit the possibility of ventilation.

Sunlight will help relieve vision and reduce fatigue


Good furniture for a small children's room is compact, reliable and well designed.

A large table will not look massive if the table top is not located on chipboard or solid wood supports, but on a metal base. This solution is convenient for getting rid of the one-sided orientation of the working area, and for cleaning the floor.

A tabletop designed for two children must be very durable - liters of paint, mountains of plasticine, chips and scratches await it. All destruction will be done in double size, with double the force! A violation of the integrity of the coating is fraught with injuries.

Toddlers and teenagers actively use the countertop not only for study, but also for games (photo)


There are two children, and each of them is individual, even if they are twins. Jobs should be separated so that the guys do not interfere with each other:

  • zoning through storage systems, lamps, computer monitor;
  • installed partition in the manner of an office;
  • or it will be two different tables placed side by side and separated by a pedestal.

To avoid conflicts between teenagers, a clear definition of places for storing things for each of the children will help. It must be individual:

  • shelves;
  • book stands;
  • storage systems for notebooks, albums, stationery trifles;
  • hooks for bags and knapsacks;
  • cabinets or drawers in them.

Modern modifications for the organization of the working area

Praise to designers and manufacturers of children's furniture, offering several varieties desks designed for two children, among which you can find one that will satisfy the needs of both children and parents.

With a tabletop located along the window

The desk, located along the window in one line, is:

  • a combination of two identical models installed in one line;
  • a single tabletop mounted on one base, possibly suspended.

This is perfect solution if the window is wide enough and not facing north. This will ensure excellent lighting of the working area, and the guys will not interfere with each other during classes.

Window table position

If the task is to equip a worker or, and there is a catastrophic lack of space, look towards the window! It is there that you can arrange a mini-office, a dining room, a place for cooking. All you need is to install in the room.

Types of construction and materials


To re-equip the window sill space, you need to buy a special countertop. They are produced from various materials:

  • A rock
  • Wood
  • chipboard and MDF
  • Plastic

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. The stone is not afraid of water, but it is expensive and at the same time very heavy - a reinforced base is required for fixing. Wood is also an expensive material, besides it is afraid of moisture; it is better to use it in living rooms. The main advantage of laminated chipboard and MDF is budget, like plastic, which is not afraid of water, but it can.

Before making a choice specific design, decide which material is the best for you and the apartment.

Construction types

In fact, countertop window sills differ only in width and supports: the wider the surface, the more likely it will need separate legs.

Extended window sill

This is an analogue of the usual one, just enlarged so that you can fit your legs under it. Walls or metal brackets can act as supports.