Why dream of having dinner at the table. Dream Interpretation - dining room. The most varied interpretations

Lunch break for many people is not only a time to satisfy hunger, but also an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of a working day, a good occasion to meet friends, discuss plans for the upcoming weekend over a bowl of hot and tasty soup. Why the dining room is dreaming, we will find out in proven dream books.

The dining room in a positive interpretation can be a symbol of hospitality, cordiality, generosity. Such plots promise a solution to everyday, pressing problems, getting rid of minor troubles. To feel the smell of pies and the comfort of a home, to appreciate the purity and variety of the menu means to enter a period of pleasant events that promise prosperity, abundance and comfort.

Buying sandwiches, sausages in dough and other unhealthy food at a catering place is in reality a reason to think about a diet and regular proper nutrition. Such dreams are a direct hint of your careless attitude to your own health, which can lead to ulcers, gastritis or diabetes.

I dreamed of being in a school cafeteria - I had a meeting with old acquaintances, childhood friends, classmates. This meeting can leave a lasting impression and be useful to the dreamer. A good opportunity to learn something new for yourself, take wise advice, evaluate a different point of view on seemingly obvious things. There is a good chance you will find a mentor or someone you can always turn to for help.

We saw ourselves at lunch in the company of colleagues - there will be an occasion to talk with the boss about the future increase and increase in wages, the conditions and circumstances will greatly contribute to this, and your arguments will be enough for a positive outcome of the plan. If there were partners or future partners in the place of colleagues, do not doubt the profitability of a future joint contract or project. The result can exceed expectations.

Older people dream of catering for warm gatherings with friends, relatives, heart-to-heart conversations and drinking songs. You will really appreciate these moments of carefree and pleasant pastime, after a long period of boredom and loneliness.

For a positive interpretation of such a vision, the atmosphere of the institution, its decoration, cleanliness and order are very important. I dreamed of visiting a catering place with a beautiful sign and main entrance, but where they completely do not pay attention to dirt, unfresh food and a disgusting smell - avoid tempting offers that can lead to bad consequences for you.

For newlyweds, such a dream indicates a poor development of relations and an imminent separation due to domestic scandals. For business people, this scenario indicates the falsity of a profitable offer. You should not get involved in something that promises quick enrichment and a beautiful, satisfying life. This will all turn out to be a myth, leading to disappointment.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Catering places with a lot of delicious and fresh food are dreamed of by those who wish for love, care, energy and strength. This scenario is not surprising for single men who are in the eternal search for a tidbit. At the same time, treating a woman with a delicious pie means making her dependent, instilling in her obedience and submission to you. You are obsessed with the possession of this beauty, subject to your complete dominance over her.

Men, once in the dining room, feel incredible hunger in a dream - in reality, have a high temperament, have a strong sexual appetite. For such dreamers, a permanent relationship with one lover is not enough. They seek to win the attention and love of many women by quickly luring them into bed. But you also easily cool down after sexual intercourse, just as you get excited. Fleeting one-time intimate meetings are the norm for you. But these plots can hint at satiety, which will lead to moderation in sex.

They came to have lunch, but there are no main dishes - for a woman, this may indicate the impotence of a man on whom you had big plans for sex. Intimate intimacy with this person will not fully satisfy you and will become a reason for parting.

For young people to eat a delicious dessert or ripe fruits after mouth-watering dishes - in reality, be completely satisfied with each other's possession. Your sexual tandem brings you a lot of positive energy, making a woman very prolific, and a man strong and passionate.

Gustov Miller

I dreamed of solving work issues in the dining room - a dream indicates a careless attitude towards your own business. You carelessly choose future partners and agree to dubious transactions, in anticipation of getting rich quick. Such a position can easily deprive you of your last financial means and source of livelihood. To change the approach to the business of your life means to bring the quality of existence to a new, more comfortable level.

Aesop the poet

The dining room is always associated with hot meals, tasty and hearty lunches. This portends prosperity and the resolution of pressing material matters, which will bring stability, comfort and constancy to the dreamer.

Something appetizing in appearance turned out to be insipid - colleagues or close friends may disappoint with their behavior. You will reveal their true intentions of working together. The result of such work will not bring moral satisfaction and material benefits. Do not take seriously the promises made to you, most likely they are unrealizable.

I dreamed of a table full of delicious and fresh food in a catering place, to which you are indifferent in a dream - in reality, you are able to refuse relatives or colleagues to make a profitable deal if this is contrary to your principles and attitudes. You will be persuasive, and your strong-willed decision may influence their further views.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

I dreamed of going into the dining room and seeing that winded food awaits you on the table - it means missing an important moment in life, a chance that was given once. Lost profits will affect financial stability and independence. You may need to review and cut your current expenses or look for an additional source of income.

You dreamed of exotic dishes and unusual surroundings - this reflects your position towards new, non-standard circumstances. You will have to show your flexibility of thinking and the ability to quickly navigate in difficult conditions.

If you dreamed about food in the dining room, you will have a fun pastime in a pleasant company. Receive an unexpected call with a proposal to meet from an old acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time. The meeting will be warm and sincere. Memories of past times will warm the soul.

Don't forget your old friends. Ask about the state of affairs more often, call up and meet at any opportunity.

Dreamed of people in the dining room

Seeing people in a dining room in a dream means that your relationship with others will go wrong. There are conflicts, a showdown, mutual insults. The reason for the aggravation of the situation may be the rumors spread by your ill-wishers, which will not be immediately refuted.

Before rushing into a skirmish with your opponents, find out the essence of their claims. Avoid talking loudly and getting personal.

Why dream that you dine in the dining room

According to the dream book, having lunch in the dining room is a reflection of your subconscious fear of obligations. You are mentally unprepared to create a family and raise children. Such a sign is if circumstances develop in such a way that you have to make the final choice between loneliness and a serious relationship. There is no way to delay this moment.

What does a dreamed public dining room mean in a dream book

A public dining room is a dream on the eve of significant events. You have to take part in a serious event, where you will have the opportunity to show your talents and declare yourself as a high-level professional. Taking advantage of this chance, you can lay a solid foundation for your career.

Don't miss a good opportunity. Show your best side. Demonstrate confidence and friendliness to win over people.

Why dream of a dining room at work

A dining room seen in a dream at work indicates the need for a series of important business meetings. During these events, you will be able to find new partners, cooperation with which will be very profitable and promising. It is possible that by cooperating your efforts, you will be able to achieve what you could not, acting independently.

The article on the topic: "dream book table food" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

The dining room is a concept that appeared already in the twentieth century. Therefore, if you take some old authoritative dream book, the dining room will not be indicated there.

Although some talk about the dining room as a room where they used to have lunch, dinner, and receive guests. We will try to deal with both values. Moreover, in our arsenal there are modern dream books that give an interpretation to this dream.

Meaning one

Do you dream of a dining room in a completely Soviet style, with an iron counter and stoves visible behind the barmaid? This dream may mean that your digestive system has failed.

However, such an interpretation is given by psychosomatic dream books, which decipher helped / t to hear the signals of our body.

Meaning two

Other latest dream books indicate that the dining room seen in a dream portends pleasant changes that will soon come to you.

Do you remember if the room was clean or not? If there were greasy smudges everywhere, it smelled bad, there were a lot of unwashed dishes, then soon you will get to some significant event.

It will probably be an important business meeting, or a conference, or a corporate party. There will be a lot of important people there, but your hopes for establishing new and useful contacts will not come true. You will make quite a lot of acquaintances, but there will be no pluses from them.

But troubles from this event are quite possible. Gossip, empty talk can creep. As a result, you will have to make excuses for things that you did not even commit.

Had a dream in which the dining room pleased you, was it cozy at home? This is a good sign that promises good luck in business, in work. You can get a lucrative contract, hold successful meetings, and agree on profitable cooperation.

Meaning three

What is the dream of the dining room in your house? This means that in your apartment in a dream a separate room appeared for receiving guests and food. The meaning of sleep is that you are oppressed by the place where you now live.

You are worried about neighbors, poor location of the house, tightness, improper layout. You dream of another home, but are afraid to admit it even to yourself, most likely.

And you would really like a bright, clean, spacious house where guests will come and children will play, where laughter will be heard and cheerful music will sound. All in your hands! If you have realized your desire, you will begin to look for ways to realize it.

Additional interpretation

In a dream, did you have lunch in the dining room? What you ate speaks of a hidden desire or hidden fear.

  • Pie - you do not have enough help from older relatives.
  • Soup - you think that you have little warmth in relations with your parents.
  • Meat - you are afraid of getting seriously ill.
  • Fish - think about pregnancy.
  • Dessert, something sweet - you lack romance and lyrics in your personal life.
  • Salad - your friends tire you. You want to distance yourself from them.
  • Something nasty, tasteless or with a disgusting taste - you are ashamed of something.
  • Something unusual, exotic - you need extreme and variety.
  • Something mega delicious, but you don't know what it is - you want love adventures, but you can't afford them.

Remember, any dream can be a reflection of what you saw in reality. If you saw a beautiful dining room in someone's house or had to eat in some dining room where you did not like it, then the dream simply demonstrates your emotions about this.

And the most important advice

  • Dining room according to the dream book

    If in a dream you find yourself in a dining room, pay especially close attention to what you eat in real life. The dream interpretation warns that diet, inactivity and overeating may well serve as the cause of many serious diseases over time. A number of versions of what catering is dreaming of are listed below.

    Clean public dining room

    If the dreamed catering point struck with its cleanliness, comfort and delicious variety of dishes, then you will very soon receive an invitation to some important and high-level event. A modern dream book advises not to get lost and make as many useful acquaintances as possible. They will definitely help you in the future.

    To see a dirty dining room in a dream - to indigestion. Pay special attention to all food that ends up in your mouth. A frivolous attitude to this issue can serve as a bad joke and provoke the occurrence of all sorts of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

    If you are firmly convinced that all the food on your table is extremely healthy and correct, then expect some pleasant life events. They will happen very soon and will greatly please you.

    Eating in a dream in a public dining room is a conflict situation that will occur either in the workplace or in relationships with the other half. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation also prophesies a move to another place of residence caused by a quarrel.

    Dirty canteen

    If you dream that you eat spoiled and extremely tasteless food with a tablespoon, then the upcoming friendly or business meeting will end in bitter disappointment. Some negative moments will be impossible to erase from memory for a long time. A modern dream book advises not to dwell on the negative, but simply move on, opening your heart to new opportunities.

    The most varied interpretations

    If you dream that one of the rooms in your house has turned into a school canteen, in which there are tables covered with a tablecloth, on which there are spoons and plates, then you will be able to receive many invitations from people who cause sincere sympathy.

    Eating an appetizing dessert with a small spoon in a cafe in a dream means getting a lot of sensual pleasures. A dream is a sign that communication with a loved one will bring a huge amount of pleasant sensations. Another meaning of this dream is a trip on an interesting journey.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse suggests that the school cafeteria is a sign that on the path of life you will meet many people who will teach you a lot and help you become a morally more mature person. If you dream of a cafe, then new friends and acquaintances will appear.

    A dream about a date in a catering means that strangers will actively interfere in your personal relationships. Try to protect your personal life from unceremonious interference in it by strangers. Sleep also has a positive meaning. It is believed that the dream of romance in the dining room is a sign of the transition of relations to a new level. A family dream book even promises a wedding.

    I dreamed that I fed my non-father in the dining room.

    Dream interpretation table food

    According to the dream book, the dining room is a sign that helps the dreamer pay attention to his diet. In real life, a person may not pay attention to the quality of the food they eat for a long time, but it will simply not be possible to avoid some diseases. If he began to dream about the dining room, then he urgently needs to go in for sports and go on a diet.

    Dreamed of a catering place

    A sedentary lifestyle and the abuse of harmful foods are the first step towards serious diseases that are not so easy to cure. Other versions should be considered as each plays a specific role during decryption.

    Interior setting

    Why is the dining room dreaming? This question arises in many people, because after awakening, a variety of associations remain. Someone believes that this sign promises good changes, but in order for them to come true, you just need to start acting.

    Clean room

    If a sleeping person sees a clean and comfortable room in which he will eat, then he can count on receiving an interesting invitation.

    The audience that will gather on it will allow in the future to solve serious life problems. At the event, you need to be as active as possible, since the dreamer can be introduced to influential people.

    Eating in a public dining room portends a major scandal that can happen almost anywhere:

    Eat in a dream in a catering

    In this case, a person must learn to control his emotions and spoken words. Any conflict ends sooner or later, but the inflicted mental wounds will heal for a very long time. For this reason, many advise not to get personal during a verbal battle. The Wanderer's dream book says that canteen food promises an urgent move associated with a quarrel.

    stale food

    If the quality of food and taste leave much to be desired, then the upcoming meeting with a business partner may end in a big fiasco. Having seen such a dream, it is absolutely impossible to go for a conversation. If it was not possible to transfer anything, then you should not ignore the negative result. Success in life can only be achieved if a person opens up to new opportunities.

    Healthy food

    Diet is a word that for many people symbolizes constant restrictions, dissatisfaction with the taste of food. If you dream of healthy food in a dirty room, you must be prepared for a change in your life situation: an event will occur that will completely turn your usual way of life upside down. Changes can be expected very soon.

    If you dream of a dirty unpleasant place

    Dirty room

    If in a dream you see a dirty dining room, then in reality you can count on indigestion. The dreamer must watch what food he eats. Showing frivolity when choosing dishes, there are serious concerns about the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Other interpretations

    When the dreamer sees a beautiful and spacious dining room, equipped in his house, then guests will constantly visit him. At first, pleasant chores will seem insignificant, but over time, the problem will begin to worsen. The main thing is to learn to refuse even your friends, and then the rest of your evening will pass quietly.

    If you dream that a school canteen has appeared in one of the rooms of the apartment, then you will receive an invitation from nice people who are not averse to spending time together.

    In any case, the invitation must be accepted. For many people, school is a source of pleasant memories, and therefore the subconscious mind often creates identical images so that the dreamer can relax normally in everyday life.

    The chores will end sooner or later, for this you need to learn to enjoy every moment.

    “Dream Interpretation Dining Room dreamed of why the Dining Room is dreaming in a dream”

    Dream Interpretation Dining Room

    What is the dream of the Dining Room in a dream from a dream book?

    The dining room in a dream is evidence of the need to seriously take care of your own diet: in the real world, your food is far from exemplary. Lack of movement, overeating, passion for unhealthy food can in the near future become the cause of serious diseases.

    What kind of dining room did you dream about?

    Dreaming of a public dining room ▼

    A dream about a public dining room, which is distinguished by a cozy atmosphere, cleanliness, and a variety of menus, promises to soon accept an invitation to a prestigious status event.

    Perhaps it would be a huge mistake not to take advantage of the opportunity to make the necessary acquaintances, which will be very useful.

    School canteen according to the dream book ▼

    A school canteen seen in a dream is a harbinger of important life meetings, acquaintances with people who can teach lessons of kindness, wisdom, help deepen your views, as well as the right actions. Treasure such mentors, because their efforts are selfless.

    I dreamed of a dining room at work ▼

    If you dream of a dining room at work, then expect beneficial changes that will happen very enough. This includes career success, the conclusion of mutually beneficial deals, the resolution of various disputes in your favor.

    What did you see in the dining room in a dream?

    Why dream of eating in the dining room ▼

    According to Felomena's dream book, food in the dining room portends a warm friendly feast, cheerful gatherings, heart-to-heart conversations. Treasure such moments, because fate does not often indulge you with a carefree pastime.

    Seeing people in the dining room in a dream ▼

    A young woman to see a dream where she is in the dining room with her chosen one - to a quarrel or even a complete break. If other people are present, and the surrounding atmosphere is pleasant, romantic, then, on the contrary, the development of relations will be prosperous, extremely exciting.

    What did you do in the dining room in a dream?

    Dine in the dining room in a dream ▼

    If you dreamed about having lunch in the dining room, the plot testifies to the complete absence of desire, any need to build a home, take care of comfort. You are not attracted to putting things in order at home, you shy away from such matters.

    How do other dream books interpret?

    The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

    I dreamed about the Canteen, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out what the Dining Room is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! I have a slightly strange dream, but there is a dining room in it ... The fact is that I dreamed of a school cafeteria, as if I had come to a big break to have lunch ... I graduated from school a long time ago, so I don’t know why I dreamed about it. In general, I remember that I sat down at a table, plates with dishes were already on the table. First, I started on the cabbage salad… It was very tasty! Then I ate the second one ... I don’t remember what kind of dish it was ... The first one was not only in my dreams, but I actually never ate it, so I also refused in a dream ... And then ... The dream did not end there. I then wandered around the school in search of an English room ... I couldn’t find it at all ... and woke up. Thanks in advance for your reply!

    The dream in which you saw a lot of food is most likely the result of your concern for your material independence.

    My mother, my children and my dead brother are resting with friends at the sea, we come from the sea to their home and one woman calls me to a cafe, we go to a cafe, and there is a dining room, a line with trays and I woke up

    Hello! today in a dream with an ex-boyfriend with whom the relationship ended a long time ago, they came to the dining room, where I met a man whom I loved very much, and for whom feelings had not yet gone to the end, we recently broke up. Interestingly, both of these people have the same name. So in a dream, we sat at the table with this man, and then they started fooling around and running around the dining room throwing food around, and they had a lot of fun, they literally turned everything upside down there, it was extremely uncomfortable for me, I went to the restroom, to put myself in order, I looked in the mirror, and there I saw myself, but it was as if my face was not mine and my hair was lighter, and I also had white sneakers of my ex-boyfriend and they were in the mud, I washed them in the sink. When I left the restroom, everything was cleaned, the staff smiled sweetly, I apologized again, and the three of us went out into the street ... .. on this I woke up

    I really study at school and I dreamed that my boyfriend and I sat at my school and ate there was a lot of food, and I didn’t have enough all the time and I ran and took more and more portions, and then a TV appeared in the dining room (although in fact, he’s not there) and everyone watched him very quietly, such silence has never happened before, and then my boyfriend and I washed all these dishes, but for some reason we were joyful

    I dreamed of a lot of people, as if I were standing in line at the canteen, a large building, my turn was coming up and I didn’t have enough money. and an unfamiliar guy gives me money to pay ... I didn’t take them .. I said no need ...

    i dreamed about how I had lunch with ex-girlfriends in the school cafeteria, one of them was hit by her mother, I started swearing with this mother

    I was in college and we went in groups. My group was "beneficiaries". I did not have time to go in with them, I went in too late, and eventually left the dining room hungry. Immediately, as soon as I left the dining room, I was “thrown” the next day, where I also stood and waited for my turn from the beginning, then did not have time to enter with my group and did not eat again. Every time I left the dining room, I said something. For example: “I will stay hungry again”, “I didn’t eat again”, “I didn’t have time again”. And so it went on for several days. I don't know how many, but a lot. And each time it began with the fact that I was waiting for my turn.

    I liked the dining room, in it I talk with a popular video blogger boy, he defended me and then called me for a walk. I just don't remember who he was protecting me from.

    Hello, my name is Victoria. I am 15 years old. Today I had a dream about the school cafeteria, I can’t say for sure what was there, but I remember how I took food at the distribution and at the same time saw my friends having fun around me.

    I had a dream, a dining room, I dine in it. Most likely, this is a school, rural canteen. It was very tasty, as for a village, there were different types of food, but in a complex way, each had its own 2-3 plates, in which there was very tasty food. I ate, until the last, until everyone dispersed, I ate it to the end, there was also a strange cocoa (it looks good, it doesn’t taste very good) reminded me of ground coffee.

    Hello! I saw live fish, I held several of them in my hands, then I saw myself sitting on the stairs in the dining room or cafe, and in front of me hung a huge vat with kitchen utensils.

  • The dream in which you dine dry, being away from home, means that you will soon receive an invitation to honor the noble hero of the day. Dine in a restaurant with friends - a sign of recognition and wealth, in the dining room - you will be literally demoralized by the tragedy that will play out before your eyes.

    Seeing yourself in a dream as the mistress of the castle and having dinner all alone at a huge table filled with all kinds of dishes - you will have to face a problem in a love relationship with your chosen one.

    If in a dream a young girl is invited to dinner by her lover, and she refuses, this will lead to a complete break in relations between them in real life; if she accepts the invitation, in reality everything will be fine with them and will be resolved by a happy marriage.

    Cooking dinner in a dream portends deep moral satisfaction from a successfully completed job. To arrange a dinner for guests portends a profitable investment of money, to dine at a party - sorrows will be replaced by fun. Dinner at an inopportune time means a waste of energy and money on a business that is initially doomed to be a failure.

    Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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    Dream Interpretation - Lunch

    Lunch always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a vital necessity. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the friendly atmosphere and the way the food is prepared.

    For the family, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather with the whole family to chat. Even in families that do not have frequent communication, the dining table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have long died or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully who is at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you.

    Pay attention to food. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a particular member of the family or with the image of the family as a whole. It can be food that no one likes, or cooked by a person who is not liked, an exotic dish. The point is that a certain DISH becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions.

    Of course, in a dream, the appearance of some unimaginable dish or a demonstration of an unusual cooking method is quite possible. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people, or the inability to cook a dish that falls out of the traditional family menu. The symbolic connotation that food has (for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease) or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in MEMORY.

    Does lunch take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere? Or maybe it's a celebration of some event?

    What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual?

    Do you use your lunch time just to talk about your daily business?

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Find out from the online dream book what Dinner is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

    What is dinner for in a dream?

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    Dinner in a dream why the dreamer dreams

    If in a dream you dine in the dining room - a dream portends trouble, if you serve dinner in a dream - it means that the matchmakers will arrive at the house.

    Miller's dream book

    Why dream of Lunch in a dream?

    To dream that you are dining alone means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life issues.

    In a dream, a young girl dine with her lover - to a quarrel with him or a complete break. But if their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, giving them pleasure, then the dream portends the successful development of their relationship.

    To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

    Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

    What is the dream of Dinner?

    Dine in a dream alone - a harbinger of the fact that life will soon give you a serious reason for deep reflection on things that are very important to you. If a young woman in a dream is having dinner with her lover, this portends a quarrel or even a complete break between them. If their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, their relationship will develop in a very favorable way. To receive an invitation to dinner in a dream portends that you will soon enjoy the hospitality of people located towards you.

    Small Velesov dream book

    Why dream of dinner?

    Lunch - Resentment; plentiful - loss; put - there will be matchmakers; to treat - to invite to a wedding feast; to distribute - joy; dine - good, harvest // slander, surprise, loss; having dinner at home is a loss; having dinner at a party is reconciliation, as the dream book predictor reports.

    Culinary dream book

    Features of a dream about Lunch

    Dine in a dream at home - to a calm, measured existence; in the self-service dining room - to hard or vain work, moreover, low-prestige and low-paid work; in a restaurant - to success; in a friendly company - to the emergence of new friends.

    Dream Handbook by David Loff

    Why did you dream about Lunch

    It always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a vital necessity. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the friendly atmosphere and the way the food is prepared. For the family, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather with the whole family to chat. Even in families that do not have frequent communication, the dining table has always been an important gathering place for all family members.

    In a dream, people who have long died or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully who is at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to the dishes for lunch. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a particular member of the family or with the image of the family as a whole. It can be food that no one likes, or cooked by a person who is not liked, an exotic dish.

    The point is that a certain DISH becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream, the appearance of some unimaginable dish or a demonstration of an unusual cooking method is quite possible. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people, or the inability to cook a dish that falls out of the traditional family menu.

    The symbolic connotation that food has (for example, you dreamed of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease) or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in MEMORY. Does lunch take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere? Or maybe it's a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual? Do you use your lunch time just to talk about your daily business?

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Interpretation according to the saint:

    Lunch - Eat - an invitation to celebrate - together with others - wealth.

    Numerological dream book

    Eating a three-course meal in a dream means that in 3 days you will find yourself in a humorous situation. If in a dream you feel good and tasty, then in reality you will laugh at yourself along with everyone and will be able to benefit even from your mistake, but if you do not want to eat and do it through force, choke and choke, then in reality you will not be laughing . But your competitors and ill-wishers will not miss the chance to scoff at you.

    Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

    Dream interpretation:

    Lunch is - Invitation to honor; together with others - wealth.

    The new and most complete dream book of 1918

    What is the dream of Dinner

    To dine alone means poverty or avarice; dining in a large society marks extravagance and luxury.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Dine - At home - a loss.

    Esoteric dream book

    Sleep Mystery:

    Dine - At home - a health problem. Stomach problems may appear. Away a successful acquisition at no particular cost, "freebie".

    Big encyclopedia of dreams by O.Adaskina

    Why dream Lunch according to the dream book

    Lunch - If you dine alone at home, then a dream predicts serious problems, losses, poverty, or the need to go on a diet. Handing out lunch (in the dining room, in the field kitchen, etc.) is a great honor. A luxurious table, a cheerful company with you at dinner in a restaurant, a dinner party is a sign of success, the emergence of new friends, hospitable acquaintances and interesting events in life.

    To receive an invitation to dinner in a dream is a sign that you will soon enjoy the hospitality of wealthy people.

    Only for women - If a young woman dreamed that she was having dinner with her lover, then in reality she would quarrel with him, and only if the atmosphere of this dinner and the mood were very good, their relationship would change for the better.

    Astrological dream book

    Lunch to see what it means?

    Lunch - to take - sometimes such a dream portends poor health and a painful condition.

    New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

    How to understand why Dinner in a dream?

    Lunch - be satisfied with yourself and your life; communication with family. Dine alone - deep reflections on important life issues; being invited to dinner is hospitality.

    Modern dream book for 365 days

    What is the dream of Lunch on the days of the week?

    To cook dinner. For a woman - a warning: you are ready to show excessive gullibility. For a man, it means having a good time drinking with friends.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    What is the dream of Dinner?

    Lunch - A dream in which you dine dry, being away from home, means that you will soon receive an invitation to honor the noble hero of the day. Dine in a restaurant with friends - a sign of recognition and wealth, in the dining room - you will be literally demoralized by the tragedy that will play out before your eyes. Seeing yourself in a dream as the mistress of the castle and having dinner all alone at a huge table filled with all kinds of dishes - you will have to face a problem in a love relationship with your chosen one. If in a dream a young girl is invited to dinner by her lover, and she refuses, this will lead to a complete break in relations between them in real life; if she accepts the invitation, in reality everything will be fine with them and will be resolved by a happy marriage. Cooking dinner in a dream portends deep moral satisfaction from a successfully completed job. To arrange a dinner for guests portends a profitable investment of money, to dine at a party - sorrows will be replaced by fun. Dinner at an inopportune time means a waste of energy and money on a business that is initially doomed to be a failure.

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    Why does the dreamer dream about Lunch?

    Lunch - Alone - to remoteness from people, with friends - to joy. Imagine that you are inviting all your friends to dinner. Imagine a feast with your friends in every detail.

    Big modern dream book

    Lunch - why does the dreamer dream?

    It’s as if you were invited to a dinner party - some influential person will take patronage over you; you will not notice it right away and you will attribute many of your successes to a happy occasion. One of the lovers sees in a dream that he is having dinner with his loved one - a quarrel can lead to a complete break in relations. It’s as if you are having lunch alone - a dream suggests that you have something to think about; it probably won't hurt you to be alone for a while. You dine in a pleasant, cozy atmosphere - relations with a new business partner will develop successfully; you are used to not really trusting people with whom relationships are easy to develop, but in this case you should have no doubts.

    Islamic dream book

    Why dream about dinner

    Lunch - whoever sees in a dream that he requires lunch or breakfast, he will experience fatigue.