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Pink tourmaline captivates with its dazzling beauty - tenderness, brightness and variety of shades. It is also called rubellite, including pink-red minerals in this variety of tourmalines. In addition to the amazing beauty and brilliance, this stone has other advantages - unique healing and even magical qualities. Let's take a closer look at pink tourmaline - its physical and energy properties, features and capabilities.

Description and features

Pink tourmaline is semi gem, which has a sufficiently high strength and is not prone to splitting. Transparent varieties with a glassy sheen are successfully used to make expensive jewelry, and opaque stones are more often used as ornamental ones. In the photo you can find rubellites of a wide variety of shades: light, soft pinkish, rich pink, raspberry, red, with brown or lilac tints. Sometimes a pink tourmaline stone is surprisingly similar to a ruby, sometimes to amethyst or corundum.

The price of this variety of tourmaline is very different. It depends on the transparency of the stone, its size, color saturation, inclusions, cracks or other defects. So, opaque pink tourmaline can cost thirty to fifty dollars and at the same time the cost of rubellite High Quality can be in the hundreds or thousands of dollars. The most expensive are red minerals, as well as bright pink rubellites. rich colors. I must say that to get such a color of tourmaline using heat treatment impossible, so you can be sure that the hot pink or crimson stone of this variety flaunts its natural, natural colors.


Jewelry with bright and delicate rubellites is in fashion and highly respected today. Because of the charming coloring, romantic appearance and some energy properties, minerals are considered to be more feminine. However, some stones with more restrained, noble colors are also used in men's jewelry lines. Besides, modern fashion only encourages men to create extravagant and memorable images using jewelry with bright stones.

Pleochroism inherent in this stone (i.e. the ability to play different colors depending on the viewing angle), gives the jewelry a kind of magic, making them fascinating and "alive". More often, pink tourmalines are framed in gold, but they look no less presentable in silver. The stone lends itself well to processing - in addition to brilliant and step cuts, it is often given exquisite fantasy shapes. Opaque varieties are usually made into cabochons or beads.

Pink tourmalines are considered "day" stones because their color and brilliance are more advantageous when viewed naturally. daylight than under artificial lighting.

Energy properties

Scientists have already proven the properties of this stone to create an electrically charged field around itself. Today, tourmalines are used not only in the jewelry industry, but also in radio engineering and medicine. Crystals are able to ionize the air and emit infrared rays. They are used to expand blood capillaries, improve metabolism and sexual function. In addition, pink tourmalines help strengthen the immune system, normalize weight, get rid of neuralgia, pain in the spine and skin diseases.

Among magical properties pink tourmaline - the ability to discover, develop and realize the creative potential of its owner. This stone can serve as a talisman that gives confidence and helps control emotions. The magical properties of rubellite help to quickly and successfully achieve the intended goals - to focus energy and overcome obstacles. In addition, this stone serves as a talisman against negative impact, evil eye and witchcraft, helps to keep love for married couples.

According to the signs of the zodiac

  1. Pink tourmaline is good for signs air element especially for Libra and Gemini. The mineral helps them focus energy, calm thoughts and control emotions. In addition, the stone allows these signs to realize their enormous creative potential and intellectual abilities.
  2. Rubellite also suits Aries and Leo. The stone has a calming effect on its owner, extinguishes sharp impulses and softens the irascibility inherent in fire signs.
  3. Of the signs of the Earth, this mineral is most suitable for Capricorn - it allows romantic inclinations to be realized, develops a desire for novelty and creative solutions.
  4. Pisces also benefit from wearing rubellite, gaining confidence in own forces, the ability to build clear plans and the ability to implement them.
  5. I must say that for other signs, wearing tourmaline does not bring anything but benefits. Girls wear it with great pleasure, but men should not ignore the “pink pebble”, as it brings them success in love even more than women.

Useful information

  1. It should be remembered that this stone is afraid aggressive environments Therefore, it is best to clean it with soapy water using a soft cloth. The procedure is not recommended to be repeated more often than once every three months.
  2. Meditating on pink tourmaline, you can replenish vitality, relieve tension and recharge with light energy. For meditation, the stone should be held at chest level and imagine that its pink light is slowly flowing, covering your entire body.
  3. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, this stone can be placed at home or in the office - in the southern part of the room. The mineral will create a favorable atmosphere, eliminate conflicts, attract contentment and prosperity.
  4. It is good for students to take rubellite for an exam - the stone sharpens mental abilities, literally “prompting” right decisions and creative ideas.
  5. Jewelry with pink tourmaline will become the best gift a woman whose love the donor seeks to win, but only if the man’s feelings are sincere and deep, and his intentions are serious.

The vast group of minerals, united by the name "tourmaline", includes crystals that are completely different in color and shape. There are bright, emerald-like verdelites, neon-blue paraiba, mysterious jet-black schorls and a host of other unique varieties. But pink tourmalines from time immemorial have attracted the attention of people, amazed by the richness of the scale, amazing tints of shades and similarity with another precious stone - ruby.

Even the name of the ruby ​​and pink tourmalines, rubellites, has a common origin and meaning - a red stone. And the abundance of pink, lilac, red and raspberry shades, which invariably surprises pink tourmaline, the stone owes to the bivalent manganese in its composition.

Pink tourmaline - properties of a ruby's twin

Transparent crystals of rubellite or, as the stone is also called, raspberry or pink schorl, siberite or daurite are class II gemstones. And samples impenetrable to sun rays, used as an ornamental or semi-precious stone. But the best, most valuable samples really do not differ much from the more expensive and rare rubies, which until the 20th century caused a lot of mistakes and curious situations.

When the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors returned from the shores of mysterious America, Europe was amazed by the abundance of amazing multi-colored stones that sparkled in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. The mines of the new lands also gave amazing two-color stones. The Europeans had little doubt that Brazil had become a kind of Eldorado with placers of sapphires, emeralds and rubies.

This was confirmed by the legend of the local Indians. According to her, a huge stone flying from the sky touched the rainbow, turned into all its colors and fell to the ground. Shattered into hundreds of sparkling fragments.

Europeans were able to get acquainted with all the variety of tourmalines and their unusual properties at the beginning of the 18th century, when the Dutch began to settle colonies in India and Sri Lanka. A serious study of prismatic elongated rubellite crystals began only 80 years later. For the first time, pink tourmaline, properties and features stones have been described by Richard Kirwan, a naturalist, expert in mineralogy and a tireless seeker of phlogiston.

In some ways, the ancient Indian legend was right. All found tourmalines had General characteristics but had different colors. Moreover, pink rubellites, green verdelites, and blue indicolites could be mined in one mine, as if all the stones were once a single whole.

Pink tourmaline crystals, like other varieties, are elongated and have a cross section in the shape of a rounded triangle. At the same time, not only single formations are found, but also druses of stones that differ in size. There is evidence of findings of radially radiant intergrowths and acicular tourmalines of red color. Pink and red tourmalines coexist not only with "relatives" of a different shade, but also with lepidolites, lithium silicate, kunzite, beryl and quartz.

Extraction and use of pink tourmalines

If in Europe almost until the last century only Indian and South American pink tourmalines were in use, then in Russia exploration of its own bowels began in the era of Peter I. In the mountainous regions of the Urals, several rich deposits of semi-precious stones were discovered, which were willingly used for jewelry purposes.

Today, the mines of the Middle Urals are significantly depleted, but geologists have discovered at least 40 serious veins in southern Siberia, in particular, in Transbaikalia.

Rubellites from Brazil are still striking in their purplish-pink hue and size. Stones of unprecedented sizes are traditionally mined here, for example, the discovery of rubellite druse more than 40 centimeters in length is known. Today, pink tourmalines from Africa are in serious competition with South American stones. In Namibia, Mozambique and on the island of Madagascar, stones are mined that are slightly less bright than the famous "Brazilian rubies".

Today, deposits have been explored in California, in the south of the United States, mines in Ceylon and India continue to operate. There is a possibility of extraction of high-quality stone in Afghanistan and Kazakhstan. In countries of Eastern Europe and Italy found a pink stone, tourmaline also comes across in the mountainous regions of Germany.

Pink tourmaline - a long history of the stone

If the mass distribution of pink tourmaline across Europe occurred in the 15th-17th centuries, then individual samples were known to the ancient Romans and Greeks. Due to the lack of an accurate classification of minerals in those days, it is difficult to reliably state that all the stories of ancient scientists and travelers are true.

But it is known for certain that Alexander the Great from the East brought gemma from watermelon tourmaline, beautiful Cleopatra also owned a stone of unusual beauty. And in China, rubellite plates were used to decorate the highest dignitaries and the emperor's entourage.

And yet, there was a lot of confusion around pink tourmalines. Theophrastus, and then Pliny the Elder, wrote about an amazing scarlet stone formed from the urine of a lynx. The mythical "lapis lincurius" could attract blades of grass, sawdust and even metals. Today, many are inclined to believe that this was a description of amber, but perhaps in the works of scientists there is a mention of pink tourmaline found only recently in Italy.

No matter how effective pink tourmaline was, the rulers of European states could not do justice to it. But in the ceremonial utensils of Russian rulers, on their dresses and headdresses, tourmaline is given one of the first places. True, in most cases this stone was referred to as a ruby.

Until the beginning of the last century, it was not possible to clarify the definition of a stone. Even Professor Max Bauer, who devoted a fundamental work to the study of historical gems, noted in 1904 that “the color of tourmaline and ruby ​​is so similar that it is difficult to distinguish them even for an expert with a simple examination.”

The answer to the riddle of tourmaline was given by science. It turned out that pink tourmalines, like other varieties of this family, show signs of strong pleochroism. That is, a beam passing through a crystal detects two colors in it, visible from different angles. If a ruby ​​is subjected to such an analysis, then only a pure red reflection will be noticeable.

As a result of a survey of the treasures of the Moscow Kremlin, conducted a hundred years ago by A.E. Fersman, it turned out that the famous bunch of grapes, weighing 256 carats, which according to legend belonged to Caesar himself and was presented by the King of Sweden to Catherine II, turned out to be not a huge ruby, but a tourmaline of amazing color.

The same fate befell the pink spinel that crowned the crown of Anna Ioannovna, as well as the stones on the crowns of other rulers of Russia from the Romanov dynasty, including its founder, Mikhail Fedorovich. But such a discovery did not detract from the dignity of crystals. And today they are the pride of the country's museum depositories, and the newly mined pink tourmaline in the photo, indistinguishable from garnet, pink spinel and ruby, becomes magnificent jewelry and decor items.

Pink tourmaline - magical properties

Description of pink tourmaline by Theophrastom contains a mention of the magnetic properties of the stone. Indeed, all tourmalines, including pink rubellite, have the ability to accumulate a small charge on their faces, create an electromagnetic field around the crystal, and even ionize the air.

Information from ancient works on the piezoelectric effect was fully confirmed as a result of experiments carried out by the brothers Paul and Pierre Curie in 1880. And the work of another famous scientist, Chizhevsky, confirmed the emission of negative ions by tourmaline and the influence of crystals on the environment around them.

But if the scientific data physical characteristics tourmaline were obtained only in the 19th century, the magical properties of the stone were well known long before that. Traditionally, red and pink shades represent the sensory realm. Such stones have an effect on the relationship of people, their thoughts and creative manifestations.

When wearing rubellite, a person feels safe, he is self-confident, clearly sets goals and quickly finds ways to achieve them.

Tourmalines of bright color help their owner not only go through life on the beaten path, but also discover new opportunities and vocations. Often, wearing pink crystal jewelry for a long time contributes to the manifestation of hidden talents and abilities.

The calm color of the stone is a sign that the crystal is able to bring peace to a spiritual storm, help to establish family relationships and cope with one's own fears and anxieties.

With any color, pink tourmaline, whose magical properties are better manifested if the crystal is used in jewelry, is a wonderful talisman and a talisman stone.

Pink tourmaline - photo and meaning of the stone

For jewelry, usually used clear crystals, which have been cut. Opaque tourmalines are used for manufacturing decorative items and cabochons. The cost of one carat of such pink rubellite ranges from 25 to 50 dollars.

Rubellite or pink tourmaline is a stone of mental and physical tranquility, moderation and harmony. Moreover, help from a bright crystal comes not only on an emotional level, but also on a physical one. Since pink tourmaline fully combines the beauty and characteristics of the whole family medicinal properties, then rubellite helps to relieve pain, relax and feel peace.

The electromagnetic radiation of the stone is so close to human that it literally creates an individual protective field around the carrier. Due to the energy emanating from the crystal, the condition of patients with heart and vascular ailments improves, the course of oncological diseases is facilitated, the stone helps the body to cleanse and renew itself.

At the same time, the radiation of the stone has a beneficial effect on the immune and reproductive systems, helps to cope with joint problems and speed up rehabilitation. It is believed that crimson or red tourmaline contributes to the normalization of the work of the endocrine glands, and is also a kind of amulet against possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Rubellite is an excellent choice for those who need support in difficult times. life situation for whom it is important to find peace, optimism or feel simple compassion. The stone will make you give up destructive thoughts and mind-destroying ideas. Wearer of jewelry with pink tourmaline quickly gains self-confidence and inner balance.

But best of all, pink tourmalines interact with representatives of the Libra sign, who, having chosen such a talisman for themselves, can safely build family relationships, make friends and furnish a home. All their undertakings in this field will be extremely successful. At the same time, men who want to become more confident and purposeful are advised to wear a stone on their finger. And women can not limit themselves in the choice of jewelry, tourmaline will only enhance them. natural beauty and youth.

It will be better if the ring, pendant or bracelet with rubellite has a gold frame. Silver is less common with these stones, but it will not resist the power of rubellite. Ring with a pink stone on index finger the left hand will speed up the search for family happiness and help restore peace to the existing family.

If a person is going to purchase pink tourmaline, buy better stone bright saturated color. Such crystals have a stronger effect on their owner and quickly manifest the qualities inherent in them. In this case, you should not be afraid of a fake. Pink varieties of tourmaline cannot be faked by artificially giving the stone the desired tone. If green verdelites become bright and literally emerald when heated, then rubellite may, on the contrary, lose natural shade and become almost transparent. High-temperature heating can only revive the wine, and sometimes brown tint of crystals.

Tourmaline is a precious stone known to man since ancient times. It has an extraordinary coloration. According to ancient Egyptian legend, the stone, traveling from the Sun to the Earth, absorbed all the colorful splendor of the rainbow. The beauty of the stone was admired even in the ancient world. At that time, red tourmalines were especially valued.

In the eastern jewelry tourmaline has also been used. It was mined in India, Sri Lanka, Burma. In Europe, the first mention of tourmaline dates back to 1703, when Dutch sailors brought many unusual and colorful stones from Ceylon.

In 1707, the mineralogist Garmann described the properties of the crystal, and the stone got its name from the Sinhalese word - "turemali", which means "precious stone" or "multicolor".

However, it turned out that Europeans were not interested in beauty at first. unusual stone, And his interesting property. When the mineral crystals, which were shaped like long sticks, were heated, they began to attract tobacco ash from smoking pipe. Now this property has a name - the pyroelectric effect (the appearance of electric charges on the surface of crystals when exposed to temperature). Ancient philosophers wrote about this phenomenon in their writings, and at the beginning of the 18th century, tourmaline was called the “Ceylon magnet”.

There are beautiful gems on Earth, of which jewelers, of course, are aware, but for them there was no one who would promote them on the world jewelry market. Tourmaline had a different fate, it turned out to be a popular stone, and it was promoted by none other than the most famous master– . He loved beautiful stone called tourmaline, and was often used in jewelry.

Sometimes amazing things happen in our lives. interesting stories, there are, of course, both sad and even tragic. So it is in the life of stones. So, there are also interesting pages in the history of tourmaline.

The Diamond Fund of Russia holds such a famous tourmaline stone, which during its long life was called the “Caesar ruby”, it is also the “Red Stone”, it is also the “Big Ruby”. This unique pinkish crimson grape-shaped stone weighs 255.75 carats and measures 4 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm. In 1777, it was presented by the Swedish king Gustav III to Empress Catherine II as a token of the forthcoming friendship between Sweden and Russia.

Talk about this stone amazing story. According to legend, the beautiful gem had the gift of seeing through walls and penetrating the essence of things. The stone was given to Caesar by Cleopatra. However, the gem could not save Caesar, he died from the betrayal of a friend. Then the red stone fell into the hands of Charlemagne and "helped" him in creating huge empire in Western Europe.

Time passed, and passed into the hands of the Templars, and then to the Jesuits, who presented it to the French king Charles IX. After the death of the king, his widow gave the stone to her brother, King Rudolf II of Bohemia. And finally, in 1648, the stone ended up in the hands of the Swedes as a war trophy.

The stone all this time, traveling from one country to another, from one king to another, lived under the name of red ruby, sometimes it was considered spinel. And only in the 20th century Academician A.E. Fersman established that this famous stone is actually tourmaline (rubellite from Burma), moreover, the academician specified that the stone was processed by Indian jewelers.

Another tourmaline story. The stone in the crown of Anna Ioannovna is a large red tourmaline weighing 500 carats. However, first he was in the crown of Catherine I at a time when, by decree of Tsar Peter I, the coronation ceremony was introduced instead of the wedding ceremony. And in 1724, a crown was made for Catherine I, which was decorated with precisely this tourmaline, it was then called the Chinese ruby, since it was bought by the Russian embassy in Beijing.

And this is not the only tourmaline that ended up in the crown of our kings and emperors. Church regalia were also decorated with tourmalines in Russia, and this can be confirmed by the exhibits of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. Many unique masterpieces of Russian jewelers were carried away by hurricanes of revolutions and wars, but still some of them survived.

Since the discovery of the tourmaline deposit in the Urals, they have been used in jewelry as well. Russian masters loved tourmaline, they often cut raspberries, grapes and currants from the gem, decorated boxes and vases with them.

Properties of tourmaline stone

Tourmaline in your own way chemical composition belongs to aluminum, boron, magnesium, sodium, iron silicate with various impurities. The total number of elements in the composition of tourmaline is sometimes over 20. It is this figure that explains such a number of color shades (more than 50). No mineral has a similar composition and properties. Each shade has its own name and is interesting in its own way.

Let's look at some of them…

Achroite- almost colorless, with bluish or pale green hues mineral.

Verdelite- green stone, its shades can be from grassy to dark green.

Dravite- a dark brown stone, found on the Drava River in Austria, little used in jewelry.

Indicolite– tourmaline of blue color. The shades of this stone are also different - from pale blue to bright blue. In jewelry, it is used as an imitation of sapphire.

Paraiba– amazing bright colors: emerald green, blue-violet, turquoise, sky blue, indigo. The stones were found in Brazil in the state of Paraiba. These gems are considered the standard for brightness and color saturation. They have the highest value of all tourmalines, and sometimes exceed the value of diamonds.

rubellite- pink-raspberry tourmaline with many shades, which depend on the amount of manganese impurities.

Sibirite- dark cherry tourmaline, found in Siberia.

Schorl- an opaque almost black mineral.

Chameleonite- in daylight it is an olive-green tourmaline, and in artificial light it is brownish-red.

There are tourmalines, which are called polychrome (multi-color). Their crystals are colored in two, three or more colors, which pass one into another. Among them is tourmaline, which is called watermelon. This is an amazing stone that resembles a slice of watermelon (skibochka) in the cut. No matter how many types of tourmalines, but each of them is worthy of a separate story.

The crystals are prismatic, sometimes reaching up to 40 cm. The gem has the property of dichroism, especially its green and brown varieties. From a certain angle of view, crystals have different shades. This property is always taken into account by jewelers and is used in such a way that the stone in the frame plays and shimmers with all colors under the rays of light.

Tourmaline deposits

Tourmaline is mined in many places, deposits are known in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Afghanistan, Greenland, Germany, Norway, the USA, the largest stones in Brazil, and in Russia tourmaline is mined in the Urals and Siberia, moreover, of all shades .

Tourmaline - healing and magical properties

Since ancient times, people have endowed tourmalines with healing and magical properties, and therefore they have always been used as talismans and amulets. Lithotherapists still claim that tourmalines have a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous system, dispel fears, concentrate attention.

One more thing unique property, which is attributed to tourmaline - it is a strong remedy for cancer. Here you can believe or not believe, but the fact is that each stone in its composition contains certain elements capable of many miracles.

Studies claim that tourmalines can be indicators of radioactivity. As already mentioned, there are more than 20 elements in the mineral, and each of them has its own properties and has a certain effect on the owner of the stone. Therefore, it is believed that tourmaline is a universal healer, it, as it were, surrounds a person with its protective field. The gem has a beneficial effect on human health, creates a feeling of peace and security, and helps with diseases of the liver and circulatory system.

As for the magical properties, here the influence of the stone on a person is assumed, depending on the color of the crystal. For example, red tourmalines bestow great erotic energy (astrologers say), green tourmalines awaken creative forces and contribute to a cheerful mood.

In addition to all the named abilities of the stone, it also has rejuvenating qualities, especially for green tourmalines. Blue tourmaline promotes good healthy sleep, black absorbs negative energy and neutralize negative emotions. Colorless stones create mental and physical balance, multi-colored stones help to look to the future with optimism.

Tourmalines are good in both gold and silver. Astrologers recommend wearing them in pendants and rings on the index finger. right hand or on the middle finger of the left hand.

tourmaline stones in jewelry

Tourmalines surpass all other gems in a variety of colors, and therefore are valued by jewelers. Since the crystal is somewhat soft, it is used less often for rings. But as pendants, earrings and brooches, its beauty is perfect.

Tourmalines are cut with a brilliant cut on top and stepped cut on the bottom. For earrings, a teardrop shape is used. If the stones have a fibrous structure, they can reveal the "cat's eye" effect. In any case, the crystal is cut in such a way as to reveal its maximum beauty, play of color, play of light, depth and saturation of shades. Tourmalines can be attributed to ornamental stones and to precious ones, it all depends on color and transparency.

The most valuable are transparent tourmalines of green, blue and raspberry-red colors, as well as polychrome ones. There are very expensive stones - more than 5,000 dollars per carat, there are tens of thousands of dollars, for example, paraiba tourmalines. But there are also those that have a very small price.

There are no artificial tourmalines, there are successful glass imitations. Ennobled tourmalines are sometimes used in products. They are obtained by heating to 400 - 650 ° C, red-brown acquire pink color, and dark green - an emerald shade.

They say that they are suitable for those born under the sign of Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius. But the tourmaline stone is so beautiful that it is impossible to refuse it, regardless of the sign of the zodiac.