Ski moves - skiing technique, choice of skis, video. How to cross-country ski: basic rules

Hello, dear readers. This article will talk about how to ski properly, about correct technique classic move. This article will be of interest not only to beginners who learn the basics of snow riding with this tool, but also to amateurs who want to improve their skiing technique.

Indeed, many have to actually ski, and the process does not reach the ideal. Do you want to know how to ride correctly? Be sure to read on.


Before you start riding, you need to prepare your body to ensure its flexibility and agility. This exercise does not have to be performed immediately before the skating process. You can do it at home, in a comfortable environment.

  1. Stand on the left or right leg(as you prefer).
  2. Send the other leg back and up.
  3. Next, we stretch our hands forward and push them as if we were performing a force on the sticks.

At runtime this exercise you need to stand on one leg as long as possible. Also, while doing this exercise, follow these recommendations:
The knee does not need to be fully aligned.
- The main weight of the body should come on the heel, but part should still remain on the foot. Choose your personal ratio. The average option is 60-70 percent of the weight on the heel, and 30-40 on the foot.

And if in the summer you prefer to ride or, then these articles are for you.


Bend your legs slightly, bend your body forward. Sticks are not required now. Try to slide with one foot forward. Your goal is to ride as far as possible, and for this, focus on the heel, and the ski should fit snugly into the snow. Try to complete a series of similar slides.

We do similar actions with the other leg. To begin, sit down on the leading leg (the one that needs to push off). In this case, it does not slip back. When pushing off, the heel should rise. Push down so that the ski goes deeper into the snow.

Now add the sticks to the leg kick. The right hand should alternate with the left, and vice versa. The stick itself should be placed under itself.

For a more complete understanding of the issue, be sure to watch the video about the classic skiing technique. The video shows everything clearly and in detail, and therefore you can learn as much as possible short time go skiing or at least navigate the issue.

If you do not have skis yet, then you are here, here you can buy any models.

One of the most popular aerobic sports today is skiing. It is characterized by amazing results with minimal effort and is even considered less dangerous for the joints than running. Skiing trains almost all parts of the body - lower back, legs, arms, abs, chest. You can learn more about this sport from the information below.

Benefits of skiing

Before determining what the health benefits of skiing are, it is still worth mentioning the contraindications of this physical activity. These can include following cases:

  • children under 10-13 years old;
  • age over 50;
  • pregnant women;
  • weakened immunity;
  • reactive response of the skin in the light of the sun, lack of melanin;
  • disabled people with serious illnesses;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems;
  • recent stroke, heart attack, surgery.

Even in these cases, the right technique will make skiing or walking useful. In addition to the effect of losing weight, improving appetite, general condition, a person can receive many other positive effects from such a sport. Cross-country skiing is useful for the following:

  • improvement of blood supply to muscle tissue due to its contraction;
  • increase resistance to colds;
  • acceleration of metabolism, weight loss;
  • landscape therapy - helps to cure or strengthen the body through physical activity in nature, and not in a noisy city;
  • hardening of the body due to regular exposure to fresh air in frosty weather;
  • helps to restore healthy sleep;
  • improvement of the state of the vestibular apparatus by maintaining balance relative to the track;
  • strengthening the functions of the cardiovascular system, the heart;
  • lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries, small arteries;
  • improvement of pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood;
  • beneficial effect on the joints, their flexibility;
  • helps improve endurance.

Skis for weight loss

For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, skiing is also very a good option. This is a great alternative to exercising in the stuffy gym. In 1 hour, you can burn from 500 to 1000 calories - it all depends on the pace and type of run. Skiing for weight loss is useful not only in terms of energy expenditure. Running helps to work out certain muscle groups:

  • with problematic buttocks, it is recommended to ride in the classic way;
  • skating helps to tighten the hips;
  • work with ski poles works out the upper muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms;
  • a little less benefit for the back with the press, but they are also in good shape when riding.

If you really want to lose weight, it's important to follow a few rules. The main thing is regularity, i.e. the number of workouts should be from 3 times a week. Each must be at least 1 hour long. It is better to eat 2 hours before running, and after that you can afford a low-calorie snack. To make it comfortable for you, be sure to choose the right clothes, it is better if it is thermal underwear (trousers, jacket, hat, mittens, warm socks), and equipment - the skis themselves, boots and poles.

Skiing technique

Depending on the pace of the walk, the skiing technique is also determined. In general, skating has two forms - walking and running. The latter applies to loads over high level. For this reason, it is better for beginners to walk and build up the pace gradually. As for the skis themselves, wooden and plastic, cross-country and mountain skis stand out. Each species has its own running techniques. Cross-country skiing is carried out in skating or classic style. Mountain climbers have more running techniques. They can be combined into a list like this:

  1. Sports running technique. It consists of easy slalom, giant slalom and downhill. Refers to competitive styles and requires passing the track without errors.
  2. Freeride. This is a technique of skiing off-piste and descents. It is used only by extreme sportsmen and professionals.
  3. Tourist running technique. This is a ski resort and lessons with an instructor.
  4. Freestyle. It translates as free style. In addition to simple driving on the track, it includes running on hillocks and jumping from springboards.

Ski skating technique

As the name suggests, this technique is an imitation of ice skating. The skier alternately leans on each ski, while he pushes off the snow inside. Legs are almost all the time in different planes. It turns out that you need to go, trying to write out the Latin letter "V" as narrowly as possible. With one foot, slide forward and sideways, then the same with the other, trying to push off with the inside edge. Used technique skating on skis in the case of a well-rolled track and is characterized by a higher speed and load.

Classic skiing technique

With this technique, a person moves using both cross-country skiing. He puts them in parallel, unlike the ridge style, trying to maintain balance. The technique of classic skiing is used on already well-trodden ski tracks and on rough terrain. To move in this way you need:

  • stand straight on the track;
  • bring the sticks forward, push them off;
  • then slide along the plane, pushing off with skis, alternately with each, and helping the opposite leg with your hand.

How to ski properly

Of all the rules, there are several basic ones that describe how to ski correctly. The main thing is that the legs must be kept at a distance of about 30 cm, while riding they should be slightly bent so that light pressure is felt. There are a few more tips to follow:

  1. Arms. The distance between them should be about 25-30 cm. The arms themselves are bent at the elbows and slightly extended forward.
  2. Sight. You shouldn't look down. The gaze should be directed forward in order to avoid collisions or to notice uneven terrain in time.
  3. Fear. Never give in to the fear of falling. For beginner skiers, this happens sooner or later. Just learn to do it correctly - to the side, and not back or forward, while covering your head with your hands.

Ski lessons for beginners

The very first skiing lessons will always be difficult. It is important to evaluate your strength - the ability to withstand physical exercise, respond to obstacles, own the body and adapt to elevation changes. Ski lessons for beginners include more than just riding and braking techniques. Before proceeding directly to skiing, you need to familiarize yourself with the equipment and preparation for the process - stretching the shoulder girdle, hips, chest and hip joints. If these stages have been completed, then further success in driving is guaranteed to you. Everything will depend only on desire.

Video: how to learn to ski

Cross-country skiing is a popular winter sport and recreational activity. Differing from alpine skiing both in terms of technique and equipment, cross-country skiing allows you to cover large expanses of flat snow or gentle slopes. They can be used both for upper and lower body training, as a means of transportation or as an opportunity to enjoy the winter scenery. Most people start with the traditional, classic way cross-country skiing, but it will be easier to ski if you already have experience in skating or rollerblading.


Classic cross-country skiing

    Practice on the paved track. Any cross-country skiing destinations should have smooth, groomed trails, often with two lanes for a pair of skis. it The best way learn to cross-country ski. Off-piste or off-piste skiing requires significantly more effort and is only recommended after you feel comfortable on the piste and have a powerful pair of skis.

    • If you are not in a prepared ski area, choose a flat area with powdered snow without any obstacles.
  1. Get in the right position. Stand on level ground with your skis parallel. Bend forward at the ankles and slightly at the knees. Keep your torso straight without bending at the hips. This position helps to properly distribute the weight on both legs.

    Slide your feet across the floor until you can move comfortably. Move sharply forward one track at a time to get a feel for how much force you need to apply without losing balance or bending over your hips.

    Learn to rise and fall. Every skier falls, so learn how to get up right at the beginning of your workouts. Set the sticks aside after the fall. Adjust your skis so they are parallel to each other, rolling on your back if you need to untangle them. Place your skis on the snow on one side of your body and crawl forward until your feet are behind you. Get on your knees upper part ski and climb, leaning on sticks.

    • If you fall on a hillside, lift your skis into the air and lower them on the slope below you to get a more stable position. Crawl on level ground before climbing up. Keep your skis to one side as you crawl, not directly underneath you, otherwise you could push them down the hill with your weight.
  2. Practice the push-and-slide movement without ski poles. Set your ski poles aside for now to practice this new move without relying on arm strength. To start moving, push your right foot down into the snow, swinging your arms so that your right hand is in front and your left is behind. Immediately shift your weight onto your left ski and lift your right ski slightly higher than the slope, sliding forward, leaving your right ski behind. Bring your right foot back under you, then push off with your left foot and glide on your right ski. Alternate legs to keep moving. Try to find a rhythm where the legs alternate in wide strides and the hips move from side to side.

    Push off with ski poles. After the "push and slide" movement is more or less automatic, take ski poles. Immediately after pushing forward with your right foot, shifting your weight onto your left foot, stick your left stick at an angle back and push off with it to give your glide some extra speed. Use the right stick to accelerate after pushing off with the left foot.

    Use the "herringbone" method when climbing a mountain. Point your feet outward to follow you. V shape skis, then tuck your ankles slightly inward to push the edge of the skis into the snow for a tighter grip. Raise one ski all the way off the ground and keep walking. Balance with the ski pole on the same side as the ski you are walking on. Alternate skis and poles on different sides.

    Slide or step down a slope. As a beginner, slide down only gentle slopes that have ski tracks. Lean forward slightly over your skis as you slide to avoid falling on your back. If you're not sure you're going down a certain section of the hill, point your ski tips inward in front of you and tilt them so that the edge closest to you sticks into the snow. [Come down with small steps, keeping your balance.

    • If you need to suddenly stop halfway down the slope, crouch low to the ground and lean back, letting your skis slide out from under you. Keep the sticks behind you at all times so that you don't hurt yourself on them and fall on top of them.
  3. Ski on a suitable surface and with equipment. Skating consists of powerful, angular movements of the ski to increase speed. This is rarely possible away from trails where there is a hard snow surface. Specialized skis can also be useful for extra strength and control, although skating can also be done on regular cross-country skis.

    • Note: While most skiers who use skating ski on pistes, you can't ski pistes by cutting the pistes. Ski on the surface of the track itself, next to the ski tracks.
  4. Get in position. Bend at the ankles and knees, but keep your upper body straight and relaxed. Bend your elbows and keep your hands in front of you.

    Put down your ski poles. When you first get into the technique, it's worth practicing without ski poles so you can focus on your leg movements. ski poles will add extra speed later, but should not replace strong leg movements.

    Point the ski toes outward and practice proper leg movement. The skis should be pointing out in front of you in a V position. Turn your right foot on your little toe, placing the outer edge of the ski on the snow. Rotate your ankles as if lightly pressing down on the snow so that the skis return to a horizontal position, ready to slide forward. Return your right leg to the starting position and then practice this movement a few times with each leg.

    Try to ride forward. Still without sticks, practice the same movement, but push off harder and slide on the opposite track. Push off with your right foot, then lift it up, transferring all your weight to the left ski track to slide forward. Repeat the movement in reverse with the left foot, trying to keep the body directly over and in line with the ski that slides forward.

  5. Learn about other riding methods if you want to race or go faster. The "V-1" technique described above will allow you to move faster than using classical style cross-country skiing. However, as you gain experience, especially if you develop an interest in racing, you can learn a few more techniques. Perhaps the most common of these is the "V-2" style, in which you stick both poles in and push off just before placing each foot on the snow. Experienced skiers tend to use it more often on level ground to develop faster speeds and only use the "V-1" technique described above when climbing hills.

    • Movement sequence V-2: "left leg lift, both sticks in, push, left leg down, right leg up, both sticks in, push, right leg down."
    • Start cross-country skiing on prepared snow that will allow you to glide smoothly over the surface without being too hard. In general, you should try skiing on powdered snow without ice, avoiding areas with rocks, roots, or other obstacles.
    • Unlike alpine skiing, on cross-country skiing, only the front of the boot is fixed, leaving the heel to hang freely. This gives more freedom of movement for your feet.

To ski in our country, with its climate and open spaces, God himself ordered, as they say. For lovers and professionals of active sports in winter time not to boredom - the "doors" of numerous tracks and ski stations are open for them. And the most "advanced" can try themselves at the famous ski resorts in Europe and the world.

But what to do if confident skiing is just a dream and an old childhood dream for you? First of all, take a look in the dream book - after all, something unknown and promising opens up before you. The interpretation of a dream about skiing awaits you at the end of this article. And secondly - finally learn how to ride! Moreover, this is possible everywhere, even in Sochi. Therefore, it's time to cast aside all fears, doubts, buy or rent skis and equipment and glide towards your dream.

How to learn to ski: the most popular beginner questions

You have already tried on a bunch of skis, shoveled a huge amount of information and even watched a video on the technique of skating on skis. However, there was such confusion in my head that it is no longer clear whether you want to ride or not.

So, we will try to answer the questions that beginners most often ask before their first outing on the snow.

When to start skiing? Children can start skiing from 3-4 years old. Of course, much depends on the desire and physical fitness of the child. Adults can start even now, if there was snow.

What is the best ski to learn to ski? It depends on what style you plan to master. Below you will find a description of the styles, as well as video tutorials with detailed recommendations experts. And you will also find out what awaits you if you ski in a dream. Perhaps we have already convinced you that skis are suitable for everyone, be it a child or an adult.

How to choose the right skis? You can read about it in one of our previous articles. Also don't forget the sticks ski boots and fixtures. It is better for a child to wear a helmet on his head.

Can pregnant women ski? If before pregnancy you only mastered the technique for beginners and in the first trimester suddenly thought about how to learn to ski, then it is better to postpone this idea for at least a year. But if you feel good, then a calm walking step will not hurt you. Just practice your breathing.

Where can you learn to ski in Russia? Alpine skiing is better to learn on the track, it is desirable that the first instructions are given to you by a professional. You can go to the nearest ski base outside the city or go to the best ski resorts in the Caucasus and Siberia - Elbrus, Adzhigardak or Sheregesh. Where to go - you decide for yourself. There are excellent bases in the Moscow region, where you can relax on a full skiing program.

How to learn to ski?

If you decide to learn how to ski, keep in mind that you must have the appropriate physical preparation. After all, you will maneuver, ski jump, climb slopes and fall, fall, fall. And the last action you also have to learn how to perform correctly. When you fall, you need to fall on your side, focusing on outside thighs and buttocks.

Therefore, you should start with small slopes and correct stance. It consists in the following: the feet are parallel to each other, the legs are slightly bent at the knees and spread apart. The arms and shoulders are slightly pushed forward, the torso is as relaxed and mobile as possible. There are several styles of skiing that you have probably heard of. Freeride, ski tour, ski cross, carving. And all this is not easy beautiful words are techniques that require regular workouts.

Cross-country skiing technique

If you are into speed skating and are ready to transfer your skills to the ski plane, you should not have big problems. But if you are just starting to learn winter views sports, you should understand what skating technique is different from skiing technique, as well as watch a video on the technique of skating on skis.

In order to start training, you need to go to a well-rolled track and take a stance (see photo). Leg movements can be performed alternately, imitating a "herringbone" and drawing in the snow English letter"V". With one ski you need to slide forward, slightly shifting it to the side, and with the second you push off, putting it on the inner edge.

You can also take off with only one foot (simultaneous one-step skating).

The simplest thing you can learn on your first introduction to skiing is the classic move. In this case, it is better to move on flat surface , along the ski track. We put our legs parallel to each other, we take out the sticks in front of us and, pushing off, we move forward. And now we “walk”, alternately taking out the right leg and left hand forward, and then the left leg and right hand. Detailed Instructions you can consider on video.

Looking at the success of the national cross-country skiing team, everyone wants to join this sport, if not on professional level, then at least have amateur skills. You can do it yourself, using a few simple recommendations. If there are schoolchildren in the family whose training program includes skiing, then you can take the child with you and try to repeat his movements on the ski track, and if this is not possible, then a small instruction will tell you how to learn skiing.

Preparation of inventory and equipment

The first piece of advice to follow is careful selection of clothing and equipment. The necessary goods can always be seen in sports shop, where cross-country skis are selected depending on the purpose and physical parameters of the future owner. According to the same criteria, poles are adjusted, the height of which depends on the height of the skier.

A sports suit and boots should be strictly in size, too narrow or, conversely, wide clothing will interfere with freedom of movement and cause some discomfort. During the first workouts, you need to be prepared for multiple falls, so it is advisable to purchase a suit made of waterproof fabric and thin, but with sufficient thermal insulation, a liner.

Beginner's track

Getting to the ski range, you should not run headlong to the places of training of professional athletes, since such a ski track is replete with difficult descents and ascents. It is impossible to overcome such an obstacle on your own.

You need to choose small flat areas where the marking of the ski tracks is carried out using snowmobile equipment. Ready-made parallel grooves will allow you to keep your legs in the right position until the body gets used to it and the direct setting of the feet becomes an automatic reflex.

Sufficient ski depth saves the beginner from the most common mistake, which is to overwhelm one ski on another, which leads to an inevitable fall. For starters, you can stand on skis without moving to feel a little more confident.

Typical warm-up and balance exercises

The training of a skier always begins with mastering the classic move, where the principle of parallel legs is respected. You can learn to keep balance with the help of exercises performed on the spot. The first is the rearrangement of the legs relative to each other, that is, the alternate throwing forward of the right and left legs. Such "scissors" will allow you to get used to the track and feel the glide.

The second exercise involves turning and tilting the body while the legs remain motionless. This will allow you to correctly orient yourself with the distribution of weight and warm up the muscles of the back, shoulders and hips.

Now you can pick up sticks, focusing, try to transfer part of the weight to them. Simultaneous repulsion will allow you to move along the track without using your legs. A gentle descent will help to facilitate the task, where the movement of the body continues by inertia.

Learning to Climb

When broadcasting a cross-country skiing race, the daring with which the athletes climb the steep slope is admirable. This method is called "herringbone", but for a beginner it will not be easy. The advice of specialists at the initial stage of training is a slower but safer "ladder".

To perform the lift, you need to put the skis perpendicular to the height and move with a lateral step. You can first practice without skis so that the optimal step distance is mastered. The main thing is to observe the parameters between the inclined surface and the skis, this will prevent arbitrary sliding down. You can learn this method very quickly, it will always help on a steep and dangerous climb.

How to behave on the descent

The speed captures, but without sufficient skills to go down a steep slope you need to be very careful. If a beginner skier does not feel confident enough in himself, then he should stop and use the “ladder” method in the opposite direction, that is, go down with a side step and continue with the usual movement.

For students who want to try themselves as a racer, one should take an inclined position of the body, bend their elbows and take the sticks back, pinching them in the armpits. This setting will help to concentrate the weight of the body relative to the movement of the skis and will allow you to maintain balance at a decent speed. Difficult descents with turns can be overcome by using a frequent and small step.

It is best to time the start of classes for clear weather, when a slight frost makes the snow hard enough. Start learning at warm weather in loose and wet snow it will not be fun, there is a risk of snow mass sticking to the outer surface of the skis. Too low temperatures can also cause inconvenience.