Skating skiing training step by step. Skiing skating technique


Strictly speaking, in order to simply walk a hundred meters along the ski track, in no technical subtleties and you don't have to go. This is for absolutely everyone! But in order for both speed, and a full-fledged workout with benefits for the figure, and genuine pleasure - here it is important to understand and work out some things.

This applies to both styles of movement - both the good old classics and the skate. Here are the nuances of technique that will make your skating more harmonious and comfortable.


How does it affect the figure

Well strengthens not only the lower body (the hips and buttocks receive a load, as in lunges), but also the upper - shoulders, back, arms, especially triceps.

Classic stepless move it is better to try on a gentle slope or on a plain. Squat down slightly as if you are going to jump forward. Wave your sticks and, straightening your knees, spring forward like a cat on the hunt. If you do everything right, the sticks will land on their own at the right moment and it will turn out ... of course, not a jump, but a beautiful, sweeping movement. Immediately - to go so to go - with a swing push with sticks again and try to ride farther.

Classic one step they practice on the plain (especially if the ski track is self-trodden, and not from under the Buran) and on gentle slopes. The movements here are the same as in the previous step. The only difference is that you push not only with sticks, but at the same time with one foot. To do this, put your foot on the toe and push it like when running, down into the ground. If the ski "shot", slipping to no avail, then you did not move down, but backward.

Classic alternating needed for climbs. The same move familiar from school, when the right foot alternately goes forward and left hand then left leg and right arm. Pushing off with one foot, try to slide on the other as far as possible: push - slide, push - slide.

Technical subtleties

Choose trousers for a ski trip in which you can easily fall into a lunge: it is precisely such movements that make classics while moving, and too tight, tight trousers or jeans will interfere.

In the classics, as in walking, it is important to put the foot on the heel and gently roll onto the toe. It is best to feel it on the rise to a not too steep hill - without skis and not on the snow, but on the ground.

To get a feel for how to push with your toes and down, not backwards, try running a few steps without your skis on your toes.

If you can’t slide far in a one-step move, try leaning harder on the stick while pushing.

Do not carry sticks too far forward. Hold them vertically or with a slight tilt away from you: paws closer to you, handles further. Ideally, the sharp tip is stuck 3-5 cm in front of the attachment toe. In a different position, you won’t be able to push properly, and your wrist may suffer.

After pushing with a stick, relax your hand so that you feel: just a little more, and it will slip out of your fingers. But don't give it up completely. I do not advise you to drag it behind you, as in Nordic walking. The snow is tricky, and the paw of a winter stick is wider than that of a summer stick, it will easily catch on and turn you to the forest in front, to the ski track with your back.


How does it affect the figure

Strengthens the muscles of the inner thigh (problematic in many women) and lateral - helps to get rid of the "breeches » . And, of course, trains almost the entire muscle corset.

Steps: how to move

One-leg skating good for climbing or when you need to accelerate a lot. The supporting leg slides forward and sideways: you draw a “herringbone” on the snow. Place your foot at an angle that allows you to move forward while maintaining a stable position. Tilt the body to the supporting ski, as if you are thinking about whether to lie down on it, stretch your arms with sticks forward - you get something like a “swallow”, only simpler, because you don’t need to raise the second, jog, leg especially high. Push with sticks and one foot at the same time: Kick the snow down and sideways like a pony. To do this, turn the ski a little on the inner edge, turn around like a skier before turning. Do not be alarmed: in fact, it is much easier to perform all these movements than to paint in detail.

Skate "under both legs"- for the plain, descents and gentle ascents. It is easier to ride this way than the previous move. Here you need to push with sticks under each leg, and in order not to get tired, try to slide longer with every effort. Looks very impressive! Other skiers will look at you with admiration.

Technical subtleties and secrets

To feel more confident on the “horse”, often do the “swallow” at home. When you lean towards one ski and lift the other, your body assumes a position close to it, only more comfortable: the leg is not as high.

The narrower the letter “V” that you draw on the skate, the better. On the slopes, you can spread the skis at a wider angle.

Place your feet closer to each other. And do not be afraid to step on the back of one ski on another: while one foot is sliding, the other is in the air. And even if they meet and bump a little, you will not press the support ski and fall.

Make sure that the sticks do not fold into a "house" (handle to handle). You can move them left and right, tilt, but parallel to each other.

For the “skate” it is better to buy longer sticks: for the classics they are selected 25-30 cm less in height, for skating - 15-20 cm less in height. The taller the person, the greater the difference between height and sticks.

And most importantly, having dealt with the technique and, perhaps, having rehearsed something step by step, try to ... forget about it. Relax and let your body move freely. Cross-country skiing is a natural burden for him, he will understand what to do, and without the help of his head.

Ski skating is gaining immense popularity among professional skiers and amateurs. The advantage of the style is the special movements and techniques that allow you to achieve huge speeds when driving on the track. To master the skating technique, you will have to work hard, and for this you first need to learn many little things and nuances that will later help not only to master the skating course well, but also protect you from injuries.

General characteristics of skating

He gained his popularity at the 1988 Olympics. The bottom line is a special manner of moving, imitating skating: inside of one ski, a push is made from the surface, while the weight is transferred to the other leg. This creates the impression that the skier moves like a skater. Hence the name of this style of driving.

Before you start learning to ski in skates, you should take into account the following fact: with the skating technique of riding, there is more pressure and tension on the ankle joint than with other techniques. Therefore, ski boots in this case should be higher than standard ones, securely fix the leg as a whole, and the heel in particular. Skis are also selected in shorter lengths and are almost straight, without rounded ends.

It will be quite difficult to immediately master the skating course, so the beginner will have to work hard. For those who already own classic style skiing will be much easier. You should start learning this type of skiing from mastering the basics of skating, learning to push off with a sliding stop.

To start training, choose a suitable track, in a park or forest, it should be well-packed, rolled. Although skating is suitable for moving through snowdrifts, it will be quite difficult for a beginner skier to do this.

It is necessary to remember the starting position: you must stand up straight, connecting the rear ends of the skis, and spread the front ends to the sides. Correct technique take-off with the foot from the track should be a full foot, and not a separate part of it, that is, a heel or a toe. The body leans forward a little. The speed is regulated by the force of the push, as soon as you feel that you have begun to move more slowly than necessary, push off with sticks. After that, the sticks must be lifted and pressed with their elbows to the body.

To avoid injury, initial stage perform slow pushes to get a good feel for which muscles are involved in the process of skiing. This will help to properly coordinate and distribute the load. In the process of training, you will be able to develop high speeds.

The first classes are held without equipment. This is done so that the student has the opportunity to imagine and feel how the skis will move when sliding or jumping, that is, to master the technique of different moves in theory, and after that - practice.

Practical initial lessons consist of several tasks.

  1. Lean a little, with one foot make a smooth take-out, first forward, then to the side and put it in place. Bend the other at this time, it will be the support. It should have a slightly bent, springy position to avoid injury when loaded. Finish with active movements in the pelvis and knees, you need to develop the joints.
  2. Try to simulate a one-step skate style move. This is the most difficult technique of all, so you have to work hard on it. Imagine that you are sliding on the snow on one foot, feel the work of the muscles, where is going load and tension. Now, in one place, make movements reminiscent of riding alternately on one or the other leg into the light once or twice.
  3. The exercises on the spot are over, now it's time to train on the move. Do everything that is described in the first exercise, but now move forward. Watch for the transfer of the center of gravity to the leg that has become the supporting one from the flywheel. Do not forget to spring it a little, slightly bending at the knee.
  4. For training, choose a small, moderately gentle slope, push off the surface as much as possible with an inner edge, the center of gravity is alternately transferred to different legs.
  5. Balance exercise. Skating requires the ability to keep balance. The skis are very slippery, so at first it will be difficult to just stand on them, let alone ride. So what needs to be done, for example, a swallow.

It is also worth paying attention to such exercises:

  • alternately pushing off the inner edge of the sliding ski, with the transfer of weight to the supporting one, go down the slope, legs apart at a distance of half a meter;
  • during the descent from the slope, also pull the jog to the support;
  • then try to climb a gentle hill, moving like a herringbone, while doing pushes with the edge of the ski;
  • energetically push your skis down, each one in turn, to the left and right, that is, obliquely;
  • after the descent, turn on a flat area by crossing the skis one over the other;
  • make turns in a circular motion on a flat area in one direction and in the other.

Since skating is considered more difficult than the classic one, it will take longer to master it. And for better mastery, you should not only adequately assess your own capabilities, but also listen and, most importantly, follow the advice given by professionals in skiing:

  • choose for training flat, well-rolled areas, smooth, gentle slopes;
  • in order to effectively push off and slide with emphasis on one foot, you need to group up, so you will prepare the body before the push. With increased pressure on the inner arch of the foot, especially on the heel, start moving actively;
  • the transfer of the center of gravity from foot to foot must be smooth, otherwise you will simply lose your balance;
  • in the first trainings, all movements are carried out only with the legs, the hands are not yet involved, over time, having mastered the technique, they also come into work;
  • skating involves an increase in the angle that is formed in the process of the legs at the knees and the hip joint. The body also tilts forward at 50 degrees, which allows you to choose the most convenient option for retracting the toes of both skis;
  • pushing off and actively unbending the ankle, thigh and knees, straighten the body;
  • pull the leg that was jerky to the supporting one smoothly, take your time. The direction of the ski in relation to the movement must remain the same as it was when repulsed;
  • the foot should be brought to the supporting leg in a cross position.

One of the most the best technicians ski run, allows for greater speed. Semi-skating is used on flat areas, soft ascents and descents, moving in an arc. A ski track is required to provide the right direction.

The semi-skating cycle consists of several phases:

  1. Phase of free single-support sliding. The beginning of the phase is the moment of completion of the repulsion, the end is the placement of ski poles in the snow. Gliding starts with the right ski. The purpose of the phase is to achieve a smooth and almost complete extension of the skating leg, while maintaining a certain inclination of the body. The phase allows the muscles of the supporting leg and torso to rest a little before the load, after which work begins to increase the speed of movement.
  2. Gliding with repulsion with two hands, performed on the right ski. Start - setting sticks on the snow, ending - setting the left ski on the surface. Keeping the position of the hands, push off with the force of the inclination of the torso. The fly leg is slightly bent at the knee and moves forward and to the side, after which the ski is placed at a slight angle relative to the direction of movement. The heels of the skis are in a cross position, the flexion of the supporting leg begins. The speed of riding directly depends on the angle of setting the skis on the snow.
  3. Gliding on both skis with repulsion by the foot and hands, in this case the left foot works. The start of the phase begins from the moment the left ski is placed on the snow, ends with the separation of the poles. The technique of the take-off leg is different from classical and other skiing styles. The leg that needs to push off should not straighten, but, on the contrary, bend. First, sliding on two skis is performed after pushing off with the left leg by abducting it with the hip, knee and ankle bent, at the same time pushing off with the hands is performed. Next, slide on two skis, retracting and unbending the push leg and pushing off with your hands. The supporting one remains bent at the joints: ankle, hip and knee, the tilt of the leg to the left ends, the body weight is transferred to the jerk.
  4. Gliding on two skis with repulsion, abduction and extension of the left leg. The phase begins as soon as you have finished pushing off with your hands, and ends when the left ski leaves the snow. The supporting leg maintains a bent position, the body smoothly straightens.

Double skating skiing

It starts with sliding on the left ski, while it is necessary to push off with the opposite, from the right, hand. push off right foot from the snow and tear off the right ski pole from the surface, when sliding, the supporting leg should smoothly straighten at the knee and hip. And the flywheel gradually bends in the joints: ankle, knee and hip, keep the ski at the same angle regarding the direction of movement and pull it to the support. The center of gravity at the same time moves to the front of the supporting foot. Now you need to push off with your left foot and slide on it.

To master the technique, perform a simultaneous two-step move on different slopes and at different speeds. The task is to learn how to push off with your left and right feet, adjust the angle of ski abduction, taking into account the seriousness of the track and the degree of steepness of the ascent.

Simultaneous one-step move

The most difficult technique in terms of coordination, because performing each sliding step, you need to unbend the push leg, tilt the body and push off with your hands. Two sliding steps are performed, alternately pushing off with the right and left legs, with a one-time repulsion by the hands and sliding on one supporting leg.

alternating stroke

It is used for climbing slopes that are not too steep, when the snow is not too compacted, the track is loose and not too packed. When riding in alternating skating, the lowest speed is gained. The cycle of one move includes two sliding steps, during which you need to alternately push off first with one, then with the other hand.

There are two options for alternating skating, their use depends on skill, speed, and angle of ascent. If there is a steep climb or the speed of movement is high, then you need to start pushing off with your foot at the moment when you finish pushing off with your hand. Movements should follow each other, although often the efforts of the leg and arm overlap each other. The step in this variant is shortened, the speed is achieved due to the frequency of its execution.

If you are skating alternately on a fairly gentle slope or flat area, then in the stroke cycle there is a free-sliding phase with an emphasis on one foot. To fully master this type of move, train on slopes of different steepness, changing speed. Watch the coordination of movements of hands and legs.

It is very difficult to learn how to skate ski on your own, without any prior skills. To begin with, it is worth mastering the classic skiing technique. Besides. It is better to take lessons from an instructor to avoid many mistakes. In addition, skiing is quite traumatic, and a specialist nearby will help to avoid injuries.

They have been in existence for several centuries, and their technique is constantly evolving in different categories. The most common is classical skating, in which the legs move parallel to each other. However, the most intense and fastest way to ski is skating.

The specifics of this technique

If you want to understand how to learn to ski with a skate, then keep in mind the idea that when you do this, you need to literally push yourself forward by pushing one foot diagonally outward. Then do the same with the other ski. This method imitates ice skating. The heel is free from binding, which allows you to move the ski forward.

In the picture you see two athletes using two different styles. On the left - a classic course along a paved track, on the right - a skating course along a processed track.

The importance of choosing the right equipment

In order to understand how to learn to ski with a skate, you need to decide one important technical question. To get started, you need to purchase the right equipment. as a rule, shorter than the classic ones, and are characterized by the absence of specific cuts on the reverse side. The grooves are there to keep the skier from sliding backwards and also from shifting body weight, but skating skis simply won't function properly with grooves. However, as with the application of any sticky wax. On such skis, sliding wax is applied to the entire surface in such a way that they glide much faster than the classics. In addition, their length depends on the weight of the athlete.

Skating is an extremely strenuous physical activity. All muscle groups of the body are involved. requires the ability to balance on one leg, therefore easier for those who have a good sports training or skiing experience.

But what about those who stubbornly skipped winter physical education lessons at school and did not learn to distinguish between classical and skating?

To study! Cast aside all doubts!

So how do you learn to skate ski? Is it possible to do this without a professional trainer, say, at home?

Answer: definitely yes!

It is only necessary to work out three points:

1. Set aside time for classes.

It is enough to devote the New Year holidays to this to understand how to learn how to ski in a week.

If we consider ordinary everyday life, it is desirable to allocate twice a week, for example, in the evening after work. There is a plus here for those who are somewhat embarrassed to train in front of other skiers. Although it is better to immediately discard all doubts and concentrate only on your sporting achievements. It is also logical to take two days off for training.

2. Provide yourself with the right skis that meet the requirements of skating.

Their characteristics have been described above. How to learn to ski with a skate? To achieve this goal, it is not necessary to go to the store and immediately buy expensive equipment. You can use rental services. Or buy used equipment. Once you have mastered the technique, have a taste for skating, and understand your preferences, then it makes sense to go for shiny new skis.

Make sure the track you will be on is well prepared. This means that it is cleared of snow. If the track is in poor condition, results can be achieved for a very long time, which means that motivation will suffer. It is logical to train in the same place where athletes do it. At the same time, looking at them, you can get a couple of ideas on how to learn to ski quickly.

3. Follow the instructions below.

This article does not pretend to be a scientific presentation of the technique of skating. It offers simple and usable instructions in terms that your friend would use.

Human instruction for beginner skiers

Many people ask how to learn. Skating is easy. Before proceeding to the description, it should be noted that during training it is better to leave aside. At first, it is very important to find the balance of the body with an unusual movement for the body. And the sticks here will only interfere.

Leaving your arms free, relax your shoulders and you will feel them begin to move on their own to help you roll forward. In a word, trust the body.

Then you need to choose a flat area for training. You don't need a 5km track, pick up a snow-cleared flat about half the size of a standard high school stadium. This is where you will practice the following movements.

A simple diagram explaining the mechanical aspect of skating

In the photo above, you can see that both legs simultaneously perform different functions. This is the main focus. While one foot is pushing off the surface (usually more active in this process the inner part of the foot is involved), the second takes advantage of the moment and slides through the snow. All our weight, diligently accumulated at the desktop, we resolutely transfer to the limb that slides. Note that these movements are not performed in parallel, but diagonally!

Let's say you shift your body weight to the left, push off with your right foot and slide on your left. Try to slide as long as possible. For what? In order to have time to rest before the next push with the left foot. At first, do the exercises slowly and smoothly. When you learn well, then you will move on to work on developing speed. So, we pushed off with the left ski, shifting our weight to the right, and we slide with the right. Thus, we alternate pushes with the left and right foot. Reminds me of ice skating, doesn't it?

Pay attention to the fact that the leg on which we slide is slightly bent at the knee. Imagine that this is a spring on which your weight is placed.

Practice at home!

If you have problems maintaining balance, then in order to better understand how to learn to ski in skates, you can practice alternate standing on one leg at home. 12 seconds each with a change, 4 sets in total.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to watch the competitions of professional athletes, for example, in biathlon races, you can even watch them on TV. This makes it much easier to absorb visual information about how it should look, and then understand what exactly is required of you.

The main thing is to believe in yourself and give the body time to master new movements, and then everything will definitely work out. And in next year you yourself will explain to your friends how to learn to ski in skates.

One of the most popular aerobic sports today is skiing. It is characterized by amazing results with minimal effort and is even considered less dangerous for the joints than running. Skiing trains almost all parts of the body - lower back, legs, arms, abs, chest. You can learn more about this sport from the information below.

Benefits of skiing

Before determining what the health benefits of skiing are, it is still worth mentioning the contraindications of this physical activity. These can include following cases:

  • children under 10-13 years old;
  • age over 50;
  • pregnant women;
  • weakened immunity;
  • reactive response of the skin in the light of the sun, lack of melanin;
  • disabled people with serious illnesses;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems;
  • recent stroke, heart attack, surgery.

Even in these cases, the right technique will make skiing or walking useful. In addition to the effect of losing weight, improving appetite, general condition, a person can receive many other positive effects from such a sport. Cross-country skiing is useful for the following:

  • improvement of blood supply to muscle tissue due to its contraction;
  • increase resistance to colds;
  • acceleration of metabolism, weight loss;
  • landscape therapy - helps to cure or strengthen the body through physical activity in nature, and not in a noisy city;
  • hardening of the body due to regular exposure to fresh air in frosty weather;
  • helps to restore healthy sleep;
  • improvement of the state of the vestibular apparatus by maintaining balance relative to the track;
  • strengthening the functions of the cardiovascular system, the heart;
  • lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries, small arteries;
  • improvement of pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood;
  • beneficial effect on the joints, their flexibility;
  • helps improve endurance.

Skis for weight loss

For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, skiing is also very a good option. This is a great alternative to exercising in the stuffy gym. In 1 hour, you can burn from 500 to 1000 calories - it all depends on the pace and type of run. Skiing for weight loss is useful not only in terms of energy expenditure. Running helps to work out certain muscle groups:

  • with problematic buttocks, it is recommended to ride the classic way;
  • skating helps to tighten the hips;
  • Job ski poles works out the upper muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms;
  • a little less benefit for the back with the press, but they are also in good shape when riding.

If you really want to lose weight, it's important to follow a few rules. The main thing is regularity, i.e. the number of workouts should be from 3 times a week. Each must be at least 1 hour long. It is better to eat 2 hours before running, and after that you can afford a low-calorie snack. To make it comfortable for you, be sure to choose the right clothes, it is better if it is thermal underwear (trousers, jacket, hat, mittens, warm socks), and equipment - the skis themselves, boots and poles.

Skiing technique

Depending on the pace of the walk, the skiing technique is also determined. In general, skating has two forms - walking and running. The latter applies to loads over high level. For this reason, it is better for beginners to walk and build up the pace gradually. As for the skis themselves, wooden and plastic, cross-country and mountain skis stand out. Each species has its own running techniques. Cross-country skiing is carried out in skating or classic style. Mountain climbers have more running techniques. They can be combined into a list like this:

  1. Sports running technique. It consists of easy slalom, giant slalom and downhill. Refers to competitive styles and requires passing the track without errors.
  2. Freeride. This is a technique of skiing off-piste and descents. It is used only by extreme sportsmen and professionals.
  3. Tourist running technique. This is a ski resort and lessons with an instructor.
  4. Freestyle. It translates as free style. In addition to simple driving on the track, it includes running on hillocks and jumping from springboards.

Ski skating technique

As the name suggests, this technique is an imitation of ice skating. The skier alternately leans on each ski, while he pushes off the snow inside. Legs are almost all the time in different planes. It turns out that you need to go, trying to write out the Latin letter "V" as narrowly as possible. With one foot, slide forward and sideways, then the same with the other, trying to push off with the inside edge. The technique of skating is used on skis in the case of a well-rolled track and is characterized by a higher speed and load.

Classic skiing technique

With this technique, a person moves using both cross-country skis at the same time. He puts them in parallel, unlike the ridge style, trying to maintain balance. The technique of classic skiing is used on already well-trodden ski tracks and on rough terrain. To move in this way you need:

  • stand straight on the track;
  • bring the sticks forward, push them off;
  • then slide along the plane, pushing off with skis, alternately with each, and helping the opposite leg with your hand.

How to ski properly

Of all the rules, there are several basic ones that describe how to ski correctly. The main thing is that the legs must be kept at a distance of about 30 cm, while riding they should be slightly bent so that light pressure is felt. There are a few more tips to follow:

  1. Arms. The distance between them should be about 25-30 cm. The arms themselves are bent at the elbows and slightly extended forward.
  2. Sight. You shouldn't look down. The gaze should be directed forward in order to avoid collisions or to notice uneven terrain in time.
  3. Fear. Never give in to the fear of falling. For beginner skiers, this happens sooner or later. Just learn to do it correctly - to the side, and not back or forward, while covering your head with your hands.

Ski lessons for beginners

The very first skiing lessons will always be difficult. It is important to evaluate your strength - the ability to withstand physical exercise, respond to obstacles, own the body and adapt to elevation changes. Ski lessons for beginners include more than just riding and braking techniques. Before proceeding directly to skiing, you need to familiarize yourself with the equipment and preparation for the process - stretching the shoulder girdle, hips, chest and hip joints. If these stages have been completed, then further success in driving is guaranteed to you. Everything will depend only on desire.

Video: how to learn to ski

The technique of herringbone skiing has long been considered effective only for climbing. At serious competitions, the style was first used at the end of the last century by the American Bill Koch, which caused a real revolution in popular form winter sports. Athletes who used on skis received a significant speed advantage over rivals running in the classical way. Since then, competitions have been held in two categories, and biathletes and Nordics have completely switched to new style. The progressive skiing technique, which makes it possible to glide over dense snow crust with a breeze without visible effort, quickly became popular among amateur skiers.

You can master running technique under the guidance of an instructor in the ski center or on your own, tirelessly practicing on the track. With due diligence, skills will be learned fairly quickly. When honing the basic elements of skating, you should avoid the following errors skating inherent in beginners:

  • Too wide breeding of skis relative to each other.
  • Excessive leaning or leaning back.
  • Movement with a straight back, only on half-bent or straight legs.
  • Setting the ski on the edge for repulsion without a short pre-glide phase.
  • Excessively high raising of the leg after the push.

During classes, you need to remain focused, concentrate on each technique, try to fully transfer the weight of the body from the supporting leg to the push leg. It is extremely important to maintain regularity of movements rhythm.

When exercising, you should alternate walking styles from time to time. In each of them, the maximum involvement different groups muscles that need a short rest to recover. For classes, it is better to choose a section of the track with a slight uniform slope.

The instructor, using proven techniques, will set the walking technique much faster. A few lessons with a ski master are enough to master the basic elements.

How to choose skis for skating

Getting ready to start classes, you need to take care of the appropriate equipment. If everything is clear with overalls, a hat, gloves, then you should talk about the main accessories in more detail. Skis for skating are different from the usual classics. They are shorter to make it more convenient to perform swing movements, stronger, springy in the process of riding.

Professional racing skis are a high-tech product. Multilayer structure gives them increased elasticity, contributing to vibration damping. polymer coating chassis with the inclusion of graphite, fluorocarbon, provides excellent glide, allowing you to reach speeds of up to 50 km / h on the track. Products with a box containing an almost weightless honeycomb filler are surprisingly light. Such skis manufactured by Fischer, Madshus, Karhu, STC are very expensive.

Amateur skiers and fans of winter mountain tourism prefer budget replicas of plastic or composite wood-polymer skis. It is also possible to learn skating on spruce Soviet classics. However, it will be very difficult to hone the technique in such equipment. To begin with, it is better to rent skis adapted to the skate.

The specificity of skating is reflected in the design ski boots. They are high, equipped with a cuff, which guarantees a secure fixation of the leg, proper fastening rigidity, compensating for the load during CLH.

Note! In order to effectively perform hand pushes, the sticks must reach shoulder level. Make sure they are strong and resilient. Hand pushing technique is a very important element of the move.

The main methods of movement when skating

The style has become widespread and popular due to captivating versatility. Using a sliding herringbone, it is easy to significantly increase the speed of passing flat areas, steep climbs, and complete the distance with a spectacular finish spurt. The amplitude, plasticity of the skier resembles the movements that the skater makes. It is to this similarity that the move owes its name.

A feature of the style is the absence of the ski stop phase, characteristic of the classics. Transferring body weight to the supporting leg, the athlete simultaneously makes a push with the edge of the second ski, which ensures translational movement in the desired direction. The movement is then mirrored, completing the cycle. Repulsion with sticks is performed with different amplitude. Before deciding which of the skating, which is called a sliding herringbone, is the most suitable, you need to learn more about the types of skiing united by the term.


A hybrid way of skating that combines classic and skate elements. It is used on gentle sections of the distance along which the ski track is laid. One ski slides along the gutter, and the second skier pushes off the flat part of the track with the edge, maintaining the necessary rhythm of movements. Additional acceleration is given by sticks. The change of the supporting leg is performed after every eight cycles.

It is relatively easy to learn how to move using the single-leg sliding method. The acquired skills will help to master more complex varieties of the move. Practice will help you understand basic principles FLU, gain a knack.


A way of skiing in speed skating style without the use of poles. Alternately pushing off with their feet, the skier moves along the track, giving rest to the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The cycle consists of two steps, which may be accompanied by a wave of the hands.

This move is often used for acceleration on flat areas and gentle slopes, provided there is sufficient snow density. The range of motion is low. Speed ​​is maintained due to good sliding, which ensures high-quality rolled products. Athletes use the style to recover during long races. A low stance reduces windage, so less effort is spent.

The practice of free running is necessary for skiers who are just starting to master KLH. During classes, they will learn how to properly push off with their feet, work out the technique of sliding, landing.

Skating in two steps

A feature of the two-step type of cross-country skiing is the alternating change of leg functions within one cycle. In different phases, it becomes a reference, jogging or takes a transitional position. The value of the angle of the skis varies in the range of 15-45 degrees. Within the cycle, the skier takes steps of different lengths. The first movement is considered preparatory. The key importance is given to the second step, followed by a sharp and powerful repulsion with sticks.

The effectiveness of the technique, the most popular among professional athletes, is clearly manifested when climbing slopes of small, medium steepness. A very energy-intensive style should be used in the presence of good physical conditions, since the body experiences significant loads caused by constant lateral vibrations of the body.

Skating at the same time

The fastest way to move around the track is skating. mastered this technique the athlete will easily overtake even short distance masters of the four-step move, common in the classics. For effective use style requires good coordination, high physical readiness, endurance.

The cycle consists of two sliding steps. One ski performs a powerful repulsion. The second ski at this moment is in the phase of single-support sliding. Under each step, a strong push is made with sticks. During the change of the pushing leg, the athlete takes a few moments. A dash to the finish line invariably delights the spectators seated in the stands.

Alternate skating

This type of move is most often chosen to overcome steep climbs or long slopes covered with soft snow. Considered the slowest in COFO, requires high costs energy.

The athlete takes two sliding steps that make up the cycle. Repulsion with sticks may coincide in time with the start of the leg push or not. Distance speed is maintained by the coordinated work of the arms and legs, increasing the frequency of steps, which, at the same time, become shorter. The second option is often used by skiers who have left too much strength on the course.

How to enter turns?

Cornering is one of the milestones basic skier training. The development of elements of technology is given Special attention. With its help, you can not only change the direction of movement, maintaining the pace, but also increase the speed of passing the distance. It is used on flat sections of the route and slopes of any steepness.

The turn is performed by stepping over with a strong repulsion by the edge of the ski from the side of the outer radius. Additional acceleration is given by the active work of the shoulder girdle. The body leans slightly in the direction of the turn, the weight is sharply transferred to the ski sliding along the inner radius. A strong push with sticks is performed every cycle. The powerful work of the skier at this moment is quite impressive.

The practice of skating requires the possession of skills, the availability of skills, acceptable physical conditions, and specific equipment. Mastering the skiing technique will bring great pleasure to lovers of skiing, winter tourism, adherents of a healthy lifestyle.