What a conspiracy is made on a needle and thread. The nuances of love spells on needles. Damage to the needle sharp, black magic guide

hurt you a lot close person? Have you been betrayed by those from whom you least expected it? You have two options: to score all this and continue to live on, or to devote your life to revenge on your ill-wishers.

If you opted for the second option, then I can tell you several ways to take revenge on a traitor with almost no physical contact with this person.

It will be about inducing the strongest damage with the help of an ordinary sewing needle.

What is the strength of the needle?

A needle in the world of magic is not just a needlework tool. In the hands of an experienced magician, an ordinary sewing needle can become dangerous object. Using the right plot, this pointed piece of metal can help its owner destroy the enemy's life, get rid of magical influence, protect against attempts to harm with magic.

The secret of such strength is that the needle is primarily a metal that has the ability to accumulate the energy of a person who constantly uses it. This energy is concentrated on the tip and transferred to other objects or people.
Knowing this feature, women in ancient times never sat down to embroider in bad mood or bad thoughts. But they used this state if it was necessary to harm another person.

Needle rituals are very easy to perform and even beginners can handle them. But you should remember about your safety - the stronger the damage, the stronger the return when it is removed.

How can a needle hurt?

Regardless of the main goal of damage, black magic destroys stability and well-being in all areas of human life. With the help of damage to the needle, you can:

  • harm health (physical and psychological);
  • provoke obstacles at work that can harm career growth or cause dismissal;
  • interfere with personal life;
  • destroy existing family ties;
  • create difficulties on the way to gaining material well-being;
  • to deprive a person of those material benefits that he has already managed to accumulate;
  • provoke moral “burnout” of a person.

In extreme cases, damage to the needle can be fatal for the victim of witchcraft. This may be, as a result of an accident, as well as the decision of the person himself to commit suicide under the pressure of troubles that have fallen.

How to damage with a needle?

Before I talk about the rituals that will help you speak the needle and turn it into an instrument of revenge, I want to warn you about the consequences. Even if you are guided by righteous anger, using the destructive power of black magic, you will not only punish your enemy, but also doom yourself and your family to long years retribution for such action.

So think again and accept correct solution. If you still decide to do evil in return, then do everything right. Otherwise, the ritual may not work the way you want.

Prepare for the ritual properly

To perform the ritual and observe all the rules and precautions, you should perform a simple preparation.

  • The day of the ritual should coincide with the phase of the waning moon.
  • Only a new needle is spoken, which must be bought on the day of the ritual.
  • If you want a person to suffer from a serious illness or even take him to the grave, then the ritual must be performed with a rusty needle.
  • When buying a new needle, prepare small change, because change cannot be taken for its purchase.
  • On the way from home to the store with sewing supplies and back, you can not talk to anyone. And in the store, communication with the seller should be minimized.
  • Returning home, you should think about the person you plan to take revenge on. All the evil that he did should be remembered. There should be a feeling of rage, which is then transferred to the needle.

Rituals for inducing damage through a needle

If you have not changed your mind yet and the desire to take revenge on the offender is growing stronger every day, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rituals that will help with this. For them you can use:

  • only needles;
  • volt or voodoo doll - a small figurine of a person who is energetically associated with an object of witchcraft using his personal belongings or biological material;
  • a photograph of the person to be damaged.

So let's get started.

Needle wrecking

by the most in a simple way to start the action of damage is to place a charmed needle on the enemy near the door or pin it to the offender's clothes.

To do this, take the purchased needle and read the following text on its tip:

May the health, happiness and good luck of the slave (would) (name of the victim) break on this needle. Let this needle prick day and night and give him (her) no rest like a splinter in the body. There will be a slave (ba) (name of the victim) to be exhausted, dry up and not know peace. My will is indestructible and cannot be turned against me. Let it be so!

Put in each word all the pain that you felt due to the actions or inaction of the offender.

It is advisable immediately after the ritual to stick the needle into doorjamb houses / apartments where your enemy lives. For quick and strong results, it is better to stick the needle into the clothes of this person.

The sooner the needle is placed in the right place after the ritual, the stronger the witchcraft effect will be. With every minute of delay, the concentration of spoken malice will decrease until it completely disappears.

"Three needles"

This ritual can bring a lot of trouble to your enemy. to carry it out, buy three needles, a wax candle and a piece of black silk (can be the size of a children's handkerchief).

At home, light a candle and hold each needle over its flame. At this time, for each of them you need to say these words:

I avenge the evil done to me, I send discord, failure and a curse on the heads of my enemies, may they be cursed and punished. This symbol (needle) will be a tool in my hands... So be it.

Now the charmed needles need to be wrapped in black silk and taken to the house where your enemy lives. Find the door of his dwelling and stick needles into the door frame, accompanied by special words:

  • for the first needle: Cursed be he who lives here.
  • for the second needle: Cursed be my enemy.
  • for the third needle: May the enemy living here be punished.

Each phrase must be repeated 6 times.

Destruction of family happiness

The ritual that I will now offer you can be used not only to take revenge, but also to take the husband away from the family. The ritual is very simple in its execution. Take a new needle and read the following text on it 9 times:

I read strong words on the needle, I speak it. The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong. I entrust their lives to the dark forces, so that there is no peace and rest for them. Let it be so. Amen!

Now go to the door behind which the family you need lives and shove these needles behind the door frame.

If you don't know where your enemy lives

It happens that you know your enemy, but for one reason or another you cannot go to the door of his house. To take revenge on such a person, use a volt or a voodoo doll. This is a small fabric, wax or clay figurine of a person, which is energetically connected with the person you need. For its manufacture, it is necessary to use the offender's personal item or his biological material (hair, nails, saliva).

Should we focus on revenge?

Now you have got one more way to take revenge on a person for your tears and losses. But is it worth using it? After all, damage, even with good intentions, is black magic, it is a violation of the energy flow of the universe, which cannot remain without consequences. Yes, you will get what you want - the offender is punished. But what's next? This will not return your losses, but will only aggravate the situation.

By doing evil to a person with the help of magic, you doom not only yourself, but also your descendants to constant torment and suffering. So is your desire to avenge such a price worth it?

Of course, you can do as you see fit. But before you start witchcraft, consult with a specialist. Contact me and I will help you choose a ritual that the best way help in your situation.

I look forward to your requests at the coordinates indicated on the site.

The needle is a unique magical material. This attribute is widely used in many rituals of various kinds. The needle is often used in love magic and spend a very effective love spell on the needle.

Simple love spells on the needle

At home, you can perform a very simple love spell on a needle. This is a very effective ritual, it should be performed during the growing moon or full moon.

In the ceremony you need to use:

  • A new sewing needle;
  • A photograph of a loved one;
  • Own photo.

Secluded in separate room you need to concentrate on thoughts about your loved one. After visualizing the image of a loved one, you should fold the photos with the front sides and fasten them with a needle.

After that, you need to say the following words three times:

"Like me ( given name) sincerely love you (name of the chosen one), as I (own name) miss you (name of the chosen one) and miss you (name of the chosen one) will love, miss, yearn for and understand me (own name). My strong word may come true.

You need to pronounce the words while concentrating as much as possible on the future life together with your loved one. Charmed pictures should be stored among your underwear for at least six months. Usually the results of the ceremony become noticeable after a couple of weeks.

On a black candle

For another simple love spell you will need:

  • Black candle;
  • Photo of the chosen one;
  • 30 needles.

Need to be alone in private room put a candle on the table, and place a picture of your loved one behind it. After that, the candle must be stuck with needles and set on fire. The ritual must be performed in complete silence. You just need to sit and watch the candle burn, and at this time you need to be with your loved ones in your thoughts. Each time the needle falls off the candle, blow towards the photo.

After the candle burns out, you should read the following plot:

“I will get up (my own name), I will go without crossing myself and without praying through an open field, I will pass a bright forest, I will swim across the ocean and head to a dashing land. There the sun does not shine, the birds do not fly, the animals do not run, only the wind walks. Alone stands there a black tower with thirty towers, and in it sit thirty black sisters, all of them longing alone for the clear sun and sweets. So my dear (name of the chosen one) will yearn for me, and a strong wind will carry from all thirty sisters to him their fierce longing, but it will become so bad for him that the dear light will not be dear to him. And I (my own name) will become dearer to him than his mother, more joyful than the warm sun, sweeter than any royal treat. My strong word, what has been said will come true.

This love spell on a needle should manifest itself in a few days, and until then the attributes used in the rite must be stored. After you make sure that everything is fine, the needles with the photo can be thrown away.

Ritual on the needle - to make an offer

There is a rite for cases when you are seriously dating your chosen one and want to push him to propose to you. For the ritual, it is necessary on the first Monday of the month to purchase a needle without change or not to take change from the purchase. The acquired needle should be taken right hand, squeeze it in a fist and bring it home in this form. Arriving home, the needle must be put on the photo of the chosen one.

Then three times cast a love spell on a needle over the attributes:

“When the moon rises, the sun goes down. And if the sun needs to rise, then the moon will have to go. People walk in the vault of heaven and not on the sea-ocean, but on mother earth. Between them, the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) wanders, and does not find a place for himself. I will send my red-hot needle to the right job so that she sends the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) real care. So that she would make sure that he did not sleep during the day, and did not doze at night. He would only think of me, the Servant of God (proper name), and suffer. God has not forbidden him to take me as his legal wife! High and mighty forces will sew into the head of the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) suffering - experiences. So that terrible torment enters his heart, and sadness enters his forehead. I can’t wash off the spell cast by me with water, and can’t be repelled by any deeds. A red-hot needle, help me bewitch, dry and sew on my dear forever. On Monday I'll start sewing, on Tuesday I'll take my dear heart. You will wear my sewing Servant of God (name of the chosen one), do not take off and do not forget me Servant of God (proper name)!

With a charmed needle, you need to hem in the usual way, some clothes for your loved one, which he often wears. Then the needle should be left unnoticed in his dwelling, so that he does not find it.

Strong demonic rite

With the help of needles, you can perform a rite of black magic, which contains a call to demons. It is these creatures of the dark world that help build love relationship. It is very important to prepare for the ceremony.

To do this, a week before the ceremony you need:

  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • Refuse meat;
  • Avoid taking any alcoholic beverages;
  • Refrain from sexual activity.

On the day of the ceremony, you should visit the temple and purchase the thickest candle in diameter. Then go to the store and buy 30 ordinary sewing needles there. In the evening of the same day, you need to retire, place a candle on the table and stick all 30 needles around its perimeter. Before the candle you need to put a photo of the chosen one.

Then the candle needs to be lit, and at the same time, until it burns out, you should pronounce the following words:

“The magic candle fire burns and melts all the needles so that my beloved one will be sewn to me securely.”

All the needles that fell out of the candle must be collected and alternately stuck into the photo of your chosen one. Moreover, they should stick out of the picture from two sides.

In the process of piercing the photo with needles, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“I (my own name) summoned demons, they stick needles into my dear (name of the chosen one) and send him straight to me. Let the demons insert needles into you and direct them to me, dear (name). You will love only me, and want only me.

After the ceremony, the photo must be hidden from prying eyes forever and ever.

Any love spell with a needle requires a lot of concentration. If you have the slightest doubt about own forces, then the ritual should be abandoned.

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you what rituals of witchcraft are for inducing black damage with the help of needles. They are made for illness, trouble, there are strong love rituals for needles, such as damage to a needle and thread, where a photo of the victim is stitched. There are, of course, witchcraft rituals on quick death. In skillful hands and with a smart head, the magician through such influences can really greatly influence the victim.

How a strong magician can inflict severe damage on a needle

There are rites in the arsenals that they do on their own at home, allowing you to quickly inflict damage through a needle. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about such witchcraft rituals today. And we will consider several options for magically inducing damage, where, among other elements, needles are used.

Any induced witchcraft negative, even very strong, very dangerous damage on needles, made by a real sorcerer in accordance with all the rules, can be removed. The question is what is the qualification of the magician to whom the victim will come for help. It also matters how quickly a person turns to, or will live for years with corruption, denying the reality of witchcraft. So, along with the question of inducing magical negativity, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk with you about how to remove damage to the needles.

How to properly perform black spoilage with needles

In most cases, if the curse is inflicted by the power of the dead world, the needles are buried in the grave for a certain period. As a rule, you need a nominal grave of the victim if you do damage to a person using the name and egregor power. But sometimes real magicians work on unmarked graves. After burying the needles, put the ransom on the grave. Otherwise, after a measured time, when you come for the needles, you may not find them.

Using the grave of the same name when hovering independently severe spoilage according to the photo of the enemy with needles justified if the magician connects the victim to a specific dead person. And if a strong magician simply connects the victim to necrotic layers, then the name is no longer so important. If the work is carried out by the power of Dark Spirits, that is, demons, then the scheme is classic: conspiracies are read to call on the Forces, then the rite of directing a strong curse on the person is performed directly, after which the ransom to the crossroads (classic, or the one that is indicated), the Forces are released and put anchors.

Reading conspiracies of damage from a photo, performing any rituals with a needle, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that it is possible to say so, myself, without the involvement of assistants. If there is power, of course. If you are really a sorcerer, if you develop, of course, there must be magical power, otherwise there is no way. We remember all the rules of witchcraft in places of Power, about diagnostics, about weakening the victim and removing witchcraft protections from her. Do not forget about strengthening your own shields, otherwise, if the security conditions are neglected, the rollback may not be weak. And here is the first rite of severe damage in the photo with needles.

Independent conspiracy of damage according to the photo of the enemy with a rusty needle

The magical ritual of inducing damage can be done any day lunar cycle. Causes a series of troubles in the life of your enemy, monetary losses; the victim can get very sick. Self-damage is done on a personal magical power, and therefore the effect depends on how you prepare the victim for a destructive influence, how you weaken it, whether you manage to remove its protection. In addition, there is: how much effort you put into the ceremony, you will get as much as a result.

To damage the needle at home, you will need:
  1. rusty needle
  2. photo of the one whom they decided to curse

Take a needle and read on it 13 times, read the plot of damage to the needle:

“As the rust has eaten a sharp needle, so my word (name) has eaten away. As rust eats iron, so puts my business (name) under the cross. My word is strong, my deed is true and strong. Amen".

After reading the plot 13 times to inflict damage with a needle, you need to go where your ill-wisher lives and stick the needle in the door, in the jamb, for cashing. You can stick it in the rug on the doorstep. If this is not possible, then take a photo of the victim and pierce it with a needle. You can also craft an enemy volt if you have bindings. Without bindings, the volt will not work. With a volt or a photo, you can do whatever you like. You can throw it in the trash, bury it in a wasteland, you can drown it in a swamp.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Black Corruption with needles - take the health of the enemy

They do it on the waning moon, like all rituals aimed at destruction, destruction and death. There are deadly damage very strong, there are those that cause life inconvenience and discomfort. The latter include this rite, you can weaken the health of your enemy, make all chronic sores worsen, make a person who maliciously harms you forget about you and take care of yourself.
And for the purpose of revenge, of course, you can damage the needle at home.

For an independent ritual, you need to take:

  1. 40 new needles
  2. piece of clothing worn by the enemy

Insert 40 needles into the flap, for each before sticking say:

"The needle is sharp, strike the enemy, strike the enemy with the arrows of evil."

The rite works solely on the personal strength and visualization of the magician - the performer. This design needs to be removed. You can take it to the crossroads, or you can throw it in the trash.

How to make damage with needles yourself and punish the enemy

For this rite, the magician needs to have:

  • wax candle
  • 3 new needles

Perform a ceremony on a waning moon, choose a male or female day, depending on the gender of the victim. After waiting for the evening, light a candle, take needles, and heat each one in turn over the candle. While the needle is hot, 3 times read the plotinflicting damage on a person with hot needles:

“I avenge (name) for the harm done to me, I, failure and a curse on the head of my enemy (name). May she be cursed and punished. These needles are weapons in my hands. Let it be so".

Wrap the needles in a flap, and go to the door of your enemy.

  • Inserting the first needle into the door jamb, say 6 times:
  • Inserting the second needle into the door jamb, say 6 times:

    "Cursed be my enemy."

  • Inserting the third needle into the door jamb, say 6 times:

Self-damage with a needle - put a collar on the enemy

There are magic rites for revenge that are easy to do on your own, even as a novice adept. Here is an example how do damage to the needle yourself, put a "yoke" on your enemy. This damage leads to diseases of the genitourinary system.

Notice the place where the enemy urinated. Take a rod and draw a circle, and stick a needle in the center of the circle and -

Independently read the conspiracy of damage to the needle:

“I will stand without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, not at the door, not at the gate, a wolf hole, a bear path, into an open field, into a wide expanse, from an empty field into dense forests, from dense forests to the cursed sea. On the accursed sea stands a golden bath. In this bath, 24 daughters of King Herod, the twenty-fifth cut the head of John the Baptist. Hey you, daughters of Herod - Fire, Ledniha, Yellow, Deaf, Yureya, Korcheya, Breast, Cursed, Lomeya, Looking, Ognistra, Bridegroom, Alternating, Mad, Transitory, Sorrow, Pucholia, Mystery, Bela, Nasty, Freakish, Relaxing , Mortal, Greedy Axe! You intercede, spin the slave (name) the whole body is white, all. You remove the damask bandages from your eyes and put the slave (name) on his vein of steel. And you, mother Greedy Axe, take iron wedges, wedge the vein of the eva tightly so that urine cannot pass, but the vein is purple and thick. I will close all the lips of red, red, black sorcerers and the prophetic raven firmly, firmly. Amen".

Magical damage is all different in their strength and degree of impact on the victim. Witchcraft, given above, can cause diseases, can create financial problems for the victim. But, there are more serious rituals in the practices of magic. Here is a rite, the power of which can cause damage with a needle of a truly destructive nature. The goal is to bring your enemy to death from a distance.

How to make a strong damage to a needle and a black candle at a distance

The magical rite has a preparatory part, which is performed in the cemetery, on the nominal grave of the one to whom death damage is intended. The moon is waning, and if done on the Black Moon, then it generally lies down wonderfully. It is necessary to begin the home part of the ceremony at midnight.

To make this strong damage through needles yourself, you need to have:

  1. photo of the enemy in full growth
  2. patch of black natural fabric
  3. black wax candle
  4. 13 new needles
  5. handful of dead earth
  6. commemoration and redemption when working with the egregor of the cemetery

The earth is taken from the victim's grave of the same name. All according to the rules of the cemetery work. a ransom for the dead is obligatory. Lay a black cloth on the table. Take a photo, spit on it and read the text of the plot:

“Drown, Judas, in my water, in my saliva, in my evil. I will spit - I will pour blood. Dunu - I'll let the pestilence go.

Then cross the photo with your left hand with an inverted cross, and put it on the matter.

Light a candle (the candle must first lie in a nominal grave for 13 days). When the wax melts, take the candle in your hand and drip the wax counterclockwise around the photo.

At this very time, you need to read the plot to bring damage with a needle and a black candle:

“I circle you (name) with a black candle, I tell fortunes with a black candle, I cover it with a black veil, I bury you for death, I close it from the white light. Be you aphids, grave earth, curl up, curl up into decay, into ashes, into rot. Become dust, become earth, become dead water. Thirteen damn circles, thirteen damn castles - everything is for you, everything about you, everything is in you! Sleep forever! Cursed."

Circle the photo with wax drops 13 times, i.e. You drip 13 circles, casting a spell for each circle. Put a candle nearby. Take 13 needles (which also lain in the nominal grave for 13 days). Ignite each needle in turn over the flame, with the words of a witchcraft conspiracy damage a photo with a needle:

"I curse the hairy devil, the cursed bat, the grave needle, the dead earth."

Stick each needle into the photo of the enemy in different zones:

  1. eyes,
  2. arms,
  3. legs,
  4. a heart,
  5. stomach,
  6. solar plexus,
  7. stick the last needle into the liver area.

The next step in inducing black damage with the help of needles is to take the dead earth and sprinkle the photo with an inverted cross with your left hand. At the same time, say:

"Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit, not amen."

Extinguish the candle, tie the fabric in a knot, say:

"Let it be so".

Before dawn, go to the cemetery, bury the knot in the same grave. Stick the candle that was used in witchcraft into the grave ground, light it, and with its flame, read the prayer for departure until the candle burns out. Leave, as required by the rules of cemetery witchcraft work. At the ransom, leave kutya on the grave, and money and vodka to the owner of the cemetery.

If everything is done right, severe damage in the photo with needles even those who are new to magic can do it.

The waste prayer in the rite of inducing black corruption on a person is read as follows:

“Bound by the bonds of the flesh, the servant of God fell sinfully, but his spirit languished for God’s eternal truth and holiness, now, when the infirmity of the flesh is bound by grave corruption, may his soul ascend above the sun to his All-Holy God and sing the song of deliverance: Alleluia. May God accept his dying breath of contrition, like the prayer of a prudent robber. He died away, will give him the promises to inherit, where the hosts of repentant sinners joyfully sing: Alleluia. He sleeps in the eternal sleep of the grave, but his soul does not sleep, yearns for the divine, longs for him, the eternal Bridegroom. May his words be fulfilled on the dead: "Eat my flesh and drink my blood, have eternal life." He will give him food from the hidden manna and sing at his Throne: Alleluia. The earthly wandering is over, what a graceful transition to the world of the Spirit, the soul returns to its fatherland, where the bright sun, the truth of God enlightens those who sing: Alleluia. May the servant of God (name) rest in the kingdom of eternity, may he appear before the throne above, may he accept his death meekly and humbly. Amen".

This damage through photos and needles is strong, proven, the results and reviews of those who did good on their own. You have to be able to wait. Cemetery rites generally take a long time to unwind, so it’s better to wait at least a couple of months to judge the result of an independent ritual. You need to have constant strong protection. Remove protection from the victim in front of such powerful rites infliction of mortal damage is necessary in without fail. If you miss this moment, it can roll back strongly.

The consequences of damage to a needle made for the death of a victim, under certain conditions, can be really fatal. And so, for the most part, such curses work for troubles, life's difficulties and illnesses, which in itself is bleak. Although, any medal always has two sides. And now I, magician Sergey Artgrom will give good recipe flushing to remove damage to the needles. Flushing is a universal method; flushing can remove a lot on your own.

How to remove damage on needles for three potions

To do this washout of the induced negativity on the waning moon, as many times as needed before the cure. During the day you can do from noon to 14 hours. However, the work goes better at night, from midnight to 3 o'clock. Before independent witchcraft, keep a bloodless fast for 3 days. Wash is good. Can be used against severe damage as independent remedy and also works great as an addition to other cleanses. You can apply for yourself. Well, it's understandable for customers to remove damage with needles made for a quick death.

List of what you need for cleaning - flushing the evil eye and negativity:

  • 8 tbsp wormwood
  • 8 tbsp Hypericum
  • 8 tbsp thistle
  • gray candle
  • green candle
  • blue (yellow) candle
  • ladle

Brew each herb separately in 2 liters of water. In total there should be 6 liters of broth. Warm up the bath. Pour decoctions into the basin in turn.

For each decoction, read 1 time to read a plot to remove damage to the needle:

“I interfere with the potion, I mix it, I give birth to a mad force, against this force there will be no one and no one, this potion will pull out, merge and kill. Strengthen the words - a potion of an iron chain. That's it. Alatyr".

When all the witch's potion is in the basin, rotate the water with two fingers clockwise, and three times read the spellremoval of spoilage with needles, or a magical negative of a different plan:

“Triselle steel whip, hit (name) everywhere, here and there, cut the flesh, go into the inside, everything is bad, but don’t rinse it out, emasculate it, let it go down. Let the filthy and otherwise, with the potion away go to shit, there is a place for this. Strengthen my words to the earth, do not finish and do not dissuade anyone, neither knowing, nor knowledgeable, nor evil, no one. Yes, it will be so. Alatyr. Alatyr. Alatyr".

Light candles in the bathroom. The victim, from whom they want to remove the damage done with the help of needles, squat down. Gently pour the charmed mixture of decoctions from the ladle onto the top of the head, while whispering:

Where there is water, there is trouble.

Quite often a needle is used in damage-linings. But it can also be a great way to attract love and money. We will give you an example of the best and most effective rituals with an ordinary sewing needle.

Attracting money and prosperity

To perform a money ritual with a needle, you will need your wallet, a banknote and a thin needle. It is advisable to carry out the ritual during the growing moon, so that it acts faster and stronger. But during another phase of the moon, it will also be effective. The most important thing is that no one knows that you undertook this action.

The ritual is quite simple: with an empty needle (without thread), as it were, “sew” all four corners of the banknote to your wallet. Say the following incantation:

I sew money to my wallet: I will not let my wealth go anywhere. So that every day it grows stronger and brings good to the house ahead of everything. My word is as hard as steel, do it right now! Let it be so.

After carrying out this ritual, do not pay with this banknote for seven days, but gently insert the needle into your clothes so as not to get hurt and lose it. After this period, it will be possible to take it out and, if desired, try other monetary rites, for example, conspiracies for a wallet.

Ritual to attract love with a needle

To carry out the ritual, you will need a needle, two small and preferably absolutely identical sheets of paper, and at least one petal of a pink or red flower. It can be a petal of a peony, rose or wild rose. It is best that your sheets are wide enough. Also prepare a thread (pink or red) and some wine. Accordingly, prepare a glass in which it can be poured. You will need something that writes: a pencil, pen or felt-tip pen. You can use two colors - pink and blue.

Carry out this ritual all alone, even at night by candlelight, but then thread the needle in advance and make the lighting so that you can see how you sew. Disinfect the needle (wipe with a cotton swab with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide). Rinse also the petal of the flower you have chosen. Sit in a room and think about love, prepare mentally for the ritual. Choose the appropriate one first.

Take pieces of paper and draw a heart on them clearly in the center, so that when the paper is laid one on top of the other, they coincide. If you have a loved one, then write the names: on one piece of paper - yours, on the other - your passion. Man's name you can write blue color, and the female one is pink (you can do the same with hearts). Thread the needle. To enhance the effect, you can slightly pierce your finger and drip blood onto the needle.

Now take a flower petal, dip it three times in a glass of wine and do not shake off the drops. Grasp your needle with a petal and so pass it through it three times right along with the thread. Say the words:

I conjure and conjure so that love comes to me. May it be sweet and pleasant, like wine, tender, like a flower, violent, like blood in a young body, and we will become inseparable, as if sewn to each other. As I drink wine, the conspiracy will affect both the betrothed and me. Key, lock - my word will come true on time. Let it be so.

To complete the plot, sew in the center the papers superimposed with inscriptions / drawings inside and sew a flower petal into them. Drink all the wine from the glass and place the stitched sheets under your pillow. Keep them until your wish comes true.

How to attract good luck with a needle

To begin with, the needle must be charged with the energy of good luck. Clean it three times on a jacket or dip it in water and put it on the windowsill for a day so that it absorbs the luck bestowed by the Sun. To prevent it from getting lost, stick it into a fabric or needle bar. Before you leave her, say the following plot:

sunlight will bring me good luck and happiness, and save me from troubles and problems. Let the ray of the sun, like a thread, hit the needle in the eye and give the needle good luck. Let it be so.

The plot must be repeated seven times.

After your needle is charged with the energy of the sun, perform the second part of the ritual. It is desirable that it be a sunny day, and if possible you spend it on fresh air. Attach it to the top of your head and begin to drive from left to right, constantly returning back. Do this by saying the words of the conspiracy to attract good luck:

I'll sew, I'll call for luck, I'll attach it to myself.

After you move the needle over all the designated places, say the consolidation of your plot:

She sewed a ray of the Sun, invited good luck. My word is hard as a stone, strong as steel, locked with a padlock, firmly sewn up. Sun and sky, hear me, it will be according to my word from this day.

You can use the needle as usual, but see that it does not fall into the hands of another mistress. If this happens, the ritual will need to be done again.

In addition to this plot for good luck, you can reinforce your magical rite advice from psychic Elena Yasevich. Best wishes to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

For many people, just at the mere mention of the word “gypsies”, both positive and unpleasant associations arise. For some, this is a noisy, obsessive crowd with many children, always sticking to the streets or markets and offering to buy something or tell fortunes. For others, it's a crime family led by a baron and dubious wealth. For the third - beautiful songs and dances to the guitar with a unique flavor. And for almost everyone, this is gypsy magic with its predictions or curses and corruption.

Very often you can hear from someone about needles found at home in the most unexpected places. What does it mean? Who did and why? These are the questions that instantly pop up in a person's head. And few people know that these are the so-called gypsy needles.

In general, it is customary to call "gypsy" the largest of all existing needles for needlework. There are several versions of where this name came from.

  1. The most common theory is that it was gypsy artisans who first began to make such needles, since buying them was expensive. In order to provide themselves with everything they needed and earn something along the way, the nomadic Romans sewed clothes, shoes, horse harness, which were subsequently sold. And in order to sew thick leather or rough fabric, they needed strong needles with a large eye (collar) for woolen or other dense thread.
  2. According to the second version, this piece of needlework got its name because it was used in different situations - from repairing things to stitching wounds. And big needles were constant companions of the gypsies during their journeys from one place to another.
  3. There is also an opinion that huge needles replaced the whip known to horse breeders - in order to speed up the horse, it was pricked with a needle.
  4. Of course, there is a version that these needles were used for gypsy fortune-telling and rituals. If a person began to pursue failures or needed to get rid of a rival or enemy, wandering fortune tellers came to the rescue. And then a conspiracy was made on a needle, which removed or, conversely, caused damage.

Nowadays, with the help of large needles, you can create real handmade masterpieces - they knit lace or embroider tapestries, sew shoes and Leather Products. They are widely used in office work for stapling documents. They did not stop using them for magical purposes.

Why is the needle used in magic?

The answer to this question is quite simple. The needle is made of metal, and this, as you know, is an excellent source for collecting and conducting energy. A stream of information is born in her ear. Then it passes through the body, gains strength and exits through the tip in the right direction.

Besides, needle - sewing tool, and with its help you can "attach" a certain installation to a person - on a needle or, conversely, make a slander for good luck, turning it into a talisman.

This is one of the most dangerous occult rituals. With it, you can cause serious harm to the objectionable:

  • impact on health, up to and including death;
  • creating difficulties at work;
  • deprivation of well-being in the family;
  • doomed to loneliness;
  • slander on poverty;
  • moral exhaustion of a person.

Quite often, charmed needles are called the "needle of death", especially if a black thread tied into knots is inserted into it. At one fine moment, a perfectly healthy person begins to weaken before our eyes for no explainable reason, and as a result, an incurable disease is found in him. And after his departure, inconsolable relatives may be surprised to find a needle of unknown origin in his things. In addition to the deterioration of well-being, a person begins to pursue all sorts of failures in work and in relationships with family and friends.

Usually women put a charmed needle in order to get rid of a rival or unloved relatives. At the same time, for greater reliability, they turn to professional black magicians for help. In extreme cases, they make a slander on their own.

  • jamb of an entrance or interior door;
  • near the threshold of the apartment;
  • clothing and personal items;
  • cushioned furniture;
  • carpets or wallpaper on the walls.

After finding, many people think about who and why could throw this item at them and what it could mean in general.

If you cause damage without resorting to the help of warlocks, you can face the consequences of this action for yourself personally. Some time after the ritual, a person may experience the same problems that he wished his rival.

What to do when finding a needle

If you find an unfamiliar needle, especially if it is in a completely unexpected place, you can do it in several ways. But there is one action that is invariable - in no case should you grab the needle with your bare hands.

  1. Tweezers or tweezers, and best of all - just put on gloves, carefully get the item. hold it over open flame and then plunge into salted water. Then get it out of the liquid, place it in paper and bury it at the nearest road intersection so that no one sees or recognizes it. Water should be poured outside your home. Returning after the ritual, you need to take a cool shower. On the threshold of the house and the place where the lining was found, pour salt, which after three days must be swept away with a new broom and thrown outside the territory of your place of residence.
  2. Found magical attribute keep on fire, break in two and discard. Process the location in the room in the above way to clear everything negative.

In no case should you bring back those things that touched the needle. You also need to get rid of them. If the needle was with a thread, then it cannot be pulled out so as not to give a move to what was laid.

Every seamstress's favorite assistant can be used not only to cast curses, but also protect yourself from their guidance. For this, two needles are taken, crossed and tied with blue threads. Then a conspiracy is read over the received one, and the amulet is placed above the front door.

Taking a sewing accessory with a white twenty-two-centimeter thread, you need to circle the opening front door with the words: “Stand guard for this needle, do not let enemies and evil come here!” Leave her in upper corner cant. To protect the house can be located in different places placement of a needle with a ball at the end.

In addition, you can install protection personally on yourself, just pin a needle with inside clothes, for example, in a pocket or bag.

Other uses

Needle - one of the favorite attributes in divination. Our great-grandmothers used it to find out if their wish would come true or not. To do this, they took two needles, lubricated them with oil, lowered them into water and watched what would happen. If they immediately went to the bottom - the hidden one will not happen. If the needles approached each other, then the girl will soon get married, separated - she will remain alone for now.

Very often in A kind of conversation takes place between them and the fortuneteller. Many with the help of this sewing accessory are trying to find out the gender of the expected child. To do this, you will need a new needle and a white or red thread. Next, you need to hold it in your hand, hold it a little and release it, grabbing the thread. Having missed three times between the big and index finger, place over an open palm and watch how it behaves.

  • Spinning in one direction - to the birth of a daughter.
  • spinning in different sides- to the appearance of a son.
  • If the needle does not move, then the woman will not have children.

By holding the tip of a new needle over the flame of a candle, you can find out whether a person has well-wishers or not. If it turned black, then someone wants evil.

Some are trying to get answers about the state of health. To do this, they take two needles and throw them up, then look at the position in which they fell.

  • Directed away from each other - someone sent the disease.
  • They lay down in one position - the disease arose by chance and there is nothing to worry about.
  • Crossed - you need to be prepared for the most sad consequences.

In general, the gypsy needle is a very powerful magical attribute and must be used with great care. Before harming someone with its help, you need to remember the consequences both for yourself and for others.

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