Collect biomaterial of Russians. “Someone deceived Putin a lot”: a biologist explained why the United States is collecting “biological material” in Russia Why is the US collecting biomaterial from Russians?

The collection of biological material from the population of the Russian Federation is required to study the genetic diversity of ethnic groups, these studies are being conducted in the United States, said director of Genotek, geneticist Valery Ilyinsky.

On Monday, at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that it is not clear in Russia for what purpose they collect biomaterial from representatives of various ethnic groups. On Tuesday, the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, that some emissaries, representatives of non-governmental organizations and other bodies collect such information, these facts were recorded by special services.

“As far as I know, there are two centers in our country, one in Moscow and the other in St. Petersburg, which collect biomaterials from various peoples of Russia and send them to their collaborators in the United States. The main goal of these studies, judging by the publications that have appeared in recent years, is to study the genetic diversity of different ethnic groups in Russia, to look for differences between them, including what diseases affect them, and to describe these differences,” Ilyinsky said.

According to him, last year a large publication on this topic was published, co-authored by two well-known Russian geneticists who participated in the collection of these biomaterials. The article revealed the differences between 100 different ethnic groups living in Russia and abroad.

“All experiments, of course, were carried out in the United States. Unfortunately, such work is not carried out in our country today, although in theory we have all the necessary equipment and specialists to carry it out. Unfortunately, I do not know all the nuances of the financial part of these studies - it is possible that the transportation of samples to the United States is due to the fact that we do not allocate grants for such analyzes, but they are given there, ”said the geneticist.

He said that for unknown reasons, the initial data of studies on the diversity of ethnic groups are not available to Russian scientists. “Such a situation is extremely offensive for us - we cannot get the information obtained in the course of studying ourselves. And therefore, it would be much more useful if such studies were carried out in Russia, especially since nothing prevents them from being carried out in the same volumes that are typical for American projects ... In Europe, such data are published in the public domain almost immediately after the research, and in our country, they are also usually available for download from the network. In general, it is difficult to guess what this unwillingness to share information is connected with, ”summed up Ilyinsky.

Another version to justify why the Americans collect biomaterial.

It is due to the fact that the announcement of this fee is published on the website of the US Air Force.

And this unit is part of the structure involved in space research.

Work on the creation of biorobots capable of performing work in space is going on all over the world, not only in the USA.

But only the United States is capable of such brazen and shameless announcements, offensive in nature, making people think that they are treated like animals, like an inferior race.

God be their judge, of course.

You can take comfort in the fact that our biomaterial is the best in the world and knee joints are unique (just kidding).

And here it was not without our friends from the States, they are collecting biological material from Russians to study our musculoskeletal system to identify markers. Why exactly the Russians and whether it is true at all is not known, but the information appeared on the network today.

Who collects the biological material of Russians? Who benefits from taking biomaterial?

Hello, the biological material of Russians is being collected by the United States of America in order to subsequently study the musculoskeletal system to identify biomarkers associated with various injuries. The research contract was published on 19 July.

According to the latest data, the biological material of the Russians is being collected by American scientists, and for what they are doing this, opinions are of course divided here. Some even carry some kind of nonsense, saying that American scientists are collecting biological material to create biological weapons aimed specifically at the Slavic nation. As if this weapon will not work on other nationalities.

But there are also more realistic explanations for why they do it. For example, the opinion of one of the Russian geneticists:

And the biological material is the genetic information about the carrier. It can be skin, saliva, hair, nails, blood, etc.

I found such information. It turns out that the United States is collecting biomaterial from Russians to study the musculoskeletal system in order to identify biomarkers associated with injuries.

How true this is, I do not know, but such information was published today. Why the Russians were chosen for these purposes, I do not understand.

As it turned out, the biomaterial of Russians is being collected US military.

The representative of the Air Training Command (AETC) of the US Air Force, Bo Downey, told RIA Novosti the following: "The Pentagon needs the biomaterial of the Russians to continue research related to the study of the musculoskeletal system." Also, according to him, now the specialists of the department are engaged in identifying various biomarkers associated with injuries. For these studies, July 19 was published Contract on the purchase of 12 RNA samples and 27 samples of the synovial membrane, which produces the synovial fluid necessary for the functioning of the joints. Downey notes that the request did not indicate the desired location of the sample collection, but samples from Russia were required to continue the study, since the previous supplier (his story is silent) provided samples from citizens of this country. “The goal is the integrity of the study, not the origin of the samples,” the agency’s source added.

Of course they collect. Rather, we ourselves carry this biological material.

Let's figure out what biological material is: saliva, urine, feces, any secretions of our body, including blood, any smears. Biological material also includes everything that is cut out during surgery, the placenta and umbilical cord during childbirth. You can go on for a long time.

There are banks of sperm, eggs - also biological material.

The fact that something is going on with intent is complete nonsense. Storage requires enormous costs and a huge amount of equipment. Ask how much it will cost to keep your egg or your wife's egg for 10 years. You will be shocked by the number. Such a horror story for the masses. People love to suck on stuff like that. Sometimes it’s even convenient to spread rumors - it distracts from pressing problems.

Who benefits.

First of all, to the laboratories that build their business on this. There are sperm and egg banks. They benefit too. The cost of such a service is very impressive, if you keep it for yourself, do not confuse it with donation.

Biomaterial - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

Biomaterial (biological material) it is any tissue of a living being, such as hair, nails, skin, blood, and the like.

The biomaterial contains genetic information about its carrier, so biomaterial samples can serve to identify an individual by DNA and determine kinship. And genetic studies of biomaterial often help solve crimes. You can take a sample of biomaterial from both a living organism and a dead one.

The word "biomaterial" hit the headlines of the Russian media on October 30, 2017, when rostsar made an unexpected paranoid-schizophrenic statement that someone was collecting biomaterial of Russian citizens for incomprehensible purposes.

The claim appears to be part of a conspiracy theory that the US military is trying to develop a "genetic weapon" that can selectively target Russians based on their genetic makeup. Independent experts, however, confirm that it is practically impossible to create such a weapon specifically against Russians, since Russians are not genetically very different from other Europeans.

You learned where the word came from, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that some unknown forces “purposefully collect the biomaterial of Russians. Who is doing this, why, and in general, the head of state did not disclose any details. Therefore, Internet users began to build their guesses. Moreover, the REN TV channel recently spoke about similar events.

In Russia, it is not clear for what purpose someone collects biological material from representatives of various ethnic groups. Vladimir Putin stated this at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

But the images are okay. You know that biological material is collected all over the country. Moreover, for different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical points of the Russian Federation. The question is, why are they doing this? They do it professionally and purposefully. We are such an object of very great interest, - RIA Novosti quotes the president.

Putin did not disclose any details, nor did he say where he got such information from. However, on the Internet, they immediately remembered that they had recently talked about this on the TV channel.

The plot of the TV channel says that some Western laboratories, which are also located in Ukraine, are engaged in the collection of biomaterial. According to REN TV journalists, these laboratories study biomaterial in order to create especially dangerous viruses designed for certain types of people.

These military biological laboratories, which were supposedly built to reduce the biological threat within certain regions, are actually studying the effects of viruses and bacteria on people, animals and plants. This version can be supported by the fact that the Air Training Command of the US Air Force has published a contract for the purchase of RNA samples - living tissues of Caucasian Russians. The corresponding tender is posted on the US government procurement website

In its material, REN TV refers to the publication of the Global Research portal on August 22, which really talks about such laboratories, citing an outbreak of a “mysterious intestinal infection” that has spread in Odessa as an example. The publication says that the Ukrainian laboratories are actually under the jurisdiction of the United States. Only American experts work in them, and outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering.

According to the portal, in this way the United States wants to bypass the biological weapons convention. Global Research says that there are allegedly more than 400 such laboratories around the world, but the Pentagon happily ignores all the questions of journalists, or assures that the laboratories, on the contrary, are needed to protect against viruses and biological weapons.

It remains unclear whether Vladimir Putin was talking about these data. But Internet users reacted to the information with distrust.

According to tradition, reptilians were accused of collecting biomaterials, to which.

There were other, no less traditional culprits.

It was unanimously decided not to give the biomaterial to the enemies.

But there are versions that someone needs a not very Russian biomaterial.

However, in the West they believe that Russia is also not sitting idly by and is plotting against the peaceful States. Vaughn, even Morgan Freeman was hired to speak clearly about the fact that Russia is allegedly the United States.

Moreover, it is likely that biological weapons may soon not be needed at all by any of the countries. After all, the age of combat humanoid robots is approaching, and in Japan they are already.

Monday, October 30 Russian President Vladimir Putin At a meeting of the Human Rights Council (HRC), the President said that these activities are carried out "purposefully and professionally." The statement of the head of state was made in response to the statement Director of the Russian Public Institute of Electoral Law Igor Borisov about the fact that images of Russian citizens are collected from foreign IT addresses in the Russian Federation with the help of a video surveillance system for unknown purposes.

Last summer, the media reported that a contract allegedly by the US Air Force for the purchase of samples of RNA (ribonucleic acids) - living tissues of the Caucasian race was placed on the portal of US government tenders. It was planned to purchase, media reported, 12 samples of RNA molecules and 27 samples of synovial fluid, which provides joint mobility, from donors from Russia. found out from experts what kind of “biological material” is being collected and for what purpose the US military intends to make such purchases.

“In fact, there is no question of any purposeful collection of biological material. If such a collection was made, then there would be no terrible sense in it. Because there are no genetic weapons and other horror stories. The collection of live tissue from Russians is not an Air Force contract, but a contract from one particular hospital, which, apparently, is conducting research in the field of joint diseases. In such studies, it is reasonable for the purity of the study to collect materials from different ethnic groups. There are a lot of people of Russian nationality in America, there is no need to travel to Russia for this purpose. And in this contract, no trips to Russia are mentioned. RNA samples for this kind of research help to establish a genetic predisposition and find some signs that predispose to various kinds of diseases. In order to distinguish a genetic predisposition from some kind of history with the resettlement of peoples, different ethnic groups are included in the study, ”said Mikhail Gelfand, Doctor of Biological Sciences, bioinformatician at the Higher School of Economics, professor at the Department of Complex Systems Modeling Technologies at Skoltech, head of the master’s program in Biotechnology, to

That the links in the media to the US government procurement website regarding the tender for the purchase of RNA samples do not indicate the development of biological weapons, but the conduct of medical research, suggests the head of the laboratory of genomic geography of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Oleg Balanovsky.

“It is unlikely that those who informed the president are so illiterate as to confuse this tiny tender (a dozen samples) with a mass survey of all the peoples of Russia. The President said that biological material is collected (a) from different ethnic groups, (b) in different geographical locations (c) in large numbers. And in the American public procurement, the opposite is true: representatives of any Russian ethnic group of the “white race” (that is, they can be both Udmurts and Kabardians), any place of residence (therefore, it is easiest for them to collect emigrants from Russia living in the United States) and not tens of thousands, and only twelve samples. The terms of the American purchase sound like a medical study (age, weight and height index, absence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. must be indicated), thousands of such studies are published annually in the world, including by Russian scientists, ”says Balanovsky .

“Our scientists are doing a lot of work on the collection and analysis of biological material - this is the State task that the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations gives to subordinate institutions, the Union State program “DNA Identification”, and projects of the Russian Science Foundation, and many others. Such studies are of three types - some study the history of the peoples of our country by DNA, others increase the accuracy of forensic DNA examinations, others look for disease genes and develop methods of personalized medicine. These studies are carried out by us, Russian scientists, so it remains unclear why the president's speech sounded as if these works were being massively carried out by foreign specialists. Let's treat this, as the president advised, "without any fears," the expert added.

October 31 Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that Putin received data on the collection of biomaterial from the special services. The spokesman added that such cases were indeed recorded, and "the president has this information."