We prepare grape leaves for the winter. Salted grape leaves - step-by-step photo recipe on how to prepare leaves for making dolma at home

" Grape

Grape leaves have become a fashionable ingredient in the life of modern people. They are used in medicine and cosmetology, and tonic tea is brewed with them. They are best known as the basis of the national Asian and Caucasian dish dolma So let's get to know them better.

Grape leaves are a natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The energy value per 100 g is 93 kcal, the product is different high content fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Useful properties and contraindications

Let's talk about useful properties Oh. Since time immemorial, healers have used natural strength green grapes in the preparation of medicinal potions for the treatment of various ailments. They were used as a means:

  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • for women's diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • upset stomach;
  • attacks of rheumatism.

fox grapes close up for dolma

Modern science confirms the benefits grape leaves. They act as an antioxidant, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from aging. Regular consumption of them in the diet:

  • enhances vision;
  • has a beneficial effect on skin and hair;
  • calms the nerves;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • helps with joint diseases;
  • relieves inflammation of mucous membranes;
  • helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • reduces swelling and venous insufficiency;
  • stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

However, grape leaves have a number of contraindications. They are not recommended for use when:

  • acute form of gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • obesity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus

Pregnant and lactating women should be especially careful when handling pickled and salted grape leaves, due to the presence of acids and sodium in them.

Deadlines for collection

The best time to collect greens is considered to be the period before the vine begins to flower. Considering the fact that the vine grows continuously, young leaves appear on it until autumn. In practice, greens can be collected throughout the entire growing season, except for the period of chemical treatment.

Culinary experts recommend using leaves of white grape varieties to prepare dolma. They are more tender and tasty than red varieties.

Preparing for pickling grape leaves. The leaves are rolled up and placed in jars

Grape leaf tea

Having tried this aromatic and tonic tea for the first time, you can become its fan forever. It’s quite easy to prepare “infusion” from grapevine at home. You will need:

  1. Collect young leaves and wash them.
  2. Fold into an envelope shape.
  3. Dry in the dryer or oven.
  4. Grind by hand
  5. Store in a container in a dry and dark place.

To brew tea you need to take 1 tsp of “grape tea” and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it.. Leave for 10 minutes and strain. You can brew the drink with the addition of green and black tea.

Drinking pure infusion will help cope with throat diseases; it can also be used to wash wounds or ulcers. You can store the tea leaves until the next harvest.

Dried and crushed grape leaves for brewing tea

Preparing dolma for the winter

Tasty, aromatic dolma has become a favorite not only in its historical homeland. More and more often it can be found on the tables of Russian residents. In order to all year round To delight your family with a culinary masterpiece, you need to know how to prepare grape leaves for future use.


This method of saving is the most convenient. You will need:

  • fold clean leaves into a stack (10-15 pcs);
  • roll the stack into a “blank tube”;
  • wrap each piece with cling film;
  • put in a container and put in the freezer.

When the time comes to prepare the dolma, you need to defrost the preparations and then scald the greens with boiling water.

Rolling grape leaves for freezing in the freezer

Brine pickling in jars

This pickling recipe is good because the taste of the product is neutral. For this you will need: 1 kg grape greens, 5 tbsp rock salt. spoon, 1 l. water.

Pickling recipe:

  • prepare sterile jars;
  • pour boiling water over the greens for no more than 3 minutes;
  • quickly drain the water through a sieve or colander;
  • cool the greens and collect them in piles of 10-15 pieces;
  • roll the stacks into rolls;
  • put the rolls in a jar and sprinkle with salt;
  • pour in chilled brine;
  • For fermentation, keep at room temperature for 2 weeks.

To make brine, add 1.5 tablespoons of salt to 1 liter of boiling water, stir, bring to a boil and cool. Add brine as needed during fermentation. Seal the jars with lids and store in a dark and cool place.

The shelf life of a closed jar with pickling is 1-2 years, the shelf life of the product when opened is 4-5 days.

Salting in barrels

An ideal option for pickling in barrels for those who have basements for storing large containers.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the barrel, rinse and scald with boiling water.
  2. Place the green grapes in piles and roll them tightly into tubes.
  3. Place the workpieces tightly in the barrel.
  4. Pour in brine.
  5. Cover with a clean cloth and a wooden circle.
  6. Install oppression.

Before use, salted leaves must be soaked in water for 30 minutes.

How to marinate

  1. Prepare sterile jars.
  2. Fold clean and dry grape leaves and wrap them in tight rolls (10-15 pieces in each).
  3. Place the rolls tightly in jars up to the shoulders.
  4. Pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the water and repeat the procedure 2 times.
  6. Pour boiling marinade over.
  7. Roll up under the lid.
  8. Store in a dark and cool place.

Marinade: For 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of rock salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%.

Collecting grape leaves for pickling or storing for the winter

Dry preservation

The dry preservation method is popular due to its simplicity. In this case, the leaves are not rolled into rolls, but laid in layers. Each layer is sprinkled with salt. Filled jars with herbs are sterilized in a hot oven at a temperature of 90-100C for about 10 minutes. Next, the jars are rolled up with lids and stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

As you can see, preserving grape leaves for the winter is as easy as shelling pears. Having done necessary preparations, even in the January frost, you can enjoy hot and fragrant dolma without any problems. Eat with pleasure and let a piece of the vine and summer sun be next to you.

Dolma made from grape leaves is a classic dish of the Middle East and far abroad, similar to cabbage rolls. There is an assumption that the meat twisted into the tops of the plant was first cooked in Ottoman Empire. The leaf-wrapped filling (grape leaf dolma) is found in cuisines all over the world, including Africa, Greece, etc.

  • Depending on your preferences, determine suitable size. The size of the roll will be about 50% of the width;
  • The sheets should not show signs of disease, kinks or holes;
  • The lighter the color, the softer and tastier its leaves. White, red and last but not least blue;
  • Grape leaves for dolma for the winter are collected from healthy bushes during or before flowering. At this time, sap circulation is optimal and the foliage is full of vigor.

Procurement of raw materials

To please guests, your family and friends with dolma all year round, you need to properly prepare dolma for the winter, keep it in original form.

Let's consider the types of processing and ways to ensure the safety of raw materials.

Dry storage

The method makes it possible to quickly prepare and compactly store grape foliage. We put dry products in a jar, sprinkle each unit with salt. After filling the container, put everything in the oven at 90-100 degrees for 10 minutes. Then you can roll up the jars and send them for storage.

Dry canning

Prepared ingredients must be clean and dry. Place in a jar in layers. Sprinkle every 10th leaf with salt. After the jar is filled, it is sterilized for 10-15 minutes. After this, the container can be rolled up with a lid. This way you can preserve the taste and smell of a fresh product.


Reliable, simple and popular storage method. In this option, all nutritional and taste qualities are preserved. Several sheets are stacked and rolled. If the product was washed in water, then it needs to be dried. Grape leaves should be frozen dry and slightly wilted. You need to store it in a hard container, because the frozen product is very fragile.

Bottled storage

Plastic containers are very convenient for packaging grape tops. The bottle is pre-washed with a solution baking soda and salt, rinse and dry. The product is rolled several pieces into a tube and secured with thread. By inserting the package into the neck of the bottle, you can place it more conveniently with a thin stick or something similar. Having filled the bottle, let the air out of the bottle and screw it with a cork. This method allows you to preserve the foliage in its original form. The rarefied atmosphere in the container facilitates storage. If necessary, the plastic bottle just needs to be cut.


How to pickle grape leaves for dolma? Jars need to be washed and disinfected. Pour boiling water over, drain and rinse with it. Let the leaves dry (this allows you to pickle the green grapes and roll them without the risk of breaking the veins) and place them in a container. The marinade is prepared as follows: add 1 tbsp to one liter of water. a spoonful of sugar and the same amount of salt. Boil for three minutes and then pour in 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Remove from heat. This solution is poured into the contents and the jars are screwed on. Marinating grape leaves for dolma is one of the most popular types stocks. You can store this product at room temperature.

Pickling, how to pickle grape leaves

When salting, you can use brine. The liquid for pouring is prepared simply: add 1.5 tablespoons of salt per liter of boiling water. Boil and then cool. Pour boiling water over the greens for 2-3 minutes. Drain quickly through a colander. Place the softened greens in piles and roll them. We put everything in sterilized jars, sprinkle with rock salt and fill with brine. To allow the preserved food to ferment, we keep it in the room for 2 weeks. Add brine if necessary.

We looked at the most popular options for harvesting grape leaves for storage and use for a year or even two. Pickled, salted, etc. Grape leaves for dolma contain a lot of useful elements and vitamins that help our body maintain health.

Recipes for making real dolma

The size of the dolma depends on the dimensions of the sheet and is usually no more than 5-7 cm. The filling for each roll takes about 1 tbsp. spoons.

Classic dolma

For the filling use lean meat and round rice. Frying is done from onions in vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed, greens are added to taste. Not large number We wrap the fillings in leaves that have been pre-soaked and kept in boiling water. Place the rolls in a pan. The bottom and each layer can be watered vegetable oil. Fill with water in which the leaves were processed. Simmer the dolma over low heat for about an hour. When serving, you can place sour cream and tomatoes next to it.

Dolma in Armenian

Armenia has its own recipe for making the filling. In addition to minced meat and rice, a small amount of sweet pepper, onions and tomatoes is added here. Fresh or pickled grape leaves are kept in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. The further process follows the same rules. The filling is wrapped in leaves and placed in a thick-walled container. Cooking also takes place in water, but the dolma is under pressure (a load holding and pressing from above). Slow boiling for half an hour is the final step. Serve on a large platter with sauce (kefir, garlic, salt, pepper).

Every family has its own special ones.

Grape greens contain a lot useful substances. Proper preparation of products allows you to freeze or pickle foliage for dolma, while maintaining taste and aesthetic qualities. If the whole procedure is carried out correctly, then you can pamper your loved ones with the dish all year round. Dolma made from fresh grape leaves will decorate any table.

Dolma is a dish loved by many peoples. It is prepared in abundance different ways, but the most popular and widespread recipe around the world is with grape leaves. To prepare this dish, the leaf is collected when the vine is flowering - that is when it is the most tender, juicy and fragrant. It is best to use grape leaves for dolma, collected from white varieties. Red ones are also often used in cooking, but they can be a lot of trouble. Firstly, their edges are too curly, and secondly, they are quite hard and require more time for heat treatment.

But you can cook your favorite dish not only in May-June. Every housewife can prepare grape leaves for dolma for the winter. And this is not a difficult matter at all. But there are many ways, and everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

Which leaves to choose?

To make the dolma tender, it is best to take light, medium-sized leaves collected from the very tendrils of the vine. The fourth or fifth from the end are ideal for this purpose.

There should not be any on the leaves mechanical damage, traces of garden pest activity, cobwebs, plaque. It is these grape leaves for dolma that are chosen for canning.

Pickling recipe

The most common method of preparation is pickling in jars. Any housewife who knows at least the basics of home canning can cope with this task.

The recipe is extremely simple:

  • Wash the young leaves thoroughly under running water;
  • scald with boiling water and cool immediately;
  • roll 10-15 pieces into rolls and place tightly in a sterilized jar;
  • pour boiling water;
  • drain the water, add salt to it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per liter, put on fire and let it boil;
  • Pour into jars again and roll up.

Such preparations can be stored not only in cellars, but also in storerooms in city apartments. Before preparing dolma, the leaves must be soaked to remove excess salt from them. The same rules apply to pickled leaves. In any case, you most likely won’t have to salt the dish.

Grape leaves for dolma in marinade

Of course, grape leaves already contain organic acids. But adding vinegar and spices to the recipe gives dolma a unique expressive aroma. And such preparations are stored just fine, because vinegar prevents the emergence of pathogenic flora.

Before marinating grape leaves for dolma, wash them thoroughly and roll them into tubes of 10 pieces. Place the rolls in jars and scald them twice with boiling water. Prepare the marinade at the rate of: 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. salt and sugar and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar (9%). Immediately roll it up and wrap it in a blanket.

An alternative method is dry salting.

Many people use another one in a wonderful way. Harvesting grape leaves for dolma for the winter can occur without using any liquid at all.

It is enough to roll dry fresh leaves into rolls and tightly fill half-liter plastic bottles with them. Squeeze out the excess air, and pour salt under the lid, as much as will fit. You can store bottles with leaves in a cellar, basement or refrigerator, and the shelf life of this preparation is not limited to one season.

Freezing semi-finished products

What to do if for some reason neither canning nor dry salting is possible? There is still the option of freezing. Only you need to freeze not the leaves themselves, but the already rolled dolma.

This method is very convenient because in winter you can prepare the dish in a fairly short period of time. Simply place the grape rolls with minced meat in a saucepan without defrosting, pour in the broth and simmer until done.

A traditional oriental dish is aromatic dolma, which captivates with its excellent taste. It is based on fresh grape leaves, mixed minced meat, rice. Following the recipes of a classic dish, even a novice housewife can create a culinary masterpiece. The main thing is to collect in time, then preserve the green gifts of the vineyard - tender, shining in the sun, giving off a slight sourness. Proper preparation will allow you to enjoy the original dish all winter.

Appetizing dolma: how to preserve leaves

The national cuisine of the peoples of the Middle East and Transcaucasian countries, impressive with its richness of culinary masterpieces, attracts many. Its brightest representative is the delicious dolma. Main component dishes - juicy leaves collected from the vine at the end of May. They are rich in microelements, vitamins, flavonoids, fiber, and antioxidants. Tender meat, thin shell, with a slight sourness, spicy aroma - a colorful oriental dish will decorate festive table, family feast, meeting friends.

Grape leaves are used fresh, collected in the spring, or stored for the winter. The latter retain all the beneficial properties, allowing you to cook delicious dish at any time. There are many ways to preserve dolma ingredients:

  • freezing;
  • pickling;
  • canning (cold/hot method);
  • dry pickling.

An important stage in the procurement process is the selection of raw materials. It must be collected on time, without visible damage, without pests. The best component of dolma is the preparation of leaves collected from white grape varieties (for example, the Ag Shany variety in Azerbaijan). They are characterized by a smooth surface and delicate texture. Heat treatment reveals their unique aroma, giving the dish a spicy taste.

All kinds of recipes for preparing leaves will allow you to choose convenient way preserving the beneficial component of dolma.

Freezing: nuances of the method

The freezing process is a popular method of storing many fruits, vegetables, and berries. Grape leaves will be no exception. In the freezer they will retain their beneficial properties as much as possible. Freezing includes several stages:

  • cuttings are cut from the leaf plate;
  • wipe them with a clean cloth;
  • put in a stack of 10-12 pieces;
  • carefully roll into a tight roll;
  • wrapped in cling film.

A great idea is to use quick freezing: it will preserve maximum quantity vitamins

Advice. It is not recommended to wash the leaves before the harvesting process. When frozen, the excess moisture in them will turn into ice: as a result, they will become brittle, brittle, and it will be difficult to wrap minced meat in them.

Before use, the leaves are thawed, scalded with boiling water, from which dolma is obtained, an impressive appearance, bright flavors, delicate aroma.

Salting: subtleties of canning

A practical way to prepare leaves is to use steep brine. Prepare a 10% salt solution in advance. The washed grape leaves are placed in jars, then filled with brine: it should completely cover the contents. Cover with lids (nylon or metal) and store in a cool place. It is advisable to rinse them before use: this will get rid of excess salt.

The second method of pickling involves long-term storage of aromatic ingredients for dolma. Leaves rolled into tubes are placed in glass jars, previously sterilized. Scald them with boiling water. The procedure is repeated twice. Then fill with brine (15 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The containers are screwed on with lids. Leaf preparations are used throughout the year, and the contents do not need to be pre-soaked.

Lovers of exquisite oriental dishes prepare the green components of dolma in large quantities. For this purpose, salting in barrels is used. The leaves, folded in stacks of 25 pieces, are wrapped in tubes. Place in a circle in a barrel, compact, then fill with cooled brine. The contents of the barrel are covered with cloth, gauze, and a weight is installed.

Advice. To add a spicy aroma to the pickling, peppercorns, dry mustard, and cumin seeds are poured into the container.

Dry pickling is a practical storage method

First, the vineyard leaves are washed and dried thoroughly. Then they are placed in glass jars, carefully sprinkled with salt. The contents are compacted tightly. The next stage is sterilization, lasting about 15 minutes. Then the jars are hermetically sealed. When dry canned, the leaves look like they have just been picked from the vine, retaining their unique aroma and excellent taste.

The second option is the dry salting method. It is increasingly preferred experienced housewives. Plastic bottles, salt, fresh leaves - everything you need for a rational storage method. Each leaf plate, cleaned of dust, is salted, wrapped in a knot, and placed in a container. Tightly packed into plastic bottle, they are stored all winter, preferably in the dark, in a cool place. Before preparing aromatic dolma, the preparations are soaked in water, washed, and blanched.

By choosing a suitable recipe, any housewife will be able to preserve grape leaves filled with freshness, spring, and the life-giving power of nature. They will become the basis of dolma that melts in your mouth, reflecting the flavor of the East.

Harvesting grape leaves: video

An unusual culinary dish reminiscent of traditional cabbage rolls, only with grape leaves as a wrapper. Preparing grape leaves for dolma is not labor-intensive and has several manufacturing options. These include salting, pickling, freezing and dry storage. Any method of storing the future wrapper helps preserve nutrients; only the taste is distinctive. The main thing is to follow all stages of canning. Below will be presented various descriptions harvesting grape leaves for the winter for dolma, and which recipe to use is up to you.

Quite well known as an ingredient in kitchen dishes in the East. Here it is just beginning to gain its popularity. And not in vain, because the leaf is completely imbued with useful microelements, and also has a pleasant aftertaste. Edible culinary masterpieces from such plants relieve pain from varicose veins, relieve swelling, and improve blood circulation. As an antiseptic, the leaves can heal wounds and stop minor bleeding. This gift of nature contains large volume vitamins A, B, C and minerals - iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium. The listed positive components must be preserved, closed in jars for further consumption. Canning grape leaves for dolma is the most rational preservation for a long time. It is in a dish with great name"Dolma" these green leaves are often used.

Freezing grape leaves

Almost all vegetables and fruits lend themselves well to freezing. This method requires a good freezer. For those who want to learn how to freeze grape leaves for dolma, simple steps are provided below.

Freezing steps:

Before freezing, the leaves should not be washed, as the remaining drops will turn into ice and disrupt the storage process.

Preparation and storage of dried grape leaves

Preparing grape leaves for dolma by drying them is no more labor-intensive than freezing. This preservation allows you to preserve all the beneficial elements in the plant and its unsurpassed aroma.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Pickling grape leaves

Not everyone still knows how to pickle grape leaves for dolma. This method involves storing raw materials for dolma in glass containers filled with marinade. A longer process than pickling, but the result is tastier. The leaves, saturated with brine, become more aromatic and piquant.

Marinating steps:

If the leaf tube unravels, it is better to secure it with a toothpick or thread.

Pickling grape leaves

Those who do not like the sweetish-sour taste of preservation will look for a recipe on how to pickle grape leaves for dolma. Leaves using this method are stored in glass jars in brine. Therefore, glass jars should be sterilized before starting work. We offer you two salting options, one under nylon cover, the second involves long-term storage under a metal twist.

Option 1:

With this storage method, the leaves are partially deprived of their beneficial properties, but the aroma remains unchanged.

Option 2:

A 1 liter jar contains 70 rolled sheets.

Preserving grape leaves in tomato juice

Those who are bored with recipes for canning leaves that have become boring year after year are encouraged to store them in a tomato. Preparing grape leaves for dolma in tomato juice is not at all difficult. For it you will need freshly squeezed tomato, the quantity of which depends on the number of prepared jars. 1 jar is 1/3 liquid if the leaves are tightly packed into the jar to the top.

Canning steps:

The tomato juice in which the grape leaves were stored will work perfectly as a sauce.

Dolma is subsequently prepared from canned grape leaves. Traditionally, it is customary to wrap minced meat with rice in them, but you can deviate from generally accepted regulations and fill them with vegetable filling. For example, dolma with a carrot core will really appeal to vegetarians. Bon appetit!