Fun chemistry experiments. Science show for children for the holiday. Entertaining experiments and experiments at home. Lava lamp

Do you think that today's children spend more time playing on their phones than necessary? Worried about your child becoming addicted to gadgets? Believe me, almost all parents are faced with this. Children and adults cannot imagine life without digital technologies what to do. We live in such an era. Many modern children begin their first acquaintance with the world through sterile Computer techologies and virtual perception.

When your baby is busy with a smartphone, tablet or computer, it worries you less. The child is passionate, he does not run, does not make noise, does not annoy you. You can rest easy and go about your business. Really, great? Certainly, if you are going to raise a half-blind disabled person with mental disabilities.

Many experts compare digital addiction with alcohol and drugs. To prevent this, the editorial "So simple!" I have collected for you 9 simple and entertaining experiments that will especially appeal to a preschooler.

Experiments for children at home

With the help of the usual improvised means that everyone has in the house, your baby will learn to conduct the most real scientific experiments. Imagine how delighted he will be when he sees chemical reactions and tricks of physics! He will like it much more than cartoons and video games.

rainbow milk

You will need

  • fat milk
  • plate
  • food colorings
  • liquid soap or detergent
  • cotton buds

Working process

  1. Pour milk into a bowl. Drop a few drops of food coloring in different colors.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the detergent and touch it to the surface of the milk.
  3. Watch an amazing reaction: the milk will begin to move, overflow and play with colors.
  4. Explanation

    Colors come into motion due to the interaction of molecules detergent with milk molecules.

refractory ball

You will need

  • 2 balls
  • candle
  • matches

Working process

  1. Inflate the first balloon and hold it over the candle to demonstrate that the balloon bursts from fire.
  2. Fill the second ball with water, tie it up and bring it back to the candle.
  3. It turns out that the ball does not burst and calmly withstands the flame of a candle.
  4. Explanation

    The water in the balloon absorbs some of the heat from the candle and keeps the walls of the balloon from melting, so it doesn't burst.

lava lamp

You will need

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • food colorings
  • vegetable oil
  • jar

Working process

  1. Fill the jar with water about a third of the volume and dissolve the food coloring in it.
  2. Pour vegetable oil to the top of the jar. Observe that the oil does not mix with water, but remains on top.
  3. Add 1 tsp. salt and watch the amazing reaction happen.
  4. Explanation

    Oil and water have different densities. Oil is lighter than water, so it's on top. The salt makes the oil heavier, so it sinks to the bottom. If you replace salt with any effervescent tablet, the effect will be simply enchanting!


You will need

  • tray
  • plastic bottle
  • plasticine or clay for modeling
  • food coloring
  • vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda
  • 1/4 st. vinegar
  • 1/4 st. water

Working process

  1. cut it plastic bottle in half.
  2. Blind a plasticine or clay volcano around the bottle.
  3. Pour in 1/4 tbsp. water, add food coloring, soda, pour in vinegar.
  4. Watch the "volcanic eruption".
  5. Explanation

    Molecules of vinegar and soda enter into a chemical reaction, and the active release of carbon dioxide begins. Therefore, the mixture foams and is pushed out of the bottle. If you sculpt buildings, vegetation around the volcano, put figures of animals and people, then you get a real home “cataclysm”!

invisible ink

You will need

  • milk or lemon juice
  • brush or pen
  • paper
  • hot iron

Working process

  1. Dip the brush in milk or lemon juice.
  2. Write something on a piece of paper. Wait for the lettering to dry.
  3. Heat up a sheet of paper with an iron and watch how the inscription appears.
  4. Explanation

    Milk and lemon juice are organic matter and are able to oxidize, that is, react with oxygen. When heated with an iron, this ink turns brown because it "burns" faster than paper. The same effect gives vinegar, orange and onion juice, honey. Even if the kid does not know how to write yet, he can draw a secret letter.

floating egg

You will need

  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 5 tsp salt

Working process

  1. Gently lower the egg into the first glass of water. If it remains intact, it will sink to the bottom.
  2. Pour hot water into the second glass and add 5 tsp. salt. Dissolve the salt, wait for the water to cool slightly, then dip the second egg.
  3. Watch the second egg float on the surface instead of sinking to the bottom of the glass.
  4. Explanation

    The density of an egg is much greater than the density of water. And here brine more density of the egg, so it stays floating on the surface.

Rainbow at home

You will need

  • deep transparent plate
  • sheet of A4 paper
  • mirror
  • flashlight

Working process

  1. Immerse a mirror on the bottom of a transparent plate. Pour water.
  2. Point a flashlight at the mirror.
  3. Catch the reflected light with a sheet of paper and observe a bright rainbow.
  4. Explanation

    The beam of light is not actually white, but consists of several colors. When the beam passes through the water, it is decomposed into its component parts in the form of a rainbow.

Walking on eggs

Working process

  1. Cover the floor with garbage bags, put 2 egg trays on them. Make sure all eggs are turned with the pointed side up.
  2. Invite the child to take a walk on the eggs. By placing his foot correctly, he will be able to walk on them without breaking a single one. Do not believe? Try it too!
  3. Explanation

    As you know, the egg shell is very strong, despite the fragility. With uniform stress, the pressure is distributed over the shell so that it can withstand even big weight without cracking.

candle pump

You will need

  • plate
  • candle
  • cup
  • food coloring

Working process

  1. Dissolve food coloring in water.
  2. Light a candle and put it on a plate.
  3. Cover the candle with a glass. Watch how the water is drawn into the glass.
  4. Explanation

    Candles need oxygen to burn. When it ran out inside the glass, the candle went out and internal pressure decreased, and the pressure outside the glass forced the water inside.

It's so easy with the help of improvised means you can carry out exciting chemical experiments for kids. Introduce your baby to productive and informative games that will develop his curiosity, craving for knowledge and interest in the outside world.

This is a real creative lab! A team of true like-minded people, each of which is an expert in his field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are really worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

All children, without exception, love mysterious, mysterious and unusual phenomena. Most of the guys really like to spend interesting experiences, some of which are not seeking help from parents or other adults.

Experiments that can be done with children

Not all experiences are suitable for children. Some of them can be a danger to the life and health of babies, especially preschool age. However, under the supervision and supervision of parents or other adults, the child may entertaining experiment- the main thing is to carefully monitor compliance necessary requirements security.

All scientific experiments are extremely useful for children. They allow young inventors to visually familiarize themselves with the properties various substances and items chemical compounds and much more, understand the causes of certain phenomena and acquire valuable practical experience, which can be applied to later life. In addition, some of these experiments can be shown as tricks, thanks to which the child will be able to gain authority among his friends and buddies.

Water experiments for children

All people in everyday life very often use water and do not think at all that it has truly magical and amazing properties. Meanwhile, with this liquid you can spend incredibly with children. For example, boys and girls at home can do the following experiments:

Experiments with fire for children

You should be especially careful with fire, but it is with it that you can put incredibly interesting experiments for children. Try one of the following experiments with your offspring:

Salt experiments for children

Entertaining experiences for children, it can also be carried out with bulk substances, for example, with salt. Children will definitely enjoy such experiments as:

Experiments with soda for children

No less spectacular experiments for children can be carried out with baking soda, for example, "Volcano". Place a small plastic bottle on the table and mold a clay or sand volcano around it. Pour 2 tablespoons of soda into the container, add approximately 50-70 ml warm water, a few drops of red food coloring, and at the very end - a quarter cup of vinegar. A real volcanic eruption will happen before your eyes, and the child will be delighted.

Other experiments for children with baking soda can be built on the property of this substance to crystallize. To obtain crystals, You can use the same method as in the case of salt. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a dense soda solution in which the bulk substance no longer dissolves, and then place a metal wire or other object there and leave it for several days in a warm place. The result will not be long in coming.

Balloon experiments for kids

Often experiments and experiments for children are associated with various properties of balloons, such as:

Experiments with eggs for children

Some interesting experiments with children can be done using chicken eggs, for example:

Experiments with lemon for children

Anything can be used to conduct experiments. Interesting experiments with lemon deserve special attention, for example:

Experiments with paints for children

All kids love to draw, but it will be even more interesting for them to conduct entertaining experiments with paints. Try one of the following experiments:

We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic tricks, experiments, or science shows that you can do with your own hands at home.
At your child's birthday party, weekend or vacation, make the most of your time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing the post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles behind a particular focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp that has a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. Water is poured into sunflower oil and food coloring (red or blue) is added.

3. After that, we add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe a striking effect.

4. During the reaction, colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the "real magic" will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and also have the property of not mixing, no matter how we shake the bottle. When we add effervescent tablets inside the bottle, they dissolve in water and begin to secrete carbon dioxide and set the fluid in motion.

Want to put on a real science show? More experiences can be found in the book.

2 - Experience with soda

5. Surely at home or in a nearby store there are several cans of soda for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the guys the question: “What happens if you submerge soda cans in water?”
Drown? Will they swim? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

6. We take the cans and gently lower them into the water.

7. It turns out that despite the same volume, they have different weight. That is why some banks sink and others do not.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “All our cans have the same volume, but the mass of each can is different, which means that the density is different. What is density? This is the value of mass divided by volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, the density will be higher for one of them, whose mass is greater.
Whether a jar will float in a container or sink depends on the ratio of its density to that of water. If the density of the can is less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the can will go to the bottom.
But what makes a regular cola can denser (heavier) than a diet drink can?
It's all about the sugar! Unlike ordinary cola, where granulated sugar is used as a sweetener, a special sweetener is added to diet cola, which weighs much less. So how much sugar is in a typical soda can? The difference in mass between regular soda and its dietary counterpart will give us the answer!”

3 - Paper cover

Ask the audience a question: “What happens if you turn a glass of water over?” Of course it will spill! And if you press the paper to the glass and turn it over? The paper will fall and the water will still spill on the floor? Let's check.

10. Carefully cut out the paper.

11. Put on top of the glass.

12. And carefully turn the glass over. The paper has stuck to the glass, as if magnetized, and the water does not pour out. Wonders!

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “Although this is not so obvious, but in fact we are in the real ocean, only in this ocean there is not water, but air that presses on all objects, including us, we just got used to it to this pressure that we do not notice it at all. When we cover a glass of water with a piece of paper and turn it over, water presses on the sheet on one side, and air on the other side (from the very bottom)! The air pressure turned out to be greater than the pressure of the water in the glass, so the leaf does not fall.

4 - Soap Volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

14. You will need baking soda, vinegar, some dish detergent and cardboard.

16. Dilute vinegar in water, add washing liquid and tint everything with iodine.

17. We wrap everything with dark cardboard - this will be the “body” of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass, and the volcano begins to erupt.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide. And liquid soap and dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form a colored soap foam - that's the eruption.

5 - Candle pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and lift water up?

19. We put a candle on a saucer and light it.

20. Pour tinted water on a saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After a while, the water will be drawn into the glass against the laws of gravity.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: What does the pump do? Changes pressure: increases (then water or air begins to “run away”) or, conversely, decreases (then gas or liquid begins to “arrive”). When we covered the burning candle with a glass, the candle went out, the air inside the glass cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl began to be sucked in.

Games and experiments with water and fire are in the book "Experiments of Professor Nicolas".

6 - Water in the sieve

We continue to study magical properties water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to put on a bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with others that you can make it so that water will not pass through the bandage without any additional tricks.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “Due to such a property of water as surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and it is not so easy to separate them (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure your honorary title of Water Mage and Master of the Elements, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bath or even a basin) without soaking it.

26. We fold the sheet, put it in a glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. Immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. Paper stays dry - water can't get to it! After you pull out the sheet - let the audience make sure that it is really dry.

Commentary by Professor Nicolas: “If you take a glass with a piece of paper inside and look closely at it, it seems that there is nothing but paper, but this is not so, there is air in it.
When we turn the glass upside down and lower it into the water, the air keeps the water from getting close to the paper, which is why it stays dry.

Science experiments are something that always captivates children from the very first experience. Of course, experiments for children at home are not only an interesting pastime, but also developing intelligence, erudition and horizons of the lesson. And the experiments that they can put themselves, having been scientists and professors for a few moments, will undoubtedly be remembered by them for a long time.

Science experiments at home, easy for children to do on their own, will diversify any holiday, birthday, or simply allow you to spend a rainy evening in the family circle. Moreover, some experiments for children show not only the erudition of their performers, which consists in careful study and good memory, but also clearly demonstrate the laws of nature and physical phenomena.

The following experiments are good because they clearly demonstrate certain patterns and laws of nature, physics or chemistry and are a good help in order to interest children in the study of these sciences.

Is it possible to put an ordinary egg in a glass bottle? Ask this question to small viewers before the show starts. Most likely, you will hear a friendly “no”!

The more pleasant will be the reaction of the children caused by the demonstration of this experiment.

What you need:

  • a glass bottle with a narrow neck (for example, from juice);
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • tassel;
  • hard boiled egg;
  • matches;
  • piece of paper and newspaper.

Attention: since this experiment involves the use of matches, it is unacceptable for children to perform it on their own, without adult supervision!

Put the bottle on the table. Lubricate its neck with a few drops of vegetable oil using a brush. Then set fire to a small piece of paper and lower it inside the bottle. After waiting a couple of seconds, put the egg in the neck of the bottle. Most likely, you will hear a loud sound, after which the audience will see how the egg falls to the bottom of the jar.

Explain to the children the essence of this phenomenon, which is associated with the expansion of air as a result of heating and its compression as a result of cooling, when the fire goes out as a result of blocking the access of oxygen, since combustion is impossible without oxygen.

"Volcano" ... at home!

A very effective experiment, boys will definitely like it.

For him you will need:

  • hydroperit tablets (sold in any pharmacy);
  • liquid soap of any manufacturer;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • diluted in a small amount of water a few grains of potassium permanganate (you need a rich purple color).

Grind a few tablets of hydroperite in any container, pour into a tall flask or glass with a wide bottom, add a little liquid soap. There we also pour a small amount of the already prepared solution of potassium permanganate.

As a result of the actions taken, a very effective bubbling process will begin in the vessel with liquid, and if you add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, the liquid will turn into saturated foam. purple, and the demonstrated phenomenon will resemble the eruptions of mud volcanoes in distant Kamchatka.

Miniature "coral reef"

Thanks to this experience, it is possible to build a kind of coral reef in a small transparent container using colored sand.

What you need:

  • fine sand, you can take purchased colored sand;
  • antiperspirant spray for men;
  • baking paper;
  • plastic containers or disposable cups for storing sand;
  • glass transparent vase;
  • water.

First you need to prepare the sand in a special way. To do this, spread the sand on baking paper, without mixing each color separately. And we will spray it abundantly, mixing, and process it again, until the sand becomes wet from the spray. Then you need to let it dry.

Note: It is necessary to treat sand with an antiperspirant on the street.

After the sand dries, pour it into the cups. Fill the vase with water, about half way. The following can be entrusted to a child. The child, slowly, pours processed sand from each cup into a vase of water. At the same time, he observes how the sand lays down on the bottom of the vase - forming interesting three-dimensional structures, which we called the "coral reef". It turns out enough beautiful aquarium for toy fish. During the experiment it is possible to explain to the child the effect of such antiperspirants - they repel moisture, and why this aquarium is not suitable for live fish.

"Hendgam" - chewing gum for hands

This substance is an excellent toy for hands and fine motor skills. Moreover, you can do it yourself with the children, besides, it is also interesting experiment for kids.

For this experience we will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • sodium tetraborate (can be bought at a pharmacy);
  • food coloring;
  • container and mixing stick.

Pour the amount of PVA glue you need into the container. Add the dye to it, stir until evenly colored. After staining, we begin to gradually add sodium tetraborate, stir, the glue begins to thicken - the more tetraborate, the denser our so-called hand chewing gum becomes. After a few hours, the handgum becomes hard, but until this time, the baby may well enjoy the game.

Tornado in a jar

This is also quite an impressive experience in which you can demonstrate the effect of a tornado to children.

Experience requires:

  • tall jar or glass vase;
  • water;
  • vinegar;
  • liquid soap;
  • glitter (sequins) and dye - for the best effect.

Fill the container three-quarters full with water and add one teaspoon of liquid soap and one teaspoon of vinegar. Then we add dye and sequins - because it will be more fun and effective. Now you need to close the lid and shake the jar well and spin it - we observe a tornado in the jar. You can mix everything in a vase with a long spoon or knife. Explain to the children the manifestation of centrifugal force.

The next experiment will reproduce the legendary lava lamp. This is a very beautiful effect especially like children.

For this experiment we need:

  • oil can be refined sunflower or baby oil for the skin (it is more transparent);
  • water;
  • food colorings dissolved in water;
  • soluble effervescent tablet (you can use aspirin or any other);
  • glass vase;
  • funnel.

First of all, pour one fourth of the water into the vase. Then, through the funnel along the edge of the vase, pour the oil, the oil will lie on top of the water. Explain to the child the principle why this happens: oil does not dissolve in water due to a stronger molecular structure than water, that is, oil molecules are connected more tightly to each other.

Then we take the dissolved food coloring, through disposable pipettes, we drip into the vase around the perimeter. We observe how drops fall first on the surface of the water, and then they mix with water in snakes. When the bottom layer of water becomes colored, it will be possible to continue the experiment. - We throw a piece of an effervescent tablet into a vase, upon contact with water, the tablet begins to dissolve and colored bubbles rise into the oil layer. Watching beautiful effect, as colored water droplets rise and descend again to the lower layer.

This is a longer experiment, but no less impressive.

For this science experiment you will need:

  • sugar (you can salt);
  • water;
  • wooden sticks;
  • food coloring;
  • thread;
  • jar.

There are many ways to grow a crystal at home, let's look at the simplest ones. For this we need hot water in a jar in which we begin to dissolve sugar or salt. Add and stir until sugar no longer dissolves. At the end, add the dye of the color of which we want to get crystals to the jar.

Then there are several ways:

  1. We wait until crystals form at the bottom of the jar, they will be very small. We drain the water, choose the most beautiful crystal in shape, and carefully tie it with a thread, leaving a long tail for which we will hang it in a jar. But first, we again breed in a bank with hot water sugar or salt (what you took initially) and let the water cool, add the dye. Then we put a wooden stick on the neck and tie the second end of the thread with the crystal to it, so that the crystal does not touch the bottom and is immersed in water. And we are waiting for the crystal to grow, periodically changing the water with sugar and dye, so the crystal will turn out smoother. And when it's ready, you can cover it clear varnish for nails so that you can play with it;
  2. The next way, we tie one stick with a thread to the one that we put on the neck of the jar, so that the stick immersed in water does not touch the bottom. And then crystals will form on a wooden stick immersed in water with sugar and dye, we wait until the size of the crystals satisfies you.

Experiments that demonstrate physical phenomena, the properties of materials and substances attract a lot of attention from children, and at the same time allow them to visually demonstrate certain processes studied at school.

The most simple and complex, easy and cognitive, any experience is wonderful opportunity to spend children's leisure not only fun, but also useful, to give many pleasant minutes not only to the audience, but also to young scientists.

Happy experiments and games.

Who didn't believe in miracles as a child? To have fun and informative time with your baby, you can try to carry out experiments from entertaining chemistry. They are safe, interesting and educational. These experiments will answer many children's "why" and arouse interest in science and knowledge of the world. And today I want to tell you what experiments for children at home can be organized by parents.

pharaoh snake

This experiment is based on increasing the volume of the mixed reagents. In the process of burning, they transform and, wriggling, resemble a snake. The experiment got its name thanks to the biblical miracle, when Moses, who came to the pharaoh with a request, turned his rod into a snake.

For the experience you will need the following ingredients:

  • ordinary sand;
  • ethanol;
  • crushed sugar;
  • baking soda.

We impregnate the sand with alcohol, after that we form a small hill out of it and make a recess at the top. Then mix with a small spoon powdered sugar and a pinch of soda, then we fall asleep everything in an impromptu "crater". We set fire to our volcano, the alcohol in the sand begins to burn out, and black balls form. They are a decomposition product of soda and caramelized sugar.

After all the alcohol has burned out, the sand slide will turn black and a writhing "black pharaoh's snake" will form. This experience looks more impressive with the use of real reagents and strong acids, which can only be used in a chemical laboratory.

You can do it a little easier and buy a calcium gluconate tablet at the pharmacy. Set it on fire at home, the effect will be almost the same, only the “snake” will quickly collapse.

Magic lamp

In stores, you can often see lamps, inside which a beautiful illuminated liquid moves and shimmers. Such lamps were invented in the early 60s. They work on the basis of paraffin and oil. At the bottom of the device is a built-in conventional incandescent lamp that heats the descending molten wax. Part of it reaches the top and falls, the other part heats up and rises, so we see a kind of “dance” of paraffin inside the container.

In order to carry out a similar experience at home with a child, we need:

  • any juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tablets - pops;
  • beautiful container.

We take a container and fill it with juice more than half. Add vegetable oil on top and throw a pop-up tablet there. It begins to “work”, the bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass capture the juice in themselves and form a beautiful seething in the oil layer. Then the bubbles that reach the edge of the glass burst, and the juice falls down. It turns out a kind of "cycle" of juice in a glass. Such magic lamps are absolutely harmless, unlike paraffin lamps, which a child can accidentally break and burn himself.

Balloon and Orange: An Experience for Toddlers

What will happen to a balloon if you drop orange or lemon juice on it? It will burst as soon as drops of citrus touch it. And then you can eat an orange with your baby. It's very entertaining and fun. For the experience, we need a couple of balloons and citrus. We inflate them and let the baby drip fruit juice on each and see what happens.

Why does the ball burst? It's all about the special chemical substance- limonene. It is found in citrus fruits and is often used in the cosmetics industry. When the juice comes into contact with the rubber of the balloon, a reaction occurs, limonene dissolves the rubber and the balloon bursts.

sweet glass

Amazing things can be made from caramelized sugar. In the early days of cinema, most fight scenes used this edible sweet glass. This is because it is less traumatic for actors during filming and is inexpensive. Its fragments can then be collected, melted down and made into props for the film.

Many in childhood made sugar cockerels or fudge, glass should be made according to the same principle. Pour water into a saucepan, heat a little, the water should not be cold. After that, pour sugar into it and bring to a boil. When the liquid boils, cook until the mass begins to gradually thicken and bubble strongly. The melted sugar in the container should turn into a viscous caramel, which, if lowered into cold water turns into glass.

Pour the prepared liquid onto the previously prepared and greased vegetable oil baking sheet, cool and sweet glass is ready.

During the cooking process, dye can be added to it and cast into any interesting shape, and then treat and surprise everyone around.

Philosopher's nail

This entertaining experience is based on the principle of iron coppering. Named by analogy with a substance that, according to legend, could turn everything into gold, and was called the philosopher's stone. To conduct the experiment, we will need:

  • iron nail;
  • a fourth of a glass of acetic acid;
  • food salt;
  • soda;
  • a piece of copper wire;
  • glass container.

We take a glass jar and pour acid, salt into it and stir well. Be careful, vinegar is harsh bad smell. It can burn the baby's delicate airways. Then in the resulting solution we put copper wire for 10-15 minutes, after some time we lower the iron nail previously cleaned with soda into the solution. After some time, we can see that a copper coating has appeared on it, and the wire has become shiny as new. How could this happen?

Copper reacts with acetic acid, a copper salt is formed, then copper ions on the surface of the nail change places with iron ions and form a plaque on its surface. And the concentration of iron salts increases in the solution.

Copper coins are not suitable for the experiment, since this metal itself is very soft, and to make the money stronger, its alloys with brass and aluminum are used.

Copper products do not rust over time, they are covered with a special green coating– patina, which prevents it from further corrosion.

DIY soap bubbles

Who didn't love blowing bubbles as a child? How beautifully they shimmer and burst merrily. You can just buy them at the store, but it will be much more interesting to create your own solution with your child and then blow bubbles.

It should immediately be said that the usual mixture of laundry soap and water won't work. It produces bubbles that quickly disappear and are poorly blown. Most affordable way to prepare such a substance, mix two glasses of water with a glass of dish detergent. If sugar is added to the solution, then the bubbles become stronger. They will fly for a long time and will not burst. And the huge bubbles that can be seen on stage with professional artists are obtained by mixing glycerin, water and detergent.

For beauty and mood, you can mix food paint into the solution. Then the bubbles will glow beautifully in the sun. You can create several different solutions and take turns using them with your child. It is interesting to experiment with color and create your own, new shade soap bubbles.

You can also try mixing the soap solution with other substances and see how they affect the blisters. Maybe you will invent and patent some new kind of your own.

Spy ink

This legendary invisible ink. What are they made from? Now there are so many films about spies and interesting intellectual investigations. You can invite your child to play a little secret agents.

The meaning of such ink is that they cannot be seen on paper with the naked eye. Only by applying a special effect, for example, heating or chemical reagents, can a secret message be seen. Unfortunately, most recipes for making them are ineffective and such ink leaves marks.

We will make special ones that are difficult to see without special detection. For this you will need:

  • water;
  • the spoon;
  • baking soda;
  • any source of heat;
  • stick with cotton at the end.

Pour warm liquid into any container, then, stirring, pour it in baking soda until it stops dissolving, i.e. the mixture will reach a high concentration. We put a stick with cotton on the end there and write something on paper with it. Let's wait until it dries, then bring the leaf to a lit candle or gas stove. After a while, you can see how the yellow letters of the written word appear on the paper. Make sure that during the development of the letters the leaf does not catch fire.

Fireproof money

This is a well-known and old experiment. For it you will need:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • salt.

Take a deep glass container and pour water into it, then add alcohol and salt, stir well so that all the ingredients are dissolved. For ignition, you can take ordinary pieces of paper, if you don’t mind, then you can take a bill. Just take a small denomination, otherwise something may go wrong in the experience and the money will be spoiled.

Put strips of paper or money in a water-salt solution, after a while they can be removed from the liquid and set on fire. You can see that the flame covers the entire banknote, but it does not light up. This effect is explained by the fact that the alcohol in the solution evaporates, and the wet paper does not light up.

wish fulfilling stone

The process of growing crystals is very exciting, but time consuming. However, what you get as a result will be worth the time spent. The most popular is the creation of crystals from table salt or sugar.

Consider growing a "wish stone" from refined sugar. For this you will need:

  • drinking water;
  • granulated sugar;
  • paper sheet;
  • thin wooden stick;
  • small container and glass.

Let's make a preparation first. To do this, we need to prepare a sugar mixture. Pour some water and sugar into a small container. We wait until the mixture boils, and boil until a syrupy state is formed. Then we lower the wooden stick there and sprinkle it with sugar, you need to do this evenly, in this case the resulting crystal will become more beautiful and even. Leave the base for the crystal overnight to dry and harden.

Let's prepare the syrup solution. Pour water into a large container and fall asleep, slowly stirring, sugar there. Then, when the mixture boils, boil it to the state of a viscous syrup. Remove from fire and let cool.

Cut out circles from paper and fasten them to the end wooden stick. It will become a lid on which a wand with crystals is attached. We fill the glass with a solution and lower the workpiece there. We wait for a week, and the "stone of desires" is ready. If you put a dye in the syrup when cooking, it will turn out even more beautiful.

The process of creating crystals from salt is somewhat simpler. Here it will only be necessary to monitor the mixture and periodically change it in order to increase the concentration.

First of all, we create a blank. Pour warm water into a glass container, and gradually stir, pour salt until it stops dissolving. We leave the container for a day. After this time, you can find many small crystals in the glass, choose the largest one and tie it to a thread. Make a new salt solution and put a crystal there, it must not touch the bottom or the edges of the glass. This can lead to unwanted deformations.

After a couple of days, you can see that he has grown. The more often you change the mixture, increasing the concentration of salt content, the faster you can grow your stone of desires.

glowing tomato

This experiment should be strictly under the supervision of adults, as it uses harmful substances. The glowing tomato that will be created during this experiment is strictly forbidden to eat, it can lead to death or severe poisoning. We will need:

  • ordinary tomato;
  • syringe;
  • sulfuric matter from matches;
  • bleach;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

We take a small container, put the previously prepared match sulfur there and pour in the bleach. We leave all this for a while, after which we draw the mixture into a syringe and inject it inside the tomato with different sides so that it glows evenly. For start chemical process hydrogen peroxide is needed, which we introduce through the trace from the petiole from above. We turn off the light in the room, and we can enjoy the process.

Egg in Vinegar: A Very Simple Experience

This is a simple and interesting ordinary acetic acid. For its implementation, you will need boiled egg and vinegar. Take a transparent glass container and lower the egg in the shell into it, then fill it to the top with acetic acid. You can see how bubbles rise from its surface, this is a chemical reaction. After three days, we can observe that the shell has become soft, and the egg is elastic, like a ball. If you point a flashlight at it, you can see that it glows. It is not recommended to conduct an experiment with a raw egg, since the soft shell may break when squeezed.

Do-it-yourself slime from PVA

This is a fairly common strange toy of our childhood. Currently, it is quite difficult to find it. Let's try to make slime at home. Its classic color is green, but you can use whatever you like. Try mixing several shades and create your own unique color.

For the experiment we need:

  • glass jar;
  • several small glasses;
  • dye;
  • PVA glue;
  • regular starch.

Let's prepare three identical glasses with solutions that we will mix. Pour PVA glue into the first, water into the second, and starch into the third. First, pour water into the jar, then add glue and dye, mix everything thoroughly and then add starch. The mixture must be quickly mixed so that it does not thicken, and you can play with the finished slime.

How to quickly inflate a balloon

Soon the holiday and you need to inflate a lot of balloons? What to do? This unusual experience will help to facilitate the task. For him, we need a rubber ball, acetic acid and ordinary soda. It must be carried out carefully in the presence of adults.

Pour a pinch of baking soda into balloon and put it on the neck of a bottle of acetic acid so that the soda does not spill out, straighten the ball and let its contents fall into the vinegar. You will see how the chemical reaction will take place, it will begin to foam, releasing carbon dioxide and inflating the balloon.

That's all for today. Do not forget that it is better to conduct experiments for children at home under supervision, it will be both safer and more interesting. See you soon!