Three meter board. Calculation of the volume of lumber. Calculation of the cubature of edged boards

Specify dimensions in millimeters

W- board width
H- board thickness
L- board length

Initial data
N- quantity in pieces
E- quantity in cubic meters
Many, when building a house or a bath, are faced with the need to calculate how much lumber is required for work. Determining how much board or timber you need is simple. But the price of lumber is usually indicated per cubic meter, and in this case it will be more convenient to use a special program for calculations. With the help of our website, knowing the length, width and thickness of the board, as well as their number in pieces, you can calculate how many cubic meters of lumber you will need and how much one cubic meter or one board will cost.

Scope of application

Lumber is so called because it is obtained by sawing the trunk of a tree. Lumber is used for construction, furniture manufacturing, various containers and other products. Today, this type of building materials is the most popular. The wood from which lumber is made is excellent heat-insulating material, maintains stable humidity and does not require special processing and maintenance, which makes it particularly comfortable.

Types of lumber

Timber includes timber, edged boards, unedged boards, building slats. The beam is a log processed from all sides. In the cut, it has a square or rectangular section. The timber is most widely used in the construction of houses, baths and floor structures.
The edged board is a versatile lumber that is actively used both in construction works oh the outside of the building and the clearance inner space. Edged board in cross section is an elongated rectangle. An unedged board differs from an edged board in that its edges are not cut off, so that a layer of the bark of the tree from which this board was cut remains visible. A building rail or bar is a bar with a smaller section than a regular one and is widely used in construction.
Lumber is classified according to the type of wood from which it is made. They are made from conifers trees such as pine, spruce and larch. And out hard rock wood such as oak and beech, birch, aspen.
Lumber is also distinguished by moisture content. They are divided into raw with a moisture level of more than 22 percent and dry with a moisture content below 22 percent. The former are used for construction work, and the latter for the manufacture of furniture.
There are also several varieties of lumber. The choice of grade depends on the application. So, for furniture, materials of the highest grade are used. For joinery and moldings, grade 1 lumber is suitable, and grade 2 and 3 are used exclusively as a building board. Lumber, if not used for a long time, must be protected from moisture. This can lead to their deterioration. It is not recommended to store lumber stacked on top of each other. There must be spacers between the layers of beams or boards.

The unedged board has a large run-up in width for opposite ends, so when calculating unedged board you need to substitute the average width into the formula. The average width of unedged boards is measured at the middle of the length as half the sum of the widths of both layers (board ends), excluding bark and bast. The measurement result is rounded up to 10 mm, fractions up to 5 mm are not taken into account, and fractions of 5 mm or more are considered as 10 mm.

Unedged board: what is it

Unedged boards are the first boards removed from the trunk. Its edges are not trimmed and have a wane, which is unacceptable for an edged board. Unedged boards have bark on the side edges. The first board removed from the trunk has the most bark. The standard thickness of unedged boards is 25, 40, 50 mm, and the length is 6 m. Unedged boards are the cheapest of all boards. Therefore, they are used for scaffolding, sheathing, roof battens, components load-bearing structures, decking, rough floors, for firewood. In order for unedged boards not to start to rot, they need to be removed from the bark, dried and treated with an antiseptic.

Timber and board - one of the oldest building materials, but it does not lose its relevance today. At the same time, the cost of these lumber makes buyers carefully approach the accuracy of calculating their required quantity.

Now you can find on the World Wide Web the necessary tables for calculating the required number of cubic meters of building materials, but a skilled owner should be able to calculate it on his own.

How many boards are in a cube 50 by 150 by 6000

As you probably already understood, the calculation of lumber is carried out in cubic meters. At the same time, the cube of the board and the beam can have different overall dimensions. Therefore, for an accurate purchase, you need to understand the size of this cube for more accurate calculation. The most common lumber cube has dimensions of 50x150x6000 mm.

We calculate the required volume easily and simply

It is very easy to calculate cubic meters of a board or a bar. To do this, you need to have elementary knowledge of geometry, which we were told back in school. Thus, to determine the desired cubature, you must initially multiply the width (l), thickness (s) and length (b) indicators.

For example: s boards × l boards x b boards = 50 mm × 150 mm x 6000 mm = 45000 cm/cube.

We remember that a cubic meter is equal to 1,000,000 cubic meters, that is, 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm.

1000000 cc/cm: 45000 cc/cm = 22.22 pieces boards in one cube.

How many boards in 1 cube table 6m:

Board size Volume of the 1st board Boards in the 1st cube in pieces Square meters in the 1st cube
Board 50x 100x 6000 0.03 m³ 33 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 120x 6000 0.036 m³ 27 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 150x 6000 0.045 m³ 22 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 180x 6000 0.054 m³ 18 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 200x 6000 0.06 m³ 16 pcs. 20 m²
Board 50x 250x 6000 0.075 m³ 13 pcs. 20 m²

As you can see, calculate required amount 6-meter board is very easy. Now you know how to determine how much meter boards cubed. Depending on the size, you just substitute the right dimensions into a simple formula and get the finished result.

The construction of a private house, cottage or any other building requires an estimate. It indicates the number of building materials and their cost. There are several methods for performing the corresponding calculations. The board is a common material that is used everywhere. In order to determine how many boards are in a cube, you need to familiarize yourself with the calculation options and the nuances of this process.

How many boards in a cube: varieties of lumber and features of their calculation

The boards that are used in the construction of houses and other structures differ in several ways. First of all, the material from which they are made is taken into account. The technical characteristics of the product depend on the type of wood. Depending on the method of production, these building elements are divided into types:

  • edged;

  • unedged.

The first of these relate to top class and have the correct shape, since all their faces can be processed. In turn, unedged products are most often used for organizing rough flooring, etc. The peculiarity of this material is that its side edges are not processed, they contain bark and have a natural shape. This simplifies the production of unedged boards and affects their cost.

In order to answer the question of how to calculate the cube of the board, you must first decide which of the materials will be used in the construction process. For example, it is easier to calculate the cubature and cost of an edged part, since it has a geometrically correct shape.

For unedged products, there are constant values ​​that are arithmetic averages. A table of boards in a cube in this case is not always suitable, since it takes into account the rounding even of edged lumber.

Special mention should be made of building materials for fine finish. This group includes lining, block house and products that imitate timber. The design of these finishing parts includes special ribs and grooves necessary for a tight connection. individual elements between themselves.

Helpful information! When calculating the finishing lumber, you need to focus only on the dimensions of the main part of the board. So the size interlock connections is not taken into account, only the numerical values ​​of the product body are taken for calculation.

Regardless of what type of material is used, a single formula is used to calculate the number of boards in a cube. An exception in this case are unedged products. Their calculation has its own characteristics, because such parts do not have all the faces necessary for the calculation.

Cube volume formula: how many edged boards are in 1 cubic meter

The cube is geometric figure, which consists of 6 equivalent faces. Each of them is a square. To determine the volume of this figure, it is necessary to multiply 3 indicators among themselves:

  • length;

  • width;
  • height.

In order to find out how many boards are in 1 cube, you need to multiply several values. The result is a mathematical expression that looks like this:

V = h x b x L, where:

h is the height of the edged product (m);

b – element width (m);

L is the length of one part (m).

Using this formula, you can determine the volume of 1 element. It is important to remember that when carrying out the calculation, it is necessary to convert the millimeter values ​​\u200b\u200bof the product into meters. For example, in order to determine how many boards 25x150x6000 in a cube, you need to convert the numbers by multiplying them by 0.001. The finished mathematical expression after such a transformation will look like this:

V = 0.025 x 0.15 x 6

As a result, it turns out that the volume of one wood detail equals 0.0225 cubic meters (m³). Next, it remains to calculate how many pieces of edged boards are contained in 1 cubic meter. There is a simple formula for this. It involves dividing 1 cubic meter by the volume of 1 board, which was obtained using the past mathematical expression. Consider the calculation on an example:

1 m³ / 0.0225 m³ = 44.4

Thus, 1 cubic meter contains approximately (if rounded up) 44 boards. After that, you can already independently determine the amount of material needed for the construction specific design. And also at this stage, you can draw up a general estimate indicating the price of edged boards per cubic meter.

To calculate the cost of 1 edged board, a mathematical expression is used, which involves multiplying the volume of 1 part by the price of a cubic meter. Let's look at an example:

0.0225 x 8200 rubles = 184.5 rubles.

The calculation showed that the cost of 1 product of the cut variety will be approximately 184 rubles. If the cost of 1 part is known, but it is necessary to calculate the price of a board cube, you need to do the reverse manipulation. In this situation, you will need to divide the price for 1 item (184.5) by its volume (0.0225).

Note! Sometimes, especially when buying a small batch of boards, there is confusion with decimal places. In some cases, lumber vendors will specifically quote a value calculated by rounding up to the 3rd number. However, by law, this value is only suitable for large batches of boards. When purchasing several products, it is recommended to round off according to GOST, namely up to 0.000001 m³.

When calculating the number of boards and the cost of lumber per cubic meter, it is desirable to take into account unplanned losses that very often occur during construction. Therefore, it is recommended to buy edged products with a small margin (several pieces).

How many boards in a cube: calculation of unedged lumber

The calculation of the cubature of an unedged board has some nuances, since its shape is not correct. This material does not have rectangular section along its entire length, so it is used to organize temporary structures. lower and top surface unedged boards must be processed along the entire length. Otherwise, this product is the side part of the log (slab).

To find the volume of unedged lumber in 1 cubic meter, as well as its quantity, there are several methods. It should be noted right away that it is rather difficult to determine how many boards are in one cube when it comes to incorrect geometric shapes. Therefore, the initial numbers obtained when calculating unedged parts will be an approximate indicator.

Consider what methods are used to calculate the cubic capacity and the amount of unedged lumber:

  • batch;
  • piece;
  • sampling method.

In the first case, you will need to load the lumber into a package, which must have the correct shape. After bookmarking, it is necessary to measure the necessary indicators. Next, a standard procedure for determining the volume is performed using the values ​​\u200b\u200bobtained when taking measurements. This method is most common for products that do not have clear edges. For example, with it, you can calculate the cubes of a 25x150x6000 board in a cube (unedged).

It is worth noting that in this type of mathematical expression, a special coefficient is applied (for width), which is the average arithmetic number. Although this option is not fast, it allows you to answer the question of how to calculate the cube of the board.

The piece method involves the use of numbers corresponding to the average arithmetic values height and width of the cut product. These values ​​are calculated in meters.

In order to find the arithmetic mean, you need to measure the board. measured minimum width(in the very bottleneck) and maximum. The two scores are then added up and divided in half. After that, the same height manipulation is performed. The numbers obtained during the calculation must be multiplied by each other and by the length of the product.

Let's see how it looks like in the form of a mathematical expression:

(b max + b min) / 2 x (h max + h min) / 2 x L = V

Using such a formula, it will not be difficult to determine the volume of 1 unedged element and answer the question of how to calculate the cubature of the part. After obtaining this value, you can calculate the total number of boards in a cubic meter. For such a calculation, you will need to use a formula similar to the trimmed part (a cubic meter is divided by the volume of the product).

Helpful information ! When buying raw boards, you need to be careful. Sellers should use a factor that affects the reduction in total volume, taking into account future shrinkage. To calculate wet coniferous products, 1 cubic meter must be multiplied by the number 0.96. In turn, the coefficient for hardwood is 0.95.

The last way to determine the volume of lumber and its quantity in 1 cubic meter is the sampling method. It is used in the calculation of large batches. wooden building materials. The essence of this method is that total weight several boards are selected. Then the parts are measured and calculated according to the piece by piece method. The resulting numbers are multiplied by total number parts in a batch.

How many boards in a cube 50x150x6000 in a cube: calculation

As an example, you can take an unedged product with dimensions of 50 by 150 by 6000 mm. First, we convert millimeters to meters. Some people don't know how many millimeters are in 1 meter. To convert, you need to multiply required number in mm by a factor of 0.001. AT ready-made(with values ​​substituted) the formula would look like this:

(0.155 + 0.145) / 2 x (0.055 + 0.045) / 2 x 6 = V

Related article:

The main criteria for choosing a finished product. Comparison of prices of well-known manufacturers.

After adding and dividing by 2, we get the arithmetic average of the width and height of the unedged part. Thus, the formula takes on a more understandable, standard form:

0.15 x 0.05 x 6 = 0.045

This is how a calculation is made, the result of which is finding the volume of 1 board. To determine the number of products in 1 cubic meter, the same formula is used as in the case of a trimmed counterpart.

If necessary, you can calculate the area of ​​​​one board. Most often, this is required when the manufacturer indicates the price per square meter, and not per cubic meter. The area formula involves multiplying the width of a part by its length. It is important in this case not to make a mistake and not to forget to convert millimeters to meters.

In order to determine the cost, the same formula is used as in the case of edged lumber. You just need to multiply the volume of 1 part by an amount that corresponds to the total price of the cube. This is how the calculation of cubes in the cube of the board 50x150x6000 is performed.

Calculating the board with an online calculator

Perhaps the easiest way (on a par with the lumber cube table) by definition exact value volume and quantity wooden planks- online calculator. It is a program with preset algorithms that allow you to calculate all the necessary lumber values. This method makes it possible to calculate not only the edged board, but also other varieties of these products.

Note! In order to avoid the possibility of an error when calculating the material on the online calculator, you should immediately indicate for which board the measurement is used.

The process itself is quite simple. First you need to find a calculator on one of the specialized sites using the search line of the browser. Next, you will need to enter the required indicators in the appropriate cells. The board calculator in the cube will calculate on its own.

This method is popular and allows you to quickly and accurately determine all the necessary lumber values. When using a calculator, it is recommended to check the accuracy of filling several times. In the event of an error, the calculation will be performed incorrectly, which is fraught with serious discrepancies in the final figures.

How many boards in a cube: table (6 meters)and tips for its use

The last method to determine the quantity and cubic capacity of wooden products is to use a special table. This method is very convenient, as it does not require long calculations. All that is needed is simply to find the desired value in the table using the initial data (width, height and length).

In order to quickly find the correct answer to the question of how many boards are in one cube, the table is suitable the best way. However, experts point out one drawback of this method: the numbers corresponding to the cubic capacity or quantity are often rounded off. Therefore, if you need to perform the most accurate calculation, it is recommended that you do all the calculations yourself.

Edged board volume in a cube:

Board dimensions, mm

Length, m Volume 1 piece, m³
50 to 200 6 0,06
30 to 100 0,018
20 to 150 0,018
30 to 150 0,027
20 to 200 0,024
30 to 200 0,036
25 per 100 0,015
40 to 100 0,024
25 to 150 0,0225
40 to 150 0,036
25 to 200 0,03
50 to 100 0,03
40 to 200 0,048
50 to 150 0,045
20 to 100 0,012

In addition, before starting the search for the desired value, it is advisable to make sure that the length of the lumber matches. Tables can be different, containing information about the cubature of boards with a length of 3, 4 or 6 m. Today, the most common are wooden crafts which are 6 meters long. How many boards are in one cube? The table that allows you to determine the amount of lumber also uses rounded values.

Do not forget that the board can be made of different breeds tree. Therefore, before using the table, it is recommended to make sure that you have selected the required type of lumber.

How many boards in 1 cube: table (6 meters):

Board dimensions, mm

Length, m Number of pieces in 1 m³

The tabular method is good because it does not require calculations or self-filling of overall and other lumber values ​​​​to get an answer. It is suitable for determining the cubature, and also allows you to answer the question of how many boards are in a cube. The table is ideal for calculating large batches of a product.

Edged board prices per cube: 50x150x6000and other varieties

Today in the construction market you can find many varieties of lumber. All of them are differentiated not only by size, but also by the type of wood from which they were made. And also the cost of these products is influenced by the production technology and their purpose. In order to find out how much a board cube costs, you need to familiarize yourself with all the varieties of these details.

The most popular in the construction of private houses, cottages, as well as other structures is a classic edged board. It can be 1st and 2nd grade. The first option is more expensive, as it has higher technical specifications and durability.

Helpful information! The price of a 1st grade edged board is approximately 7,500 rubles. for 1 cu. Products that belong to a lower quality group cost about 4-6 thousand rubles. for 1 m³.

The width and height of the boards, as a rule, does not affect their cost. This is due to the fact that in a cubic meter, regardless of the dimensions of wooden lumber, there will be the same number of parts. In the sense that for the same price you will receive 44 edged boards 25x1500x6000 (price per cube: 7500 rubles) or 22 parts 50x150 having the same length.

Separately, it should be said about edged boards made in accordance with specifications(THAT). lumber of this type costs an average of about 7000 rubles. per cube These boards are good quality characteristics and can be used in the construction of various structures.

Unedged products are cheaper, as they are of lower quality. Their cost is calculated using averaged values. The price of unedged lumber ranges from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. However, they are not recommended for construction. Better to use more quality lumber, for example, edged board 40x150x6000 (price per cube: 7500) or similar products with other dimensions.

When buying wood lumber, you need to pay attention to some points. For example, the board must be flat. The curvature of the product most often indicates that the technology was violated during its production. Such parts are not used in construction, as they do not have the required quality.

How much does a board cube weigh? When purchasing this building material, its mass should be taken into account. So, for example, a cut board made from dry spruce weighs 450 kg (1 cubic meter). 1 m³ of raw products has a mass of 790 kg. Dry pine has a weight of 470, and raw - 890 kg. This knowledge will be needed when transporting products.

When choosing lumber and its calculation, you must be careful. The board must not have cracks, chips or other defects. Small cracks are allowed, but it is recommended to buy one-piece, quality product corresponding to GOST. You should also pay attention to the presence of knots. This is due to the fact that they negatively affect the strength of the wooden part. The choice of calculation method depends on the specific case. If necessary, you can always use the services of specialists who will help to carry out correct calculation and make a budget.

In order not to waste time in the process waiting for the delivery of lumber and the problem of shortages, you should immediately calculate the required quantity and place an order with some margin. Initially, it is worth knowing how many boards are in a cube. The table given in the regulatory documents will help you quickly determine the desired value. You can also use the cubic meters calculator developed by our team, with which it is easy to determine the number of a specific size online. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible methods to make it easier to choose the best one.

Everything starts with a choice. suitable material. Manufacturers offer lumber different sizes, forms and degrees of processing. Each of these indicators can have a significant impact on the cost. In order not to overpay, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular types of lumber, as well as their possible area of ​​\u200b\u200buse.

Edged timber

Most popular view, widely used in stage and run repair work. May have various sizes in all directions. Made from solid wood. All facets of the material are processed.

To find out how much will be in the cube, you need to know the sawing parameters. By multiplying the length by the cross-sectional area, you can find the volume of one product. To determine the amount of timber in a cube, it will be necessary to find the reciprocal of the found volume, expressed in meters. If it is initially known how much is required, the volume of one product will need to be multiplied by the required quantity. In more detail, how to calculate the cubic capacity, we will tell further.

Attention! Edged material has a natural moisture content. In reference tables, you can find the numerical value of moisture for different woods.

Planed timber

Lumber of this type in the manufacturing process must be dried. This affects the dimensions and weight of the finished lumber, as well as its service life. When determining how much a board cube weighs, this factor must be taken into account.

Planed timber has quality surface suitable for industrial use. Its sides in cross section are 1 to 2.

planed block

According to its characteristics, the bar is similar to the bar. The difference, according to the regulations, is geometric parameters. If the width of the product is a maximum of 100 mm - this is a bar. Otherwise, we are talking about a beam.

Edged bar

Lumber with natural moisture content. It is similar in characteristics to a bar, but has smaller dimensions. When choosing, you should pay attention to:

  • What kind of wood was it made from?
  • how long did it take to dry?
  • for what design is purchased.

Edged board

Made from wood natural humidity. It has a width twice the thickness in cross section. This significantly reduces bearing capacity compared to the beam. Most often used when performing construction work inside a building: when installing, flooring, walls. Suitable for the construction of a fence, outbuildings. The most popular board is an inch, the dimensions of which can withstand a significant operational load.

Floor board

Lumber having intended purpose. Manufacturers offer several types of floorboards:

  • Parquet, different high quality, provide a three-layer structure;
  • , combining the characteristics of natural wood and high-quality polymer;
  • Usual made entirely of natural wood. Suitable option for the device.

Attention! Choose a material that is thick enough for the specific service load.

Knowing how much is laid square meters, and how many boards are in a cube, you can calculate the thickness of the laid material.

Unedged materials

During the production process, such material is not processed from all sides. As a result, the finished product has two wide longitudinally placed plates and unsawn sidewalls. It is in demand in the construction of premises for various purposes, formwork, decking, as well as in the performance of various non-responsible construction works.

Before you count the cube, do not rush to look for the appropriate formulas. If you do not want to perform time-consuming calculations, reference tables will come to the rescue. How many boards in a cubic meter can be found with their help in a matter of minutes.

How many boards in a cubic meter according to the table

To begin with, it is worth noting that the dimensions of lumber are standardized. Taking advantage normative documents, it's easy to find out how many boards are in a cube. To do this, you need to decide what size material will be used in the construction work.

If you could not figure out how to use the tables, you can use the online board calculator in the cube, or do the calculation yourself.

The basic procedure for calculating the number of boards in a cubic meter

Before proceeding with the calculation, it is worth knowing how to calculate a cubic meter. Such a volume will be numerically equal to a cube, each side of which is equal to a meter. To find the desired value, it is necessary to multiply the linear dimensions of the figure among themselves.

To begin with, the volume of one product is determined. If it's about edged board, multiply the linear dimensions of the board: length by thickness and width. If they are given in millimeters (mm), be sure to convert to meters. Otherwise, in the future it will be possible to get confused in the dimension.

After the cubature of one board is found, the order of calculation depends on what initial data is. If you need to calculate the number of products in a cube, we find the reciprocal of the value found. In other words, when calculating the unit (1 cube), we divide by the calculated value. The resulting value should be rounded up to a larger integer.

If the material is purchased for certain surface, you will need to know the dimensions of the room in order to calculate the quadrature of the room. For determining the right amount lumber is converted from cubic meters to squares. To find out how many square meters in cubic meter, you need to divide the cube by the thickness (height) of the selected material.

If you are afraid of making a mistake when calculating the required amount, you should calculate the board in a cube on a calculator. Special program for standard formulas will allow you to determine the desired value much faster compared to independent calculations.

Board cubic capacity calculator

For those who are afraid to make a mistake when performing the calculation, we suggest using the board cubature calculator. With it, you can find out how many boards you need in a split second.